Be your own Mk charater
posted12/30/2006 08:14 PM (UTC)by
Member Since
02/11/2006 07:53 PM (UTC)
If you where in mortal kombat what would your charater be like, for example

Species:Edenian/Seidan (male)
Foes:Deadly Alliance,Brotherhood of shadows,Shadow Priests
Fighting Style:Tai Chi,Shaolin Fist
Fatalities: Sleeper, Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique
Speacil moves: Soul steal,Meditate (where i would Meditate and projectiles reflect of me),Telekentic grab,Flash bang
Hari kiri:Fleeing soul(where my soul flees my body)

Bio:The way i met my allies was throughagic.Magic is my life i love it but i hate evil that abuse magic and use it for personal gain.I use magic to help others like asharh i sent kriss to her so she can find it i felt she was good so i gave her the holy weapon.I met Jade at edenian magic school i helped her out with her magic teaching her how to control it.I also taught nightwolf to control Sin Eater.I am the Master og magic the healing angel now the next people i help are the Sub-Zero family to learn the ways of the Cryomancers.

My apperence:
I would have a robe that blends into the enviorment so people can't see me and when i went them to see me i would have a white robe to show my holyness.I would look young and would have heavenly symbols as tattoes my eyes would be white i would look happy and carry my staff every were.

Also be creative be your own charaters you also can have your own clan i've you wanted.You could be children or realitives of famous Mk charaters.By the way this is for funsmile
05/22/2006 07:23 AM (UTC)

Here's anthor example

Species:Human (female)
Foes:Anyone who gets in my way & Nitra
Status:Vampire Hunter
Fighting Style:Ninjitsu,Crane
Weapon:Silver Puukko (kinfe)
Fatalities: A stake to the heart
Speacil moves:Molotov cocktail,Waterballoon,Daylight Bomb,Garlic breath
Hari kiri:Shes on fire

Bio:my People were killed by vampires they stole everything i hold dear now i am going to give them whats coming to them.i heard one of the vampires say that one of the leaders are Nitra so she will be the first to go.

My apperence
I would have a costume like kitana in Mk:3 but it would be yellow also i would have a belt with my vampire slayer stuff on i look young and have a face filled with revenge.
05/22/2006 07:57 AM (UTC)
Here's anthor example

Species:Human (male)
Allies:Black dragons
Foes:Foes to the black dragon
Fighting Style:Streetfighting,freestyle
Weapon:Ji (halberd)
Fatalities:Heart on a stick
Animality:Crazy monkey
Speacil moves:Ji Slam,Running rounding Kick,Vanish
Hari kiri:Head crack

Bio:I was approced by kira a black dragon member she said she was recruiting people also she saw my skill so thats y she ask me and i said i would join up then there was a catch i had to prove myself so now i am on a quest to prove im the best black dragon warrior.But also they don't know that im a ex cop / ex red dragon member

My apperence
i would look like a average man but have a stell hand and maybe look like a sly escaping thevieng lier.
05/22/2006 08:35 AM (UTC)
Also you can have as many charaters as want if u see urself in different ways show your ideas Use Your favorite charaters for some insporation

Please don't post 3 replies to your original message in a row like that, it's called bumping and is against the rules of the site. Just edit your initial post 3 times, then you wont get in trouble.
thnxs for telling me i forgot lol i remeber now
05/28/2006 05:27 AM (UTC)

Both the pic and the following may seem familiar. BTW the pic is by Enessis I only created the character.

Character Name: Althea Magess (aka the Godslayer)
Height: 6'2"
Weight: Yeah, like I’m gonna tell you.
Sex: Female
Alignment: Good
Realm: Earth (Formerly of Calorna)
Race: Mostly Human (Grandfather is one of the gods of Calorna)
Weapon: Dual Blades, Staff (Trained in both, in peaceful realms carries staff in more warlike ones the blades)
Fighting Styles: Shaolin Fist, Battlemage*
Allies: Rayden, Fujin, Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage
Foes: Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Shinnok

Special Moves:
1. Homing Fireblast: A light-blue streak of flame which can be control to follow the opponent for a short period of time.
2. Shield: A light-blue force shield that can block most elemental/energy attacks.
3. Flaming Uppercut: An uppercut but with her fist glowing with light-blue flame causing much more damage than the normal uppercut.
4. Multiple Homing Fireblast: Similar to the Homing Fireblast but can have up to four streaks of flame. More streaks smaller and weaker the flames, but they can all be controlled and hit from different directions.

Fatality 1: “Blue Inferno” White and blue flames spiral around the loser from the ground up as he/she screams in agony. When the flames die down, you see a burnt out corpse still standing. Althea then blows a small ‘kiss’ and it turns to ash.

Fatality 2: “Godslayer” With eyes blazing light-blue, she forces the loser to his/her knees. With both hand flaming, she places one on the shoulder of the loser and the other over his/her face. The one cover the face digs and squeezes ripping the face off until she pulls out the brain. She then raises her brain filled hands and squashes it like a grape. The body then catches fire due to the other hand. She releases the body and walks off as if bored.

Main Look: Dark blue leather vest and pants with a pale cream shirt underneath. Long dark blonde hair and blue-green eyes.

Alt. Look: Same clothes only torn and singed. Her hair is now snow white and eyes crystal blue.

History: Althea aka the Godslayer. She was born on the realm of Calorna, trained to be a warrior mage and was just old enough to take part in a godwar that took place there. One of the Calornian gods went insane and attempted to destroy the other deities so to remake Calorna. It was at the end of this war that her unique power was discovered, the ability to make immortals mortal for a short period of time with her light-blue flames. It was her as a teenager that ended the godwar by killing the insane god. When the war ended, her ability made the most of the other Calornian gods uncertain and fearful that she might one day decided to challenge them. It was that realm’s sworn protector that sent her to Earthrealm both to continue her training and for everyone’s peace of mind.
On Earth, she became one of the original Kung Lao’s (the ‘Great’ Kung Lao and former champion of Mortal Kombat) students. It was here she first met Raiden, learned the true power of her godslayer flames and eventually defected to Earth. She was believed to have been killed by the Red Dragon of Flame over 500 years ago, but the battle so close to the Temple of Elements caused her previously dormant temporal abilities to awaken, causing her to be shifted through time and space. Althea was found by Fujin in another realm shortly after the events of MK3 and was returned to Earthrealm to join some of Earth’s chosen in their defense of Earthrealm.

Quote: “Do you really want to find out why they call me the Godslayer?”

*Battlemage: A style of fighting created on the realm of Calorna. It is a style that utilizes the elemental ablities of a mage to increase the effects of hits. Similar to Jujitsu but not requiring the physical strength since the hits are being empowered by more than muscle.
05/28/2006 04:08 PM (UTC)
Name: Vell Nohk
Height: 5"9
Weight : 170 lbs
Age: 22
Allies: Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Bo Rai Cho, Raiden
Enemies: enemies of the above

I came to the Wu Shi Academy four years ago today. I have trained alongside many great warriors, however Master Bo Rai Cho has deemed me to be the best. My teachings have improved signicantly since my arrival, and because of this I have even trained with both of the legendary Shaolin Monks, Liu Kang and Kung Lao.

Although my training with Master Bo Rai Cho and the Shaolin Monks has concluded, there is still always more to learn. Experience is the ultimate teacher, and while I have traveled on several journeys I have yet to come face a devastating mission. Kung Lao and Liu Kang plan to bring me on their next quest to Outworld where there is a growing menace. This is just the experience I need to round out my training, and to test what I have learned.

Powers: Self Healing, Generates Energy from his hands.

Bo Rai Cho's thoughts on Vell Nohk: He is a great warrior. Perhaps one of the best students to ever recieve my training. Vell has even already been compared to the Great Kung Lao as well as his teachers. His potential is far greater than any warrior I have ever imagined. With his training from Liu Kang and Kung Lao, he may be even a greater warrior than myself by now. I can see each of his teachers within Vell. He has the wisdom of Kung Lao, and the fight of Liu Kang. He has the heart of Liu Kang, and the honor of Kung Lao. Vell has the most resilience of any warrior I have come in contact with. In time, Vell will become one the greatest Shaolin Monks in histoy.
05/29/2006 10:25 AM (UTC)
Vey gd ideas i like the godslayer idea and the bo rai cho thoughts were were gd as well
05/29/2006 08:52 PM (UTC)
You could try creating these characters in MK Armageddon like I will.
Character Name: Rolf
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Unknown
Sex: Male
Alignment: Good(In MK:A would be whatever alignment Blaze is.) In a way neutral.
Realm: Born on a plane of Earth named Firgaia and reigns another plain Segaia.)
Race: Human with a strange ability
Weapon: Ancient Blade
Fighting Styles: Mixed Martial Arts(Main for MK:A), Kajukenbo
Allies: Blaze, Ermac, Sub-Zero
Enemies: Scorpion, The Elder Gods, Stryker, Tanya

Special Moves:
1. Ancient Flare: Rolf will summon flames from his palm.
2. Mystic Trap: Rolf summons an illusion of himself that can trap the opponent.
3. Dissapearing Act: Rolf dissapears and appears behind his foe and does an attack.
4. Corkscrew Punch: Rolf charges up energy and rushes up to his foe.

Fatality 1:Megabreak- Rolf will break his foe's right arm and rip of the other arm. The foes tries running away but the a leg is ripped off and slams his foe in the ground. Rolf will snap the other leg and pick up the foe's body which gets twisted enough for the foe's hips to fall off. The foe is still alive and gets thrown high in the air and Rolf jumps up with his sword to cut the foe's head off which lands on the ground hard enough to be smashed. Rolf slices off the broken arms and legs and puts his sword in the center.
Fatality 2: One Bye One: Rolf slices his foe apart very fast and walks away while the headless body with their head as Rolf's prize falls apart. The head is thrown back onto the foe's back.
Main Look: Rolf will wear a suede trenchcoat and boots and a black undershirt and gloves underneath. He also wears a bandana around his neck. His dark hair is up.

Alt. Look: See below but it is bigger.

History: Rolf has a deep hatred for Earthrealm. He hates the lifestyle on it. When he was younger, his soul was spared during the events of the merger. His plane, Segaia was the home of the saved souls. Rolf met Stryker wandering alone who took him to Raiden who would know of his knowledge and use him to help stop Shao Khan. Rolf was kidnapped by Shao Khan but Motaro was slammed into the cage by Sheeva. Rolf was rescued by Jax and was reunited with the rest of his allies. Rolf hated Raiden for this. Later, he was used by Shinnok for his knowledge and hatred towards Raiden. He would be rescued by Sub-Zero who also helped Jax free him from Shao Khan. Sub-Zero also seemed to "use" Rolf but he did not mind because he was safe. Rolf was once again being a slave for the Deadly Alliance but he was more mature and managed to save his plane of Segaia and have a wife Maria. Learning lessons from Shao Khan, he would not be a "dictator." Rolf managed to fight his way but found out that Jax tried to attack but he got frozen by Sub-Zero for a rescue. He went with Sub-Zero to take Frost to a burial area. Rolf would than help Shujinko and fought with Dark Raiden for cowardance. When it came time for Armageddon, he did not want people to die anymore and became enemies with the Elder Gods and their champion Scorpion. He decided to work with Blaze to stop Armageddon but found out that an old enemy is also helping him... Here are his fatalities if in MK3(he fought without the sword and was a teen wearing a longsleave oxford with no gloves and wearng shoes. He also wore black pants. He thought his family was dead. He would be the other unique character other than Motaro.) Fatality 1- Deathslide: Rolf slides beneath his foe and they get sent flying onto the other side until they bump their head very hard into the wall, destroying their body with an explosion. Fatality 2- Scavenge Body: Rolf would rip off many bodyparts of the foe and also their heart. The foe's feet are not thrown away and are over a big pool of blood. Animality- Rolf would become a snake that eats his foe whole and spits their skeleton out before becoming human. Friendship- An MK3 machine would appear from out of nowhere and Rolf would be playing it. It starts off a Friendship, but it becomes a Fatality sometimes with an invisible character. It still counts as a friendship if Liu Kang's MK machine fatality appears.
05/30/2006 08:12 AM (UTC)
i like the rolf idea plus i would make this charater deffently in MK:A

Species:Human (Female)
Allies:Lin kuei Masters
Foes:Evil and rich snobs
Status:Ex-theif and lin kuei student
Fighting Style:Ninjistu,Eagle claw
Fatalities:Sai throw(She kiss the enermy and steals there walt or money then teleports behind them and throws her sai in the back of there heads)
Speacil moves:invisibility,Teleport,soul steal,Freeze ball,ice slide,Scorpions spear,Spirit arrow,sparkler,Ninja stars
Hari kiri:Money flip(She flips a coin hi in the air and lands on the head impaling her)

Bio:I was an ex-theif in my youth nut i joined the lin kuei to reform.Sub-Zero has a liking for me also the other lin kuei boys say im a weak girl and i will never become a great lin kuei ninja like them but i will show them pluss i stole couple of there saphire coins but sub-zero caught me and saw my skill but said i had to give it back so i did he forgave me to my surprise and said to me i am a great lin kuei ninja and he would like to take me on as his protoga i said yes also he like my ninjistu style it was to the highist perfection.He offerd me a chance to go in the mortal kombat
tournament if i beat him in a battle but first he would train me up also he noticed i had weak Kori powers but he was goin to teach me how to control them and unleash my potencal.later that day the boys said the only reason sub-zero took me on is because i remind him of frost and he misses her but wants me to take her place but to be better and more respectful and disiplined.i told them to shove it plus she was croupt with the power of the dragon medillion but i am notbecause i don't want my kori powers that powerful only enough to make me a good cryomancer.

My apperence
i would look like the boy on MK:deception konquest mode the theif who tries to get in the old womens house also the boy hows learn ninjistu but different face plus i would have blond short hair blue eyes and fit body and a frozen dragon tatoe
05/31/2006 06:08 PM (UTC)
Also Sheba will have the abillity to nick money of other charaters when in konquest and arcadegrin
05/31/2006 06:58 PM (UTC)

Origin: Brainrealm

Species: Brain (Male)

Aligment: Brain

Age:18 (26'000 brain years)

Height: 6' 0''

Weight: 11 stone including brain

Allies: Brain

Foes: Brain

Status: Brain-dead moron

Fighting Style: Brainless Fist

Weapon Style: Hammer and Nail


Charge of Death: A running charge... ARRRRR!

Grey Matter: A projectile attack. I tear a lump of brain matter out of my head and throw it at the enemy.

Tele-Drive: I teleport off screen and come down above my opponent, slamming into them head-first, crushing them into the ground.


Brain Rip: Speaks for itself.

You're Nailed!: I place a nail to the opponent's forehead and give it a sharp smack with my hammer. Opponent falls over dead. Randomized sound of Dan Forden saying; "NAAAILLLED!"


I needed some brains, so I went around killing people. Then, I took their brains.


A skinny nerd wearing bland grey clothing, and sporting a mullet.

06/01/2006 11:54 AM (UTC)

Origin: Chaosrealm

Species: Unknown (aura of conciousness that can occupy remains of dead beings)

Aligment: neutral

Age: Unknown

Height: changes depending on host

Weight: ditto

Allies: Ermac

Foes: Black dragon, drahmin, moloch, quan chi, sub zero

Status: Oni slayer

Fighting Style: Wing chun

Weapon Style: Kali sticks


Hand of fate: He detaches his arm using his powers and launches it at his opponent, doing projectile damage and pushing them back (Can also do wall damage)

deception: his aura escapes his body, leaving his body standing motionless. any hits taken while in this status will do no damage, and after a few seconds, the aura will return to the body, launching through his opponents chest and stealing some of their energy on the way there.

leg sheild: his arms and legs detatch, with his arms attatching toi his pelvis, acting as temporary legs, and his legs spinning around him violently, causing damage to any opponent who comes too close.

limb club: one of his legs and one of his arms detach themselves, then come together and move into his other hand, forming a giant club which he then uses to beat his opponent.


Regime change: Rahmtak's left arm starts glowing red, and then launches itself into his opponents torso. The opponents left arm starts glowing red, swells, and all the flesh explodes off it leaving only the bones. the same happens to their right arm, then both their legs, and then their torso, with all their internal organs falling out. Then, the opponents head glows, swells and explodes completely, Rahmtak's arm falls out of their chest and returns to its normal colour, and Rahmtak's head leaves his body, (which falls over dead) and travels to his opponents blood stained skeleton, which becomes rahmtaks new body. He takes a winning pose.

OWNED! : Rahmtak rips off his opponents head and throws it to the ground, shattereing it on impact. he then does the same with his opponents arms, then he grabs his opponent by the legs, then jumps up and slams the opponent into the ground, destroying their torso and upper legs, leaving their lower legs on the floor. he then jumps on them, shattering them, and stands back in a winning pose. A shout of the word 'OWNED' can be heard.
Hara Kiri: His joins stop glowing, and his body collapses


rahmtak, rather than being a warrior, is the ancient name given to the force that makes the undead walk. this force was originally thought to be an act of sorcery, but in actual fact it was a man long ago, who was damned by a sorcerer in an act of revenge to never truly die, only to stay tormented in chaosrealm, spending an eternity in pain. To get this curse reversed, this man (Whose name is unknown) pursued this sorcerer for many years, until one day when the sorcerer set his a trap. Thinkning he had finally found the location of the sorcerer, he entered a dark cave in earthrealm, only to be set upon by oni who had entered earthrealm by a portal inside the cave. for thousands of years he stayed tormented in chaosrealm, yet the day the sorcerer died, he found himself in a new damnation, damned to not die or live, only tyo roam the earth, occupying the bodies of the deceased. For many hundreds of years, he wandered earthrealm, causing ledgend of the walking dead, and becoming more and more accustomed to being in the shadows, and immortality. growing bored of simply roaming, the aura that was once a man occupied a newly dead skeleton, and set out with a new motivation: To test his immortality in Kombat.


A white skeleton, with a faint blue glow aroung the joints to his arms, legs and head, with a hat the slopes forwards and backwards facing forward on his head, with a red, glowing plume on the back of it. He also wears armour that covers his shoulders, part of his back and part of this front torso.

Note: Due to him being a skeleton, he doesn't bleed, and certain moves and fatalities won't work on him, IE kano's open heart surgery, or nitaras blood sucking throw.
06/01/2006 07:09 PM (UTC)
other info unknown ecept he can talk to lin kuei master and watch over them till there is a cryomancer as master then it will teleport him or her to the cryomacer santuery portal
06/01/2006 10:49 PM (UTC)
powers:soul steal,fireball,spear,freeze,telekinesis
fighting style:pi gua,dragon
weapon,war hammer
fatality:soul explosion animality:leopard age:18 alignment:neutral status:apprentice allies:stryker, scorpion,sub zero,kenshi,shang tsung,johnny cage enimies:none
bio:I was an orphan on the urban i grew up i became street tough with the gangs tough life ended as soon as a some warriors came.they taught me to be on the good side and some taught me to be good.i am undecided.all my masters were scorpion,sub zero,,kenshi andshang that i know of this tournament they are talking about,i realize that i can go down the path of adventure and see what the hell is goin on with these people?...........
06/02/2006 12:50 AM (UTC)
name : sucram yeltrah (my name backwards)
origin : netherrealm a small plain with the undead race:same as noob
age: unknown presumed to be 10 thousands of age
special moves:nightwolf bow, scorpion spear, kung lao's hat, liu kang bycicle kick
fatalities: soul steal,spine rip, my custom one impired by ozzy osbourne turn victim into a bat and eat the bats head grin
animality:would be shao khan's hydra (mk anihilation)
costume: black cyborg legs , purple ninja shirt, spiked eldow pads, karate
shoe's,kung lao's hat
distinktive features: scar down both eyes organs missing
grin aligmant: evil alies: noob saibot,smoke,scorpion.quan chi,shang tsung,onaga,baraka enemies sub-zero,raiden,reptile,shao khan,goro,kintaro,liu kang,kung lao
About Me

Made by ThePredator151 :D

06/02/2006 08:34 PM (UTC)

hey love the ideas guys erm heres mine..


Name: crymell
Age: unknown
Sex: male
Race: cyborg/ demon
Allies: noob, smoke, sektor
Enemys: earthrelm warriors, shang sung, quan chi
weapon: strings of metal which come from inside his body.

special moves: tangle, the six lashes. tight rope, flying screw

fatality: /// 1 /// : open chest :--- string goes through mouth and saws downwards opening the chest !!

fatality: /// 2/// : body snatcher. :--- strings rap round arms, legs and head rippes them of and throws the body up in the air making it explod when it hits the ground.


He wears a dragon implated cloak which is.. red, black and white in different areas. / underneath the original ninja costume e.g reptiles in MK:T
but in orange and black undercoating. / a mask which covers the mouth, forhead, sides and carrys down to the sholders at the back. trousers normal but colour coded so his whole costume matches.


when noob saibot and smoke dicided they would create the ultimate army with smokes nano technoligy the both decided to make a general for this army to lead them into battle whilst noob, smoke where fighting the generals of the opposing armys. so they decided to make another cyborg. they set out to the netherealm and searched for a lonley soal with some sort of power. they came across a fight outside the citys walls and found a man, not human a demon, fighting two large monsters. he finished them off and noob, smoke approached him.

after many weeks of convincion crymell finally agreed to join them and become high chief in there army. they took him to there labs and began the operation on him. for some reason the operation could never be completed . they added his suit and programed him but they must have made an error some where in the prosedure. crymell was left in the labratory for many years till one day..

he is found by another cyborg who reboots his system. this cyborg became his tutor and explaind that there was a great war his creators where killed in this war and that he ( sektor ) and 6 others survived. he continued to explain and then they left. crymells goal in life was to find and kill the remaning survivors who killed noob and smoke.

so wat do u think ? nd i hope you liked it gringrin
06/03/2006 09:34 AM (UTC)
those ideas are good also if there was a mortal kombat tornament like the first MK film with the island how would u get there plus wat would u do. As sheba i would get there by an anceint flying fish ship and wen im on the island i would rob the food and valuble stuff and sell it off and make lots of money wen other people are fighting plus wen its my turn to fight i will beat the enermy and rob them and mabey do a bit of gambling
06/03/2006 03:50 PM (UTC)
name: garfield
frends: none
foes: jax and mortaro
specel moves: soul steal and jack hammer
fataletys: head rip and leg rip
friendship: makes hot dogs
anamalety:donkey kong
brutalaty:20 presses of y buton and 16 presses of a buton
06/03/2006 04:12 PM (UTC)
ColdDragon Wrote:
if there was a mortal kombat tornament like the first MK film with the island how would u get there plus wat would u do.

Althea is a battlemage and with 'new' abilities that enable her to have some control over time/space. With some practice she could eventually create her own portals.

Or she can just hitch a ride with Raiden to get to the tournament confused

As for what she would do...what else would she do but win by taking down everyone else.
About Me

I am a happy well adjusted emotinally disturbed person, and for some reason all the raiden sprites keep staring at me I mean it tell them to stop, they are scaring me hides

my friend pred gave me this one, and the avvy that goes with it, but I love the ones flameshang and darkryder gave me too, so expect a cycle of these three folks

06/03/2006 06:36 PM (UTC)
name: Mage
styles: jujistus and shito riu
weapons: twin swords or a halberd
realm: earthrealm
powers: psycic and telekentic
friends: reptile, stryker, fujin
foes: shinnok, quan chi, onaga

she is the main character in my fan fiction game, so her full story is there right now, unless I make up a new story on my own about her
06/03/2006 07:59 PM (UTC)
If i was Magus i would teleporting (i would have blue rings outside of me and my boady in the middle of them and they would go up and downand i vanish in blue sparkles of light. wen i get there i would find the sub-zero family and reunite them together nd they will be 1 happy family and teach them the way way of the cryomancers but it would be hard 2 convice Noob Saibot but i would try plus ill strip raiden,shao kahn,shang tsung, quan chi,shinnok of there powers and other powerful evil
About Me

Made by ThePredator151 :D

06/03/2006 08:14 PM (UTC)
To get to the island i would take one of them metal balls you stand in and go through the tunnels underground. like in MK:2 the movie sonya goes with raiden, kitana goes with lue. grin
06/04/2006 09:08 AM (UTC)
thats kool idea but u would have to be strong and have the will power to hold on and turn
About Me

Made by ThePredator151 :D

06/04/2006 12:35 PM (UTC)
my dude is strong hes pratially made of metal his veins are metal nd so is every thing else he just has human skin ! grin
06/04/2006 01:00 PM (UTC)

kk i would say that wat if he broke down by breaking a circut or somthing by put to much strain on his arms.

Also heres another charater

Species:demon/sorceressand a little bit vampire (Female)
Status:Dessert Sand Witch
Fighting Style:Dancing,Druken fist
Weapon:Broom stick
Fatalities:Potion blast,Spell book capture
Speacil moves:Flying,Sand Twister,broom ram,sweeper,soul steal
Hari kiri:frog potion

Bio:I dont have to talk about myself because i am queen of looks and dont have to waste my time on talking to u because i need to be casting spells and brewing potions plus im need to go in the mortal kombat tornament so i can steal the fighters youth

My apperence
i look like that yu-gi-oh card mystic sand
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