About Me
98% of the Internet population has a MySpace.
This planet is my space. I'm just letting you exist here.
If you debate that, take it up with my friend, Mr. Chuck Norris.
06/25/2006 03:29 AM (UTC)
J-M: Training, hitting on women.
About Me

Go ahead, make my day. R.I.P Trevor Goddard

06/25/2006 04:32 AM (UTC)
Allies-Sindel, Kitana, Jade,Kung Lao, Liu Kang
Foes-Onaga, Shao Kahn, Red Dragon Clan
Fighting Styles- Fu Jow Pai, Leaping Tiger
Weapons-Whip, Celtic(long sword)
1-Uses whip to strangle opponet
2-Throws sword into opponet's head
Being partialy immortal has it's flaws. For instance, 500 years ago in war protecting Edenia she lost her life to Red Dragon. When she is brought back by her younger sister, Kitana, she's well evil. Being another war against the Red Dragon, and ending up in a coma. She turns back to her well kind of normal self. She still has 'evil' running threw her blood. Shortly after earning the crown-becoming queen. The evil part of her strikes up again. Her mother, Sindel who had become very sick and slowly dying is killed by her own daughter,Chloe. Chloe's younger sister has no other choice but to kill her own sister. Before Chloe can destroy anymore of Edenia she killed by Kitana. After Chloe dies Kitana then gains the crown.

Age-45(looks a whole lot younger)
Allies-Kano, Shao Kahn
Foes-Kabal, Sonya,Jax, Kung Lao, Liu Kang, Kitana, Sindel, Jade, Chloe,Kira, Kobra
Fighting Styles-Zi Ran Men, Fan Zi
Weapon-Fire Blade(sword-from Soul Calibur 3)
Being the daughter of Shao Kahn and the half-sister of Kano makes Kana must make many choices. Either take over Outworld, taking her father's place. Or helping take the Black Dragon back with her brother, Kano. Kana rejects her father's offer to help with taking the Black Dragon. Kira, Kabal, and Kobra, go down easily and the Black Dragon is Kano's once again...well Kana's now. Kana overpowers Kano and takes the clan for herself. Keeping Kira and her brother alive, they work on her father's goal. Taking over Edenia. While Kana and the others are destorying the beatiful realm, a new queen is crowned, Chloe. Before Chloe becomes evil again, she and her allies stop the Black Dragon and Outworld forces killing all of them, leaving no survires.
06/25/2006 05:42 PM (UTC)
Staus:King jerrods right hand man (So Good)
Allies:Royal edenian family
Enimies:Shao Khan
Fighting style:Croching tiger ,Swords of Ilkan
Speacil moves:teleport slashes,teleport nitro-Flying kick,Back dig(Sword teleports behind the opponent and they are stuck the ground for a while),Energy Wave
Fataility:Nitro kick the enimey into a usafe portal
Hari kiri:Step in a unsafe portal

Bio:I was to protect the Swords of Ilkan for king jerrod because he knew that one day edenia will be free and shao khan will want 2 take it back so if shao khan got his hands on the swords he could get edenia so that why he wanted me to guard them his right hand man.But as time came 2 pass king jerrod died the news came to Me i was filled with rage but I couldn't leave the swords because I made a blood oath so I trained with swords for many years and now i am ready to face shao khan.

Look:He would have a cowboy jaket and have his swords in the scabbers at the side of him got black spikey hair like a super sayain blue eyes and is well tanned and has body armour.

Outside a MK tornament:
He would be training
07/01/2006 10:13 AM (UTC)
Wat's your own charater
07/10/2006 01:53 PM (UTC)
NAME: Summer
ORIGIN: Outworld
STATUS: Shokan (female)
AGE: 7,000
HEIGHT: 183 centimetres
WEIGHT: 210 Kilograms
ALLIES: Sindel, Kitana, Jade
FOES: Shao Kahn, Goro, Kintaro, Sheeva, Motaro
1) Summer grabs both hands and both feet with her four hands. She slowly pulls them all in opposite directions, causing the opponent to explode. Bones and lots of blood fly everywhere.
2) Summer sweeps the opponent. The opponent lands on their back, looking helplessly at Summer. They start to slowly creep backwards as Summer walks towards them. She lifts up her foot and stomps on their head.
BIOGRAPHY: I have always been loyal to the Shokan. I have always stood up for what Prince Goro, not myself, believed. At first, we allied with Kahn. Something felt wrong - I was not happy with this decision. Killing innocents for Kahn. Why? So he could take over the realms.
Kahn showed his true colours by turning on us and favouring the Centaurs. Then Prince Goro seeked help from the inhabitants of Edenia. Queen Sindel and Princess Kitana showed us true appreciation for our efforts helping them. The sense of foreboding that followed me for so long disappeared. I was actually happy to prevent Kahn's taking over of the realms.
Just as I was warming up to the Edenians, Prince Goro changed his mind. He expected us to all follow him. I did as I was told, but again, something felt wrong. Prince Goro told me of how he will feign loyalty to the Edenians, but really just spy for Kahn. This sickened me. After they took us in and forgave us for all the wrong we had done. I had no choice but to rebel...
STORY: I fled Outworld, where the Shokan lived. I crept out of my home at night, but I was followed. It turns I was seen by my fellow Shokan Kintaro, and he challenged me to Mortal Kombat. He said if I declined, he would be quick to call the rest of the Shokans and have me arrested. I had no choice...
I fought with all my might and eventually threw Kintaro to the ground. Instead of killing him, I ran off. This was foolish. I could have been forgotten of, but instead I allowed Kintaro to tell Prince Goro of my treachery.
I entered a portal only known by the Shokan - our means to travel to and from Edenia. I went to the Edenian palace grounds and awoke Jade, as I was forbidden to go near the Princess or Queen at this time of night. I told her of the Shokans new alliance to Kahn and, thankfully, she believed me. It turns out that she had never trusted our race after we worked for Shao Kahn for so long. It is now up to her to convince Princess Kitana and Queen Sindel that their "allies" are in fact enemies. And my job... to avoid the Shokan and remain alive.

NAME: Seth
STATUS: Seidan Guardsman (Male)
AGE: 4,000
HEIGHT: 178 centimetres
WEIGHT: 86 Kilograms
ALLIES: Dairou
FOES: Darrius, Hotaru
WEAPON STYLE: Sword And Shield (SCIII - Sophitia)
1) Seth releases his sword and shield. He walks up to the opponent and thrusts his sword into the opponents heart. He takes a few steps back. He then runs up to the opponent and rams his shield into the sword that is stuck in the opponents heart. The sword goes right through the opponent and they fall to the ground.
2) Seth grabs his opponent by the throat and lifts them up. He then tosses the opponent over his own head and to the ground. As the opponent is on the ground, Seth does a lava burst (like Hotaru's move) so that the opponent explodes.
BIOGRAPHY: I am a proud follower of Order and have extreme hater of Chaos. So was my close ally Dairou, but following the death of his family, he defied the strict laws of Seido. I was shocked to see that my fellow Seido guardsman committed an act of murder.
I vowed to find out why Dairou came to this moment of Chaos. I knew it was because of rage, but who was the one who killed his parents, and thus triggered his chaotic behaviour. I researched and investigated as he was stuck in prison. It was then that I spyed Darrius sneaking Dairou out of his prison cell.
Was this all a plan of Dairrius' to lessen the forces of Order and give more power to his Resistance? I searched through the Scriptures and Texts which comprise the Resistance's law. I was correct. This was a plan of Darrius'. I must find Dairou and tell him.
STORY: I knew I had to save my friend from his life of Chaos. I knew it was unfair that this one moment of Chaos defined his whole life - as if all the good he had done never occured. I searched throughout Seido, but couldn't find him anywhere. Eventually I gave up. There was no point in searching through this realm again in vain. He was not there.
Hotaru gave me the order to join him in Outworld in restoring a city under the name of Onaga, the Dragon King. I didn't question his authority. He could have my head with a snap of his fingers.
As I was travelling to Lei Chen, I saw Dairou. He did not recognize me in my uniform. Once he saw me, he fled. I followed him. He thought I wanted his head, but I wanted to help him. Unfortunately, he escaped.
I continued to Lei Chen, where Hotaru questioned me about why I was late and where I had been. I explained I got lost, but he didn't believe me. He said that I was being too chaotic. I am now sentenced to life in prison. But I still need to get to Dairou...

NAME: Marissa
ORIGIN: Netherrealm
STATUS: Brotherhood of Shadow - Demon (Female)
AGE: 12,000
ALLIES: Noob Saibot, Sareena
FOES: Ashrah
1) A cloud of smoke appears and she disappears. The opponent then starts to shake and stretch to abnormal lengths. Then they explode. Another cloud of smoke appears and a Marissa appears again.
2) Marissa releases her Demon Fangs and impales her opponents throat with them. She then throws the opponent to the ground and steps on teh fangs so that they go further into the opponents throat.
BIOGRAPHY: I am a demon. I have been upon the elite ranks of the Brotherhood of Shadow since I could last remember. The only one's who I take orders from are Sareena and Noob Saibot himself.
My first ever mission was to take care of the traitor, Ashrah. That was a failure, but I have long evolved as a member of the Brotherhood of Shadow since then. How I despise of her...
Since then, I have been ordered by Noob Saibot to check on Sareena. She has been with Sub Zero of the Lin Kuei for far too long. Her mission was simply to go to their base and defeat Sub Zero in Mortal Kombat. This would allow for the Lin Kuei to be taken over in the name of the Brotherhood of Shadow. I am now about to embark upon my mission...
STORY: I travelled to Earthrealm and found the base of the Lin Kuei. I entered the base, posing as a delivery person. This was unneccesary however. The only person there was Sareena.
I asked her why she has taken so long, but she says she is biding her time for the right moment. I further questioned her, but her story was not very consistent. I thought there was something wrong, but I knew better than to question her. Not only is she of higher rank than me in the Brotherhood, but she could also easily defeat me in Mortal Kombat.
I travelled back to the Netherrealm to meet Noob Saibot, but I couldn't find him. He was not anywhere near the Brotherhood. I searched and searched throughout the Netherrealm until I found him.
He was not alive however. He was being attacked by the leader of the Lin Kuei, who was obviously suspicious of Sareena. By his side, I saw my sister... Ashrah. What? Why? How? Defeating Noob would earn her ascention from the Netherrealm without use of portal.
I followed them and they travelled back to the Lin Kuei. They went back to Sareena who questioned them about their mission in defeating Noob. I gasped in horror - Sareena has turned to their side. With Noob Saibot dead and Sareena gone, it looks like it is left up to me to lead the Brotherhood in completing Noob's final mission - destroying the Lin Kuei.

Hope you like them grin
07/10/2006 07:25 PM (UTC)
Foes: Sektor
Fighting Style:
Weapon: lazer
Fatalities:Bug Combo
Speacil moves: Morping into robots

Boi- Bug Used to be Chalmeon until he was captured by Sektor and turned into a robot.He has come back from the year 99999 to save Chamelon
He can morp into all robots
07/10/2006 07:25 PM (UTC)
Foes: Sektor
Fighting Style:
Weapon: lazer
Fatalities:Bug Combo
Speacil moves: Morping into robots

Boi- Bug Used to be Chalmeon until he was captured by Sektor and turned into a robot.He has come back from the year 99999 to save Chamelon
He can morp into all robots
07/10/2006 07:27 PM (UTC)
Foes: Sektor
Fighting Style:
Weapon: lazer
Fatalities:Bug Combo
Speacil moves: Morping into robots

Boi- Bug Used to be Chalmeon until he was captured by Sektor and turned into a robot.He has come back from the year 99999 to save Chamelon
He can morp into all robots
07/10/2006 07:27 PM (UTC)
Foes: Sektor
Fighting Style:
Weapon: lazer
Fatalities:Bug Combo
Speacil moves: Morping into robots

Boi- Bug Used to be Chalmeon until he was captured by Sektor and turned into a robot.He has come back from the year 99999 to save Chamelon
He can morp into all robots
07/10/2006 09:38 PM (UTC)
Foes: Sektor
Fighting Style:
Weapon: lazer
Fatalities:Bug Combo
Speacil moves: Morping into robots

Boi- Bug Used to be Chalmeon until he was captured by Sektor and turned into a robot.He has come back from the year 99999 to save Chamelon
He can morp into all robots
07/13/2006 04:19 PM (UTC)
Don't Know how to delete post but heres a idea on own charater:

Status:2nd in Command of the brother of shadows
Allies:Brotherood of Shadows
Enermys:Order of Light
Fighting Styles:Demon Fist
Weapon:Hidden Blade(Like in Assassins Creed)

Speacil Moves:Oni Rage(Turn into a oni version of yourself),crimson blast,Darkness teleport,Heal,Shadowself(get a shadow version of yourself so theres two of you ether side of the oppnent two aganist 1 lol1)

Fatailtys:Blood Suck (Grow vampire wings and drink the blood of oppnent till there dry of blood

Bio:I was Made by the first evil so he can counqer the world but the stupid fool poured his evil and evil of the future to 1 being me so i killed him for trying to be the master of me and he cursed me with immortality i didn't care beterfor except i couldn't die or be happy as a concesqunce but i thought im not letting his dream go on through me but as the years went by i grow restless but i met a man who was going to form a brotherhood and ask me if i wanted to join i only joined it for a laugh but as time grow y i wacthed as they tried to free shinnok little did they know that i was a being that could summon any evil but i played along with there plan and actted like i was one of them.

Look:She looks like the calistto of X-men the last stand but even more tattoesand weres a ninja outfit like Nightshade more riped and itsgot a hood on plus is a crimson colour.

Alt. Look:She weres a black hoody like the Organization XIII's in Kingdom of hearts 2 and her face is consealed by a Balaclava
07/14/2006 09:09 AM (UTC)
I like every1s ideas there cool if u got anymore ideas Show
07/14/2006 07:44 PM (UTC)
07/15/2006 10:41 AM (UTC)
wat do u mean by scaze.

heres anthor charater:

Allies:Sonya Blade,Jax Briggs,OIA and Special Forces
Enemeis:Her allies Enemies
Fighting Style:Capoeira,Kick Boxing
Weapon:Jamaicain Armlets
Status:Army Cadet
Speacil Moves:Fire Rings(Bit like sonya's energy rings but on fire),Sirins Voice(She sings and the oppnent is stuned)Earth Kick(you stamp on the floor and then the groung rases up under your oppnent they are in mid air and then you do like a sonya flying kick) [and a lot more moves but there a secret until she unlocks her true power of her armlet]

Bio:I was saved by Sonya & Jax from the Tekunin army they caputerd me, one said im a Jamaicain Godess whos power is inside the armlets and they want to use that power to take over the realms and make every1 cyborges under there ruling and power them up but i said your mad.then in There ship i was contained in a wierd energy field and so was another but every thing was blurry.Then i heard a voice it said "Tekunin warship!This is Sonya blade! your in violation of the earthrealm accord!Surendder immediatly or risk annihilation!" then the warship was being attack and the other guy was realsed from the energy field and i was stuck still furiousfuriousfurious then i used my sirins voice to call for help them i heard im major jax briggs of the speacil voices i coming to get you next thing i know i pass out then wake up in a army hospital bed Sonya & Jax told me that i saved them by creating a energy sheild around the ship but i can't belive it.They ask me if i would join them save earthrealm i said but im not a good fighter so they ask me if they could put me in a fight with some cadets i said i surpose so i fought the cadets within 5 mins and beat them i never new my skill they said your skills are amazing will you join us in are speacil forces group and fight in mortal kombat i did'nt now wat to do but if it will save my family and friends i will join them also maybe kick some Tekunin buttgrin

Looks:looks like lola (in Beat down fist of vengence) with christies Clothes (in tekken) and wears her own jamaicain armlets and is half cast plus has lea's (in Big Brother but is out now) boobs lolglasses
07/17/2006 08:36 AM (UTC)
Heres my charater

Status:First Gaint Saurian Fighting Teacher (2nd in Command)
Enemies:Who Oposses Saurians or used them
Fighting Styles:Geko palm,King Cobra
Weapons:Snake Staff
Aliment:Same as Lizzy's
Speacil moves:Acid Spit,Disappear,Snex(become flexible and body attacks kicks,punch streches to opponent and hits them)Tail whack,Huge orb punch,Venom bite(oppnent becomes paralyzed for a ittle bit like sub-zeros ice ball afterwards opponents health starts depleting a short while)

Fatility:Face Maul(like Reptiles): He turns invisible pounces onto his opponent and viciously claws at their face, clawing off layer after layer of skin until he finally claws the head into bloody chunks and eats the chunks

Friendship:Turns oppent into a Saurion warrior who works for Geko

Animility:Tranforms into a Tyrannosaurus and eats the oppnent hole

Bio:I am the armys last leader and Lizzy is my queen who i would fight by herside any time and protecter if i had too.also i am the creater of the geko palm i teach the Zaterra army.after we got wiped out Some surviors of us lost there memeory and retained some but for are race to survive we must find every saurian and band together to fight in Armageddon and win.Are great warriors we need to find are Reptile,Khameleon,Chameleon

Looks:looks like a gaint Version of reptile in MK:A mixed with reptile MK:4 as well.He also wears a Green armour like on Halo but more bigger covers most of his boady but has no helmet
07/17/2006 03:25 PM (UTC)
Confucius Kang

Age: 24

Alignment: Good

Origin: Earthrealm

Status: Long lost twin brother of Liu Kang

Specie: Human

Allies: Raiden, Liu Kang

Foes: Shao Kahn

Fighting Styles: Jun Fan, Karate

Weapon: Broadsword

Special Moves: Fireball, Bicycle Kick, Flying Kick (all given to him by Raiden) Fiery Twisting Kick


I am Confucius Kang. I am the twin brother of Liu Kang. An evil tyrant named Shao Kahn, who is the emperor of Outworld, kidnapped me at birth. I was imprisoned in some unknown underground dungeon for years. Shao Kahn knew that if I were to meet my brother, it would be a great threat to him that is why we were separated at birth. When I was in my adult years, I received a vision from a man known as Raiden. He told me he was the thunder god and protector of Earthrealm. He told me of my brother about winning four Mortal Kombat tournaments. He also told me that it is essential for you and your brother to meet. Then he bestowed upon me the same fighting skills and abilities as my brother. So one night, I broke out of my prison cell. I began to walk through the dungeon halls, until finally I saw some light at the end of one of the halls. The light grew bigger as a huge door opened and a huge man walked in. He saw me and I began to run the other way, until he blasted me with some unknown green projectile. He said, “Stop where you are infidel.” He continued, “You dare oppose Shao Kahn, the eternal emperor of Outworld.” Then he walked over to me, grabbed me by the neck, and lifted me off the ground. He then said, “Confucius Kang, the twin brother all grown up, trying to run nowhere.” Then he threw me down and said, “If you want to escape, you will have to defeat me.” I defeated Shao Kahn with my enhanced abilities, and ran out of the dungeon. I wandered aimlessly in Outworld, as I knew it. Then I received another vision from Raiden, telling me to head to the northwest of this region, where I will find a portal to the Earthrealm. I went to the unguarded portal early in the morning, and escaped from the wretched realm known as Outworld. I ended up in a beautiful area with trees and green grass, and for once, I was not seeing arid dry wasteland. Then, Raiden, appeared in human form, instead of spirit. He said, “Hurry to the southwest, where the White Lotus Society is, that is where you will find your long lost brother.” Therefore, I went there, and here it was. I went to enter, but two guards stopped me. I gave them both two stun attacks, and there I saw a mirror image of myself . . . It was my brother. I walked over to him and he said, “Stay where you are.” I did as he said and he continued, “you are trespassing, who are you?!.” I then said, “I am Confucius Kang, your long lost twin brother.” He then said, “That’s it Shang Tsung, give up the morph of myself, and fight!” I then said, “What?” He then kicked me in the chest and sent me back. Then Raiden appeared and said, “Enough!” When the small saga ended, Raiden told Liu Kang that I was a long lost twin brother, and that we were separated at birth because of Shao Kahn’s doing. Liu believed Raiden, and offered to train me, to become apart of the White Lotus society, and to defend our realm side by side against evil. I agreed with most honor, as a brother-to-brother absence alliance.
07/18/2006 08:25 AM (UTC)
All these charaters are awsome and the bio are Incredibly Great dont be shi share mor idea because are cool don't let people say there because there good plus u can always use these ideas for Mk:Armaggadon plus give other ideas if u want like rasin cain's how he made up a reletive of a liu kang u could be the child of a warror or a clone or make a old mate of the mk fightersgrin and u could be in the same clan or order.U could hve a charater who died before in Mk tornaments that happed in the past and back from the grave or u could be a member of the Shirai Ryu.u could come up with a charater totaly new and fresh but these some ideas that might help u with making new charaters.

PS.U could make a new charater who is from new race or is a half breed
About Me

my wraith frost

07/20/2006 01:28 AM (UTC)
Hight:6'5,7'0 with wings
Age:unknown(older than Reptile)
Allies:Shao Khan
Enemys:Shao Khan's Enemys
H2H:Cobra(modified Snake)
Wepon:The Saurin Axe

Fatality: Icy Smash
Frezes the outher person then jumps up and lands on them,Shattering them to peices
Fatality2:Rage Of the Saurians
He takes his axe and cuts there arms off. from there he takes his helmet of and in replile fasion he eats there head. then he takes there arms and crosses them over his victoms body
Animality:A Dragon(Europeian)
burns the victom with a blue flame
Speacil moves:
Freze blast:Similar to Reptiles acid only Frezzes
Bezerker's Rush:He flies at high speads at the outher person
Reflector Armour:Magical Armour forms for short period of time(Reflectsc all progectiles)
Hira-Kiri:Limits the Sky:Flys really high up then Rips his wings off with his axe falling to his doom.
Bio:My mission is simple to Eleminate all who apose Shao Khan and all who betray him. I am more upfront with my arpoch unlike the outhers of Shao Khans assassens. I don't dabble with stelf. I charge head first and leaved soaked in the blood of my victoms. My current targets are Onaga,Reptile,And all Edenians.
Aperance: A large Grayish blue Saurin. A horned Helmet(Centurion in design)and Armour athat looks like reptiles SMatire but armoured not clothy.


07/22/2006 11:35 AM (UTC)
i think they should bring back Saurians i like Snake_judge Saurian charater but y cant saurians be good for a change so they can make a aliment with goodies and bring back zattera without some evil person wanting to conquere itfurioussad
07/22/2006 11:31 PM (UTC)
Snake_judge Wrote:
Hight:6'5,7'0 with wings
Age:unknown(older than Reptile)
Allies:Shao Khan
Enemys:Shao Khan's Enemys
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

About Me

my wraith frost

07/24/2006 03:10 AM (UTC)
QueenLizard Wrote:
i think they should bring back Saurians i like Snake_judge Saurian charater but y cant saurians be good for a change so they can make a aliment with goodies and bring back zattera without some evil person wanting to conquere itfurioussad

I just like to be Evil,But that doues sound interesting
07/25/2006 01:25 PM (UTC)
Yeah but if u think about it evil is the cause of zattera being destroyed plus shao khann tried to conqure it shinnok had that extream battle with radian that took it out as well stuff like that plus evil has backstaped reptile plenty of times
07/25/2006 01:34 PM (UTC)
keep the ideas flowing in and well done every1 who put there ideas forward
About Me

Silent and swift is the way of a ninja. A clobbering in mortal kombat is the way of Da Blue Baron...

07/26/2006 12:30 PM (UTC)
Name : Storm
Gender : Female
Age : 12
Alignment : Neutral

I am a mutant of Earthrealm, an outcast because of my talents.
I wish to gain revenge against the humans who threw me aside like dirt, but i do not wish to succumb to darkness.

I am very powerful and although i am young i can take down oppenents triple my size with my sheer power and skill.

Nobody should underestimate my strength, because if they do, then they will regret it...

I have but one ally, a boy my age, known as Hurricane.
He is an outcast like me but has not the amount of hatred that i carry.
He is very loyal and brave, but he isn't brilliantly intelligent.

I look forward to entering the next tournement, as i will prove my indepedence and not a push over and not a weak child that everyone has to look after.

I will prove my power.
I will prove my courage.
I will gain revenge...

got another one comin soon, i hope you liked this one!!!grin
07/30/2006 05:15 PM (UTC)
is that storm off X-men when she was younger i like your idea but i was wondering
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