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Made by ThePredator151 :D

06/04/2006 01:20 PM (UTC)
i doubt it kitana nd lue made it my cyborg could make it grin
06/05/2006 05:29 PM (UTC)
by the way sandy would teleport to the mk tornimentwinkgrinsmilefurioustongue
About Me

Made by ThePredator151 :D

06/05/2006 10:28 PM (UTC)
oki your last fighter sandy sounded lame man i mean a witch in mortal kombat ? i wouldnt want to buy the game grin
06/06/2006 08:18 AM (UTC)
yeah i know sand is but people will hate that idea and beat her up she would be like makeing she is all powerful but u wip her buut easly
About Me

Made by ThePredator151 :D

06/06/2006 05:56 PM (UTC)
lol yea a stress bomb for you to let out all your anger on . or a human punching bag grin
06/06/2006 09:55 PM (UTC)
here is a character:

Anonomor Hyperluminaus:

allience: neutral
race: astral being
sex: it is beyond such primitive biological things
hair: none
eyes: white
enemies: shinnok shao khan,and the warlords of earth
allies: raiden shukinko liu kang kang and damashi(it weaker relitive)

look: it wears a white cape and white armor that looks like souron's from lord of the rings only white and glowing and and it has a tall crown made of of three long spikes on it's head

story: anonomor was created by the elder gods in a quest for peace thoughout the realms, but it deemed the elder gods unworthy of ruling so it set up it's own tornament inviteing all the world's warriors
in hopes of defeat the victors but sparing their lives if them agree a noble warrior that will not abuse power.

Speacial Moves:

Transfiguration Beam: it transforms the opponet into a weak creature who takes more damage is slow and has certian moves that damage itself

Superluminal Rush: attack the opponet faster than light as in he can perform a 8 hit combo in ONE FRAME!!!( i use flash a liitle so i know that is as fast as all hell)

Superluminal Retreat: moves to the far side of the stage in one frame

chaos metor strike: a powerful burst of projectiles tcome from the sky like rain's thunder accept 10 times

06/07/2006 07:57 AM (UTC)
Gd ideas also hers a idea if your had to be in a clan which would it be
06/08/2006 07:36 PM (UTC)
Magus would be an angel of the heavens kinnda like a servent of the elder gods plus he is a demi-godwow
Please do not double post. If you need to add additional comments, please make use of the edit button. Thanks.

06/09/2006 11:32 PM (UTC)
06/10/2006 05:47 AM (UTC)
Scorpion wat do u mean by that
06/10/2006 11:03 AM (UTC)

Age:Look in my prowfyle
Weight:64 Ibs.
Allies:DarkRyder80,MKLARKIE,Ninja_Mime,and Randy(taken from bud list)
Enemies: Professor Ahnka
Status:Read my profile
Fighting Style:G-Ninja
Special Moves:
Headlock (w/ punches)
Fire Slap
Fire Levitation( Ermac's lil levitation thing only w/ fire.
Falling Down:I take my GKBIade and chop my enemy up 30 times really fast. Then 30 peices fall 2 the ground.MWaHAhhhAAAAhaha!!!!
Hara-Kiri:I take my GKBIade and impale myself in the stomach.
Then I chop my left arm off. Then I chop my right leg off. And finally, I take the blade and jab it in my head. l'm dead

Bio:A student at St.Rose Elementary School that wants to fight MK people and be in a game.

Appearence:A kid with alot of sleeveless shirts with normally sagged pants or shorts.
Hair Color: DARK brown same as eyes and eyebrows.
Hair Length:Almost to eyes.
06/10/2006 09:21 PM (UTC)
I'd be neutral, but probably turn to the red dragon later on
06/11/2006 02:38 AM (UTC)
Character Name: Lillian (aka Lil’ Lighting)
Birthplace: Heavens
Age: Late teens early 20’s
Race: Goddess
Alignment: Good
Weapon: War Hammer
Animality: Thunderbird
Allies: Raiden, Fujin, Sonya Blade
Foes: Shinnok, Shang Tsung

Quote: “Damn right I fight like a girl! That way I can kick your sorry butt all the way to the otherside.

Fighting Styles: Tae Kwan Do, Mix (Mixture of moves from different styles picked up in her travels)

Special Moves:
1. Teleport
2. Lighting blast
3. Electric nut/belly crunch (Note: Lil never did learn how to fly. *sigh*)

Fatality 1: “Nuke” In her childhood, Lil fought a strange boy in the Jr. Special Forces Tournament. Their combined energies met and literally cause a nuclear explosion. Lil has learned how to reproduce this effect. The screen goes completely white for a second and then you see a hot wind peeling away the flesh of the loser and then his/her bones are turned to dust. You can see a faint outline of their ‘shadow’ on the ground afterwards.

Fatality 2: “Ooooh Dolly!” The loser is suddenly wearing a pink frilly dress and then Lil knocks his/her head off with the hammer. Then she nails the body into the ground.

Main Look: Similar to Raiden’s MK4 look, but more female (obviously) with loose long blonde hair instead of the black hood. Where his was blue, hers is pink and there is no logo/symbol. The hammer is now held by straps at her side.

Alt. Look: She wears a loose fitting Gi in her colors of pink and white arranged in a modern mix. You can see the War Hammer carried on her back.

Bio: During Shinnok’s invasion of Earthrealm, Lillian’s older brother Kidden (Kidd Thunder) disappeared and is assumed by most to be dead along with most of Earth’s gods. Lillian never accepted this. She left Earthrealm and her training to seek out her lost brother. Lillian now returns carrying Kidden’s war hammer to seek help from her uncles, Fujin and Raiden, to rescue Kidden. Unfortunately, the awaking of the Dragon King prevents any possible assistance on their part. But the medallion that the Dragon King now holds may be the key to Kidden’s survival.

Ending: Once Lillian defeats the Dragon King, she claims the magical medallion but instead of taking possession of it; the medallion possesses her. The medallion, containing the power of an insane Elder God infects her mind and soul. Lil’ Lighting is no more; Lilith is born as Raiden watches in dismay as he arrives too late. Lilith turns on her once beloved uncle and attacks with a bolt of darkness, but the God of Thunder dodges. She then vanishes and leaves behind only questions and fears.

Sorry, couldn't resist reposting this one.....
06/11/2006 06:26 PM (UTC)
Very Good ideas

heres anthor charater

status:youngest lin kuei member and Sub-Zeros bodygaurd
Alligment:The person that controls the dragon medillion
Seceret identite:saphfang
fighting styles:Dragon Claw,Ice Rod,Cold Fist
specil moves:has Sub-Zero's(Noobs)Specil Moves and powers from when he was not noob but the older sub-zero

bio:I joined so i could protect Sub-Zero also secret reason(In saphfang Bio)

Look:Like a normal lin kuei member but a dragon medillion tattoe that shines through tops.

06/16/2006 03:23 PM (UTC)
Hi im New at this but my charater would be:

Age:Not revealed but looks 18
Enimes:Shao khan,Dragon King,Shinnok
Fighting Style:Black Mamba,2 Bullwhips
Speacil Moves:Acid Spit,Disappear,Flying Shadow kick,Transform
Fatilities:Acid Kiss,Whip Neck Rip
hari-kiri:Acid rain(She Shoots lots of acid spit in the air and it falls on her and she melts.

Bio:I am Princess of zaterra and i am here to bring my people back but first i must seek out the last saurians and join together to make a plan on how to get zaterra back.

Look:She would look like Kitana in MK2 in vorpax's dress
06/16/2006 04:34 PM (UTC)
I'd be basically, scorpion/ghostrider combined.
06/16/2006 06:24 PM (UTC)
Character Name: Venato

Origin: Earthrealm (Human side), outworld (Plant side)
Age: 27 in mk1, aging has stopped.
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral in MK1, evil in all others
Allies: blaze
Foes: Stryker, Jax, sonya.
Fighting Style: Military CQC (Based loosely on sambo)
Weapon: vines (works like scorpions spear in mksm)
Appearance: a tall man with a mustache, sideburns, a white cowboy hat, an open leather jacket, jeans, studded boots and his chest is part plant.

Special Moves:
1. Photosynthesis (Like a taunt in mkda, but faster and rcovers more health)
2. Vine slash: Vines come out of his chest and slash the opponent. (can't be sidestepped)
3. vine trip: Vines come out of his chest, and do a knockdown low attack on his opponent and drag them by their feet towards him.


Point blank: Venato kicks his opponent in the back of their knees, forcing them to kneel, and then takes out his handgun and shoots them twice in the head at pointblank range.

Thorax liberation: The vines come out of his chest, and slash open his opponents stomach. Then , with the vines holding their stomach open, venato puts his hand into the gaping, gushing hole, and pushes upwards, forcing their heart, lungs and liver out through their mouths.

Hara Kiri:
the vines come out of his chest and strangle him to death.

Bio: When he was younger, he was part of a secret unit in the marines. The ship thy were traveling in was destroyed in a storm. the rest of the crew escaped, but him and his unit was stranded on an island. while exploring deep into the jungles of the island, a strange aura surrounded him, and when he woke up hours later, he was part controlled by a venomous plant, that was slowly draining his sanity. one night on the island, he killed all of his unit, and madde their bodies into a raft to get off the island., but got caught up in another storm, and got washed up on shang tsungs island as MK1 was starting. He entered the tournament because the only way off the island was either victory or death, and soon his plant side took over his instincts, and started with it's own motives: To return to outworld.
06/17/2006 10:06 AM (UTC)
Heres Another One

Staus:Lizy's secert Bodyguard Plus a Orcle
Enimes:Shao khan,Dragon King,Shinnok
Fighting Style:Basilisk,Geko palm,Saurian Staff
Speacil Moves:Acid Shuriken,Disappear,Tail Whack
Fatilities:Eyes of death
hari-kiri:Unsafe portal (She stepps into the portal and is varporized)

Bio:Not much Info is known,accept her mission to protect lizy

Look:She look like jade in Mk:3 but is white plus her costume is more emerald colour

06/17/2006 04:23 PM (UTC)
Ok...here's another one and this time its a new one.

Character Name: Arianna
Birthplace: Neatherrealm
Age: Difficult to determine
Race: Undead
Alignment: Evil
Weapon: Kamas
Allies: Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, ‘Dark’ Raiden
Foes: Raiden, Fujin, Althea (see other bio)

Quote: “Why are Earth men so stupid? Don’t you know you can’t kill something that is already dead?”

Fighting Styles: Leopard, Tang Soo Do

Special Moves:
1. Red Fireball
2. Flaming Uppercut
3. Shield

Fatality 1: “The Basics” Knees the loser in the stomach to force him/her to the floor. Grab’s the losers head as she walks around him/her and pulls it back with one hand. The other hand becomes engulfed in red flames and she takes hold of the loser’s throat with it to rip the throat out. As the loser starts to thrash her none flaming hand pulls the head back even further until the head rips completely off.

Fatality 2: Her opponent stabs Arianna with their weapon. She just smiles as her foes backs off in surprise seeing that Arianna seems to be unharmed. Arianna then pulls out the weapon and uses it against its former owner. From here it varies depending on the weapon. Only available with the opponent has a weapon that can stab.

Main Look: Short black spiked hair and red tinted eyes. She wears a dark leather vest with a chain mail shirt underneath and a short leather skirt. Metal tip boots, studded belt and bracelets help to complete the look. However, her face is the same as the godslayer, Althea.

Alt. Look: Her hair is now long and black. The chain mail and leather is gone to be replaced by black and red trimmed sorcerer’s robes.

Bio: Over 500 years ago she was first created from the anger and guilt of a godslayer by Quan Chi’s sorcery. Arianna was killed when she challenged that same godslayer to Mortal Kombat in a misguided attempt to prove that she was more than a just a copy. Today, Quan Chi has used his resources in the Neatherrealm to bring back the dark godslayer per the ‘request’ of a foreign deity known as Kuravan. Kuravan, who was a proven ally of Shao Kahn and the son of an Elder God, kept Arianna busy by having her disrupt the gods of Earth in anyway she could without fully breaking the rules set down by the Elder Gods. All seemed well, until Quan Chi and Shang Tsung asked her to do a little favor. Create a distraction while they took care of Liu Kang and Shao Kahn. She agreed to do so for a price and the distraction proved to be killing her own lord, Kuravan.

Now she hides in the shadows, watching this new, darker Raiden as if trying to determine something.
06/18/2006 09:37 AM (UTC)
Heres Another One

Staus:Dragon King's Li Mei's Daughter
allies:Dragon Kings Allies
Enimes:All Who oppese my father
Fighting Style:Dragon fire ,Royal Fist,Meteor hammer
Speacil Moves:Blaze,Dragon Blast,dragon Flame,fireworks,Fire bomb
Fatilities:The Burning hand of death
hari-kiri:Human Form(She turns into her human form and Kills herself with theMeteor hammer

Bio:I'm am the daughter of the dragon king my quest is to gather items of power to impress my father, to show im wothey of the throne plus to make him strong enough to rule all realms so we can be the family that rules the realms.I have another plan to make a allence with the Saurians they will make great allies.

Look:I Got my mums armour put its Green and i have my fathers wings plus same skin as him but have a body like my mother and long blue hair.
About Me

Join the KMD (Kang Must Die) club and recieve a free piece of his corpse, no donation=1 of his fingers. small donation= a limb. Large donation=the turkey voiced Monkey boy's Head.

06/18/2006 04:34 PM (UTC)
Name: Creed.
Age: looks 23 (lived over 200 years).
Origin: Out-World.
Allies: Sub-zero, Kintaro, Reiko.
Enemies:Ermac, Motaro, Scorpion.
Fighting Styles:Shotokan, hapkido.
Weapon:Berserker Sword (large sword like cloud's from FFVII).
Moves:Energy blast (strong shot of energy), creeping shadow (Disapears and performs a random charge attack, uppercut, roundhouse, or sweep depending on the botton pressed), Ice charge ( an ice clone runs extremly fast toards the opponent freezing them on contact), Flying snow (creates a snow cloud above him that freezes the enemy and keeps them frozen in the air).
Fatality: Taste my power: Grabs the enemy by the neck and gives them his power its too much for the enemy to take and eventualy blows them up.
Cursed Arm:removes his glove then thrusts his left arm into his opponent's chest which causes many changes to him (increase in size, head gets bigger, opponent gets thinner, burns up the opponent) until finally melting the opponent into an acid puddle.
Hara-Kiri: my curse: places his left arm ( glove off) on his face melting himself until his arm is all that remains.

Bio:I was an elite assassin in Motaros extermanation squad, one day he sent me and a couple of centaurs to explore an ice temple which was recently discovered uppon arrival the 2 centaures struck me from behind and told me that he who bares the cursed mark must not live then they left me to die , but Sub-zero found me and helped me, I sparred with him until my glove came off and I touched the Ice and it melted the mark on my hand shines when ever I use this power and the more I use it the more I liked it, I bid the warrior farewell and decided to look for the centaurs that attacked me I saw them fighting Kintaro who was 1 of Khans champions I wanted to leave him to take care of them for me, but then I saw the ghost that was haunting me in the past Ermac, a combonation of many of the people I killed, helping Kintaro was much easier than fightin Ermac we won and Kintaro asked if there was anything he could do to repay me I showed him my mark and asked if knows about it and he said that Reiko may know Kintaro decided to join me on my quest.

Appearence:Hooded coat(white or black), dark blue pants with mettle knee pads, an X shaped belt on his chest(like Khans and Kintaros) and a guantlet or large glove on the left hand.
06/19/2006 03:28 PM (UTC)
Here's another charater

Enimies:Demons and oni
fighting styles:Hapkido,tai chi,Herfestes's Scythe
specil moves:Darkness,Shadow clone,Dark Blast,Mutated hand(Makes portal and a mutated meaty hand comes up and grabs opponent gives you a free hit ),Soul Steal,
fatatality:ShapeShifter of fear(Turn into the opponents fear and kill them but they try to back off but u kill them)

bio:I'm the souce a god of all evil yet i reject my Curse to be a devil but i try to do good deeds but they back fire I can't give someone my curse because it kills them and comes back too me but there is a legend that earth realm is the mother realm and that it is the strongest thats maybe why humans have a powerful soul of a warrior but if the rumors are true i must win mortal kombat and use Earth realms powers to bind my own

look:He's got a red hooded cape,his face is pure black but have red markeings and has red eyes and has long horn's like hellboy's.Shows his vampire teeth and his body have markings of the red dragon and is like belthezor of charmed them kind of markings
About Me
98% of the Internet population has a MySpace.
This planet is my space. I'm just letting you exist here.
If you debate that, take it up with my friend, Mr. Chuck Norris.
06/20/2006 02:40 AM (UTC)
Name: Jon Mizuno
Origin: Florida, Earthrealm
Species: Human
Aligment: Good
Age: 20
Allies: Scorpion, Rayden
Foes: Quan Chi, Noob Saibot, Sektor, Cyrax
Status: Ninja
Fighting Style: Gogyou Kobushi, Human Hunt (Weapon)
Weapon: Ninja Sword
Fatalities: Pulls heart out through mouth, Pulls head off and sticks it up opponent's butt.
Animality: Tiger
Friendship: Sword-Swallowing
Special Moves: Scorpion's Dagger, Water Morph (becomes water, reappears behind opponent and attacks), Water Blessing (Rain's Water Blast)
Hara-Kiri: Takes sword, stabs self through heart.

15 years...I can't believe it's been 15 years already. 15 years since Quan Chi destroyed the Shirai Ryu. I was out on a basic training mission when it happened. I got lost in the woods and when I finally found my way back, everyone was dead. Quan Chi must pay. I can't believe it's been 15 years. The time is drawing close for the resurfacing of the Shirai Ryu.

Rayden approached me and told me of Quan Chi's alliance both with Shinnok and the sorcerer Shang Tsung. Rayden has also told me of Scorpion's reemergance. Though I dobut he is the same person I once knew and respected, I dobut he's one to forget members of his own clan. Rayden has told me to place my faith in the Elder Gods. I only pray they are not fickle gods who demand sacrifice.

General Appearance:
5'11", blue eyes, brown hair, white skin.
Outfit 1:
Black hitai-ate (ninja headband) covering his skull and forehead with hair around his ears and the back of his head, leather armor under a black sleeveless shirt with yellow shoulders and the leather armor peeking out of the shirt like sleeves, black jeans with yellow kanji going up the left leg, black boots.
Outfit 2:
Black hitai-ate covering face (except eyes and bridge of nose) with yellow ninja mask, outfit similar to Scorpion's MK4 outfit.
06/23/2006 04:12 PM (UTC)
Everyone has lots of good ideas there are realy good 1's also put a bit about wat the character is doing outside of mortal kombat if there wasn't a tornament on like sheba would be going markets and robing stalls or people other then that she will be train at the lin kuei base also doing some jobes for sub-zero example he needs her to find as much research on cryomancers or spy on his brother noob
About Me

Join the KMD (Kang Must Die) club and recieve a free piece of his corpse, no donation=1 of his fingers. small donation= a limb. Large donation=the turkey voiced Monkey boy's Head.

06/24/2006 01:25 AM (UTC)
Creed: when off duty he takes this chance to develope new moves and skills by watching other chars and using his cursed arm (the Ice Charge attack was learned when he saw Subz do it while sparring).he also checks his spys and contacts in the realms ton know about the political status there and prepare himself incase a new power appears.
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