01/30/2015 12:57 AM (UTC)
Kano is savoring every single teardrop from all you haters, jsyk.

I mean seriously, even fans of the 3D era keep using arguments like "Needs a second chance" "Has so much potential" "Could be interesting" "If they do him/her right" and so on. In a game developer's mind this simply means scrap them and introduce new characters with more zing.
About Me

01/30/2015 01:03 AM (UTC)
I'm fine with that idea. The reason that people keep saying what they are saying about character deserving a second chance is because even though the game sucked, Quan Chi isn't the only bright spot to come out of MK4. Fans have been calling for Fujin for years now, but instead of putting him in a game in more than a cameo role, they keep giving us the likes of Kung Lao, Kano, Reptile, Kitana, etc. Don't get me wrong, I like Kung Lao and love Reptile, but would be much more interested if they announced someone like Reiko.

If they wanted to introduce new characters instead, I'd be fine with that too.

All this being said, however, I think NRS knows what they are doing when it comes to revealing these characters. I really think there are a few surprises coming our way in the coming weeks.
01/30/2015 01:03 AM (UTC)
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Kano is savoring every single teardrop from all you haters, jsyk.

I mean seriously, even fans of the 3D era keep using arguments like "Needs a second chance" "Has so much potential" "Could be interesting" "If they do him/her right" and so on. In a game developer's mind this simply means scrap them and introduce new characters with more zing.

This completely. The four new characters we've seen in MKX dominate almost every new character in the 3D era games. Sign me up for that.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

01/30/2015 01:12 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Kano is savoring every single teardrop from all you haters, jsyk.

I mean seriously, even fans of the 3D era keep using arguments like "Needs a second chance" "Has so much potential" "Could be interesting" "If they do him/her right" and so on. In a game developer's mind this simply means scrap them and introduce new characters with more zing.

This completely. The four new characters we've seen in MKX dominate almost every new character in the 3D era games. Sign me up for that.

Thats hardly a fair comparison to make, with characters made from todays technology and characters from over a decade ago/
01/30/2015 01:16 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Kano is savoring every single teardrop from all you haters, jsyk.

I mean seriously, even fans of the 3D era keep using arguments like "Needs a second chance" "Has so much potential" "Could be interesting" "If they do him/her right" and so on. In a game developer's mind this simply means scrap them and introduce new characters with more zing.

This completely. The four new characters we've seen in MKX dominate almost every new character in the 3D era games. Sign me up for that.

Thats hardly a fair comparison to make, with characters made from todays technology and characters from over a decade ago/

This isn't about being fair, it's not a competition. There are a lot of reasons those characters aren't as good as the new ones. But the new ones, still, are better. Why shackle yourself to your mediocre past when you can have an awesome future.
01/30/2015 01:18 AM (UTC)
Some of the problems are purely poor handling by NRS. Hsu Hao was created and killed off in his first appearance with the intention that he would never appear again.
If you're going to make a new character they need to be given the same care and attention as a Scorpion or SubZero.

If the devs don't care aboyt their product, it will absolutely show.
01/30/2015 01:18 AM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
I just feel that certain characters from the 3D era were interesting enough storywise and are deserve another chance, such as Havik.

I love the original trilogy characters, but I am getting sick and tired of seeing the same old people over and over and over again. IMO, a few of the announced characters for this game should have spent at least one game out.

I like Kung Lao, but him and Kano are the two character reveals that made me roll my eyes. That being said, they do look awesome in this game, but I wish other people from MK4-Deception got another shot.

I don't count Armageddon as a second shot for people like Fujin, Hotaru, Reiko, etc.

Totally agree with your point..
We have some GREAT characters from the 3D era (majority was rubiish), but guys like Tanya, Fujin and Havik are GOOD, and deserve a second chance!
Of course I love the trilogy originals, but Im just SICK of seeing them in every god damn game!
About Me

Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

Lovely signature by MINION

01/30/2015 01:19 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Kano is savoring every single teardrop from all you haters, jsyk.

I mean seriously, even fans of the 3D era keep using arguments like "Needs a second chance" "Has so much potential" "Could be interesting" "If they do him/her right" and so on. In a game developer's mind this simply means scrap them and introduce new characters with more zing.

This completely. The four new characters we've seen in MKX dominate almost every new character in the 3D era games. Sign me up for that.

Thats hardly a fair comparison to make, with characters made from todays technology and characters from over a decade ago/

This isn't about being fair, it's not a competition. There are a lot of reasons those characters aren't as good as the new ones. But the new ones, still, are better. Why shackle yourself to your mediocre past when you can have an awesome future.

Can you explain in what ways these new characters are better? The only thing known about them is gameplay, and and thats like comparing MKX subzero with MKDA subzero. of course most would say MKX subzero is better, but theyre still the same character.

01/30/2015 01:21 AM (UTC)
Borshay Wrote:
If the devs don't care about their product, it will absolutely show.

Boon and Vogel spent way more time trashing Hsu Hao instead of coming up with a solution as to how to make him better, but with them it always boiled down to the time constraint excuse as to why they included crap like HH's design and QC's Neck Stretch in the games.
The four new characters we've seen in MKX dominate almost every new character in the 3D era games.

This is a silly comparison. You can't judge a few minutes' worth of the new characters versus a group who's been around for at least a decade. And who's to say these guys won't get the same treatment after the game has been out for a year?
Visually, yes, they all look outstanding, but this technology wasn't available at the time the 3D era commenced. Otherwise who knows what would've happened, but it's all under the bridge now.
01/30/2015 01:26 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:

Can you explain in what ways these new characters are better? The only thing known about them is gameplay, and and thats like comparing MKX subzero with MKDA subzero. of course most would say MKX subzero is better, but theyre still the same character.

I mean just in terms of design and novelty. Look at someone like Darrius or Mavado (and those aren't even the worst offenders) compared to Ferra/Torr or Kotal Kahn. There is so much more dynamic in the latter two. Gameplay is a wash because, as you said, they're a different style of game. But the inspiration is clearly more apparent in the newer characters in design and personality. There is a cheapness to many of those 3D era characters, uninspired move sets, finishers. You can practically feel NRS shrug when you play as them.
01/30/2015 01:27 AM (UTC)
Grow up? I shall do no such thing.

So yes we can point out 2 or 3 MK4-Deception characters that were pretty cool and I actually agree, but at this point consider them casualties. You know, wrong place, wrong time.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

01/30/2015 01:33 AM (UTC)
Well...I'm pretty much already sold.

Reptile, Ermac, and Kitana were the biggies.

Now, all I want is Smoke and Nightwolf.

I'm not too upset with the overflow of MK9 returnees. As mentioned earlier, it'd be pointless to try and revamp the WORST characters from that era. I mean, I have faith that it CAN be done, but I think I'd just rather them place that time and effort into the classics, or fresh, new faces. At least when you're talking the likes of Darrius, Hsu Hao, Dairou, Mavado, Kobra, Kira...

There are some diamonds in the rough though...Bo, Havik, Drahmin, Hotaru, Nitara, Ashrah.

But looking at the "big picture", even if there's no mention of them in MKX, I don't see NRS forgetting about all these folks completely. Nor do I think they plan to kill them ALL in the comics.

We'll see them again. Sooner or later.

Rest easy. smile
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01/30/2015 01:34 AM (UTC)
Yes, wrong place wrong time, but I'm going to go to the person that everyone's example of "second chance"; Stryker. Everyone hated him before MK9. He was improved slightly in MKA, but that was just a bad game so I think it was overshadowed then. Just because he was from the golden age of Mortal Kombat doesn't mean that he deserved a second chance more than people from MKs "darker" days.

I understand that MK9 was a retelling, so he was pretty much a shoe-in, but they left Rain for DLC and out of the main story.
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01/30/2015 01:35 AM (UTC)
The conditions and resources were a lot different back then.The options and new features in current gen games provide newly introduced characters with an advantage the older ones didn't have. Look, I'm not trying to defend every 3D era character, they are mostly uninspired but, in order to exercise fair judgement, we have to take that into consideration if we're going to make a direct comparison.
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Second fan of "The Lady in Green...err Turquoise, no Gold?"

01/30/2015 01:39 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
mkmileena Wrote:

Can you explain in what ways these new characters are better? The only thing known about them is gameplay, and and thats like comparing MKX subzero with MKDA subzero. of course most would say MKX subzero is better, but theyre still the same character.

I mean just in terms of design and novelty. Look at someone like Darrius or Mavado (and those aren't even the worst offenders) compared to Ferra/Torr or Kotal Kahn. There is so much more dynamic in the latter two. Gameplay is a wash because, as you said, they're a different style of game. But the inspiration is clearly more apparent in the newer characters in design and personality. There is a cheapness to many of those 3D era characters, uninspired move sets, finishers. You can practically feel NRS shrug when you play as them.

You also have to keep in mind that NRS was under midway during the 3D era. They had to get a game out every two years, so yeah most of their 3D era characters were craps save for a few. So comparing the time constraints they had back then with new characters and now, well of course they can make new characters look better and play different. They have the funds and the time to do it
01/30/2015 01:49 AM (UTC)
Don't get me wrong. I completely understand why those characters were the way they were, and why the new ones have an advantage. I'm not faulting those characters, and I love them for their place in the MK Mythos. One of my absolute favorite parts of the comic has been seeing those 3D era faces get some attention.

Midway was crumbling, and I'm sure both money and time were extremely tight, and when those things are the case, inspiration runs dry. I don't want those guys swept under the rug forever (well, maybe some of them) and I would like to see 2-4 from that time period make an appearance in MKX. At the same time I'm sure NRS looks on most of those characters with regret as lost causes or wasted potential. People getting upset with NRS for wanting to leave some stuff in the past for the sake of rectifying something is just not something I understand.
01/30/2015 03:01 AM (UTC)
Grimm Wrote:
I understand that Kano didn't die in MK9, but I haven't given a damn about him since Deadly Alliance.

You haven't, but many others have.

I've kept silent over the whole "MK1-3 vs MK4-MK:A characters " debate for a while now, but I'm gonna post my thoughts once and for all:

MK4-MK:A era fans: I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to accept the fact that these characters have little-to no chance of coming back. Yes, it is a shame to see potential flushed down the shitter, but its time to stop contemplating "what-if" and move on.

Regardless on how you may feel on the classics, there is simply no denying that they are the characters that made Mortal Kombat what it is, and its simply unreasonable to expect the majority to be dropped altogether.

Even if it is through rose-tinted glasses, so what? I, and millions of others still enjoy their presence even after 23 years. If nostalgia goggles is what I'm wearing, then I ain't taking them off. I'll screwed them into the side of my skull if I have to.

If the absence of a handful of obscure characters is a big enough issue for you to miss out out on a great game, then I just feel sorry for you.
01/30/2015 03:04 AM (UTC)
MacyG88 Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
I understand that Kano didn't die in MK9, but I haven't given a damn about him since Deadly Alliance.

You haven't, but many others have.

I've kept silent over the whole "MK1-3 vs MK4-MK:A characters " debate for a while now, but I'm gonna post my thoughts once and for all:

MK4-MK:A era fans: I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to accept the fact that these characters have little-to no chance of coming back. Yes, it is a shame to see potential flushed down the shitter, but its time to stop contemplating "what-if" and move on.

Regardless on how you may feel on the classics, there is simply no denying that they are the characters that made Mortal Kombat what it is, and its simply unreasonable to expect the majority to be dropped altogether.

Even if it is through rose-tinted glasses, so what? I, and millions of others still enjoy their presence even after 23 years. If nostalgia goggles is what I'm wearing, then I ain't taking them off. I'll screwed them into the side of my skull if I have to.

If the absence of a handful of obscure characters is a big enough issue for you to miss out out on a great game, then I just feel sorry for you.

Can someone cue a gospel choir gif plz?
01/30/2015 03:21 AM (UTC)
mkmileena Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
From-ear-to-ear Wrote:
Kano is savoring every single teardrop from all you haters, jsyk.

I mean seriously, even fans of the 3D era keep using arguments like "Needs a second chance" "Has so much potential" "Could be interesting" "If they do him/her right" and so on. In a game developer's mind this simply means scrap them and introduce new characters with more zing.

This completely. The four new characters we've seen in MKX dominate almost every new character in the 3D era games. Sign me up for that.

Thats hardly a fair comparison to make, with characters made from todays technology and characters from over a decade ago/


I'm still on board with the argument that if any of the 3d era MK characters had been in the first 3 games, they would be considered just as iconic as the rest of the cast.

Not to mention, Tobias left after MK4, I believe... So, of course the 3d characters aren't going to seem as interesting.
01/30/2015 03:26 AM (UTC)
Well yes, I think everyone can agree that if you go back in time and swap Nightwolf/Sindel for Tanya/Fujin from their respective games, the latter would probably still be around today (at least in MK9) and the former would be scrapped. But what is the point here? History is unfair and should be corrected?
01/30/2015 03:32 AM (UTC)
MacyG88 Wrote:
Grimm Wrote:
I understand that Kano didn't die in MK9, but I haven't given a damn about him since Deadly Alliance.

You haven't, but many others have.

I've kept silent over the whole "MK1-3 vs MK4-MK:A characters " debate for a while now, but I'm gonna post my thoughts once and for all:

MK4-MK:A era fans: I'm sorry, but you're just going to have to accept the fact that these characters have little-to no chance of coming back. Yes, it is a shame to see potential flushed down the shitter, but its time to stop contemplating "what-if" and move on.

Regardless on how you may feel on the classics, there is simply no denying that they are the characters that made Mortal Kombat what it is, and its simply unreasonable to expect the majority to be dropped altogether.

Even if it is through rose-tinted glasses, so what? I, and millions of others still enjoy their presence even after 23 years. If nostalgia goggles is what I'm wearing, then I ain't taking them off. I'll screwed them into the side of my skull if I have to.

If the absence of a handful of obscure characters is a big enough issue for you to miss out out on a great game, then I just feel sorry for you.

Says you when we have Quan, Kenshi, Shinnok at the end of MK9, Fujin, Bo from leaked casting call and Ed personally favoring Tanya all leading towards their inevitable return with the seemingly likeliness that most MK3 characters are going to be left behind this go around in favor of newer characters. That actually says a lot, really.

Also, haven't you ever heard of the 'new classics'? If their 4 for 4 track record keeps up and they stop making shitty newer characters, bet your ass more and more of the 'classics' will be sitting out come MK11.
01/30/2015 03:39 AM (UTC)
If MKX doesn't feature any none MK9 existing characters, it will be my final MK title after 23 years.

Deadly Alliance had a 80 metacritic and sold 3.5 million copies. By definition it was well received and sold well. Apparently that games success means less than another game's success.

I rather have the 10 least liked MK4-Armageddon characters than the 10 least liked Trilogy characters. I rather see them try to do something new with characters with solid backstories than see them rehash 80% of the junk MKTrilogy characters.
01/30/2015 04:12 AM (UTC)

Says you when we have Quan, Kenshi, Shinnok at the end of MK9, Fujin, Bo from leaked casting call and Ed personally favoring Tanya all leading towards their inevitable return with the seemingly likeliness that most MK3 characters are going to be left behind this go around in favor of newer characters. That actually says a lot, really.

Sooooooooooooo......where are they then?

I'm fine with eating crow if a 3D era character not named Kenshi shows up as a playable in the main roster, but at this point, 3D era enthusiasts era shouldn't be so confident.
01/30/2015 04:42 AM (UTC)
Isn't it insanely obvious they're only repping the Trilogy part of the cast because thats what draws the mainstream/casuals? It's the same reason we haven't any more of the new cast as well so it's irrelevant. They're saving both camps for last.
01/30/2015 04:45 AM (UTC)
Quality of the game does not equal quality of the characters.

Deadly Alliance and Deception are great games, unfortunately, most of the characters they introduced were not among what made them so enjoyable. Even back when DA came out people were complaining about the new characters and lack of old faces. That's why Deception was nostalgia heavy in that regard. The same exact thing would happen with this game if they dropped the cast of the original games. I agree that they're coming out with the heavy hitters first before getting to the more obscure ones that will be more exciting for the hardcore fanbase.
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