01/30/2015 10:28 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Who ever the fuck it is we still will have 3 kinetics in the game most likely.

While you have a point, we still don't know to what degree Takeda would use it. It could just be for tossing shurikens or other ninja-esque weaponry, or maybe the TK would only aid him in dodging attacks instead of inflicting damage? We have no idea because we've never seen him play before. Sorta the reason I wanna see more new faces. Not just because it's been returnee heavy but because I'm curious what elements and new play styles these characters will bring with them.

And it's hardly the first time stuff has been shared so it shouldn't come as a shock. Multiple ice users, multiple sorcerers. So many characters in this franchise share so much shit it's almost unimportant anymore.

In fact, I'd almost prefer if they went even further to distance Ermac and Kenshi from eachother which I think would be the case now that we've seen that Ermac is a floater and Kenshi's more of a swordsman.
01/30/2015 10:34 PM (UTC)
I think we can have all 3 TK users in one game without them being too alike. Ermac and Kenshi were both in MK9 and they didn't play the same. We also had SZ and Cyber SZ in MK9, and they did play more similarly than Ermac and Kenshi did, but I didn't see too many complaints about them being alike.

If I was going to worry about anything it would be Kenshi and Takeda playing too much alike, but since Takeda was trained by Hanzo and not Kenshi, I assume that will reflect in his game plat at least a little bit.
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I need a great pic here. Edenian people would be my fav. Inbox me pls.

01/31/2015 02:49 AM (UTC)
So for me. New Characters.....I don't know that I'm ready to invest in new characters yet....btw I'm a dork for the e-comics for MKX how do I get them? Print is taking toooooooo long.

My Returning (only reaching to MK4) MUST HAVES are
Kenshi (best 3d character IMO of next gens)

Like to see Rain and Skarlett

I feel like I'm such a drone in my want list which sounds typical. What about Tremor, Sareena, Shujinko, etc.....

I also want the story mode (first thing I play to know the history) to take me a day or two to complete.

01/31/2015 03:52 AM (UTC)
I don't see the problem with three telekinetics if NRS finds a way to make them feel and play completely different. Ermac and Kenshi were nothing alike in MK9.

Plus I don't see Takeda being completely telekinetic. He'd by a copy of his father. Cassie isn't just shadow moves - she has missiles and guns. Takeda should have a similar approach.
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I need a great pic here. Edenian people would be my fav. Inbox me pls.

01/31/2015 04:22 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
I don't see the problem with three telekinetics if NRS finds a way to make them feel and play completely different. Ermac and Kenshi were nothing alike in MK9.

Plus I don't see Takeda being completely telekinetic. He'd by a copy of his father. Cassie isn't just shadow moves - she has missiles and guns. Takeda should have a similar approach.

I feel like I'm missing something (not surprising). Where are people seeing Takeda developing his powers etc?
01/31/2015 04:25 AM (UTC)
The webseries bio for Takeda mentions him inheriting TK from Kenshi
01/31/2015 04:47 AM (UTC)
if takeda is TK enabled i'm thinking he's either going to die in the comic or kenshi is sitting it out while takeda uses the magic sword. i dont see both. his whole deal was about being quick and flashy though, kind of a waste for a TK user.. i guess it could differentiate them but that sounds wasteful to me, especially with variations.
About Me

I need a great pic here. Edenian people would be my fav. Inbox me pls.

01/31/2015 04:53 AM (UTC)
Spider804 Wrote:
The webseries bio for Takeda mentions him inheriting TK from Kenshi

is there a link?
01/31/2015 04:59 AM (UTC)
Found the webseries bio
In his mid 20s, quiet and mild-mannered, but with an angry streak, he is the "nice" one of the group. He is a world-class swordsman and he is adept at telepathy and telekinesis. Takahashi Takeda is the son of the hero Kenshi and a young Thai-American woman named Suchin, whom Kenshi met during his travels. When Suchin passed away, Kenshi was shocked to learn he had had an eight-year-old son with her. He took Takeda to Hanzo Hasashi, the former Scorpion, to be instructed in the Martial Arts. Takeda had no contact with his father for many years, until the day he was to leave Hanzo’s tutelage. Kenshi revealed that he had left Takeda with Hanzo to protect him from his mother’s murderer. Despite this revelation, and subsequent reconciliation with Kenshi, Takeda has abandonment issues yet to overcome—which makes working with his father in Johnny Cage’s Special Forces team a challenge at times...LEAD
01/31/2015 05:13 AM (UTC)
I think 11 characters left would round the game out nicely I would like to see;
4 new characters (takeda/Erron black/jacqui/one other)
6 returning characters (noob/smoke/reiko/Tanya/fujin/another earth realm fighter)
1 guest character (don't really want one but looks like we are getting one)

01/31/2015 06:01 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:

1 guest character (don't really want one but looks like we are getting one)

PEOPLE, they deconfirmed this. No console-exclusive guest characters this go around. We'll still get a guest, but as DLC, so it won't interfere with the amount of people on the launch roster.
01/31/2015 06:59 AM (UTC)
Really? I must have missed that about the guest character being deconfirmed well that's good news!
01/31/2015 11:25 PM (UTC)
4 more returning, 7 new
01/31/2015 11:34 PM (UTC)
when did they say the guest character will be dlc? i know they said there would be no console exclusive stuff like kratos. are you going by freddy being dlc?
01/31/2015 11:53 PM (UTC)
Who even entertains the notion of them having a guest at launch?

It's much smarter to sell a guest for money as DLC.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

02/01/2015 12:01 AM (UTC)
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Who even entertains the notion of them having a guest at launch?

It's much smarter to sell a guest for money as DLC.

Kratos, MK9, ring a bell?
02/01/2015 12:10 AM (UTC)
if takeda is TK enabled i'm thinking he's either going to die in the comic or kenshi is sitting it out while takeda uses the magic sword. i dont see both. his whole deal was about being quick and flashy though, kind of a waste for a TK user.. i guess it could differentiate them but that sounds wasteful to me, especially with variations.

Well the web series bio mentions that both Takeda and Kenshi are active and it seems like it'll take place at the 20/25 year mark, which would be probably after the comic. Considering Kenshi's role in helping Scorpion calm his revenge as well as that fatality teaser, and Takeda's possible development in the comics, I can see both Kenshi and Takeda make it as playable characters. If Johnny and Sonya are also playable, they'll probably do the same approach with Takeda like they would for Cassie to differentiate the child from the parents.
About Me

I need a great pic here. Edenian people would be my fav. Inbox me pls.

02/01/2015 01:11 AM (UTC)
This game makes me happy because back in the Deception days, us fans were talking about the characters having children and letting them take the reigns of the game moving forward. It was about the Deception time that we realized that non of the main characters from Earth were aging.

So I'm kinda hoping that the old schooler Earth cast begins to bow out either an amazing death or natrually/becoming a Bo Rai Cho.

I mean how many Earthrealmers can really return? It's been 25 years. SOME other Earthrealm hero(s) had to fall.

but then nobody stays dead in MK.
02/02/2015 09:47 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Lord_Greyjoy Wrote:
Who even entertains the notion of them having a guest at launch?

It's much smarter to sell a guest for money as DLC.

Kratos, MK9, ring a bell?

I just said they deconfirmed exclusive guests. We were talking non-exclusive guests, which would never make the main roster. They'd always be DLC.
02/02/2015 09:55 AM (UTC)
We do not know for sure what the final number of character will be.
The german magazine confirmed Johnny, sonya and liu kang.

Up this point we don't even know if the casting for the web series is reliable and if certain characters appear only in the show but won't make the game.

Personally, I think that characters like tanya, reiko, hotaru, li mei, etc will never appear again as playable.
02/02/2015 11:55 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
People who keep thinking we're getting more than 24/25 are fooling themselves. This game is dropping in less than 2 months and they haven't changed the select screen yet. That's an indication that's it WON'T change. So yeah, 11 characters left including the annoying ass spot wasting guest character they'll be shoving in our faces.

I agree with this.

The GOOD reveals have almost all been depleted, the only good things we still get ARE the new characters + Mileena.

The returned characters we are yet to see are: (THE FREAKING HORROR, GOD BE WRONG ABOUT THIS!!!)

1) Cage (because they want to add in the entire happy family soap opera)
2) Sonya (because they want to waste as spot on her)
3) Liu Kang (because he has to be in every freaking game)
4) Bo Rai Cho (because Ed Boon likes stupid jokes)
5) Jax (because he has to be in every freaking game, let go of this boring character already! Jacqui already has so much more potention!
6) Shinnok
7) Shang Tsung (because he has to be in every game)
8) Kenshi (because they are cheap and want 3 freaking telekinetic characters in the game because that is easy for animation)
9) Smoke (because all of the fan-cry boys)

PLEASE MILEENA BE IN IT! You are my only hope... And the last character I would like to return! (well I like many more like Sektor, Reiko, Fujin, Kai, Tanya, Rain, Baraka, Sareena and others, but they have NO CHANCE IN HELL, so probably should just forget about them...)
02/02/2015 01:55 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
People who keep thinking we're getting more than 24/25 are fooling themselves. This game is dropping in less than 2 months and they haven't changed the select screen yet. That's an indication that's it WON'T change. So yeah, 11 characters left including the annoying ass spot wasting guest character they'll be shoving in our faces.

I agree with this.

The GOOD reveals have almost all been depleted, the only good things we still get ARE the new characters + Mileena.

The returned characters we are yet to see are: (THE FREAKING HORROR, GOD BE WRONG ABOUT THIS!!!)

1) Cage (because they want to add in the entire happy family soap opera)
2) Sonya (because they want to waste as spot on her)
3) Liu Kang (because he has to be in every freaking game)
4) Bo Rai Cho (because Ed Boon likes stupid jokes)
5) Jax (because he has to be in every freaking game, let go of this boring character already! Jacqui already has so much more potention!
6) Shinnok
7) Shang Tsung (because he has to be in every game)
8) Kenshi (because they are cheap and want 3 freaking telekinetic characters in the game because that is easy for animation)
9) Smoke (because all of the fan-cry boys)

PLEASE MILEENA BE IN IT! You are my only hope... And the last character I would like to return! (well I like many more like Sektor, Reiko, Fujin, Kai, Tanya, Rain, Baraka, Sareena and others, but they have NO CHANCE IN HELL, so probably should just forget about them...)

You are quickly becoming the most annoying user on this site.
02/02/2015 02:05 PM (UTC)
OttoVonRuthless Wrote:
LordKotal Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:

You are quickly becoming the most annoying user on this site.
Everything he posts is literally just shit.
02/02/2015 02:28 PM (UTC)
Lol, I love the tears and hate from Sonya-fanboys, they are boring anyway without many imagination and fantasy to begin with.
02/02/2015 08:37 PM (UTC)
LordKotal Wrote:
Lol, I love the tears and hate from Sonya-fanboys, they are boring anyway without many imagination and fantasy to begin with.

Cool, keep getting banned and making new accounts. So you can spam your shit thoughts
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