12/15/2010 09:24 AM (UTC)
I'm still not sure about the pricing. $40 extra sounds just a TAD excessive.

I mean, look at what you get for the special edition of Dead Space 2:

- Replica Plasma Cutter with working LED lights
- The Dead Space 2 soundtrack, including select pieces from DS1 and a featurette on the scoring of DS2
- Lithograph Necromorph concept art by Visceral Games artist Brett Marting
- Isaac Unitology suit (stronger than regular armor)
- Exclusive Unitology Force Gun (stronger than regular gun)
- PS3-owners get the entire Dead Space: Extraction game, with MOVE or regular controller support, absolutely free
- Pre-orders gets you the Dead Space Ignition game, as well as two unique items, including the Hacker Suit

All of this is $20 cheaper than Mortal Kombat's special edition.

.... which means that small artbook and those figures had better be DAMN good to justify the 60% price hike.
12/15/2010 09:34 AM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
I'm still not sure about the pricing. $40 extra sounds just a TAD excessive.

I mean, look at what you get for the special edition of Dead Space 2:

- Replica Plasma Cutter with working LED lights
- The Dead Space 2 soundtrack, including select pieces from DS1 and a featurette on the scoring of DS2
- Lithograph Necromorph concept art by Visceral Games artist Brett Marting
- Isaac Unitology suit (stronger than regular armor)
- Exclusive Unitology Force Gun (stronger than regular gun)
- PS3-owners get the entire Dead Space: Extraction game, with MOVE or regular controller support, absolutely free
- Pre-orders gets you the Dead Space Ignition game, as well as two unique items, including the Hacker Suit

All of this is $20 cheaper than Mortal Kombat's special edition.

.... which means that small artbook and those figures had better be DAMN good to justify the 60% price hike.

All you get in that is some kind of gun toy, I think its a gun, the sound track and what looks to be an art book. I'm not counting the in game stuff btw.

So that's 3 things you get with DS2. Mk gives an art book, 100+ pages, along with Scorp and sub zero figurines, that do look to be good sized, can't say much how they are made yet tho.

So over all seeing as the sound track and art book will be downloaded I'm not going to count them. So it's the two figurines vs one gun, is it a gun? So in the end you get more with MK then you do with DS2 Edit - I did not count the movie and other game. movie can be found online as for the Wii game port I have no clue of thats good or not. So I guess DS2 is the better deal.
12/15/2010 10:52 AM (UTC)
People shouldn't feel like this is a rip off, because it's actually a great deal when all things are considered. The only reason it feels so pricey is because it's a lot of money up front. You have to think of these special editions for games as a bunch of items bundled together, and when coming up with the price all you need to do is break it down and figure how much each item would cost seperately.

$100 Kollector's Edition:
Mortal Kombat video game -- $60
110+ page Artbook -- $20-$25
Scorp and Sub Statue/Figurines/Bookends -- $20-$30
Avatar Kostume -- $2
Retro Ninja Attire -- $1-2

Either way you slice it, if you logically think about how much these items would go on sale individually priced, this bundle is a good deal. As I said, the only reason it feels pricey is because you're paying $100 up front instead of a little here...a little there etc. Also, in your mind you feel you are paying $100 for a video game that you could otherwise get for $60, because that is the main purpose of the purchase, but it's just your mind refusing to calculate all things considered.

$150 Tournament Edition:
Mortal Kombat video game -- $60
Arcade Stick -- $100-150
Avatar Kostume -- $2
Retro Ninja Attire -- $1-2

It all makes sense...it's just a lot of money to pay at once as I have stated. Searching online for similar products of similar quality will help you realize why the prices are the way they are.
12/15/2010 11:05 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:

It's happening around you right now. Hell,it's already infested PC gaming with its AIDS. You know the whole DRM nonsense with limited installation attempts and internet legality confirmations (if you have no internet connection,your game becomes just a piece of plastic) and other ridiculousness where the people who bought the game legally are still treated like criminals and have to jump through more bullshit hoops than pirates?

You know what's next,when extremely hi-speed internet becomes globally widespread? Complete digital distribution. You'd still be forced to pay 60$,but you will never own an actual physical copy of the game that you goddamn well fucking deserve to for the money you paid. Oh no. The actual game data itself will remain on the corporate servers. You'd be paying 60$ for a PRIVILEGE of accessing and playing that game through the internet.

Horrified yet..?

Seriously,I feel like I should be that one lone madman,wandering around with a "The End Is Nigh" sign.

Well,at least when that happens,I'll take solace in the fact that I still have 30+ years of true videogame history,when we weren't getting fucked around every step of the way and weren't getting charged for air.

Fuck DLC.

Exactly what I was getting at.

That componies need to make money is a given. They're not making games because they're being Mother Theresa, but to make a profit.
But DLC are the first steps to not owning the game you bought. Your only buying access to it. I think neither of us (except for a select few) would like to pay 60 dollars/euros for a game they won't even own.
... 10 years later: "But I want to play my game!"... "Well yeah, you're out of luck there, the company doesn't exist anymore, so we can't old the data".

And here I am, still after many years, being able to play with my Sega Dreamcast. Still glad to be owning games like Soul Caliber, Crazy Taxi and MK Gold and be able to play them.

On the note of the special editions: I wouldn't mind paying extra for extra content, like say a ninja pack with all the classic ninja costumes and all their classic fatality's. It's just that I don't want that stuff digitally... Give it to me on a disc and I'll be "happy" to put down the money.
Heck... I didn't like the idea of guest characters, but I'll still get the Kollectors Edition (if it will be available here), just to know I would have those extra's like Kratos on the disc and not having to buy it afterwards through dlc. And those figurines look cool too. Don't know if the Sub-Zero's one is already out there? And would we have to choose between one of the two or do we get both in the package?
12/15/2010 11:47 AM (UTC)
My post wasnt really a Rant Against NRS.. i dont blame them at all really for getting as much money as they can for their product, like i said they are a company, any1 who thinks game developers/companies make games for people to like are silly...yes they wann make a good game but thats coz a good game SELLS pure n simple. they wanna make money its their whole job n goal lol...so them trying to get money is not rlly wat im arguing

im more arguing about people who think its fine to do that, just frustrates me wheni read people saying Dont matter if there obvious glitches and problems itl be patched blah blah agh coz it just allows companies to release a half assed game

and to hav a go at NRS,,,u say its EXTRA content they giving you ? hows that why arnt they in the game,, i very much doubt ANY1 wud complain subzero scorpion reptile have 3 fatalities and costumes and everyone else has 2...im pretty sure 99% of the population wud go AH Cool nice :P

Not Woaaaah not why shud they have 3 make that DLC, an option ! isnt fair on other characters. lol

what ever youve made PUT it in the game...things you didnt have time to get in the game for release date THAT becomes DLC...v simple world !
12/15/2010 11:49 AM (UTC)
I really think this DLC stuff sucks and to all those people in the threads I posted saying that they would do this (I told you so!). It is cool to see that they are making different editions though. The Kollectors Edition will be the best seller obviously just because of the figurines. Personally if I was still a kid I would want that version myself. I am an MK fan and not a collector so I will just wait and see what is to come. Brutal things come to those who wait remember.
In the end I will probably skip on the bundles and just get the standard edition and wait for the DLC to hit the PSN. If it stays exlusive to pre-orders I will be pissed but that is why I am waiting.
12/15/2010 11:49 AM (UTC)
@T-rex & Spirit Wolf, you guys are having a valid point.
12/15/2010 12:24 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
People shouldn't feel like this is a rip off, because it's actually a great deal when all things are considered. The only reason it feels so pricey is because it's a lot of money up front. You have to think of these special editions for games as a bunch of items bundled together, and when coming up with the price all you need to do is break it down and figure how much each item would cost seperately.

$100 Kollector's Edition:
Mortal Kombat video game -- $60
110+ page Artbook -- $20-$25
Scorp and Sub Statue/Figurines/Bookends -- $20-$30
Avatar Kostume -- $2
Retro Ninja Attire -- $1-2

Either way you slice it, if you logically think about how much these items would go on sale individually priced, this bundle is a good deal. As I said, the only reason it feels pricey is because you're paying $100 up front instead of a little here...a little there etc. Also, in your mind you feel you are paying $100 for a video game that you could otherwise get for $60, because that is the main purpose of the purchase, but it's just your mind refusing to calculate all things considered.

$150 Tournament Edition:
Mortal Kombat video game -- $60
Arcade Stick -- $100-150
Avatar Kostume -- $2
Retro Ninja Attire -- $1-2

It all makes sense...it's just a lot of money to pay at once as I have stated. Searching online for similar products of similar quality will help you realize why the prices are the way they are.

I agree with you. Up front, the price is a real hit to the nutz ^_^. But break it apart and you'll see it's not that expensive.

It's like, for example with the PS3 and Xbox, but the other way around. People still think the Xbox is cheap than the PS3. Because if you go to the store and look at the boxes, you can see the price tags and Xbox is obvious cheaper. But put them next to each other and see what you get. In the past, Xbox mostly left out a "big" HD, while you got that standard in a PS3. And some other stuff. All the extra stuff you had to buy, would bring the price of the Xbox over the PS3 price tag.

So it's best to dissect what you're going to get for the price.
The figurines from the Kollector's edition seem big enough and seem of a good quality, so why not that price. But all is hard to judge just from pictures.
I got the SFIV special edition and it was not worth the money. The figurines were very small. The "artbook" they had was just a few pages with a drawing of the new characters and several of the commands for their moves. And a anime that wasn't even that well drawn (I've seen a lot better anime).
This MK package, at first sight, at least looks more appealing and has a lot to go for But then again, I have to see it first. That's also why I'm not eager to buy this stuff through internet.
12/15/2010 01:10 PM (UTC)
Has anyone done a collector's edition pre-order from Best Buy, yet?

I don't want to drive down there and them not have the numbers for it. It's a pretty far drive for me.
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Fare Thee Well

12/15/2010 05:22 PM (UTC)
Also remember where getting 2 ninja classic costumes if you get the kollectors edition. You get the retailers version, and one free DLC from the kollectors edition.

Says so in the screen shot, look at the plackard. Says Free Ninja-classic DLC addon.
12/15/2010 06:36 PM (UTC)
So when exactly is the release date?
Amazon shows 4/26
Gamestop shows 4/1
Best Buy shows 4/19

Anyone know for sure?
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12/15/2010 07:05 PM (UTC)
MK is notoriously bad with release date confirmation.

I doubt we will have a solid one until February.
12/15/2010 07:20 PM (UTC)
LucaTurilli Wrote:
Has anyone done a collector's edition pre-order from Best Buy, yet?

I don't want to drive down there and them not have the numbers for it. It's a pretty far drive for me.

Just give them a call
12/15/2010 09:01 PM (UTC)
Excellent news:) I am so excited!! I thought the Kollector's edition would be only about 15 bucks more, but I guess it's still worth it, everything looks perfect. Hopefully they don't pull the "oh here's DLC cosrumes the exact same day the game is out for sale" because then they could of just put it in the game anyway. Oh well whatever everything looks phenomenal, can't wait to pick this upsmile
12/15/2010 10:54 PM (UTC)
I'm not the least bit interested in figurines or avatars, but I would like to own the artbook and the downloadable content. That being said, however, I'm not willing to shell out $100 plus tax to acquire book, a costume skin, and a fatality. I'll just get the standard edition and wait patiently until the DLC becomes open to the general public @ the playstation store.
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There is no knowledge that is not power.

12/16/2010 01:01 AM (UTC)
I really can't believe all the complainin' goin' on! The only thing I really don't understand is why there's no "Ultra-Super-Mega Pack" with the all figures, artbook, fight stick, etc. included. But other than that, this is awesome!

I'm not too impressed that Kratos and probably a Gears of War character will be in the game, possibly not as DLC but in-game content, but that's out of our hands now I guess.

I think it's funny when people say they're shipping an "incomplete game" as though this stuff that's been revealed as DLC are essential to gameplay. I know nobody thinks costumes are essential to gameplay, but neither are fatalities. They're something that you do after the match. They might be essential to your enjoyment, but not gameplay, that's why they cost extra. Because they know people will pay extra for the klassic fatalities. As much as I would like to have them in the game to start as well, they are not part of the main game because they are fatalities from othergames.

And can anyone explain whether having the content on the disc or having to download it later has to do with anything? I mean, when you download a demo from XBL or PSN you are downloading the whole game, paying for it just unlocks the rest of the game.

Also, yes WB may be a huge corporation that makes massive amounts of money, but do you really think that it all goes into one big pool? It's not like if the NRS money gets a bit low, they're gonna dip into the Loony Tunes fund to make up for it. It's like EB Games and Gamestop, Gamestop owns EB, but if EB suddenly started failing hard, and Gamestop was doing well, they wouldn't just move money from the Gamestop funds to EB, they'd close EB and convert the assets to Gamestop. They may all be under the same umbrella, but I guarantee you that they are all completely separate financial entities. And a portion of that DLC money is going to NRS, the people who made the game.

tl;dr - Want all the extra stuff? Preorder at one place and buy the DLC for the other two later. Don't want to pay for the other stuff? Then don't. But stop whining about it.
kabal-zero Wrote:
I'm not too impressed that Kratos and probably a Gears of War character will be in the game, possibly not as DLC but in-game content, but that's out of our hands now I guess.

Let me put it this way the Kratos reveal left a bad taste in my mouth. The Reptile Klassic Kostume The Toasty fatality and the spine rip is the minty fresh mouthwash that has brought my interest in this game and what they are putting in it back up.smile
12/16/2010 01:30 AM (UTC)
kabal-zero Wrote:

...but if EB suddenly started failing hard, and Gamestop was doing well, they wouldn't just move money from the Gamestop funds to EB, they'd close EB and convert the assets to Gamestop. They may all be under the same umbrella, but I guarantee you that they are all completely separate financial entities.

No. EB's international headquarters were closed and moved across the country and hundreds of EB employees were let go. Gamestop is the parent company and does in fact have complete control over EB and its profits (at least in the USA).
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There is no knowledge that is not power.

12/16/2010 01:43 AM (UTC)
StatueofLiberty Wrote:
kabal-zero Wrote:

...but if EB suddenly started failing hard, and Gamestop was doing well, they wouldn't just move money from the Gamestop funds to EB, they'd close EB and convert the assets to Gamestop. They may all be under the same umbrella, but I guarantee you that they are all completely separate financial entities.

No. EB's international headquarters were closed and moved across the country and hundreds of EB employees were let go. Gamestop is the parent company and does in fact have complete control over EB and its profits (at least in the USA).

Okay, well, bad example, but I still don't think that WB money just goes to whoever needs it.
12/16/2010 01:48 AM (UTC)
Nor do I.
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12/16/2010 01:49 AM (UTC)
The second 3 different editions were announced was the second I Knew I had to buy all 3. Its not even a choice its my OCD coming out.


Canadian stores STILL havent updates with KE or TE!furious
About Me
There is no knowledge that is not power.

12/16/2010 01:59 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
The second 3 different editions were announced was the second I Knew I had to buy all 3. Its not even a choice its my OCD coming out.


Canadian stores STILL havent updates with KE or TE!furious

I feel ya bro. Completion OCD sucks like a motherf*****. I hope the stores here in the Great White North get them soon. Best Buy's website doesn't have any 360 versions, let alone any TE or KE. Gamestop and Amazon's website don't have the TE or KE either. sad
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Twitter~Facebook~Youtube~~~~~PSN: Casselman/LockUpYourBones
12/16/2010 02:08 AM (UTC)
kabal-zero Wrote:
Casselman Wrote:
The second 3 different editions were announced was the second I Knew I had to buy all 3. Its not even a choice its my OCD coming out.


Canadian stores STILL havent updates with KE or TE!furious

I feel ya bro. Completion OCD sucks like a motherf*****. I hope the stores here in the Great White North get them soon. Best Buy's website doesn't have any 360 versions, let alone any TE or KE. Gamestop and Amazon's website don't have the TE or KE either. sad

You can order any of them from Gamestop.COM and ship it to canada, but theres still no listing for gamestop/ebgames.CA. nothing.

Bestbuy.CA still has this game listed as "Mortal Kombat Fatality"..... like... are you kidding me?

You would think with the huge market up here we'd be priority. I even put all the MK games on the front row of shelves in stores hoping to boost sales a little. and THIS is the thanks i get?

on the plus side, ive seen 2 EB Games here have advertisements for the Scorpion pre-order bonus so its gotta be coming soon. I think the clerks are getting mad at me for callign too much, lol and thats with me mediating between 3 stores.

Patients my friend, I check every 10 minutes for an update. But I think if there is one, its at around 3AM EST time. If i find out ANYTHING I will elt you know.

12/16/2010 05:43 AM (UTC)
They should definitely sell da artbook by itself or something.I would love 2 feast my eyes on that
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12/16/2010 06:02 AM (UTC)
Casselman Wrote:
The second 3 different editions were announced was the second I Knew I had to buy all 3. Its not even a choice its my OCD coming out.


Canadian stores STILL havent updates with KE or TE!furious

I'm probably as OCD about collector's editions as you are,so you can trust me when I say that my advice to you would be to pick just one of them.

I'm 100% certain that the other classic costumes and fatalities will be available for download not even 1 month after the release date. And because it's an MK game,it's guaranteed to sell over 1 million units,at which point we'll be getting a Greatest Hits/GOTY reprint. Those tend to include some extra skins and multiplayer skins and whatnot as of late. So I'm sure we'll get the chance to get a complete game.
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