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Signature made by Zmoke

11/29/2012 02:27 AM (UTC)
I like most of these! They are pretty good! Some concerns though:

Goro, Sheeva, Kintaro - They look a tad short and a tad to skinny. I like the take on Sheeva as "Goro and Kintaro's Princess" though, if that is what you were going for.

Ermac - I understand it. Very unique, but a few bandages too many. I like how you changed his race as it was in UMK3.

Chameleon - LUV IT!

Mileena, Kitana, Jade, Tanya - Just not working for me. They need to be 'sexy' and less 'professional.' Ninjas. Shouldn't be wearing pants, maybe shorts (at the very, very least) and maybe some sashes.

Quan Chi - Just looks weird with skinny jeans XD

Reiko - Pretty Nice.

Shinnok - Simple, yet artistic, and very deceiving. Would love to see him in a cummerbund wow

Khameleon - Again with a female ninja, the pants usually don't work. But I see that would've exposed "Zaterra" legs, and the sweatpants on her rock!

Reptile - TARZAN [lizard form]

So that's it for now. I love some of the designs, and am not to fond of on others. I think some of their pants need to be baggier like Khameleon and Chameleon. No pants for the female ninjas. Love ur original and uniques style.
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11/29/2012 02:53 AM (UTC)
GoobieDoob Wrote:
I like most of these! They are pretty good! Some concerns though:

Goro, Sheeva, Kintaro - They look a tad short and a tad to skinny. I like the take on Sheeva as "Goro and Kintaro's Princess" though, if that is what you were going for.

Ermac - I understand it. Very unique, but a few bandages too many. I like how you changed his race as it was in UMK3.

Chameleon - LUV IT!

Mileena, Kitana, Jade, Tanya - Just not working for me. They need to be 'sexy' and less 'professional.' Ninjas. Shouldn't be wearing pants, maybe shorts (at the very, very least) and maybe some sashes.

Quan Chi - Just looks weird with skinny jeans XD

Reiko - Pretty Nice.

Shinnok - Simple, yet artistic, and very deceiving. Would love to see him in a cummerbund wow

Khameleon - Again with a female ninja, the pants usually don't work. But I see that would've exposed "Zaterra" legs, and the sweatpants on her rock!

Reptile - TARZAN [lizard form]

So that's it for now. I love some of the designs, and am not to fond of on others. I think some of their pants need to be baggier like Khameleon and Chameleon. No pants for the female ninjas. Love ur original and uniques style.

Goro, Kintaro, and Sheeva — I'll agree that Kintaro is a little skinny. However, I was going for that with Goro and Sheeva. I tried to imagine Goro as a prince, first and foremost. Yes, he's a warrior, but I didn't want to emphasize that as much. And for Sheeva, I wasn't going for a princess so much as a priestess, but the sentiment is the same in this case.

Ermac — Maybe I should've toned down the bandages (although, I've had other people tell me he needed more, and they should've covered his legs too). In either case, he might need to be tweaked a little.

Chameleon — Thank you!

Mileena, Kitana, Jade, and Tanya — It was these four that inspired these redesigns (mainly Kitana). My main purpose in designing them was to make them have pants. I - personally - cannot understand how someone can walk around without wearing pants and not stand out or look abnormal. I understand that there might be a different sense of fashion in Outworld, but I wanted to translate Mileena, Kitana, Jade, and Tanya's looks to fit their statuses. Kitana is a princess, and I cannot understand why a princess would walk around wearing a one-piece bathing suit all the time. And, for Mileena, I get that she's supposed to be sexy, but, she's not doing a great job at being stealthy if she makes pole dancers look puritanical. Jade is a warrior, and I wanted her to look tough, not like a prostitute. And Tanya is a politician - and I don't see why someone of her status would be wearing a bathing suit. We might have to agree to disagree on this one.

Quan Chi — I wasn't going for skinny jeans, I was going for regular-fitting dress pants. But, I see your point, I might have to edit him a bit. Thanks!

Reiko — Thank you!

Shinnok — A cummerbund, really? I've never seen one worn on anything other than a tuxedo. Maybe. Interesting idea.

Khameleon — I wanted to make Khameleon stealthy, so I did try to cover her as much as possible. But - for the same reasons Kitana, Mileena, Jade, and Tanya are wearing pants – I wanted to make her appearance look more "normal." I guess that's just my stylistic preference.

Reptile — That's pretty accurate.

Thank you for your critiques. I love reading well thought out, and detailed constructive criticisms. They make this entire process worth it. I'm definitely going to be taking some of your ideas into account for future redesigns. Thank you again!
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Signature made by Zmoke

12/07/2012 12:06 AM (UTC)
More critiques on the way (most good!)
Ashra - pure-fection

Nitara - how i'd luv to see this in a game. I agree a vampire should not be wearing a bikini.

Raiden - luv it. I would wear this anyday of the week.

Rain - pretty flippin' awesome, kickass weapon

Scorpion - I LUV IT x 1000000000000000000000

Shang - I dig the look, old man, but not 50 year old man

Shao Khan - bit too skinny, the hammer is too big

Sonya - GREAWESOME (Great + Awesome)

Sindel - dig the weapon and dig the look

Sektor - looks similar to a fire ant (AMAZING WEAPON IDEA!)

Quan Chi - I really don't like the casual-friday shirt

Fujin - awesome

Skarlet - her face doesn't look right

Sareena - Cool goth + you got a real bounce to your chest

Subby - Doesn't look right. If it's cold, why the tank top?

Smoke - WHY THE ROBOT FACE! WHY! With the human face + mask would be perfect

n00b - AWESOME!

Johnny (IN SIG) - Yes and No

Liu Kang (IN SIG) - Nice!

Kano (IN SIG) - cool tattoo! Don't like the "lower chest" hair, makes it look a tad inapropriate.
Overall pretty great. I forgot to mention two things =

All Characters you've drawn so far = 4.8/5

You should draw: Kenshi, Cyrax, Hotaru, Havik, Cyber-Sub, Shujinko, Kira, Kobra, Darrius, Dairou, Anything Else I forgot
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12/09/2012 09:16 AM (UTC)
GoobieDoob Wrote:
More critiques on the way (most good!)
Ashra - pure-fection
Nitara - how i'd luv to see this in a game. I agree a vampire should not be wearing a bikini.
Raiden - luv it. I would wear this anyday of the week.
Rain - pretty flippin' awesome, kickass weapon
Scorpion - I LUV IT x 1000000000000000000000
Shang - I dig the look, old man, but not 50 year old man
Shao Khan - bit too skinny, the hammer is too big
Sonya - GREAWESOME (Great + Awesome)
Sindel - dig the weapon and dig the look
Sektor - looks similar to a fire ant (AMAZING WEAPON IDEA!)
Quan Chi - I really don't like the casual-friday shirt
Fujin - awesome
Skarlet - her face doesn't look right
Sareena - Cool goth + you got a real bounce to your chest
Subby - Doesn't look right. If it's cold, why the tank top?
Smoke - WHY THE ROBOT FACE! WHY! With the human face + mask would be perfect
n00b - AWESOME!
Johnny (IN SIG) - Yes and No
Liu Kang (IN SIG) - Nice!
Kano (IN SIG) - cool tattoo! Don't like the "lower chest" hair, makes it look a tad inapropriate.
Overall pretty great. I forgot to mention two things =
All Characters you've drawn so far = 4.8/5
You should draw: Kenshi, Cyrax, Hotaru, Havik, Cyber-Sub, Shujinko, Kira, Kobra, Darrius, Dairou, Anything Else I forgot

Ashah – Thank you!
Nitara – Thank you!
Raiden – Thank you!
Rain – Thank you!
Scorpion – Thank you!
Shang Tsung – Well, I was trying to mix his young look with his old look, plus I was mainly inspired by his appearance in the movie.
Shao Kahn – He is a little skinny, and it is a big hammer.
Sonya – Thank you! Although, I did screw up a little on her eyes.
Sindel – Thank you! Although, I'm still not 100% pleased with her outfit.
Sektor – Thanks?
Quan Chi – Well, I wanted to make him look formal. I thought Quan Chi needed to be wearing clothes, and clothes that looked a little normal (so he could blend in). I thought that was a version of something he might wear to a normal, everyday event.
Fujin – Thank you!
Skarlet – Really? What's wrong with her face?
Sareena – Thank you! I was trying to make her gothic.
Sub-Zero – Because he's used to the cold. He's always cold. The cold is coming from within, it wouldn't matter what he's wearing.
Smoke – You might be interested to see my Human Smoke design that's up now, if you prefer him pre-automation. The robot face is because I was designing the robot version of Smoke.
Noob Saibot – Thank you!
Johnny Cage – I agree, and that's why he's in my signature, because he's not fully ready yet.
Liu Kang – Glad you like it, I don't like it yet. That's why he's in my signature and not up with the rest of them yet.
Kano – Again, that's why he's in my signature. I'm not happy with the way he looks.


I will end up drawing everyone, I just need the time.
12/09/2012 12:36 PM (UTC)
Human Smoke looks really cool! :D
I love those whips.
About Me

Signature made by Zmoke

12/09/2012 05:37 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Smoke – You might be interested to see my Human Smoke design that's up now, if you prefer him pre-automation. The robot face is because I was designing the robot version of Smoke.

I love smoke in both versions, it just looks weird that he is not full automaton. I saw the human smoke and it looks amazing as usual (especially with the smoke coming around [in front] of him). The whips are cool, smokin' hot!
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12/16/2012 10:56 PM (UTC)
GoobieDoob Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Smoke – You might be interested to see my Human Smoke design that's up now, if you prefer him pre-automation. The robot face is because I was designing the robot version of Smoke.

I love smoke in both versions, it just looks weird that he is not full automaton. I saw the human smoke and it looks amazing as usual (especially with the smoke coming around [in front] of him). The whips are cool, smokin' hot!

Well, I was originally trying to compromise, because I know that Smoke is popular in both his human and cyber form, so I tried to make my version look like a cross between the two though. I see what you mean...maybe I should've picked one side, instead of trying to walk in the middle of the road.
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Signature made by Zmoke

12/17/2012 02:46 AM (UTC)
Kinetic Wrote:
GoobieDoob Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Smoke – You might be interested to see my Human Smoke design that's up now, if you prefer him pre-automation. The robot face is because I was designing the robot version of Smoke.

I love smoke in both versions, it just looks weird that he is not full automaton. I saw the human smoke and it looks amazing as usual (especially with the smoke coming around [in front] of him). The whips are cool, smokin' hot!

Well, I was originally trying to compromise, because I know that Smoke is popular in both his human and cyber form, so I tried to make my version look like a cross between the two though. I see what you mean...maybe I should've picked one side, instead of trying to walk in the middle of the road.

All I meant was to say that you should make a Cyber Smoke and a Human Smoke, each with differences.
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12/23/2012 03:40 AM (UTC)
Updated with Johnny Cage and Shujinko!
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Signature made by Zmoke

12/23/2012 07:21 PM (UTC)
Comments smile

Sub-Zero/Bi-Han/Noob Saibot: Well, this is really cool, I like it.
- -
Cage: Great improvement from the one in your sig, pure awesomeness.
- -
Shujinko: Oh man, this is tight. Makes me wanna wear it!

Overall, for Fan Submissions, I would give all of them (from Kitana to Shujinko) a 1000000000/5 DPs for them!
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12/30/2012 03:06 PM (UTC)
Updated with Moloch!
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01/10/2013 04:33 AM (UTC)
Updated with Tanya!
01/10/2013 05:42 AM (UTC)
The new Tanya design looks ALOT better, in my opinion. ^^
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01/25/2013 06:16 AM (UTC)
Updated with Sindel (again)!
02/18/2013 05:28 AM (UTC)
When is the next Chapter
02/18/2013 02:12 PM (UTC)
Nice job, C-Tunes! I'd love to see your works on MKW for Kuro and them.
02/20/2013 02:06 PM (UTC)
I like some of these but the problem for me is the bottom half of most of your characters are very bland to me. They are all wearing plain old pants for the most part (especially the women). The bottom half of most of these characters feels unfinished for the most part.
04/12/2013 11:51 PM (UTC)
Whatever happened to your novel. You had alot of ideas going as I recall.
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07/28/2013 03:20 AM (UTC)
Updated with Motaro!
07/30/2013 07:03 AM (UTC)
these sure are different...

the human face on motaro makes me think of the one from the movie. Thats not a good thing
07/30/2013 11:05 PM (UTC)
I really love the Khameleon and Ashrah designs.
08/01/2013 01:00 AM (UTC)
I think Ashrah needs a subtle Asian design on her outfit.
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