About Me

I like the designs for quan chi, shinnok and sektor. qany chance that you'll draw cyrax?
If Skarlet had a costume that bad ass, I would use her frequently, that veil is so cool. The rich red looks great, interesting design choice with the belt loop on the top, looks great and provides a nice color contrast
The redesign of Shinnok reminds me of a sith lord and that's a compliment, I love the Trident, hood, the necklace is cool too.
That look for Fujin is interesting, he looks very distinguished, fascinating weapon choice for him, the color scheme is perfect.
I've been meaning to read your actual story, but I keep getting side tracked with school, but I did read the intro, really loving how you had Raiden telling the story to youth, well written and easy to follow, wanna read more soon.
I hope you keep doing these drawings for the rest of the cast, they're gorgeous.
The redesign of Shinnok reminds me of a sith lord and that's a compliment, I love the Trident, hood, the necklace is cool too.
That look for Fujin is interesting, he looks very distinguished, fascinating weapon choice for him, the color scheme is perfect.
I've been meaning to read your actual story, but I keep getting side tracked with school, but I did read the intro, really loving how you had Raiden telling the story to youth, well written and easy to follow, wanna read more soon.
I hope you keep doing these drawings for the rest of the cast, they're gorgeous.

About Me
"Sonya Blade, this is Grandmaster Sektor of the Tekunin Clan. Our consciousness is no longer bound to flesh."
Man, all of your redesigns are great, but I'm especially loving what you did with Sektor. Nicely done!

Goro looks like a complete pussy.
Shao Kahn reminds me of some redneck from King of the Hill or Beavis and Butthead.
Kintaro is like a circus clown... wtf?
Too many stupid jewels on the forehead, are you obsessed with Indian culture or what?
Not a fan of 90% of these redesigns. It looks to me like you designed them based on what you wanted rather than the actual character's personality. All of them look like children rather than grown ass adults and I can't take them seriously at all. It'd be cute for a Teenage Kombat comic strip, as a joke of course, but not the MK that I grew up to love.
Shao Kahn reminds me of some redneck from King of the Hill or Beavis and Butthead.
Kintaro is like a circus clown... wtf?
Too many stupid jewels on the forehead, are you obsessed with Indian culture or what?
Not a fan of 90% of these redesigns. It looks to me like you designed them based on what you wanted rather than the actual character's personality. All of them look like children rather than grown ass adults and I can't take them seriously at all. It'd be cute for a Teenage Kombat comic strip, as a joke of course, but not the MK that I grew up to love.
blacksaibot Wrote:
Goro looks like a complete pussy.
Shao Kahn reminds me of some redneck from King of the Hill or Beavis and Butthead.
Kintaro is like a circus clown... wtf?
Too many stupid jewels on the forehead, are you obsessed with Indian culture or what?
Not a fan of 90% of these redesigns. It looks to me like you designed them based on what you wanted rather than the actual character's personality. All of them look like children rather than grown ass adults and I can't take them seriously at all. It'd be cute for a Teenage Kombat comic strip, as a joke of course, but not the MK that I grew up to love.
Goro looks like a complete pussy.
Shao Kahn reminds me of some redneck from King of the Hill or Beavis and Butthead.
Kintaro is like a circus clown... wtf?
Too many stupid jewels on the forehead, are you obsessed with Indian culture or what?
Not a fan of 90% of these redesigns. It looks to me like you designed them based on what you wanted rather than the actual character's personality. All of them look like children rather than grown ass adults and I can't take them seriously at all. It'd be cute for a Teenage Kombat comic strip, as a joke of course, but not the MK that I grew up to love.
The most important point that you're missing is that this is HIS interpretation of the characters, NOT yours or anybody else's.
You don't have to like them and can voice as much, but you're being extremely rude in your criticism, not offering anything constructive, it's borderline flaming and there's nothing wrong with Indian culture, we have people from all over the world who frequent this forum, why don't you have some consideration for other people, totally out of line and deliberatley disrespectful.
assasSINister Wrote:
They look terrible with those silly Indian jewelry shit on their forehead.
You should have saved that for Tanya (and her only) or something.
Same as I wrote above appliesThey look terrible with those silly Indian jewelry shit on their forehead.
You should have saved that for Tanya (and her only) or something.
I think the constructive criticism is quite obvious but incomprehensibl by the artist (who obviously had to run crying to a mod) because their feelings were hurt...
the overuse of that jewel on their forehead is killing it for a handful, obviously. So I say, in a constructive way, stop using it so damn much. It destroys the character not because of what culture its from, but because the character has its own background already, and designing it that way throws it all out of the window.
Don't get mad when people hate your artwork with a passion. If you ever make a career on art in the real world, critics will chew you up and spit you out like tobacco... only the tough survive and get better from criticism; whether you think its constructive or not.
the overuse of that jewel on their forehead is killing it for a handful, obviously. So I say, in a constructive way, stop using it so damn much. It destroys the character not because of what culture its from, but because the character has its own background already, and designing it that way throws it all out of the window.
Don't get mad when people hate your artwork with a passion. If you ever make a career on art in the real world, critics will chew you up and spit you out like tobacco... only the tough survive and get better from criticism; whether you think its constructive or not.
I came in here because I was walking by, the artist didn't tell me to do anything, you're commenting as if you know the situation, when you don't, I chose to comment on my own, but your assumption is totally false ,like I said, criticizing his art is one thing, but some people are coming through here and disrespecting cultures and the artwork without actually saying something substantive. .
It's different if someone were to say, "I would limit the amount of bindis or facial jewelry on your characters to make them stand out more and it doesn't fit the characters" as opposed to "lolz why do they have that silly Indian shit on their forehead?" obviously nobody's going to really take that criticism seriously or consider it useful, there's a blatant difference, not that hard to see.
Which one as an artist getting criticism is the most helpful to you? Because I'm pretty sure the second doesn't help you improve, which is the goal of criticism.
It's different if someone were to say, "I would limit the amount of bindis or facial jewelry on your characters to make them stand out more and it doesn't fit the characters" as opposed to "lolz why do they have that silly Indian shit on their forehead?" obviously nobody's going to really take that criticism seriously or consider it useful, there's a blatant difference, not that hard to see.
Which one as an artist getting criticism is the most helpful to you? Because I'm pretty sure the second doesn't help you improve, which is the goal of criticism.
Espio872 Wrote:
Which one as an artist getting criticism is the most helpful to you? Because I'm pretty sure the second doesn't help you improve, which is the goal of criticism.
Which one as an artist getting criticism is the most helpful to you? Because I'm pretty sure the second doesn't help you improve, which is the goal of criticism.
You're right Espio872. Quite frankly, I like occasionally negative criticism: it gives me something to think about and a way to improve. I've had people tell me that they think Shao Kahn is too small, and not as dominating as he appears in the video games - and now I'm probably going to redraw Shao Kahn to make him larger, because that was some good criticism. Same thing when I was told that Scorpion's pose looked too "feminine" in my redesign of him, or that Mileena doesn't look like herself when she's wearing pants. Criticism is helpful: and it opens my eyes to avenues I can take to improving.
However, when people are just mean, and don't offer anything constructive, it doesn't help at all. And - as is the case with the three individuals who didn't like seeing Kitana and Mileena with bindis - rather that explaining that they didn't think that Kitana and Mileena fit into the Indian theme I saw them in, they came across as racist. And I do not tolerate racism.
Thank you, again, Espio872. Reading your comments made my day!

MK dragons seem like a weird choice for Sub's tunic. You'd expect the symbol of the Elder Gods to be on a Shaolin Monk or something, not a Lin Kuei. (In fact, the shirt of Kung Lao's MK9 alt looks almost just like that.)

Would you mind trying the Fire God? He looks like a flaming Raiden, but I want to see what you can do with him.
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
MK dragons seem like a weird choice for Sub's tunic. You'd expect the symbol of the Elder Gods to be on a Shaolin Monk or something, not a Lin Kuei. (In fact, the shirt of Kung Lao's MK9 alt looks almost just like that.)
MK dragons seem like a weird choice for Sub's tunic. You'd expect the symbol of the Elder Gods to be on a Shaolin Monk or something, not a Lin Kuei. (In fact, the shirt of Kung Lao's MK9 alt looks almost just like that.)
That's a great point! I used the dragon design out of laziness actually: I didn't feel like designing a new dragon, and I had already vectorized a version of the MK logo that was pretty easy to manipulate. I didn't see the similarities between my design and Kung Lao's alternate until you mentioned it. Thanks for pointing it out.
swampcrash_unknown Wrote:
Would you mind trying the Fire God? He looks like a flaming Raiden, but I want to see what you can do with him.
Would you mind trying the Fire God? He looks like a flaming Raiden, but I want to see what you can do with him.
I know who the Fire God is, but I wouldn't redesign said god to look like a flaming Raiden. Read the third chapter of my fan novel. The third chapter is a retelling of the first half of Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero (the fourth chapter will be a retelling of the second half, by the way). I took a lot of liberties with the Earth, Water, and Fire Gods. Unlike Raiden, Fujin, Shinnok, and even Argus, since they weren't even given names in the game, and it was sort of fun to (sort of) create my own characters – so, I named them after gods from various pantheons (Geb, Agwé, and Pele, respectively), and based their appearances on those gods. So, in short, my redesign of the Fire God would be more reminiscent of the Polynesian volcano goddess, Pele. If you're interested, I might include that redesign (it would be fun essentially redesigning a new character), but it might not be recognizable as the MKM:SZ character.

No! I didn't mean have him as a Flaming Raiden. I was stating that in case you didn't know. But please do do a redesign.

When is...
- Jax
- Baraka
- Nightwolf
- Stryker
- Noob Saibot
- Kabal
- Tremor
- Ermac
- Jax
- Baraka
- Nightwolf
- Stryker
- Noob Saibot
- Kabal
- Tremor
- Ermac
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
When is...
- Jax
- Baraka
- Nightwolf
- Stryker
- Noob Saibot
- Kabal
- Tremor
- Ermac
When is...
- Jax
- Baraka
- Nightwolf
- Stryker
- Noob Saibot
- Kabal
- Tremor
- Ermac
Soon. Hopefully. I do them in the order that the inspiration strikes me.
That being said, of all of those, Tremor will likely be last. I'm doing all the main characters first, and until he's an actual selectable character or boss in one of the fighting games (and I don't mean, playing one challenge of him in the Challenge Tower), then he's on the bottom of my list, along with Tasia, No-Face, Nimbus Terrafaux, Argus, etc.

Kinetic Wrote:
Soon. Hopefully. I do them in the order that the inspiration strikes me.
That being said, of all of those, Tremor will likely be last. I'm doing all the main characters first, and until he's an actual selectable character or boss in one of the fighting games (and I don't mean, playing one challenge of him in the Challenge Tower), then he's on the bottom of my list, along with Tasia, No-Face, Nimbus Terrafaux, Argus, etc.
Immortal_Kanji Wrote:
When is...
- Jax
- Baraka
- Nightwolf
- Stryker
- Noob Saibot
- Kabal
- Tremor
- Ermac
When is...
- Jax
- Baraka
- Nightwolf
- Stryker
- Noob Saibot
- Kabal
- Tremor
- Ermac
Soon. Hopefully. I do them in the order that the inspiration strikes me.
That being said, of all of those, Tremor will likely be last. I'm doing all the main characters first, and until he's an actual selectable character or boss in one of the fighting games (and I don't mean, playing one challenge of him in the Challenge Tower), then he's on the bottom of my list, along with Tasia, No-Face, Nimbus Terrafaux, Argus, etc.
I remember seeing these ages ago; can't believe I didn't comment on them
It's always nice to see people's own original renditions / re-designs of MK characters. What I like about yours in particular is the fact that your style is so drastically different to the traditional MK style. Some might not like this, but I think it's great.
There are too many to comment on individually, but my favourites would have to be:
Raiden, for his beggar/wanderer look.
Shinnok, for simplifying his design a tonne and giving a much darker/more evil look.
Subzero, for... well, I just like the design.
Smoke, more for the grey hair and face gear than the costume itself.
Goro - he looks more "princely" and arrogant; the kind of guy who knows he's a monster and loves the fact that he's been undefeated for so long (as in the MK1 storyline).
You've got some good and original ideas. Keep it up, I'd really like to see more.
It's always nice to see people's own original renditions / re-designs of MK characters. What I like about yours in particular is the fact that your style is so drastically different to the traditional MK style. Some might not like this, but I think it's great.
There are too many to comment on individually, but my favourites would have to be:
Raiden, for his beggar/wanderer look.
Shinnok, for simplifying his design a tonne and giving a much darker/more evil look.
Subzero, for... well, I just like the design.
Smoke, more for the grey hair and face gear than the costume itself.
Goro - he looks more "princely" and arrogant; the kind of guy who knows he's a monster and loves the fact that he's been undefeated for so long (as in the MK1 storyline).
You've got some good and original ideas. Keep it up, I'd really like to see more.
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