MK Redesigned: UPDATED with MOTARO!
posted08/01/2013 01:00 AM (UTC)by
About Me

Member Since
03/16/2004 01:20 AM (UTC)
I've been attempting to write a Mortal Kombat novel (that spans the storyline from Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero and Mortal Kombat: Special Forces to Mortal Kombat: Armageddon), and along with that I've been redesigning all 63 characters (along with a number of minor characters).

And, I felt like sharing some of my character redesigns with the overall Mortal Kombat community.

If anyone is interested in reading what has been completed so far of my Mortal Kombat novel, click here.

(click on the name to get a full-body view of the image).
For Kitana, I wanted to stray away from putting her in in a one-piece bathing suit, like she's usually been in. She (like all the characters I redesigned) deserves to wear pants. She's a princess, so I wanted to have her in something more conservative in appearance than a loin-cloth and halter-top. At the same time, though, she's a warrior, so she needs to wear something that can move around easily, so no high heels. I wanted to make sure that her shirt laced up in some way, as a nod to the fact that in the majority of her outfits there was some lace-up aspect.

For Mileena, she needed to wear something slutty. That goes without saying. That being said, she would be pretty conspicuous wearing a thong with suspenders (i.e. her current outfit). She needed to cover her face, but someone walking around wearing a mask looks pretty odd – so I decided to go wit ha scarf instead. I tried to make her look as similar to Kitana as I could (aside, of course, from her Tarkatan features). Because of her more sexual nature, I felt comfortable putting her in heels.

For Jade, I wanted to make her a warrior first. I decided to stray away from any sort of jewelry or anything extra. She needed to look like she kicks ass! For her weapon, I decided to give her a spear instead of a staff for two reasons: one, in many of her appearances, her staff had a spike on its end to begin with; and two, I wanted to differentiate her from Raiden, who in my redesign of him, I gave a staff. I placed some purple feathers at the tip of her staff as an homage to how her staff glows in the game.

For Khameleon, I wanted to remember, first of all, that she's from Zaterra. As such, I spent a lot of time making sure her facial features looked very reptilian, and to make sure that she had scales. I made her white and gray, as an homage to her appearance in Mortal Kombat Trilogy, but I wanted to provide clues to the fact that she's a combination of the other four female ninjas (i.e. her belt). I gave her twin cat o' nine tails as a weapon to represent her multifaceted nature.


For Ashrah, I tried to keep in mind how much I hated her costume in the video game. I mean, on one hand it was nice to have a female character that didn't look like a total slut. On the other: could they have chose an uglier outfit? My goal was to take her outfit from the video game, keep it conservative, but make it more flowing, beautiful, and realistic.

For Goro, I tried to remember that, first and foremost, he is a Prince. I didn't want to put him in a loin-cloth or a speedo. Henceforth, I tried to put him in something more conservative looking. I wanted to give him an Indian vibe (like I did with all the Shokans, because their four arms are very reminiscent of the Hindu deities), so I put a jewel on his forehead, and gave him a traditional Indian weapon: the pata.

For Kintaro, I tried to think of his tiger stripes in a more realistic way. Instead of making him a furred Shokan of Tigra origin, I made all Shokan look the same, and gave Kintaro tiger-inspired war-paint. I decided to make him look like a wrestler, and make him appear violent and animalistic; however I imagine him with a strong sense of honor. I gave him a traditional Indian weapon, the bagh nakh (which translates to "Tiger Claw", coincidentally enough).

For Nitara, again, I didn't want to put her in underwear with a thick belt. I tried to picture her with a bit of a gothic vibe to emphasize her vampiric nature. For her wings, I pretty much copied bat wings to the best of my ability. And, for a weapon, I decided to give her twin sickles, because I gave kamas to Sareena, and I didn't want to double up on weapons.

For Raiden, I loved the old man look he had in the Mortal Kombat movies and in Deadly Alliance. I decided to really make him look like a beggar man. In my re-imagining of the series, he appears as a wise old man, wearing little more than what is necessary – not having any real human concerns.

For Rain, I really wanted to give him a Middle Eastern/North African vibe. Henceforth, I doubt anyone here would really appreciate his appearance. But, instead of a ninja mask, I gave him a tagelmust, which makes him look nothing like a ninja anymore; but I like the way he turned out. For a weapon, I gave him (yet another) Indian weapon: the Urumi, a whip-sword.

For Scorpion, I wanted to remember his Japanese heritage, and I tended to find his ninja costume needlessly complicated. I gave him a traditional karate gi, but made it yellow, and added a mask. I made his belt hang down reminiscent of the loin-cloth he wears in the game. And, under his mask, I tried to make the outline of a skull visible.

For Shang Tsung, I really liked his appearance in the first movie, but I wanted to make him appear a little more reminiscent of how he appeared in the game. I gave him a beard, because he needs a goddamn beard! I wanted to make him look very professional, thinking of him as Shao Kahn's treacherous second-in-command, like Jafar from Aladdin.

For Shao Kahn, I decided that he needed to wear clothes. I can't stand that in the video game he wears a loin-cloth and...well that's pretty much it. I tried to make his appearance definitely Asian in origin. I made him bigger than all the other characters, and certainly more muscular. But, I wanted to remember that he's a leader, and needs to look the part.

For Sheeva, I really wanted to make her look Indian in origin. I decided to give her a sari, a bindi, and a traditional Indian weapon: the katar. I decided to do away with the spikes on her head (never being a real fan of them), and tried to picture her as – in addition to being Sindel's bodyguard – being Sindel's high priestess.

For Sonya, I had absolutely no trouble coming up with a costume design. It's very simple: a tank top and pants. I wanted to make it very clear that she's in the military. But, in addition to looking tough, I wanted her to remain beautiful. As a weapon I gave her a bayonet sword, something that, in my novel, she rips from her firearm when she runs out of ammunition.


For Reiko, I had a bit of trouble deciding on his origin. In MK4 he's a general for Shinnok, but after that he's a general for Shao Kahn. My eventual decision for how to handle this in my novel, is to treat him as a spy. Shao Kahn's spy on the efforts of Shinnok and Quan Chi. Henceforth, for his design, I tried to make it clear that he's both a minion of the Emperor, but also a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow. So, I basically imagined what a child of Shao Kahn and Sareena would look like. For a weapon, I gave him twin horseman's picks, as an homage to Shao Kahn's hammer.


For Reptile, I really wanted to emphasize his reptilian nature. I pictured him as a savage creature who, after years of serving as Shang Tsung's pet, had lost all sense of self, intelligence, and humanity (not that he was ever human to begin with). I really wanted to contrast him with Khameleon, someone who remembers and appreciates her Zaterran heritage. I am writing Reptile as a creature who has completely forgotten who he is, rarely speaking in more than a grunt. As a weapon I gave him a cudgel, something savage and primitive.


For Quan Chi, I wanted to do a myriad of things. First, I wanted to make him look like he was a member (in addition to the leader of) the Brotherhood of the Shadow, so I put the BoS emblem on his vest, and gave him the eye tattoos that are the signature look of other BoS members, Sareena and Reiko. I wanted to make him look demonic, so for his tattoos, I used the sigils of the Judeo-Christian demons: Caim, Lilith, Asmodeus, and Valac; in addition to putting Belial's on his head (I minored in religion and love angelology and demonology). Next, I wanted to make him look modern, especially so he could pose as somewhat normal (as he does in my novel, where he poses as an albino man); so I chose clothing that, although reminiscent of his costume from the video game, would still be appropriate in the real world.

For Sektor, I wanted to provide a sleeker design than what we tend to see in the video games. I was mostly inspired by Cyrax's appearance in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance and Iron Man as he appears in the movies. I added visible screws to lend to this sense of modernization and realism. For a weapon I gave him a medium-sized staff. The idea initially started as a double-sided pulse blade...which got turned into a pulse-staff (similar to Darth Maul's weapon)...and that got shortened to a staff that shoots lasers from either end.

For Shinnok I really wanted to make him look scary. I find his costume in the video game a little flamboyant (or maybe garish is the right word?). In my novel, I portray Shinnok as a god that has spent so long trapped in the Netherrealm that he has gone insane. He talks to himself, has wild emotional swings, and is (in my opinion) legitimately frightening. I gave him a trident as a weapon because I thought it evoked images of a pitchfork, and I really wanted to give Shinnok a devilish vibe to him. I tried to keep his color scheme similar to what it was in the video games, without making it too over-the-top.

For Fujin, I really wanted to change his color scheme. Traditionally the colors for the four, Western elements are red (fire), green (earth), blue (water), and yellow (air). So, I wanted to give Fujin a yellowish color scheme. When that didn't work well, I added hints of yellow throughout his clothes. I gave him Japanese inspired clothing, and a three-sectioned staff as a weapon. The three-sectioned staff could possibly one of the most dangerous mêlée weapons, if it weren't so difficult to control. I figured, who would be better than a Wind God when it came to controlling the chaotic movements of that weapon?


For Skarlet I wanted to keep with the theme I had started with the other female ninjas, so it's obvious that they're all part of the same archetype. I added some spikes to her belt and shoes to make her somewhat reminiscent of Shao Kahn. I made her clothes very loose, to allow the blood of her enemies to easily fall underneath the cloth. I really wanted to remove her mask, but I restrained myself – I think her mask is pointless, but in all of her appearances so far (all one of them), she's had a mask.

For Sareena, I wanted to make her color scheme primarily black. As the games went on, (despite starting out with a darker color scheme), she became redder then (in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon) pinker. I felt like she always had a very tragic vibe to her, as well as a gothic vibe (completely separate vibes, I might add). Hence, that was what I went for. I made sure to give her dark lipstick, as I felt her pink lips in MK:A were completely out of place. I gave her kamas, because those were her original weapons in Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero.

You can see my original Sub-Zero redesign here, in case you're interested. I wanted to changed that one up. It didn't feel badass enough. I kept the same pose, and pretty much traced over a lot of my original piece. But, this time, I made his outfit a little less uniform-esque. I still made a point to include the Lin Kuei insignia, and the frozen willow leaf saber, but I included some new touches. Particularly I included a design on the shirt, and an intricate belt-loop. Yes, I know that this version doesn't have a loincloth; and I don't care.


For Smoke, I wanted to illustrate the concept of the unfinished cyborg. I created this drawing as if the technicians and roboticists that made him never competed their work. I wasn't intending on making him look Rob Zombie-esque, but when he started to look that way, I went with it. He's supposed to be a shell, and a husk of his former self, who's only vaguely aware of his actions, however fully aware that they are out of his control. For a weapon I gave him twin chain whips as an homage to Scorpion's spear.

I was a little turned off with the increasing intricacy of Ermac's costume in the recent video games. Ermac is a man composed of souls, he has immense power, and – especially after his biography in Mortal Kombat: Deception – I found his personality to be increasingly contemplative. I think designing Ermac in such a way as to make him appear royal is a mistake, so I took the opposite approach. I aimed to make the red warrior as mysterious in his appearance as he was unsophisticated. I also decided to make him black, like he was in Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (and apparently only that game). I gave him an axe as a weapon, because I felt that really fit him in MK:D.

Darkness abounds in Noob Saibot. I didn't want to make him purely black and gray, I did add hints of (low saturation) color throughout his costume. I added the same vest that I used for Sareena, Quan Chi, an Reiko, to make it clear that he's a member of the Brotherhood of the Shadow (and, he even has the same eye tattoos if you look closely). I gave him a Chinese-inspired shirt, as an homage to his history with the Lin Kuei, and lots of belts (because that seemed to be a theme for some of his recent costumes). His weapon is a scythe; I liked that weapon for Noob Saibot in Mortal Kombat 4 and Gold, and I feel that a scythe combined with a hood gives him a very Grim Reaper-ish appearance (and I see him – initially at least – as Shinnok's personal Reaper of souls). Also, notice his shadow's eyes...ooooh!

Well, now that I finished all of the male (non-cyber) ninjas, I felt like it was a good time to redesign Chameleon. I put pieces of each of the other eight ninjas into him. He has Scorpion's mask, Noob Saibot's hood, Reptile's sash, Sub-Zero's shirt, Smoke's pants, Ermac's bandages, Rain's belt, and Reiko's (yes, I counted Reiko as a ninja) gloves and boots. I did not include Tremor, because he has yet to be a playable character (and I don't count his appearance in the Challenge Tower on PSVita). I made Chameleon a Zaterran, like he was in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon, and gave him a ninjatō, because he's such an archetypical (bordering on simple) ninja, that he deserves something that is undeniably ninja-esque.


Smoke - before his automation - has always been a fan favorite. So, I decided to draw Human Smoke. I traced over as much of my Cyber Smoke design as I could. I copied as much as Sub-Zero's costume as I could (to show that they are both Lin Kuei). The main small changes I made were the color (obviously), the animal design on his shirt (which I made into a crane, to emphasis the airiness of smoke itself), and the animal on his belt (which I changed to a vermillion bird, for the same reason). I kept the same weapon (dual chain whips). I added pouches to his belt, because my version of smoke uses canisters of poisonous gas in kombat.

Despite the fact that Bi-Han is - generally speaking - more popular as Noob Saibot than Sub-Zero, I decided I wanted to redesign the original master of cold as well. I wanted to give him the same generic Lin Kuei uniform I gave Kuai Liang as well as Human Smoke, but still wanted to differentiate him from his brother. I changed the hue of the blue of his costume slightly, and I changed the animal that adorns his shirt. I decided to make it a fox: a sly, sneaky animal, cunning and a little dark (plus y'know arctic foxes are cold). For a weapon – since I can't imagine the original Sub-Zero fighting with a scythe - I gave him throwing stars, but I tried to make them look a little bit like snowflakes. The colder the better. Also, notice I traced over a lot of my Noob Saibot redesign for obvious reasons.

For Johnny Cage I felt the overwhelming urge to give him a shirt. Otherwise, I didn't change too much of his design from the video game, honestly. I tried to make him look a little bad-ass while simultaneously making him look a little pretentious. For a weapon I gave him dual nunchaku. I decided, however, to make those nunchaku green to pay homage to the green force balls he throws in the video game.

Those of you I've spoken to about my plans for my Mortal Kombat fan novel, know that I plan on rewriting the entire history of Mortal Kombat from Mythologies to Armageddon, and, in the process, cut out many of the unnecessary (and overly complex) plot-points. I also plan to expand on all the characters' histories, develop each of them (even the unpopular ones, like Shujinko). making them into interesting characters. One of the plot points I cut out is Shujinko's rapid aging in the Chaosrealm pool (it's pointless, and, in my opinion, stupid). I also felt that Shujinko so naïve and idealistic, that he is best portrayed as someone younger. So, I decided to redesign him as a teenager. I gave him gray streaks in his hair, as an homage to his older appearance in the video game. I gave him a costume that had both Chinese and Japanese influences (because, despite being Japanese, I envision him as at least being connected to the Shaolin), but I gave him a modern flare (after all, he has travelled the worlds). As a weapon, I gave him a kwan dao, because it bears some resemblance to the dan tien dao he uses in the game, and to a walking staff, which is evocative of a traveller.


The Oni Destroyer was probably both the easiest and the hardest redesign so far. On one hand, there was very little I needed to change about his design (to be honest, I liked his design from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance). On the other hand, Moloch is extremely grotesque looking, and very non-human in his appearance (both facially and body-wise), and I had never drawn something so alien before. A lot of Moloch was a test for me, to see if I could even draw him. I ended up using a lot of references from gorillas, especially to get his mouth right. For is costume, I went with a torn loin-cloth, to emphasize his animalistic side; while balancing that with a samurai shoulder guard to show that, on some level, he has a sense of sophistication that may occasionally be hidden by said animal side. His weapon is (obviously) his stone ball from the video game, however, instead of the inscription wrapped around it that was in the game, I drew on it the sigil of the Judeo-Christian demon Moloch, as an homage to the being he was named after.

You can see my original Tanya redesign here, in case you're interested. I really wanted to change that one. There was just something about it that felt off. I was originally trying to make her look professional (thing business suit) while still keeping with the same sort of design theme I had going with the remaining female ninjas. Eventually, I realized that that concept just didn't work. So I redrew her in a dress (still professional, but from a different angle). I kept the boomerangs, but I added bangs and a few braids to her hair to give her a little bit of an Egyptian feel (which I attempted in my original, but felt it was lacking).


You can see my original Sindel redesign here, in case you're interested. I didn't really like that, something felt off. I tried to make Sindel look as regal as possible. I tried to make her costume look like a Victorian gown, mixing Asian elements, and - of course - adding pants for easy movement. I had to remember that, first and foremost, Sindel is the Queen of Edenia. And quite frankly, in the video game she dresses less like a queen and more like a streetwalker. But, aside from being a queen, she is also a skilled warrior. Her weapon, again, is a whip, which I think ties in well with her sonic scream (after all, the whip can move faster than the speed of sound), in addition to having a regal air about it.


For Motaro I tried to really make him look like a general. I adorned him with medals and honors pinned to his shirt (yes, I put him in a shirt). The medals pinned to the left side of his shirt (his left) are in the pattern of the i ching symbol Shih, "the army." I added tufts of fur to his ankles and wrists to give him a friesian quality. I tried to make his face look more human and less monstrous than it did in the video game. His weapon is the poleaxe, which seems to be a common weapon amongst the Centaurians.

Comments greatly appreciated.
04/01/2011 10:23 PM (UTC)
Your designs look like a combination of "real world" and "renaissance faire" to me, which makes me think of the wardrobe design on the MK Conquest TV show.

Don't take that as a criticism, I liked Conquest. I'm just saying that's the first thing that comes to my mind.
About Me

04/01/2011 10:33 PM (UTC)
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Your designs look like a combination of "real world" and "renaissance faire" to me, which makes me think of the wardrobe design on the MK Conquest TV show.

Don't take that as a criticism, I liked Conquest. I'm just saying that's the first thing that comes to my mind.

That's actually what I was going for, for them anyway. I wanted to have a design theme for the female ninjas, so you could tell they were all part of the same group, so-to-speak (even though a lot of them never really worked together, but you get the idea). For other characters (like you can see from the links in my signature) I didn't have a "'real world' and 'renaissance faire'" theme.
04/01/2011 10:41 PM (UTC)
Well several of the characters in your sig still have costumes that feel like the same cross between the middle-east and the orient as everybody in Zhu Zin seemed to be wearing.
About Me

04/04/2011 12:26 AM (UTC)
I've so far finished redesigning about half of the Mortal Kombat characters.

Which one should I post next?
04/04/2011 03:40 AM (UTC)
Your version of Rain or Reiko would be nice to see. ^^
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04/04/2011 07:08 AM (UTC)
Kung Lao & Sindel Frost & Kenshi :)
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04/04/2011 03:18 PM (UTC)
sorry, i don't like them.
the artwork isn't bad, but from a design point of view...yeah, they don't look anything like mortal kombat characters. and all the colours are so dull, kitana, mileena and jade are all BRIGHT blue, pink and green. it's a staplemark of the series.
About Me

04/04/2011 10:38 PM (UTC)
jagro Wrote:
sorry, i don't like them.
the artwork isn't bad, but from a design point of view...yeah, they don't look anything like mortal kombat characters. and all the colours are so dull, kitana, mileena and jade are all BRIGHT blue, pink and green. it's a staplemark of the series.

Well, thank you at least for complimenting my artwork at least. I'm sorry you don't like the colors. I, however, was going for a more realistic approach to the characters. Part of my inspiration came from the atmosphere of the first Mortal Kombat film. Another part of it came from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.

But, for you, here are the same images, but with brighter colors. Enjoy!
04/07/2011 02:47 AM (UTC)
Kinetic Wrote:
jagro Wrote:
sorry, i don't like them.
the artwork isn't bad, but from a design point of view...yeah, they don't look anything like mortal kombat characters. and all the colours are so dull, kitana, mileena and jade are all BRIGHT blue, pink and green. it's a staplemark of the series.

Well, thank you at least for complimenting my artwork at least. I'm sorry you don't like the colors. I, however, was going for a more realistic approach to the characters. Part of my inspiration came from the atmosphere of the first Mortal Kombat film. Another part of it came from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.

But, for you, here are the same images, but with brighter colors. Enjoy!

First of all tongue

Second of all, They are redesigned, don't expect them to look exactly how MK always has.

Third, are all of these hand drawn?
About Me

04/07/2011 03:18 AM (UTC)
jack4813 Wrote:
First of all tongue

Second of all, They are redesigned, don't expect them to look exactly how MK always has.

Third, are all of these hand drawn?

First of all, thank you very much.

Second of all, exactly my point.

Third of all, sort of. I tend to draw by hand, scan into my computer, trace what I drew in a new layer in photoshop, make A LOT of edits while I trace (I really clean it up, change sizes, right down to facial details), copy and paste, use references, resize, use functions within photoshop etc. Then, once I finish the outline in photoshop I copy it into Adobe Illustrator, and turn it into a vector (it gives it a distinctive look that I really like). Then I copy it back into photoshop and color it. So, it starts as hand drawn, but by the end it looks absolutely nothing like what I originally had on paper.
04/07/2011 03:33 AM (UTC)
Kinetic Wrote:
jack4813 Wrote:
First of all tongue

Second of all, They are redesigned, don't expect them to look exactly how MK always has.

Third, are all of these hand drawn?

First of all, thank you very much.

Second of all, exactly my point.

Third of all, sort of. I tend to draw by hand, scan into my computer, trace what I drew in a new layer in photoshop, make A LOT of edits while I trace (I really clean it up, change sizes, right down to facial details), copy and paste, use references, resize, use functions within photoshop etc. Then, once I finish the outline in photoshop I copy it into Adobe Illustrator, and turn it into a vector (it gives it a distinctive look that I really like). Then I copy it back into photoshop and color it. So, it starts as hand drawn, but by the end it looks absolutely nothing like what I originally had on paper.

Wow, sounds like it takes a long time.

Also, when are you going to post the other characters?
About Me

04/07/2011 04:03 AM (UTC)
jack4813 Wrote:
Wow, sounds like it takes a long time.

Also, when are you going to post the other characters?

It takes about two to four hours to do each one – sometimes more, sometimes less. Keep in mind, though, that my original drawing is basically a "line and pipe" figure.

And, I'm working on the other characters right now:

The ones I've finished are:
1. Ashrah*
2. Baraka**
3. Cyrax**
4. Ermac**
5. Frost
6. Goro*
7. Jade*
8. Jax
9. Johnny Cage
10. Kano
11. Khameleon*
12. Kintaro*
13. Kira
14. Kitana*
15. Kung Lao**
16. Li Mei
17. Liu Kang
18. Mileena*
19. Nitara*
20. Noob Saibot
21. Raiden*
22. Rain*
23. Reptile
24. Sareena
25. Scorpion*
26. Sektor**
27. Shang Tsung*
28. Shao Kahn*
29. Sheeva*
30. Shujinko
31. Sindel**
32. Smoke**
33. Sonya*
34. Sub-Zero*
35. Tanya*

* = I really like how it came out
** = I'm definitely going to redesign it before I post it

In regards to Rain, I love the way it came out, but I know the average user here would hate it, the reason being I decided I wanted to give him a very strong Middle Eastern/North African influence, so, instead of a ninja mask, I gave him a tagelmust; and, because of that, he doesn't look like a ninja at all. So I really don't think most users would appreciate that design.

In regards to Shujinko, since I'm drawing all of these as illustrations to the Mortal Kombat novel I'm writing, they have to reflect the characters as they appear in my retelling of the story. When I started coming up with Shujinko's story, I was faced with the dilemma of his age, since realistically, he should not have aged up as fast as he did in the Deception Konquest mode (even disregarding the pools of aging he took a bath in, which I am not including in my retelling, because I'm trying to cut out all unnecessary clutter in the storytelling). So, after thinking about it for a while, I decided to make him a young teenager, particularly emphasizing his naïvety (read: stupidity); however, I kept gray streaks in his hair as an homage to his look in the video game. And, due to this, I doubt many people on this site would really like his appearance.

I'm currently in the processes of drawing Reiko, and redesigning Sektor (I'm having so much trouble making the cyborgs look realistic – but I'm trying to draw as much influence as possible from the Iron Man films for aesthetic purposes).

I'd be willing to post everything I marked with a single asterisk above, if you want to see them though.
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04/07/2011 05:45 AM (UTC)
Kinetic Wrote:
I'd be willing to post everything I marked with a single asterisk above, if you want to see them though.

Screw it, I'll just post them now anyway.
04/07/2011 05:48 AM (UTC)
Kinetic Wrote:
Kinetic Wrote:
I'd be willing to post everything I marked with a single asterisk above, if you want to see them though.

Screw it, I'll just post them now anyway.

Now thats what I'm talkin bout.
04/07/2011 05:59 AM (UTC)
Okay, I just looked at all of them, and they are great.

All the shokans: Spot on as far as the style of redesign your doing.

Ashrah: Great, looking a llot more like he normal MK self then anyone else.

Nitara: ^^^ same.

Shang Tsung: Great, reminds me of something straight out of a bruce lee movie, like enter the dragon. I like the way he is holding his head up, it says so many things.

Rain: Glad to see you went with the style everyone is these days, but still made it look like your own.

Reptile; You tackled a design that I've always thout of: A more Golem (LotR) like Reptile.

The rest of the ninjas: Sub-Zero is the best. I like Scorpion, but I'm not sure about his stance.

Kano: Looks like he is part of a gang of killers. How he should look. Great.

Johnny Cage: I like when people do versions of Cage actually wearing a shirt, that isn't a tuxedo that is.

Overall, they look great. I can't wait to see the rest.

04/07/2011 06:52 AM (UTC)
I really like how Sub has heavily chinese influenced clothes, being chinese makes sense that he looks like this as opposed to a japanese ninja lol.

I also really like what u did w Shang... since he's Outworlds representative in earth, i like how he looks like a "deal with the devil" kind of guy
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04/08/2011 04:56 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Your version of Rain or Reiko would be nice to see. ^^

Updated with Reiko!
04/08/2011 07:35 AM (UTC)
Oooh, you gave Rain a five-tailed whip. Kinky. ;P
The Arabic look for him isn't bad.

Reiko looks less malicious than I had imagined, and the pickhammers look somewhat anti-climatic. But cool none the less.
04/08/2011 04:05 PM (UTC)
Looks really good. The only ones I can't get used to are the Shokans and Kahn. Not saying they are bad because they aren't, guess im just not used to seeing them as non-body builders lol
04/09/2011 12:10 PM (UTC)
AWESOME! i'd love Ermac, Kabal, Noob Saibot, Stryker, Jax, Kung Lao plz and probably Mokap and Meat lol you'd make them look epic!!!
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04/10/2011 04:44 AM (UTC)
KombatKhief Wrote:
AWESOME! i'd love Ermac, Kabal, Noob Saibot, Stryker, Jax, Kung Lao plz and probably Mokap and Meat lol you'd make them look epic!!!

Thank you very much! I really appreciate your kind words! Thank you!

I've already finished Ermac, Noob Saibot, Jax, and Kung Lao, but I'm going to edit them a bit before I post them.
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04/10/2011 04:46 AM (UTC)
Updated with Reptile & Sindel.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

04/10/2011 07:29 AM (UTC)
Dude, these are AMAZING. I really love Sheeva & Goro's. Rain's & Reiko's are fantastic too, so is Ashrah & Nitara. But Sheeva & Goro are all kinds of awesome! It's nice to see them look more "human". Keep it up! Can't wait to see more.
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04/10/2011 11:47 AM (UTC)
hmm. dya know what? i changed my mind. these have really grown on me. maybe seeing loads of them together has emphasized the unique style of the characters. anyway, i now think they're great! ^_^
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