Raiden. He could electrify the water and all the dead fish would float to the top. No sitting around. He probably has a lot of interesting stories to tell, too.
Which MK character's autobiography would you read?
Which MK character's autobiography would you read?

About Me
Why are you still reading this?
That was just asked! Oh well...
Who would you choose to pick on?
Who would you choose to pick on?

Considering any of them could probably kill me, I'd have to say no one. But if I absolutely had to pick on someone, it would be Mokap.
Which character would you borrow shoes from?
Which character would you borrow shoes from?

Scorpion. I LOVE Cooking w/ Scorpion.
Which MK character would you pick to be your dad/ mom?
Which MK character would you pick to be your dad/ mom?

He seems like he'd be an awesome dad.
Which MK character would you pick last in a dodgeball game?
He seems like he'd be an awesome dad.
Which MK character would you pick last in a dodgeball game?

Oo! That's a good one!
I'll pick Stryker last. Come on. He only shoots in one direction. How good could his aim be with a red rubber ball?!?
Whixh MK characte would you pick to fall off a cliff with, and STILL die?
I'll pick Stryker last. Come on. He only shoots in one direction. How good could his aim be with a red rubber ball?!?
Whixh MK characte would you pick to fall off a cliff with, and STILL die?
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Oo! That's a good one!
I'll pick Stryker last. Come on. He only shoots in one direction. How good could his aim be with a red rubber ball?!?
Whixh MK characte would you pick to fall off a cliff with, and STILL die?
Oo! That's a good one!
I'll pick Stryker last. Come on. He only shoots in one direction. How good could his aim be with a red rubber ball?!?
Whixh MK characte would you pick to fall off a cliff with, and STILL die?
Raiden, he might feel bad enough to bring me back.
Which character would you pick to go with you on a trip to the moon?

onaga just because it'll be hilarious watching him try and get into a space costume
which MK character would you pick to go have a cup of tea?
which MK character would you pick to go have a cup of tea?

Kitana. She probably has a lot of good tea at her disposal. Some of the other characters, like Mileena, really don't strike me as tea drinkers.
Which character would you hire to paint your house?
Which character would you hire to paint your house?

About Me
Why are you still reading this?
he's got 4 legs
Who would you pick to go skiing with ( and PLEASE avoid saying Sub-Zero)?
Who would you pick to go skiing with ( and PLEASE avoid saying Sub-Zero)?

Frost xD
Which MK character would you pick to fly first class on an airplane with?
Which MK character would you pick to fly first class on an airplane with?

Johnny Cage. He's probably the only one who can afford it! Plus, people would think I was his arm candy
Who would you go to the symphony with?
Who would you go to the symphony with?

Quan Chi, he could use his powers to control the zombies so they would never be any threat to me.

Quan Chi, he could use his powers to control the zombies so they would never be any threat to me.
Which kharacter would you form a wrestling tag team with?
Which kharacter would you form a wrestling tag team with?

kintaro, he can do all the work while i sit back and relax
which MK character would you choose to travel around the world with?
which MK character would you choose to travel around the world with?

Raiden. Now I can just fly around Earth in a fraction of a second. No wasted time.
Which MK character would you NOT give money to if they were laying in the street?
Which MK character would you NOT give money to if they were laying in the street?

About Me

Which MK character do you wish was your next door neighbor?
Which MK character do you wish was your next door neighbor?

Johnny Cage, because I'd probably live in a really swank neighborhood if he were my neighbor.
Which character would you call for IT support?
Which character would you call for IT support?

sektor he obviously knows his stuff
which MK character would you want to be your partner if you became a spy
which MK character would you want to be your partner if you became a spy

freddy lol. or jade
what mk character would you want to wash your car.
what mk character would you want to wash your car.
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