Shao Kahn. I imagine he'd be kinda wierded out, and so would everyone else, but I'd be unable to breathe I'm laughing so hard.
Which MK character would you want to put in pro wrestling (.e. WWE), without their powers and weapons?
Which MK character would you want to put in pro wrestling (.e. WWE), without their powers and weapons?
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Shao Kahn. I imagine he'd be kinda wierded out, and so would everyone else, but I'd be unable to breathe I'm laughing so hard.
Which MK character would you want to put in pro wrestling (.e. WWE), without their powers and weapons?
Goro or Kintaro. Which character would you dance with?Shao Kahn. I imagine he'd be kinda wierded out, and so would everyone else, but I'd be unable to breathe I'm laughing so hard.
Which MK character would you want to put in pro wrestling (.e. WWE), without their powers and weapons?

About Me

Which MK character would you pick to go camping with?
Which MK character would you pick to go camping with?
xDarkeningKrystals Wrote:
Which MK character would you pick to go camping with?
Ermac. He can set up the tent and bring the supply's and fly us there with psychokineses. Which character would you pick to be your personal slave?Smoke.
Which MK character would you pick to go camping with?
About Me
Reptile. He's kind of toadying to whichever master he's serving (Shao Kahn, Nitara), and he can literally tear apart any enemies.
Which MK character would you pick to employ as someone who reads books on tape?
Which MK character would you pick to employ as someone who reads books on tape?

About Me

Baraka, It'd be an hoot just to hear how he sounds doing accents and female characters.
Which MK character would you pick to be your co-partner in an business?
Which MK character would you pick to be your co-partner in an business?
xDarkeningKrystals Wrote:
Baraka, It's be an hoot just to hear how he sounds doing accents and female characters.
Which MK character would you pick to be your co-partner in an business?
Scorpion. I'd be funny seeing him do that... Baraka, It's be an hoot just to hear how he sounds doing accents and female characters.
Which MK character would you pick to be your co-partner in an business?
Which MK character would you setup for anger management?

Motaro. 'nuff said.
Which MK Character would you pick to play as in Super Mario Bros. (And in ALLthe Mario gammes, from tennis, golf, and party to Bros., Galaxy, and Luigi's Mansion. Kart, 3D, the ENTIRE canon of Mario.
Which MK Character would you pick to play as in Super Mario Bros. (And in ALLthe Mario gammes, from tennis, golf, and party to Bros., Galaxy, and Luigi's Mansion. Kart, 3D, the ENTIRE canon of Mario.
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Motaro. 'nuff said.
Which MK Character would you pick to play as in Super Mario Bros. (And in ALLthe Mario gammes, from tennis, golf, and party to Bros., Galaxy, and Luigi's Mansion. Kart, 3D, the ENTIRE canon of Mario.
Ermac. Motaro. 'nuff said.
Which MK Character would you pick to play as in Super Mario Bros. (And in ALLthe Mario gammes, from tennis, golf, and party to Bros., Galaxy, and Luigi's Mansion. Kart, 3D, the ENTIRE canon of Mario.
Which MK character would you choose to be your enforcer? Rule: NO SCORPION!

About Me

Mileena (Original timeline, of course!)
Which MK character would you pick to go to an convention with?
Which MK character would you pick to go to an convention with?

About Me

Shao Kahn.
Which MK character would you pick to host an party?
Which MK character would you pick to host an party?
xDarkeningKrystals Wrote:
Shao Kahn.
Which MK character would you pick to host an party?
Shang Tsung. He'd be pretty responsible for the job. Shao Kahn.
Which MK character would you pick to host an party?
Which character would you pick to have a snowball fight with? Rule: NO SUB-ZERO OR FROST DAMNIT.

4 Arms are better than 2.
Which MK characters would you pick to be the MK equivalent of The Avengers?
4 Arms are better than 2.
Which MK characters would you pick to be the MK equivalent of The Avengers?

Sub-Zero can be the cool one, Johnny Cage can be the rich, all-American egotistical one; Sonya can be the pretty one, Scorpion could be there just for S&Gs, and Jax can be the strong one.
What MK character would your grandmother like the best?
What MK character would your grandmother like the best?
StormChaser Wrote:
Sub-Zero can be the cool one, Johnny Cage can be the rich, all-American egotistical one; Sonya can be the pretty one, Scorpion could be there just for S&Gs, and Jax can be the strong one.
What MK character would your grandmother like the best?
Mokap because he's not so fucking complicated. Which character would you invite to your birthday party?Sub-Zero can be the cool one, Johnny Cage can be the rich, all-American egotistical one; Sonya can be the pretty one, Scorpion could be there just for S&Gs, and Jax can be the strong one.
What MK character would your grandmother like the best?

About Me

Which MK character would you actually pick as an babysitter?
Which MK character would you actually pick as an babysitter?

Hsu Hao.
Which MK kharacter would you pick to fight against in a UFC match?
Which MK kharacter would you pick to fight against in a UFC match?
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