Skarlet because if her screams are anything to go by, her singing voice should be interesting.
Which 4 MK characters would you pick to play Poker with?
Which 4 MK characters would you pick to play Poker with?

Havik. Just to creep out everybody else.
Which MK character do you think would've had the hardest time in High School? (If all MK characters went to school)
Which MK character do you think would've had the hardest time in High School? (If all MK characters went to school)

Sheeva, with the "you can give 4 handies at once!" bit.
Which Mk character do you think would have the hardest time adjusting to real life.
Which Mk character do you think would have the hardest time adjusting to real life.
legoslayer10 Wrote:
Sheeva, with the "you can give 4 handies at once!" bit.
Which Mk character do you think would have the hardest time adjusting to real life.
Sheeva, with the "you can give 4 handies at once!" bit.
Which Mk character do you think would have the hardest time adjusting to real life.
Noob - The name alone would drive him to suicide.
Which character do you think goes to the most Johnny Cage movies, besides Johnny Cage.

About Me
Lol Kano, he seems like he knows people.
Which MK character would you pick to fight, in hopes that you actually have a chance?
Which MK character would you pick to fight, in hopes that you actually have a chance?

I'm gonna take Moloch, if we have a stage Fatality (make that dumbass run right into it.) If no SF, I'll massacre Mokap.
Which MK character would have the best chance at winning a football game, playing against other MK kharacters?
Which MK character would have the best chance at winning a football game, playing against other MK kharacters?

Since you didn't ask one, I'll do one next:
Which MK kharacter would you want to go with you on weekend camping in the woods?
Which MK kharacter would you want to go with you on weekend camping in the woods?

About Me
Definetly Nightwolf so we can talk to spirits and shit.
What character would you hate to be room mates with ..?
What character would you hate to be room mates with ..?

Havik. I don't think I need to explain.
Which MK character would you pick to switch places with in Mortal Kombat; Armageddon?
Which MK character would you pick to switch places with in Mortal Kombat; Armageddon?

About Me
Definitely Hotaru
Which character would you like to be your wing man when hitting on chicks
Which character would you like to be your wing man when hitting on chicks

About Me
Why are you still reading this?
Which charactar would you have decorate your house?
Which charactar would you have decorate your house?

About Me
Why are you still reading this?
reptile (again)
we gonna eat some heads! Who would you pick to get revenge on your arch enemy? (No goro,kintaro, big monsters, ect.)
we gonna eat some heads! Who would you pick to get revenge on your arch enemy? (No goro,kintaro, big monsters, ect.)
Oh man, that's tough.
Considering the kind of person I am, my persona would probably be Nightwolf. He's a very gentle soul, but he's also very assertive and will get gritty when he needs to.
That took some thought. lol
Which character would you pick to permanantly govern the United States?
Considering the kind of person I am, my persona would probably be Nightwolf. He's a very gentle soul, but he's also very assertive and will get gritty when he needs to.
That took some thought. lol
Which character would you pick to permanantly govern the United States?

About Me
Why are you still reading this?
Shao Khan
Who would you pick to creep people out on holloween?
(No Havik)
Who would you pick to creep people out on holloween?
(No Havik)
About Me
Obviously Mileena. She'd open the door to give children their sweets and then lower her mask, heh heh.
Which character would you have a tattoo of?
Which character would you have a tattoo of?

About Me
Why are you still reading this?
Who would you pick to bring you flowers on your birthday?
Who would you pick to bring you flowers on your birthday?
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