Raiden. Specifically Christopher Lambert Raiden. Which characters should start a death metal band?
Kitana- shes pretty and seems nicer than mileena and i would be happy to fight Lui Kang over her
starzilla83 Wrote:
Raiden. Specifically Christopher Lambert Raiden. Which characters should start a death metal band?
Raiden. Specifically Christopher Lambert Raiden. Which characters should start a death metal band?
Shao Kahn.
Which character would you pick to punch you in the face as hard as they can? I'd pick Meat. I don't think he can punch very hard.

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Which character would you choose to give you a back rub? Hehe

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Which character would you pick to take a hike with you in the woods?
Which character would you pick to take a hike with you in the woods?
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