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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

07/24/2017 03:18 AM (UTC)
Baraka was robbed. ROBBED.
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07/24/2017 04:42 AM (UTC)
[Killswitch] Wrote:
Baraka was robbed. ROBBED.

yeah, this contest is always rigged so that baraka can't win

i think next year we should do a tournament with only baraka to make it fair
07/24/2017 04:49 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero did it! It just seems so fitting that he would win on the 20th and 25th anniversaries.

Im looking forward to next year especiallly if MK11 or the movie is coming out. I wonder if Kenshi will ever get that last win. I wonder if Baraka will ever not be robbed. I wonder if Goro or Liu Kang can ever get close to winning. So many questions. I will come back next year to see if they get answered and so Mick doesnt beat me up and take my soul.

BTW Is anybody going to predict what happens next year? lol No Because it isnt predictable.
07/24/2017 01:55 PM (UTC)
Every year the tournament has a specific flavour. This year, the 25th Anniversary meant we were taking an overview of the entire series - from MK to Injustice 2. At this early stage, we expect next year to bring us back to speculate about what's coming up for MK.

I am puzzled by the reference to Injustice here. Injustice is not a part of the MK series. Why is it being mentioned here? It's made by the same team that makes MK, but they are two totally separate franchises.
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07/24/2017 04:42 PM (UTC)
Raidenwins Wrote:
Every year the tournament has a specific flavour. This year, the 25th Anniversary meant we were taking an overview of the entire series - from MK to Injustice 2. At this early stage, we expect next year to bring us back to speculate about what's coming up for MK.

I am puzzled by the reference to Injustice here. Injustice is not a part of the MK series. Why is it being mentioned here? It's made by the same team that makes MK, but they are two totally separate franchises.

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Well, you all got your Tremor now. Can we finally move on?

07/24/2017 11:36 PM (UTC)
All these "Baraka was robbed" comments...

He stopped being "iconic" when Deception and subsequent games showed that his entire race was nothing but identical clones. Baraka was just one of about a billion Baraki. He just happened to have two extra spikes on his face, I suppose. If he was unique among a race of mutants that'd be one thing...but he's not. He's one bald mutant with Bat Boy teeth and blades in his arms among a race if bald mutants with Bat Boy teeth and blades in their arms. He stopped being relevant then. That's NRS' fault, not his...but his staying power as a unique individual? No longer there.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

07/25/2017 01:23 AM (UTC)
My post was a little sarcastic. I'm a Baraka fanboy and I know he never wins these things. It's all in good fun. No need to over analyze anything.
07/25/2017 01:31 AM (UTC)
BTW Is anybody going to predict what happens next year? lol No Because it isnt predictable.

The ninjas (particularly Sub-Zero, Ermac, Noob, and Smoke) will continue to be pushed to the front, and one will most likely win yet again.

Based on how these things always go, I have an EXTREMELY good chance of being right!

There may always be some interesting matches leading up to the finals, but the result is always the same. That's the definition of predictable, dude. Lol!
07/25/2017 04:36 AM (UTC)
phishstix17 Wrote:

BTW Is anybody going to predict what happens next year? lol No Because it isnt predictable.

The ninjas (particularly Sub-Zero, Ermac, Noob, and Smoke) will continue to be pushed to the front, and one will most likely win yet again.

Based on how these things always go, I have an EXTREMELY good chance of being right!

There may always be some interesting matches leading up to the finals, but the result is always the same. That's the definition of predictable, dude. Lol!

Wow way to narrow it down to FOUR choices! I predict tomorrow it will either be hot, moderate, humid or raining. Remember to take a hawaiian shirt umbrella parka long johns. lol sir! lol

Im half joking lol. because a couple of them will probably do well, a couple probably wont do well, and those characters are what people always assume are "predictable" and its never that simple. 2015 final was Kenshi and Fujin which was pretty WTF but not ninjas. Ermac lost in round 1 a few years ago, Smoke lost in round 2 this year, Sub-Zero lost in round 3 in 2013. Noob is the only one who hasnt had a bad year http://www.mortalkombatonline.com/content/games/poll/supreme/noob.cds

Noob will probably do well next year but MK fans get pretty sulky about success (wonder why) so Im not sure. Honestly I wouldnt be surprised if Fujin makes a comeback after doing so bad this year. I would like to see Raiden do better too after hes in Injustice. And I hope next year Baraka wont be robbed. ROBBED!!
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

07/25/2017 08:36 PM (UTC)
frabn Wrote:
He stopped being "iconic"

Also this is false. Just because you've showed your distaste in the character, doesn't mean you can just write him off as not "iconic". He's one of the most well known MK characters. He's a jobber, sure, but still well known and beloved in the community.
07/26/2017 03:34 AM (UTC)
Maybe you could say tarkata are iconic but the only one with any actual personality is Baraka so come on. I guess for people whose first game was MK9 or MKX Baraka wont seem as good? I thought he was still pretty bad ass. Especially in MK9! And hes still iconic enough to get an action figure http://www.mortalkombatonline.com/content/forum/showmessage.cds?id=160534

They were going to give him cool acessories but HE WAS ROBBED!!!
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