Mrfuji Wrote:
but all the npcs had new looks.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
This is all goes back to when the story mode trailer was released and I for the life of me couldn't grasp why they'd give Sindel, Baraka, and Rain new costumes when every other MK9 NPCs remained 100% unchanged. Most people just thought it meant nothing but it's obvious NRS wouldn't go through all of that work for no reason at all. DLC is planned and mapped out EARLY in the development stages sometimes and while they probably didn't officially decide on a Kombat Pack 2 until the sales of KP1 came in- they probably already had chosen Sindel, Baraka, Bo, and Fujin for it long before we had probably even heard of the game.
Little things like costume changes means a lot. I know it may not to some people, but if Sindel & Baraka are indeed in KP2 and Rain does find a way to become a "free update" then we'll know next time not to dismiss such early signs.
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
lanadelrey Wrote:
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
Warbro666 Wrote:
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
This is all goes back to when the story mode trailer was released and I for the life of me couldn't grasp why they'd give Sindel, Baraka, and Rain new costumes when every other MK9 NPCs remained 100% unchanged. Most people just thought it meant nothing but it's obvious NRS wouldn't go through all of that work for no reason at all. DLC is planned and mapped out EARLY in the development stages sometimes and while they probably didn't officially decide on a Kombat Pack 2 until the sales of KP1 came in- they probably already had chosen Sindel, Baraka, Bo, and Fujin for it long before we had probably even heard of the game.
Little things like costume changes means a lot. I know it may not to some people, but if Sindel & Baraka are indeed in KP2 and Rain does find a way to become a "free update" then we'll know next time not to dismiss such early signs.
but all the npcs had new looks.
Really? Because Kabal, Stryker, Nightwolf, Noob Saibot and Smoke were all wearing their MK9 threads. And Sareena and Frost, despite having fresh new models, were in their Armageddon outfits. So I fail to see what "New looks" you're talking about.
Rain and Baraka have entirely different costumes than the rest of these guys. And while Sindel's MKX look is somewhat similar to her MK9 appearance, there ARE enough modifications to give it a different look- Black gloves, the large neck covering, fishnets, longer boots ect. obviously showing they made these changes for a reason and It wasn't just for kicks, even the slightest mods take time.

alican_zero Wrote:
The Queen Sindel is coming to destroy the whole cast once more !!! I'm so hyped !!! Iam wondering her possible variations because this system fits Sindel pretty well♡♡♡
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I also darkened the new Sindel render as much as I can and the hair looks almost identical to the one in the silhouette pic.
99% sure Sindy's coming to slay.
I also darkened the new Sindel render as much as I can and the hair looks almost identical to the one in the silhouette pic.
99% sure Sindy's coming to slay.
The Queen Sindel is coming to destroy the whole cast once more !!! I'm so hyped !!! Iam wondering her possible variations because this system fits Sindel pretty well♡♡♡
I'm thinking one based on flight, one based on her hair possibly, and the other a weapon?
About Me
No, the reason I'm upset is because for whatever reason I have to keep defending myself when I was only trying to take some of the blame away from another user here. Meanwhile people are playing both sides of the field and I don't have time for that shit. Either I'm an attention whore for saying anything that could or could not have to do with anything in the pack, even if it's just my own wants and suspicions, or I'm being a dick for being too quiet about it.
Also, the Tremor thing wasn't a gloat, it was an example and a good example at that. There's a reason I never posted that shit here to begin with and instead posted it somewhere else. This is exactly why. If I had said, with 100% certainty, that Tremor was going to be DLC I would've caused a massive shit-storm and I would've been ridiculed to death either by the people who wanted more info or the people who were devastated by that terrible roster choice because they hate the character and the game he stemmed from.
So yes, I only brought it up tonight to take some of the heat off of Cassel, not to start another round of bickering. I've been here on this site for 11 years, I know attention whores when I see them and considering they post their shit daily and weekly, I'm far from one of them which leads me to yes, I'd appreciate it if it was dropped. If you're dying to know, the accurate info is out there. Or just wait and see for yourself like everyone else and save yourself the drama. The latter is probably best.
With that, I'm signing out for the night and I'm done talking about it. Let's get back to the sane speculation, shall we?
Also, the Tremor thing wasn't a gloat, it was an example and a good example at that. There's a reason I never posted that shit here to begin with and instead posted it somewhere else. This is exactly why. If I had said, with 100% certainty, that Tremor was going to be DLC I would've caused a massive shit-storm and I would've been ridiculed to death either by the people who wanted more info or the people who were devastated by that terrible roster choice because they hate the character and the game he stemmed from.
So yes, I only brought it up tonight to take some of the heat off of Cassel, not to start another round of bickering. I've been here on this site for 11 years, I know attention whores when I see them and considering they post their shit daily and weekly, I'm far from one of them which leads me to yes, I'd appreciate it if it was dropped. If you're dying to know, the accurate info is out there. Or just wait and see for yourself like everyone else and save yourself the drama. The latter is probably best.
With that, I'm signing out for the night and I'm done talking about it. Let's get back to the sane speculation, shall we?

KM, just stop. I like you, you and I talked, but let's just leave it be. No more talk of sources, no more vague little hints, no more "wink winks"- If you have something juicy either spill or keep it hush- but you can't have it both ways and it's not doing a service to anyone.
If I knew who were in Kombat Pack 2 I'd state the names or simply keep quiet. But throwing little hints is irritating- we've been mindfucked by NRS enough through the entire development of this game, we don't need to do it to each other.
No offense.
If I knew who were in Kombat Pack 2 I'd state the names or simply keep quiet. But throwing little hints is irritating- we've been mindfucked by NRS enough through the entire development of this game, we don't need to do it to each other.
No offense.

About Me
Bite me.
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
If I had said, with 100% certainty, that Tremor was going to be DLC I would've caused a massive shit-storm and I would've been ridiculed to death either by the people who wanted more info or the people who were devastated by that terrible roster choice because they hate the character and the game he stemmed from.
If I had said, with 100% certainty, that Tremor was going to be DLC I would've caused a massive shit-storm and I would've been ridiculed to death either by the people who wanted more info or the people who were devastated by that terrible roster choice because they hate the character and the game he stemmed from.
Let them make fun of you then. Why should you care what people think of you who have never met you, and are judging you by what you have to say on a gaming forum?
But if you're that picky about caring about a bunch of people who you'll never meet face to face and how they judge you, I suggest then don't even bother bringing up anything. For a person who says they've been around for over a decade, you should realize that you're on a forum where people jump the boat over anything newsworthy. If you really cannot stand how people act when news gets placed in front of their faces, then don't make posts that'll get people antsy and basically harass you until you either tell'em to fuck off of you throw down everything.
I can tell you're a nice guy, and have a lot of common sense. Biting your tongue sucks, I know because I do so on a regular basis. But seriously though, if you don't want the heat, just don't drop the hints then.
In my opinion about this pack, I don't care who is in it. I really don't. The game has become nothing but a complete borefest that I don't have a care in me to want to play it again. It sucks, because I really thought this game was awesome. But there's just nothing to do, all of my friends have the opposite system that I have and I cannot play with them, and I'm sure I don't need to go into details about the netcode.
If and when they showcase these four characters, if they are that worthy of a purchase, I'll get them, play with them, and see if the game is worth getting. But honestly, it's shelved right now and collecting bits of dust. I hate to admit that and I apologize if I offended anyone with that.

About Me
and the other one can be a mix of Queen Sindel's scream and step up moves ♡♡♡

About Me
Can we just ignore KenshiMaster when he talkd about his inside info please?
About Me
Total_Attraction Wrote:
>In my opinion about this pack, I don't care who is in it. I really don't. The game has become nothing but a complete borefest that I don't have a care in me to want to play it again. It sucks, because I really thought this game was awesome. But there's just nothing to do, all of my friends have the opposite system that I have and I cannot play with them, and I'm sure I don't need to go into details about the netcode.
If and when they showcase these four characters, if they are that worthy of a purchase, I'll get them, play with them, and see if the game is worth getting. But honestly, it's shelved right now and collecting bits of dust. I hate to admit that and I apologize if I offended anyone with that.
>In my opinion about this pack, I don't care who is in it. I really don't. The game has become nothing but a complete borefest that I don't have a care in me to want to play it again. It sucks, because I really thought this game was awesome. But there's just nothing to do, all of my friends have the opposite system that I have and I cannot play with them, and I'm sure I don't need to go into details about the netcode.
If and when they showcase these four characters, if they are that worthy of a purchase, I'll get them, play with them, and see if the game is worth getting. But honestly, it's shelved right now and collecting bits of dust. I hate to admit that and I apologize if I offended anyone with that.
I'm in the same boat as you unfortunately about the game being a borefest. The only reason I still pick it up from time to time is to knock away at some achievements I'm missing. I don't play it competitively because no one I know or play with still plays it, I don't play online because I tend to get whiners who send hate mail afterwards or people who just like to camp corners and spam (and that's no fun) and I'm having much more fun playing other things at the moment that are more recent (Gears of War: UE).
I'm still gonna buy the pack because I'm a damn completionist and have to have all of the available characters or it'll drive me up the wall. But it'll be a double plus if characters like Bo' are in just for the sake of wanting to body people with such a hated character.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Really? Because Kabal, Stryker, Nightwolf, Noob Saibot and Smoke were all wearing their MK9 threads. And Sareena and Frost, despite having fresh new models, were in their Armageddon outfits. So I fail to see what "New looks" you're talking about.
Rain and Baraka have entirely different costumes than the rest of these guys. And while Sindel's MKX look is somewhat similar to her MK9 appearance, there ARE enough modifications to give it a different look- Black gloves, the large neck covering, fishnets, longer boots ect. obviously showing they made these changes for a reason and It wasn't just for kicks, even the slightest mods take time.
Mrfuji Wrote:
but all the npcs had new looks.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
This is all goes back to when the story mode trailer was released and I for the life of me couldn't grasp why they'd give Sindel, Baraka, and Rain new costumes when every other MK9 NPCs remained 100% unchanged. Most people just thought it meant nothing but it's obvious NRS wouldn't go through all of that work for no reason at all. DLC is planned and mapped out EARLY in the development stages sometimes and while they probably didn't officially decide on a Kombat Pack 2 until the sales of KP1 came in- they probably already had chosen Sindel, Baraka, Bo, and Fujin for it long before we had probably even heard of the game.
Little things like costume changes means a lot. I know it may not to some people, but if Sindel & Baraka are indeed in KP2 and Rain does find a way to become a "free update" then we'll know next time not to dismiss such early signs.
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
lanadelrey Wrote:
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
Warbro666 Wrote:
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
This is all goes back to when the story mode trailer was released and I for the life of me couldn't grasp why they'd give Sindel, Baraka, and Rain new costumes when every other MK9 NPCs remained 100% unchanged. Most people just thought it meant nothing but it's obvious NRS wouldn't go through all of that work for no reason at all. DLC is planned and mapped out EARLY in the development stages sometimes and while they probably didn't officially decide on a Kombat Pack 2 until the sales of KP1 came in- they probably already had chosen Sindel, Baraka, Bo, and Fujin for it long before we had probably even heard of the game.
Little things like costume changes means a lot. I know it may not to some people, but if Sindel & Baraka are indeed in KP2 and Rain does find a way to become a "free update" then we'll know next time not to dismiss such early signs.
but all the npcs had new looks.
Really? Because Kabal, Stryker, Nightwolf, Noob Saibot and Smoke were all wearing their MK9 threads. And Sareena and Frost, despite having fresh new models, were in their Armageddon outfits. So I fail to see what "New looks" you're talking about.
Rain and Baraka have entirely different costumes than the rest of these guys. And while Sindel's MKX look is somewhat similar to her MK9 appearance, there ARE enough modifications to give it a different look- Black gloves, the large neck covering, fishnets, longer boots ect. obviously showing they made these changes for a reason and It wasn't just for kicks, even the slightest mods take time.
What is wrong with this forum? People ignore what you specifically state and hear what they want. I clearly stated all the revenants who were non playable in the game looked the same as they did in mk9. Only reason sindel had small minor changes is because you fight her and she was more shown than the rest. All the npcs who ARE NOT REVENANTS had new looks. I wouldnt even count frost because she was shown for what 1 second? And by that logic you're using li mei is certainly in because she got a complete makeover compared to any other npc.

Mrfuji Wrote:
And by that logic you're using li mei is certainly in because she got a complete makeover compared to any other npc.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Really? Because Kabal, Stryker, Nightwolf, Noob Saibot and Smoke were all wearing their MK9 threads. And Sareena and Frost, despite having fresh new models, were in their Armageddon outfits. So I fail to see what "New looks" you're talking about.
Rain and Baraka have entirely different costumes than the rest of these guys. And while Sindel's MKX look is somewhat similar to her MK9 appearance, there ARE enough modifications to give it a different look- Black gloves, the large neck covering, fishnets, longer boots ect. obviously showing they made these changes for a reason and It wasn't just for kicks, even the slightest mods take time.
Mrfuji Wrote:
but all the npcs had new looks.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
This is all goes back to when the story mode trailer was released and I for the life of me couldn't grasp why they'd give Sindel, Baraka, and Rain new costumes when every other MK9 NPCs remained 100% unchanged. Most people just thought it meant nothing but it's obvious NRS wouldn't go through all of that work for no reason at all. DLC is planned and mapped out EARLY in the development stages sometimes and while they probably didn't officially decide on a Kombat Pack 2 until the sales of KP1 came in- they probably already had chosen Sindel, Baraka, Bo, and Fujin for it long before we had probably even heard of the game.
Little things like costume changes means a lot. I know it may not to some people, but if Sindel & Baraka are indeed in KP2 and Rain does find a way to become a "free update" then we'll know next time not to dismiss such early signs.
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
lanadelrey Wrote:
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
Warbro666 Wrote:
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
This is all goes back to when the story mode trailer was released and I for the life of me couldn't grasp why they'd give Sindel, Baraka, and Rain new costumes when every other MK9 NPCs remained 100% unchanged. Most people just thought it meant nothing but it's obvious NRS wouldn't go through all of that work for no reason at all. DLC is planned and mapped out EARLY in the development stages sometimes and while they probably didn't officially decide on a Kombat Pack 2 until the sales of KP1 came in- they probably already had chosen Sindel, Baraka, Bo, and Fujin for it long before we had probably even heard of the game.
Little things like costume changes means a lot. I know it may not to some people, but if Sindel & Baraka are indeed in KP2 and Rain does find a way to become a "free update" then we'll know next time not to dismiss such early signs.
but all the npcs had new looks.
Really? Because Kabal, Stryker, Nightwolf, Noob Saibot and Smoke were all wearing their MK9 threads. And Sareena and Frost, despite having fresh new models, were in their Armageddon outfits. So I fail to see what "New looks" you're talking about.
Rain and Baraka have entirely different costumes than the rest of these guys. And while Sindel's MKX look is somewhat similar to her MK9 appearance, there ARE enough modifications to give it a different look- Black gloves, the large neck covering, fishnets, longer boots ect. obviously showing they made these changes for a reason and It wasn't just for kicks, even the slightest mods take time.
And by that logic you're using li mei is certainly in because she got a complete makeover compared to any other npc.
Ya never know, which is my point. You seem to like to argue and disagree for the sake of arguing and disagreeing.

Sareena is different from Armageddon. Not that much, but she was redesigned.
And Frost is wearing a modified version of Sub-Zero's main costume. Clearly she wasn't wearing that before.
And Frost is wearing a modified version of Sub-Zero's main costume. Clearly she wasn't wearing that before.

About Me
Bite me.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
And Sareena and Frost, despite having fresh new models, were in their Armageddon outfits. So I fail to see what "New looks" you're talking about.>
And Sareena and Frost, despite having fresh new models, were in their Armageddon outfits. So I fail to see what "New looks" you're talking about.>
Frost in Armageddon

Frost in X

Sareena in Armageddon

Sareena in X

Yeap, they eh, sure look alike.
If she is coming back (which looks very likely at this point), I'll be happy with that. Sindel is not on my fav list or anything...but I don't dislike her either. I liked her moves in MK9 (especially that badass scorpion kick she had...hope that comes back). Also she's one of the characters that has interesting story lines.
My only hope is that they make the DLC version of her a non-revenant version. I don't like how they made the revenants skin. I'd prefer her to look like she normally does. Beyond that, I'm excited to see what they do with her variation wise. Interested in her intros too.
My only hope is that they make the DLC version of her a non-revenant version. I don't like how they made the revenants skin. I'd prefer her to look like she normally does. Beyond that, I'm excited to see what they do with her variation wise. Interested in her intros too.

If Sindel has a hair variation she could have her old MK3 grab as a command grab with reach.
Hair Variation is easy, Scream+Fireballs sure but what can you do with levitate that Spectral Ermac doesn't already cover?
Hair Variation is easy, Scream+Fireballs sure but what can you do with levitate that Spectral Ermac doesn't already cover?
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Ya never know, which is my point. You seem to like to argue and disagree for the sake of arguing and disagreeing.
Mrfuji Wrote:
And by that logic you're using li mei is certainly in because she got a complete makeover compared to any other npc.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Really? Because Kabal, Stryker, Nightwolf, Noob Saibot and Smoke were all wearing their MK9 threads. And Sareena and Frost, despite having fresh new models, were in their Armageddon outfits. So I fail to see what "New looks" you're talking about.
Rain and Baraka have entirely different costumes than the rest of these guys. And while Sindel's MKX look is somewhat similar to her MK9 appearance, there ARE enough modifications to give it a different look- Black gloves, the large neck covering, fishnets, longer boots ect. obviously showing they made these changes for a reason and It wasn't just for kicks, even the slightest mods take time.
Mrfuji Wrote:
but all the npcs had new looks.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
This is all goes back to when the story mode trailer was released and I for the life of me couldn't grasp why they'd give Sindel, Baraka, and Rain new costumes when every other MK9 NPCs remained 100% unchanged. Most people just thought it meant nothing but it's obvious NRS wouldn't go through all of that work for no reason at all. DLC is planned and mapped out EARLY in the development stages sometimes and while they probably didn't officially decide on a Kombat Pack 2 until the sales of KP1 came in- they probably already had chosen Sindel, Baraka, Bo, and Fujin for it long before we had probably even heard of the game.
Little things like costume changes means a lot. I know it may not to some people, but if Sindel & Baraka are indeed in KP2 and Rain does find a way to become a "free update" then we'll know next time not to dismiss such early signs.
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
lanadelrey Wrote:
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
Warbro666 Wrote:
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
This is all goes back to when the story mode trailer was released and I for the life of me couldn't grasp why they'd give Sindel, Baraka, and Rain new costumes when every other MK9 NPCs remained 100% unchanged. Most people just thought it meant nothing but it's obvious NRS wouldn't go through all of that work for no reason at all. DLC is planned and mapped out EARLY in the development stages sometimes and while they probably didn't officially decide on a Kombat Pack 2 until the sales of KP1 came in- they probably already had chosen Sindel, Baraka, Bo, and Fujin for it long before we had probably even heard of the game.
Little things like costume changes means a lot. I know it may not to some people, but if Sindel & Baraka are indeed in KP2 and Rain does find a way to become a "free update" then we'll know next time not to dismiss such early signs.
but all the npcs had new looks.
Really? Because Kabal, Stryker, Nightwolf, Noob Saibot and Smoke were all wearing their MK9 threads. And Sareena and Frost, despite having fresh new models, were in their Armageddon outfits. So I fail to see what "New looks" you're talking about.
Rain and Baraka have entirely different costumes than the rest of these guys. And while Sindel's MKX look is somewhat similar to her MK9 appearance, there ARE enough modifications to give it a different look- Black gloves, the large neck covering, fishnets, longer boots ect. obviously showing they made these changes for a reason and It wasn't just for kicks, even the slightest mods take time.
And by that logic you're using li mei is certainly in because she got a complete makeover compared to any other npc.
Ya never know, which is my point. You seem to like to argue and disagree for the sake of arguing and disagreeing.
Nope. Both of the arguments ive had on this thread are from ppl misquoting me. And also still your claim holds no weight about the redisgins. Now that I saw those pics sareena and frost also have new outfits which is my point that it doesnt automatically mean they're a lock for dlc. Id point to them as locks for the next game. By your logic the kp2 Will have 8 characters and it clearly will have 4. Having a redesign doesn't correlate woth automatically being dlc like you tried to claim.

I always thought Sindel has huge potential. I mean just her hurr game could be crazy (think Millia Rage)

Whatever people , we'll see how much my argument is bullshit once Baraka and Sindel become DLC, and if Rain is a free add on my point would be proven.
I was talking about the THREE of them in the first place, not Sareena and Frost. Goofballs.
Whatever people , we'll see how much my argument is bullshit once Baraka and Sindel become DLC, and if Rain is a free add on my point would be proven.
I was talking about the THREE of them in the first place, not Sareena and Frost. Goofballs.

Total_Attraction Wrote:
Frost in Armageddon
Frost in X
Sareena in Armageddon
Sareena in X
Yeap, they eh, sure look alike.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
And Sareena and Frost, despite having fresh new models, were in their Armageddon outfits. So I fail to see what "New looks" you're talking about.>
And Sareena and Frost, despite having fresh new models, were in their Armageddon outfits. So I fail to see what "New looks" you're talking about.>
Frost in Armageddon

Frost in X

Sareena in Armageddon

Sareena in X

Yeap, they eh, sure look alike.
New engine, new textures, new models- of course they won't look identical, you're talking nine years and two generation of systems later.
But their outfits are nothing but variant versions of their Armageddon looks. I see no huge changes at all.
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