09/11/2015 02:01 AM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
I wouldn't say she had a major role in MKX her role was little bigger then the other non playable revenants I don't understand why people keep saying her, Baraka and rain had such huge roles in the story all they were were additional jobbers to beat up on.

She honestly had a bigger role in the story mode than Kitana or Kung Lao. It was conspicuous, actually.

Seriously. That pissed me off. Sindel was featured more than Lao or Kitana, and she had more lines than either of them combined. I honestly didn't become a fan of her until MKX, and she isn't even a playable character (yet).
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/11/2015 02:30 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Does she even have fans? I swear she was always the least popular trilogy character

Yes because the least popular trilogy character would land a spot in Deception, be chosen to kill off several favorites in a single scene in MK9, play a major role in the following game's story mode based off a game she wasn't originally in (MK4) whilst managing to snatch a spot as DLC.

Yeah...Sindel sooo isn't popular. *eye roll*

I wouldn't say she had a major role in MKX her role was little bigger then the other non playable revenants I don't understand why people keep saying her, Baraka and rain had such huge roles in the story all they were were additional jobbers to beat up on. None of them did anything noteworthy or story altering and none of them are that popular so none should really be dlc if they make it as dlc it is laziness by NRS as converting these three chumps to playable characters if easier and more cost effective then creating three new ones from

Baraka is undeniably one of the most iconic Mortal Kombat characters and has had some of the most appearences to date- he even beat out the likes of Mileena, Johnny, and Reptile for a spot in the limited roster space for MKVSDC. Baraka has a legion of fans and have not missed a game in eleven years- his inclusion as DLC in MKX keeps up his track record.

Rain was the most requested DLC character for Mortal Kombat 9- sure it was mainly because he was the last of the Trilogy characters but the demand was high and he gained an entire new following of fans. In story mode he's Mileena right hand and in the same exact standing as Tanya who is also DLC- both of whom play a bigger fucking role than Farrah/Torr. People like you can OK Tremor but not Rain?

I already went over Sindel.

I love how people keep fucking throwing the word "jobber" around- every character in this fucking game was basically a jobber. Liu Kang was a jobber, Kitana was a jobber, Kung Lao was a jobber, Ermac was a jobber, Reptile was a jobber, Ferra/Torr were jobbers ect- do you really want to fucking go there?

As far as starting from scratch- if Baraka and Sindel are in then they're going to need three unique variations, custom intros, win poses, two fatalities, and brutalities- that IS starting from scratch you imbecile.

If you don't want them as DLC- fine, but do know what the fuck you're talking about.
09/11/2015 02:44 AM (UTC)
Bllake Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
I wouldn't say she had a major role in MKX her role was little bigger then the other non playable revenants I don't understand why people keep saying her, Baraka and rain had such huge roles in the story all they were were additional jobbers to beat up on.

She honestly had a bigger role in the story mode than Kitana or Kung Lao. It was conspicuous, actually.

Seriously. That pissed me off. Sindel was featured more than Lao or Kitana, and she had more lines than either of them combined. I honestly didn't become a fan of her until MKX, and she isn't even a playable character (yet).

Yea that really bad. If your going to have a character be playable u should use them fully. A lot of characters in the story were meh like why are u here again.
09/11/2015 02:55 AM (UTC)
I have numerous issues with the roster choices made in MKX I love the game and still play it after all this time but the roster and dlc choices are absolutely woeful and so many changes should have been made and you can argue back and forth all day about who should and shouldn't have been included;

Jax should've been a NPC and fujin should have been in his spot
Kitana and sindel should have been swapped
Kung Lao should have been dropped for smoke or another revenant
Mileena should have had more allies included like rain, Baraka, tanya etc
We should've only got one guest instead of two

The list goes on and on but at the end of the day the roster in MKX is a massive let down and I am not alone in that opinion so I like many others saw this second KP2 as an opportunity to throw in some much loved characters that missed out on MKX like noob, smoke, Cyrax, fujin, Sektor, Kabal, jade or even some heavily request 3d era characters like Reiko, havik, Li mei etc but instead now it looks more and more like we will be getting these lousy NPCs converted to playable characters which is just dissapointing, leave them as NPCs I say that was a nice addition to the game but making them
Into playable charvaters just seems like a waste.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/11/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
I have numerous issues with the roster choices made in MKX I love the game and still play it after all this time but the roster and dlc choices are absolutely woeful and so many changes should have been made and you can argue back and forth all day about who should and shouldn't have been included;

Jax should've been a NPC and fujin should have been in his spot
Kitana and sindel should have been swapped
Kung Lao should have been dropped for smoke or another revenant
Mileena should have had more allies included like rain, Baraka, tanya etc
We should've only got one guest instead of two

The list goes on and on but at the end of the day the roster in MKX is a massive let down and I am not alone in that opinion so I like many others saw this second KP2 as an opportunity to throw in some much loved characters that missed out on MKX like noob, smoke, Cyrax, fujin, Sektor, Kabal, jade or even some heavily request 3d era characters like Reiko, havik, Li mei etc but instead now it looks more and more like we will be getting these lousy NPCs converted to playable characters which is just dissapointing, leave them as NPCs I say that was a nice addition to the game but making them
Into playable charvaters just seems like a waste.

A waste to you, obviously not a waste to their fans. That being said I do agree that from the jump NRS should've had Tanya, Rain, Baraka, and Sindel IN the game as playable characters- that would've freed up so much more DLC space for other characters.
09/11/2015 03:16 AM (UTC)
Exactly those characters should have always been in the game and that is my main reason for seeing them as a waste they should have already been in so to get them now as dlc pisses me off because it means that my favourites have no shot of being included and I have wait 4 more years to play as them!!!

Still a great game and I love it just so many frustrating roster choices in my opinion. But who knows nothing is official yet I am still holding hope for a better kp2 line up but we shall see
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/11/2015 03:24 AM (UTC)
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
Exactly those characters should have always been in the game and that is my main reason for seeing them as a waste they should have already been in so to get them now as dlc pisses me off because it means that my favourites have no shot of being included and I have wait 4 more years to play as them!!!

Still a great game and I love it just so many frustrating roster choices in my opinion. But who knows nothing is official yet I am still holding hope for a better kp2 line up but we shall see

Believe me, I have not once been satisfied with the roster choices for this game. The default roster was absolutely terrible. So stale and predictable. Then we get two guests clogging shit up as DLC. And now the second batch of DLC will probably be comprised of characters who should've been in the game from day 1.

So believe me, I understand the frustration. I think I liked Keith's idea better. Having a story mode DLC pack(Baraka, Rain, Sindel, Fujin) AND a Kombat Pack 2(Reiko, Havik ect). that way fans who wanted their favorites from Story mode will get their wishes AND fans who wanted a few more "curveballs" would get theirs- everyone wins.
09/11/2015 06:07 AM (UTC)
While I agree she should have made the roster, I'm glad Tanya was DLC if only so they could fix her awful-ass "White Girl in a Party City Wig" model.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/11/2015 09:49 AM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
While I agree she should have made the roster, I'm glad Tanya was DLC if only so they could fix her awful-ass "White Girl in a Party City Wig" model.

If Tanya was in the starting roster I'm sure it would have played out the same- fans would've complained and they would've changed her before release or they would have sent out a patch or something to fix it later. I'm just pissed they won't change her story model. That is so sloppy. We got two completely different looking Tanyas.
Royal Assassin
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"You Totally Slept With Him Didn't Ya"

09/11/2015 11:45 AM (UTC)
no matter what people will complain, people started complaining when the roster was leaked it's been how long now like 6 months and yet people are still complaining and still making thread of 'your wish mkx'

no matter what someone will be out of the game and that someone will have a small fan group who will get mad, say something and get other people pissed off too

they can't please everyone nor can they make every mk game a Armageddon with every character it will get boring.

i get everyone's point and why you are so annoyed but it's been 6 months you had the decision to choose to buy the game or not once you saw the roster and or commerical.

NRS as always said one thing and did the opposite. they are going to be lazy hell i'm shocked/surprised we are getting a kp2 knowing them they would've just stopped and gave us one last patch and then move on to inj2 or whatever else they are working on.

so getting upset over the little things like Tanya's skin tone, who is in kp2, why mkx roster sucks cause so and so did not make it. what is the point really

they do what they do for money grabs, they try to make every mk game different and try and i mean try to create stories to give these computer created not real humans life

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/11/2015 12:54 PM (UTC)
Kitana147 Wrote:
no matter what people will complain, people started complaining when the roster was leaked it's been how long now like 6 months and yet people are still complaining and still making thread of 'your wish mkx'

no matter what someone will be out of the game and that someone will have a small fan group who will get mad, say something and get other people pissed off too

they can't please everyone nor can they make every mk game a Armageddon with every character it will get boring.

i get everyone's point and why you are so annoyed but it's been 6 months you had the decision to choose to buy the game or not once you saw the roster and or commerical.

NRS as always said one thing and did the opposite. they are going to be lazy hell i'm shocked/surprised we are getting a kp2 knowing them they would've just stopped and gave us one last patch and then move on to inj2 or whatever else they are working on.

so getting upset over the little things like Tanya's skin tone, who is in kp2, why mkx roster sucks cause so and so did not make it. what is the point really

they do what they do for money grabs, they try to make every mk game different and try and i mean try to create stories to give these computer created not real humans life

Tanya's skin tone is understandable. It'd be like if Sonya randomly had dark skin like Tanya/Jacqui. It's irksome.

Everything else I agree with.
09/11/2015 12:59 PM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
I wouldn't say she had a major role in MKX her role was little bigger then the other non playable revenants I don't understand why people keep saying her, Baraka and rain had such huge roles in the story all they were were additional jobbers to beat up on.

She honestly had a bigger role in the story mode than Kitana or Kung Lao. It was conspicuous, actually.

Correct. But kitana and kung lao are top 10 most used alwaya. Sindel is not. No kitana and kung lao would have been an outrage. They are almost main stays like scorp, sub, and raiden.
09/11/2015 01:37 PM (UTC)
Mrfuji Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
I wouldn't say she had a major role in MKX her role was little bigger then the other non playable revenants I don't understand why people keep saying her, Baraka and rain had such huge roles in the story all they were were additional jobbers to beat up on.

She honestly had a bigger role in the story mode than Kitana or Kung Lao. It was conspicuous, actually.

Correct. But kitana and kung lao are top 10 most used alwaya. Sindel is not. No kitana and kung lao would have been an outrage. They are almost main stays like scorp, sub, and raiden.

So I guess Deception and MK4 were terrible entries for leaving out mainstays. lol The only people in this franchise that are absolutely necessary in a roster are Scorpion and Sub-Zero. That's it. Anyone else is expendable for a game.
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Shao Kahn did nothing wrong

09/11/2015 02:37 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
The only people in this franchise that are absolutely necessary in a roster are Scorpion and Sub-Zero

I mean even there I'd like to see at least ONE of them sit out for a game and then the other could sit out the next, but I just know the fan outcry would be HUGE and the left out one would end up in a Kombat Pack or something down the line.

As for Sindel being a possible DLC character? Well, I actually do like Sindel, but again with Baraka, I could deal with these two sitting it out. Unlike Baraka though, Sindel hasn't had too many appearances compared to him, so in a sense it would be refreshing to see her as a DLC character, but at the same time I can see how it'd be a disappointment for the rest of you.

She was an NPC fight and it's just plain predictable to see them end up as DLC characters.
09/11/2015 02:49 PM (UTC)
Noob Saibot was a "jobber" in MK9 too. It's as if fans can't accept that their favourite characters are relegated to henchman status in game, as if their importance to the story is lessened because they're not Shao Kahn or Liu Kang. It's ridiculous. You can still play an important role and not be the main protagonist or antagonist.

Besides, people complaining that they don't get to play their favourite characters will never know what it's like to be a Drahmin fan. I will never get to play an updated version of that character, that's for certain.
09/11/2015 03:05 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Mrfuji Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Noob-Smoke-3333 Wrote:
I wouldn't say she had a major role in MKX her role was little bigger then the other non playable revenants I don't understand why people keep saying her, Baraka and rain had such huge roles in the story all they were were additional jobbers to beat up on.

She honestly had a bigger role in the story mode than Kitana or Kung Lao. It was conspicuous, actually.

Correct. But kitana and kung lao are top 10 most used alwaya. Sindel is not. No kitana and kung lao would have been an outrage. They are almost main stays like scorp, sub, and raiden.

So I guess Deception and MK4 were terrible entries for leaving out mainstays. lol The only people in this franchise that are absolutely necessary in a roster are Scorpion and Sub-Zero. That's it. Anyone else is expendable for a game.

Mk4 isnt widedly viewed as a good mk sooo. But i like mk4 i was a fan of fujin, kai, and reiko. Even jarek had a decent design to me. Deception is also looked down on. Pretty much the 3d era in general. But im talking about now they are like mainstays. And i said ALMOST. i swear you people on tyese forums cant read. Raiden is also a mainstay. And tbh liu kang is close too. Nrs(then midway) got rediculed by fans for killing him off in deadly alliance. I remember i think gamespot took points off the games score for no liu kang.
I hope we don't get all NPCs plus Fujin as DLC. I'd be okay with one and Fujin and then have the other two be some curveball characters that nobody expected to show up. If its all NPCs I think a lot of people will react the same way most people reacted to the Arkham Knight's reveal. They will be dissapointed because they knew who would make it the entire time.

I'd rather have Rain, Fujin, Frost, and Reiko at this point.
09/11/2015 03:47 PM (UTC)
Mrfuji Wrote:
Mk4 isnt widedly viewed as a good mk sooo. But i like mk4 i was a fan of fujin, kai, and reiko. Even jarek had a decent design to me. Deception is also looked down on. Pretty much the 3d era in general. But im talking about now they are like mainstays. And i said ALMOST. i swear you people on tyese forums cant read. Raiden is also a mainstay. And tbh liu kang is close too. Nrs(then midway) got rediculed by fans for killing him off in deadly alliance. I remember i think gamespot took points off the games score for no liu kang.

I can read very well, thanks, and my point still stands. We're not going to sit here and debate which games are good and which games are crap because that's all opinion based and you can't disprove anyone's opinions. Fact of the matter is it doesn't matter if those games are "widely viewed" as bad or if idiotic reviewers tack off points from a games score because of a missing character because that's, just frankly speaking, ludicrous. "Oh, yes, I'm going to take a few points off of the final score because, frankly, I'm pissed there's no Kano." Pfft. What a joke.

Are they legacy characters? Yeah, sure, they're well known and insanely popular. But mainstays? No. Kitana missed out on 3 games since her inclusion. Ironically enough, Sindel has also missed 3 games since her inclusion. Technically 3 and a half if you count her being fightable in MKX.

The numbers don't lie. There are maybe only 2-4 mainstays in this franchise. That's it. And if it comes down to it, you could even have Liu and Raiden sit another MK out but Scorpion and Sub-Zero? They are the faces of this franchise. Anyone else, as I said, is expendable.
09/11/2015 05:02 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
redman Wrote:
I really don't think the silhouettes should be anything to go off of but that's just me. I still believe we're going to be getting a cyborg, NRS knows Bo' Rai Cho will not sell well.

Sindel's chances did go up because of this though imo, ImperatrixSindel made some very good points. It is odd that they released a render with some added changes to the hair. I hope she doesn't make it but that's just me, I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but like others have said it would be a major hype killer. As long as I get Fujin though, i'm content.

I doubt they'd put Bo'Rai'Cho as a fake silhouette- NRS actually likes him and most fans have really grown to like him over the years, hell, some people were asking for him as DLC in MK9. He's far from being the joke that Hsu Hao or others are. If that was an Hsu Hao silhouette, then I'd see your point. But I don't see them as doing joke silhouette PERIOD, mainly because the only reason why they did it for the select screen back in E3 was because it was the fucking select screen and only what, six of twenty four characters were revealed? And if they did why only use one joke silhouette? Bo'Rai'Cho had a pretty integral role in story mode so I fail to see what would be so laugh out funny about teasing him as DLC if he really wasn't. Hsu Hao, I'd get, Meat I'd get, Bo? Don't get it.

I really don't know why people assume Bo'Rai'Cho will not sell well. They're not going to just drop him without any promotion. A trailer will be released and I'm sure NRS are hard at work trying to make him into a great and appealing fighter. All it really takes is a kick-ass gameplay trailer and you win everyone over. Besides you have several fans who'd get Bo'Rai'Cho simply because he's a 3D era character. And I'm sure a lot of my casual friends would buy Bo in a heart beat simply based on how different he is from the other human characters. I think people really need to get their minds out of 2002.

I don't disagree with this, I love Bo and I think he would be amazing, but i'm not sure how well casual fans would take to him. There is a lot of hate surrounding this character and I wouldn't be surprised if he was the worst selling of the bunch. A cyborg or Smoke or Noob would obviously sell better.

I really hope you're right in saying that it's not a fake silhouette, but i'm still on the fence about it.
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09/11/2015 05:05 PM (UTC)
I think people's memories are failing them.. People were very happy (myself included) when they killed Liu Kang off. He was boring, after 4 games he hadn't really changed at all. He was the superman of the series, the goodie goodie who never does anything wrong, which is really boring.. Plus his "waaaaaahs!" And "whoooo ahaaaas!" Had gotten way over the top. It was time The mk team replaced him.. I didn't miss him. A lot of other people didn't either..

My guess as to why people wanted him back, other than nostalgia, is because we got such crap new characters like Kira, and Kobra, that people would rather have a character they knew and were tired of than some Dgrade new characters.

My point is... I also agree Sub-Zero and Scorpion are the only ones who shouldn't sit out a game. They are the face of it. They sell it. I would argue that putting anyone else on the box by themselves wouldn't sell the game. Definitely not Liu Kang, Sonya, Johnny Cage, or even Raiden.. They are too bleh. That's why SubZero was on issue #1 on the comic, he attracts non MK fans.

NRS should take chances and let characters sit out games. I say his as someone who's favorite character Smoke, isn't really in this game. A crappy revenant version doesn't count, they built him up and gave him an awesome story in the last game and finally gave us a human smoke (who was one of the most popular characters btw) and then decided not to build on his hype an momentum and prettying exclude him from this one.. And yet I'm fine with him sitting this one out..

I understand people wanting their favorite characters to make it in this game, and I Know Sindel and Baraka are some peoples favorites, but they have been in enough games ready to fully sit out this one. They arent DLC material. DLC should be for special characters that are new, haven't been seen in a while, or are surprise guests (if you like that kind of thing)
09/11/2015 06:34 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Mrfuji Wrote:
Mk4 isnt widedly viewed as a good mk sooo. But i like mk4 i was a fan of fujin, kai, and reiko. Even jarek had a decent design to me. Deception is also looked down on. Pretty much the 3d era in general. But im talking about now they are like mainstays. And i said ALMOST. i swear you people on tyese forums cant read. Raiden is also a mainstay. And tbh liu kang is close too. Nrs(then midway) got rediculed by fans for killing him off in deadly alliance. I remember i think gamespot took points off the games score for no liu kang.

I can read very well, thanks, and my point still stands. We're not going to sit here and debate which games are good and which games are crap because that's all opinion based and you can't disprove anyone's opinions. Fact of the matter is it doesn't matter if those games are "widely viewed" as bad or if idiotic reviewers tack off points from a games score because of a missing character because that's, just frankly speaking, ludicrous. "Oh, yes, I'm going to take a few points off of the final score because, frankly, I'm pissed there's no Kano." Pfft. What a joke.

Are they legacy characters? Yeah, sure, they're well known and insanely popular. But mainstays? No. Kitana missed out on 3 games since her inclusion. Ironically enough, Sindel has also missed 3 games since her inclusion. Technically 3 and a half if you count her being fightable in MKX.

The numbers don't lie. There are maybe only 2-4 mainstays in this franchise. That's it. And if it comes down to it, you could even have Liu and Raiden sit another MK out but Scorpion and Sub-Zero? They are the faces of this franchise. Anyone else, as I said, is expendable.

Your point does not stand because i never said kitana and lao cant ever be out. I clearly said they are ALMOST mainstays .raiden is a mainstay and he has yet to be out of a game but umk3 only way he will ever be out anytime soon is if they give fujin the love he deserves. Kitana missed out on mk4 and 3 but was in gold and umk3 so technically she was in. Only game since her debut kitana really missed was mk deception. Lao is in the same scenario only was left out of deception and MkvsDC. If you're trying to act as if sindel is in the same light as them 2 then you're wrong and i don't care for kitana but she has alot of fans. And since numbers dont lie look up the stats of lao and kitana for the last 2 games....
09/11/2015 06:55 PM (UTC)
Mrfuji Wrote:
If you're trying to act as if sindel is in the same light as them 2 then you're wrong.

Sorry, how can statistical facts be wrong? Oh, that's right, they can't. We're not arguing popularity which is what you seem to be arguing, nor are we arguing character usage. We're arguing who is and who is not the so-called "mainstays" of this franchise. Fact is, Kitana missed those initial rosters in 3 games and Kung Lao also missed 3 so they are not, in fact, mainstays or almost mainstays or else they would've been in. Plain and simple.

Also, UKM3 and MKGold are just updates to pre-existing games. If you want you can call them their own titles but that doesn't change the fact they still missed 3 games where they sat out as they were not in the original title. Just the fact alone that they got added in later as opposed to in the core, initial roster proves that they were after thoughts at best for that particular game.
09/11/2015 07:53 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Mrfuji Wrote:
If you're trying to act as if sindel is in the same light as them 2 then you're wrong.

Sorry, how can statistical facts be wrong? Oh, that's right, they can't. We're not arguing popularity which is what you seem to be arguing, nor are we arguing character usage. We're arguing who is and who is not the so-called "mainstays" of this franchise. Fact is, Kitana missed those initial rosters in 3 games and Kung Lao also missed 3 so they are not, in fact, mainstays or almost mainstays or else they would've been in. Plain and simple.

Also, UKM3 and MKGold are just updates to pre-existing games. If you want you can call them their own titles but that doesn't change the fact they still missed 3 games where they sat out as they were not in the original title. Just the fact alone that they got added in later as opposed to in the core, initial roster proves that they were after thoughts at best for that particular game.

While I agree with you that Sub-Zero, Scorpion and possibly Raiden are the only "required" characters for an MK at this point, I think it's also telling that Kitana is always added to the 'revised' versions (UMK3, Gold, Unchained). If there's anyone approaching that level at this point, it's probably her.
09/11/2015 07:55 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Mrfuji Wrote:
If you're trying to act as if sindel is in the same light as them 2 then you're wrong.

Sorry, how can statistical facts be wrong? Oh, that's right, they can't. We're not arguing popularity which is what you seem to be arguing, nor are we arguing character usage. We're arguing who is and who is not the so-called "mainstays" of this franchise. Fact is, Kitana missed those initial rosters in 3 games and Kung Lao also missed 3 so they are not, in fact, mainstays or almost mainstays or else they would've been in. Plain and simple.

Also, UKM3 and MKGold are just updates to pre-existing games. If you want you can call them their own titles but that doesn't change the fact they still missed 3 games where they sat out as they were not in the original title. Just the fact alone that they got added in later as opposed to in the core, initial roster proves that they were after thoughts at best for that particular game.

No we arent arguing that. You are. I never once said they were mainstays.
09/11/2015 08:00 PM (UTC)
Mrfuji Wrote:
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Mrfuji Wrote:
If you're trying to act as if sindel is in the same light as them 2 then you're wrong.

Sorry, how can statistical facts be wrong? Oh, that's right, they can't. We're not arguing popularity which is what you seem to be arguing, nor are we arguing character usage. We're arguing who is and who is not the so-called "mainstays" of this franchise. Fact is, Kitana missed those initial rosters in 3 games and Kung Lao also missed 3 so they are not, in fact, mainstays or almost mainstays or else they would've been in. Plain and simple.

Also, UKM3 and MKGold are just updates to pre-existing games. If you want you can call them their own titles but that doesn't change the fact they still missed 3 games where they sat out as they were not in the original title. Just the fact alone that they got added in later as opposed to in the core, initial roster proves that they were after thoughts at best for that particular game.

No we arent arguing that. You are. I never once said they were mainstays.

You said almost and that's close enough. See? Apparently I can read. And to keep responding to me debating what I said is pretty clearly an argument that you are taking part of unless somehow you weren't responding to me despite quoting me and I was thus arguing with myself which I find.....rather hard to believe.

Truth is, no one is close to it at this point unless you're in that category is 2-4 characters. And the way NRS operates, no one else will ever get to that level again because they have their favorites and they have their ways and both are, unfortunately at this point, pretty stubbornly set in stone.
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