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09/11/2015 09:16 PM (UTC)
I still don't get the option to fight the invasion boss or do the invasion tower.
I hope I don't miss it!
09/11/2015 09:26 PM (UTC)
mkdfan Wrote:
I still don't get the option to fight the invasion boss or do the invasion tower.
I hope I don't miss it!

You have. The Invasion Boss only lasts 24 hours.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/11/2015 10:00 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
redman Wrote:
I really don't think the silhouettes should be anything to go off of but that's just me. I still believe we're going to be getting a cyborg, NRS knows Bo' Rai Cho will not sell well.

Sindel's chances did go up because of this though imo, ImperatrixSindel made some very good points. It is odd that they released a render with some added changes to the hair. I hope she doesn't make it but that's just me, I guess it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, but like others have said it would be a major hype killer. As long as I get Fujin though, i'm content.

I doubt they'd put Bo'Rai'Cho as a fake silhouette- NRS actually likes him and most fans have really grown to like him over the years, hell, some people were asking for him as DLC in MK9. He's far from being the joke that Hsu Hao or others are. If that was an Hsu Hao silhouette, then I'd see your point. But I don't see them as doing joke silhouette PERIOD, mainly because the only reason why they did it for the select screen back in E3 was because it was the fucking select screen and only what, six of twenty four characters were revealed? And if they did why only use one joke silhouette? Bo'Rai'Cho had a pretty integral role in story mode so I fail to see what would be so laugh out funny about teasing him as DLC if he really wasn't. Hsu Hao, I'd get, Meat I'd get, Bo? Don't get it.

I really don't know why people assume Bo'Rai'Cho will not sell well. They're not going to just drop him without any promotion. A trailer will be released and I'm sure NRS are hard at work trying to make him into a great and appealing fighter. All it really takes is a kick-ass gameplay trailer and you win everyone over. Besides you have several fans who'd get Bo'Rai'Cho simply because he's a 3D era character. And I'm sure a lot of my casual friends would buy Bo in a heart beat simply based on how different he is from the other human characters. I think people really need to get their minds out of 2002.

I don't disagree with this, I love Bo and I think he would be amazing, but i'm not sure how well casual fans would take to him. There is a lot of hate surrounding this character and I wouldn't be surprised if he was the worst selling of the bunch. A cyborg or Smoke or Noob would obviously sell better.

I really hope you're right in saying that it's not a fake silhouette, but i'm still on the fence about it.

Sorry if I came off aggressive. But I think we overestimate casual fans- all casual fans need is a kick-ass trailer featuring Bo'Rai'Cho being badass and their down. That's all. We fans are the ones who stress and put emphasis on who's a 3D era character and who's not but they don't give a shit about that. Look at all the casuals who bought Tremor not knowing a damn thing about him. All my friends are "Casuals", I'm the only diehard, and they simply bought Tremor because he "looked cool".

Seriously, that's all it truly takes to win over casual fans. Bo'Rai'Cho I'd imagine is going to be truly re-invented from his Deadly Alliance days, he was already more serious in story mode- He'd probably still have a touch of humor here and there, but I'd imagine 2016 Bo will be very, very different. Times change. That said, he might indeed be the least selling of the bunch individually because he's being sold with folk like Baraka & Sindel, and Fujin has been wanted back FOR YEARS- but that doesn't mean his sales will be a complete stinker though. Ya gotta start somewhere.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/11/2015 10:14 PM (UTC)
MKfan99 Wrote:
I understand people wanting their favorite characters to make it in this game, and I Know Sindel and Baraka are some peoples favorites, but they have been in enough games ready to fully sit out this one. They arent DLC material. DLC should be for special characters that are new, haven't been seen in a while, or are surprise guests (if you like that kind of thing)

Nah, that's what you think DLC should be. There's no "rule book" what DLC should be for Mortal Kombat or any other series.

And we have gotten surprised guests(Jason, Predator) and characters we haven't seen in a while (Tanya, Fujin, Bo'Rai'Cho and maybe Tremor if you count special forces).

Sindel and Baraka take nothing away from that.
09/11/2015 10:33 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
MKfan99 Wrote:
I understand people wanting their favorite characters to make it in this game, and I Know Sindel and Baraka are some peoples favorites, but they have been in enough games ready to fully sit out this one. They arent DLC material. DLC should be for special characters that are new, haven't been seen in a while, or are surprise guests (if you like that kind of thing)

Nah, that's what you think DLC should be. There's no "rule book" what DLC should be for Mortal Kombat or any other series.

And we have gotten surprised guests(Jason, Predator) and characters we haven't seen in a while (Tanya, Fujin, Bo'Rai'Cho and maybe Tremor if you count special forces).

Sindel and Baraka take nothing away from that.

Sindel has not been in that many games. She is one of the strongest but hardly used. I would just want her back so she would have a decent look like mk 3 and not the gross over sexy look she had in the past. She also had cool moves and making variations for her would probably be pretty easy. I don't mind if she sits out tho cus she was apart of the last game.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/11/2015 10:37 PM (UTC)
Well Sindel was in MK9 because she sorta had to be. MKX will be her first big non-reunion type game since Deception 11 years ago.
09/12/2015 12:34 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Well Sindel was in MK9 because she sorta had to be. MKX will be her first big non-reunion type game since Deception 11 years ago.

And even then, it won't be because the game calls for her. It'll either be fan demnd or budget. And I'm cool with either one, I just want my baby back (ribs). Sindel for Kombat Pack 2 or Story Pack 1 or whatever. But I would love a game where Sindel was fully utilised in terms of the overall mythology. MK9 had the opportunity but didn't follow through. Even though she annihilated half the cast in 30 seconds, as much fun as that was, Sindel was basically a plot device to be used and quickly discarded. In Deception they gave her a purpose and although it alluded to her joining the force against Onaga, Deception's storyline got largely torpedoed by Armageddon. A shame because even though Deception's plot was a little bare bones, it was obvious that a little extra effort went in to her ending and victory over him than the other characters. She's one of the oldest, most powerful non immortal beings in the series with so many unexplored strings in her story.

Plotwise, I'd like to see her utilised to the fullest. What was her rule with Jerrod like before Kahn? Why did she believe Earthrealm was worth sacrificing herself for? And who was it in the Earthrealm desert that was worshipping her when they built that giant statue? How did Kitana free her mind in the previous timeline when she couldn't in this one? There's a lot to Sindel that I wish the games storylines would dig in to a bit but sadly since her arrival she's been a plot device. I'd love to see that changed in MK11 and for them to explore her untapped potential. But it won't happen in 11. Maybe in 12? Which is probably a decade away. Maybe by then they'll able to beam the characters in to your living room and I can fucking ask her.

"Hey Sindy, what's the tea?"
09/12/2015 12:55 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
And even then, it won't be because the game calls for her. It'll either be fan demnd or budget. And I'm cool with either one, I just want my baby back (ribs). Sindel for Kombat Pack 2 or Story Pack 1 or whatever. But I would love a game where Sindel was fully utilised in terms of the overall mythology. MK9 had the opportunity but didn't follow through. Even though she annihilated half the cast in 30 seconds, as much fun as that was, Sindel was basically a plot device to be used and quickly discarded. In Deception they gave her a purpose and although it alluded to her joining the force against Onaga, Deception's storyline got largely torpedoed by Armageddon. A shame because even though Deception's plot was a little bare bones, it was obvious that a little extra effort went in to her ending and victory over him than the other characters. She's one of the oldest, most powerful non immortal beings in the series with so many unexplored strings in her story.

Plotwise, I'd like to see her utilised to the fullest. What was her rule with Jerrod like before Kahn? Why did she believe Earthrealm was worth sacrificing herself for? And who was it in the Earthrealm desert that was worshipping her when they built that giant statue? How did Kitana free her mind in the previous timeline when she couldn't in this one? There's a lot to Sindel that I wish the games storylines would dig in to a bit but sadly since her arrival she's been a plot device. I'd love to see that changed in MK11 and for them to explore her untapped potential. But it won't happen in 11. Maybe in 12? Which is probably a decade away. Maybe by then they'll able to beam the characters in to your living room and I can fucking ask her.

"Hey Sindy, what's the tea?"

This is such a good post.

Her spotlight in that one MK9 scene was great, but it was so conspicuous that she was barely in the story mode otherwise! Especially when it's her damn face on the side of the MK3 arcade cabinet, not Quan Chi's who didn't even exist yet.

I'd love to get to know more about her past with Jerrod and her relationship to Earthrealm, which is something that was never explored. Unfortunately I fear MKX may be her last hurrah for a good long while*, which is why I'm really jonesing for her to get that DLC spot.

* On Mother's Day Ed and Brian Chard made some tweets in response to questions about Sindel that led me to believe she's not long for this world.

Boon: "Happy Mother's Day Sindel, but watch your back. :/"
and Chard: "Liu Kang might not be happy to have her as a mother-in-law."

About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/12/2015 01:01 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Well Sindel was in MK9 because she sorta had to be. MKX will be her first big non-reunion type game since Deception 11 years ago.

And even then, it won't be because the game calls for her. It'll either be fan demnd or budget. And I'm cool with either one, I just want my baby back (ribs). Sindel for Kombat Pack 2 or Story Pack 1 or whatever. But I would love a game where Sindel was fully utilised in terms of the overall mythology. MK9 had the opportunity but didn't follow through. Even though she annihilated half the cast in 30 seconds, as much fun as that was, Sindel was basically a plot device to be used and quickly discarded. In Deception they gave her a purpose and although it alluded to her joining the force against Onaga, Deception's storyline got largely torpedoed by Armageddon. A shame because even though Deception's plot was a little bare bones, it was obvious that a little extra effort went in to her ending and victory over him than the other characters. She's one of the oldest, most powerful non immortal beings in the series with so many unexplored strings in her story.

Plotwise, I'd like to see her utilised to the fullest. What was her rule with Jerrod like before Kahn? Why did she believe Earthrealm was worth sacrificing herself for? And who was it in the Earthrealm desert that was worshipping her when they built that giant statue? How did Kitana free her mind in the previous timeline when she couldn't in this one? There's a lot to Sindel that I wish the games storylines would dig in to a bit but sadly since her arrival she's been a plot device. I'd love to see that changed in MK11 and for them to explore her untapped potential. But it won't happen in 11. Maybe in 12? Which is probably a decade away. Maybe by then they'll able to beam the characters in to your living room and I can fucking ask her.

"Hey Sindy, what's the tea?"

Haha so true. Sindel is one of those characters that truly is dripping with potential to bring so much to future stories. Her development in Deception was magical, simply fantastic and I wish the writing could go back to that. The 3D era games were not amazing, but they sure as hell had fascinating lore and writing that truly fleshed out the MK universe.

I'm literally pumped for Sindel now haha.
09/12/2015 01:08 AM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Well Sindel was in MK9 because she sorta had to be. MKX will be her first big non-reunion type game since Deception 11 years ago.

And even then, it won't be because the game calls for her. It'll either be fan demnd or budget. And I'm cool with either one, I just want my baby back (ribs). Sindel for Kombat Pack 2 or Story Pack 1 or whatever. But I would love a game where Sindel was fully utilised in terms of the overall mythology. MK9 had the opportunity but didn't follow through. Even though she annihilated half the cast in 30 seconds, as much fun as that was, Sindel was basically a plot device to be used and quickly discarded. In Deception they gave her a purpose and although it alluded to her joining the force against Onaga, Deception's storyline got largely torpedoed by Armageddon. A shame because even though Deception's plot was a little bare bones, it was obvious that a little extra effort went in to her ending and victory over him than the other characters. She's one of the oldest, most powerful non immortal beings in the series with so many unexplored strings in her story.

Plotwise, I'd like to see her utilised to the fullest. What was her rule with Jerrod like before Kahn? Why did she believe Earthrealm was worth sacrificing herself for? And who was it in the Earthrealm desert that was worshipping her when they built that giant statue? How did Kitana free her mind in the previous timeline when she couldn't in this one? There's a lot to Sindel that I wish the games storylines would dig in to a bit but sadly since her arrival she's been a plot device. I'd love to see that changed in MK11 and for them to explore her untapped potential. But it won't happen in 11. Maybe in 12? Which is probably a decade away. Maybe by then they'll able to beam the characters in to your living room and I can fucking ask her.

"Hey Sindy, what's the tea?"

I don't even particularly like Sindel all that much and I can't disagree with a single thing you said. My favorite appearance from her, by far, was in Deception. I remember back in the day being so stoked at seeing her back and once I got my hands on the game, her storyline was one of the ones I was most interested in.

I hope if or when she ever gets revived, they revisit the idea of her being this good and noble character again. I would love to see her being the one that manages to free Edenia from Outworld somehow.
09/12/2015 01:11 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

I don't even particularly like Sindel all that much and I can't disagree with a single thing you said. My favorite appearance from her, by far, was in Deception. I remember back in the day being so stoked at seeing her back and once I got my hands on the game, her storyline was one of the ones I was most interested in.

I hope if or when she ever gets revived, they revisit the idea of her being this good and noble character again. I would love to see her being the one that manages to free Edenia from Outworld somehow.

I would love to see her be restored by green-glowy Jade-ghost and then have the role reversal of being the good Edenian fighting Kitana the corrupted one. In my dream MKXI Kitana and Liu Kang annex Edenia for the Netherrealm and a revived Sindel has to stop them.

Generally speaking I'd just love to see Sindel in this timeline dealing with the guilt of what she's done while controlled under first Shao Kahn and then Quan Chi's influence. She's done so many more terrible things this time than she did the first go-round. Deception is the only game she's ever been playable as a good guy -- or her true self, even -- and I'd love for her to have more of that arc.
09/12/2015 01:17 AM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I would love to see her be restored by green-glowy Jade-ghost and then have the role reversal of being the good Edenian fighting Kitana the corrupted one. In my dream MKXI Kitana and Liu Kang annex Edenia for the Netherrealm and a revived Sindel has to stop them.

Generally speaking I'd just love to see Sindel in this timeline dealing with the guilt of what she's done while controlled under first Shao Kahn and then Quan Chi's influence. She's done so many more terrible things this time than she did the first go-round.

Deception is the only game she's ever been playable as a good guy -- or her true self, even -- and I'd love for her to have more of that arc.

Hell yeah. Imagine the shock if Sindel gets revived and she had allies in Tanya and Rain of all people, solely because they want Edenia freed from Outworld, meanwhile Kitana is still dead in the Netherrealm. Or better yet, if under Sindel's leadership, Tanya had to work alongside Jade of all people if or when she's revived back to normal. Man, that would be so interesting to see unfold.
09/12/2015 01:19 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:

Hell yeah. Imagine the shock if Sindel gets revived and she had allies in Tanya and Rain of all people, solely because they want Edenia freed from Outworld, meanwhile Kitana is still dead in the Netherrealm. Or better yet, if under Sindel's leadership, Tanya had to work alongside Jade of all people if or when she's revived back to normal. Man, that would be so interesting to see unfold.

Exactly! There's so much potential for dramatic irony now that Kitana's evil.
09/12/2015 01:24 AM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:

* On Mother's Day Ed and Brian Chard made some tweets in response to questions about Sindel that led me to believe she's not long for this world.

Boon: "Happy Mother's Day Sindel, but watch your back. :/"
and Chard: "Liu Kang might not be happy to have her as a mother-in-law."

I remember those tweets but like 99.9% of Boon's tweets about MK, they ain't worth deciphering.

Plus, I'm seeing a lot of love for Sindel nowadays that I didn't use to before. I think it has a lot to do with demographics. Back in the 90s/early 00s, she was pretty memorable but the fanbase was a little mixed. In MK3/UMK3, she was relatively high tier which helped her popularity. Her design and overall character was very sort of "love it or hate it" though. But of course, at the time, the female roster in MK had to mould to a certain way - namely, they had to be pin-ups. And Mileena was like the one exception to that rule so they amped her pin-up status ten fold because of it. Sheeva didn't comply and she was dropped. Notice how they tried to sex up an eight foot tall half dragon lady in the last game.

Things are starting to look different now, thankfully. The female characters are (for the first time) being treated like characters first and not walking, barely talking gigantic jiggle physic demonstrations. They can finally be given the chance to be cool first, like the male characters have always been. I know it's a bad idea to discuss anything related to gender on MKO because the knee jerk reaction here is always loud, vitriol and embarrassing but MK is shedding a ridiculous part of its past and it only means the best for it's female characters and the ones who have been there the longest should by all rights be the first to reap the benefits. Kitana was probably the most 'pin-up'y of MKX's female roster but she's also the only one who didn't really play a role in the story. Sonya and Mileena were big players in the story, and both have been hypersexualised in the past but now, their character's rather than their cup size came to the forefront and it made them both much better characters. Both of them have motives, personalities, character strengths and weakness that neither really had before because the attention to them just wasn't there. As long as they had big tits, pushed up and out, as far as the developers were concerned, they were done. But like I said, things are different now, and thankfully so.

To cut a long, rambly post short. Sindel, I think has a better chance now to thrive in the MK universe than ever because female characters are no longer merited on their sex appeal. Sindel was never "hot" like Sonya and Kitana were "hot" and because that factor doesn't weigh in so much with the female characters, all of them now have a chance to really grow and become integral parts of the wider mythology. And especially for the female characters who in a sense have in some way tried to defy that "necessary" sex appeal like Sindel or Sheeva.

I don't post as much as I used to these days but when I do it's a novel. Pffffffft, sorry about it.
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Keith Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Well Sindel was in MK9 because she sorta had to be. MKX will be her first big non-reunion type game since Deception 11 years ago.

And even then, it won't be because the game calls for her. It'll either be fan demnd or budget. And I'm cool with either one, I just want my baby back (ribs). Sindel for Kombat Pack 2 or Story Pack 1 or whatever. But I would love a game where Sindel was fully utilised in terms of the overall mythology. MK9 had the opportunity but didn't follow through. Even though she annihilated half the cast in 30 seconds, as much fun as that was, Sindel was basically a plot device to be used and quickly discarded. In Deception they gave her a purpose and although it alluded to her joining the force against Onaga, Deception's storyline got largely torpedoed by Armageddon. A shame because even though Deception's plot was a little bare bones, it was obvious that a little extra effort went in to her ending and victory over him than the other characters. She's one of the oldest, most powerful non immortal beings in the series with so many unexplored strings in her story.

Plotwise, I'd like to see her utilised to the fullest. What was her rule with Jerrod like before Kahn? Why did she believe Earthrealm was worth sacrificing herself for? And who was it in the Earthrealm desert that was worshipping her when they built that giant statue? How did Kitana free her mind in the previous timeline when she couldn't in this one? There's a lot to Sindel that I wish the games storylines would dig in to a bit but sadly since her arrival she's been a plot device. I'd love to see that changed in MK11 and for them to explore her untapped potential. But it won't happen in 11. Maybe in 12? Which is probably a decade away. Maybe by then they'll able to beam the characters in to your living room and I can fucking ask her.

"Hey Sindy, what's the tea?"

I don't even particularly like Sindel all that much and I can't disagree with a single thing you said. My favorite appearance from her, by far, was in Deception. I remember back in the day being so stoked at seeing her back and once I got my hands on the game, her storyline was one of the ones I was most interested in.

I hope if or when she ever gets revived, they revisit the idea of her being this good and noble character again. I would love to see her being the one that manages to free Edenia from Outworld somehow.

I think Sindel works way better as a good character than a bad one. Granted, she does evil pretty well. But based on her overall design, she just can't pull it off without coming off as a camp. And I love camp and clearly so does MK but it only gets a character so far. As a good character, having an warrior queen who's had everything taken from her, her husband, her daugher, her realm, her mind and her life who in spite of all that is still a wise, benevolent and welcoming ruler. That's a character I want to crack open and get in to. And Deception tried....a bit. Sort of. But then financial reasoning called on everyone coming back all at once for one not-so-final glitch ridden romp that said "fuck you story! quantity everywhere!" and the franchise is only shaking it off now. tongue
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

09/12/2015 01:35 AM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I would love to see her be restored by green-glowy Jade-ghost and then have the role reversal of being the good Edenian fighting Kitana the corrupted one. In my dream MKXI Kitana and Liu Kang annex Edenia for the Netherrealm and a revived Sindel has to stop them.

Generally speaking I'd just love to see Sindel in this timeline dealing with the guilt of what she's done while controlled under first Shao Kahn and then Quan Chi's influence. She's done so many more terrible things this time than she did the first go-round.

Deception is the only game she's ever been playable as a good guy -- or her true self, even -- and I'd love for her to have more of that arc.

Hell yeah. Imagine the shock if Sindel gets revived and she had allies in Tanya and Rain of all people, solely because they want Edenia freed from Outworld, meanwhile Kitana is still dead in the Netherrealm. Or better yet, if under Sindel's leadership, Tanya had to work alongside Jade of all people if or when she's revived back to normal. Man, that would be so interesting to see unfold.

If MK11 had Sindel, Tanya, Rain, and Jade...yeah....total edenian orgasm. Take my fucking money.
About Me

I will rock you.

09/12/2015 03:33 AM (UTC)
Well if Sindel makes it in the KP2. I hope her fatalities and brutalities don't suck. With the tech they have now they could work wonders with her now.wink
09/12/2015 03:56 AM (UTC)
I hope she gets the 'scream their skin off' fatality from MK3 back. It's way more fun than just screaming until their head explodes.
09/12/2015 04:25 AM (UTC)
Personally I'm really looking forward to see the variations, fatalities and brutalities of Baraka, Sindel, Fujin and Bo' Rai Cho. I can't wait.

I'm glad people are finally starting to see that the silhouettes represent these four characters too. Took long enough.
09/12/2015 04:58 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
Personally I'm really looking forward to see the variations, fatalities and brutalities of Baraka, Sindel, Fujin and Bo' Rai Cho. I can't wait.

I'm glad people are finally starting to see that the silhouettes represent these four characters too. Took long enough.

I still wouldn't hold it against them to pull a wildcard so I'm staying out of the guessing game for the remainder of time it takes for the reveal to drop. There's no telling who 2 of them could be because they look so identical to several characters; for instance, third from the left could be Fujin, could be Cyrax, could be Sektor, hell, it could even be Robo-Smoke for all we know.

Or one of them could be an off the wall choice considering there is a whole range of characters who could've been heavily re-designed (3D era) and not to mention the possibility of another new/rumored character as well.

Unless there is a 100% match, like Bo' Rai Cho matching that 4'th from the left to a T, I wouldn't put much stock in anything at the moment. There's also the possibility that the 2'nd from the left could be generic as to not give away who it is (i.e. Xenomorph).
09/12/2015 05:01 AM (UTC)
I maintain if they could not get Reptile's tail to work, they are not gonna do a xenomorph in this engine.

I do think it's Baraka, Sindel, Fujin, Bo' Rai Cho at this point, but I agree that silhouette 2 could potentially be someone other than Sindel and silhouette 3 could be Cyrax or Sektor.
09/12/2015 05:08 AM (UTC)
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
09/12/2015 05:48 AM (UTC)
Warbro666 Wrote:
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.

That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
09/12/2015 06:07 AM (UTC)
lanadelrey Wrote:
Warbro666 Wrote:
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.

That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans

I'm pretty sure Cyrax will be back. Kittelsen is already hinting he didn't actually die in the comic.

But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).

Baraka, [a female, I think Sindel], Fujin, BRC. Instead of Sindel I could see Li Mei or Sareena, but Frost seems particularly unlikely now because when asked on Twitter Kelly Hu didn't even know who she was. Silhouette 2 looks like Sindel to me, but even if it's not her I maintain it looks like a female figure because of the slope of the shoulders.

That said, if any of them is someone we haven't already seen it's probably silhouette 2.
09/12/2015 08:24 AM (UTC)
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
lanadelrey Wrote:
Warbro666 Wrote:
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.

That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans

I'm pretty sure Cyrax will be back. Kittelsen is already hinting he didn't actually die in the comic.

But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).

Baraka, [a female, I think Sindel], Fujin, BRC. Instead of Sindel I could see Li Mei or Sareena, but Frost seems particularly unlikely now because when asked on Twitter Kelly Hu didn't even know who she was. Silhouette 2 looks like Sindel to me, but even if it's not her I maintain it looks like a female figure because of the slope of the shoulders.

That said, if any of them is someone we haven't already seen it's probably silhouette 2.

This. I would love to see Sektor in MKX. He's one of my favourite characters. The updated game play and graphics would be insane for a cyborg. But the silhouettes are definitely Baraka, Sindel, Fujin and Bo' Rai Cho.

Could NRS be trolling? Possibly. But I find it highly unlikely they would go to the effort of making those four silhouettes only for them to pull a bait and switch. The majority of people that are still saying that one of the silhouettes is a guest, that Rain is one of the silhouettes, that the Baraka silhouette is Fujin, Noob Saibot or Smoke means that the silhouettes are still doing their job by confusing people. I guarantee if you compared the images to stills and models from MKX you would see exactly who they are.

09/12/2015 10:23 AM (UTC)
You're probably right about who those silouhettes are just like all those people leaking the roster were right before the game came out. but in spite of insurmountable evidence there is still a lot of doubt in the MK community why you ask? Because people (me included) can't believe the absolute lousy roster choices made by NRS in this game. The initial roster was lousy which is why it was met with so much disbelief the same for kp1 and now looking very much the same for kp2.

It is just a hard pill to swallow that so many shitty characters made the cut in mkx when so many good ones missed out for no apparent reason. So ubtil the likes of sindel, bo rai cho and Baraka are officially announced I will continue to hope against hope that they aren't the final fighters for this game and if they are officially announced then I will bitch and moan about how shot the roster in mkx is.
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