KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
You said almost and that's close enough. See? Apparently I can read. And to keep responding to me debating what I said is pretty clearly an argument that you are taking part of unless somehow you weren't responding to me despite quoting me and I was thus arguing with myself which I find.....rather hard to believe.
Truth is, no one is close to it at this point unless you're in that category is 2-4 characters. And the way NRS operates, no one else will ever get to that level again because they have their favorites and they have their ways and both are, unfortunately at this point, pretty stubbornly set in stone.
Mrfuji Wrote:
No we arent arguing that. You are. I never once said they were mainstays.
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
Sorry, how can statistical facts be wrong? Oh, that's right, they can't. We're not arguing popularity which is what you seem to be arguing, nor are we arguing character usage. We're arguing who is and who is not the so-called "mainstays" of this franchise. Fact is, Kitana missed those initial rosters in 3 games and Kung Lao also missed 3 so they are not, in fact, mainstays or almost mainstays or else they would've been in. Plain and simple.
Also, UKM3 and MKGold are just updates to pre-existing games. If you want you can call them their own titles but that doesn't change the fact they still missed 3 games where they sat out as they were not in the original title. Just the fact alone that they got added in later as opposed to in the core, initial roster proves that they were after thoughts at best for that particular game.
Mrfuji Wrote:
If you're trying to act as if sindel is in the same light as them 2 then you're wrong.
If you're trying to act as if sindel is in the same light as them 2 then you're wrong.
Sorry, how can statistical facts be wrong? Oh, that's right, they can't. We're not arguing popularity which is what you seem to be arguing, nor are we arguing character usage. We're arguing who is and who is not the so-called "mainstays" of this franchise. Fact is, Kitana missed those initial rosters in 3 games and Kung Lao also missed 3 so they are not, in fact, mainstays or almost mainstays or else they would've been in. Plain and simple.
Also, UKM3 and MKGold are just updates to pre-existing games. If you want you can call them their own titles but that doesn't change the fact they still missed 3 games where they sat out as they were not in the original title. Just the fact alone that they got added in later as opposed to in the core, initial roster proves that they were after thoughts at best for that particular game.
No we arent arguing that. You are. I never once said they were mainstays.
You said almost and that's close enough. See? Apparently I can read. And to keep responding to me debating what I said is pretty clearly an argument that you are taking part of unless somehow you weren't responding to me despite quoting me and I was thus arguing with myself which I find.....rather hard to believe.
Truth is, no one is close to it at this point unless you're in that category is 2-4 characters. And the way NRS operates, no one else will ever get to that level again because they have their favorites and they have their ways and both are, unfortunately at this point, pretty stubbornly set in stone.
I never debatee you on that point because I've stated from the stsrt that they are almost mainstays. And lol close enough. So if i go to the store to buy something thats 90 dollars and only have 80(which can be considered almost 90 dollars) you think i can tell them well its close ebough right? No. almost is not close to the point where you compare to things on two different levels. They are close to the level but obviously not on it. Nice try trying to twist my words into something i never said. And they are close. You are the only one denying that for whatever reason.
About Me
Mrfuji Wrote:
\I never debatee you on that point because I've stated from the stsrt that they are almost mainstays. And lol close enough. So if i go to the store to buy something thats 90 dollars and only have 80(which can be considered almost 90 dollars) you think i can tell them well its close ebough right? No. almost is not close to the point where you compare to things on two different levels. They are close to the level but obviously not on it. Nice try trying to twist my words into something i never said. And they are close. You are the only one denying that for whatever reason.
\I never debatee you on that point because I've stated from the stsrt that they are almost mainstays. And lol close enough. So if i go to the store to buy something thats 90 dollars and only have 80(which can be considered almost 90 dollars) you think i can tell them well its close ebough right? No. almost is not close to the point where you compare to things on two different levels. They are close to the level but obviously not on it. Nice try trying to twist my words into something i never said. And they are close. You are the only one denying that for whatever reason.
Sure. *rolls eyes* We'll just agree to disagree then.
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
I maintain if they could not get Reptile's tail to work, they are not gonna do a xenomorph in this engine.
I do think it's Baraka, Sindel, Fujin, Bo' Rai Cho at this point, but I agree that silhouette 2 could potentially be someone other than Sindel and silhouette 3 could be Cyrax or Sektor.
I maintain if they could not get Reptile's tail to work, they are not gonna do a xenomorph in this engine.
I do think it's Baraka, Sindel, Fujin, Bo' Rai Cho at this point, but I agree that silhouette 2 could potentially be someone other than Sindel and silhouette 3 could be Cyrax or Sektor.
We'll definitely see. I wouldn't be over the moon about that list but I could definitely live with it just for the inclusion of Fujin and Bo' so here's hoping.

Warbro666 Wrote:
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
Well good. I'd rather have Fujin over anyone. So as long as he's in I
l'll be as happy as a clam.

I also darkened the new Sindel render as much as I can and the hair looks almost identical to the one in the silhouette pic.
99% sure Sindy's coming to slay.
99% sure Sindy's coming to slay.

ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
lanadelrey Wrote:
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
Warbro666 Wrote:
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
This is all goes back to when the story mode trailer was released and I for the life of me couldn't grasp why they'd give Sindel, Baraka, and Rain new costumes when every other MK9 NPCs remained 100% unchanged. Most people just thought it meant nothing but it's obvious NRS wouldn't go through all of that work for no reason at all. DLC is planned and mapped out EARLY in the development stages sometimes and while they probably didn't officially decide on a Kombat Pack 2 until the sales of KP1 came in- they probably already had chosen Sindel, Baraka, Bo, and Fujin for it long before we had probably even heard of the game.
Little things like costume changes means a lot. I know it may not to some people, but if Sindel & Baraka are indeed in KP2 and Rain does find a way to become a "free update" then we'll know next time not to dismiss such early signs.

I don't want to jump the gun just yet on Baraka, Sindel, Fujin, Bo Rai Cho & maybe Rain in case they pull the bait and switch to purposely screw with the fanbase. That would fucking blow.
It looks really really likely that's what the KP2 is though and I hope so becaause It's the NPCs completely reworked, Fujin by popular deman and the long desired 3D Character. Completely reasonable.
You say it's too safe? I disagree.
I guess there's Casselman and his sources' "Sektor is comin and people might not like what they reveal ;)" to consider...but I kinda think that's horseshit Casselman, sorry.
It looks really really likely that's what the KP2 is though and I hope so becaause It's the NPCs completely reworked, Fujin by popular deman and the long desired 3D Character. Completely reasonable.
You say it's too safe? I disagree.
I guess there's Casselman and his sources' "Sektor is comin and people might not like what they reveal ;)" to consider...but I kinda think that's horseshit Casselman, sorry.

About Me
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I also darkened the new Sindel render as much as I can and the hair looks almost identical to the one in the silhouette pic.
99% sure Sindy's coming to slay.
I also darkened the new Sindel render as much as I can and the hair looks almost identical to the one in the silhouette pic.
99% sure Sindy's coming to slay.
The Queen Sindel is coming to destroy the whole cast once more !!! I'm so hyped !!! Iam wondering her possible variations because this system fits Sindel pretty well♡♡♡
About Me
Ion3008 Wrote:
I don't want to jump the gun just yet on Baraka, Sindel, Fujin, Bo Rai Cho & maybe Rain in case they pull the bait and switch to purposely screw with the fanbase. That would fucking blow.
It looks really really likely that's what the KP2 is though and I hope so becaause It's the NPCs completely reworked, Fujin by popular deman and the long desired 3D Character. Completely reasonable.
You say it's too safe? I disagree.
I guess there's Casselman and his sources' "Sektor is comin and people might not like what they reveal ;)" to consider...but I kinda think that's horseshit Casselman, sorry.
I don't want to jump the gun just yet on Baraka, Sindel, Fujin, Bo Rai Cho & maybe Rain in case they pull the bait and switch to purposely screw with the fanbase. That would fucking blow.
It looks really really likely that's what the KP2 is though and I hope so becaause It's the NPCs completely reworked, Fujin by popular deman and the long desired 3D Character. Completely reasonable.
You say it's too safe? I disagree.
I guess there's Casselman and his sources' "Sektor is comin and people might not like what they reveal ;)" to consider...but I kinda think that's horseshit Casselman, sorry.
To be completely fair, I also heard it may generate mixed feelings but honestly speaking, that terminology could be referring to many things including the inclusion of Bo.' A lot of these choices are pretty hit and miss and none of them scream someone the majority of fans / casuals want like a cyborg or a ninja. Casuals aren't really screaming for the fat man, after all.
So I'm not saying you guys should believe anyone here but I wouldn't place your bets just yet. After all, who here honestly would've believed me if I had posted back in March that Tremor was going to be DLC? I would've started an all out flame war, I'm sure.
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
This is all goes back to when the story mode trailer was released and I for the life of me couldn't grasp why they'd give Sindel, Baraka, and Rain new costumes when every other MK9 NPCs remained 100% unchanged. Most people just thought it meant nothing but it's obvious NRS wouldn't go through all of that work for no reason at all. DLC is planned and mapped out EARLY in the development stages sometimes and while they probably didn't officially decide on a Kombat Pack 2 until the sales of KP1 came in- they probably already had chosen Sindel, Baraka, Bo, and Fujin for it long before we had probably even heard of the game.
Little things like costume changes means a lot. I know it may not to some people, but if Sindel & Baraka are indeed in KP2 and Rain does find a way to become a "free update" then we'll know next time not to dismiss such early signs.
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
lanadelrey Wrote:
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
Warbro666 Wrote:
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
It's Fujin. The square "ears" that people think are robotic are his boss level sideburns. I'm going to continue saying this over and over again. We're not getting a cyborg. Not this time around.
That would suck if there aren't any cyborgs tbh. I don't even like them but there aren't any more alive canonically, so I think they should at least be dlc bc that's pretty anticlimactic for the fans
But while it'd be cool to see him or Sektor this time around, I think Warbro is right -- and I also just generally don't think we're going to see anybody they haven't already designed for MKX. Concept art and modeling and all that takes way longer than a couple months (and costs money).
This is all goes back to when the story mode trailer was released and I for the life of me couldn't grasp why they'd give Sindel, Baraka, and Rain new costumes when every other MK9 NPCs remained 100% unchanged. Most people just thought it meant nothing but it's obvious NRS wouldn't go through all of that work for no reason at all. DLC is planned and mapped out EARLY in the development stages sometimes and while they probably didn't officially decide on a Kombat Pack 2 until the sales of KP1 came in- they probably already had chosen Sindel, Baraka, Bo, and Fujin for it long before we had probably even heard of the game.
Little things like costume changes means a lot. I know it may not to some people, but if Sindel & Baraka are indeed in KP2 and Rain does find a way to become a "free update" then we'll know next time not to dismiss such early signs.
Maybe but Sindel's outfit isnt really all that updated. And pretty much all the NPCs that weren't revenants with the exception of the revnants playable in mkx, but all the npcs had new looks.
I get the hype and excitement over the high possibility of Kombat Pack 2 being "Story Pack". Personally I'd find it significantly underwhelming to wait up to 8 months (assuming that they release the KP2 as far into "Q1" of 2016 as possible) for 4 characters that are already in the game, 3 of which that have enough workable assets that they don't actually need that much time in development. Considering how far the game progressed from announcement to release (of course, understanding it was already well into development since the initial reveal), I sincerely doubt it would take the amount of time projected for the release of KP2 to work on just 4 characters.
If that's the case, they must be completely revamping them from the ground up...building entirely new assets, character models, movesets and more. THEN I can see it taking a while.
They also could just be pushing it far off into next year to milk the longevity of the game.
In any case, I would be severely underwhelmed to find that KP2 is Rain, Sindel, Baraka and Fujin. Good additions (even though I think Baraka should just stay dead for good), but underwhelming. I still would hope that those characters be pushed out for free during the wait time for KP2 (rofl, I know).
If that's the case, they must be completely revamping them from the ground up...building entirely new assets, character models, movesets and more. THEN I can see it taking a while.
They also could just be pushing it far off into next year to milk the longevity of the game.
In any case, I would be severely underwhelmed to find that KP2 is Rain, Sindel, Baraka and Fujin. Good additions (even though I think Baraka should just stay dead for good), but underwhelming. I still would hope that those characters be pushed out for free during the wait time for KP2 (rofl, I know).

Sorry KM but your clout is murky to me.
There's the time you were so close to believing that twitter user with the bullshit info and what he had to say; now eventually we all came around to him being a liar with lucky guesses but for someone who claims to have known early about the roster/DLC you seemed awfully uncertain and open to believe about the guys claims.
And this was pretty close to the games release if I remember.
Right now the way I see it is it all comes down to whose supposed source is right. Now personally I'm more inclined to believe two different TYM users whose claims match up than two MKO users.
But on the other hand basing it just on that is rather foolish..Suddenly all of you people have inside info on DLC slated for next year when you didn't have jack shit months (not weeks MONTHS) before the games release?
So I shouldn't believe any of you...until the Silhouette picture was released and that throws me more to Zephyrus and the other guys side because of just who is in the picture and what they've claimed will be dlc.
Now I don't believe the picture is a bait and switch because that seems like such a pointless and needless middle finger to the Baraka, Sindel, Fujin and Bo fans getting excited because they KNOW the shadow of their favorite character and they can recognize what matches up. So what would be the point of pulling the rug from under them and showing off different characters that don't match? Cheap surprise? NRS can't be that dickish.
It would be like showing a silhoette of MK9 Kenshi but "haha we rused you it's actually Mavado for DLC!"
And lastly no offense to Casselman but as much as I prefer him over the rest of the Cyborgs, Sektor being DLC would be all sorts of fucked up. You're snubbing NPCs with new assets not from MK9 (unlike Ketchup who has no new makeover being a disembodied head) just to get that one Cyborg on the roster? And not even the popular one? And consider this is after the middle finger they would hypothetically give out to the other fans.
It smells of bullshit.
There's the time you were so close to believing that twitter user with the bullshit info and what he had to say; now eventually we all came around to him being a liar with lucky guesses but for someone who claims to have known early about the roster/DLC you seemed awfully uncertain and open to believe about the guys claims.
And this was pretty close to the games release if I remember.
Right now the way I see it is it all comes down to whose supposed source is right. Now personally I'm more inclined to believe two different TYM users whose claims match up than two MKO users.
But on the other hand basing it just on that is rather foolish..Suddenly all of you people have inside info on DLC slated for next year when you didn't have jack shit months (not weeks MONTHS) before the games release?
So I shouldn't believe any of you...until the Silhouette picture was released and that throws me more to Zephyrus and the other guys side because of just who is in the picture and what they've claimed will be dlc.
Now I don't believe the picture is a bait and switch because that seems like such a pointless and needless middle finger to the Baraka, Sindel, Fujin and Bo fans getting excited because they KNOW the shadow of their favorite character and they can recognize what matches up. So what would be the point of pulling the rug from under them and showing off different characters that don't match? Cheap surprise? NRS can't be that dickish.
It would be like showing a silhoette of MK9 Kenshi but "haha we rused you it's actually Mavado for DLC!"
And lastly no offense to Casselman but as much as I prefer him over the rest of the Cyborgs, Sektor being DLC would be all sorts of fucked up. You're snubbing NPCs with new assets not from MK9 (unlike Ketchup who has no new makeover being a disembodied head) just to get that one Cyborg on the roster? And not even the popular one? And consider this is after the middle finger they would hypothetically give out to the other fans.
It smells of bullshit.

frabn Wrote:
I get the hype and excitement over the high possibility of Kombat Pack 2 being "Story Pack". Personally I'd find it significantly underwhelming to wait up to 8 months (assuming that they release the KP2 as far into "Q1" of 2016 as possible) for 4 characters that are already in the game, 3 of which that have enough workable assets that they don't actually need that much time in development. Considering how far the game progressed from announcement to release (of course, understanding it was already well into development since the initial reveal), I sincerely doubt it would take the amount of time projected for the release of KP2 to work on just 4 characters.
If that's the case, they must be completely revamping them from the ground up...building entirely new assets, character models, movesets and more. THEN I can see it taking a while.
They also could just be pushing it far off into next year to milk the longevity of the game.
In any case, I would be severely underwhelmed to find that KP2 is Rain, Sindel, Baraka and Fujin. Good additions (even though I think Baraka should just stay dead for good), but underwhelming. I still would hope that those characters be pushed out for free during the wait time for KP2 (rofl, I know).
I get the hype and excitement over the high possibility of Kombat Pack 2 being "Story Pack". Personally I'd find it significantly underwhelming to wait up to 8 months (assuming that they release the KP2 as far into "Q1" of 2016 as possible) for 4 characters that are already in the game, 3 of which that have enough workable assets that they don't actually need that much time in development. Considering how far the game progressed from announcement to release (of course, understanding it was already well into development since the initial reveal), I sincerely doubt it would take the amount of time projected for the release of KP2 to work on just 4 characters.
If that's the case, they must be completely revamping them from the ground up...building entirely new assets, character models, movesets and more. THEN I can see it taking a while.
They also could just be pushing it far off into next year to milk the longevity of the game.
In any case, I would be severely underwhelmed to find that KP2 is Rain, Sindel, Baraka and Fujin. Good additions (even though I think Baraka should just stay dead for good), but underwhelming. I still would hope that those characters be pushed out for free during the wait time for KP2 (rofl, I know).
No variations, no fatalities, no brutalities, no voice acting, no intros. What workable assets are you referring to?
And Rain isn't one of the silhouettes. Though I would definitely be keen on NRS releasing the character separately after KP2. That would be a total of ten DLC characters including Goro.
Even if the characters require as little work as you're suggesting, they're still coinciding the release of KP2 with the release of KI season 3, Tekken 7 and SFV. Not to mention that a fresh batch of characters will keep the tournament scene alive long enough for it remain viable for Evo next year.
About Me
Ion3008 Wrote:
Sorry KM but your clout is murky to me.
There's the time you were so close to believing that twitter user with the bullshit info and what he had to say; now eventually we all came around to him being a liar with lucky guesses but for someone who claims to have known early about the roster/DLC you seemed awfully uncertain and open to believe about the guys claims.
And this was pretty close to the games release if I remember.
Sorry KM but your clout is murky to me.
There's the time you were so close to believing that twitter user with the bullshit info and what he had to say; now eventually we all came around to him being a liar with lucky guesses but for someone who claims to have known early about the roster/DLC you seemed awfully uncertain and open to believe about the guys claims.
And this was pretty close to the games release if I remember.
I'm not gonna dwell on this past this reply because I've explained myself a million times on here before. I get around and I talk to various MK communities. If someone thinks they know something then I'm all ears but honestly, the guy who told me the roster and who the KP contents were didn't give me proof, he didn't give me a screenshot, he didn't give me video footage; he gave me a line of text with a bunch of names and said this is who's in. The entire reason I didn't post it here and instead posted it elsewhere for a bunch of casuals was merely for the fact I wasn't sure if it was going to turn out true or not and knew if I posted it here, without proof, you people would eat me alive, throw a fit, call me a liar, rant and rave and banish me, then throw me to the wolves until it was proven true, then in all likelihood would just be chalked up to a lucky guess and no one would take me seriously. Am I right or am I right?
There's a reason I like to play vague and stupid here now. The point is, I didn't know my guy was 100% accurate with his information until we all knew the complete roster / DLC. That's when I found out he was accurate and trustworthy. So then is it wrong to entertain others ideas and perceptions of what they think is true or what they are pushing to be true if I have no proof that what I heard in private is true? No. It's not. Hence why I said believe what you like. I've heard what I've heard. Cassel heard what he heard. The guys on TYM heard what they heard. Until it's proven by NRS, it's all hearsay and likely bullshit. People always think they know stuff or think they're right when guessing and NRS has a nasty habit of pulling fast ones on us. Not just that but they also live to troll, that's why I said you shouldn't place your bets on anyone, not because I think what you or anyone else here has heard is wrong. I'm not openly saying anything because people will believe what they want no matter what I or anyone else has heard until they are shown with their eyes whether they are right or they are wrong.
Just like last time, I posted what I heard elsewhere but I refuse to post it here for that very reason. If I'm wrong, I could hardly care less because I'm still getting the content and I will still enjoy it as will everyone else and the world will keep spinning. There's a reason I never even brought it up here until way later because I'm not looking for people to jump on my ass and request info, I'm not looking for the attention. Just like I know for a fact there are a handful of others here who rarely post anymore who know stuff and never say anything. It's just pointless when all it does is cause problems.

That may work for you but to me that's just as irritating as Boon.
For now I'll just believe the Silhouette teaser since that holds much more weight than someone who literally just admitted to being purposefully vague and other users.
But I still maintain that showing off 4 characters shadows and then turning around and showing a different 4 characters is not trolling that's just straight up insulting and spiteful.
For now I'll just believe the Silhouette teaser since that holds much more weight than someone who literally just admitted to being purposefully vague and other users.
But I still maintain that showing off 4 characters shadows and then turning around and showing a different 4 characters is not trolling that's just straight up insulting and spiteful.

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
I'm not gonna dwell on this past this reply because I've explained myself a million times on here before. I get around and I talk to various MK communities. If someone thinks they know something then I'm all ears but honestly, the guy who told me the roster and who the KP contents were didn't give me proof, he didn't give me a screenshot, he didn't give me video footage; he gave me a line of text with a bunch of names and said this is who's in. The entire reason I didn't post it here and instead posted it elsewhere for a bunch of casuals was merely for the fact I wasn't sure if it was going to turn out true or not and knew if I posted it here, without proof, you people would eat me alive, throw a fit, call me a liar, rant and rave and banish me, then throw me to the wolves until it was proven true, then in all likelihood would just be chalked up to a lucky guess and no one would take me seriously. Am I right or am I right?
There's a reason I like to play vague and stupid here now. The point is, I didn't know my guy was 100% accurate with his information until we all knew the complete roster / DLC. That's when I found out he was accurate and trustworthy. So then is it wrong to entertain others ideas and perceptions of what they think is true or what they are pushing to be true if I have no proof that what I heard in private is true? No. It's not. Hence why I said believe what you like. I've heard what I've heard. Cassel heard what he heard. The guys on TYM heard what they heard. Until it's proven by NRS, it's all hearsay and likely bullshit. People always think they know stuff or think they're right when guessing and NRS has a nasty habit of pulling fast ones on us. Not just that but they also live to troll, that's why I said you shouldn't place your bets on anyone, not because I think what you or anyone else here has heard is wrong. I'm not openly saying anything because people will believe what they want no matter what I or anyone else has heard until they are shown with their eyes whether they are right or they are wrong.
Just like last time, I posted what I heard elsewhere but I refuse to post it here for that very reason. If I'm wrong, I could hardly care less because I'm still getting the content and I will still enjoy it as will everyone else and the world will keep spinning. There's a reason I never even brought it up here until way later because I'm not looking for people to jump on my ass and request info, I'm not looking for the attention. Just like I know for a fact there are a handful of others here who rarely post anymore who know stuff and never say anything. It's just pointless when all it does is cause problems.
Ion3008 Wrote:
Sorry KM but your clout is murky to me.
There's the time you were so close to believing that twitter user with the bullshit info and what he had to say; now eventually we all came around to him being a liar with lucky guesses but for someone who claims to have known early about the roster/DLC you seemed awfully uncertain and open to believe about the guys claims.
And this was pretty close to the games release if I remember.
Sorry KM but your clout is murky to me.
There's the time you were so close to believing that twitter user with the bullshit info and what he had to say; now eventually we all came around to him being a liar with lucky guesses but for someone who claims to have known early about the roster/DLC you seemed awfully uncertain and open to believe about the guys claims.
And this was pretty close to the games release if I remember.
I'm not gonna dwell on this past this reply because I've explained myself a million times on here before. I get around and I talk to various MK communities. If someone thinks they know something then I'm all ears but honestly, the guy who told me the roster and who the KP contents were didn't give me proof, he didn't give me a screenshot, he didn't give me video footage; he gave me a line of text with a bunch of names and said this is who's in. The entire reason I didn't post it here and instead posted it elsewhere for a bunch of casuals was merely for the fact I wasn't sure if it was going to turn out true or not and knew if I posted it here, without proof, you people would eat me alive, throw a fit, call me a liar, rant and rave and banish me, then throw me to the wolves until it was proven true, then in all likelihood would just be chalked up to a lucky guess and no one would take me seriously. Am I right or am I right?
There's a reason I like to play vague and stupid here now. The point is, I didn't know my guy was 100% accurate with his information until we all knew the complete roster / DLC. That's when I found out he was accurate and trustworthy. So then is it wrong to entertain others ideas and perceptions of what they think is true or what they are pushing to be true if I have no proof that what I heard in private is true? No. It's not. Hence why I said believe what you like. I've heard what I've heard. Cassel heard what he heard. The guys on TYM heard what they heard. Until it's proven by NRS, it's all hearsay and likely bullshit. People always think they know stuff or think they're right when guessing and NRS has a nasty habit of pulling fast ones on us. Not just that but they also live to troll, that's why I said you shouldn't place your bets on anyone, not because I think what you or anyone else here has heard is wrong. I'm not openly saying anything because people will believe what they want no matter what I or anyone else has heard until they are shown with their eyes whether they are right or they are wrong.
Just like last time, I posted what I heard elsewhere but I refuse to post it here for that very reason. If I'm wrong, I could hardly care less because I'm still getting the content and I will still enjoy it as will everyone else and the world will keep spinning. There's a reason I never even brought it up here until way later because I'm not looking for people to jump on my ass and request info, I'm not looking for the attention. Just like I know for a fact there are a handful of others here who rarely post anymore who know stuff and never say anything. It's just pointless when all it does is cause problems.
Didn't Black Cyborg prove that you posted that info on the Xbox forums after paying JamesMK out for having bullshit info? It seems a little suspicious and more like you took his info and posted it elsewhere to claim as your own. And now you're using that info you posted elsewhere for your own credibility. If I really wanted to people to trust me, I'd post the info that the source gave you with an asterisk next to it, so when it does come to fruition you cash in on that credibility.
It just seems as though you're setting yourself up for when KP2 does drop you can say "my sources were correct the whole time!" without ever comitting to any info.
About Me
Ion3008 Wrote:
That may work for you but to me that's just as irritating as Boon.
For now I'll just believe the Silhouette teaser since that holdsuch more weight than someone who literally just admitted to being purposefully vague.
But I still maintain that showing off 4 characters shadows and then turning around and showing a different 4 characters is not trolling that's just straight insulting and spiteful.
That may work for you but to me that's just as irritating as Boon.
For now I'll just believe the Silhouette teaser since that holdsuch more weight than someone who literally just admitted to being purposefully vague.
But I still maintain that showing off 4 characters shadows and then turning around and showing a different 4 characters is not trolling that's just straight insulting and spiteful.
LOL That's the funny thing. People got so bent out of shape (rightly so) when I revealed that I knew what I knew yet I wasn't asking for attention, I was merely trying to calm people down about if there would be more DLC and more than just 2 characters. I didn't want everyone asking a million questions and bugging me night and day or questioning my validity, I was just tired of logging on and seeing all the speculation and the freaking out and the anxiety over the silence on NRS's end that I decided to take things into my own hands and just spoke up and tried to put those fears to rest. I wasn't looking to give an exclusive scoop. lol
As for believing the silhouette teaser, that's probably the smartest thing you can do. Though, when it comes to Boon, I personally just come to expect that kind of troll bullshit now. I just simply refuse to take anything he posts seriously until I see it in a video on YouTube or a press release from WB. Just remember there was a time when MK9 disc content was being leaked and we had a real audio file saying "Fujin" under a DLC option which was way more proof than a darkened teaser and yet he was no where to be found. So literally anything is possible with this wacky-ass company.
On that note; everything I say here is just my own personal opinions outside of whatever I've heard, otherwise I'd have literally nothing to say here until some point in 2016 lol. I wouldn't pull a Boon on this forum and post shit every week like "Oh, it sure is getting windy in here" or post a picture with a puke bucket and a winky face.
As for what most consider to believe the pack being Baraka, Sindel, Fujin and Bo'.....I could live with it. I'd say it's worth the money. Two legacy characters and two requested. It's miles better than two guests.
About Me
Warbro666 Wrote:
Didn't Black Cyborg prove that you posted that info on the Xbox forums after paying JamesMK out for having bullshit info? It seems a little suspicious and more like you took his info and posted it elsewhere to claim as your own. And now you're using that info you posted elsewhere for your own credibility. If I really wanted to people to trust me, I'd post the info that the source gave you with an asterisk next to it, so when it does come to fruition you cash in on that credibility.
It just seems as though you're setting yourself up for when KP2 does drop you can say "my sources were correct the whole time!" without ever comitting to any info.
Didn't Black Cyborg prove that you posted that info on the Xbox forums after paying JamesMK out for having bullshit info? It seems a little suspicious and more like you took his info and posted it elsewhere to claim as your own. And now you're using that info you posted elsewhere for your own credibility. If I really wanted to people to trust me, I'd post the info that the source gave you with an asterisk next to it, so when it does come to fruition you cash in on that credibility.
It just seems as though you're setting yourself up for when KP2 does drop you can say "my sources were correct the whole time!" without ever comitting to any info.
I believe I just covered that when I said I had literally no proof the roster was real. And I never said I was happy with said roster either, I've made it vocally clear since before the game was released that I was not happy with the way the roster was turning out. I was pissed for weeks (and still am) hence why I chewed JamessMK out although that was mostly because he came off as a smug, disgusting ass-hat who played just as many troll games as Boon did. The fact alone that I heard it from someone else aside from JamessMK, someone who was nice, didn't play with riddles and didn't constantly talk about his balls, made it seem more believable to me. And just as an aside, JamessMK didn't post the Kombat Pack list, yet my source did at the same time as giving me the roster and there was literally nobody claiming two guests at that time.
Also, I don't rightly give a horse crap about credibility, I was merely just tired of everyone freaking out daily on here posting "ARE WE NOT GETTING ANYMORE DLC!? WHY NO KP2!? WHERES KP2!?" yet I'm sitting here hearing things about a second, four character pack coming out. This is exactly the reason why that was the one and only time I brought up hearing things, and it being months after the fact, because of conversations like this and it's the same reason I posted what I heard about KP2 somewhere else. It's simply not worth the time or the effort trying to convince die-hard fanboys when I can just post it to a bunch of casuals who don't rightly care either way if it's wrong or right and definitely won't jump down my throat about it either.
As for gloating about correct info, don't you think if that was my intention I wouldn't have waited 4 months after the game came out and the DLC was revealed to do so? I mean, that's a little late for anyone to care, especially given how dead this forum is compared to then. I'm a pretty vocal person as people here can see and I don't hesitate to start a debate or to question someones thinking around these parts and most of my posts tend to get novel length, if I wanted to gloat I would've been gloating the week that Kombat Pack was revealed. Otherwise, what's the point of sitting on it for 4 months? I never intended to gloat and I still don't or else I would've been posting to high heaven just who I think is in, yet I refuse to do so. I just got tired of the never-ending negativity about the lifespan of this game. Arguing my credibility with anybody is not worth my time when we can all just sit here, chit-chat and enjoy the aspects of the franchise. That is what I'm here for, not to spill any tiny bit of info that comes my way otherwise I would be doing so already.

I dont remember Fujin being under DLC options. But if so I think the Vita version and business decisions put a stop to what could have been instead of NRS just hinting for Fujin for MK9.
Or in the case of Brutalites, Shokan Bios and Endings, MK2 Mileena, Skarlet's Alt and The Bell Tower Stage Fatality it could have also been scrapped/cut early on but the leftover files were still there. Even still they never ever advertised that stuff to the public like they're doing here so it's not more proof than this's actually less.
Or in the case of Brutalites, Shokan Bios and Endings, MK2 Mileena, Skarlet's Alt and The Bell Tower Stage Fatality it could have also been scrapped/cut early on but the leftover files were still there. Even still they never ever advertised that stuff to the public like they're doing here so it's not more proof than this's actually less.
About Me
Ion3008 Wrote:
I dont remember Fujin being under DLC options. But if so I think the Vita version and business decisions put a stop to what could have been instead of NRS just hinting for Fujin for MK9.
Or in the case of Brutalites, Shokan Bios and Endings, MK2 Mileena, Skarlet's Alt and The Bell Tower Stage Fatality it could have also been scrapped/cut early on but the leftover files were still there. Even still they never ever advertised that stuff to the public like they're doing here so it's not more's actually less.
I dont remember Fujin being under DLC options. But if so I think the Vita version and business decisions put a stop to what could have been instead of NRS just hinting for Fujin for MK9.
Or in the case of Brutalites, Shokan Bios and Endings, MK2 Mileena, Skarlet's Alt and The Bell Tower Stage Fatality it could have also been scrapped/cut early on but the leftover files were still there. Even still they never ever advertised that stuff to the public like they're doing here so it's not more's actually less.
Eh, true that but holy shit, you don't remember that? God, I remember being so pumped and then so let down after that. lol It came out before the Season Pass was over, in July. But I have no idea when the Vita version started production so that might be, might not.
It's around 45 seconds in.

KM I just think the premise that you "don't want attention" is a bit disingenuous when you've talked about your ~sources and hinted you know who's in KP2 like, several times in multiple threads.
This is the most important thing about the game right now to most of us on this forum, and someone claiming to have an inside scoop is both frustrating and exciting. Obviously we're going to want to hear what you claim to know so we can assess it for ourselves.
So either tell us what you've heard -- which is rumor, obviously! nobody's saying you have to be 100% right when all is said and done -- or stop making vague little hmm hmmmm posts about it. It's rude.
If you don't want attention, then stop asking for it.
This is the most important thing about the game right now to most of us on this forum, and someone claiming to have an inside scoop is both frustrating and exciting. Obviously we're going to want to hear what you claim to know so we can assess it for ourselves.
So either tell us what you've heard -- which is rumor, obviously! nobody's saying you have to be 100% right when all is said and done -- or stop making vague little hmm hmmmm posts about it. It's rude.
If you don't want attention, then stop asking for it.

I remember the sound file just not where it was placed, Fujin never crossed my radar. Boon did throw names around like Cyborg Smoke, Shinnok, Tanya and others I forgot but at that time I was hoping for Cyborg Smoke (character or skin) as the 4th mystery DLC since Kenshi and Rain were obvious at that point due to their silhouettes. Then Freddy happened.
I still hold a petty grudge over the Vita port and the Vita itself for having MK2/MK3/DLC Alts and then months later its NOT included in the GOTY version.
So no MK2 Mileena & Reptile, no MK3 Rain & Ermac..such horseshit.
I still hold a petty grudge over the Vita port and the Vita itself for having MK2/MK3/DLC Alts and then months later its NOT included in the GOTY version.
So no MK2 Mileena & Reptile, no MK3 Rain & Ermac..such horseshit.
About Me
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
KM I just think the premise that you "don't want attention" is a bit disingenuous when you've talked about your ~sources and hinted you know who's in KP2 like, several times in multiple threads.
This is the most important thing about the game right now to most of us on this forum, and someone claiming to have an inside scoop is both frustrating and exciting. Obviously we're going to want to hear what you claim to know so we can assess it for ourselves.
So either tell us what you've heard -- which is rumor, obviously! nobody's saying you have to be 100% right when all is said and done -- or stop making vague little hmm hmmmm posts about it. It's rude.
If you don't want attention, then stop asking for it.
KM I just think the premise that you "don't want attention" is a bit disingenuous when you've talked about your ~sources and hinted you know who's in KP2 like, several times in multiple threads.
This is the most important thing about the game right now to most of us on this forum, and someone claiming to have an inside scoop is both frustrating and exciting. Obviously we're going to want to hear what you claim to know so we can assess it for ourselves.
So either tell us what you've heard -- which is rumor, obviously! nobody's saying you have to be 100% right when all is said and done -- or stop making vague little hmm hmmmm posts about it. It's rude.
If you don't want attention, then stop asking for it.
You know what? I've been trying to drop it. Hence why on the last page I was explicitly clear this was the last I wanted to talk about it but no, people keep talking about it. I only brought it up to Ion because all of the flack shouldn't have been placed on Cassel about the Sektor hints as I was involved in a little of that. I didn't bring it up to gloat despite apparently you guys thinking the contrary, I was trying to accept some of the blame.
And on that note, the only other time I remember even bringing it up was when it caused the entire fuss the first time. If I did after that then it was only likely because it had something to do with the conversation being had. I purposefully try not to bring it up anymore because of exactly this; stupid, bullshitty drama. And that, guys, is the reason I posted it somewhere else entirely. This is why it took even 4 months to say something because I wasn't planning on saying anything about it at all here until I just couldn't handle seeing everyone so bent out of shape about the future of this game. This is exactly why, this shit right here, this is why I posted it elsewhere and didn't say a damn thing to any of you. The only reason I'm still talking about it now is because it's still being talked about tonight by you guys.
I'm not dropping hints. I'm not being vague. Anything I say on this forum about KP2 is purely from my own speculations. Me, my thoughts, my desires, my hopes, my wishes. That. Is. It. So it's equally rude when I can't even post my thoughts because apparently, God forbid, everything has to be a clue or a hint or some vague wording. Sorry, I'm not Ed Boon, I don't play that shit.
So no, you don't have to get your panties in bunches, I'm not rubbing anything in your faces. I'm not saying whether I know Bo' Rai Cho is in the pack 100%. I'm not saying whether I know Sindel is, or Baraka is, or Fujin is, or Frost is, or Smoke is, or Noob Saibot is, or anyone else. I'm not posting jack shit here for this very reason, I'm just posting as a fan who likes to speculate and gossip. That. Is. It. I don't know how much more clear I can make that.
So yes, me purposefully not gloating and waiting 4 months to mention something is me asking for attention. Yes, right, that TOTALLY makes sense. Because I'm also asking to cool off cause I'm fucking livid right now so dip me in hot fire would you? Because that also TOTALLY makes sense and is EXACTLY the same thing.
I'm sorry, if I wanted to be an attention whore, I would've been living this shit up and rubbing it in your faces since Day One, not sitting on my ass for four months, waiting and plotting and hoping for an at the time non-existent second Kombat Pack to be announced. Like that makes a whole world of fucking sense. *rolls eyes*
About Me
Ion3008 Wrote:
I remember the sound file just not where it was placed, Fujin never crossed my radar. Boon did throw names around like Cyborg Smoke, Shinnok, Tanya and others I forgot but at that time I was hoping for Cyborg Smoke (character or skin) as the 4th mystery DLC since Kenshi and Rain were obvious at that point due to their silhouettes. Then Freddy happened.
I still hold a petty grudge over the Vita port and the Vita itself for having MK2/MK3/DLC Alts and then months later its NOT included in the GOTY version.
So no MK2 Mileena & Reptile, no MK3 Rain & Ermac..such horseshit.
I remember the sound file just not where it was placed, Fujin never crossed my radar. Boon did throw names around like Cyborg Smoke, Shinnok, Tanya and others I forgot but at that time I was hoping for Cyborg Smoke (character or skin) as the 4th mystery DLC since Kenshi and Rain were obvious at that point due to their silhouettes. Then Freddy happened.
I still hold a petty grudge over the Vita port and the Vita itself for having MK2/MK3/DLC Alts and then months later its NOT included in the GOTY version.
So no MK2 Mileena & Reptile, no MK3 Rain & Ermac..such horseshit.
I agree. At the time I was under the impression Fujin had maybe been the 4'th character until Freddy got OK'ed and then Fujin got the axe. It was the only thing that made sense as to why his sound file was still in there.
And yeah, the whole Vita exclusives thing was pretty much horseshit. I still don't understand how they made alt's for those characters but we haven't had any alts for DLC this time around....yet. Almost makes me fear an Ultimate Edition is coming or something where those will be "exclusives."

KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
You know what? I've been trying to drop it. Hence why on the last page I was explicitly clear this was the last I wanted to talk about it but no, people keep talking about it. I only brought it up to Ion because all of the flack shouldn't have been placed on Cassel about the Sektor hints as I was involved in a little of that. I didn't bring it up to gloat despite apparently you guys thinking the contrary, I was trying to accept some of the blame.
And on that note, the only other time I remember even bringing it up was when it caused the entire fuss the first time. If I did after that then it was only likely because it had something to do with the conversation being had. I purposefully try not to bring it up anymore because of exactly this; stupid, bullshitty drama. And that, guys, is the reason I posted it somewhere else entirely. This is why it took even 4 months to say something because I wasn't planning on saying anything about it at all here until I just couldn't handle seeing everyone so bent out of shape about the future of this game. This is exactly why, this shit right here, this is why I posted it elsewhere and didn't say a damn thing to any of you. The only reason I'm still talking about it now is because it's still being talked about tonight by you guys.
I'm not dropping hints. I'm not being vague. Anything I say on this forum about KP2 is purely from my own speculations. Me, my thoughts, my desires, my hopes, my wishes. That. Is. It. So it's equally rude when I can't even post my thoughts because apparently, God forbid, everything has to be a clue or a hint or some vague wording. Sorry, I'm not Ed Boon, I don't play that shit.
So no, you don't have to get your panties in bunches, I'm not rubbing anything in your faces. I'm not saying whether I know Bo' Rai Cho is in the pack 100%. I'm not saying whether I know Sindel is, or Baraka is, or Fujin is, or Frost is, or Smoke is, or Noob Saibot is, or anyone else. I'm not posting jack shit here for this very reason, I'm just posting as a fan who likes to speculate and gossip. That. Is. It. I don't know how much more clear I can make that.
So yes, me purposefully not gloating and waiting 4 months to mention something is me asking for attention. Yes, right, that TOTALLY makes sense. Because I'm also asking to cool off cause I'm fucking livid right now so dip me in hot fire would you? Because that also TOTALLY makes sense and is EXACTLY the same thing.
I'm sorry, if I wanted to be an attention whore, I would've been living this shit up and rubbing it in your faces since Day One, not sitting on my ass for four months, waiting and plotting and hoping for an at the time non-existent second Kombat Pack to be announced. Like that makes a whole world of fucking sense. *rolls eyes*
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
KM I just think the premise that you "don't want attention" is a bit disingenuous when you've talked about your ~sources and hinted you know who's in KP2 like, several times in multiple threads.
This is the most important thing about the game right now to most of us on this forum, and someone claiming to have an inside scoop is both frustrating and exciting. Obviously we're going to want to hear what you claim to know so we can assess it for ourselves.
So either tell us what you've heard -- which is rumor, obviously! nobody's saying you have to be 100% right when all is said and done -- or stop making vague little hmm hmmmm posts about it. It's rude.
If you don't want attention, then stop asking for it.
KM I just think the premise that you "don't want attention" is a bit disingenuous when you've talked about your ~sources and hinted you know who's in KP2 like, several times in multiple threads.
This is the most important thing about the game right now to most of us on this forum, and someone claiming to have an inside scoop is both frustrating and exciting. Obviously we're going to want to hear what you claim to know so we can assess it for ourselves.
So either tell us what you've heard -- which is rumor, obviously! nobody's saying you have to be 100% right when all is said and done -- or stop making vague little hmm hmmmm posts about it. It's rude.
If you don't want attention, then stop asking for it.
You know what? I've been trying to drop it. Hence why on the last page I was explicitly clear this was the last I wanted to talk about it but no, people keep talking about it. I only brought it up to Ion because all of the flack shouldn't have been placed on Cassel about the Sektor hints as I was involved in a little of that. I didn't bring it up to gloat despite apparently you guys thinking the contrary, I was trying to accept some of the blame.
And on that note, the only other time I remember even bringing it up was when it caused the entire fuss the first time. If I did after that then it was only likely because it had something to do with the conversation being had. I purposefully try not to bring it up anymore because of exactly this; stupid, bullshitty drama. And that, guys, is the reason I posted it somewhere else entirely. This is why it took even 4 months to say something because I wasn't planning on saying anything about it at all here until I just couldn't handle seeing everyone so bent out of shape about the future of this game. This is exactly why, this shit right here, this is why I posted it elsewhere and didn't say a damn thing to any of you. The only reason I'm still talking about it now is because it's still being talked about tonight by you guys.
I'm not dropping hints. I'm not being vague. Anything I say on this forum about KP2 is purely from my own speculations. Me, my thoughts, my desires, my hopes, my wishes. That. Is. It. So it's equally rude when I can't even post my thoughts because apparently, God forbid, everything has to be a clue or a hint or some vague wording. Sorry, I'm not Ed Boon, I don't play that shit.
So no, you don't have to get your panties in bunches, I'm not rubbing anything in your faces. I'm not saying whether I know Bo' Rai Cho is in the pack 100%. I'm not saying whether I know Sindel is, or Baraka is, or Fujin is, or Frost is, or Smoke is, or Noob Saibot is, or anyone else. I'm not posting jack shit here for this very reason, I'm just posting as a fan who likes to speculate and gossip. That. Is. It. I don't know how much more clear I can make that.
So yes, me purposefully not gloating and waiting 4 months to mention something is me asking for attention. Yes, right, that TOTALLY makes sense. Because I'm also asking to cool off cause I'm fucking livid right now so dip me in hot fire would you? Because that also TOTALLY makes sense and is EXACTLY the same thing.
I'm sorry, if I wanted to be an attention whore, I would've been living this shit up and rubbing it in your faces since Day One, not sitting on my ass for four months, waiting and plotting and hoping for an at the time non-existent second Kombat Pack to be announced. Like that makes a whole world of fucking sense. *rolls eyes*
You literally just posted about how you had inside info about Tremor. When people start questioning you about it your response is immediately "I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT". It's suspicious behaviour and you can't blame people for wanting to prod at it. If JamesMK or someone similar popped up saying they had information about a third kombat pack, you would prod too. Especially after you and Casselman hinted at Sektor, which would be a super awesome curveball. Point is, Imperatrix is right. You've dropped hints, explicitly said you have insider info and when people start asking questions you say you don't want attention and you've posted the info elsewhere.
If you really didn't want any attention, you would have never posted that you had inside info and just sat on it, I find it strange that you're getting upset when people want to hear the info.

Seriously, I'm not calling you a bad person or anything but Warbro is right. If you say you have inside info expect people to want to hear it. Even if it's just rumors or whatever, we'd like to hear it!
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