Haha yea Johnny is late.
EmmKayEss Wrote:
Alpha_Q_Up Wrote:
LAUGH MY FUCKING ASS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! click here. Jimmy Kimmel is trying to get this guy on his show, he's some wrestling fan who breaks down at a convention. You have to see this for yourself. Oh and look at the lady on the bottom left, she starts craking up.
LAUGH MY FUCKING ASS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! click here. Jimmy Kimmel is trying to get this guy on his show, he's some wrestling fan who breaks down at a convention. You have to see this for yourself. Oh and look at the lady on the bottom left, she starts craking up.
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
Hahaha that video is fucking great.
Hahaha that video is fucking great.
EmmKayEss Wrote:
P.S. "It's still real to me, dammit!"
P.S. "It's still real to me, dammit!"
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
Haha yea Johnny is late.
Haha yea Johnny is late.
EmmKayEss Wrote:
Alpha_Q_Up Wrote:
LAUGH MY FUCKING ASS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! click here. Jimmy Kimmel is trying to get this guy on his show, he's some wrestling fan who breaks down at a convention. You have to see this for yourself. Oh and look at the lady on the bottom left, she starts craking up.
LAUGH MY FUCKING ASS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! click here. Jimmy Kimmel is trying to get this guy on his show, he's some wrestling fan who breaks down at a convention. You have to see this for yourself. Oh and look at the lady on the bottom left, she starts craking up.
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
Hahaha that video is fucking great.
Hahaha that video is fucking great.
EmmKayEss Wrote:
P.S. "It's still real to me, dammit!"
P.S. "It's still real to me, dammit!"
But I used protection
About Me

I hope Kimmel gets that guy lol, would be hilarious.
I'ved been playing SVR2K6 a ton lately, getting a bunch of TNA guys on there. I've got a fucking incredible Chris Harris on mine, when hes in game (especially entrance) he looks awesome. James Storm though,not as good lol. Next up I gotta try and get all of Team Canada...cept A1. The thought of having Eric Young and Petey Williams beating people up with Scott D'more cheering them on in the game is just hilarious to me for some reason. Anyone know of any good D'more/Roode caws?
I'ved been playing SVR2K6 a ton lately, getting a bunch of TNA guys on there. I've got a fucking incredible Chris Harris on mine, when hes in game (especially entrance) he looks awesome. James Storm though,not as good lol. Next up I gotta try and get all of Team Canada...cept A1. The thought of having Eric Young and Petey Williams beating people up with Scott D'more cheering them on in the game is just hilarious to me for some reason. Anyone know of any good D'more/Roode caws?
Me too. I love this game, but....ladder matches are pathetic. I lost to Eddie in about 2 minutes, when he managed to throw me out of the ring and just climbed up the ladder. Plus when you're up on a table and the other guy isn't sometimes they magically 'jump' to meet each other.
Aside from those few things and a few others, this game rocks.
I really want Jake the Snake though. :(
Aside from those few things and a few others, this game rocks.
I really want Jake the Snake though. :(
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
I'ved been playing SVR2K6 a ton lately
I'ved been playing SVR2K6 a ton lately
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
Me too. I love this game, but....ladder matches are pathetic. I lost to Eddie in about 2 minutes, when he managed to throw me out of the ring and just climbed up the ladder. Plus when you're up on a table and the other guy isn't sometimes they magically 'jump' to meet each other.
Aside from those few things and a few others, this game rocks.
I really want Jake the Snake though. :(
Me too. I love this game, but....ladder matches are pathetic. I lost to Eddie in about 2 minutes, when he managed to throw me out of the ring and just climbed up the ladder. Plus when you're up on a table and the other guy isn't sometimes they magically 'jump' to meet each other.
Aside from those few things and a few others, this game rocks.
I really want Jake the Snake though. :(
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
I'ved been playing SVR2K6 a ton lately
I'ved been playing SVR2K6 a ton lately
You and me both... of course no one I know has a psp and SvsR for it. It's gay when they make secret characters like this...pisses me off just like DOAUltimate where you need to have a save file from DOA3 or DOAVball just to unlock Hitomi. Like I wanna buy another game just to unlock one character stupid fucks. Anyway, I have trouble with some of the matches on SvsR2006 too. Mostly cage matches... specifically ones with more then one opponent. You smackdown one of your opponents then smackdown the other but by the time you start climbing the first guy you rocked gets up and knocks you off before you can climb to the top. I also don't like ladder matches all that much...when the computre starts to climb the ladder you can't tip it over anymore it makes you climb it so you get into one of those punching wars at the top of the ladder.
Anyone play the game on legend difficulty? Holy crap... reversal city. I can still win but they usually reverse 2-3 of my smackdowns and most of my other moves. I'm reduced to knocking them down with a closeline and stomping.
I'm back to playing it more often lately actually, and the only problem is that it's SO damn easy. I go in the elimination chamber as the first man in, opponents like Triple H, Shawn Micheals, Benoit and Undertaker, and I just eliminate them all easily.
Zentile Wrote:
I'm back to playing it more often lately actually, and the only problem is that it's SO damn easy. I go in the elimination chamber as the first man in, opponents like Triple H, Shawn Micheals, Benoit and Undertaker, and I just eliminate them all easily.
I'm back to playing it more often lately actually, and the only problem is that it's SO damn easy. I go in the elimination chamber as the first man in, opponents like Triple H, Shawn Micheals, Benoit and Undertaker, and I just eliminate them all easily.
Try upping the difficulty level... I been playing on Legend difficulty and I can still win but it's a lot more difficult.
Another thing I noticed about the game that's a little silly is that if you start to kick the computers ass and they are set to dirty... they will leave the ring get a weapon and hit you with it and get DQ'd...I thought that was a little stupid. Would make a little more sense if they knocked the ref out first or something.
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Now we know how long their reigns will last at the least...
World Heavyweight Championship, US Championship, and Cruiserweight Championship spoiler.
Now we know how long their reigns will last at the least...
World Heavyweight Championship, US Championship, and Cruiserweight Championship spoiler.
::::: Wrote:
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
Now we know how long their reigns will last at the least...
World Heavyweight Championship, US Championship, and Cruiserweight Championship spoiler.
Now we know how long their reigns will last at the least...
World Heavyweight Championship, US Championship, and Cruiserweight Championship spoiler.
I'm not really sure if Kash is going to be up to defend that soon though...
Zentile Wrote:
I'm back to playing it more often lately actually, and the only problem is that it's SO damn easy. I go in the elimination chamber as the first man in, opponents like Triple H, Shawn Micheals, Benoit and Undertaker, and I just eliminate them all easily.
I'm back to playing it more often lately actually, and the only problem is that it's SO damn easy. I go in the elimination chamber as the first man in, opponents like Triple H, Shawn Micheals, Benoit and Undertaker, and I just eliminate them all easily.
One thing I REALLY REALLY hate about elimination chamber matches is that when you pin someone, another cpu opponent will hit you or grab you out of the pin for no reason, instead of letting you eliminate the person you're pinning. It gets a little frustrating if you have people that are all red and you know all you gotta do is pin them or make them tap, but the other opponents keep fucking it up for you.
About Me

Heidenreich released
Jan. 17, 2006
World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms with Heidenreich on his release from the company. WWE wishes Heidenreich the best in all his future endeavors.
Heidenreich released
Jan. 17, 2006
World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms with Heidenreich on his release from the company. WWE wishes Heidenreich the best in all his future endeavors.
Bye Heidenreich.
And yeah Chambers can be a pain., but ladder matches are the worst. I used to love watching them, now its just climbing the ladder so it just turns into ladder spot after ladder spot.
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
Heidenreich released
Jan. 17, 2006
World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms with Heidenreich on his release from the company. WWE wishes Heidenreich the best in all his future endeavors.
Heidenreich released
Jan. 17, 2006
World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms with Heidenreich on his release from the company. WWE wishes Heidenreich the best in all his future endeavors.
Man WWE goes through wrestlers so fast...although I have to admit Heidenreich isn't much of a loss.
So was his ear infection legit or not?
About Me

EmmKayEss Wrote:
So was his ear infection legit or not?
So was his ear infection legit or not?
Didn't even hear about it till you just mentioned it. From what I just read on it, sounds like he pulled a Nathan Jones.
lol nathan jones wasnt that guy like australian or somethin
About Me

subzeroisgod Wrote:
lol nathan jones wasnt that guy like australian or somethin
lol nathan jones wasnt that guy like australian or somethin
Yep, the collossus of Bahga road. Poor guy got homesick.
::::: Wrote:
Nathan "Milkshake" Jones lactates. Steroids.
When I go to see the Tekken movie i'm going to be chanting at Marduk. "Let's go milkman!" *clap clap clap clap* "Let's go milkman!" *clap clap clap clap*...
Nathan "Milkshake" Jones lactates. Steroids.
When I go to see the Tekken movie i'm going to be chanting at Marduk. "Let's go milkman!" *clap clap clap clap* "Let's go milkman!" *clap clap clap clap*...
That would probably make the movie better...
About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
::::: Wrote:
Nathan "Milkshake" Jones lactates. Steroids.
When I go to see the Tekken movie i'm going to be chanting at Marduk. "Let's go milkman!" *clap clap clap clap* "Let's go milkman!" *clap clap clap clap*...
Nathan "Milkshake" Jones lactates. Steroids.
When I go to see the Tekken movie i'm going to be chanting at Marduk. "Let's go milkman!" *clap clap clap clap* "Let's go milkman!" *clap clap clap clap*...
Haha, I had to laugh at that because a loooong time ago in a civics class I was told that a "milkshake" was a mixture of piss and seaman which was thrown onto guards by prisoners. lol, i need help....
Satyagraha Wrote:
Haha, I had to laugh at that because a loooong time ago in a civics class I was told that a "milkshake" was a mixture of piss and seaman which was thrown onto guards by prisoners. lol, i need help....
Haha, I had to laugh at that because a loooong time ago in a civics class I was told that a "milkshake" was a mixture of piss and seaman which was thrown onto guards by prisoners. lol, i need help....
You've never seen HBO's "Oz", have you?
Nikodemus Wrote:
Try upping the difficulty level... I been playing on Legend difficulty and I can still win but it's a lot more difficult.
Another thing I noticed about the game that's a little silly is that if you start to kick the computers ass and they are set to dirty... they will leave the ring get a weapon and hit you with it and get DQ'd...I thought that was a little stupid. Would make a little more sense if they knocked the ref out first or something.
Zentile Wrote:
I'm back to playing it more often lately actually, and the only problem is that it's SO damn easy. I go in the elimination chamber as the first man in, opponents like Triple H, Shawn Micheals, Benoit and Undertaker, and I just eliminate them all easily.
I'm back to playing it more often lately actually, and the only problem is that it's SO damn easy. I go in the elimination chamber as the first man in, opponents like Triple H, Shawn Micheals, Benoit and Undertaker, and I just eliminate them all easily.
Try upping the difficulty level... I been playing on Legend difficulty and I can still win but it's a lot more difficult.
Another thing I noticed about the game that's a little silly is that if you start to kick the computers ass and they are set to dirty... they will leave the ring get a weapon and hit you with it and get DQ'd...I thought that was a little stupid. Would make a little more sense if they knocked the ref out first or something.
I did mean it as legend difficulty though. The only good thing about legend difficulty is that sometimes they start reversing every single thing you do, and since I'm a reversal master myself we can go like 6 moves in a row in constant reversal.
About Me

I don't put it on legend because of the reversal fests o_O I have good matches on hard. The DQ thing is a pain too, I was just watching AMW vs Team Canada (Petey and EY) and it was like ten mins in, Petey goes for the destroyer, Harris reverses, goes outside and grabs a weapon. Stupid CPU. >_>
I just like going on the elimination chamber, legend difficulty, as Kurt Angle and defend the world heavyweight title. that seems to be the only way the game is entertaining to me anymore, and I still always win. It's only the least exciting when there's only one guy left for me to eliminate and he puts on a decent fight. I love the reversal fests! It's the best part of the game. And it's still too easy.
first the juice now heidenrich....damn..lol..they better not sink low and sign with tna
Alone_in_kahns_tower Wrote:
first the juice now heidenrich....damn..lol..they better not sink low and sign with tna
first the juice now heidenrich....damn..lol..they better not sink low and sign with tna
How is the number 2 promotion "low"? TNA is probably Heidy's best bet. Juvi isn't one of my favorites, but I think he's talented enough to work pretty much anywhere he wants.
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