01/03/2006 11:21 PM (UTC)
I think the crowd was retarded last night. They cheered Cena during his entrance, booed during his promo, in some spots, booed Angle and chanted "you suck" during his entrance, cheered Cena when he got the better of Angle, booed both of them during the match, like you guys said, cheered during Davairi's intereference, I kept thinking to myself, look you idiots, pick someone you like and dislike, instead of doing the bs they were doing.

I like Cena myself, but agree that Batista is the better wrestler and champion, but Cena has better mic skills, but Dave is improving in that area. Cena I have no doubt is going to lose at NYR, but to whom, I have no idea, I just doubt it will be to Masters or Carlito.

$UB-Z?R0, I think it would be interesting, as well as a miracle if Masters won the Rumble, but I don't see him moving to SD! Last year nobody made the move from one show to the other, Dave stayed on Raw after he won. I'd like to see Angle win Sunday, and see Masters vs. Angle in a submission match for the WWE title at Mania if Masters won the Rumble.

I just don't think that the "source" saying Vinnie Mac wants Orton to win the Rumble should be taken as reliable. I mean Dave Meltzer is only good for writing the "Tributes" books, not reporting on news. I take anything he reports with a grain of salt just like if I read it on secoops and twnp. Orton isn't the most popular wrestler, in fact he ain't even the least popular, so to have him win the Rumble and perhaps win the title at Mania, is stupid. His last reign as champ was a disaster cause he became to arrogant that everyone turned on him, talent or no talent, he's just not that entertaining.
01/03/2006 11:47 PM (UTC)
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I think the crowd was retarded last night. They cheered Cena during his entrance, booed during his promo, in some spots, booed Angle and chanted "you suck" during his entrance, cheered Cena when he got the better of Angle, booed both of them during the match, like you guys said, cheered during Davairi's intereference, I kept thinking to myself, look you idiots, pick someone you like and dislike, instead of doing the bs they were doing.

Were you watching a different show than I was? Cena wasn't cheered at all... because time his music went off there was booing. There's no way they changed so quickly. People who were actually at the event say the crowd booed everytime they plugged the Cena vs. Angle first blood match. Cena was not cheered at all in the match, especially not when he was getting the better of Angle. That's when they were booing the loudest. They also booed when Cena picked up the chair.

As for the "You Suck" chant, that's Kurt's trademark. I don't see why people are still trying to use that as heat on him, because it isn't. Angle has had that chanted in his entrance even when he was a popular face. He said it was a sign of respect during that time. I have to say, most crowds have been 50/50... but the New Jersey crowd certainly was not. There were a few Cena fans in the crowd, but no where near 50 percent, or even 70 percent. The amount of "Cena sucks" signs and things like "Angle doesn't bleed" were clearly visable in the first few rows, and the only Cena signs I saw were camera shots off in the distance.
01/04/2006 12:04 AM (UTC)
~Crow~ Wrote:
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I think the crowd was retarded last night. They cheered Cena during his entrance, booed during his promo, in some spots, booed Angle and chanted "you suck" during his entrance, cheered Cena when he got the better of Angle, booed both of them during the match, like you guys said, cheered during Davairi's intereference, I kept thinking to myself, look you idiots, pick someone you like and dislike, instead of doing the bs they were doing.

Were you watching a different show than I was? Cena wasn't cheered at all... because time his music went off there was booing. There's no way they changed so quickly. People who were actually at the event say the crowd booed everytime they plugged the Cena vs. Angle first blood match. Cena was not cheered at all in the match, especially not when he was getting the better of Angle. That's when they were booing the loudest. They also booed when Cena picked up the chair.

As for the "You Suck" chant, that's Kurt's trademark. I don't see why people are still trying to use that as heat on him, because it isn't. Angle has had that chanted in his entrance even when he was a popular face. He said it was a sign of respect during that time. I have to say, most crowds have been 50/50... but the New Jersey crowd certainly was not. There were a few Cena fans in the crowd, but no where near 50 percent, or even 70 percent. The amount of "Cena sucks" signs and things like "Angle doesn't bleed" were clearly visable in the first few rows, and the only Cena signs I saw were camera shots off in the distance.

This was the first time I ever truely noticed any real hatred for Cena. I noticed a lot of people here taking note of it in the past but personally I never noticed any negative crowd reaction to Cena until last night. The only time they cheered at all for Cena was when he made a few comical coments during his promo. Other then that he was getting booed.

Kinda reminded me of a show in Toronto when Eugene came out and everyone booed the crap out of him. Jr and King were all surprised and said the fans were stupid up in bizarro land.
01/04/2006 12:22 AM (UTC)
Keep in mind last nights show was in NJ/NY area, and Cena is from Boston, so...
01/04/2006 12:31 AM (UTC)
01/04/2006 01:21 AM (UTC)
Blade-Tsung Wrote:

Is the thread having issues again?confused
01/04/2006 01:33 AM (UTC)
You have to use the scroller on the bottom of the page to see your post if it's the first on a new page.
About Me

"Attack of the killer gazeebos!"

01/04/2006 02:44 AM (UTC)
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
Keep in mind last nights show was in NJ/NY area, and Cena is from Boston, so...

I was think the same thing last night.
01/04/2006 07:46 AM (UTC)
TheMkGeek Wrote:
I think the crowd was retarded last night. They cheered Cena during his entrance, booed during his promo, in some spots, booed Angle and chanted "you suck" during his entrance, cheered Cena when he got the better of Angle, booed both of them during the match, like you guys said, cheered during Davairi's intereference, I kept thinking to myself, look you idiots, pick someone you like and dislike, instead of doing the bs they were doing.

I like Cena myself, but agree that Batista is the better wrestler and champion, but Cena has better mic skills, but Dave is improving in that area. Cena I have no doubt is going to lose at NYR, but to whom, I have no idea, I just doubt it will be to Masters or Carlito.

$UB-Z?R0, I think it would be interesting, as well as a miracle if Masters won the Rumble, but I don't see him moving to SD! Last year nobody made the move from one show to the other, Dave stayed on Raw after he won. I'd like to see Angle win Sunday, and see Masters vs. Angle in a submission match for the WWE title at Mania if Masters won the Rumble.

I just don't think that the "source" saying Vinnie Mac wants Orton to win the Rumble should be taken as reliable. I mean Dave Meltzer is only good for writing the "Tributes" books, not reporting on news. I take anything he reports with a grain of salt just like if I read it on secoops and twnp. Orton isn't the most popular wrestler, in fact he ain't even the least popular, so to have him win the Rumble and perhaps win the title at Mania, is stupid. His last reign as champ was a disaster cause he became to arrogant that everyone turned on him, talent or no talent, he's just not that entertaining.

1) Just liek crow said I don't know what you were watching but Cena wasn't cheered AT ALL. Only during a few comical rhymes. But throughout the match his ass got booed sick

2)When it comes to the winner of the Rumble it is almost too prdictable. Internet sites have been correct for like the past 6 years. I know you have Orton but that doesn't change the fact that he wont win.

P.S. It IS possible for people to not like faces and to cheer for heels
01/04/2006 11:25 AM (UTC)
TheMkGeek Wrote:
$UB-Z?R0, I think it would be interesting, as well as a miracle if Masters won the Rumble, but I don't see him moving to SD! Last year nobody made the move from one show to the other, Dave stayed on Raw after he won. I'd like to see Angle win Sunday, and see Masters vs. Angle in a submission match for the WWE title at Mania if Masters won the Rumble.

Every Royal Rumble winner has a choice, Batista chose for staying at Raw and challenge Triple H, but in 2004 when Benoit won the Royal Rumble he moved from SmackDown! to Raw. So like I said before anything can happen, it isn't written in stone yet...........

Hey last week at Heat it was quite funny when Conway tried to bodyslam Visceragrin

SmackDown Spoiler: (Highlight to reveal)
The main event saw MNM beat Batista and Rey Mysterio in a cage match. At the end, Mark Henry came down and ripped off the cage door. He then beat up the faces, allowing the heels to win the match.
01/04/2006 07:36 PM (UTC)
MKGeek, just because Orton isn't very doesn't mean he wont win the Rumble. Hello? John Cena is the WWE champ? Must I say more?
01/04/2006 07:47 PM (UTC)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Orton HUGE when he went face with the WWE title against Evolution?
About Me

The world is built upon the bricks of shame

01/04/2006 07:53 PM (UTC)
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Orton HUGE when he went face with the WWE title against Evolution?

He was getting really over but I'm not sure if that's because he was feuding against Triple H - which is THE heel - or because of his own merit.
01/04/2006 08:40 PM (UTC)
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Orton HUGE when he went face with the WWE title against Evolution?

Everyone in this thread seems to claim that Orton's drop from Evolution and run for the title was a joke but I have to disagree. I thought it was great when he was fueding with Triple H and Evolution. After he won the title and Triple H had Batista drop Orton on his ass and then kick the crap out of him... it was gold and everyone was in awe (even though they knew Gonzo wouldn't be happy about Orton getting the WHC Belt). Then when he demanded Orton give it to him and he spit in Trips face...come on that rocked. I loved every minute of that...

IMO when Orton lost his steam was when he took on the Undertaker. The Undertaker can't put anyone over because anytime anyone fights against him he automatically becomes hated by everyone. If you want to kill your career start fueding with the Undertaker. Look at Heidenreich everyone hated his gutts when he was fucking with the Undertaker but now the masses seem to love him (and it's not because he teamed up with Animal) He was starting to get fans the moment he stopped fighting the Undertaker.
01/04/2006 10:50 PM (UTC)
Heidenreich wasn't getting over because he couldn't be taken seriously as a heel since he sucked in the ring and just kept losing agaisnt the Undertaker. As a retard though, it fits him just right so he got over.

Orton getting banned from Evolution and feuding Triple H for a while was awesome IMO, but they ruined it by having Orton drop the belt in like, one month?
01/05/2006 12:19 AM (UTC)
I agree with the last 3 of you to post. I like Orton a lot, I loved his 'reign' with the WWE Title, even though it was short. The WWE really fucked up imo with him.

Orton for champion in '06!!!
01/05/2006 12:27 AM (UTC)
Blade-Tsung Wrote:

Orton for champion in '06!!!


*waits for MKGeek to piss on Orton*
01/05/2006 12:34 AM (UTC)
Blade-Tsung Wrote:
Orton for champion in '06!!!

Quoted for truth.
01/05/2006 01:29 AM (UTC)
I personally like Orton a lot more now than I did during his title run. I feel the cocky, arrogant attitude gets him over a lot better than anything else he's done. While it's true that going up against the Undertaker you'll be hated, that's just the entire point of that angle. It's building up the heat on Orton so that when he does become champion again, he'll be successful and receive appropriate crowd responses.
01/05/2006 03:20 AM (UTC)
TheMkGeek Wrote:

SmackDown Spoiler: (Highlight to reveal)
The main event saw MNM beat Batista and Rey Mysterio in a cage match. At the end, Mark Henry came down and ripped off the cage door. He then beat up the faces, allowing the heels to win the match.

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
That is a bunch of bullshit! Mark Henry is a joke, and there was no reason to bring him back.

Ok, I seem to be the "heel" of this thread so to speak, all because I won't jump on the "Orton bandwagon" but people, I calls its like I sees its! I think he sucks...period. And I'm entitled to think that way. So I guess what I'm saying is, let's all agree to disagree about our opinions of Orton. Ya'll like him, I hate him! So let's leave it at that! Maybe in 2006, if he does something worth while, I might change my opinion of him, and I said MIGHT! grin tongue
01/05/2006 04:05 AM (UTC)
I'm sure most of you have watched this video before (Note: Strong language, due to their 'intense hatred' they cannot speak without swearing):


It's "The Outlaws" (Billy Gunn/Roaddogg) shoot on Triple H.

Now seriously, I've watched this and they seem like two whiny washed up losers to me, especially Roaddogg who sits there and lets Gunn talk for him. All he comments on is Triple H's moustache. Who is he to be talking about appearances? Isn't he the white guy who had cornrows in his hair? They also complain about Triple H "ratting" on their drug habits (at least Roaddogg's) in an attempt to "hold them down". If I were Triple H, I would have turned them in too. After all, doing drugs will lessen your ability to perform properly in the ring. It could be said he was actually just looking out for them.

I thought this was relevant since Gunn mentions how Randy Orton was "screwed over" by Triple H during his title run. I don't agree with that... if anything, Triple H has made stars out of Randy Orton and Batista (who he didn't bother mentioning). I do agree he has too much control and all backstage, but he's not that bad of a person.
01/05/2006 04:56 AM (UTC)
I think Shawn Michaels will win the elimination chamber. What about you guys? Sorry if this has been discussed already.
01/05/2006 04:59 AM (UTC)
Wow. Crow that was awesome, thank you dude.

First off, they sound drunk/high or jealous, perhaps all. I'd say HHH and HBK both helped them 'to the next level' with DX. How far do they think HHH was going to take them?

I do agree with them about Orton though. Great skill all around, and HHH goes to make his movie, comes back and Orton's time is done. That is horrible.

I like how Kip James is so bad ass. He's gonna kick HHH's ass at the airport? What a bitch. Don't talk about it, be about it.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. Hard. Thanks again Crow.
01/05/2006 08:49 AM (UTC)
*looks at three bandwagons, 'Orton', 'MKGeek' and 'Neutrality*
*cuts off half of body, throws one in 'Orton' and the other in 'Neutrality'*
*reattaches body in Orton*
Guess I'm back for the fourth time...

1st: When Orton started (his music was the best).
2nd: When Orton joined Evolution (ends when he wins the IC title).
3rd: When Orton screwed Trips and broke off (ends when he feuds with RRP)
4th: Now.

Also, what does IMO mean?
01/05/2006 08:50 AM (UTC)
Also, what does IMO mean?

in my opinion.
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