About Me

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

19 years ago
I like suicide dives. tongue

They realy are two different orgs, as stated. I've just gotten so fed up with WWE that the "lack" of ring psychology and "underdeveloped" characters really dont mean shit to me.

I will say this, though. I watched Killings give a promo about sticking up for your self and how you wouldn't want your kid to just sit there and take the bullying. It was probably one of the best promos I've ever seen. It related to the viewer on a personal, real world level.

Production values will increase, more big name wrestlers will jump over and TNA will be getting much better promotion in the coming years, if not months.
19 years ago
I wanted Paul Heyman to be the new Raw GMsad
19 years ago
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
I wanted Paul Heyman to be the new Raw GMsad

He's apparentlly almost close to being through with WWE. They might not renew his contract. I don't see that happening, cause after all, if they decide to do another ECW ppv, they need Heyman.

TNA News Tidbit, maybe spoiler:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)

Once again, several days before their upcoming PPV, TNA Wrestling has promised an announcement that will involve a major change for the company.

Last month, they announced the MAJOR ACQUISITION of a big-name superstar, with Christian Cage making his debut at the Genesis PPV.

This month, there is supposively another major event goign down at Sunday's Turning Point PPV that will also have a huge impact.

Below is the statement for this weekend's show:

"BREAKING NEWS: The face of TNA Wrestling changes forever in 2006! Find out how this Sunday at Turning Point!"

The latest word is that the announcement will be that TNA iMPACT! is either moving to a different night (most likely Thursday) or going to 90 minutes or 2 hours.

19 years ago
anyways what are your thoughts on the soon returning 3 Minute Warning?
19 years ago
Shinnox Wrote:
dont complain about the overuse of high risk moves. its called "total nonstop action" for a reason. i seen some of the tna roster in other places before, the others i didnt have any problem accepting. i love wrestling, not the 2 hour crapfest that the wwe shows every week. a wrestler dont need an over the top gimmik or the perfect character for me to like them, if theyre good, thats all that matters.

tna is all about giving you the bang for your buck, and to give you the best wrestling show possible in 60 min time. they dont need flaming caskets or a supposed retard running around (eugene anyone?). tna is more traditional wrestling, wwe is "entertainment". while hhh is standing in the ring talking for 25 min on why hes that damn good, ii would have seen 2 (or maybe more) matches from tna.

its not even really fair to even compare the two as they are so different. if you wanna see some great in ring action and see someone actually wrestle, then watch tna. if you wanna see jerryspringer watch wwe.

oh, ive been watching wrestling since 1986. i remember www and nwa. i still remember stings first match *cries*

Just because it's called Total Nonstop Action (a terrible name btw) doesn't mean it has to suck. I've seen some TNA guys in other places before too, like ROH. They looked better in ROH. AJ has put on some of the best matches I've ever seen in ROH. ROH is the best brand IMO.
Come on man, how can you tell me you love wrestling when you hate WWE so much and love TNA? TNA is all about guys like Teddy Hart. Teddy Hart, for those of you who don't know, doesn't know the first thing about wrestling. He's an INCREDIBLE athlete. I've seen a match he had with Juvi on TNA and he pulled out a corkscrew 450 splash that was just jaw dropping. But it just didn't fit. No thought was put into it and it just didn't make sense. That's not wrestling, that's acrobatics.
It's not like WWE has flaming caskets every single week. If WWE can provide a flaming casket angle once a year, by all means bring it on! It's not less entertaining just because WWE has money and TNA is poor. ''Traditional Wrestling''!? TNA?!? Watch some old school matches like Harley Race vs. Flair in the cage for the championship, or the best two out of three falls Flair vs. Steamboat. Or Micheals vs. Bret Hart, the ironman match. If you'd put AJ Styles vs. Amazing Red in an ironman match, you'd probably see the red star press and a shooting styles press fifteen minutes into it, if not less. Bret hit a backbreaker 30 minutes into the match.
There's something you got to understand about wrestling: It's not just doing cool moves and declare a winner. The match has to slowly progress, like a song, a movie, or a book, until it reaches its climax, the ending of the story it tells. TNA doesn't know how to do that. It just doesn't, it's fact. It knows how to put great talent out there and have them do incredible stunts, but it doesn't know how to tell stories with the matches. SOMETIMES, that one amazing match comes along. But mostly, WWE's matches are more solid entertainment. For me anyway. It's a matter of opinion, but you can't say TNA puts out ''traditional'' wrestling, that's just not true.
19 years ago
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
anyways what are your thoughts on the soon returning 3 Minute Warning?

Who cares? To be honest, I just don't care. Sure it adds yet another tag team to which ever show they end up on, most likely Raw, cause it's rumored Bitchoff will manage them. WWE should hire back Rikishi and team him with these two. Hopefully they ain't going to call themselves "3 Minute Warning", that name is retarded as hell.

Zentile, how long you been watching wrestling? So far it's myself and Shinnox, who've been watching the longest.
$UB-Z?R0 Wrote:
anyways what are your thoughts on the soon returning 3 Minute Warning?

I liked them when they were around. Pretty quick big guys. But I do hope they keep the 3 Minute Warning gimmick,I loved hearing Bischoff say "Wait a minute...did somebody just say...three minutes?"

Best stuff I have seen from them though was more with Bischoff. The whole Billy and Chuck wedding while they were about to finish it the minister says "Whether it lasts a lifetime,10 years,or 3 minutes....wait a minute...did I just say,3 minutes?" then Bisch tore off the mask and 3 Minute Warning came out and a big brawl happened. That was awesome.
19 years ago
Wrestling fan since 98!
19 years ago
I'm glad to hear Jamal will be coming back. Rosey is a good performer and I've been worried he would be released due to Gregory Helms moving on without him... I'm sort of curious if Rosey/Jamal will be used as "3 Minute Warning" is some sort of ploy with Bischoff. Though he's fired, I seriously doubt he'll be off TV for long, if at all.
19 years ago
I just read that Tajiri has been released. Apparently, he wants to return to Japan and write a book. He's also been wanting to spend more time with his wife, so he may be retiring. He asked for the release himself, just weeks after signing a new three year deal. December 12's RAW will be his final.

The WWE just doesn't have enough Japanese talent. I'll certainly miss seeing him around. :(
19 years ago

I liked Tajiri.I haven't seen him in action in a long time.Since I don't have cable.And they got rid of Afterburn!
Impact and Smackdown were good last night. Warning about smackdown though : There is a ton of extremely corny segments with Taker and Orton.

Got my Eddie G. tribute shirt in the mail today grin Wearing is right now.
19 years ago
I've been watching wrestling for one or two years. I'm the kid here.
Anyways guys I just gotta comment on an ROH match I saw yesterday. Paul London vs. AJ Styles for the number one contendership trophee.
DAMN this match was good. It was freaking amazing, the anouncers don't even know what to say at certain times. They just go ''there is no word to describe what has just happened in that ring''. Almost as good as London vs. American Dragon Bryan Danielson, best two out of three falls.Those two are just wrestling classics. It's too bad they didn't happen in WWE so not to many people saw it. If you ever come across it, get it no matter what. Both matches are incredible
About Me

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

19 years ago
When was london/aj taped? It might be on the news servers now.

I've watched wrestling since, shit, 88? I started when I was six, and Beetle Juice is who pulled me in - RIP, big guy. Though, I didn't get "hardcore" into it until, oh, 98/99. I used to hate that shit, lol. But my dad and I would watch and it started to grow on me - especially when the monster trucks started to tie in with wrestling, lol. I look back now, and that was hella ghey, haha.

TNA Wrestling Game Promo Pic

Not sure if this has been posted, if so, sorry. sad Apparently some new info is supposed to come out soon. Bleh.
Ok, everyone, I'm back, and I'm gonna start ranting about WWE and TNA, so here goes: *breathes deeply*
The Bisch getting fired Monday night was one of the better segments I've seen on RAW in awhile, espically when Vince threw Eric into the dumpster, and when Mae Young (?) offered her drink to Vince during the trial. :D
Three Minute Warning coming back has my excited too. They were one of the more dominant tag teams a couple years back, and when "Jamal" got released, it kinda sucked, because i knew they could've had the potential to be tag team champions if given the right push.
Onto TNA...Turning Point is looking to be just outstanding. As much as I'm looking forward to (as is everyone else) to the Barbed Wire Massacre with Sabu and Abyss, the match I want to see is Styles vs. Samoa Joe. With Samoa beating the crap outta A.J. last week, you gotta think A.J. has even more reason to fight Sun. night..another one is Christian vs. The Alpha Male. I think Christian will be the next NWA champ, no doubt about it..
I have one more piece of news that's gonna excite everyone here: Apperently, none other than....
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
inked a new one-year deal. He might even debut at Turning Point!

Well, that's it from me. Catch y'all later.
Keep Flyin', Phoenixwarrior

P.S. Been watching since `99. lol
19 years ago
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
Impact and Smackdown were good last night. Warning about smackdown though : There is a ton of extremely corny segments with Taker and Orton.

Got my Eddie G. tribute shirt in the mail today grin Wearing is right now.

Yeah, I read the spoilers for Smackdown, sounds pretty corny. Impact was good last night. Christian's first match was pretty good.

Cool about the shirt, you're so lucky. Is it as awesome as it looked online? I want to get it myself, as soon as I get some money.

Sucks about Tajiri getting fired. Oh well, I wish him the best of luck and hope everything goes well for him back in Japan. Just hope he'll come back States side again if WWE does another ECW ppv.
19 years ago
Why doesn't Vince fire Long!
Everone know that since he is the gm of SmackDown! everything got worse. He isn't creative at all, makes very boring matches and repeats them again and again. Oh yeah and the most important: he hasn't mic skills at all.
This man should get a different post.

Bishoff ruled..................
19 years ago
First off... Tajiri wasn't fired, he left under his own accord. As I said, he had just signed a new three year deal but apparently decided he didn't want to stay with the company. Therefore, he's leaving under good terms I'm sure. If he ever does want to return, certainly that wouldn't be a problem.

As for Bischoff, there's a strong rumour going around he will be used as a manager for Three Minute Warning.
19 years ago
~Crow~ Wrote:

As for Bischoff, there's a strong rumour going around he will be used as a manager for Three Minute Warning.

Yeah I heard that too and this is gonna be great...................
TheMkGeek Wrote:
Rabid_Wolverine Wrote:
Impact and Smackdown were good last night. Warning about smackdown though : There is a ton of extremely corny segments with Taker and Orton.

Got my Eddie G. tribute shirt in the mail today grin Wearing is right now.

Yeah, I read the spoilers for Smackdown, sounds pretty corny. Impact was good last night. Christian's first match was pretty good.

Cool about the shirt, you're so lucky. Is it as awesome as it looked online? I want to get it myself, as soon as I get some money.

Sucks about Tajiri getting fired. Oh well, I wish him the best of luck and hope everything goes well for him back in Japan. Just hope he'll come back States side again if WWE does another ECW ppv.

Its imo twice as nice as it looked online. Such an awesome shirt for Eddie. We miss you...
19 years ago
The following contacts a spoiler for TNA Turning Point:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
PWInsider.com is reportin that TNA is looking at bringing in a few new faces over the next week or so, including Chris Kanyon who will be facing Raven at Turning Point. Kanyon will be the next person out of Raven’s past who will be brought in. It’s unknown whether he’s been signed to a deal or it’s just a one-night thing.

It looks like a few more will be brought in, but nobody is confirmed yet.
About Me

"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."

19 years ago
TheMkGeek Wrote:
The following contacts a spoiler for TNA Turning Point:

Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
PWInsider.com is reportin that TNA is looking at bringing in a few new faces over the next week or so, including Chris Kanyon...

19 years ago
~Crow~ Wrote:
Oh please... that's a total exaggeration. Triple H hasn't even said that much lately, and he's not even in the main events at the moment. He has never gone on for the period of time you are suggesting either... and unless I am mistaken Jeff Jarrett is just as bad asTriple H could ever be, if not worse. Not only that, but Jarrett is nowhere near the athlete Triple H is.

lol. not lately, as he just got back. just like the night hbk blabbed his mouth for 35 min at the beggining of a raw earlier this year. jarrett may run his mouth, but only for a few min..not for a entire "segment". he may not have muscles coming out of his ears, but hes a better tech then hhh.
19 years ago
Shinnox Wrote:
~Crow~ Wrote:
Oh please... that's a total exaggeration. Triple H hasn't even said that much lately, and he's not even in the main events at the moment. He has never gone on for the period of time you are suggesting either... and unless I am mistaken Jeff Jarrett is just as bad asTriple H could ever be, if not worse. Not only that, but Jarrett is nowhere near the athlete Triple H is.

lol. not lately, as he just got back. just like the night hbk blabbed his mouth for 35 min at the beggining of a raw earlier this year. jarrett may run his mouth, but only for a few min..not for a entire "segment". he may not have muscles coming out of his ears, but hes a better tech then hhh.

I dunno if I buy that ....Triple H is a lot of things (belt hog being one of them) but you can't say that Jarrett is a better tech wrestler cause that's crap. Triple H has a pretty big move list and his execution is almost always flawless. He sometimes spends a lot of time on the mic but most of the time it's entertaining.
19 years ago
Zentile Wrote:
Just because it's called Total Nonstop Action (a terrible name btw) doesn't mean it has to suck. I've seen some TNA guys in other places before too, like ROH. They looked better in ROH. AJ has put on some of the best matches I've ever seen in ROH. ROH is the best brand IMO.
Come on man, how can you tell me you love wrestling when you hate WWE so much and love TNA? TNA is all about guys like Teddy Hart. Teddy Hart, for those of you who don't know, doesn't know the first thing about wrestling. He's an INCREDIBLE athlete. I've seen a match he had with Juvi on TNA and he pulled out a corkscrew 450 splash that was just jaw dropping. But it just didn't fit. No thought was put into it and it just didn't make sense. That's not wrestling, that's acrobatics.
It's not like WWE has flaming caskets every single week. If WWE can provide a flaming casket angle once a year, by all means bring it on! It's not less entertaining just because WWE has money and TNA is poor. ''Traditional Wrestling''!? TNA?!? Watch some old school matches like Harley Race vs. Flair in the cage for the championship, or the best two out of three falls Flair vs. Steamboat. Or Micheals vs. Bret Hart, the ironman match. If you'd put AJ Styles vs. Amazing Red in an ironman match, you'd probably see the red star press and a shooting styles press fifteen minutes into it, if not less. Bret hit a backbreaker 30 minutes into the match.
There's something you got to understand about wrestling: It's not just doing cool moves and declare a winner. The match has to slowly progress, like a song, a movie, or a book, until it reaches its climax, the ending of the story it tells. TNA doesn't know how to do that. It just doesn't, it's fact. It knows how to put great talent out there and have them do incredible stunts, but it doesn't know how to tell stories with the matches. SOMETIMES, that one amazing match comes along. But mostly, WWE's matches are more solid entertainment. For me anyway. It's a matter of opinion, but you can't say TNA puts out ''traditional'' wrestling, that's just not true.

because wwe isnt even wrestling anymore. i hate them for what they done to wrestling. they took it in the guttter and made it something it wasnt.

"The match has to slowly progress, like a song, a movie, or a book, until it reaches its climax, the ending of the story it tells. TNA doesn't know how to do that" tna doesnt have the time to do that. they only got a 1 hour show. if every match would last that long, you would only see 2 matches every week.

i didnt say was flat out traditional, i said its more traditional. meaning more than the wwe.

btw sd sucked tonight. only decent match was benoit and booker, and that was kinda boring. i think orton "seeing things" is dumb.
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