JBL is a fine heel but like the man said I would perfer someone else as champion.Bradshaw has came a long way in the past year and has become a solid heel in the wwe.But nothing will change my mind that he is a mediocre champion at best,and mediocre shouldn't be able tohold the wwe title for 10 months.Thats the main reason alot of peole don't like him,it feels like he's being forced on us.
I just hope JBL retains at Wrestlemania. I think that would just get him so much heat, and I think it would actually help Cena get put over. As far as I'm concerned, Bradshaw can hold that title until the Great American Bash, at the very least. I would like to see him hold the title until Summerslam, though.
Zentile Wrote:
I just hope JBL retains at Wrestlemania. I think that would just get him so much heat, and I think it would actually help Cena get put over. As far as I'm concerned, Bradshaw can hold that title until the Great American Bash, at the very least. I would like to see him hold the title until Summerslam, though.
I just hope JBL retains at Wrestlemania. I think that would just get him so much heat, and I think it would actually help Cena get put over. As far as I'm concerned, Bradshaw can hold that title until the Great American Bash, at the very least. I would like to see him hold the title until Summerslam, though.
Yah and lets hope Triple H holds the belt for over a year that would be sooo cool.

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
LOL!! I'm going to flip out ninja style and slice some faces if Trips retains at Mania. Anyway...
I was thinking, couldn't brock just chnage his name in order to void the contract? LIke, the contract is associated to his name, more or less. Not "him" in particular, right? He could change his name to "Brian Lasner" or something, heh.
The Velocity main was sweet. London and Akio with japanese fans going nuts. Good stuff. But, why the hell can't we get that kind of wrestling more often? I mean, they were actually wrestling; it was nice. It's like, we have to wait until WWE takes a trip to another country in order to see some good, psychologically sound matches, lol. Whatever.
RAW is near, Valentine is hear, sorry dear, I'm going to sit down and look at stacey keiblers rear. WOOOOOO!!!! The Pooouuunncccceeeee!!
I was thinking, couldn't brock just chnage his name in order to void the contract? LIke, the contract is associated to his name, more or less. Not "him" in particular, right? He could change his name to "Brian Lasner" or something, heh.
The Velocity main was sweet. London and Akio with japanese fans going nuts. Good stuff. But, why the hell can't we get that kind of wrestling more often? I mean, they were actually wrestling; it was nice. It's like, we have to wait until WWE takes a trip to another country in order to see some good, psychologically sound matches, lol. Whatever.
RAW is near, Valentine is hear, sorry dear, I'm going to sit down and look at stacey keiblers rear. WOOOOOO!!!! The Pooouuunncccceeeee!!
So it looks like Batista is going to show up on SmackDown! this thursday. man, I can't wait to see what exactlly is going to happen. I love it when the WWE does Cross-brand feud like Evolution/JBL and Angle/HBK.

Zentile Wrote:
I just hope JBL retains at Wrestlemania. I think that would just get him so much heat, and I think it would actually help Cena get put over. As far as I'm concerned, Bradshaw can hold that title until the Great American Bash, at the very least. I would like to see him hold the title until Summerslam, though.
I just hope JBL retains at Wrestlemania. I think that would just get him so much heat, and I think it would actually help Cena get put over. As far as I'm concerned, Bradshaw can hold that title until the Great American Bash, at the very least. I would like to see him hold the title until Summerslam, though.
Cena doesn't need to be put over by JBL,listen to the SD crowd he is already the most over face(even more then The UnderTaker) on his brand.And if he does retain how does that help the wwe?Title reigns are suppose to help the title picture and get people over if they win the belt or not.Who has JBL put over since becoming champion other then himself?Eddie,UnderTaker,BookerT,Kurt Angle,Cena.All of these guy have been over along time and fueding with Bradshaw didn't help their careers at all.JBL is the one still being put over because after almost a 10 month title reign most fans still don't care for him much.But i agree with you that he will retain at WM21,and the wwe is going to milk JBL vs Cena for everything they can.

JBL's title run imo has hurt the wwe more then help.If you look at since he has been champ what has SD as a show become?Insted of UnderTaker fighting for the title and getting a title reign(which he deserves)we get to see him fued with the Dudleys and Hiedenrich(for way to long).Eddie only seems to fight in the tag division as of now.BookerT seems to be a tweener heel/face and isn't going anywhere.Cena is held in the mid card longer then he should and know is desrtoying everyone in the midcard(which makes the mid card look even weaker).Kurt seems to be more intersted in his iventional then winning the belt.And poor RVD has yet to get a title match in almost a years since coming to SD.These guys are being put in filler match and fueds that don't help SD at all instead of having one of them win the title and fued with everyone.Jbl could have had a three month reign then dropped the title to Taker.Then UnderTaker could have fueded with Kurt for a month or two before Kurt won the title.Then Kurt could have fueded with RVD or Cena and retaine the belt.Then Kurt could drop the belt back to Taker or to Booker who then could feud with JBL or Bigshow.There are so many fueds and solid match we could have sceen the pat 10 months insted of what we have sceen.And thats why many people beleive that SD is weaker then Raw it's so many thing that SD can do but won't.The reason why is simple Vince wants JBL to be over,but how long will that take?If he not over yet he will never be over.It's time for JBL to drop the belt,him retain does nothing for SD if you look at it.I don't mind people liking or even loving JBl that cool more power to you.But come on how long do you think he should keep the belt 2,3,5 years.I like UnderTaker but I would not like to see him hold the title for a year.And a lot of JBL fans seem to hate BigShow,what if Show wins the belt at NoWayOut and holds onto the belt til The Royle Rumble next year how would you feel about that?That what many fans are going through with Bradshaws title reign right now.
TheDarkPrince Wrote:
JBL's title run imo has hurt the wwe more then help.If you look at since he has been champ what has SD as a show become?Insted of UnderTaker fighting for the title and getting a title reign(which he deserves)we get to see him fued with the Dudleys and Hiedenrich(for way to long).Eddie only seems to fight in the tag division as of now.BookerT seems to be a tweener heel/face and isn't going anywhere.Cena is held in the mid card longer then he should and know is desrtoying everyone in the midcard(which makes the mid card look even weaker).Kurt seems to be more intersted in his iventional then winning the belt.And poor RVD has yet to get a title match in almost a years since coming to SD.These guys are being put in filler match and fueds that don't help SD at all instead of having one of them win the title and fued with everyone.Jbl could have had a three month reign then dropped the title to Taker.Then UnderTaker could have fueded with Kurt for a month or two before Kurt won the title.Then Kurt could have fueded with RVD or Cena and retaine the belt.Then Kurt could drop the belt back to Taker or to Booker who then could feud with JBL or Bigshow.There are so many fueds and solid match we could have sceen the pat 10 months insted of what we have sceen.And thats why many people beleive that SD is weaker then Raw it's so many thing that SD can do but won't.The reason why is simple Vince wants JBL to be over,but how long will that take?If he not over yet he will never be over.It's time for JBL to drop the belt,him retain does nothing for SD if you look at it.I don't mind people liking or even loving JBl that cool more power to you.But come on how long do you think he should keep the belt 2,3,5 years.I like UnderTaker but I would not like to see him hold the title for a year.And a lot of JBL fans seem to hate BigShow,what if Show wins the belt at NoWayOut and holds onto the belt til The Royle Rumble next year how would you feel about that?That what many fans are going through with Bradshaws title reign right now.
JBL's title run imo has hurt the wwe more then help.If you look at since he has been champ what has SD as a show become?Insted of UnderTaker fighting for the title and getting a title reign(which he deserves)we get to see him fued with the Dudleys and Hiedenrich(for way to long).Eddie only seems to fight in the tag division as of now.BookerT seems to be a tweener heel/face and isn't going anywhere.Cena is held in the mid card longer then he should and know is desrtoying everyone in the midcard(which makes the mid card look even weaker).Kurt seems to be more intersted in his iventional then winning the belt.And poor RVD has yet to get a title match in almost a years since coming to SD.These guys are being put in filler match and fueds that don't help SD at all instead of having one of them win the title and fued with everyone.Jbl could have had a three month reign then dropped the title to Taker.Then UnderTaker could have fueded with Kurt for a month or two before Kurt won the title.Then Kurt could have fueded with RVD or Cena and retaine the belt.Then Kurt could drop the belt back to Taker or to Booker who then could feud with JBL or Bigshow.There are so many fueds and solid match we could have sceen the pat 10 months insted of what we have sceen.And thats why many people beleive that SD is weaker then Raw it's so many thing that SD can do but won't.The reason why is simple Vince wants JBL to be over,but how long will that take?If he not over yet he will never be over.It's time for JBL to drop the belt,him retain does nothing for SD if you look at it.I don't mind people liking or even loving JBl that cool more power to you.But come on how long do you think he should keep the belt 2,3,5 years.I like UnderTaker but I would not like to see him hold the title for a year.And a lot of JBL fans seem to hate BigShow,what if Show wins the belt at NoWayOut and holds onto the belt til The Royle Rumble next year how would you feel about that?That what many fans are going through with Bradshaws title reign right now.
And the same couldn't be said for Raw? Look how long Triple H has held the title, sence 2002. and sence than. he made guys like RVD, Booker T, Kane, Orton and others look bad. hes suppost to be a heel but yet, he gets all these clean victories and his face opponent, the fan favorite, its forgotten about and pushed all the way to the botten of the mid-cards while Triple H awaits his next opponent to squash. As long as Triple H continues to be Champion doing his same stale antics, Raw will always be the more stale brand. Triple H needs to step out of the Main-event picture for once. At least with JBL, he does something different every month to keep his charater fresh and entertaining. Ever sence he became WWE Champon, hes been getting alot of heel heat out there. and ratings hasn't gotten any lower sence he became Champion, they'd stayed the same for the last 3 years.
At least on SmackDown, the show just doesn't revolve around one guy. you got guys like Angle,Cena,JBL,Taker,Rey,Eddie and Booker taking the main-event spot occasionlly. Raw is basiclly jus the one man Triple H show. which is getting extreamlly boring. Even when Triple H wasn't Champion, the show was still about Triple H. which was really pathetic. The fact that Triple H is the only superstar on Raw thats made to look like a legit Main-Eventer in the last 3 years makes Raw more stale IMO>

About Me
Satyagraha Wrote:
LOL!! I'm going to flip out ninja style and slice some faces if Trips retains at Mania. Anyway...
I was thinking, couldn't brock just chnage his name in order to void the contract? LIke, the contract is associated to his name, more or less. Not "him" in particular, right? He could change his name to "Brian Lasner" or something, heh.
Dude, he can't just change his name. His name is his own, the WWE doesn't own the rights to the name Brock Lesner. In order to void the contract, his options are to sue the WWE or hope the WWE will except a buy out, then he can be free to wrestle where ever he wants. The whole thing with this is stupid any way. Vince makes guys sign these contracts with the rediculous stipulation that if they leave or are fired, they can't compete for the specified time, which if you ask me is crap. Usually the time period is low, like 90 days after termination of the agreement, but in this case it's 10 years to the date that Lesner signed it. Vince had to know that Lesner may not have wanted to stay on 10 more years had he not decided to go try the NFL. Any way, I think Vince wants him back and is just teaching him a lesson about crossing the boss!
Raw last night was awesome, mind you not one of the best they've done, but it was better than SD was. Someone actaully had the balls to say that in Japan last week, SD was recieved better than Raw. I don't know what shows they were watching, but it seemed that the Tokyo crowd was more vocal during Raw, and seemed dead during some parts of SD.
To add my 2 cents to this JBL debate, I think he's an idiot, plain and simple and I stand by my original statements that he should not have been made champion, he's had a good run, drawn a little money (very little!!), now it's time to step aside and let someone else play World Champ for awhile. Kinda like Trips needs to do on Raw!
I can't wait to see SD this week, simply to see if Batista shows up on Raw with or without the other two idiots, and confronts JBL.
LOL!! I'm going to flip out ninja style and slice some faces if Trips retains at Mania. Anyway...
I was thinking, couldn't brock just chnage his name in order to void the contract? LIke, the contract is associated to his name, more or less. Not "him" in particular, right? He could change his name to "Brian Lasner" or something, heh.
Dude, he can't just change his name. His name is his own, the WWE doesn't own the rights to the name Brock Lesner. In order to void the contract, his options are to sue the WWE or hope the WWE will except a buy out, then he can be free to wrestle where ever he wants. The whole thing with this is stupid any way. Vince makes guys sign these contracts with the rediculous stipulation that if they leave or are fired, they can't compete for the specified time, which if you ask me is crap. Usually the time period is low, like 90 days after termination of the agreement, but in this case it's 10 years to the date that Lesner signed it. Vince had to know that Lesner may not have wanted to stay on 10 more years had he not decided to go try the NFL. Any way, I think Vince wants him back and is just teaching him a lesson about crossing the boss!
Raw last night was awesome, mind you not one of the best they've done, but it was better than SD was. Someone actaully had the balls to say that in Japan last week, SD was recieved better than Raw. I don't know what shows they were watching, but it seemed that the Tokyo crowd was more vocal during Raw, and seemed dead during some parts of SD.
To add my 2 cents to this JBL debate, I think he's an idiot, plain and simple and I stand by my original statements that he should not have been made champion, he's had a good run, drawn a little money (very little!!), now it's time to step aside and let someone else play World Champ for awhile. Kinda like Trips needs to do on Raw!
I can't wait to see SD this week, simply to see if Batista shows up on Raw with or without the other two idiots, and confronts JBL.

Olympic_Hero Wrote:
And the same couldn't be said for Raw? Look how long Triple H has held the title, sence 2002. and sence than. he made guys like RVD, Booker T, Kane, Orton and others look bad. hes suppost to be a heel but yet, he gets all these clean victories and his face opponent, the fan favorite, its forgotten about and pushed all the way to the botten of the mid-cards while Triple H awaits his next opponent to squash. As long as Triple H continues to be Champion doing his same stale antics, Raw will always be the more stale brand. Triple H needs to step out of the Main-event picture for once. At least with JBL, he does something different every month to keep his charater fresh and entertaining. Ever sence he became WWE Champon, hes been getting alot of heel heat out there. and ratings hasn't gotten any lower sence he became Champion, they'd stayed the same for the last 3 years.
At least on SmackDown, the show just doesn't revolve around one guy. you got guys like Angle,Cena,JBL,Taker,Rey,Eddie and Booker taking the main-event spot occasionlly. Raw is basiclly jus the one man Triple H show. which is getting extreamlly boring. Even when Triple H wasn't Champion, the show was still about Triple H. which was really pathetic. The fact that Triple H is the only superstar on Raw thats made to look like a legit Main-Eventer in the last 3 years makes Raw more stale IMO>
TheDarkPrince Wrote:
JBL's title run imo has hurt the wwe more then help.If you look at since he has been champ what has SD as a show become?Insted of UnderTaker fighting for the title and getting a title reign(which he deserves)we get to see him fued with the Dudleys and Hiedenrich(for way to long).Eddie only seems to fight in the tag division as of now.BookerT seems to be a tweener heel/face and isn't going anywhere.Cena is held in the mid card longer then he should and know is desrtoying everyone in the midcard(which makes the mid card look even weaker).Kurt seems to be more intersted in his iventional then winning the belt.And poor RVD has yet to get a title match in almost a years since coming to SD.These guys are being put in filler match and fueds that don't help SD at all instead of having one of them win the title and fued with everyone.Jbl could have had a three month reign then dropped the title to Taker.Then UnderTaker could have fueded with Kurt for a month or two before Kurt won the title.Then Kurt could have fueded with RVD or Cena and retaine the belt.Then Kurt could drop the belt back to Taker or to Booker who then could feud with JBL or Bigshow.There are so many fueds and solid match we could have sceen the pat 10 months insted of what we have sceen.And thats why many people beleive that SD is weaker then Raw it's so many thing that SD can do but won't.The reason why is simple Vince wants JBL to be over,but how long will that take?If he not over yet he will never be over.It's time for JBL to drop the belt,him retain does nothing for SD if you look at it.I don't mind people liking or even loving JBl that cool more power to you.But come on how long do you think he should keep the belt 2,3,5 years.I like UnderTaker but I would not like to see him hold the title for a year.And a lot of JBL fans seem to hate BigShow,what if Show wins the belt at NoWayOut and holds onto the belt til The Royle Rumble next year how would you feel about that?That what many fans are going through with Bradshaws title reign right now.
JBL's title run imo has hurt the wwe more then help.If you look at since he has been champ what has SD as a show become?Insted of UnderTaker fighting for the title and getting a title reign(which he deserves)we get to see him fued with the Dudleys and Hiedenrich(for way to long).Eddie only seems to fight in the tag division as of now.BookerT seems to be a tweener heel/face and isn't going anywhere.Cena is held in the mid card longer then he should and know is desrtoying everyone in the midcard(which makes the mid card look even weaker).Kurt seems to be more intersted in his iventional then winning the belt.And poor RVD has yet to get a title match in almost a years since coming to SD.These guys are being put in filler match and fueds that don't help SD at all instead of having one of them win the title and fued with everyone.Jbl could have had a three month reign then dropped the title to Taker.Then UnderTaker could have fueded with Kurt for a month or two before Kurt won the title.Then Kurt could have fueded with RVD or Cena and retaine the belt.Then Kurt could drop the belt back to Taker or to Booker who then could feud with JBL or Bigshow.There are so many fueds and solid match we could have sceen the pat 10 months insted of what we have sceen.And thats why many people beleive that SD is weaker then Raw it's so many thing that SD can do but won't.The reason why is simple Vince wants JBL to be over,but how long will that take?If he not over yet he will never be over.It's time for JBL to drop the belt,him retain does nothing for SD if you look at it.I don't mind people liking or even loving JBl that cool more power to you.But come on how long do you think he should keep the belt 2,3,5 years.I like UnderTaker but I would not like to see him hold the title for a year.And a lot of JBL fans seem to hate BigShow,what if Show wins the belt at NoWayOut and holds onto the belt til The Royle Rumble next year how would you feel about that?That what many fans are going through with Bradshaws title reign right now.
And the same couldn't be said for Raw? Look how long Triple H has held the title, sence 2002. and sence than. he made guys like RVD, Booker T, Kane, Orton and others look bad. hes suppost to be a heel but yet, he gets all these clean victories and his face opponent, the fan favorite, its forgotten about and pushed all the way to the botten of the mid-cards while Triple H awaits his next opponent to squash. As long as Triple H continues to be Champion doing his same stale antics, Raw will always be the more stale brand. Triple H needs to step out of the Main-event picture for once. At least with JBL, he does something different every month to keep his charater fresh and entertaining. Ever sence he became WWE Champon, hes been getting alot of heel heat out there. and ratings hasn't gotten any lower sence he became Champion, they'd stayed the same for the last 3 years.
At least on SmackDown, the show just doesn't revolve around one guy. you got guys like Angle,Cena,JBL,Taker,Rey,Eddie and Booker taking the main-event spot occasionlly. Raw is basiclly jus the one man Triple H show. which is getting extreamlly boring. Even when Triple H wasn't Champion, the show was still about Triple H. which was really pathetic. The fact that Triple H is the only superstar on Raw thats made to look like a legit Main-Eventer in the last 3 years makes Raw more stale IMO>
I agree with you about Triple H he is also hurting Raw.I would like to see HHH go the rest of 2005 without the wwe title once he drops it.But unlike JBL TripleH can still remain an uper mid carder without the belt.I just don't think that JBL can.
To be honest Triple H draws about three times as much heat as Bradshaw so should he stay champion because of that?And what did JBL do differnt every month to stay fresh,get his ass kicked for the whole ppv then have someone interfer and he wins?That pretty much the same song and dance every month.And like you said Triple H has been doing that song and dance for the past 3 years so how is that new?
TheDarkPrince Wrote:
TripleH can still remain an uper mid carder
TripleH can still remain an uper mid carder
No way in Hell will HHH ever be a 'mid-card' wrestler, ever again. If he ain't the champ, he's gonna be chasin the champ. And if he isn't fighting for the title, he's still gonna stick his big hook nose in it. Like it or not, he's 'Main Event' for the rest of his WWE career.
Fast foward to the future...3 years from now.
JBL: Now that I have retained my title again and beaten the entire Smackdown roster in a 30 man hell in a cell I again proclaim myself a wresting god. No one in the history of the WWE has remained champion for as long as me. 4 wonerful years you great fans have watched me win match after match. You may now all chant my name... JBL, JBL...
Triple H: Now that myself and [insert catchy team name here] are in control of RAW again I am proud to stand here in this ring and tell all of you ungrateful people that I am the 28 time World Heavyweight Champion...and I will will continue to get the belt back over and over again because I fuck Stephanie and sometimes Vince on the side.
I'm sick of both of em... go away dont come back.
JBL: Now that I have retained my title again and beaten the entire Smackdown roster in a 30 man hell in a cell I again proclaim myself a wresting god. No one in the history of the WWE has remained champion for as long as me. 4 wonerful years you great fans have watched me win match after match. You may now all chant my name... JBL, JBL...
Triple H: Now that myself and [insert catchy team name here] are in control of RAW again I am proud to stand here in this ring and tell all of you ungrateful people that I am the 28 time World Heavyweight Champion...and I will will continue to get the belt back over and over again because I fuck Stephanie and sometimes Vince on the side.
I'm sick of both of em... go away dont come back.
Oh man, wait till Zentile gets here.
Oh wow. Another win due to interfence. Yay.
If JBL could get a few clean victories against "difficult" opponents like Taker, or Big Show, then i'd be quite happy to see him as champ. He'd still be a heel, and he could still have all these screwjob victories, but it'd be nice if they could spice things up by making him a semi-viable contender by having him win cleanly more often.
But... Eh, I don't really care anymore. Too much bullshit with these titles. I just watch for the sake of watching now. Fuck the titles. I'd rather see a usual Tajiri V Regal match, than JBL retain against Taker with a clean victory, or Triple H retain against Orton cleanly.
Oh wow. Another win due to interfence. Yay.
If JBL could get a few clean victories against "difficult" opponents like Taker, or Big Show, then i'd be quite happy to see him as champ. He'd still be a heel, and he could still have all these screwjob victories, but it'd be nice if they could spice things up by making him a semi-viable contender by having him win cleanly more often.
But... Eh, I don't really care anymore. Too much bullshit with these titles. I just watch for the sake of watching now. Fuck the titles. I'd rather see a usual Tajiri V Regal match, than JBL retain against Taker with a clean victory, or Triple H retain against Orton cleanly.
When JBL first started doing the gimick he started out as a foreiegn hating rich bussniess man to add some fire in his feud with Guerrero. this feud was actually build pretty well and I enjoyed it. This is the feud that made me a fan of JBL. It was around the time before The great american bash where I liked him enough where I didn't mind if he won the WWE title and sure enough, he did. Than thoughout his reign as Champion, hes added Orlando Jordon as his cheif of Staff and becaming an entertaing duo, than during his feud with Undertaker after Summerslam when he had to wear that gaint cast for a couple of weeks, than as time went by, hes formed the cabinet, than he did that classic promo in Iraq with the spacesuit thing, than his classic overeation when he found out he had to face Eddie,Booker and Taker all at once. than came one of the most hillarious moments last week in Japen when he was "drugged" and had that confrontion with balloon godzilla. Its all of these antics plus more that made me a fan of JBL and the most entertaining World Champion of 2004 IMO. JBL just plays his gimick perfectly as the Rich greedy busniess man.
also, I've enjoyed alot of JBL's matches, the ones I've seen anyways. the judgment day match, the cage match with Eddie, the last ride match with Taker, the 4 way match at Armageddon, the Royal Rumble match, the last man standing match with ANgle etc.. hes had tons of entertaining matches sence becoming JBL.
also, I've enjoyed alot of JBL's matches, the ones I've seen anyways. the judgment day match, the cage match with Eddie, the last ride match with Taker, the 4 way match at Armageddon, the Royal Rumble match, the last man standing match with ANgle etc.. hes had tons of entertaining matches sence becoming JBL.

Nikodemus Wrote:
Fast foward to the future...3 years from now.
JBL: Now that I have retained my title again and beaten the entire Smackdown roster in a 30 man hell in a cell I again proclaim myself a wresting god. No one in the history of the WWE has remained champion for as long as me. 4 wonerful years you great fans have watched me win match after match. You may now all chant my name... JBL, JBL...
Triple H: Now that myself and [insert catchy team name here] are in control of RAW again I am proud to stand here in this ring and tell all of you ungrateful people that I am the 28 time World Heavyweight Champion...and I will will continue to get the belt back over and over again because I fuck Stephanie and sometimes Vince on the side.
I'm sick of both of em... go away dont come back.
Fast foward to the future...3 years from now.
JBL: Now that I have retained my title again and beaten the entire Smackdown roster in a 30 man hell in a cell I again proclaim myself a wresting god. No one in the history of the WWE has remained champion for as long as me. 4 wonerful years you great fans have watched me win match after match. You may now all chant my name... JBL, JBL...
Triple H: Now that myself and [insert catchy team name here] are in control of RAW again I am proud to stand here in this ring and tell all of you ungrateful people that I am the 28 time World Heavyweight Champion...and I will will continue to get the belt back over and over again because I fuck Stephanie and sometimes Vince on the side.
I'm sick of both of em... go away dont come back.
lol "It's funny because it's true."

About Me
"You see, I face a whole new Monster!! I face a man, who represents, the Nintendo Entertainment System..."
I have grown to "tolerate" JBL, but nothing more. I think he can be...amusing, at times. My goodness, though. It's taken him months and months to get over and actually develop a character; a personality that has some density to it. I mean, throw me in the ring, I'll spit a few relatively witty lines and then toss me through a table and I could get over, too.
Well, maybe not, lol.
I just wonder if JBL getting "over" or "tolerated" is more of a cognative acceptance. Like, it's been going on for so long fans have become numb to him holding the title. Some are kind of like "yeah, meh, whatever."
Then again, I'll admit he has gotten a little better in his presentation; both promo's and in ring work. I simply think that having JBL hold the title hasn't done anything for SD. Key word: anything. As in neither good nor bad. SD hasn't become terrible, but I sure as hell don't get the anticipation I do when I sit down to watch Raw.
Who has JBL actually elevated? OJ? Pff, he's gotten more comfortable standing around and laughing, lol. The only decent match I remeber is JBL's Iron Man match with Angle - though, that may be due to it being recent. His various fueds just kind of feather out and taper off into nothing.
I don't know. Maybe I'm just a tool and JBL IS a wrestling god, heh. I just pray to God that Triple H never surpases Flair in terms of the number of times he's held the strap.
I just wonder if JBL getting "over" or "tolerated" is more of a cognative acceptance. Like, it's been going on for so long fans have become numb to him holding the title. Some are kind of like "yeah, meh, whatever."
Then again, I'll admit he has gotten a little better in his presentation; both promo's and in ring work. I simply think that having JBL hold the title hasn't done anything for SD. Key word: anything. As in neither good nor bad. SD hasn't become terrible, but I sure as hell don't get the anticipation I do when I sit down to watch Raw.
Who has JBL actually elevated? OJ? Pff, he's gotten more comfortable standing around and laughing, lol. The only decent match I remeber is JBL's Iron Man match with Angle - though, that may be due to it being recent. His various fueds just kind of feather out and taper off into nothing.
I don't know. Maybe I'm just a tool and JBL IS a wrestling god, heh. I just pray to God that Triple H never surpases Flair in terms of the number of times he's held the strap.
Oh by the way, I was just playing SVR... Did anybody else notice this in-game line from Cole?
"Batista is a former partner of Triple H and Ric Flair..."
Former? Whoopsy doodle. Looks like Cole gave away a bit more than he probably intended to, heh (unless i'm mistaken, which is pretty likely).
"Batista is a former partner of Triple H and Ric Flair..."
Former? Whoopsy doodle. Looks like Cole gave away a bit more than he probably intended to, heh (unless i'm mistaken, which is pretty likely).
krackerjack Wrote:
Triple H retain against Orton cleanly.
Triple H retain against Orton cleanly.
I thought that was weird too... for the past few matches Triple H was in... he always needed help from someone to defeat ... well to defeat pretty much anyone. Then Evolution gets banned from ring side and he kicks iOrton's ass anyway. Suddenly, his skills improved huh... screw you wwe.
Hurricane for World Champion!
Nikodemus Wrote:
I thought that was weird too... for the past few matches Triple H was in... he always needed help from someone to defeat ... well to defeat pretty much anyone. Then Evolution gets banned from ring side and he kicks iOrton's ass anyway. Suddenly, his skills improved huh... screw you wwe.
Hurricane for World Champion!
krackerjack Wrote:
Triple H retain against Orton cleanly.
Triple H retain against Orton cleanly.
I thought that was weird too... for the past few matches Triple H was in... he always needed help from someone to defeat ... well to defeat pretty much anyone. Then Evolution gets banned from ring side and he kicks iOrton's ass anyway. Suddenly, his skills improved huh... screw you wwe.
Hurricane for World Champion!
Well... Orton was supposed to be "injured"... I know that gazed look didn't actually look real but that was what J.R. was trying to sell so in a way Triple H didn't beat him cleanly...

About Me
Everyone seems to be a big fan of JBL. Sure he's entertaining to an extent, but the way the WWE is portraying him on WWE, makes him out to be a big joke. He shoots himself with a stungun, sure that's funny, and pretends to argue with an inflateable dinosaur, to make the Big Show come out. As far as I'm concerned, JBL is becoming nothing more than a walking joke on SD. Always doing the same stupid antics week in and week out. That's not the way a deserving and a real World Champ should act. In order to take JBL serious as a champ, the WWE should drop all the stupid crap they have him do every week.
Same goes for Triple H on Raw. He can't be taken seriouslly as a World Champ either, cause he wins the stupid belt all the time, cause he fucks the boss' daughter. Both of these gentlemen need to lose the belts and never be alowd to win them again.
Same goes for Triple H on Raw. He can't be taken seriouslly as a World Champ either, cause he wins the stupid belt all the time, cause he fucks the boss' daughter. Both of these gentlemen need to lose the belts and never be alowd to win them again.
TheMkGeek Wrote:
Everyone seems to be a big fan of JBL. Sure he's entertaining to an extent, but the way the WWE is portraying him on WWE, makes him out to be a big joke. He shoots himself with a stungun, sure that's funny, and pretends to argue with an inflateable dinosaur, to make the Big Show come out. As far as I'm concerned, JBL is becoming nothing more than a walking joke on SD. Always doing the same stupid antics week in and week out. That's not the way a deserving and a real World Champ should act. In order to take JBL serious as a champ, the WWE should drop all the stupid crap they have him do every week.
Same goes for Triple H on Raw. He can't be taken seriouslly as a World Champ either, cause he wins the stupid belt all the time, cause he fucks the boss' daughter. Both of these gentlemen need to lose the belts and never be alowd to win them again.
Everyone seems to be a big fan of JBL. Sure he's entertaining to an extent, but the way the WWE is portraying him on WWE, makes him out to be a big joke. He shoots himself with a stungun, sure that's funny, and pretends to argue with an inflateable dinosaur, to make the Big Show come out. As far as I'm concerned, JBL is becoming nothing more than a walking joke on SD. Always doing the same stupid antics week in and week out. That's not the way a deserving and a real World Champ should act. In order to take JBL serious as a champ, the WWE should drop all the stupid crap they have him do every week.
Same goes for Triple H on Raw. He can't be taken seriouslly as a World Champ either, cause he wins the stupid belt all the time, cause he fucks the boss' daughter. Both of these gentlemen need to lose the belts and never be alowd to win them again.
I have a feeling that Batista and John Cena are going to walk out of WrestleMania as World Champions. both superstars have been build extreamly well is 2004 and both are pretty over with the crowd. a World Title win wlll finally make them the true Main-Eventers the WWE is looking for.
hmm, the reason why you hate JBL is the reason why I love the guy. but eh, to each its own.
HHH Vs JBL......
My side goes to JBL. HHH is in creative control. He gives himself the belt. JBL just gets given it and doesn't have it taken away.
Eddie Guerruo had the belt for a long time and so did Brock Lesnar but no-one complained then.
At least JBL brings some comedy into the WWE. In my case HHH makes me want to bash my TV in with a bat.
P.S. I watch bottom line every saturday morning on UK sky television and Todd Grisham has been replaced with Marc Lloyd. What the hell....I loved Todd Grisham I hope he didn't get sacked. Does anybody know what happened to him?
My side goes to JBL. HHH is in creative control. He gives himself the belt. JBL just gets given it and doesn't have it taken away.
Eddie Guerruo had the belt for a long time and so did Brock Lesnar but no-one complained then.
At least JBL brings some comedy into the WWE. In my case HHH makes me want to bash my TV in with a bat.
P.S. I watch bottom line every saturday morning on UK sky television and Todd Grisham has been replaced with Marc Lloyd. What the hell....I loved Todd Grisham I hope he didn't get sacked. Does anybody know what happened to him?
jade2004 Wrote:
Eddie Guerruo had the belt for a long time and so did Brock Lesnar but no-one complained then.
Eddie Guerruo had the belt for a long time and so did Brock Lesnar but no-one complained then.
No one complained because they were both good champions...I'm not an Eddie fan.. but at least he's entertaining.
Nikodemus Wrote:
No one complained because they were both good champions...I'm not an Eddie fan.. but at least he's entertaining.
jade2004 Wrote:
Eddie Guerruo had the belt for a long time and so did Brock Lesnar but no-one complained then.
Eddie Guerruo had the belt for a long time and so did Brock Lesnar but no-one complained then.
No one complained because they were both good champions...I'm not an Eddie fan.. but at least he's entertaining.
I agree that Eddie was a good Champion, I just didn't like some his opponents during his reign. Doug Basham? Dudley Boyz?
And I agree with whom ever say that JBL adds alot of comedy to the WWE. that guy makes me laugh more than anyone in the WWE right now.
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