Midway's opinion of a "succesful game" isn't going to be determined by the fan boys who actually follow the storyline so closely. A good percentage of anyone who knows the storyline or would care that it really sucks are probably going to buy this game anyways. It's the masses that generate big money. Appealing to the masses is how over 1 million copies get sold. People see over 60 characters, Konquest mode, Motor Kombat, KAK, KAF and they decide to buy the game... or at least that's the MK Team's plan. It's business and it's money. You can't put "fantastic storyline" in a commercial or on the back of a video game box. They got occupied with packing as much selling potential onto one disk that they could.
Honestly, I think they were just creating storyline as they went along with very little thought as to how it would all relate and play out. When they realized that it all had to actually go somewhere and come down to something they were in over their heads. It's either creative incompetance, laziness, or apathy. Take your pick... I pick all three (where storyline is concerned).
How long does it really take to come up with something more than that Meat bio? Seriously... I still can not believe anyone putting their name behind this game would settle for that. You can not even pretend you have just given us the best that you can... Edit: I've thought about these endings and I've come up with a theory. I think we might've gotten the "creative talent" equivalent to the previous games. The only difference is that in these endings they had to end. In DA and Deception the writers really had the freedom to just come up with some ridiculous BS, leave it open ended for the next game, and watch all the fans go "Wow... I can't wait to see what this means" ($$ Cha-Ching $$). Apparently, it all meant nothing.
Hey Tgrant , when's the next Fight Night?
Seriously, you need to speak out at that and get us some answers.
I've been playing Soul Calibur 3 for the past 6 or 7 months and I really learned what a quality fighting game should be, not just a tight fighting engine, but goddamn presentation, and here MKA fails.
For the life of me I can't understand why these characters have no voices, how come they still don't have a prematch pose or one liner. SC3 endings were all in game engine, theres no reason for any of this gens MKs not to have it.
And now the one thing that draws me into MK, the story and mythology, is chucked out the window.
Folks either we've been baited and switched for MKT2 or this really is the last MK for this gen.
Mods of MKO please get another Fight Night going, be our voice and get some answers, make Boon and Co. know their constituents (sp?) are pissed.
Seriously, you need to speak out at that and get us some answers.
I've been playing Soul Calibur 3 for the past 6 or 7 months and I really learned what a quality fighting game should be, not just a tight fighting engine, but goddamn presentation, and here MKA fails.
For the life of me I can't understand why these characters have no voices, how come they still don't have a prematch pose or one liner. SC3 endings were all in game engine, theres no reason for any of this gens MKs not to have it.
And now the one thing that draws me into MK, the story and mythology, is chucked out the window.
Folks either we've been baited and switched for MKT2 or this really is the last MK for this gen.
Mods of MKO please get another Fight Night going, be our voice and get some answers, make Boon and Co. know their constituents (sp?) are pissed.
I am 100% with ~crow~ and tgrant.
MKA is the biggest dissapointment for me, I had a feeling that it wouldn't meet my expectations. Everything was rushed.....it was a let down. Ever since Deadly Alliance, I always dreamed that MK's story would evolve into something big. The story is the main reason why I play MK besides fighting with the horrible game mechanics that it has. The story is what deepens me the most.....and it went an awesome direction at the starting of Deadly Alliance. We got introduced to sweet new characters, a story-mode, great concept art; most of all.....a right direction in the storyline...something that alot of usl wanted. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi made great bosses (even though they weren't boss material, they certainly gave us a huge twist by fighting both of them), and the rise of the Dragon King made us extremely hyped.....
For me, Deception wasn't as great as Deadly Alliance. Even though it had the dark feel, alot didn't please me. The DK didn't turn out to be as monstrous and bad ass like we all wanted; nothing was really said about his undefeatable army. We had some next new characters that were pretty cool (Hotaru, Ashrah, Havik, Dairou), and alot of endings were decent and left open.
Alot of us fans were dying to see what would happen to our favourite character's stories. I always wanted to see a final duel between the Tekunin/Sub-Zero and/or Special Forces. There was alot of questions that needed to be answered (Reiko's story, Meat's purpose, Chameleon's whereabouts); and alot of expected showdowns/story rivalries was put to waste. Even before MKA, I always felt that it was still to soon to end the MK franchise. If anything, I would've continued the storyline for atleast 2 or 3 more years instead of killing off everyone and starting bland fresh. In MKA we get useless garbage for bio's.....
I mean seriously, WTF? Am I even supposed to take some of those seriously? It gives me a migraine to wonder if this is some kind of big joke or if it was all meant to be....
Sheeva = Hindu god? are you kidding me? I'm speechless
Kenshi = W...T...F.......?
Spice Girls = Another horrible setup.
Noob-Sub-Sai-Bot-Zero-Boon - Or whatever it is....How many Sub-Zero's will their be anyways?
Drahmin = Completely worthless.
Nitara = Worst than Drahmins
Kintaro = WHY would they even want to consider!!!......ohhhh blahhhh.
We were all expecting MKA to have full detained endings and bio's. Instead we got worthless kata endings. This is totally ruining for me, and I don't even know how to feel right now. The MK storyline will just be a dream for alot of us.....
MKA is the biggest dissapointment for me, I had a feeling that it wouldn't meet my expectations. Everything was rushed.....it was a let down. Ever since Deadly Alliance, I always dreamed that MK's story would evolve into something big. The story is the main reason why I play MK besides fighting with the horrible game mechanics that it has. The story is what deepens me the most.....and it went an awesome direction at the starting of Deadly Alliance. We got introduced to sweet new characters, a story-mode, great concept art; most of all.....a right direction in the storyline...something that alot of usl wanted. Shang Tsung and Quan Chi made great bosses (even though they weren't boss material, they certainly gave us a huge twist by fighting both of them), and the rise of the Dragon King made us extremely hyped.....
For me, Deception wasn't as great as Deadly Alliance. Even though it had the dark feel, alot didn't please me. The DK didn't turn out to be as monstrous and bad ass like we all wanted; nothing was really said about his undefeatable army. We had some next new characters that were pretty cool (Hotaru, Ashrah, Havik, Dairou), and alot of endings were decent and left open.
Alot of us fans were dying to see what would happen to our favourite character's stories. I always wanted to see a final duel between the Tekunin/Sub-Zero and/or Special Forces. There was alot of questions that needed to be answered (Reiko's story, Meat's purpose, Chameleon's whereabouts); and alot of expected showdowns/story rivalries was put to waste. Even before MKA, I always felt that it was still to soon to end the MK franchise. If anything, I would've continued the storyline for atleast 2 or 3 more years instead of killing off everyone and starting bland fresh. In MKA we get useless garbage for bio's.....
I mean seriously, WTF? Am I even supposed to take some of those seriously? It gives me a migraine to wonder if this is some kind of big joke or if it was all meant to be....
Sheeva = Hindu god? are you kidding me? I'm speechless
Kenshi = W...T...F.......?
Spice Girls = Another horrible setup.
Noob-Sub-Sai-Bot-Zero-Boon - Or whatever it is....How many Sub-Zero's will their be anyways?
Drahmin = Completely worthless.
Nitara = Worst than Drahmins
Kintaro = WHY would they even want to consider!!!......ohhhh blahhhh.
We were all expecting MKA to have full detained endings and bio's. Instead we got worthless kata endings. This is totally ruining for me, and I don't even know how to feel right now. The MK storyline will just be a dream for alot of us.....

reved2k Wrote:
Hey Tgrant , when's the next Fight Night?
Seriously, you need to speak out at that and get us some answers.
Mods of MKO please get another Fight Night going, be our voice and get some answers, make Boon and Co. know their constituents (sp?) are pissed.
Hey Tgrant , when's the next Fight Night?
Seriously, you need to speak out at that and get us some answers.
Mods of MKO please get another Fight Night going, be our voice and get some answers, make Boon and Co. know their constituents (sp?) are pissed.
It's a nice idea, but even getting answers won't really make us feel much better at this stage- that's even IF there'll be another "Fight Night"; opinion afterwards seems to be that it's a waste of time as even the mods have said that it's an occasion to have fun with the MK team, NOT a serious grilling / interview event.
Besides, it's sadly easy to imagine the "answers" we'll get:
Q: How do you respond to the fans calling you "lazy" for reusing the MKDA / MKD models?*
Ed Boon: We're unaware of such criticsm. Fan reaction has thus far been positive. Besides, we were constrained by Time IssuesTM and felt that putting alot more content into the game was more important for this send-off. And also several characters DO have new models.
Shawn Himmerick: Fuck yes!
Q: Alot of fans are deeply unhappy that the majority of the characters have kata endings...
EB: Time IssuesTM I'm afraid...
Q:...And feel that the endings presented have been distinctly below par compared to previous games.
EB: Firstly, we're unaware of such criticsm. But the endings were done in as open-ended a way as to ensure that several characters can make it to MK8, which we're currently working on. (/plug) Also, there were Time IssuesTM with creating over 60 different endings.
SH: Fuck!
...And so on. Seriously, that's probably not far off what would happen. Himmerick will make an ass of himself by saying "Fuck" needlessly again, and Boon will deny that people are unhappy (look at NoobSmoke in the MKD night) but blame Time IssuesTM and make out that it's all in our best interests anyway.
*PS that's a favourite bugbear of mine that cros up regularly in posts, I'm well aware of that

I read a few of the posts in here. i don't have the game and I agree with Crow and Tgrant. You could see this coming from clues like the kata endings seen at the convention. I might wait for a price drop and get this just so I can have all three games and the PS2. What a shame this has turned out to be.
Vogel actually seems to care about the MK story and we know he's capable of writing something much more detailed. Story was such a big part of the last two, so this limited story had to have been a specific design choice. Like Ed Boon or someone higher up made a decision to have a short, easy to follow story that doesn't go into the character's backstory. That's the only explination I can think of.
It will be interesting to see their spin when the QA sessions and interviews start. I'm guessing stuff like all the dead characters being back will be explained away with comments like "use suspension of disbelief".
It will be interesting to see their spin when the QA sessions and interviews start. I'm guessing stuff like all the dead characters being back will be explained away with comments like "use suspension of disbelief".

I agree with the others. The storyline is wretched. But I can't blame Vogel, and I can't really blame Boon either. You guys shouldn't be mad at them, you should be mad at Midway for overhyping us and rushing this out. If they were given more time, i'm sure we could have brand new costumes for the other characters, an intricate storyline, more stages, and other stuff.
In conclusion, I can't truly place the blame on the MK Team, it's Midway for being a bunch of greedy bastards.
In conclusion, I can't truly place the blame on the MK Team, it's Midway for being a bunch of greedy bastards.

Nemesis316 Wrote:
But I can't blame Vogel, and I can't really blame Boon either. You guys shouldn't be mad at them, you should be mad at Midway for overhyping us and rushing this out. If they were given more time, i'm sure we could have brand new costumes for the other characters, an intricate storyline, more stages, and other stuff.
But I can't blame Vogel, and I can't really blame Boon either. You guys shouldn't be mad at them, you should be mad at Midway for overhyping us and rushing this out. If they were given more time, i'm sure we could have brand new costumes for the other characters, an intricate storyline, more stages, and other stuff.
Given more time. That's all the people making MK EVER SAY. I'm past profoundly *sick* of that lame excuse. They've been working on this game for two bloody years!
Who decided to expand Konquest into a full-blown minigame a la Shaolin Monks?
Who decided to make "Motor Kombat", not just a little diversion like Test Your Sight or even Chess Kombat, but a vastly different racing style game?
Whose FAULT is it that we get palmed off with recycled, rehashed goods that don't even have coherent storylines- which come down to the hard task of making lines for Chist's sake! Lines of TEXT! Is that hard to do? Make them interesting? We're not even talking full blown FMV here!
In conclusion, I can't truly place the blame on the MK Team, it's Midway for being a bunch of greedy bastards.
I know exactly who's to blame for this shambles. They'vehad two years and all they've done, pretty much, is focus on other games called Konquest and Motor Kombat!

cloneofdan Wrote:
Given more time. That's all the people making MK EVER SAY. I'm past profoundly *sick* of that lame excuse. They've been working on this game for two bloody years!
Who decided to expand Konquest into a full-blown minigame a la Shaolin Monks?
Who decided to make "Motor Kombat", not just a little diversion like Test Your Sight or even Chess Kombat, but a vastly different racing style game?
Whose FAULT is it that we get palmed off with recycled, rehashed goods that don't even have coherent storylines- which come down to the hard task of making lines for Chist's sake! Lines of TEXT! Is that hard to do? Make them interesting? We're not even talking full blown FMV here!
I know exactly who's to blame for this shambles. They'vehad two years and all they've done, pretty much, is focus on other games called Konquest and Motor Kombat!
Nemesis316 Wrote:
But I can't blame Vogel, and I can't really blame Boon either. You guys shouldn't be mad at them, you should be mad at Midway for overhyping us and rushing this out. If they were given more time, i'm sure we could have brand new costumes for the other characters, an intricate storyline, more stages, and other stuff.
But I can't blame Vogel, and I can't really blame Boon either. You guys shouldn't be mad at them, you should be mad at Midway for overhyping us and rushing this out. If they were given more time, i'm sure we could have brand new costumes for the other characters, an intricate storyline, more stages, and other stuff.
Given more time. That's all the people making MK EVER SAY. I'm past profoundly *sick* of that lame excuse. They've been working on this game for two bloody years!
Who decided to expand Konquest into a full-blown minigame a la Shaolin Monks?
Who decided to make "Motor Kombat", not just a little diversion like Test Your Sight or even Chess Kombat, but a vastly different racing style game?
Whose FAULT is it that we get palmed off with recycled, rehashed goods that don't even have coherent storylines- which come down to the hard task of making lines for Chist's sake! Lines of TEXT! Is that hard to do? Make them interesting? We're not even talking full blown FMV here!
In conclusion, I can't truly place the blame on the MK Team, it's Midway for being a bunch of greedy bastards.
I know exactly who's to blame for this shambles. They'vehad two years and all they've done, pretty much, is focus on other games called Konquest and Motor Kombat!
You could say that. Then again, they were primarily focused on Shaolin Monks, so they didn't REALLY get into it until afterwards.
And Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, calm down. I'm as disappointed as you are, but you don't need to throw a fucking tantrum over it.
Wow, this is cool as hell seeing some kick ass MK gurus speaking up on the storywise part of the game. For the past few weeks a lot of people have been saying gameplay is the most important thing to them. But to me, the story of MK is what attracts me and keeps me coming back. And Im totally amazed at how many people agree and feel the same way, especially the Gods of MKO themselves, Tgrant and Crow, Im putting my salute up to you guys right now, because you speak for a toooooon of people. I am definitely one of those people. I absolutely loooved MK:DA, and then Deception was amazing as hell too. I thought the stories were great, everybody's story was getting built up. In MK1 - 3 the characters never really evolved as much and pretty much kept the same stories, still good but they kinda stayed the same. MK5 and 6 built characters and really let us know where they were from, how they got there, why, where they're going, and everything else. My fav. character is Sub Zero and everybody knows about how his story has been, its one of the most improved stories in the franchise, the dragon medallion and becoming new grandmaster, the armor of his ancestors. Anyways, there are many many more characters Im just naming my fav. cause Im a die hard MK fan who thinks this thread is freakin amazing and should be thumbtacked up top with the rest because this thread is full of passionate true fans speaking their minds unlike other threads (not that other threads are bad) but most other threads arent this passionate. This game let too many people down. MK might have tapped out and submitted during this round. I've played arcade mode with about 16 characters and the only ending I think that could possibly be Midway's version of "canon" is Scorpions, why? because it shows how they love to freakin squeeze everything for every cent, when they could think of something better in a mere 10 minutes, maybe more but still, 10 minutes could provide me with tons of better endings for any character in this game. Taven, theres nothing really I can say that hasnt been said, its absolutely ridiculous to think that all this hype, The Dragon King's Army, The One Being, The Kamidogu, and of course most of the existing Armageddon character holes.....Wheres Fujin been? Wasnt Motaro dead? Quan and Shang..how are they walking after Raidens explosion? Onaga and Reptile? Who the hell is controlling Zombie Liu? balbalablabalbl I could go on and on man......so much stuff they built up in the past games and they completely blurred all that out for some story of Armageddon and Taven or Daegon will fight Blaze and the essence will spread and decide the outcome of Mortal Kombat or what not, but wait a minute, they completely screwed up their own story that was already completely screwing up two previouse great stories!!!! they decided to throw in as much visual quantity as possible without giving it a background, unbeleivable. Somethin I thought was really funny was Scorpion in Konquest, he says hes enraged at the Elder Gods b/c they were supposed to ressurrect his ninja clan, and instead of being brought back as humans, their a bunch of zombies, aaaaaaaahahahh agreat stuff, and since they were zombies, he said hes gonna kill Taven and Daegon, ooooohhhhh wow, damn thats good stuff. So I guess he got a little bit of continuation, if you wanna give it that title. My fav. character Sub Zero, lol his ending was so funny, goes a little something like this "the essence of Blaze takes over Sub Zero just like it does everybody, and he becomes ..............guess what.......a God....did you know that was comin? lol yep, he becomes and Ice God, not so bad of an ending I guess, oh but wait.......the Elder Gods see of Sub Zero becoming an ICE GOD, but it is a Fake Ice God, so they send their champions to hunt him down and kill him" aaaaaaaahahahahahaha wheeeeeewwwww talk about justice, tiein up loose ends, clarification, man so many good words I can think of.......that completely dont describe any storywise part of this game!!!!! Mortal Kombat blew it this time, Im sad, not crying necessarily, more upset than sad I guess, this is a time I will never forget. Hell, just like Ken Shamrock retiring last night, he ended his career by losing to his enemy for the 3rd time, that is the worst way to go out. Hes one of the best dont get me wrong and hes got too much class for something like that to bother him but that would really upset me going out losing 3 matches in a row to somebody I completely was annoyed by and totally hated. Thats kinda how MK is goin out, on their last time goin at it with a game of the actual series and they go out with a huge upset and a loss that will stain the Mortal Kombat franchise forever, only MK cant really hold their heads up like Ken can, b/c he didnt let anybody down, MK let the aspiring storytellers of fans they have down for a quick buck, pathetic.

About Me
First of all, tgrant, excellent thread. Yes I also feel disgusted with the endings and the storyline. I was expecting an epic storyline only to face with this garbage. I agree with everyone's points as well.
Kitana: Good lord, this is the worst ending so far. Girl power!!1!!!1!
Scorpion: I expected him to have his revenge done only to see his clan and family resurrected. WTF seriously?
Sub-Zero: Ice god wtf?
Kitana: Good lord, this is the worst ending so far. Girl power!!1!!!1!
Scorpion: I expected him to have his revenge done only to see his clan and family resurrected. WTF seriously?
Sub-Zero: Ice god wtf?

About Me
Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.
Nemesis316 Wrote:
You could say that. Then again, they were primarily focused on Shaolin Monks, so they didn't REALLY get into it until afterwards.
And Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, calm down. I'm as disappointed as you are, but you don't need to throw a fucking tantrum over it.
cloneofdan Wrote:
Given more time. That's all the people making MK EVER SAY. I'm past profoundly *sick* of that lame excuse. They've been working on this game for two bloody years!
Who decided to expand Konquest into a full-blown minigame a la Shaolin Monks?
Who decided to make "Motor Kombat", not just a little diversion like Test Your Sight or even Chess Kombat, but a vastly different racing style game?
Whose FAULT is it that we get palmed off with recycled, rehashed goods that don't even have coherent storylines- which come down to the hard task of making lines for Chist's sake! Lines of TEXT! Is that hard to do? Make them interesting? We're not even talking full blown FMV here!
I know exactly who's to blame for this shambles. They'vehad two years and all they've done, pretty much, is focus on other games called Konquest and Motor Kombat!
Nemesis316 Wrote:
But I can't blame Vogel, and I can't really blame Boon either. You guys shouldn't be mad at them, you should be mad at Midway for overhyping us and rushing this out. If they were given more time, i'm sure we could have brand new costumes for the other characters, an intricate storyline, more stages, and other stuff.
But I can't blame Vogel, and I can't really blame Boon either. You guys shouldn't be mad at them, you should be mad at Midway for overhyping us and rushing this out. If they were given more time, i'm sure we could have brand new costumes for the other characters, an intricate storyline, more stages, and other stuff.
Given more time. That's all the people making MK EVER SAY. I'm past profoundly *sick* of that lame excuse. They've been working on this game for two bloody years!
Who decided to expand Konquest into a full-blown minigame a la Shaolin Monks?
Who decided to make "Motor Kombat", not just a little diversion like Test Your Sight or even Chess Kombat, but a vastly different racing style game?
Whose FAULT is it that we get palmed off with recycled, rehashed goods that don't even have coherent storylines- which come down to the hard task of making lines for Chist's sake! Lines of TEXT! Is that hard to do? Make them interesting? We're not even talking full blown FMV here!
In conclusion, I can't truly place the blame on the MK Team, it's Midway for being a bunch of greedy bastards.
I know exactly who's to blame for this shambles. They'vehad two years and all they've done, pretty much, is focus on other games called Konquest and Motor Kombat!
You could say that. Then again, they were primarily focused on Shaolin Monks, so they didn't REALLY get into it until afterwards.
And Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, calm down. I'm as disappointed as you are, but you don't need to throw a fucking tantrum over it.
The MK Team didn't make Shaolin Monks, it was made by another development team with some of the senior and more integral members from the MK Team looking over the development process.

Nemesis316 Wrote:
You could say that. Then again, they were primarily focused on Shaolin Monks, so they didn't REALLY get into it until afterwards.
You could say that. Then again, they were primarily focused on Shaolin Monks, so they didn't REALLY get into it until afterwards.
As the Truth said, MKSM wasn't made by the usual guys. Vogel was supposed to have input into the story I believe, but IIRC that's pretty much it.
And Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, calm down. I'm as disappointed as you are, but you don't need to throw a fucking tantrum over it.
Tantrum? Was I just blowing off hot air? Or do you honestly think what I said- about the MK team's choices resulting in the game people are disappointed with (storywise in this thread anyway)- is incorrect?
I *am* angry at the way this team have handled things. So much wasted potential, sacrificed IMO for the sake of a cheap rehash to rake in cash cow money. But it's been heading like this ever since MKD was in production- at least, again, in my view.
I'm also genuinely sick of the same old excuses that will no doubt come our way again should the question / answer session ever arise.
I wish people would start voting with their wallets now; maybe that would change things...

I like MKA, but the story was just murdered. With the same graphics engine and recycled character models, I fully understand, as it's ludicrous to expect 124 brand new character models under a new graphics engine when lots of other stuff needs tuning. With the same styles, I can vibe with because the game doesn't seem as broken as last time (at the moment) and high jumps + parries inject a little flavor. But with horrible story, there is NO EXCUSE. Konquest had some cool parts, but Ugh.
The time and budget crunch must be bad. It's one or the other with the system and story.
When you compare MKDA to MKD, MKDA has better gameplay but the worse story of the two.
When you compare MKA to MKD, MKA has slightly better gameplay, but a story I could have done better. I'm not joking or overestimating myself. I've only written forum responses and english essays over the years, but when I can pick out a whole laundry list of things that bother me, AND how they could have been better, something's wrong.
The story here reminds me of bad classic fatalities (to me): It wouldn't have taken much to save it. A few examples:
-Quan Chi and Shang Tsung back in the mix. We got no reason for that. They couldn't at least have said Onaga resurrected them for some stupid reason? That Quan Chi found another way to get out of hell and still needed Shang for something?
-Sheeva and Motaro were dead, but Onaga could have brought them back. Hell, Quan Chi brought back Scorp in MK4, so he could have done some stuff here. Why, I don't know. For now, all we know is that people in the netherrealm can still be in MK in this chaotic state (Noob, Smoke, Ashrah, Nightwolf) and no one stays dead in MK. That's all fine and dandy, but I don't want to use some fan created rules to draft an explanation. I want an official explanation.
-Sareena. In MKDA: Tournament Edition, wasn't she rescued by Sub-Zero or something? That's the whole damned reason she's in MKA under the "every character" promise. But they've got her being the (un?) dead Quan Chi's servant again. I would have wiped out that whole plot piece and have her try to attack Taven in the Lin Kuei Palace. It would have been much more interesting.
-Scorpion was a Champion of the Gods, but now wants the Apocalypse because his clan wasn't resurrected? He would have been better off as one of the enemies Taven faces when Shinnok is tricking him. The Elder Gods must have SOME knowledge Shinnok is behind this, right?
-I don't remember a suitable explanation as to how everyone found out about the pyramid prize. Besides Shinnok letting some allies know. Raiden could have e-mailed the good guys or something. That would have been an interesting twist to the story. Raiden tried to stop Taven to help the baddies, but has the good guys rallying together anyway under threat of death.
That's just what I can remember right now. It's all just like half the fatalities in the 3D MKs. Would have been better with just little changes. Even Quan Chi's Neck Stretcher could have been cool if he did some magic and the skin broke. That would have been a cool spine rip.
Chrome said you shouldn't buy MKA earlier on account of the story. I may say "rent first" by default, but I would say bullshit to that statement. I was wrong. The story is BAD, and there are a lot of people without MKA wondering about the plot of MKA. If story is one of your main reasons for getting MKA, I STRONGLY suggest a rental. I myself can get over how much the story got raped, but that doesn't save the fact it was raped.
And on that note, I give a sincere apology to those who I may have flamed when they whined about the story pre-release. Well, not all of you, but any of you who got the "Wait until Konquest" response. I'm sorry.
The time and budget crunch must be bad. It's one or the other with the system and story.
When you compare MKDA to MKD, MKDA has better gameplay but the worse story of the two.
When you compare MKA to MKD, MKA has slightly better gameplay, but a story I could have done better. I'm not joking or overestimating myself. I've only written forum responses and english essays over the years, but when I can pick out a whole laundry list of things that bother me, AND how they could have been better, something's wrong.
The story here reminds me of bad classic fatalities (to me): It wouldn't have taken much to save it. A few examples:
-Quan Chi and Shang Tsung back in the mix. We got no reason for that. They couldn't at least have said Onaga resurrected them for some stupid reason? That Quan Chi found another way to get out of hell and still needed Shang for something?
-Sheeva and Motaro were dead, but Onaga could have brought them back. Hell, Quan Chi brought back Scorp in MK4, so he could have done some stuff here. Why, I don't know. For now, all we know is that people in the netherrealm can still be in MK in this chaotic state (Noob, Smoke, Ashrah, Nightwolf) and no one stays dead in MK. That's all fine and dandy, but I don't want to use some fan created rules to draft an explanation. I want an official explanation.
-Sareena. In MKDA: Tournament Edition, wasn't she rescued by Sub-Zero or something? That's the whole damned reason she's in MKA under the "every character" promise. But they've got her being the (un?) dead Quan Chi's servant again. I would have wiped out that whole plot piece and have her try to attack Taven in the Lin Kuei Palace. It would have been much more interesting.
-Scorpion was a Champion of the Gods, but now wants the Apocalypse because his clan wasn't resurrected? He would have been better off as one of the enemies Taven faces when Shinnok is tricking him. The Elder Gods must have SOME knowledge Shinnok is behind this, right?
-I don't remember a suitable explanation as to how everyone found out about the pyramid prize. Besides Shinnok letting some allies know. Raiden could have e-mailed the good guys or something. That would have been an interesting twist to the story. Raiden tried to stop Taven to help the baddies, but has the good guys rallying together anyway under threat of death.
That's just what I can remember right now. It's all just like half the fatalities in the 3D MKs. Would have been better with just little changes. Even Quan Chi's Neck Stretcher could have been cool if he did some magic and the skin broke. That would have been a cool spine rip.
Chrome said you shouldn't buy MKA earlier on account of the story. I may say "rent first" by default, but I would say bullshit to that statement. I was wrong. The story is BAD, and there are a lot of people without MKA wondering about the plot of MKA. If story is one of your main reasons for getting MKA, I STRONGLY suggest a rental. I myself can get over how much the story got raped, but that doesn't save the fact it was raped.
And on that note, I give a sincere apology to those who I may have flamed when they whined about the story pre-release. Well, not all of you, but any of you who got the "Wait until Konquest" response. I'm sorry.

I dont have the game yet but came back to the site to get the lowdown on it, and from what i hear. it sounds awful and im just broken by it.
i mean im not lying now but if there was one reason alone if i had to pick what was getting me pumped about a new mk game id say hands down to read and hear about the characters. serious to god if i try and sell a mk game to someone as in put it over as a good game or one of my favourites i always make a reference to its story and rich characters. now i cant even do that. So the next time im having a debate over good beat em,ups and someone says what about mk then someone else says mortal kombat is aload of wank, i have apparantly no reason anymore to defend it. This sucks ive played mk since it's inception religously at one time i even had the nerve to say it was better than streetfighter i was young and ignorant. i have a real passion for these games but seriuously to god im gonna buy this game pass my own judgement on it and if its not to my standards i swear ill never look at an mk game again because after 15 years of my support i deserve better and so do all of you.
I think the mk team should seriously consider going back to drawing board taking mk armageddon with them and repackaging it as a fixed story driven game with a proper fatality system, bios and endings no diversions i never wanted em in the first place, Mortal kombat armageddon tournament edition or something like that, and if time is an exscuse then thats exactly what they would do. im gutted
i mean im not lying now but if there was one reason alone if i had to pick what was getting me pumped about a new mk game id say hands down to read and hear about the characters. serious to god if i try and sell a mk game to someone as in put it over as a good game or one of my favourites i always make a reference to its story and rich characters. now i cant even do that. So the next time im having a debate over good beat em,ups and someone says what about mk then someone else says mortal kombat is aload of wank, i have apparantly no reason anymore to defend it. This sucks ive played mk since it's inception religously at one time i even had the nerve to say it was better than streetfighter i was young and ignorant. i have a real passion for these games but seriuously to god im gonna buy this game pass my own judgement on it and if its not to my standards i swear ill never look at an mk game again because after 15 years of my support i deserve better and so do all of you.
I think the mk team should seriously consider going back to drawing board taking mk armageddon with them and repackaging it as a fixed story driven game with a proper fatality system, bios and endings no diversions i never wanted em in the first place, Mortal kombat armageddon tournament edition or something like that, and if time is an exscuse then thats exactly what they would do. im gutted

cloneofdan Wrote:
As the Truth said, MKSM wasn't made by the usual guys. Vogel was supposed to have input into the story I believe, but IIRC that's pretty much it.
Tantrum? Was I just blowing off hot air? Or do you honestly think what I said- about the MK team's choices resulting in the game people are disappointed with (storywise in this thread anyway)- is incorrect?
I *am* angry at the way this team have handled things. So much wasted potential, sacrificed IMO for the sake of a cheap rehash to rake in cash cow money. But it's been heading like this ever since MKD was in production- at least, again, in my view.
I'm also genuinely sick of the same old excuses that will no doubt come our way again should the question / answer session ever arise.
I wish people would start voting with their wallets now; maybe that would change things...
Nemesis316 Wrote:
You could say that. Then again, they were primarily focused on Shaolin Monks, so they didn't REALLY get into it until afterwards.
You could say that. Then again, they were primarily focused on Shaolin Monks, so they didn't REALLY get into it until afterwards.
As the Truth said, MKSM wasn't made by the usual guys. Vogel was supposed to have input into the story I believe, but IIRC that's pretty much it.
And Jesus Christ on a pogo stick, calm down. I'm as disappointed as you are, but you don't need to throw a fucking tantrum over it.
Tantrum? Was I just blowing off hot air? Or do you honestly think what I said- about the MK team's choices resulting in the game people are disappointed with (storywise in this thread anyway)- is incorrect?
I *am* angry at the way this team have handled things. So much wasted potential, sacrificed IMO for the sake of a cheap rehash to rake in cash cow money. But it's been heading like this ever since MKD was in production- at least, again, in my view.
I'm also genuinely sick of the same old excuses that will no doubt come our way again should the question / answer session ever arise.
I wish people would start voting with their wallets now; maybe that would change things...
I understand completely where your coming from, and I feel the same way as you do. But you went really crazy over it, that's all.
You're not incorrect, in fact most of what tgrant and others have said was right. Just don't get that upset over it, that's all. It's unnecessary stress.
Chrome, that's your opinion.I have yet to see you praise any MK game for that matter.I HIGHLY recommend this game if you're an MK fan, chances are you'll like something unless you're a "perfectionist" in which NO game, no story is perfect.If you find me one, please post it and I'll surely find something wrong with it.
One thing I've noticed is this on this site for the past few months and NOW even is this.Simply "NO PLEASE IN SOME PEOPLE"
Now, I see what you're saying and you have SOME points in some of the storylines...the ones that leave you with a plain feeling of that's it?
However, before this game came out MOST on here were complaining day in, day out OMG, OMG everyone is going to die!!!
Now, that some characters are hinted to move on....there are the ones disappointed about that.
Disappointed about an ending that to some doesn't do a justice, doesn't explain anything....but it does.
Like Scorpion's ending, ok the quan-chi thing is still going on however at least the gig with his family and clan are answered in some aspects.
And apparently he's the new leader of his old clan.What's so wrong with this again?
I'll be dead honest here some of the endings raise questions like Smokes for example....if you beat it with him then you know what I'm referring to.
But others like Ermac's are cool.He's no longer Ermac one single entity, but an army since the souls are released and free to choose their own destiny now as an army of ermacs.
I like this ending, but hey there will always be people that hate it....
I like it personally.
I guess if you're a Kenshi fan however, you might be disappointed.I can see that with his ending actually, but some others I feel some users on here are grasping at straws to complain about.My opinion.
One thing John Vogel also said is this, "in MK people never really die" since there's gods, sorcerers, entities etc.
What I'd like to know though is how some of the stories crossover in MK8.
They could easily do something like, continued from their MK:A ending eventually this person died, or that person died.
For what it's worth, the storyline is entertaining and still owns any other fighter if you ask me, not to mention gameplay is the #1 thing we should concentrate on.
And btw that is MUCH improved speaking as how I play online a lot via xbox.There's a few things that if you go out of your way you'll find little things, but nothing that important.
The wake up, parries help out A LOT.If you know how to play seriously that is...
Anyway, I don't feel it's a tragic diminish at all to the storyline.It's fantasy people, have fun with it.
The MK:D opening I'll admit that should be explained, with Raiden it was but how Quan-Chi and Shang survived I'd like to know.Perhaps someone resurrected them like Havik or someone.Remember, we didn't know about Kahn's clone until the GC version of Deception.So, perhaps in the future we will find out some of these questions.
I can get a hint as to who will live and die in next genre MK 8 based on these endings.
Anyway, I can understand some here being disappointed in SOME of the endings perhaps but to say it kills the whole storyline, is a bit much I don't think so.
Especially when they're going to start fresh and bring back some of these characters.I doubt anyone here has seen every single ending yet, either way enjoy MK:A or.....try to at least.
On a positive note, I'm enjoying this game a lot.Then again, I doubt anyone here loves MK nearly as much as I do..there's the MK fan then there's MKF.
If you talked to gerchap, stretch shrimp, or Dreadnaught...they can tell you why...they've met me.
Anywho, most endings I like, some make me think, others I wonder about but none of them make me think OMG Mk's storyline has deminished greatly.
One thing I've noticed is this on this site for the past few months and NOW even is this.Simply "NO PLEASE IN SOME PEOPLE"
Now, I see what you're saying and you have SOME points in some of the storylines...the ones that leave you with a plain feeling of that's it?
However, before this game came out MOST on here were complaining day in, day out OMG, OMG everyone is going to die!!!
Now, that some characters are hinted to move on....there are the ones disappointed about that.
Disappointed about an ending that to some doesn't do a justice, doesn't explain anything....but it does.
Like Scorpion's ending, ok the quan-chi thing is still going on however at least the gig with his family and clan are answered in some aspects.
And apparently he's the new leader of his old clan.What's so wrong with this again?
I'll be dead honest here some of the endings raise questions like Smokes for example....if you beat it with him then you know what I'm referring to.
But others like Ermac's are cool.He's no longer Ermac one single entity, but an army since the souls are released and free to choose their own destiny now as an army of ermacs.
I like this ending, but hey there will always be people that hate it....
I like it personally.
I guess if you're a Kenshi fan however, you might be disappointed.I can see that with his ending actually, but some others I feel some users on here are grasping at straws to complain about.My opinion.
One thing John Vogel also said is this, "in MK people never really die" since there's gods, sorcerers, entities etc.
What I'd like to know though is how some of the stories crossover in MK8.
They could easily do something like, continued from their MK:A ending eventually this person died, or that person died.
For what it's worth, the storyline is entertaining and still owns any other fighter if you ask me, not to mention gameplay is the #1 thing we should concentrate on.
And btw that is MUCH improved speaking as how I play online a lot via xbox.There's a few things that if you go out of your way you'll find little things, but nothing that important.
The wake up, parries help out A LOT.If you know how to play seriously that is...
Anyway, I don't feel it's a tragic diminish at all to the storyline.It's fantasy people, have fun with it.
The MK:D opening I'll admit that should be explained, with Raiden it was but how Quan-Chi and Shang survived I'd like to know.Perhaps someone resurrected them like Havik or someone.Remember, we didn't know about Kahn's clone until the GC version of Deception.So, perhaps in the future we will find out some of these questions.
I can get a hint as to who will live and die in next genre MK 8 based on these endings.
Anyway, I can understand some here being disappointed in SOME of the endings perhaps but to say it kills the whole storyline, is a bit much I don't think so.
Especially when they're going to start fresh and bring back some of these characters.I doubt anyone here has seen every single ending yet, either way enjoy MK:A or.....try to at least.
On a positive note, I'm enjoying this game a lot.Then again, I doubt anyone here loves MK nearly as much as I do..there's the MK fan then there's MKF.
Anywho, most endings I like, some make me think, others I wonder about but none of them make me think OMG Mk's storyline has deminished greatly.
Okay, I figured out how everyone was ressurected:
Mavado (Kabal Killed him, check Kabal's MKD bio): Used the power of his emo-ish trenchcoat to survive death. Wrote crappy poetry about how it hurt getting a Hooksword lodged in his esophagus.
Hsu Hao (Heart Torn Out by Jax): A group of environmentalists known as the planeteers found Hsu Hao while he lay dying. Upon learning that one of them had a "heart" ring, Hsu Hao killed them all and haphazardly shoved the ring in his chest. He later got his cyborg heart put back in when he realized that "heart" was a pretty crappy superpower.
Sheeva (Killed by Shao Kahn, revealed in MKDA): Sheeva actually borrowed Shao Kahn's cloning device from his wacky MKD misadventure, which was who was really killed by Kahn.
Motaro (Killed by Sheeva, revealed in MKDA): While his carcass was being sold to a glue factory, Motaro woke up. Sheeva had only knocked him out. However, he woke up right after he got his back legs sawed off.
Shang Tsung and Quan Chi (Blowed up in the MKD Opener): Raiden's blast didn't kill them, however, it did knock them throw a plot hole-- er Space-time rift, causing them to land in Bad Guy central right before the battle was joined.
Mavado (Kabal Killed him, check Kabal's MKD bio): Used the power of his emo-ish trenchcoat to survive death. Wrote crappy poetry about how it hurt getting a Hooksword lodged in his esophagus.
Hsu Hao (Heart Torn Out by Jax): A group of environmentalists known as the planeteers found Hsu Hao while he lay dying. Upon learning that one of them had a "heart" ring, Hsu Hao killed them all and haphazardly shoved the ring in his chest. He later got his cyborg heart put back in when he realized that "heart" was a pretty crappy superpower.
Sheeva (Killed by Shao Kahn, revealed in MKDA): Sheeva actually borrowed Shao Kahn's cloning device from his wacky MKD misadventure, which was who was really killed by Kahn.
Motaro (Killed by Sheeva, revealed in MKDA): While his carcass was being sold to a glue factory, Motaro woke up. Sheeva had only knocked him out. However, he woke up right after he got his back legs sawed off.
Shang Tsung and Quan Chi (Blowed up in the MKD Opener): Raiden's blast didn't kill them, however, it did knock them throw a plot hole-- er Space-time rift, causing them to land in Bad Guy central right before the battle was joined.
First of all, I'd like to thank tgrant, cloneofdan, the_truth, crow, and many others for speaking up and expressing what so many of us are thinking and feeling about MKA. It really boggles my mind that MKA turned out the way it did. There was so much story, and so much potential for a truly epic ending to this series that I really can't understand how it turned out like this. Who let this happen? Why did it happen? Perhaps what's most disheartening is that even the MK Team didn't care about its own game's history and legacy enough to provide closure to one of the longest running franchises in video game history. Are they really that anxious to begin anew on next gen consoles? Was this game made just for a quick buck?
Even with it's flaws, given a proper story, this game could have been huge. In a sense, they are killing the hype that they've worked all year to create. They have dissapointed the life blood of Mortal Kombat: the people who have posted in this very thread. We are the folks who have waited with bated breath over every minute anouncement, every special attack, every costume and character bio. I don't even own the game yet, because I have been waiting for the xbox version. Suffice to say, my anticipation is depleting with every hour. I'm at the point where I'm questioning wether or not I really want to buy it, and that's sad, considering that I've remained interested in MKA's release for a year.
The release of MKA has turned what could of been a landmark occasion in MK history into a complete joke. Apparently, the story that has captivated all of us for the last 10 or more years is meaningless. Have we all wasted our time? If you enjoy MK for the fighting, then perhaps not. While I genuinely enjoy the fighting aspect of MK, fighting alone does not make up the whole of what MK truly is, or so I thought. So where do we go from here? Why should I even care about the next MK game? If Boon and company are smart (which I'm beginning to doubt), then they will produce a quality fighting game that could compete with the current leaders of the genre.
Or maybe they don't have to. Afterall, won't we be here to lap up whatever foul slop they throw our way?
Who care's that the Deadly Alliance killed Liu Kang? Let's just bring him back! Don't mind the fact that we spent tons of money producing a CGI intro that brought about one of the biggest events in MK history. The Dragon Kings army? Kamidogu.........what Kamidogu? What's the point of following the story when it's all just meaningless anyway?
It's a slap in the face, and it truly destroys any reason I had left to care. So go turn your game on and enjoy Meat's long awaited bio, which was apparently written by a completely worthless fool who get's paid more than me. Maybe after that we can take a spin around the track in Motor Kombat.
If you've made it this far, then I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read what may at first seem like an irrational, over-emotional spiel from a mouth-breathing fanboy. In actuality, I'm just an extremely dissapointed fan.
Thanks MKO!
Even with it's flaws, given a proper story, this game could have been huge. In a sense, they are killing the hype that they've worked all year to create. They have dissapointed the life blood of Mortal Kombat: the people who have posted in this very thread. We are the folks who have waited with bated breath over every minute anouncement, every special attack, every costume and character bio. I don't even own the game yet, because I have been waiting for the xbox version. Suffice to say, my anticipation is depleting with every hour. I'm at the point where I'm questioning wether or not I really want to buy it, and that's sad, considering that I've remained interested in MKA's release for a year.
The release of MKA has turned what could of been a landmark occasion in MK history into a complete joke. Apparently, the story that has captivated all of us for the last 10 or more years is meaningless. Have we all wasted our time? If you enjoy MK for the fighting, then perhaps not. While I genuinely enjoy the fighting aspect of MK, fighting alone does not make up the whole of what MK truly is, or so I thought. So where do we go from here? Why should I even care about the next MK game? If Boon and company are smart (which I'm beginning to doubt), then they will produce a quality fighting game that could compete with the current leaders of the genre.
Or maybe they don't have to. Afterall, won't we be here to lap up whatever foul slop they throw our way?
Who care's that the Deadly Alliance killed Liu Kang? Let's just bring him back! Don't mind the fact that we spent tons of money producing a CGI intro that brought about one of the biggest events in MK history. The Dragon Kings army? Kamidogu.........what Kamidogu? What's the point of following the story when it's all just meaningless anyway?
It's a slap in the face, and it truly destroys any reason I had left to care. So go turn your game on and enjoy Meat's long awaited bio, which was apparently written by a completely worthless fool who get's paid more than me. Maybe after that we can take a spin around the track in Motor Kombat.
If you've made it this far, then I'd like to thank you for taking the time to read what may at first seem like an irrational, over-emotional spiel from a mouth-breathing fanboy. In actuality, I'm just an extremely dissapointed fan.
Thanks MKO!

Nemesis316 Wrote:I understand completely where your coming from, and I feel the same way as you do. But you went really crazy over it, that's all.
You're not incorrect, in fact most of what tgrant and others have said was right. Just don't get that upset over it, that's all. It's unnecessary stress.
You're not incorrect, in fact most of what tgrant and others have said was right. Just don't get that upset over it, that's all. It's unnecessary stress.
You'll be checking my cholestrol next...
Ether, you are in the temple of disheartened fanboys. We don't mind your rant.
That said, I'm interested in where the story is going to go. And I'm "interested" in the same way I'm "Interested" in Frank Miller's All Star Batman.
For the non comic nerds, Frank Miller made Batman cool in the 1980s. Two decades later, his writing has seemed to lapse into a parody of itself. Seriously, it boggles my mind to see someone go from writing the best Batman (and while we're at it, Daredevil) stories ever, to banging out "I'm the Goddamn Batman" on a typewriter.
That's what's happened to MK's plot. Frankly, MKDA and MKD were pretty good plotwise. MKDA threw out the rules. Liu Kang? Dead. MKD through out even more rules? The Good guys? They lost. MKD was a step down, because Hell, every important plot point from MKDA was tossed aside in the opening. But it was still coherent. MKA's story is incomplete.
So now, I'm eagerly awaiting both Frank Miller's continuing destruction of his reputation, and MK's continuing fall from the title of "The Only Fighting Game with a Good Plot".
Hell, Tekken's story is better than MKA's right now.
That said, I'm interested in where the story is going to go. And I'm "interested" in the same way I'm "Interested" in Frank Miller's All Star Batman.
For the non comic nerds, Frank Miller made Batman cool in the 1980s. Two decades later, his writing has seemed to lapse into a parody of itself. Seriously, it boggles my mind to see someone go from writing the best Batman (and while we're at it, Daredevil) stories ever, to banging out "I'm the Goddamn Batman" on a typewriter.
That's what's happened to MK's plot. Frankly, MKDA and MKD were pretty good plotwise. MKDA threw out the rules. Liu Kang? Dead. MKD through out even more rules? The Good guys? They lost. MKD was a step down, because Hell, every important plot point from MKDA was tossed aside in the opening. But it was still coherent. MKA's story is incomplete.
So now, I'm eagerly awaiting both Frank Miller's continuing destruction of his reputation, and MK's continuing fall from the title of "The Only Fighting Game with a Good Plot".
Hell, Tekken's story is better than MKA's right now.

About Me
I think the bad storytelling was referenced in Shao Kahn's bio in the GCN version of Deception, since, for whatever reason, he "cloned" himself...
I, for the longest time, was pro-Reiko is Kahn for the DA intro when the DA kills Kahn. Boon & the gang was fully aware of the whole controversy, they even mentioned that (somewhere, I just forgot where). But, I mean, COME ON!!! They could have at least come up with a better idea for Shao Kahn's return than that. Goro's was fine, using the ever so popular (albeit overused) "he was nearly dead" situation. But come on, a clone? Come on, Vogel/Boon, u can come up with better.
Now, as soon as I saw Sektor's ending in MKA (the only ending I've tried to unlock thus far), I immediately jumped on this board to see if other charcters had crappy ass endings. To my lack of surprise, EVERY character has an ending that's:
1. Too convuluted to make sense (i.e. Scorpion's, Kintaro's, Kenshi's)
2. Making a mockery of a respected character (i.e. Kitana's)
Now, I'll admit, Shao Kahn's is pretty funny, but I'm just saying, they haven't much of an excuse if the MK Team weren't even the ones making MKSM, therefore, they had all the time in the world to make half-decent endings. My only saving grace will be the hope that this mysterious secret krypt box is really the legendary FMV that will make light of something...
I, for the longest time, was pro-Reiko is Kahn for the DA intro when the DA kills Kahn. Boon & the gang was fully aware of the whole controversy, they even mentioned that (somewhere, I just forgot where). But, I mean, COME ON!!! They could have at least come up with a better idea for Shao Kahn's return than that. Goro's was fine, using the ever so popular (albeit overused) "he was nearly dead" situation. But come on, a clone? Come on, Vogel/Boon, u can come up with better.
Now, as soon as I saw Sektor's ending in MKA (the only ending I've tried to unlock thus far), I immediately jumped on this board to see if other charcters had crappy ass endings. To my lack of surprise, EVERY character has an ending that's:
1. Too convuluted to make sense (i.e. Scorpion's, Kintaro's, Kenshi's)
2. Making a mockery of a respected character (i.e. Kitana's)
Now, I'll admit, Shao Kahn's is pretty funny, but I'm just saying, they haven't much of an excuse if the MK Team weren't even the ones making MKSM, therefore, they had all the time in the world to make half-decent endings. My only saving grace will be the hope that this mysterious secret krypt box is really the legendary FMV that will make light of something...
wow its like MK trilogy they needed to throw ALL the characters in one game and end it period. Ive always cared about the storys in all the MK games exception of MKA....
Instead of complaining about the STORY lol people should complain about the horrible sluggish fighting and little things like Saibot having a stupid hammer. Or Kintaro not being able to tele stomp, Most of all the
KREATE A FIGHTER IS WORTHLESS! so many people have tried to remake Smoke, Noob Saibot etc etc and other then that there is hardly any special attacks you can choose from.
Instead of complaining about the STORY lol people should complain about the horrible sluggish fighting and little things like Saibot having a stupid hammer. Or Kintaro not being able to tele stomp, Most of all the
KREATE A FIGHTER IS WORTHLESS! so many people have tried to remake Smoke, Noob Saibot etc etc and other then that there is hardly any special attacks you can choose from.
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