This game was a complete and total waste. I only hope the gameplay is decent.
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18 years ago
guess I'm buying the pirated version then (it's only 3 dollars here grin)
Pwnality Wrote:
After Tobias left, the story began to decline. Now this... this sad excuse for a story... is what we are stuck with. -puts on arm on hips and wags finger on other arm- I don't think so, Boon and Vogel.[/trying to lighten the mood]
I hope... nay... I PRAY that this isn't canon, and is like Trilogy. Hear my Pleas Boon!

Seriously, the MK5 with Tobias will be worse than MKDA with Vogel. MKDA & MKD were a great storyline games, but with MKAr Boon fucked all Tobias and Vogel work with this "MKT2"... and, btw, this style of endings are like the ones when Tobias was in the MKTeam...

The "fault" in the current MKTeam wasn't the leave of Tobias, is that Vogel hasn't the same "power direction" that Tobias had, and Boon put "make happy the n00bs" over "make a consistent story for true fans". Vogel want a MKD sequel, but Boon is like Bush: You're with me or you're against me...
Shinomune Wrote:
Pwnality Wrote:
After Tobias left, the story began to decline. Now this... this sad excuse for a story... is what we are stuck with. -puts on arm on hips and wags finger on other arm- I don't think so, Boon and Vogel.[/trying to lighten the mood]
I hope... nay... I PRAY that this isn't canon, and is like Trilogy. Hear my Pleas Boon!

Seriously, the MK5 with Tobias will be worse than MKDA with Vogel. MKDA & MKD were a great storyline games, but with MKAr Boon fucked all Tobias and Vogel work with this "MKT2"... and, btw, this style of endings are like the ones when Tobias was in the MKTeam...

The "fault" in the current MKTeam wasn't the leave of Tobias, is that Vogel hasn't the same "power direction" that Tobias had, and Boon put "make happy the n00bs" over "make a consistent story for true fans". Vogel want a MKD sequel, but Boon is like Bush: You're with me or you're against me...

Exactly. As the other creator of Mortal Kombat; Tobias could do what he liked, Vogel has no such luxury.
I spoilt myself too much haven't I?

Well bugger. The story is crap in a fighting game... ZOMG BIG SURPRISE.

Admittedly, this game was meant to promise closure. And so far it doesn't. I maintain that the Arcade endings are basically "What If *Blank* won Armageddon" Nice happy/ironic endings for those characters.

There will probably be a final ending. Not sure though. Mind you, in retrospective (which is always helpful) wouldn't it be easier to say: "Its a dream match" (Like Tekken Tag) This doesn't really happen and the FMV was just to look cool and shit. Which would leave the series with an infinite possibilities.

Well thats my 2 pence on the subject.
18 years ago
I think Midway basically wants what.. one MK game every year? Probably cos its the only thing under miday that generates loads of money, im guessing.

So Imagine the pressure they must be under all the time, they have to keep packing in new stuff to make the new game different from the last. The storyline, I hate to say, is probably the least of their worries, hence this.
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18 years ago
atticus Wrote:
I think Midway basically wants what.. one MK game every year? Probably cos its the only thing under miday that generates loads of money, im guessing.

So Imagine the pressure they must be under all the time, they have to keep packing in new stuff to make the new game different from the last. The storyline, I hate to say, is probably the least of their worries, hence this.

That is a very mature and observant statement. So true on so many levels.
It's no surprise, really. Most of the team (Boon in particular) seem like they care less about trying to make a game that the fans will love and enjoy and more about lazily slapping together whatever they pull out of their asses and unleashing it to the masses as they know that MK is more or less a license to print money.

Likewise with the plot, it's like they don't have an editor. Vogel seemingly writes a few ideas down on a napkin and it just goes into the game, regardless of whether or not it's coherent in any way, or even a moderately good story. It's really quite sad when it seems that some of us have a better grasp and understanding of the characters and story, and better ideas on what direction things should go, than the people being paid for it.
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18 years ago
I'd like to meet these guys, so I can slap them all upside the head.

That is all.
18 years ago
I just love how they spend so much time hyping Taven's role, and in his ending, he basically fucks up his job. And hell, where the hell did half these characters come from? Weren't Shang and Quan Chi blowed up real good? Motaro turned to glue? Sheeva dead? And where the hell was the closure we were promised? Scorpion hasn't gotten revenge, the Kamidogu apparently disappeared, the One Being is somewhere else, etc. They left more loose ends than they began with.

Don't get me wrong, it'd be hard to come up with a decent storyline for 60 characters. But seriously, where the hell was Vogel when the game was coming out? Was he doing what I do when I get essays (Fuck around, then the day before the assignment's due, just write shit down)?

Seems like it.
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"Is it so important that you win one last argument with him?" "No, it is not, but it is true that I will miss the arguments; they were, finally, all that we had."

18 years ago
I completely agree with the sentiments here. Honestly, if they wanted to 'clean house' and have their Armageddon, they had the perfect opportunity to do so in Deception's storyline: Onaga, the Kamidogu, and the One Being. But, apparently, the prospect of setting up Blaze to be a living MacGufffin was just too much to pass up, and they sacrificed everything to do so. Hell, they're so lazy with this game, Blaze's death sequence in the game is the same as Onaga's in Deception! We deserve far better than this, and I truly hope that they get their act together with the next-gen MK, because if they don't, I'll have to throw MK in with Sonic and Spyro as game franchises who have long past their prime and are now just cash cows to exploit.
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"I kill you, untill you die." -18 Fingers Of Death

18 years ago
Sounds like Midway got what it wanted. The current story of MK is basically dead just not the way we thought. Instead of going out with a bang and some closer, their going out by pissing everyone off and making them never want to play another Midway game again.(probly overreacting cause i'm pissed but you get the idea)
18 years ago
So, I guess that logically, the only question that can be further asked (beyond "where can I get whatever Vogel was smoking, that stuff must be awesome") is what can be done to repair the story for the next game?

My expert opinion (The MK8 opening cinematic should be):

This was all a dream Cyrax was having during a simulation to determine what dreams cyborgs have. Then, he says "Oh, yeah, I forget. That Dragon King got his there ass kicked, but then that One Being guy showed up. I guess that we gotta fight him." And so, the good guys would be rallied.
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18 years ago
mk is still great
and it still got the old feeling
AND will never die

and about the new endings
you all keep saying that EVERY mk
and i think the story is not so bad
not better dan mkd or mda
but not bad
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Dedicated, hopeless...Li Mei fan.

18 years ago
Ok, here comes a rant... Women and children look away. Let's rock.

Let's be real for a moment... It was painfully obvious they would fuck up the storyline beyond recognition the moment the words "every character ever" were first uttered. The second red flag should have been the intro. It's not canon, fine, but the fact they would make an intro like that should have automatically given people insight to the horrible raping the storyline was going to endure. The third thing that should have made people say "WTF??" were the endings that were shown during GGC... There were STILL people that chose to believe they were maybe placeholders or would be improved for release.

"Oh, but let's give them the benefit of the doubt!" ....No. They always dissappoint with this kind of attitude. It happened in DA, it happened in Deception, and it has happened here.

This is exactly why I didn't get hyped up for Armageddon because I knew it was going to be essentially a cheap gimmick game to suck in more money before they finally make the jump to next gen. I am sick and tired of getting a lackluster product from the MK Team. I don't care if they try hard, I don't care if they're trying to add more side modes than any game EVER. I'm spending my hard earned money (even if I'm renting this game) and the game better make my jaw drop or I'm going to be severly annoyed, plain and simple.

You've raped the storyline and the actual gameplay mechanics are still subpar even with the "improvements" that should have been in the game since DA.... Way to go MK Team, you've managed to alienate even more of your fanbase.

...Sorry, about that rant (and how it spilled over into my other grievances) but the storyline is just one lame and broken link in the rusty chain that is Armageddon.
MKA - another victim of quantity over quality. I wouldnt mind so much if this was labeled as a MKT2, with there being another real sequel in development to continue the current storyline. But as "the last MK as we know it", MKA fails misreably in providing any type of satisfying conclusion or closure. Even though MKDA and MKD have only a fraction of MKA's characters, they're both leagues ahead of this rush job imo. Take the soul out of MK and what do you have? An empty and lifeless shell of a once great series.
18 years ago
It's kind of like the Matrix sequels, in a way.
The Wachowski's evil lair:
"Wow, they really loved this movie, how can we improve upon it in the sequel?"

"More inane psuedo philosophical babble. Oh, and Agent Smith was pretty cool, so let's have a hundred Hugo Weavings!"

"But what about the fact that none of it makes sense?"

"Who gives a damn? I know, let's throw in a pointless rave scene too!"


Ed Boon's evil lair:
"Wow, MK's pretty much the only thing making money for Midway now. How can we make a better seuqel?"

"Let's throw in every character we have!"

"What about the story?"

"Fuck it! And hey, let's throw in a Mario Kart Ripoff too!"

18 years ago
So far, the COMPLETE lack of story is my only complaint with MKA.

It's a big complaint, though. I skipped out on DA, so this is only my second time with the DA fighting engine, and I still enjoy it. Konquest is fun so far, and I love the KAK-mode. Hell, even the KAF feature is starting to grow on me.

The big thing that I was looking forward to in MKA was the story. Conclusions to the stuff in Deception, final ends for the characters, and explanations for the returns of other characters. Unfortunately, not only did they neglect to put any of that in, they forgot to put ANY story in it other than 'OMG BLAZE IZ UP THAR LETS GIT HIM'.

I'll quietly hope that there's some super-unlockable FMV or extra-krypt in the game that provides a story, but I doubt it. I'm just going to look at this as a fun MK fighter with all the characters in it. Not that that's what it SHOULD be, but I can live with it as-is.
18 years ago
I’m also very Disappointed people are comparing this game to Mortal Komabt trilogy but they’re forgetting trilogy had character Bios and decent enough endings for our beloved heroes. Instead in this game we get pyramid dances and nonsense stories that in all honesty could have come out of the head of a six year old!

Mortal Komabt as of late has been more distracted, its like all the latest games have been filled with distractions to occupy our time( Motor Komabt, Konquest, Puzzle e.t.c), but what is it they don’t want us to realise. Is it the lack of originality and depth that we Mortal Komabt fans were accustomed in getting?

I was ecstatic when Mortal Komabt: Deadly alliance came out it was a good step in the right direction but it looks like with this game they’ve taken a couple of steps back. I don’t want to rant but porting over deadly alliance models (Sonya) and sharing her moves with the rest of the cast (LIU, Kitana, Kira), excluding her leg grab after 6 and half years of absence is just too much for me.

64 characters at the expense of originality, specials and fatalities but hey we’ve always got motor Komabt and Konquest. In the old days Mortal Komabt was beyond all these shallow distractions, yes we got a lot of recycled stuff then but it worked, I’m sorry to have to say this but MK:Armageddon just doesn’t work for me the essence has been drained out.
Its very upsetting to be honest.
MKAr was pretented to be the final chapter & dream match like KoF Trilogys (MKDA = KoF'99; MKD = KoF2000; MKAr = KoF'01 + KoF'02) but fails and became a "KoF'02" with ¿KoF'01? in the Konquest Mode...
18 years ago
The rot really set in for me with MKD.

After the superb MKDA, a big leap gameplay and storywise form MKGold, MKD was a *mess* storywise (desperate attempts to give Scorpion character, uninteresting new fighters, and a contrived plot device called Shujinko) and wasn't much better gameply wise.

And now we've got the logical progression, downwards: I was pissed as soon as it was obvious that they were reusing the character models from MKDA and MKD. It's lazy. But it's also indicitive of the obvious problem that they don't give a *shit* for this last game; "Let's just throw everyone in," with no explanations, and some ending lines that make the story of Mortal Kombat: Annhilation seem like a Shakesperean masterpiece.

Throw in the lack of PAL Xbox support and it's blindingly obvious- as it has been since that German convention- that this is just a horrible leeching of this cash cow's lifeblood.

I'm done with the series. I don't *care* what the people responsible have planned for "Mortal Kombat 8: The continuing contrivance of Scorpion"; they've really shown themselves in their true colous this time around.

It's disgusting.
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Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
18 years ago
NinjaFromHell Wrote:
Exactly. As the other creator of Mortal Kombat; Tobias could do what he liked, Vogel has no such luxury.

But could Vogel actually produce something decent if he could do as he pleased? Surely the story we have can't have been the best he could come up with. Could it? If so, then we need others or someone else working on the story. MK8 and beyond will be more of the same otherwise.

Godzilla Wrote:
I just love how they spend so much time hyping Taven's role, and in his ending, he basically fucks up his job. And hell, where the hell did half these characters come from? Weren't Shang and Quan Chi blowed up real good? Motaro turned to glue? Sheeva dead? And where the hell was the closure we were promised? Scorpion hasn't gotten revenge, the Kamidogu apparently disappeared, the One Being is somewhere else, etc. They left more loose ends than they began with.

Yeah, Taven's build up was pointless in the end just like Shujinko's was last game along with Onaga's and then the Deadly Alliance before them in MKDA.

The deaths were even acknowledged. Everyone is just there for the sake of being there. They created more plotholes than there were to start with.

The_Truth Wrote:
Ok, here comes a rant... Women and children look away. Let's rock.
Let's be real for a moment... It was painfully obvious they would fuck up the storyline beyond recognition the moment the words "every character ever" were first uttered. The second red flag should have been the intro. It's not canon, fine, but the fact they would make an intro like that should have automatically given people insight to the horrible raping the storyline was going to endure. The third thing that should have made people say "WTF??" were the endings that were shown during GGC... There were STILL people that chose to believe they were maybe placeholders or would be improved for release.

Well, man, I did say I had a feeling before all of that as revealed that certain characters would have no story and I was right. I and others did hope that we would see something decent done but the MK Team haven't delivered.

A non canon intro is just plain silly as far as I'm concerned. It's like the biggest staple of all the damage that has been done to the story.

The_Truth Wrote:
This is exactly why I didn't get hyped up for Armageddon because I knew it was going to be essentially a cheap gimmick game to suck in more money before they finally make the jump to next gen. I am sick and tired of getting a lackluster product from the MK Team. I don't care if they try hard, I don't care if they're trying to add more side modes than any game EVER. I'm spending my hard earned money (even if I'm renting this game) and the game better make my jaw drop or I'm going to be severly annoyed, plain and simple.

I didn't get hyped up for MKA either. After MKD, I knew better. If I had been hyped for this game, I'd have been even more angry about this story mess than I am now if that's even possible. The mess MKA is now if unforgiveable and I don't even know if I want to buy it now. It just doesn't seem worth it. Though I guess online play will compensate for everything else. It's not like I need to bother with the story.

They need to try harder and spend more time on the story and the modes that need to be there. Forget Motor Kombat and mini games and other pointless side modes. Give us a story and a worthy fighting game with a worthy fighting engine that all the fans can be proud of!

They could do that, but Midway decides to allow them to give us crap by rushing them just for the sake of money.
18 years ago
I totally agree with you Tgrant...... I am vry disappointed with the STORY... even the 14 yr olds here on MKO write FAR MORE better and detailed stories for characters, than the MKA team did...... there is no excuse for it.
About Me
Project MKK: Coming soon...

Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
18 years ago
Godzilla Wrote:
It's kind of like the Matrix sequels, in a way.
The Wachowski's evil lair:
"Wow, they really loved this movie, how can we improve upon it in the sequel?"
"More inane psuedo philosophical babble. Oh, and Agent Smith was pretty cool, so let's have a hundred Hugo Weavings!"
"But what about the fact that none of it makes sense?"
"Who gives a damn? I know, let's throw in a pointless rave scene too!"
Ed Boon's evil lair:
"Wow, MK's pretty much the only thing making money for Midway now. How can we make a better seuqel?"
"Let's throw in every character we have!"
"What about the story?"
"Fuck it! And hey, let's throw in a Mario Kart Ripoff too!"

Lmao! Good shit!

Although, I loved the Matrix films - all 3 of them. All of them made sense to me though I can see why some people disliked the last two. They weren't 'balanced' in a way like the first one was.

cloneofdan Wrote:
And now we've got the logical progression, downwards: I was pissed as soon as it was obvious that they were reusing the character models from MKDA and MKD. It's lazy. But it's also indicitive of the obvious problem that they don't give a *shit* for this last game; "Let's just throw everyone in," with no explanations, and some ending lines that make the story of Mortal Kombat: Annhilation seem like a Shakesperean masterpiece.

That's the worrying part. MK Annihilation seems better than MKA storywise. It's absolutely ridiculous.

cloneofdan Wrote:

I'm done with the series. I don't *care* what the people responsible have planned for "Mortal Kombat 8: The continuing contrivance of Scorpion"; they've really shown themselves in their true colous this time around.
It's disgusting.

I can't say I blame you for being done with the series, man. I think I will be too. MKA was pretty much the last chance scenario for MK and they've blown it.

Ermac_rain Wrote:
I totally agree with you Tgrant...... I am vry disappointed with the STORY... even the 14 yr olds here on MKO write FAR MORE better and detailed stories for characters, than the MKA team did...... there is no excuse for it.

Precisely. It's a shame some of that talent can't find it's way into the storyline now. It needs saving, but I doubt it can or will be.
18 years ago
I got MKA yesterday, and I've played it for a short while since yesterday, cause I've had some school work to worry about. So far, I've only been able to get 1 ending and I haven't finished Konquest mode yet.

Though, with some people apparently getting a lot of the character endings, you guys are startin to scare me. lol grin

I will say this though. Like someone else mentioned, considering this game has all the 60+ characters in this current generation, there was bound to be at LEAST a few characters whose endings wouldn't be very good. The same people commenting in this thread are the same people who've been saying non-stop ever since E3 that the storyline of this game wouldn't be good, simply based on the fact of having so many characters and trying to end this current generation, yet everyone somehow still seems surprised that the endings are subpar.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not saying that the subpar endings are ok and acceptable, I'm just saying that nobody should really be surprised. The game has yet to be completed 100%, and there's still that possibility of one big FMV ending, but I'm not liking this at all as of right now.

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