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All Hail Motaro II the N00bslayer

All Hail Motaro II the N00bslayer
u guys are funny, ppl talking about not buying the game because a character got drastically changed,(by the way did the same ppl who said they weren't gonna buy the, not buy deception ordeadly alliance, just because he wasn't included att all?), ppl complaining about ppl complaining. it's a death circle. i have to say that everyone has to accept the fact he is bipedal(there's nothing u can do about it), but can still complain about it. boy, this will go down in mk stupidity history. that's probably why they never put secret characters like khameleon and so on in games, because they're affraid their fans will go ape shit crazy and go on a killing spree.

bbjony77 Wrote:
People, 3 points:
1. You have 64 characters to choose from, so shut up.
2. The four leg mechanics would not have worked, so shut up.
3. Motoro's new look is freakin awesome, so shut up.
I appreciate all of you who are mature enough to take this in stride. To the rest of you, quit bitchin.
People, 3 points:
1. You have 64 characters to choose from, so shut up.
2. The four leg mechanics would not have worked, so shut up.
3. Motoro's new look is freakin awesome, so shut up.
I appreciate all of you who are mature enough to take this in stride. To the rest of you, quit bitchin.
Hmmm...All of that comes under one heading and that is....complete dick. Don't tell everyone to shut up because they are expressing there opinion. Who are you to say that? Let them say what they want. If you don't like it, STFU. I don't like people who aren't tolerant of people's opinions.

hes joking? i dno, hes a fuckin minotaur now instead of a centurion(centaurs), im not sure y but thr gonna put tht in the storyline
midway is so excited about her brilliant idea of changing the number of motaros legs so she decided to change a little the KAK mode to satisfy the fans who love the new motaro. See the picture below
New KAK mode inpired by motaro
New KAK mode inpired by motaro
Yeah, the good point is that now we will be able to create centaurs in KAK!!!!!
By the way, I know I am complaining in vain, because it won't be changed or eliminated, but the ones that don't agree with this, like me, should tell Midway that they are dissapointed, so the MK Team won't do this again.
By the way, I know I am complaining in vain, because it won't be changed or eliminated, but the ones that don't agree with this, like me, should tell Midway that they are dissapointed, so the MK Team won't do this again.

bbjony77 Wrote:
People, 3 points:
1. You have 64 characters to choose from, so shut up.
2. The four leg mechanics would not have worked, so shut up.
3. Motoro's new look is freakin awesome, so shut up.
I appreciate all of you who are mature enough to take this in stride. To the rest of you, quit bitchin.
People, 3 points:
1. You have 64 characters to choose from, so shut up.
2. The four leg mechanics would not have worked, so shut up.
3. Motoro's new look is freakin awesome, so shut up.
I appreciate all of you who are mature enough to take this in stride. To the rest of you, quit bitchin.
And to you, sir, I have two words:
Suck it!

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<img src="http://i6.tinypic.com/16lxtso.jpg"
Sexy-tastic signature made by BOMBSnFISTS. My deviantART gallery
EvanjiAxu Wrote:
And then you woke up.
_RaptoraS_ Wrote:
After ed boon saw the bad work of the motaro programmer he fired him and he designed him from the start by himself, successfully without glinches, errors and without being a faunt or a satyr any more.

After ed boon saw the bad work of the motaro programmer he fired him and he designed him from the start by himself, successfully without glinches, errors and without being a faunt or a satyr any more.

And then you woke up.
just click on motaro's image.
and if you don't understand again then move your mouse pointer on my triple H picture and wait a little.

About Me
<img src="http://i6.tinypic.com/16lxtso.jpg"
Sexy-tastic signature made by BOMBSnFISTS. My deviantART gallery
_RaptoraS_ Wrote:
just click on motaro's image.
and if you don't understand again then move your mouse pointer on my triple H picture and wait a little.
EvanjiAxu Wrote:
And then you woke up.
_RaptoraS_ Wrote:
After ed boon saw the bad work of the motaro programmer he fired him and he designed him from the start by himself, successfully without glinches, errors and without being a faunt or a satyr any more.

After ed boon saw the bad work of the motaro programmer he fired him and he designed him from the start by himself, successfully without glinches, errors and without being a faunt or a satyr any more.

And then you woke up.
just click on motaro's image.
and if you don't understand again then move your mouse pointer on my triple H picture and wait a little.
...Uh, it looks like he has one leg. And what triple H picture?
nothing It was just a joke..
Personally, I would rather them have just left him out than change him so much. What made him so interesting was being so unique. However, now he's just another regular character. I can understand why they did it. The horse body probably wouldn't work with the fighting engine. However, in my opinion, it's better to leave a character out of a game then to totally ruin him.

Shut up? We'll shut up when Midway quits being lazy as fuck. Points have been proven that Motaro could have worked. Death Traps off, Air Kombat off, Fatalities limited. Horses can sidestep.
We're complaining because Motaro was fucked up horribly - so shut up.
We're complaining because Motaro was fucked up horribly - so shut up.

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I do not give a fuck about story in MK games! Never have, never will!
who gives a fuck about motara or other bosses. I would like them not to be in MKA as playable characters. I have never chosen them and I never will choose them to play with.
they suck
they suck
It ́s not like I ́m jumping on the bandwagon but... God! Motaro Sucks big time handicapped like this. Maybe they should just give him a wheelchair and that would be his weapon (no offense here) lol.
But the other side of me questions how is everyone pissed with Motaro since most people never really cared about him? I always like him as a boss and thought he was a good fighter. But he always seemed to be on the hatelist like Stryker, Mokap, and such... why does everyeone love him now to the point of boycotting the whole game because of him? It makes me wonder...
But the other side of me questions how is everyone pissed with Motaro since most people never really cared about him? I always like him as a boss and thought he was a good fighter. But he always seemed to be on the hatelist like Stryker, Mokap, and such... why does everyeone love him now to the point of boycotting the whole game because of him? It makes me wonder...
does anyone think maybe his alt costume will have his legs?
Agh, at least I hope they give him his awesome tail back, at least make it decent!
Im honestly not sure how I feel. When I first saw him I was like....O_X!!!! But I was also like: “It doesn’t look that bad”.
Yes Im disappointed, one of the best bosses was kind of ruined by taking away what made him original, but I can see why they did for the sakes of the game.
In the end, Im still neutral, I hate that he is no longer an awesome centaur, but I don’t hate that so much to hate Motaro or the team.
BUT I DO HOPE they make his tail nice and long and deadly. In that pic, it looks idiotic and rather useless. Hopefully they can at least change that.
Im honestly not sure how I feel. When I first saw him I was like....O_X!!!! But I was also like: “It doesn’t look that bad”.
Yes Im disappointed, one of the best bosses was kind of ruined by taking away what made him original, but I can see why they did for the sakes of the game.
In the end, Im still neutral, I hate that he is no longer an awesome centaur, but I don’t hate that so much to hate Motaro or the team.
BUT I DO HOPE they make his tail nice and long and deadly. In that pic, it looks idiotic and rather useless. Hopefully they can at least change that.

Motaro now is no longer from Outworld, but Chaos Forces...
Rain The "Dark Elf" vs Motaro "The Chaos Beast" lol
Rain The "Dark Elf" vs Motaro "The Chaos Beast" lol
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