Another idea for Scorpion.

His flip kick could be a 2 part attack.

Part 1 = f, b+3 = the back flip kick

Part 2 = f+1+2 (input command when or before the flip kick connects)

Scorpion throws out 2 spears at the same time before his feet touch the ground after the flip kick.

He catches the opponent in the air with them and pulls them towards him very hard by moving both arms back like a backwards clapper animation.

As he pulls back, he does a powerful knee strike. You hear a loud thump/cracking sound.

It would all be 1 fast and smooth animation.

It's easy to come up with moves for Scorp. furious

04/12/2005 05:58 AM (UTC)
its easy for supernatural characters. that's why kobra is lame. i don't have a ps2 to see GOW. crap. maybe one of my friends do.
04/12/2005 08:55 PM (UTC)
Scorpion is really easy to do combos with and he also takes away alot of damage.this is why i mostly pick scorpion in deception and deadly alliance
Let's see......

Some moves for Kobra

1) Blazing fists = Like his fire kick, he could have some very strong punches that are engulfed in flames. The flames extend a bit further out so the fire extends the reach of the punch. If only the flames connect it just makes the opponent step back but causes little damage.

You can charge the punch and make it unblockable.

He could do a 3 hit blazing fist combo, similar to Jin's Laser Scraper = b, f+2, 1, 2.

2) downward blazing punch = This could be a down attack like a Jax's ground pound but with fire. It can only be done to a floored opponent. = It's a stomp attack.

It could look like Paul Phoenix's d+2 on a floored opponent.

He could have a jumping forward version of this punch.

He already has some moves like this, so they could just develop them further. Maybe make them his staple. Sort of like Kyo Kusanagi from King of fighters.

2) Heat wave = similar to Smoke's smoke screen in MKD but he doesn't move back. He just does a pushing forward animation and a short range wall of fire moves forward out of his entire body. Almost looks like a giant puff of smoke but made of fire instead. Lasts for 2 seconds.

3) Change his fireballs to a limited range "blow torch" looking attack. He would throw it similar to how Scorpion throws the fireballs in the MKDA intro.

The attack can be charged for more power and eventually unblockable level.

The low fireball would be thrown the same way but at a downward angle and it would curve like a stretched out U = ----____---- .

This attack would sweep opponent's off their feet, and make them land on their face. It's a set up for ground attacks.
04/13/2005 06:50 AM (UTC)
i think there should be special fire dmg so its not so forceful but rather has a burn and dmg over time effect so you can have a forceful one like a spit of flames that knocks back or a flame thrower like one that does DOT so you can prioritize. e.g. force them back or multiply the damage of a planned combo. this is making me think of the extra ninja gaiden engulfed in flames options and strange change of properties. also what bothers me is lack of detail as in no scorch marks on the floor from the windmill kick. and there was this chinese movie with this weird weapon that some deom used that was essentially a ring with spikes with a rope attached on it so if you lasso someone's neck and pulled their head would come off. it would be cool to double as a dual melee weapon as well.
04/13/2005 03:52 PM (UTC)
Thinking of just the story, what happens when a Scorpion and a Kobra meet? I think it would be interesting if Scorpion's story falls upon Kobra in a modern retelling. Instead of a ninja returning with powers of a scorpion based spectre, Kobra is betrayed by his own Red Dragon (or was he black?) clan. Then give him snake like powers and make him very fast. Then an interesting story with Reptile and the Dragon King can develop. Give Liu Kang his flaming fists (does remind me of the first movie).

To tell you the truth I haven't played too much as Kobra. Just unlocked him and that was it. Shows how much character interest there was in the new ones.
That fireball Liu Kang did to Shang Tsung at the end of the MK1 movie could be a reversal. = parry , fireball

It could also be like a combo ender or special punch that does the fire effect only if it connects as a counter.
04/14/2005 06:13 AM (UTC)
it would be cool if a combo throw damage was increased if you are engulfed in flames. i think we should post on the future games discussion mk7 design plan thread cos there's more ppl there.
04/14/2005 03:06 PM (UTC)
lets see if we can get the mods to copy this thread over to it. One of the good things about this thread is the size! Its surely gonna make the guys at Midway notice it.
05/23/2005 06:22 PM (UTC)
Good post must have taken ages to write.
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06/30/2005 01:25 PM (UTC)
Do you guys know any long ermac combos
personally, i think the controlls should step towards having these buttons:
quick punch
fierce punch
quick kick
fierce kick

and that when you pick your character, you decide the fighting stances. im also a strong believer in reverting to 2 fighting stances, one hand-to-hand and one weapon.

and yes, overhead and low attacks shouldnt have the same recovery or speed as a middle level attack. i dont much care for the new MKs...

hell, if the next MK was a more animated and more characters version of MKSM wiht 4 player bouts, id rather it than another BS deception crap. what the hell happened to counters?
09/24/2005 12:14 AM (UTC)
wow... this is the 1st time i have ever read this thread and i must say.. hd tran, u r knowledgeable but NOT in mkda...

when u talk about chains being guaranteed u must understand how hard it is to land chains. in mkda, EVERY chain gets interrupted after the 2nd hit on block. u cant even poke with chains in mkda... its VERY risky. u say mkda doesnt have interrupts, it does, but not the way u r thinking.

anyway, this thraed is old and long so i dont feel like going more into detail...
09/29/2005 01:38 PM (UTC)
For the record, virtua fighter, soul calibur, and the worst one of all, DEAD OR ALIVE!!! are the most overated fighting games of the genre. i love mortal kombat for its brutal moves, its great universe and storyline(which all three of those other games are lacking) i dont want to play another terrible virtua fighter clone. i dont want dead or alive with gore. you have completly over analized the entire game looking for reasons to hate it. i think your real issue is that they focused more on doing something different with DA and making an actual fighting game rather than have the most graphicly advanced game out there. its people like you why i no longer consider myself a gamer, whining about the animations such trivial crap.
i think your real issue is the kitana and le mei's boobs dont bounce as high as th DOA girls. i hate people like you, you look for reasons to hate something that you know is far superior of a product than a virtua fighter or any of its uninspired counterparts(DOA,soul calibur,tekken) I love deadly alliance it still reigns as the best 3D fighter to date any true mortal kombat fan would love and cherish it. it broght mortal kombat back to life with its innnovative gameplay and how it was just an overall celebration of the most underated franchise in video game history. may the elder gods have mercy on this poor traitors soulfuriousfuriousfurious
10/02/2005 02:17 PM (UTC)
kainofcoorhagen Wrote:
For the record, virtua fighter, soul calibur, and the worst one of all, DEAD OR ALIVE!!! are the most overated fighting games of the genre. i love mortal kombat for its brutal moves, its great universe and storyline(which all three of those other games are lacking) i dont want to play another terrible virtua fighter clone. i dont want dead or alive with gore. you have completly over analized the entire game looking for reasons to hate it. i think your real issue is that they focused more on doing something different with DA and making an actual fighting game rather than have the most graphicly advanced game out there. its people like you why i no longer consider myself a gamer, whining about the animations such trivial crap.
i think your real issue is the kitana and le mei's boobs dont bounce as high as th DOA girls. i hate people like you, you look for reasons to hate something that you know is far superior of a product than a virtua fighter or any of its uninspired counterparts(DOA,soul calibur,tekken) I love deadly alliance it still reigns as the best 3D fighter to date any true mortal kombat fan would love and cherish it. it broght mortal kombat back to life with its innnovative gameplay and how it was just an overall celebration of the most underated franchise in video game history. may the elder gods have mercy on this poor traitors soulfuriousfuriousfurious

Soul Callibur II is the best fighting game to date (that is an opinion). Sure MK has storyline and the gore, and a number of other aspects which make it attractive, but gameplay wise, and graphically, it isnt the best fighter out (that is a fact). And if you cant see that, then you SHOULDNT call yourself a gamer.
10/05/2005 01:31 PM (UTC)
EmberJoe Wrote:
Soul Callibur II is the best fighting game to date (that is an opinion). Sure MK has storyline and the gore, and a number of other aspects which make it attractive, but gameplay wise, and graphically, it isnt the best fighter out (that is a fact). And if you cant see that, then you SHOULDNT call yourself a gamer.

soul calibur is a mindless button masher derived from virtua fighter , and as far as graphics go i dont care about graphics i come from the 8 and 16 bit era, back when graphics wernt the main focus. but obviously thats all you care aboutfuriousfuriousfurious MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!!!
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I don't want a bigger movelist Boon. I want a reason to use more than
10% of the ones you've given me. Fix MK with Move Properties.

10/07/2005 06:44 AM (UTC)
TomBrady267 Wrote:
wow... this is the 1st time i have ever read this thread and i must say.. hd tran, u r knowledgeable but NOT in mkda...
when u talk about chains being guaranteed u must understand how hard it is to land chains. in mkda, EVERY chain gets interrupted after the 2nd hit on block. u cant even poke with chains in mkda... its VERY risky. u say mkda doesnt have interrupts, it does, but not the way u r thinking.
anyway, this thraed is old and long so i dont feel like going more into detail...

Yeah TB, I wanted to update this, but I never gotten to it and the general gist of it was fine. Learned about interrupting from MrS awhile back and reading stuff from Konqrr. Yup, not in the way I was thinking. It may be hard to land chains in MKDA, but it's the only thing you can really try to do with most chars. I am definitely not an MKDA expert or even close to the nuances/glitches/etc. of the system, but the many flaws can easily be seen even at casual level play. This thread was mostly logistics in flawed game design.
kainofcoorhagen Wrote: EmberJoe Wrote: Soul Callibur II is the best fighting game to date (that is an opinion). Sure MK has storyline and the gore, and a number of other aspects which make it attractive, but gameplay wise, and graphically, it isnt the best fighter out (that is a fact). And if you cant see that, then you SHOULDNT call yourself a gamer.
soul calibur is a mindless button masher derived from virtua fighter , and as far as graphics go i dont care about graphics i come from the 8 and 16 bit era, back when graphics wernt the main focus. but obviously thats all you care aboutfuriousfuriousfurious MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!!!

In a 3d fighter, the animation is how you anticipate moves. I don't really feel like explaining all of this when it's all seen previously. What happens when equal options become the same in animation with equal rewards or risk? The game becomes random and no longer a game of skill. It's not even about graphics, it's about the way the game moves. If you can't see what moves are coming at you, how will you stop it? Take Reptile from MKDA in his crab stance for example and see his mixups, hella crazy.
Imagine for example of a 2d fighter where you can't see jump-ins (jumps that are super super fast and you can't even see the enemy go up into the air) and they come as fast as sweeps. I've been playing fighting games since SF2 and all I care about is gameplay. However, in a 3d fighter, to anticipate anything there needs to be good animation. Soul Calibur is also not a derivative of Virtua Fighter, lol. Dead or Alive is, but not SC. SC is also not a button masher, if you go to and look up the character strats, there are pages and pages on how to play a character vs. MKD which has like a page at max, usually half of it detailing how you can do infinites.
Anyways, I don't really feel like arguing with someone who doesn't care about fighting games.
10/07/2005 01:53 PM (UTC)

you have proven your point to me and i commend and respect you for it
that and i recently started the game desighn program at ITT and ive learned the sucnificance of animations in gameplay and al that stuff. you are right soul calibur is the thechnicly superior game, but mortal kombat will always be # 1 to me MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!!!smilesmilesmile
10/21/2005 02:01 PM (UTC)
kainofcoorhagen Wrote:
EmberJoe Wrote:
Soul Callibur II is the best fighting game to date (that is an opinion). Sure MK has storyline and the gore, and a number of other aspects which make it attractive, but gameplay wise, and graphically, it isnt the best fighter out (that is a fact). And if you cant see that, then you SHOULDNT call yourself a gamer.

soul calibur is a mindless button masher derived from virtua fighter , and as far as graphics go i dont care about graphics i come from the 8 and 16 bit era, back when graphics wernt the main focus. but obviously thats all you care aboutfuriousfuriousfurious MORTAL KOMBAT!!!!!!!!!

Soul Callibur has one of the deepest fight mechanics there is. SCII, admittedly, lent itself to turtleing, but overall, the sould callibur series is as far from a button masher as you can get.
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11/11/2005 10:47 AM (UTC)
Whena fighting game fails to deliver it's purpose (gihhting) than it's doomed no matter how good the storyline is.
12/14/2005 08:25 PM (UTC)
After reading this thread I'm glad Ed Boon doesnt listen to the fans. because all you people want it a MK version of Soul Calibur. and I personally dont want that. I love Soul Calibur dont get me wrong,but i love Mortal Kombat as well and the fighting system, its different. it distinguishes it from the other 3D fighters. I Don't give a fuck about stun animations( and neither does Ed Boon for that matter, he hates them.) or how intricate the combo system is or any of that other crap. when I play a fighting game I just want to put a beat down on sombody and get some sense of impact with each blow,and Mortal Kombat is,was, and always will be the best in that reguard.
12/14/2005 08:54 PM (UTC)
Hanzo-Hasashi Wrote:
I Don't give a fuck about stun animations( and neither does Ed Boon for that matter, he hates them.)

Really, do you know ed?
Cmon, every move in the game causes a "stun animation" and that is what ends up breaking Deception. For ex: the notorius f+3 in Bo's weapon stance causes a stun on the opponent which provides a free throw (which leads to more free hits because they're still stunned).... Also, any attack that plants a player (meaning they're knocked down and can not roll away) also provides a free throw.

I cant speak for everyone but all of the mentions of SC2 were just comparisons dude.
12/16/2005 09:48 PM (UTC)
MrSchpfmut Wrote:
Hanzo-Hasashi Wrote:
I Don't give a fuck about stun animations( and neither does Ed Boon for that matter, he hates them.)

Really, do you know ed?
Cmon, every move in the game causes a "stun animation" and that is what ends up breaking Deception. For ex: the notorius f+3 in Bo's weapon stance causes a stun on the opponent which provides a free throw (which leads to more free hits because they're still stunned).... Also, any attack that plants a player (meaning they're knocked down and can not roll away) also provides a free throw.

I cant speak for everyone but all of the mentions of SC2 were just comparisons dude.

Ed has stated in countless interviews that he couldnt stand them (refering to street fighter 2). my original post was just me venting in genral about everybody saying the game sucked, it doesn't. Its far from perfect. The online mode on the game is completly shot.(and if you got the game just to play online I understand the complaints there) my point is the game isnt bad,
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12/28/2005 12:02 PM (UTC)
Hanzo-Hasashi Wrote:
MrSchpfmut Wrote:
Hanzo-Hasashi Wrote:
I Don't give a fuck about stun animations( and neither does Ed Boon for that matter, he hates them.)

Really, do you know ed?
Cmon, every move in the game causes a "stun animation" and that is what ends up breaking Deception. For ex: the notorius f+3 in Bo's weapon stance causes a stun on the opponent which provides a free throw (which leads to more free hits because they're still stunned).... Also, any attack that plants a player (meaning they're knocked down and can not roll away) also provides a free throw.

I cant speak for everyone but all of the mentions of SC2 were just comparisons dude.

Ed has stated in countless interviews that he couldnt stand them (refering to street fighter 2). my original post was just me venting in genral about everybody saying the game sucked, it doesn't. Its far from perfect. The online mode on the game is completly shot.(and if you got the game just to play online I understand the complaints there) my point is the game isnt bad,

Yes it is ^_^
05/22/2007 09:37 PM (UTC)
Ehhhh just wanting to clarify that guy: Hanzo-Hasashi has NOTHING to do with me hanzo_hasashi former member of the MKK team Venezuela.

Lol i post this due to the nonsense rambling he just had about stun animations and what not... LOL grin
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