1. Which game used the overdrive system (if that's what it's called) first, DBZ Budokai 3 or Narutimate Hero 2?
2. Can Sasuke transform to Cursed seal lvl1and all the other characters doing their various transformations mid-battle like the super saiyans in DBZ
3. With Naruto planned for Toonami in America, which will ruin it because of nasty voice acting and a huge amount of editing, what's the chance of the Naruto games being released here?
I've only watched one of the naruto fights, Sasuke vs Neji. I have a few questions.
1. Which game used the overdrive system (if that's what it's called) first, DBZ Budokai 3 or Narutimate Hero 2?
2. Can Sasuke transform to Cursed seal lvl1and all the other characters doing their various transformations mid-battle like the super saiyans in DBZ
3. With Naruto planned for Toonami in America, which will ruin it because of nasty voice acting and a huge amount of editing, what's the chance of the Naruto games being released here?
1. Are you referring to the super combo cutscenes? If so, Budokai came out first didn't it? The manga for both is done by Shonen Jump so I would imagine that they should be similar. Naruto is being called the new Dragonball, although I think Naruto is way better.
2. No cursed seal versions of any character that I know of. Although the Sasuke in the Naruto 3 for gamecube can Sharingan and he gets new moves, gains chakra at a faster rate and he can Chidori and Katon no Jutsu in the air.
3. Yes NH2 is slated for US release this year, fully translated. There is a petition going to Cartoon Network to put Naruto on Adult Swim, that way not too much content will get cut.
Itachi is broken in both the PS2 and Gamecube versions :)

I wish Scorpion had that kick from MKConquest when he fought sub-zero.
He was going to do a right kick to sub's head but instead he put his leg up, bent it and held his ankle with his right hand, then he threw the kick.
It was like when you put your arm like you are flexing and someone pulls on it, then let's go and your arm springs.
I thought it looked cool in the show and it'd be nice to have it in the game.
I want to see Night wolf make more use of magic. Sort of like a wizard would but with attacks that would look good for him of course. I'd also like it if he could turn in to a wear wolf like in the movie. It'd be something like in Bloody roar. He would have a whole new set of attacks and increased power. He'd look awesome too IMO.
Having Nightwolf earn his wolf transforms like in the Bloody Roars would definetly make him interesting.
Liu Kang can speed up to a hybrid Dragon state (built it up for Finish Him to do the dragon fatal).
Scorpion could have a sort of super move that turns himself into a penguin err what a stupid idea err a scorpion, or could manifest his fire powers (like his face would start to melt away and reveal his skull).
Anyone up for slow mo and instant replay? Imagine showing fatals over and over again to people you want to drive to shame. The slow mo could be used for special combos, fatalities and tutorials.
After pulling off a style branch combo, if the person blocks the whole way through, the final hit will cause them to stumble. A free hit will be possible.
Sub-Zero charge freeze
His freeze could be a charge based, and how long you hold the final button will determine how long the opponent stays frozen. Of course getting hit while charging will negate it.
tap: ice shards
hold for a half second: standard freeze
hold for 5 seconds: longer freeze
hold for 20: deep freeze. The opponent if frozen can be killed with an attack, shattering them.
hold for 30: highly unlikely but a cool hidden supermove is the ice bursts as seen in MK1 the movie.
oh and his ice clones should be able to take projectile hits.

Maybe the normal freeze only lasts for a very short time.
Instead though I'd like to have
Ice shards
then the super freeze moves you posted.
I know this has been a staple, but if frozen in the air, you should fall and take damage.
To make it a little easier to get to the super moves, Subs can move while in charging to dodge attacks, but as time increases, he starts to slowdown and get sluggish. The same idea could work with Raiden.
This thread shouldn't get lazy.

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
Dude, I'm running on fumes here!

same here
A fighter that uses shock waves would be good.
For example, he would do a punch, like Bruce lee's 3 inch punch and you would see a large light blue distortion emanate from his fist. The energy blast would extend for like 6-7 feet and last for like 2 seconds.
The energy would look like a mix of heat waves and water ripples but more exaggerated and bright.
You could also compare it to the bullet trails in the Matrix.
Dust on the floor is blown to the sides, cloth and hair is blown back when the move comes out also.
The energy blast would cause block stun for charge moves.
Push back on block
throw back on hit.
You can power up several attacks so the shock wave comes out with it.
What happens with the guy is when he does jerky movements, he emits a shock wave type blast.
He might have the energy around him all the time and you would see it pulsate as his heart beats.

For example
You would throw a punch and would normally go straight back to your fighting stance.
If you throw a punch and press back or something like that, your guy would do the punch and do a quick extra animation while going back to the fighting stance.
Like instead of bringing his arm straight back, he would bring it back while slightly moving his torso in a circular motion.
This little extra animation could open up a lot of options for more attacks, throws, reversals, you name it.
That example circular motion might link to special attacks or if you tap down or up it would turn in to a side sway which can have a bunch of other attacks that work off it also.
You could do something like this.
punch, punch
jab, right punch
punch, back, punch
jab, left back hand chop to stomach
punch, back, up, punch
jab, sway right, left uppercut launcher
punch, back, down~down, punch
jab, right side step, Right power hook to mid section = like a Tekken side step attack.
punch, back, down~d/f, throw
jab, right diagonal crouching side step, side throw
punch, back, up~u/f, d+3+4
jab, right diagonal side step, back wards stumble on to opponent.
This one would be for a Drunken Master.
This feature could make combos and juggles look more interesting too.
The closest thing to this that I can think of is with Martial Law in Tekken 5.
do b+2, 3, 4, bfbf, 3.
bf will make him go in to the fake step. Normally you press b+1+2 to go in to the fake step.
bfbf will make him cancel the fake step in to the DSS stance. Normally you do that one by pressing d+1+2.
This extra recovery animation enables Law to do a few extra juggle attack that he normally wouldn't be able to land.
Not every fighter would have this, and the ones that do use it in different ways. Avoid copy and paste as much as possible to keep characters fresh / different from one another.

I'd like for them to go further with that.
Have multiple stand up animations and make sure that they don't put them in fast forward like some for MKD.
Kira's stand up animations makes no sense.
Who would be doing that in the middle of a fight after getting their ass kicked??????
I'd also like for MK to loose the fall back animation after a KO.
What the hell is that????
When you are KO.'d you collapse or stumble to the floor, not fall over like a log.
They could make use of the Rag doll effect they have in games like Fight night round 2. In addition to pre set animations for like a power attack that throws the opponent.
The shockwave idea could work really good with johnny cage. He can charge his shadows like liu kang does the bike kick, then he could glow green and have the shadows. Then what ever he does while he has charged up his shadow length will have shadow/shockwave properties. So he could do a regular pull side kick, but with shadow its his shadow kick.
Yet, lets make it interesting. People just can't be powering up cage then doing the moves, balance in the key.
While in shadow mode:
weapon can not be used.
balls shot is slower
green flame is slower
kicks and uppercut is faster
more damage is inflicted
An interesting thing for cage could be if he takes some sort of delaying blow that causes him to be vulnerable, enabling or disabling shadow can get you out of vulnerability faster. Just something unique for Cage.
Cage weapon: pen
WHAT? The pen is truely mighter than the sword. While thinking you wouldn't have any advantage with this, a pen can be a truely devistating weapon (see the Bourne Identity fight in Paris). Add to the pen, a laser pointer (can make people except Kenshi dizzy), and a very sharp end for some insane hurtful jabs. Cage can also throw the pen really really fast like a dart. If the team can pull it off, the ink should leave marks on the fighter.
Cage Hari Kari
Cage's shadows pull him apart. It finishes with an autograph falling saying "Dawny Page"-stunt double to the stars.
Cage fatals:
uppercut head(s) off
shadow brutality-various shadows release their rage in a very huge SM type combo which ends
nut face slice-cage does the nut buster, pulls out his pen, and as the person goes down in agony from the nutpunch the chin impales itself onto the pen
dark friendship
give's an autograph, holding his pen beind it, when the fighter lowers the paper, BAM right through the head.
Cage taunts/intros:
"Winning this fight, you get a handsome reward, me"
"(turns toward the screen) I saw that Arnold"
"When am I gonna get some real competition?"
"MK2 was not my fault"
"The names Cage, Johnny Cage"
"I have a star with my name on it, what do you have?" a reply would be from some people "Burbank doesn't count"
"Hey Sonya, your # still 911?"-character specific
"Ohhh goble goble goble (jumps around like GOB from arrested development)"-After Liu does his intro
"(sean connery voice) Shocking"-After Raiden intro
Stays on his cell phone and ignores you still the fight starts
"We're you not on that sci-fi show?"-To Shao Kahn, X-Files Brian Thompson
"Here's Johnny!"
Yeah expect full character breakdowns from me. Ed Boon I'm up for hire to film some intro movie stuff if you'd like, let alone some ideas.

Maybe you could see the dragon in a background. Like in the sky temple of MKD they could have put the dragon flying around.
It could be like a dragon's nest stage.
You could be fighting out side of a castle or tower type building built in to a mountain.
High so there are a lot of clouds around or fog, and it would be on the edge of the ocean.
Dragons could fly over or very close to the arena or even land on it so you can see them up close.
If you knock the opponent off the roof top, the dragon would catch them in the air and eat them.
A couple could fight over the falling opponent ripping them apart also.
Also another level idea could be the Tarkatan Torture Terrace. Upon metal platform you do the fighting, but below are some bloodthirsty tarkatans. Falling into the feeding chamber means being torn to shreads.
Also I'd love to see some stage fatals only driggered or disabled if a fighter breaks an object or throws a fighter into an area of the stage. Hidden parts of the stage would be nice like SM.
Character Breakdown;
Liu Kang
Liu would be predominately have styles in Jut Kun Do and Mantis style. His Jut Kun Do would be a speed based Bruce Lee style, while Mantis would be one of building power then strikes. More damage, but slow buildup. Liu has the ability to go berserker into a hybrid dragon. The nunchucku is still his weapon.
Jump Axe kick: can be used as a counter to certain high attacks, but vulnerable to low attacks early. Offensively it can be used to bring the opponent face down.
Fireball: Standard single shot, can be upgraded to multiple shots like in SM. Can be done in the air and in crouch.
Flying kick: no explaination needed. It goes across the screen, but it has a decent running build up.
Bike kick: charge based
Spine snap: If the opponent is on the ground, and fairly out, Liu can do a jump and break the spine of the oppnent, rendering their legs useless. A very exclusive move for Liu.
Kartwheel: either forwards or backwards flipping
1 inch punch: If it lands, oh boy, major damage. Must build up though. Kill move.
Rising attack: Liu flips back up and fires a series of rapid punches Bruce Lee style. If timed right, it can be done to avoid low attacks.
Rising attack: Liu does a dragon sweep from the floor. It can be possible to then after the sweep have liu swanton bomb in a smooth motion.
Liu is skinny, fast, flexible, and agile. He doesn't take damage well at all, but has a move to disable a player's mobility if landed. Liu can jump very high, and many attacks that envolve stretching of the limbs seem to phase him very little. Strength attacks can take him in a few good combos. If he morphes into a hybrid Dragon, his moves increase in damage, but his flexability is lost, but the ability to glide is gained.
Dragon Fatality
Flaming Fist Uppercut in 2 pieces (from the SM game)
Bone Crushing (from the SM game)
Spine snap: Throws the person on the ground then jumps up onto their back and twists.
Dark Friendship
Makes a dragon from flames in his hands which dances, but then jumps onto the opponents face, burning it
Standard Turkey shreeks
Standard Bruce Lee quotes.

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.

I'm about to head out to the movie store right now. Hopefully they'll have it....
That step forward stomp move he does could be very useful in game.
It could have an advancing auto HM block that would stop strings and could chain to the front kick.
That front flip double knee stomp he does looks badass too. I'd love to do that in a game.
I think someone has that move, but I can't remember who it is. Did Armor king have something similar to that???
They didn't have it

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
I'm sure I'll be back for MK:SM and MK7, see ya then.
-Cube out.

TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
Sorry for the unrelated post, but I just wanted to mention that I'm leaving the site for awhile. I didn't want to start a whole new thread as the group that posts here are the only users whose opinions I value.
I'm sure I'll be back for MK:SM and MK7, see ya then.
-Cube out.
See you soon. I'm hoping that by the time MK7 starts getting a lot of publicity we'll learn our efforts were for the best so we won't have to do this anymore and can just enjoy the game.

How about using a new type of life bar?
I rented Fight Night round 2 this week and I kind of like how the life bar works on there.
It has several details factor in how the life bar depletes and replenishes.
Here are the variables for the life bar and some character details.
Power = how hard you can hit.
Speed = How fast you can throw an attack.
Agility = How fast you can move around the arena.
Stamina = Controls how fast energy is gained and lost.
Chin = How well you can take a hit to the head.
Body = How well you can take a hit to the body.
Heart = Speed of regaining health and how fast you can stand back up after a knock down.
Cuts = Ability to resist cuts swells and bruises.
These variables could make fighters very different from each other in the way they fight but also in your strategy against each one.
For example, a stun combo might work on one fighter and not on another or a string of attacks might be unblockable to one fighter and another might be able to block after taking the hit. That's because some might be more resistant to stuns than others.
Some fighters might be able to continue to throw an attack even after getting hit with a counter attack. Like in Fight night and other realistic fighting games.
Those are just a couple differences that system would make....
I'd like it so the energy runs out pretty slow to make the fights last longer.
I also like how in Fight night when your energy runs out, you go in to like a danger zone for a few seconds. The background music sounds like when you plug your ears. If you get hit with a "strong" attack during this time you will be KO'd. Jabs won't KO the opponent.
The other way to win is by time over and score cards.
It could be something to experiment with.
What do you guys think? Maybe branch some new ideas from it.....
With the next gen games costing more, I'm sure Boon and Co have no excuse to improve some area. I'd actually love to see some sort of tour again and recreate the arcade atmosphere. Cheaply Boon and Co can test it, then revise it at least once before hitting the home consoles.