this board is dying. i think they need more moves, like all directional attacks have different properties and each combo looks as if it has different strikes in the middle, i don't know how to explain this but an innovative combo system like in Ninja Gaiden where you have 20 combo moveset but using interchangeable strike studies you can custom make like 70 more combos, all useful in different situations and with their own properties and therefore the user of the character can define a different personality than the next user of the same character. Although i think they should keep the stiff MK:D traditional arcade feel with Hong Kong cinema fighting that just looks downright painful, they should make the kombat more fluid. I kinda don't like the one hit strikes that decide the outcome of the match. i don't know how they should make the reversal system cos i thought the one in DoA is full on crap. I think that you should have several options as in unique throws for the high/low reversal normal throws or specials. While the person being reversed can use a free limb(as in the hands are programmed as different from the legs so if a kick is being reversed you can only punch your opponent) to punch them but only a power strike that knocks them back will stop them. also i think that there should be some strange blood properties. like it takes 10 seconds for the blood to dry. If they get hit by a weapon and bleed like hell, if they are stagger stunned to a certain degree, they have a 40% chance of slipping on their own pool of blood. and this would probably balance out because if the opponent likes a ground game, he can't spam the weaponcombo over and over cos it will make so much blood you will just slip on it and he will miss his consecutive strikes. of course if you prefer you can turn this off by lowering the blood levels. I think it would be funny if MK7 will be the first arcade fighter to ever have opponents skirmishing in waist deep water although i think that is too ambitious. I agree with air recovery and almost everything the previous posters said. i hope i don't repeat anything. stage fatalities should be harder to do. in MKD it is so easy to juggle your opponent over to a death trap and kick him into it. they need to rethink some environmental weapons like kicking around crates or smashing wooden poles with convincing physics to make debris damage the opponent. They also need damage scaling cos at the rate this is going 4 5hit combos is gonna end the round and it needs to be in options menu making the damage scale 10% to 100% so if you want a longer round to explore all tiers. and there should be some minor glitches so players can experiment like halo 2. That's what makes some games fun although it shouldn't define the gameplay

Again with the wall throw ideas, they should play Def Jam fight for new York and check out the wall throws in that game.
I want to see stuff like that in MK7.
Over the top painful looking wall throws.
I like how they have the death traps or stage fatalities in Def Jam and the way the crowd helps you in a fight.
If you get thrown in to someone with a weapon, they will hit you over the head with it.
They can grab you and throw you back in the ring.
That would be perfect for MK.
Also here are some quick Judo fight clips that could stir up some more ideas.
Click here
I want to see stuff like that in MK7.
Over the top painful looking wall throws.
I like how they have the death traps or stage fatalities in Def Jam and the way the crowd helps you in a fight.
If you get thrown in to someone with a weapon, they will hit you over the head with it.
They can grab you and throw you back in the ring.
That would be perfect for MK.
Also here are some quick Judo fight clips that could stir up some more ideas.
Click here

How to make defense more realistic or movie like.
These would change depending on the fighter.
1 = normal blocking but realistic depending on the martial art used. Sort of like in MKD but much deeper. Some fighters can block high or mid attacks with their legs.
2 = Evasions = lean back, bob and weave, stumble for drunken, lay down, duck, back flip, back dash, side step, side flip, spin around opponent....
3 = Power blocking = would result in something along the lines of the Soul Calibur Guard Impact. = block with an elbow, shove opponent when they attack, stumble on to them when they attack (drunken fist).
4 = Counter attack = like normal some attacks can be used to defend against high and mid attacks. Can be some normal attacks like a sweep, a quick elbow to the ribs or an attack with auto block properties.
5 = Reversals, parries and regular throws.
6 = There could be automatic stances like Lei wulong has that would be used to avoid attacks and have pre set counter attacks that can be linked from them. Think something like Raphaels counter in SC2 or Ling's Phoenix stance in Tekken 5.
some of the normal block animations could also have pre set counter attacks.
7 = Super natural powers could be put to use in some of these situations, like Sub's slide, Scorpion's telepunch or his take down from MK2........ect.
8 = Some attacks can clash with the opponent's attack acting like a block and causing no damage to either fighter = like a tangle. Depends on what the attacks are though and how they connect. Some will cause damage on a clash. = "clash" or "Tangle"
2 = Flip / Jump to the side, front or back.
3 = Back dash or single back step = one foot crosses the other walking back.
4 = Lift leg to avoid a sweep or other very low attack.
5 = Use a special move to escape or power block like a teleport.
6 = Use a normal attack that can counter the low attack.
7 = Low throw or low reversal
8 = Crouch = while standing up after a fall.
It's not as complicated as it looks.
I'll write more on how to make it work later.
These would change depending on the fighter.
Defense animations against high and mid attacks
1 = normal blocking but realistic depending on the martial art used. Sort of like in MKD but much deeper. Some fighters can block high or mid attacks with their legs.
2 = Evasions = lean back, bob and weave, stumble for drunken, lay down, duck, back flip, back dash, side step, side flip, spin around opponent....
3 = Power blocking = would result in something along the lines of the Soul Calibur Guard Impact. = block with an elbow, shove opponent when they attack, stumble on to them when they attack (drunken fist).
4 = Counter attack = like normal some attacks can be used to defend against high and mid attacks. Can be some normal attacks like a sweep, a quick elbow to the ribs or an attack with auto block properties.
5 = Reversals, parries and regular throws.
6 = There could be automatic stances like Lei wulong has that would be used to avoid attacks and have pre set counter attacks that can be linked from them. Think something like Raphaels counter in SC2 or Ling's Phoenix stance in Tekken 5.
some of the normal block animations could also have pre set counter attacks.
7 = Super natural powers could be put to use in some of these situations, like Sub's slide, Scorpion's telepunch or his take down from MK2........ect.
8 = Some attacks can clash with the opponent's attack acting like a block and causing no damage to either fighter = like a tangle. Depends on what the attacks are though and how they connect. Some will cause damage on a clash. = "clash" or "Tangle"
Defense animations against low attacks
1 = block with legs while standing, the same way you block with arms.2 = Flip / Jump to the side, front or back.
3 = Back dash or single back step = one foot crosses the other walking back.
4 = Lift leg to avoid a sweep or other very low attack.
5 = Use a special move to escape or power block like a teleport.
6 = Use a normal attack that can counter the low attack.
7 = Low throw or low reversal
8 = Crouch = while standing up after a fall.
It's not as complicated as it looks.
I'll write more on how to make it work later.
Yeah the blocks should become a little more complex, while maintaining a standard kinda medium strength block.
I once again pull the idea into charge/hold idea for blocks. If you can time the block just right, you will have a shorter delay to respond. Yet you should think it out, something like a massive attack needs a massive block.
Of course I'm still for projectiles being upblockable to some extent.
I'm also for defense/offensive parrys. When you enter into combo mode, you can enter a counter sequence (which can pop up on the screen for some simple returns, but harder returns must be memorized). The person who can finish their sequence first will get the blow.
Also something in MKD that never made it in, to get out of a chance of falling into a death trap, start hammering those buttons. I'd also love a cheap move to pull the person in with you if they are near by. To make things interesting, some characters like Raiden and Sindel can fly back up if they fall. To kill them, they have to be stunned.
I once again pull the idea into charge/hold idea for blocks. If you can time the block just right, you will have a shorter delay to respond. Yet you should think it out, something like a massive attack needs a massive block.
Of course I'm still for projectiles being upblockable to some extent.
I'm also for defense/offensive parrys. When you enter into combo mode, you can enter a counter sequence (which can pop up on the screen for some simple returns, but harder returns must be memorized). The person who can finish their sequence first will get the blow.
Also something in MKD that never made it in, to get out of a chance of falling into a death trap, start hammering those buttons. I'd also love a cheap move to pull the person in with you if they are near by. To make things interesting, some characters like Raiden and Sindel can fly back up if they fall. To kill them, they have to be stunned.
i think offensive parries should only count for weapons cos then it would look better. i dunno why. the walls should be interactive for a change. e.g. how funny would it be if someone threw a huge kick but it missed and the foot got stuck in a wooden wall. the environmental weaponry was lacking in MKD. the whole squashing the bugs thing was cool. maybe they should have like awfully sharp objects you can sit on too. i played tao feng and i didn't like their stance change system. it was rather akward. somehow i agree with almost everyone.
i like the whole not falling into the trap idea. i heard they were supposed to put it in MKD but they were just lazy. i think they should put this in a) use a unique animation to fly back up and start again on equal ground using either firing a pillar of fire/ice to get them back up, flying, teleporting or scorpion's spear b)hold onto the edge and do a unique get up attack c)grab the person and pull them in with you d) escape and throw them in e.g. raiden teleports and punches them in. the killing ones should be harder to do and the other person gets the upper hand. the others do not give any the advantage but are less risky. these are all mapped into the 4 attack buttons and the hammering should only last two seconds for fluidity cos i don't think a 10 minute button mash would be good for the game, controller or your thumbs. and the killing ones should involve both players hammering for two seconds. i think that's a very crappy basic version of the death traps or it would just suck if it was so easy to knock them in. i like the attack animations that bleed posted but i'm not too clear on it at this point.

Part 2 of the Defense idea posted earlier.
First some movement basics.
While holding block you move back and forward like in Tekken5 instead of like in MKD. So if you hold block and walk back you will walk like in Tekken instead of like in MKD. Call it a cautious walk.
If you dont hold block, you will have full 8 way movement with a faster more free looking animation like in SC2 or MKD.
step = Tap u, d, b, or f like in MKD.
Quick dash = Tap uu, dd, bb or ff = the side quick dash is like the side step in T4 or Tag. The normal side step is like in MKD.
Run = ff and hold to keep running.
Crouch dash = a couple ways.
1= d, df, f or d, db, b like in SC2 and T5.
2= df, df or db, db like in VF4.
The 8 way walk would have a short start up animation when you start to walk. During that short delay you can do the VF4 style crouch dash.
To see what the delay looks like, check out SC2. They have it in there.
High / Med block = Blk, Blk+b or Blk+f
Your fighter puts their hands high ready to block but not in a block stance.
Regular blocking like in MKD, but it depends on the fighters style.
Fighters can block, sway, hop back, whatever like in the movies.
If you have your back to a wall, you will block like a boxer.
Some of the block animations have a pre set attack that can be linked from it. Example = Jackies auto punch block in VF4, Steve Fox's punch parry.
High / low block = Blk + db or Blk+df
Your fighter does not crouch unless they are avoiding a high attack.
(auto duck animation) Instead they walk back or forward like in Tekken. (cautious walk)
This will not stop low attacks, only avoid them by doing flips, hopping back, lifting their leg......ect.
In this mode, you will automatically duck under high attacks and be able to do While rising attacks if you press it quick. You can blend the ducking animation to the full crouch noted below = just press Down while still holding Block.
If you have your back to a wall, you will block high attacks like a boxer and do less fancy low blocks with your legs and arms.
Crouch =Blk+d
The same way you crouch in soul calibur2
This can stop some low attacks like when you block Paul's d+4 in Tekken 5 or Tekken tag.
This is basically the same as the other low guards ( Blk+db or df ) but instead it enables you to do While Rising attacks even if you didnt just avoid a high strike. The same as in SC2.
You can also do while rising attacks after some low attacks and when standing up after a fall.
Jumping = Blk+ ub, up or uf =Basically the same as in Soul Calibur 2.
Avoids Low attacks
Different fighters can have different jump animations like how in DOA3 Kasumi does a spin when she jumps. Kasumis jumping throw ( up+throw ) can be a regular jump also. Different jumps for different fighters to make them unique. Other jump examples = Yoshimitsus uf+3+4, Lei Wulongs df+3+4, Eddy Gordos ff+4, Hayabusas uf+throw in DOA3.
The jump it self could be an attack = Like if a fighter jumps and does Sagats Tiger Knee animation as a set up for another attack if you press kick or punch. The normal jump by it self in this case can hit the opponent.
Something new could be that if you jump at the opponent and dont do anything, you will slam in to them like you would in real life.
Side step = like in VF4, if you tap up or down at the same time your opponent attacks, you will do a safe side step. There could be different animations depending on the attack you are avoiding.
Some attacks can not be side stepped in a certain direction and some cant be side stepped at all. You have to duck or teleport if you can.
---Timed guards---
Blk+forward =High/mid aggressive block = similar to the Guard Impact in SC2 but with different animations depending on the attack and your style.
Blk+down / forward = Low parry / aggressive block = This is like the low guard impact or the low parry in Tekken 5. Different animations will come out depending on the attack and your style. Some animations will use the legs (kick your opponent's leg as they kick or plant your foot hard on the ground to cause a block stun) others can use arms like in Tekken.
---side and back turned defense---
You can block attacks when you have your side to the opponent with the normal block commands when facing forward.
If you have your back to the opponent.
Press Blk to turn around.
Press Blk+d to crouch and turn around.
Press Blk+db to duck under high attacks and avoid low attacks while turning around. If you aren't avoiding a high attack, you wont duck during this animation.
To avoid Med attacks you have to side step which will also make you turn around while side stepping.
---Extra defense options---
Using regular moves and attacks
d+3+4 could be a side ways flip or tumble that can be used to avoid low attacks.
Auto block moves = Feng Weis 1+2 in Tekken 5. Lions d,db, b+punch in VF4.
Reversals or defense stances = Raphaels evasion move in SC2, Jins parry in T5, Asukas reversals in T5.
Some attacks can be used like a rock paper scissors game. = A side kick will beat a round house if timed right. A jab will beat a right punch if timed right. A sweep will beat a high attack ect.
Special moves like Teleports could be used also like always.
Its basically the same as always but deeper and more complex looking.
imagine if the backflip was an attack to escape close encounters. although i don't think the backflip will go well with the d-pad considering the 8 way system. i don't know about the auto duck animation. maybe the right analogue stick can do something for once!!! stupid stick. i think the crouch dash should be a sprint or a roll or something. they should do something with the 8 way system like u+f will dodge quarter circle moves like safe slashes or hookin kicks. i think that a character like you said should have a unique jump animation e.g. ninjas jump like ninjas, noob jumps like a monkey, kabal does a flip or something, bo rai cho does a stomping jump or some crap like that. the crouch dashes and crouching stances should look different, same as the runs. i seriously won't take it well, if bo rai cho can run like scorpion

Duane Wrote:
imagine if the backflip was an attack to escape close encounters. although i don't think the backflip will go well with the d-pad considering the 8 way system. i don't know about the auto duck animation. maybe the right analogue stick can do something for once!!! stupid stick. i think the crouch dash should be a sprint or a roll or something. they should do something with the 8 way system like u+f will dodge quarter circle moves like safe slashes or hookin kicks. i think that a character like you said should have a unique jump animation e.g. ninjas jump like ninjas, noob jumps like a monkey, kabal does a flip or something, bo rai cho does a stomping jump or some crap like that. the crouch dashes and crouching stances should look different, same as the runs. i seriously won't take it well, if bo rai cho can run like scorpion
imagine if the backflip was an attack to escape close encounters. although i don't think the backflip will go well with the d-pad considering the 8 way system. i don't know about the auto duck animation. maybe the right analogue stick can do something for once!!! stupid stick. i think the crouch dash should be a sprint or a roll or something. they should do something with the 8 way system like u+f will dodge quarter circle moves like safe slashes or hookin kicks. i think that a character like you said should have a unique jump animation e.g. ninjas jump like ninjas, noob jumps like a monkey, kabal does a flip or something, bo rai cho does a stomping jump or some crap like that. the crouch dashes and crouching stances should look different, same as the runs. i seriously won't take it well, if bo rai cho can run like scorpion
The back flip could be a normal jump animation for some guy, so just tap Blk+ub. Or it could be some special move like u, ub, b, or b+k like Lei Wulong does in T4 and T5.
The auto duck is something to make the blocking and evasions look like they would in a movie. You don't see people just crouching in a movie, they duck right when the attack comes. That's what I'm trying to keep in mind for this idea.
The crouch dash could be a roll for some fighters like maybe Baraka.
tap df, df or maybe f, df, d to roll.
uf to avoid hook attacks? I don't know... I'm thinking that Blk+db will do the same and be more natural because players are already used to avoiding high attacks that way. I'd leave uf for avoiding low attacks = have your guy/girl do a flip over the opponent then attack from the back. That could work by pressing Blk+uf or maybe just tap uf when they attack low. The start up delay for the 8 way walk would allow for the uf by it self to work like a parry in street fighter 3. So if you time uf right when the opponent attacks low, instead of walking to the side, you would flip over them.
How would that work if your opponent has their back to the wall though?
1 = The flip could just not work in that situation.
2 = Have the opponent be pushed forward, so you can land behind them like in MKD I think you can do that. That wouldn't be too smart though. You would be setting your self up for a wall combo.
I dont think the Right stick is necessary for a fighting game like this. If it was a very simple adventure type fighter its OK like in Rise to Honor and Death By degrees. In those games, you point the Right stick in any direction to attack in any direction.
I cant think of a real use for it in a more complex 1 on 1 fighter though. Maybe someone else can think something up.
different run and jump animations would be great.
i was sort of thinking the uf would work like the sidestep dragon claw that subzero uses e.g. he steps diagonally behind the opponent so quarter circle moves don't connect although MKD doesn't contain such properties that every character can obviously use.yes, i'm a bloody sidestepper when i play against noob-smoke. because IMO swordplay should include slashing motions ranging from quarter circle, half circle, full 360 and up to 2 turns. quarter circle should probably be safest but shortest and elaborate ones like 2 turns would include hi low movements, good range, knockback but incredibly crappy recovery and you have no frame advantage. but i think that the flippy thing can be a good evasion manouevre. hmmph. maybe if the opponent was backed into a wall they would step out to sweep and you flip over their leg causing you to end up parallel to the wall. and if they are backed into the corner the flip would cause both players would end up 45 degrees to the walls. but then you would lose the advantage of some corner combos. now for those pesky corner infinites involving throws the answer is throw reversal although someone might have mentioned that before. like 20 frames into the throw you can do a complex directional button sequence to counter their onslaught however this is only inputtable during throws that follow stagger stuns and or nothing making it so that if you want a legit throw that 100% foolproof they must be induced with certain properties of stuns that means no plants or pokes followed by a throw is unstoppable. which means no stupid hotaru punches or low quick claws will allow you to throw to victory.

I would love to have Throw reversals.
Either have it like a throw escape or like a regular attack reversal in VF4 but it would also reverse throws.
Either have it like a throw escape or like a regular attack reversal in VF4 but it would also reverse throws.
a throw escape could probably be like an untangling and backdash move or a pushback if in a corner e.g. during a nosebreaker, (player name) grabs smokes arms and pushes them off head followed by a shove leaving a second for both to recoup. if they want a simple escape they can just have a push away of the opponent's hands followed by the player quickly turning to face opponent and shoving or backdashing. if there was an throw reversal instead there should be a unique one that's simple considering that all opponents need to grab you the same way(shoulders) and you use a supernatural power to counter. e.g. baraka folds his arms and shoots his blade out forcing the opponent's hand(s) off his shoulder and then knock them back. this would make it simple and look better because it is pretty much the same throw reversal vs all opponents than opponent's just stopping their attack waiting for you to do a strange throw. i don't really know how other fighters do it but the counter throw in DOA was kinda not very good cos it looked as if the opponent was just sitting there waiting for the other person to kick the crap out of them. either this way or have different classifications for throws and stuff so just one unique animation for each class.

Getting rid of the waiting for attack reversal pose that every game has can be as simple as making the animation look more interesting.
For example, in Tekken 4 and Tekken 5 Martial law has a stance where he shakes his torso back and forth = d+1+2.
His Fake step = b+1+2 is another example
In Tekken 5 Feng Wei's f+3+4 or the b+3+4 kenpo step.
Something like that could replace the boring reversal stance that's standard in pretty much every fighting game.
There could be different animations for every fighter. Basically do a simple or complex animation to show you that you did the move and to allow you to have a vulnerable time frame if you miss it.
It could basically be a mini taunt or just a quick arm sway.
The other way is to incorporate the reversals and parries in to the attacks them selves. "auto block attacks" Like Feng Wei's ff+1+2 in Tekken 5. Lion's d, db, b+Punch in VF4.
Instead of just auto blocks, some of the attacks could be reversals.
Some fireballs could have auto block or auto reversals in the start up animations also.
For example, Scorpion's spear toss could have an auto punch reversal in the start up animation.
1= Do an outside block and lock the opponent's arm under your armpit.
2= Use your free hand to do a cross slash to the opponent's neck, do some arm lock maybe one or 2 more cuts, then teleport with the opponent high in to the air and do a powerful air throw. It could be that he puts his knee on the oppent's back and falls with them breaking their spine with his knee as they hit the floor.
This could be a multipart throw that could have several variations to keep it fresh.
Example variation = After the teleport, Scorpions throws a hammer punch or some other attack to send the opponent to the floor. As the opponent hit's the ground and does 1 bounce, Scorpion would throw a downward spear to catch them on the bounce. He pulls the opponent up with the spear throwing arm, while doing a spin to swing the opponent around vertically and slam them to the ground again. Scorpion would continue to do like 2 more spins as he lands on the floor after the whip toss.
All that from an auto punch reversal built in to the spear toss.
For example, in Tekken 4 and Tekken 5 Martial law has a stance where he shakes his torso back and forth = d+1+2.
His Fake step = b+1+2 is another example
In Tekken 5 Feng Wei's f+3+4 or the b+3+4 kenpo step.
Something like that could replace the boring reversal stance that's standard in pretty much every fighting game.
There could be different animations for every fighter. Basically do a simple or complex animation to show you that you did the move and to allow you to have a vulnerable time frame if you miss it.
It could basically be a mini taunt or just a quick arm sway.
The other way is to incorporate the reversals and parries in to the attacks them selves. "auto block attacks" Like Feng Wei's ff+1+2 in Tekken 5. Lion's d, db, b+Punch in VF4.
Instead of just auto blocks, some of the attacks could be reversals.
Some fireballs could have auto block or auto reversals in the start up animations also.
For example, Scorpion's spear toss could have an auto punch reversal in the start up animation.
1= Do an outside block and lock the opponent's arm under your armpit.
2= Use your free hand to do a cross slash to the opponent's neck, do some arm lock maybe one or 2 more cuts, then teleport with the opponent high in to the air and do a powerful air throw. It could be that he puts his knee on the oppent's back and falls with them breaking their spine with his knee as they hit the floor.
This could be a multipart throw that could have several variations to keep it fresh.
Example variation = After the teleport, Scorpions throws a hammer punch or some other attack to send the opponent to the floor. As the opponent hit's the ground and does 1 bounce, Scorpion would throw a downward spear to catch them on the bounce. He pulls the opponent up with the spear throwing arm, while doing a spin to swing the opponent around vertically and slam them to the ground again. Scorpion would continue to do like 2 more spins as he lands on the floor after the whip toss.
All that from an auto punch reversal built in to the spear toss.
hmpph combo throw sounds interesting. although there should be some way to reduce the damage inflicted from one cos it wouldn't be fun if one combo throw caused the entire match to be won. they could make the damage reduce the further you get or an escape. where's everybody. this is so dead and stickied
i have no idea how boon and co can actually do this unless they tweak the current engine and work on mk for 2-3 years. damn. maybe they could actually have more variety and detail and a technical engine that hides the technicality from newcomers but rewards players who want to understand it. i'm starting to think that defensive players SHOULD have auto evades and advanced reversal moves especially if they use aikido. and a couple of non gameplay issues and stuff: weapons should be reached for. i understand the weapons on bodies thing but can't they just make the person unsheath their damned weapons when they attack in weapon stance? and another thing, destructible environment, special environments, easter eggs in arenas, more variation in projectile movement e.g. raiden's lightning arcs out, scorpion's spear bobs and weaves as he throws it and it should have a unique property e.g. get's stuck in wall and he pulls it back or a get up attack like throwing it into the chest and pulling the opponent to him while he flies up and kicks them back.

Good point on the damage.
Ways to fix that problem.
1 = have an escape for it, maybe multiple escape points for different links in the throw combo. Like for King's throw chains in Tekken. The escapes don't have to be complicated, but they should require some timing.
Some fighters might be able to use a throw reversal, or a reversal reversal to get out of the move.
To escape a link, it could be that you tap 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on the link.
To reverse a link, it could be that you tap 1+3 or 2+4 depending on the link and whether that link is reversible or not.
2 = Have the damage not be too drastic, so you still get the eye candy but it won't end the match too fast. Since it is a combo throw though, there could be some reward for pulling it off in the form of decent damage. 40% maybe for the longest one.
The two combined would be good.
A system like this would require a totally new fight engine. Similar with the button lay out = 4 attack and 1 block button. But pretty much everything else would be different. I'm guessing it would take 2-3 years. I think It'd be worth it though if they did it.
Ways to fix that problem.
1 = have an escape for it, maybe multiple escape points for different links in the throw combo. Like for King's throw chains in Tekken. The escapes don't have to be complicated, but they should require some timing.
Some fighters might be able to use a throw reversal, or a reversal reversal to get out of the move.
To escape a link, it could be that you tap 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on the link.
To reverse a link, it could be that you tap 1+3 or 2+4 depending on the link and whether that link is reversible or not.
2 = Have the damage not be too drastic, so you still get the eye candy but it won't end the match too fast. Since it is a combo throw though, there could be some reward for pulling it off in the form of decent damage. 40% maybe for the longest one.
The two combined would be good.
A system like this would require a totally new fight engine. Similar with the button lay out = 4 attack and 1 block button. But pretty much everything else would be different. I'm guessing it would take 2-3 years. I think It'd be worth it though if they did it.
i think they should have a design plan like :finish substantial engine that rivals all other fighters for MK7 and for MK8 put the collective response from the community and this thread in. then no one will have to wait so long for MK7. and if MK does have similar engine properties to other fighters, no one can call it a rip off considering that a lot of engines are similar in some points. i hope boon reads this.....i read a magazine article the other day talking about the MK legacy and how boon should realize that after a while blood and gore does not make a title and saying how there wasn't much strategy. i certainly don't agree that MKD fails to be a fighter. where's everybody. they like abandoned this thread. boo hoo
i wonder who here misses the aerial projectiles from like street fighter when ryu jumps into the air and fires diagonally down. and the dragon nest stage you talked about? well, it would be cool if there was unique comeback from an RO like hammering the button while hanging on the edge allows you to grab onto the dragon and get back up. and as a little minigame on the arena you can pick up the halberds on the level and kill the dragons when they land. haha. and the person who didn't run away from the dying dragon get's stunned by the shockwave of the collapse. and the dragon must not fall sideways or the person would get squished and that would be complicated. the dragon would work like this every 40 seconds the dragon lands to breathe fire or squish you doing minor damage. you need to pick up the halberd or use your weapon if its strong and cut the legs until it kneels like ONAGA and the kamidogu and then you get a special killing animation for hitting it 20 times over the head. the dragon collapses, the victor does a flip off the head and if the other guy doesn't run the shockwave will dizzy him setting him up for an unreversable and unbreakable attack that doesn't do full damage. and this can be an SU or a majorly funny easter egg.

Wow!!! Great idea
Have you played God of War for the PS2?
I got it this week and there is a special way to kill the enemies.
When they are almost dead, they get a symbol hovering over their head. To start the kill animation you have to throw them = press the O button.
Once you do that you have to complete a series of button combinations to do a complicated kill sequence.
Like after you grab a giant monster like a Cyclops, your guy will run under their legs. Then you see another button = "Triangle"
You press the triangle button and your guy will jump on to the Cyclops's shoulders and you see the next command = "X"
You tap X and your guy jumps up and lands stabbing the Cyclops in the eye killing it.
That's not the exact animation but it's something like that.
The button sequence changes at random every time you go to finish off an opponent.
Something similar could be done to kill the dragons in the Dragon's nest stage. Have some over the top kill sequences for it instead of just hacking at them with your sword.
I'm thinking now that it would help if there was a free running option = so like in an adventure game, you can run in any direction. Hold L and move to run in any direction the same as in Kakuto Chojin.
That could be used to get to stage weapons faster and to avoid stage traps or the attacking dragons in the background.
The free run might need to be limited to like 3-4 steps so you don't get a match with people just running around.
Maybe instead, running can lower the combo meter if there is one. It could make you tired and easy to KO if you do it too much.
I think people aren't posting anymore because it's getting very hard to come up with new ideas. This thread is so long and weve pretty much covered everything.
Have you played God of War for the PS2?
I got it this week and there is a special way to kill the enemies.
When they are almost dead, they get a symbol hovering over their head. To start the kill animation you have to throw them = press the O button.
Once you do that you have to complete a series of button combinations to do a complicated kill sequence.
Like after you grab a giant monster like a Cyclops, your guy will run under their legs. Then you see another button = "Triangle"
You press the triangle button and your guy will jump on to the Cyclops's shoulders and you see the next command = "X"
You tap X and your guy jumps up and lands stabbing the Cyclops in the eye killing it.
That's not the exact animation but it's something like that.
The button sequence changes at random every time you go to finish off an opponent.
Something similar could be done to kill the dragons in the Dragon's nest stage. Have some over the top kill sequences for it instead of just hacking at them with your sword.
I'm thinking now that it would help if there was a free running option = so like in an adventure game, you can run in any direction. Hold L and move to run in any direction the same as in Kakuto Chojin.
That could be used to get to stage weapons faster and to avoid stage traps or the attacking dragons in the background.
The free run might need to be limited to like 3-4 steps so you don't get a match with people just running around.
Maybe instead, running can lower the combo meter if there is one. It could make you tired and easy to KO if you do it too much.
I think people aren't posting anymore because it's getting very hard to come up with new ideas. This thread is so long and weve pretty much covered everything.

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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
Yeah, we're all spent. At least I am. It's at the point for me that whenever I think I've come up with something new it's exactly the same thing that was written by myself or someone else a few pages back. It's ok if we're not as productive as we once were so long as this thread isn't forgotten. That was the primary reason we lobbied for the sticky. At least this way we won't have to repeat ourselves over and over in future threads. It's nice being able to post a link here whenever you need to reference something. 31 pages is a hell of a lot considering most of the thread is valuable. I've tried to read through it all and it takes at least an hour just to scan a few pages let alone all 31.

We could keep it going by coming up with new moves and uses for them. Like with the Scorpion's auto reversal spear toss Idea I posted above.
There is still a lot of room for ideas in that area. That's how I get some of the ideas I post. I'll be thinking of a new move, or a variation for an existing one and in the process I'll think of a new game play element necessary for the move to work.
Like a domino effect.
There is still a lot of room for ideas in that area. That's how I get some of the ideas I post. I'll be thinking of a new move, or a variation for an existing one and in the process I'll think of a new game play element necessary for the move to work.
Like a domino effect.
for the scorpion spear toss reversal thing. if the opponent was stuck and you fling him around with the spear, i think there should be a button combination when you're on the ground to break it off and pull scorpion over and its split second stuff and involves the analogue stick so yeah it would be hard to stop. i'm thinking of stuff.
subzero :high/mid attack reversal throw
1st move(compulsory)
subzero breaks throw(whatever) and turns to face the enemy and in one swift motion, grabs the enemies neck and freezes the hand and neck together in a choking grip.
2nd moves(optional)
a)subzero repeatedly punches opponent in face
b) he fires out a stream of ice pinning the opponent onto the wall or in an ice block
3rd moveset(optional and escapable)
a)after punchin opponent in face, subzero freezes the ground and forms a convenient spike that is thin and you can pin them onto it
i)he slams the opponent into the ground breaking the chokehold
b)smacks the ice cage to cracking point and perform a unique throw that can be altered with directional commands
Finisher(optional but extremely difficult to escape)
a)perform a throw that sends the opponent flying. these moves are possible because a) and b) i) all puts the opponent in near prone state.
b)a special martial arts move that grounds the person in front of you.
the total max damage acheivable is 35% damage but because the 3rd link is escapable a realistic average would be 30% and midway please make it so there are no frickin' 15% damage one hit moves!!!!!omg! it would take 7 hits to end the round. i think that combos, reversals, and throws and properties should be the mainstay. and there is balance because a) combos have mid damage potential and cannot be escaped or countered once the first hit connects in exception of breakers. b)reversals should be there to stop bloody one hitters or improve overall gameplay c)throws shoud be there to start chains(combo throws w/e) or stop turtling people and have high damage potential but like juggles can be escaped. this way overall there will be a better more well rounded ground game.
Dragon animation and how to mount(sorry for inappropriate choice of word)
repeated attacks cause the dragon to slip and slouch forward. button sequence would say like press throw button to mount(whoopsy there goes that bad word again) the dragon. dragon gets up. in 15seconds who must perform a whopping 70% damage in 20 seconds on this thing as you are on the neck behind the head. if you fail....dragon takes off and you fall on your arse. you grab onto the scales in a special animation everytime the dragon bucks which is once every 7 seconds and it lasts only .5 seconds. this is a challenge as a) you need to perform long combos or quick 3 hit weapon combos for 10% damage on the head between the bucks. dragon get's pissed and eyes open in RAGE. press 1 to lean over and stab dragon in eye. if you seriously suck and cannot input one button command in you fall on your arse. flowingly press y to swing into screaming dragon's jaws. animation shows your character placing the weapon between the teeth as you hammer your attack buttons to stand up in the dragon's mouth note:lasts 6 seconds. if you jump out like a coward. if you kick your halberd into the air and stab straight up with the blade piercing the brain and emerging between the dragon's eyes. grab's tooth and swings on top of head in triumph and do a flip with suspended motion as the dragon collapses. note while damaging the head the dragon wander's around running slow and bucking involves whipping around. the person on the ground can aid you whatever. and the dragon takes 200% damage from special moves.
subzero :high/mid attack reversal throw
1st move(compulsory)
subzero breaks throw(whatever) and turns to face the enemy and in one swift motion, grabs the enemies neck and freezes the hand and neck together in a choking grip.
2nd moves(optional)
a)subzero repeatedly punches opponent in face
b) he fires out a stream of ice pinning the opponent onto the wall or in an ice block
3rd moveset(optional and escapable)
a)after punchin opponent in face, subzero freezes the ground and forms a convenient spike that is thin and you can pin them onto it
i)he slams the opponent into the ground breaking the chokehold
b)smacks the ice cage to cracking point and perform a unique throw that can be altered with directional commands
Finisher(optional but extremely difficult to escape)
a)perform a throw that sends the opponent flying. these moves are possible because a) and b) i) all puts the opponent in near prone state.
b)a special martial arts move that grounds the person in front of you.
the total max damage acheivable is 35% damage but because the 3rd link is escapable a realistic average would be 30% and midway please make it so there are no frickin' 15% damage one hit moves!!!!!omg! it would take 7 hits to end the round. i think that combos, reversals, and throws and properties should be the mainstay. and there is balance because a) combos have mid damage potential and cannot be escaped or countered once the first hit connects in exception of breakers. b)reversals should be there to stop bloody one hitters or improve overall gameplay c)throws shoud be there to start chains(combo throws w/e) or stop turtling people and have high damage potential but like juggles can be escaped. this way overall there will be a better more well rounded ground game.
Dragon animation and how to mount(sorry for inappropriate choice of word)
repeated attacks cause the dragon to slip and slouch forward. button sequence would say like press throw button to mount(whoopsy there goes that bad word again) the dragon. dragon gets up. in 15seconds who must perform a whopping 70% damage in 20 seconds on this thing as you are on the neck behind the head. if you fail....dragon takes off and you fall on your arse. you grab onto the scales in a special animation everytime the dragon bucks which is once every 7 seconds and it lasts only .5 seconds. this is a challenge as a) you need to perform long combos or quick 3 hit weapon combos for 10% damage on the head between the bucks. dragon get's pissed and eyes open in RAGE. press 1 to lean over and stab dragon in eye. if you seriously suck and cannot input one button command in you fall on your arse. flowingly press y to swing into screaming dragon's jaws. animation shows your character placing the weapon between the teeth as you hammer your attack buttons to stand up in the dragon's mouth note:lasts 6 seconds. if you jump out like a coward. if you kick your halberd into the air and stab straight up with the blade piercing the brain and emerging between the dragon's eyes. grab's tooth and swings on top of head in triumph and do a flip with suspended motion as the dragon collapses. note while damaging the head the dragon wander's around running slow and bucking involves whipping around. the person on the ground can aid you whatever. and the dragon takes 200% damage from special moves.
i guess we got most basics out of the way. i think gritty detail is for now. as in moves, how it should be planned, how strategies should be executed, what stuff should look like etc. and hopefully boon will come along and pay us to join their development team so we get a very good product for BRAINSTORMING.
why does barely anyone use this thread anymore. its like the best thread on the forum....EVER! bleed, we need to brainstorm. then maybe more people will pitch in. i don't have a ps2 so i don't know much about t5 or vf4 but i learnt almost all of it from ninja gaiden. its like an action game with arcade properties like frame advantage, disadvantage, ground game, air game, wall game and there's like so many properties i can't even list here but you can make over 80 combos with one weapon when you only have 2 attack buttons! lol. you have to learn all these things like Just Frame, stun properties and crap if you want to be the true master. the throws were so intuitive. there was one move where there was JF and if the consecutive button wasn't hit at the exact frame window(bloody small) it decided what move came out. sort of like this 1,2. if you input 2, too early or late you get a rising kick. however if you do 1,..2 and hit it right you stun with the weapon followed by a throw that ends in crumple stun(you jump over the person's head and turn in mid air follwed by a strike to the back of the head) that is also invincible during execution but not recovery. and a lot of things rely on your status. like block, instant block, in air, while running, on landing and stuff like that. plus this game has the trademark move:guillotine throw that is almost exactly the same as noob's monkey flip except it has more properties. you have to be in air, near and the grounded person can be hit and if used against a wall, you can do strange stuff to them. and the good thing was it was represented so simply that a lot of these moves were easy to pull off and the engine hid most of the complications. i wish i could see GOW to compare!!!! if only this was done mk style.....then shaolin monks and mk would be perfect...but the mk series would die before then and would be ressurected like 20 years later.
and i know something we haven't covered and ideas that wasn't so borrowed from other games. has anyone attempted.....WS(when skidding on ice) or double-over stagger stun where only mids will connect but will break the animation whereas sweeps regardless of whether it causes a trip in normal state causes them to fall over in unique fetal state position in which the person is curled up and takes less damage from hits than low throws. however if left unwounded it would induce recovery state where the person kneels over but the plus is it can put you into sprint or run following this but a rising kick or rising sweep would cause extra damage. also the person is throwable but he/she can escape. in WS, a tackle is easy to do and does 140% damage than normal. also projectiles can be shot on the fly in succession but have a higher miss rate. or aerial attack that allows you to hit standing opponents or a self launcher that allows you to use your aerial arsenal more because its a pop up that launches you up too and you can pull off a special aerial special move like scorpion runs and flying kicks the enemy who flies up into the air with him. he fires out a spear and pulls the enemy toward him and into his mugai ryu which impales the enemy and then pushes the enemy back overall 20% damage. or an aerial reversal like grabbing a flying kick and slamming a person into the ground. ambitious-yes. accomplishable-why not?
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