06/18/2014 04:18 AM (UTC)
I liked Stryker in MK3-MKT and MKA. :(
Hahahaha wow..alright then. I guess I just hate her character from MK9. Oh well. Doesn't change the fact I really doubt they'd include her. That's just how much they care. There's easily 10 other characters people would rather see, or to play as. I don't want her whole existence to be scrapped but come on, her in MK9 was so disappointing. If they really cared to do something with her, they would have her walk into a room to get the shit kicked out of her. Sheeva's ending was the kindest thing they've ever done to her. I would be okay for her to be a back ground character where she does have a great story. But as in a playable for MKX, I don't see it. Build her character there, have her be the queen of Australia. She can return when the game needs her to fight. But what i'm saying is, have a different fucking Shokan because they're cool. They can make an actual start of a story for him, not being Shao Khan errand girl who gets beat up. Have a Shokan that is separate from Kahn in Outworld. I really want Sheeva out because her i'd honestly rather have a male Shokan. They'd make him look cooler than a bruiting female. Her alt and JAX007's Sheeva are great designs, don't get me wrong. But I want another Shokan design mainly.
06/18/2014 04:29 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:

I completely agree with you, but if MK9 wasn't enough of a chance, what is? They improved so many of the MK3 characters, and Sheeva was still wack. How many chances does she get? How many times does NRS need to step up to bat, swing and miss, while other characters are excluded?

It took Stryker up to MK9 before he got decent recognition.

It's only recently that Shinnok is receiving better recognition.

For the record, the only remnants I see of NRS doing something better for Sheeva is her MK9 ending, which I feel holds great potential.

Clearly, you care very little for the character, so you don't care whether or not she returns. As for me, I hate the shit out of Hsu Hao, but I'd gladly welcome him if he was to be included in another MK game, if it means he could receive further development.

Hell, Scorpion is my least favorite character, but I hold out for every game he's in, in the hopes that his story develops beyond his played out revenge trip.

To answer your question, you get back into the batting cage and you keep practicing until you get a hit. Then you practice some more.
Icebaby Wrote:
Yeah, let's make ANOTHER Shokan character despite two of the three have been undeveloped in a painful way. /sarcasm.

Yeah, let's just completely scrap Sheeva because apparently she has no fans and isn't that much of a likable character /sarcasm.

People obviously will notice her missing if Netherrealm Studios just so happens to toss her away without saying that. We don't need to add a new Shokan character when they have two characters that they can easily work with and fix them.

It's like, some of you really think that because she's not your favorite at all, this character has no room to come back into. That she needs to be completely scrapped because YOU don't want to play as her. I can safely say that she HAS fans and people WILL notice if she's missing all of a sudden. There was a hype for her throughout the series before Armageddon came out. So yeah, I think people will notice.

All this hate for her makes no sense. I feel like half of you don't even know her character that well at all.

Every character from MK1-UMK3 was in MK4-Deception. Sheeva wasn't I don't know if it was the four arms (oh no, it couldn't be, they added her to Armageddon. Adding her almost because, they had to, because every character comes back). So yeah, of course people will be asking for that ONE character from the old days to return, she was alright in Armageddon. But they never ever felt like adding her into a game, until they almost had to. Then hey, there's MK9, showing the story from MK1-3. So they added Sheeva again, and you see how they played her off. Her ending was great, I hope there is truth to it in MKX's story. But come on, she has fans I will give you that. Even the lowest of the low of from MKDA-Deception. They all have fans!
06/18/2014 04:38 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Every character from MK1-UMK3 was in MK4-Deception.

Stryker, Sektor, Rain, and Kintaro were also absent from the 3D era until Armageddon, with the minor exception of Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition, into which Sektor was ported.

Luckily, Stryker is no longer among the MK3 neglected, and it seems Rain is also emerging from that position.

Why is it so hard to see Sheeva emerging as well?

Seriously, why is it so hard to see that?
06/18/2014 04:40 AM (UTC)
People asked for her since MKDA when I first joined this forum.
Riyakou Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Every character from MK1-UMK3 was in MK4-Deception.

Stryker, Sektor, Rain, and Kintaro were also absent from the 3D era until Armageddon, with the minor exception of Mortal Kombat Tournament Edition, into which Sektor was ported.

Luckily, Stryker is no longer among the MK3 neglected, and it seems Rain is also emerging from that position.

Why is it so hard to see Sheeva emerging as well?

Seriously, why is it so hard to see that?

I just can't see it. If they wanted to, MK9 would have been the place. And they didn't do it. Seriously, her character is so boring. Just stop trying to convert me or do whatever you're doing. If you can see Sheeva getting more attention to character, and having a story, then that's great. I just don't see it. But you are right on those being absent from the 3D era. So yeah, pointless conversation over hopefully.
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06/18/2014 06:38 AM (UTC)
She's kinda like the T. Hawk of MK. Her presence is requested whenever everyone else is at the table. But when she sits down, nobody cares.
06/18/2014 07:34 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:

Clearly, you care very little for the character, so you don't care whether or not she returns. As for me, I hate the shit out of Hsu Hao, but I'd gladly welcome him if he was to be included in another MK game, if it means he could receive further development.

Hell, Scorpion is my least favorite character, but I hold out for every game he's in, in the hopes that his story develops beyond his played out revenge trip.

Amen. The fact that we dislike some of the characters the way they are now, doesn't mean the team can't improve them if they bring them back. I love Sheeva but I've lost hope that they will eventually do something with her.
06/18/2014 07:55 AM (UTC)
I love Sheeva.

Im realistic she's probably not going to appear in MKX.

I've pretty much given up hope that they will do something interesting with her. She was roped with Baraka and Reptile in MK9 and even though she survived the game in story I doubt that she will make it.
06/18/2014 10:20 AM (UTC)
Sheeva was just a transgender Goro I don't like her at all but I'd gladly welcone her back in MKX especially after her MK9 ending.
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06/18/2014 10:10 PM (UTC)
Its' weird because there was a time when Stryker was easily the most hated character of all time. Then he got a new look and all of a sudden he's hailed as a rock star.

Now Sheeva's randomly the most hated. Hell, I think I've seen some rank her below the likes of Hsu Hao even and we all knows he's very hated(though I kinda like him).
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

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06/19/2014 12:40 AM (UTC)
See, the thing is that her arcade ending set her up for a bolder storyline, so I hope we see her and what becomes of her since her master is just about dead.
06/19/2014 01:21 AM (UTC)
J-spit Wrote:
See, the thing is that her arcade ending set her up for a bolder storyline, so I hope we see her and what becomes of her since her master is just about dead.

I think a Shokan sub plot is in order.

It would be a great development to explore the royal aspect of the Shokan species, especially considering it'll present Kintaro in a deeper light. Surely, he wishes be more than a lowly Tigrar-Shokan.

It might explain why seems much more loyal to Shao Kahn than Goro and Sheeva. He may feel neglected by the Draco-Shokans, and being a soldier for Shao Kahn was probably the only thing to give him a sense of meaning.

While Goro probably thinks little of Kintaro, due to his position as prince, I'm sure Sheeva has a different view on it.
06/19/2014 01:27 AM (UTC)
Shadaloo Wrote:
She's kinda like the T. Hawk of MK. Her presence is requested whenever everyone else is at the table. But when she sits down, nobody cares.

Sums it up quite nicely.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

06/19/2014 02:05 AM (UTC)
I think Sheeva's more of the nerdy girl in high school that no one ever paid any attention too. But just wait, the day will come where she'll show up to the reunion hotter than ever.
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
06/19/2014 02:16 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Most likely no if that leak/rumor is anything to go by. Which bums me out.

I love Sheeva but they just can't get her gameplay right, Twice now she's been presented as slow and awkward to play with the focus on damage/grapples without thinking about her speed which makes her slow and shit tier in 9.

I resent this. I wish I could get testimonials from people who've played against my Sheeva. The butthurt....I relished in surprising my foes with a combo-heavy high damage Sheeva.
Hey if you can play a great Sheeva I..envy you and respect you lol

I just could not get behind how she played. She felt like she was missing that one great thing that would've made her better.
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Twilight Muthafuckin' Sparkle

Sig by TheCypher
06/19/2014 03:42 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Hey if you can play a great Sheeva I..envy you and respect you lol

I just could not get behind how she played. She felt like she was missing that one great thing that would've made her better.

I concede that she's handicapped in the speed and mixup department, but if you know how to fake people out with tele-stomps, and punish with her basic punch combos (only juggles, trust me), you're in. Not only that, but the long leg kick is good for punishing a whiffed wakeup attack or pressuring an idiotic opponent who doesn't attempt wakeup specials in the first place.

Seriously, Sheeva and Jax are my mains in MK9. They even pushed Sub-Zero out of my main circle.
06/19/2014 05:13 AM (UTC)
I hope she doesn't come back.
06/19/2014 08:48 AM (UTC)
Ion3008 Wrote:
Hey if you can play a great Sheeva I..envy you and respect you lol

I just could not get behind how she played. She felt like she was missing that one great thing that would've made her better.

Gimme your PS3 name ;)
Sheeva ar nej.
06/19/2014 09:43 AM (UTC)
Fuck no.
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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06/19/2014 09:59 AM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
I think Sheeva's more of the nerdy girl in high school that no one ever paid any attention too. But just wait, the day will come where she'll show up to the reunion hotter than ever.

Yes and go back to Johnny cages hotel room only to break up he and Sonya's marriage after she finds out... You go sheeva gurl
06/19/2014 10:00 AM (UTC)
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