06/17/2014 08:13 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Can someone explain to me why Sheeva deserves attention? I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I legitimately think she's one of the worst and laziest MK characters. What do you see in her that can be elaborated on?

Sorry, only people with bits of creativity can see that.

You obviously don't possess any such magic, so shoosh, crawl back to your Scorpions and Reptiles! tongue
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MK Khronology: 58.49% complete...
06/17/2014 08:17 PM (UTC)
Rain got heavy exposure in Armageddon, and MK9 fleshed out his history.
Tanya's entire reason for existing is to be a thorn in people's sides and fuck them over. She was a major part of MK4.

Sheeva's plot revolves around the injustices perpetuated on the Shokan race by Kahn in favor of the Centaurs. In order for her to get any kind of meaningful development, MKX would have to bring focus on the Shokan after Kahn's death within Story mode. With all the other stuff going on, like Shinnok's invasion, I don't see it happening, but I'd love it if she were to make a cameo that addresses how the race is faring after Kahn's death. It would also have to address the Centaurs themselves, who'll probably never have a real reason to be given forefront plot exposure again with Motaro being dead/out of bounds for use.

It would probably just be simpler to give her a whole new raison d'etre. I'd like to see her ruling Australia after the 25 year period.
06/17/2014 08:22 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Can someone explain to me why Sheeva deserves attention? I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I legitimately think she's one of the worst and laziest MK characters. What do you see in her that can be elaborated on?

Sorry, only people with bits of creativity can see that.

You obviously don't possess any such magic, so shoosh, crawl back to your Scorpions and Reptiles! tongue

Haha, I'm not even a ninja fan. I like them, but Kenshi and Cage might be my runner up favorites. What I'm saying with Sheeva is she is basically a complete teardown. Her moves are boring, her look is that of a half-naked, deformed, female bodybuilder, and she has no personality. Any Sheeva they make is going to be a completely different Sheeva, and might as well be a brand new character altogether. Kudos to those that like her though.
06/17/2014 08:26 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
DVorah Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Can someone explain to me why Sheeva deserves attention? I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I legitimately think she's one of the worst and laziest MK characters. What do you see in her that can be elaborated on?

Sorry, only people with bits of creativity can see that.

You obviously don't possess any such magic, so shoosh, crawl back to your Scorpions and Reptiles! tongue

Haha, I'm not even a ninja fan. I like them, but Kenshi and Cage might be my runner up favorites. What I'm saying with Sheeva is she is basically a complete teardown. Her moves are boring, her look is that of a half-naked, deformed, female bodybuilder, and she has no personality. Any Sheeva they make is going to be a completely different Sheeva, and might as well be a brand new character altogether. Kudos to those that like her though.

Well deerie, sweety, honnypie, candybar.

Sheeva has fans (OMG YA'LL ITS A FREAKING MIRACLE) out there so it would be unfair to them to just replace Sheeva with another character...

I'd like to see Sheeva back if she:

- Has an interesting storyline this time around, being good and all maybe helps her escape the endless body-guard role she was always enslaved in... I really liked her ending in mortal kombat 9 with the Australia thing going on, hope that is true.

- Actually wears some freaking clothes! Cool armor or whatever is also good, but not the silly comedy-movie bathsuit she wore in MK9...
I know many people jerk off on monster/animal sex, but please leave Sheeva out of that annoying fetish shit! Sheeva is a honerable shokan women, not a freaking sex symbol that little pervert boys use to get their tiny little dicks wet on...!

Well that would be enough really, I'm not really hating on Sheeva to begin with, just what Ed Boon does to that Brienne from Tarth from Mortal Kombat.

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06/17/2014 08:35 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:Sheeva has fans (OMG YA'LL ITS A FREAKING MIRACLE) out there so it would be unfair to them to just replace Sheeva with another character...

Kobra has a fanbase, dear God does that mean he's coming back?

Of course every character has their own followings, but I think it's fair that the ones with larger followings (Scorpion, Reptile) have priority over them.
06/17/2014 08:38 PM (UTC)
Yes and so these characters are endlessly trapped in the void because people are short-minded and have their mind set on Ryu, Ken, Wolverine, Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

Other characters have never a real good chance to be popular in this boring way.

I wished more people were as creative as myself. It feels kinda lonely and cold at the top...
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/17/2014 08:44 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I wished more people were as creative as myself. It feels kinda lonely and cold at the top...

I love your arrogance. But creativity has nothing to do with preference.
06/17/2014 08:53 PM (UTC)
I think it does.

The overal boring SOCCER-fan only has a small brain, he can only like one character at one time, mostly this will be the Wolverine of the series, an overused character that gets all the attention.

Me and my kin, we think differently, we give ALL The characters a chance, instead of just the overused, out-milked, overfucked ones.

A soccer-fan just likes wolverine for his claws and GRAAWWWAAA-niveau... I like characters because I dig into their beings, not because the whole world likes them.
I just hate sheep it seems... :S
06/17/2014 09:03 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Can someone explain to me why Sheeva deserves attention? I'm not trying to be argumentative, but I legitimately think she's one of the worst and laziest MK characters. What do you see in her that can be elaborated on?

That is exactly the point!

The fact that she is one of the worst and laziest MK characters is the very reason she deserves to be further developed. When you write a story, and the first draft is bad, do you throw the story away? NO! You write it again, and you make it better.

Sheeva will always be a bad character unless someone decides to make her better.
06/17/2014 09:21 PM (UTC)
I like Sheeva. But I didn't like her appearance in MK9. She didn't look like a fierce woman of the Shokan race. Her appearance in MK Armageddon was AWESOME! And should she return, I hope she will look more like that than the noodle-armed skinny and ugly version she was in MK9.

She's a monster! And she should look like one, imo.

06/17/2014 09:32 PM (UTC)
Wow, I never noticed just how toned down she became in MK9.

In comparison to this, the noodle-arm reference is right on the money. I wonder why NRS abandoned this hulking version of the character?
06/17/2014 09:33 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I think it does.

The overal boring SOCCER-fan only has a small brain, he can only like one character at one time, mostly this will be the Wolverine of the series, an overused character that gets all the attention.

Me and my kin, we think differently, we give ALL The characters a chance, instead of just the overused, out-milked, overfucked ones.

A soccer-fan just likes wolverine for his claws and GRAAWWWAAA-niveau... I like characters because I dig into their beings, not because the whole world likes them.

I just hate sheep it seems... :S

How do you exercise your creativity outside of cheerleading obscure characters, because I'm not sure that qualifies. And I can get behind the fact that she needs the attention and that you don't stop after a first draft. But sometimes, the first draft is so bad you label it a sunk cost and move on.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/17/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I think it does.

The overal boring SOCCER-fan only has a small brain, he can only like one character at one time, mostly this will be the Wolverine of the series, an overused character that gets all the attention.

Me and my kin, we think differently, we give ALL The characters a chance, instead of just the overused, out-milked, overfucked ones.

A soccer-fan just likes wolverine for his claws and GRAAWWWAAA-niveau... I like characters because I dig into their beings, not because the whole world likes them.

I just hate sheep it seems... :S

>muh elitism, like obscure characters
>muh so not mainstream
>muh kin
>muh SOCCER fans
>fucking sheeple

*tips fedora*

06/17/2014 09:43 PM (UTC)
Can we keep a sober tone in here and not point fingers at eachother and call eachother names? Please.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/17/2014 09:44 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Can we keep a sober tone in here and not point fingers at eachother and call eachother names? Please.

Question is, do you like soccer? Its relevant somehow.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/17/2014 09:44 PM (UTC)
DVorah Wrote:
I like characters because I dig into their beings, not because the whole world likes them.

Yes, I like Scorpion because the world likes him, you caught me. Not that I have an opinion of my own, that couldn't possibly be the case.
06/17/2014 09:46 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:

How do you exercise your creativity outside of cheerleading obscure characters?

And I can get behind the fact that she needs the attention and that you don't stop after a first draft. But sometimes, the first draft is so bad you label it a sunk cost and move on.

If you are not willing to see the character in a better light, don't complain about the light she's in.

Any character can become a good one, even one as poor as Hsu Hao. All it takes is the effort to make it happen. The refusal to develop a bad character into a good one is just a show of laziness, to me at least.

It takes much more effort to redeem a character than it does to sustain one. This is probably the reason Sheeva and many others have not received adequate attention.

06/17/2014 09:49 PM (UTC)
HSU HAO 4 LYFE - what you fake fans no bout that? Why does everyone feel so obligated to these old, and relatively pointless characters though? Why would we want to see Hsu Hao again? Like Sheeva, there is nothing redeeming about him. If I could get a new, fresh character, or Hsu Hao or Sheeva, I'd rather take my chances with the new character that has the potential to get on the level of a Reptile or a Baraka. Trying to make a great character out of Sheeva is like trying to build a big house on a faulty foundation.
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"Pray for the Kahn's Mercy"

06/17/2014 09:52 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
HSU HAO 4 LYFE - what you fake fans no bout that?

Well I'm pretty sure I'm all Kobra's got, so if Hsu Hao gets a fan club, I demand Kobra does too
06/17/2014 09:55 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
fake fans

I'm curious to know what you mean by this.
06/17/2014 09:57 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
fake fans

I'm curious to know what you mean by this.

I was being sarcastic, imitating D'Vorah for insinuating that unless you like an obscure (read: shitty) character, you are either brainwashed or not a true fan.
06/17/2014 10:05 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
fake fans

I'm curious to know what you mean by this.

I was being sarcastic, imitating D'Vorah for insinuating that unless you like an obscure (read: shitty) character, you are either brainwashed or not a true fan.

Oh okay, because I was afraid you actually meant that no one could be a fan of such obscure characters. But yes, there are rather zealous fans who make these generalizations to defend their fandom, but there are bad apples on both sides. Many of the fans of the more popular characters feel they have more right to pick on fans of the lesser popular characters, for example, which they of course don't. And that's when the mud-throwing commence.

So instead of continueing this unnecessary feud and name-calling, let's discuss Sheeva instead. Some like her, some do not - let's respect eachothers' opinions and discuss them without being nasty to one another.
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06/17/2014 10:06 PM (UTC)
And once again a thread has become a cluster Fu@% of insults instead of staying on topic..

Can we all just agree to disagree?!

Yes, every one has fans.. hell Im sure even Mokap has some random obscure fan.. People like whoever they are going to like.. Because of how NRS has handled Sheeva (giving her a bland unchanging story and not keeping her interesting to most people) and because the majority of fans have reacted negatively to it, its not very likely that she will make the cut in MKX

That being said. I have been a Human Smoke fan since MK2... and I waited well over a decade to see him human again.. Considering Shokans have a very long life span, chances are she will make it into another MK game in the future no matter if there is a 25 or even 50 year jump in the games stories.
06/17/2014 10:07 PM (UTC)
I apologize, I wasn't attempting to be nasty, I just was surprised Sheeva had fans and wanted to know specifically what they were fans of. The only thing I heard was that "She's shitty and should be better" and "If you don't like Sheeva you aren't on "our" level."
06/17/2014 10:13 PM (UTC)
in all seriousness...

Smoke's better.
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