06/17/2014 10:46 PM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
I apologize, I wasn't attempting to be nasty, I just was surprised Sheeva had fans and wanted to know specifically what they were fans of. The only thing I heard was that "She's shitty and should be better" and "If you don't like Sheeva you aren't on "our" level."

This is not about fandom for me.

I am not a fan of Sheeva; I simply believe she deserves a shot at greater development, especially considering her MK9 ending.

You say you'd rather have a new character, but have you not noticed what happens to most of them? They get left in the dust.

I've grown tired of watching characters get thrown in the dust.
06/17/2014 10:48 PM (UTC)
I want her back, and for her MK9 ending to be partially canon, with her becoming an ally of Earth. I feel her deserting Outworld could lead to interesting storylines, including tension between her and one or both of the other two Shokan.
Most likely no if that leak/rumor is anything to go by. Which bums me out.

I love Sheeva but they just can't get her gameplay right, Twice now she's been presented as slow and awkward to play with the focus on damage/grapples without thinking about her speed which makes her slow and shit tier in 9.

I guess she's one of those characters that will always get the bad end of the deal whenever she's in something.

But hey at least they won't kill her offscreen again right? She'll probably come back in a future game..or maybe she'll get a hero's death in X. Because they didn't kill her in 9 they'll always have the possibility of using her again.

Surely she'll be fine..
06/17/2014 10:50 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I love Sheeva, but the writers have no idea what to do with her now that there's nothing for her to protect. She's originally Sindel's royal protector and now she's go nothing to do. So I say actually give her a purpose and make it where she's not a punching bag throughout the damn game. She's honestly not a bad character once you actually give them a chance. She was the third character I played in Mortal Kombat 3. She's just a character that needs direction, that's really all she's missing.

I feel like this post got ignored, so I'm repeating it. Really, any character, whether they're crap or not, can have a better direction when written better. I get it, they wanted to throw in a playable Shokan character for show and hardly did anything with her. They showcased Goro more than her, and got more attention than her, thus having her be completely pointless to the series. These guys just need to stop putting in characters just for punching bags and actually have a point in putting them in there. That's really all that there is in fixing her character.

And can we stop with these insults? I see no reason why people need to start name calling other people to make a point. You basically lose the point you're trying to make when you start using them, knock it off.
06/17/2014 10:59 PM (UTC)
No, she won't be in MKX. I'm surprised people hate her that much, I find her interesting and like the fact she is so honourable and proud. It's a shame because a few lines of dialogue with Sonya or Kitana about that contradiction of being honourable and serving Shao Khan would have help so much to give some insight about her, and it would have taken less than one minute, but hey, the guys made Reptile mute, so at least it's not something personal.

Also, it wouldn't be hard to have her in the next storyline, Shinnok plans to invade Outworld as well, so she can always be there to fight against that. I know she won't, we'll probably won't see her again for a long time, but I don't think she is a bad character, she is just underveloped.
06/17/2014 10:59 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
I apologize, I wasn't attempting to be nasty, I just was surprised Sheeva had fans and wanted to know specifically what they were fans of. The only thing I heard was that "She's shitty and should be better" and "If you don't like Sheeva you aren't on "our" level."

This is not about fandom for me.

I am not a fan of Sheeva; I simply believe she deserves a shot at greater development, especially considering her MK9 ending.

You say you'd rather have a new character, but have you not noticed what happens to most of them? They get left in the dust.

I've grown tired of watching characters get thrown in the dust.

I absolutely agree. NRS (when they with Midway) was their own worst enemy. There are a lot of reasons for why those characters are not good or memorable, or just plain ripoffs (Kobra). Time and money was extremely limited at Midway, so there was a lot of half-assing. Does that mean I want to see Kobra again now that they might be able to make him interesting? Hell no. The new characters they've revealed so far are already miles ahead of the likes of Sheeva, Hso Hao, Kobra, Kira and we don't know a single thing about them.

I want to see more of their output right now than I'd like to see them damage control characters they never cared that much about in the first place, personally. NRS is at a different level now than they were when they conceived of all those red-headed step children. They shouldn't have to be bound to their past mistakes because there are a handful of people who can't stand the idea that not ever character is worthwhile in the series. All of that said, they could find a really interesting place for her at Goro's side during the impending Edenian war that goes down in the MK4 story. I'm just wary of them bringing her back if they don't actually have a use for her. You'd think if they were inspired by her they would have figured something out by now.
06/17/2014 10:59 PM (UTC)
Top 5 worst characters in MK ever so nope!
06/18/2014 12:35 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:

I absolutely agree. NRS (when they with Midway) was their own worst enemy. There are a lot of reasons for why those characters are not good or memorable, or just plain ripoffs (Kobra). Time and money was extremely limited at Midway, so there was a lot of half-assing. Does that mean I want to see Kobra again now that they might be able to make him interesting? Hell no. The new characters they've revealed so far are already miles ahead of the likes of Sheeva, Hso Hao, Kobra, Kira and we don't know a single thing about them.

I want to see more of their output right now than I'd like to see them damage control characters they never cared that much about in the first place, personally. NRS is at a different level now than they were when they conceived of all those red-headed step children. They shouldn't have to be bound to their past mistakes because there are a handful of people who can't stand the idea that not ever character is worthwhile in the series.

All of that said, they could find a really interesting place for her at Goro's side during the impending Edenian war that goes down in the MK4 story. I'm just wary of them bringing her back if they don't actually have a use for her. You'd think if they were inspired by her they would have figured something out by now.

Scorpion has had the same story for over 20 years; don't come to me about lack of use.

Sonya and Jax, though iconic, has had only moderate character development. Liu Kang, much like Scorpion, has had the same story for over 20 years. Noob Saibot didn't get an actual story until Deception.

What on Earth makes any of these characters better than Sheeva?
06/18/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
Appeal really. They are all more appealing than Sheeva, at least in my opinion, though I wouldn't defend their storylines either. All of those are characters that people would say define what MK is. Sheeva doesn't even come close to approaching that. Scorpion has an awesome design and interesting special moves, even a nice catchphrase. Sheeva has none of those. Her entire identity is "female Shokan", it's thin and uninteresting. She's bottom of the barrel creativity, in her essence, at least to me. If people like playing as her, awesome. But if the question is, do I hope Sheeva is in MKX, no. And I don't think there's anything that can be done to make her interesting enough to me that would warrant her space on the roster. I'd be very happy to be proven wrong though, and I'll be the first person to admit it if they can redeem her. At one point Reptile was literal combination of Scorpion and Sub-Zero, so maybe they'll do it again.
06/18/2014 12:58 AM (UTC)
Female Shokan...

06/18/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)

Sheeva isn't the most popular character but I like her. She just has no character development, but that's the problem with a lot of the characters. I don't think Sheeva should just be forgotten. She needs to pop up occasionally. It doesn't have to be anything major or important, but if there's a story with the Shokans, Sheeva should be there. Same with Goro. I would like Kintaro better if they didn't make him look ridiculous is MK9.

06/18/2014 01:13 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Appeal really. They are all more appealing than Sheeva, at least in my opinion, though I wouldn't defend their storylines either. All of those are characters that people would say define what MK is. Sheeva doesn't even come close to approaching that. Scorpion has an awesome design and interesting special moves, even a nice catchphrase. Sheeva has none of those. Her entire identity is "female Shokan", it's thin and uninteresting. She's bottom of the barrel creativity, in her essence, at least to me. If people like playing as her, awesome. But if the question is, do I hope Sheeva is in MKX, no. And I don't think there's anything that can be done to make her interesting enough to me that would warrant her space on the roster. I'd be very happy to be proven wrong though, and I'll be the first person to admit it if they can redeem her. At one point Reptile was literal combination of Scorpion and Sub-Zero, so maybe they'll do it again.

Yeah, it's the same with the shotoclones in Street Fighter. Copies of the same generic design, yet it somehow works. I have no idea why.
06/18/2014 01:16 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Sheeva doesn't even come close to approaching that.

I wonder why.

It's not because she's a bad character. It's because she was never given the opportunity to be a good one. This has nothing to do with appeal. Scorpion's just a mascot. His 'appeal' is being familiar, as is with many of the MK icons.

There is no legitimate reason for why Sheeva shouldn't be given better development. It is a shame that she will likely never receive it.
06/18/2014 01:21 AM (UTC)
Scorpion has been popular since MK1, before he even had time to become familiar. He takes off his mask and has a skull for a head. He breathes fire. He's undead. That's different, it speaks to people. It's memorable. It has nothing to do with being familiar. He's familiar because he's great. He's not great because he's familiar.
06/18/2014 01:24 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Scorpion has been popular since MK1, before he even had time to become familiar. He takes off his mask and has a skull for a head. He breathes fire. He's undead. That's different, it speaks to people. It's memorable. It has nothing to do with being familiar. He's familiar because he's great. He's not great because he's familiar.

Scorpion is basically just a ninja version of Ghost Rider. But yeah, people seem to like that.
Sheeva is cool and all, but a waste of a slot for MKX. She was one of the very last to be confirmed in MK9. She needed to be in that game, not this one. They really should make a brand new Shokan character for this game.
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-Courtesy of TheCypher-

06/18/2014 01:35 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
It's not because she's a bad character. It's because she was never given the opportunity to be a good one. This has nothing to do with appeal. Scorpion's just a mascot. His 'appeal' is being familiar, as is with many of the MK icons.

There's a reason he is the mascot, he's been appealing to the fans since the first game. Whether Sheeva becomes a fan favorite or not isn't the dev team's fault, it's on us. It's not like she's a bad character, she's just been uninteresting to me and most people, and it would take a lot for that to change.

So I'd rather they move on to new things than try to revamp and recycle old characters. I know it sucks if you're a Sheeva fan but the reality is there's too many characters and not enough slots. I understand as well, see I'm in a few minority fanbases of characters in MKDA-MKD yet I likely won't see them playable in the future. (or at least the near future)
06/18/2014 01:39 AM (UTC)
JaymzHetfield Wrote:
Scorpion has been popular since MK1, before he even had time to become familiar. He takes off his mask and has a skull for a head. He breathes fire. He's undead. That's different, it speaks to people. It's memorable. It has nothing to do with being familiar. He's familiar because he's great. He's not great because he's familiar.

I very much beg to differ.

He's not the first fictional character to breath fire through a skull, as JR pointed out.
06/18/2014 01:43 AM (UTC)
I'm a big fan of Kunimitsu from Tekken, been so since the first Tekken, but I really fell for her in Tekken 2... but she has only been in the Tekken Tag games since then, not being part of the main series after Tekken 2. Besides Nina, Kunimitsu is my go-to character, and I love what they did with her in Tekken Tag 2.

Before Tekken Tag 2, people disregarded Kunimitsu though. They said she was just a female Yoshimitsu, she had no interesting story or moves of her own, and Namco decided to put her on the shelf. But then when they brought her back to Tekken Tag 2, they renewed her design and movelist - she basically got a new chance, making her into something more than just a female Yoshimitsu... And I believe she was one of the most requested characters for their recent game, Tekken Revolution, BECAUSE of that.

Kunimitsu was in the same position as Sheeva, but Namco proved that they could take a character the majority found uninteresting and MAKE it interesting! If NRS wanted to do the same, then they could!
06/18/2014 02:14 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Sheeva is cool and all, but a waste of a slot for MKX. She was one of the very last to be confirmed in MK9. She needed to be in that game, not this one. They really should make a brand new Shokan character for this game.

That's a terrible idea. Why add more shokans, when they haven't developed 2 of the 3 they've had?
diirecthit Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Sheeva is cool and all, but a waste of a slot for MKX. She was one of the very last to be confirmed in MK9. She needed to be in that game, not this one. They really should make a brand new Shokan character for this game.

That's a terrible idea. Why add more shokans, when they haven't developed 2 of the 3 they've had?

Because Sheeva is already terrible, Goro and Kintaro are sub-bosses. I'm talking making a Shokan that is actually a well designed and thought out character. Sheeva is easily one of the most throw away characters in MK that offer nothing to the story and hadn't for 20 years. They try and make her a story, but you see that don't want to branch out and give her one. She's that bad.
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06/18/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
Sheeva is cool and all, but a waste of a slot for MKX. She was one of the very last to be confirmed in MK9. She needed to be in that game, not this one. They really should make a brand new Shokan character for this game.

That's a terrible idea. Why add more shokans, when they haven't developed 2 of the 3 they've had?

Because Sheeva is already terrible, Goro and Kintaro are sub-bosses. I'm talking making a Shokan that is actually a well designed and thought out character. Sheeva is easily one of the most throw away characters in MK that offer nothing to the story and hadn't for 20 years. They try and make her a story, but you see that don't want to branch out and give her one. She's that bad.

Oh give me a break. SHE'S A CHARACTER. You're acting like she's to blame. It's up to, you know, the people who created her to do something interesting with her. And Sheeva's not bad, she's just underused and is another boring henchmen at the end of the day, but that's not her fault.

Sheeva can be a badass and do a complete 180, but that's for Neatherealm Studios to fix, not her.
06/18/2014 03:53 AM (UTC)
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
That's a terrible idea. Why add more shokans, when they haven't developed 2 of the 3 they've had?
Because Sheeva is already terrible, Goro and Kintaro are sub-bosses. I'm talking making a Shokan that is actually a well designed and thought out character. Sheeva is easily one of the most throw away characters in MK that offer nothing to the story and hadn't for 20 years. They try and make her a story, but you see that don't want to branch out and give her one. She's that bad.

The same was said about Stryker.

The same was also said about Kabal, Nightwolf, all three cyber ninjas, and every new character in MK4. All of them were given their opportunity to become something better.

Let's be real. Stryker was shit. He was complete shit. No one ever expected him to become anything better, but the developers gave him the opportunity in MK9. Now he's become so much better.

No one thought we'd ever see Kabal or Nightwolf ever again, but they both shined greatly in Deception, as did Ermac.

Look at Shinnok, the shittiest of all bosses, slowly becoming a grand figure.

Sheeva is no different. She deserves a chance.
06/18/2014 04:03 AM (UTC)
Yeah, let's make ANOTHER Shokan character despite two of the three have been undeveloped in a painful way. /sarcasm.

Yeah, let's just completely scrap Sheeva because apparently she has no fans and isn't that much of a likable character /sarcasm.

People obviously will notice her missing if Netherrealm Studios just so happens to toss her away without saying that. We don't need to add a new Shokan character when they have two characters that they can easily work with and fix them.

It's like, some of you really think that because she's not your favorite at all, this character has no room to come back into. That she needs to be completely scrapped because YOU don't want to play as her. I can safely say that she HAS fans and people WILL notice if she's missing all of a sudden. There was a hype for her throughout the series before Armageddon came out. So yeah, I think people will notice.

All this hate for her makes no sense. I feel like half of you don't even know her character that well at all.
06/18/2014 04:16 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Mobster_For_SATAN Wrote:
That's a terrible idea. Why add more shokans, when they haven't developed 2 of the 3 they've had?
Because Sheeva is already terrible, Goro and Kintaro are sub-bosses. I'm talking making a Shokan that is actually a well designed and thought out character. Sheeva is easily one of the most throw away characters in MK that offer nothing to the story and hadn't for 20 years. They try and make her a story, but you see that don't want to branch out and give her one. She's that bad.

The same was said about Stryker.

The same was also said about Kabal, Nightwolf, all three cyber ninjas, and every new character in MK4. All of them were given their opportunity to become something better.

Let's be real. Stryker was shit. He was complete shit. No one ever expected him to become anything better, but the developers gave him the opportunity in MK9. Now he's become so much better.

No one thought we'd ever see Kabal or Nightwolf ever again, but they both shined greatly in Deception, as did Ermac.

Look at Shinnok, the shittiest of all bosses, slowly becoming a grand figure.

Sheeva is no different. She deserves a chance.

I completely agree with you, but if MK9 wasn't enough of a chance, what is? They improved so many of the MK3 characters, and Sheeva was still wack. How many chances does she get? How many times does NRS need to step up to bat, swing and miss, while other characters are excluded?
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