08/01/2014 09:46 PM (UTC)
Facial textures have definitely improved. Looks way better. Is she doing a wink under those glasses? I can't really see.
08/01/2014 09:59 PM (UTC)
What's sad (but in a good way) is that when she looks over her shoulder, I can actually see a little Johnny in her expression. Wow.

Bravo, NRS. Your attempt to show familial resemblence has clearly succeeded, at least imo.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

08/01/2014 10:23 PM (UTC)
Looks great but I figured as much that they'd get better with time.

If you compare MK9's released characters with the 2010 E3 previewed ones, you'll notice the polishing. Sub's vs render is a great example.
08/02/2014 01:46 AM (UTC)
Thus far I don't give two shits for Cassie Cage. She is the LEAST favorite new character of mine.
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

08/02/2014 01:00 PM (UTC)
I like her mainly because she's the perfect balance of her parents. Such a great mixture that I wouldn't miss her parents if they failed to show.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

08/02/2014 03:19 PM (UTC)
Tbh I feel like we're comparing apples and oranges here. I don't think its fair to compare characters from MKD/MKA to characters from MKX.

Look at the gameplay for MKX. The game mechanics for this game is miles ahead of what we got from MKD/MKA. These chatcters are clearly being more thought out (even if they are inspired by other games and pop culture) than the likes of characters like Kira, Darrius, Shujinko, Taven etc. On top of that each and EVERY character will have 3 variations to choose from,I mean C'mon!

Pretty much after MKDA, they dropped the ball. Hard. That ball left a big hole in the ground when they dropped it. The only characters from those games that were remotely interesting gameplay wise was Havik, Hotaru and maybe Kobra(fighting style was kinda fun to play). All the rest including Kira, are generic and uninspired. Shao Khan will look at those games and go "THAT WAS PATHETIC"

So in a nutshell:
Kira= Kano's pupil with generic moves both from him and Sonya
Cassie Cage= Sonya and Johnny Cage's daughter with moves while inspired by those 2 (duh) are her OWN. No contest.
08/03/2014 05:00 AM (UTC)
That gif looks a little Lara Croft-ish, with the shades and the blowing of the gun barrel.

I dig.
09/21/2014 10:01 PM (UTC)
I assume Sonya Blade was rumoured to have been abducted during a classified assignment. She was attempting to find out why Cassie unusually violated laws and went rogue on a case, before they could unite. Unknown to Cassie this was something to do with Sonya being one of Kira's adversaries, which is later learned. Cassie was led to think her mother was deceased but after complex investigating realises the truth. Can Cassie save her parent or will she fail ?
09/21/2014 10:21 PM (UTC)
DAHK9 Wrote:
Sonya Blade is rumoured to be kidnapped during a mission. She was attempting to find out why Cassie violated laws and went rogue on a vital case, before she could reunite forces with her daughter. Unknown to Cassie this was something to do with Sonya being one of kira's bitter adversaries, which is later learned. Cassie was led to think her mother was deceased but later learns, after complex investigating otherwise from her father Johnny Cage. Can Cassie save her parent or will she fail ?

And how this is related to the theme of the topic...?

I guess, you've went into the wrong subforum. Fan Submissions subforum is in another place here.
09/24/2014 08:18 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
In other news, a GIF a la NRS's Tumblr...

She's such a badass.

A little bit of Sonya, a little bit of Johnny, a good about of herself.

Cassie has already been well received and her gameplay is nothing like a "clone" like Kira was.

Mojo6 Wrote:

Hahaha! Love it.

PS: I love Kira's design and her original story in MKD. Too bad about her character gameplay, etc.

Toxik Wrote:

I don't have a problem with Cassie, I just find it hypocrital that Cassie gets an easier pass than Kira.

I highly disagree with this.

As many others have already established, Cassie gets "an easier pass" not only because it makes sense for her to have similar moves, but, because of the very fact that Cassie already is, 100% her own character in looks and gameplay. She plays homage and little nods to her parents, but, she does it in her own way.

Sonya's and Johnny's main moves and iconic style are still not cloned in her. I'm guessing they know this very well because they planned to have the 3 of them in the same game from the very beginning. They kept Cassie fresh despite having her share similar attributes.

Kira, as much as I loved her design and her introduction to MKD, made no sense. They made her that way just because they couldn't have Sonya and Kano in the game. So, to "please" the fans. But, it backfired. Terribly.
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