07/29/2014 02:56 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
She's still be Kira 2.0

07/30/2014 01:09 PM (UTC)
No, because half of Mortal Kombat fans are dumb and blinded by the bandwagon of hating anything past MK3, but willing to swallow the slop NRS feeds them just because they're presented in a cinematic presentation and better graphics.
07/30/2014 01:10 PM (UTC)
DrgnLdy Wrote:
No, because half of Mortal Kombat fans are dumb and blinded by the bandwagon of hating anything past MK3, but willing to swallow the slop NRS feeds them just because they're presented in a cinematic presentation and better graphics.

You're contradicting your self majorly with this statement...
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07/30/2014 02:10 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
She's still be Kira 2.0


Her connection with Kira derives from the fact that her moves are not original at all. That's what I meant when I said "Kira 2.0".

Double kick = Johhny Cage's
Wheel Kick = Sonya's
Leg Grab = Sonya's
Gun Shots = See Stryker for reference.

Cassie only gets a pass because those are her parents' moves therefore people assuming her parents "taught" her those moves. Which fits in with her story. When in fact, they are just a combination of two other characters. Same as Kira.
People don't give Kira a pass because she had no blood relation to Kano/ Sonya.

I don't have a problem with Cassie, I just find it hypocrital that Cassie gets an easier pass than Kira.

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07/30/2014 02:33 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
She's still be Kira 2.0


Her connection with Kira derives from the fact that her moves are not original at all. That's what I meant when I said "Kira 2.0".

Double kick = Johhny Cage's
Wheel Kick = Sonya's
Leg Grab = Sonya's
Gun Shots = See Stryker for reference.

Cassie only gets a pass because those are her parents' moves therefore people assuming her parents "taught" her those moves. Which fits in with her story. When in fact, they are just a combination of two other characters. Same as Kira.
People don't give Kira a pass because she had no blood relation to Kano/ Sonya.

I don't have a problem with Cassie, I just find it hypocrital that Cassie gets an easier pass than Kira.

This is suuuuuuuper nitpicky. And Kira 2.0 is outright laughable man. Also Gun Shots as a reference to Stryker!?! GTFO. THAT'S WHAT GUNS DO WHEN YOU SHOOT THEM.

Cassie has variations of her parents moves which is already more original than Kira's moveset....not to mention all of her OWN unique moves aside from her Shadow Upkick and whatever else you want to say is ripped from Sonya

Man the whole cast is fradulent if we use Toxik's genralizations. Lui Kang is a rip off of Ryu because they both have Fireballs. Scorpion is just like Dhalsim because they both have teleports. Please man.
07/30/2014 03:11 PM (UTC)
Jesus H. Johnnycake Christ. This "Kira 2.0" nonsense is just too much.
We're actually comparing Cassie from completely out of nowhere to a random ten-year-old character whom she has zero in common with.
Because, as we know, nobody else in the series has ever shared or borrowed from other characters' special moves.

I don't get this place sometimes.
07/30/2014 03:14 PM (UTC)
DrgnLdy Wrote:
No, because half of Mortal Kombat fans are dumb and blinded by the bandwagon of hating anything past MK3, but willing to swallow the slop NRS feeds them just because they're presented in a cinematic presentation and better graphics.

And the funny thing is, most of MK3's new characters, Stryker especially, were once hated with a passion by the MK fanbase. MK3 used to represent everything that went wrong with the MK series as far as many fans were concerned. I wonder what happened to make them change their minds, and why they can't give more post-MK3 characters that same chance right now.

Will be we have to wait a dozen years or more before fans get over their little vendetta and suddenly become obsessed with bringing back Li Mei, Kira, Ashrah, Drahmin, Darrius etc like they are with Tanya now, who herself used to be on most MK fans' shit list?
07/30/2014 03:21 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
She's still be Kira 2.0


Her connection with Kira derives from the fact that her moves are not original at all. That's what I meant when I said "Kira 2.0".

Double kick = Johhny Cage's
Wheel Kick = Sonya's
Leg Grab = Sonya's
Gun Shots = See Stryker for reference.

Now that is just not true. Kira had identical moves to Sonya and Kano, while Cassie's moves function differently than her parents'.
Sonya had a wheel kick while Cassie has a backflip.
Cassie's leg grab can lead to a combo.
Cassie has guns because she works in SF obviously. Neither of her parents had them. Stryker might have used guns but it's not like 10 other characters used them, like fireballs. After all Stryker is gone for good so it makes sense for her to use them.
She also calls for backup and uses missiles which also neither of parents used.
My point is, overall she plays a lot differently than Sonya and Cage. Yes she might have similar moves to a few other characters, but it's only normal when you have 60+ characters in the franchise. As long as they can come up with new and interesting ways for the characters to use those powers, the fans will be happy. I know I am. And I am a huge MK fan.wink
07/30/2014 04:14 PM (UTC)
DrgnLdy Wrote:
No, because half of Mortal Kombat fans are dumb and blinded by the bandwagon of hating anything past MK3, but willing to swallow the slop NRS feeds them just because they're presented in a cinematic presentation and better graphics.

I don't get where you get off?
07/30/2014 04:51 PM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
Jesus H. Johnnycake Christ. This "Kira 2.0" nonsense is just too much.
We're actually comparing Cassie from completely out of nowhere to a random ten-year-old character whom she has zero in common with.
Because, as we know, nobody else in the series has ever shared or borrowed from other characters' special moves.

I don't get this place sometimes.

I agree with this a whole lot.

At times I feel like people don't understand the difference between identical and similar. All because Cassie was talked about how she's from both Sonya and Johnny, we're immediately rushing to the fact that she'll have the SAME EXACT moves rather than having SIMILAR moves.

There's a huge difference with that and a lot just aren't understanding that. If both Sonya and Johnny aren't playable in this game, shouldn't their kin actually have something similar from both so that the presence of these two somewhat are in the game? Why is that a bothersome to people? Why immediately jump to the conclusion she'll be received poorly like Kira, she's nothing like her.
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Check out my MK vids on my Youtube Channel


Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

07/30/2014 05:12 PM (UTC)
Bottom line imo is Kira was about 2/3 Kano from mkda and 1/3 Sonya from mkda.... Kano sucks in mkda and the suckness from him carried over to Kira in mkd. Bottom line, she is one of the worst, if not the worst char in mkd gameplay wise. That sure hasnt helped ppl like her.... Then take into consideration that she has no meaningful role in mk lore at all.... Really imo she gots to be one of the worst mk characters ever.

Now will Cassie get similare treatment from fans? Probably not..... First off its too soon to really judge her that much, but i think she actually looks very very good in her brawler variation so i think ppl will play her a lot actually thus being fans of her, plus i dont think johnny or sonya will be playable so i see hardcore johnny and sonya fans at least giving her a fair chance. Probably Stryker fans will too....

Speaking of Stryker and in reply to other post above.... Yeah i remember when Strtker was one of the most hated mk chars.... But then they made mkda and mkd and showed us some examples that suck way worse than Stryker. I think the Stryker hate was cured by them making worse chars than him lol. Even my opinion of him has changed. I dont really like him still, but i respect him more.
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07/30/2014 05:17 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Toxik Wrote:
She's still be Kira 2.0


Her connection with Kira derives from the fact that her moves are not original at all. That's what I meant when I said "Kira 2.0".

Double kick = Johhny Cage's
Wheel Kick = Sonya's
Leg Grab = Sonya's
Gun Shots = See Stryker for reference.

Cassie only gets a pass because those are her parents' moves therefore people assuming her parents "taught" her those moves. Which fits in with her story. When in fact, they are just a combination of two other characters. Same as Kira.
People don't give Kira a pass because she had no blood relation to Kano/ Sonya.

I don't have a problem with Cassie, I just find it hypocrital that Cassie gets an easier pass than Kira.

Then everyone past MK1 using a projectile is ripping off Cage, Kang and Sonya and Kano.

And seriously, C. Cage could only feature into the end portion of the story, do you really want to see 50+ Sonya who will essentially be her daughter gameplay wise?

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07/30/2014 05:20 PM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:
Cassie has variations of her parents moves which is already more original than Kira's moveset....not to mention all of her OWN unique moves aside from her Shadow Upkick and whatever else you want to say is ripped from Sonya

Man the whole cast is fradulent if we use Toxik's genralizations. Lui Kang is a rip off of Ryu because they both have Fireballs. Scorpion is just like Dhalsim because they both have teleports. Please man.

Well, is understandable that her moves will derive from her parents. My point was that.. And again... That her moves DERIVES(google: define derivative) from two other characters, just like Kira.

And by the way, I know you were trying to be funny on your last paragraph... But... No.

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07/30/2014 07:08 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:
Mojo6 Wrote:
Cassie has variations of her parents moves which is already more original than Kira's moveset....not to mention all of her OWN unique moves aside from her Shadow Upkick and whatever else you want to say is ripped from Sonya

Man the whole cast is fradulent if we use Toxik's genralizations. Lui Kang is a rip off of Ryu because they both have Fireballs. Scorpion is just like Dhalsim because they both have teleports. Please man.

Well, is understandable that her moves will derive from her parents. My point was that.. And again... That her moves DERIVES(google: define derivative) from two other characters, just like Kira.

And by the way, I know you were trying to be funny on your last paragraph... But... No.

And my point is that you're needlessly....NEEDLESSLY...over generalizing in the effort to make a bad comparison not to mention MINIMIZING Cassie's unique abilities. I mean when's the last time you saw big daddy Cage call for a fucking airstrike or Sonya beat someones ass with a retractable club?
08/01/2014 05:00 AM (UTC)
L-BowShot Wrote:
I think the Stryker hate was cured by them making worse chars than him lol.

Hardly. His appearance in MK9 wised people up more than anything.
08/01/2014 08:40 AM (UTC)
SwingBatta Wrote:
L-BowShot Wrote:
I think the Stryker hate was cured by them making worse chars than him lol.

Hardly. His appearance in MK9 wised people up more than anything.

Were you around the online forums back when MK9 was in production? Because then you'd know that people was surprised by Stryker's new look and quite a bit started to like him alot more.
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Props to MINION for making this sig.

08/01/2014 05:20 PM (UTC)
I always liked Striker from day one because A)I actually liked MK3 more of a variety of Earth characters, such as a cop and a Native American and B)I was a fat kid, and I thought it was awesome that there was a chunky character in the game.
08/01/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
L-BowShot Wrote:
I think the Stryker hate was cured by them making worse chars than him lol.

Hardly. His appearance in MK9 wised people up more than anything.

Were you around the online forums back when MK9 was in production? Because then you'd know that people was surprised by Stryker's new look and quite a bit started to like him alot more.

I thought they hated the fact that his hat was not backwards?
08/01/2014 05:40 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
SwingBatta Wrote:
L-BowShot Wrote:
I think the Stryker hate was cured by them making worse chars than him lol.

Hardly. His appearance in MK9 wised people up more than anything.

Were you around the online forums back when MK9 was in production? Because then you'd know that people was surprised by Stryker's new look and quite a bit started to like him alot more.

I thought they hated the fact that his hat was not backwards?

Hah, yeah, that was the one thing people didn't like... I'm glad it wasn't though. :P
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Check out my MK vids on my Youtube Channel


Find me on XBL GT: Icy X PSN: IcyX_88

Want to make me a sig? Something simple with Reptile elbowing in mk9 would be great :)

08/01/2014 06:31 PM (UTC)
Just was watching old vids and noticed that it was Kira in mk9 originally chained up on kahns stage.... They just swapped in Skarlet eventually.... Makes me wonder.... Is Kira in mk9 pre patches? Or did they change that before release?
08/01/2014 09:02 PM (UTC)
L-BowShot Wrote:
Just was watching old vids and noticed that it was Kira in mk9 originally chained up on kahns stage.... They just swapped in Skarlet eventually.... Makes me wonder.... Is Kira in mk9 pre patches? Or did they change that before release?

Kira was in beta MK9 (I believe,) but was put back in Kahn's Koliseum for the Vita version.

In other news, a GIF a la NRS's Tumblr...
08/01/2014 09:08 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
L-BowShot Wrote:
Just was watching old vids and noticed that it was Kira in mk9 originally chained up on kahns stage.... They just swapped in Skarlet eventually.... Makes me wonder.... Is Kira in mk9 pre patches? Or did they change that before release?

Kira was in beta MK9 (I believe,) but was put back in Kahn's Koliseum for the Vita version.

In other news, a GIF a la NRS's Tumblr...

Is it just me, or does Cassie's model look A LOT more refined in that gif that what we've previously seen of her?

Nice find, btw. smile
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

08/01/2014 09:10 PM (UTC)
Rockchalk5477 Wrote:
L-BowShot Wrote:
Just was watching old vids and noticed that it was Kira in mk9 originally chained up on kahns stage.... They just swapped in Skarlet eventually.... Makes me wonder.... Is Kira in mk9 pre patches? Or did they change that before release?

Kira was in beta MK9 (I believe,) but was put back in Kahn's Koliseum for the Vita version.

In other news, a GIF a la NRS's Tumblr...

That is so cool, easily my favourite winning pose so far!

To me it looks like they updated her model...her face looks like it got more textures..
Neck is still long. :/
08/01/2014 09:38 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure that's really a smart place for someone to holster firearms.
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