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07/26/2014 07:15 AM (UTC)
The negative response to Kira came largely after the release of MKD. The character was very positively received during development.

The only problem with Kira was her moveset. That's it. There's literally nothing wrong with the character.

diirecthit Wrote:
I don't see why some people say it's ok for her to fight similar to her parents, when Sindel and Kitana don't play similarly at all. What's happening here is just lazy.

To be fair, Sindel and Kitana had a very different relationship. It's likely that Kitana hadn't even started her training as an assassin when her mother died (Kahn was the one to set her down that path).

Granted, I'm not a Cassie fan yet. I need to play the character and see her presentation in the story. I'm not sold right now.
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07/26/2014 08:03 AM (UTC)
"The reason Kira got Sonya and Kano's moves in MKD is because Boon and co wanted to please Kano and Sonya's fans/players since they were going to be missing from the game, but the plan backfired and she was seen as a copy cat, unoriginal, etc. This is ironic because i believe Kira has a solid design and decent storyline, but now she's hated i doubt a moveset overhaul will change that." (I forget how to use quote this)

Kira still had their moves when Sonya and Kano were returning to MKA. I thought MK team would give her new special moves in this game, but they didn't. I was extremely disappointed in them.

Why base her moveset off of Sonya and Kano she never even met in the storyline? That doesn't make sense. Her storyline was about Kabal and Kobra in MKD and MKA. She had nothing to do with the Sonya/Kano storyline. I doubt she will be linked with Cassie somehow.
07/26/2014 08:20 AM (UTC)
hotKira Wrote:
I forget how to use quote this

If you want to quote a post, you go to the post and Reply to it. Then underneath the textbox there's a button called "Add Original" which puts in the post you wish to quote. If you wish to quote several posts, mark the quoted post and copy it, then go back to the other post you wish to quote and Reply to that, paste in the first quote and then click "Add Original" to add the second post quote.
Repeat if you wish to quote more posts.

It's not an optimal system, but the site is rather outdated, so there you go.
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07/26/2014 08:25 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
hotKira Wrote:
I forget how to use quote this

If you want to quote a post, you go to the post and Reply to it. Then underneath the textbox there's a button called "Add Original" which puts in the post you wish to quote. If you wish to quote several posts, mark the quoted post and copy it, then go back to the other post you wish to quote and Reply to that, paste in the first quote and then click "Add Original" to add the second post quote.
Repeat if you wish to quote more posts.

It's not an optimal system, but the site is rather outdated, so there you go.

Thanks so much, Jaded-Raven!
07/26/2014 08:34 AM (UTC)
hotKira Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
hotKira Wrote:
I forget how to use quote this

If you want to quote a post, you go to the post and Reply to it. Then underneath the textbox there's a button called "Add Original" which puts in the post you wish to quote. If you wish to quote several posts, mark the quoted post and copy it, then go back to the other post you wish to quote and Reply to that, paste in the first quote and then click "Add Original" to add the second post quote.
Repeat if you wish to quote more posts.

It's not an optimal system, but the site is rather outdated, so there you go.

Thanks so much, Jaded-Raven!

You're welcome. ^^
07/26/2014 08:42 AM (UTC)
TemperaryUserName Wrote:
The only problem with Kira was her moveset. That's it. There's literally nothing wrong with the character.

And the problem is, that's all she's remembered as. Not because she's an "ally" to Kabal, not because of what she's done in her story, it's mainly about her moves.

Which is quite sad because I happen to like this character, and really could care less that her moves were from Kano and Sonya. And of course, dir, there's more to a character than just gameplay. tongue
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07/26/2014 10:03 AM (UTC)
It's funny when people bitch about her moves when Smoke, Noob Saibot, Reptile and Jade all started out as carbon copies and some even remained as so as selectable characters.... sweet.

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07/26/2014 02:33 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
And the problem is, that's all she's remembered as. Not because she's an "ally" to Kabal, not because of what she's done in her story, it's mainly about her moves.
Even though she had a dope backstory and a cool design (except for those damn pigtails) her involvement with the story was minimal. Her look and her gameplay were really her only significant contribution.

TemperaryUserName Wrote:
To be fair, Sindel and Kitana had a very different relationship. It's likely that Kitana hadn't even started her training as an assassin when her mother died (Kahn was the one to set her down that path).
Yep, and Sindel and Kitana are apart of the same generation of MK characters. Cassie is coming much later and is clearly meant, somewhat, as a replacement character/legacy character. Them Julia Chang teas.
07/26/2014 04:50 PM (UTC)
Cassie is not just better received by the fanbase than Kira, she also seems more popular than some characters with unique movesets, like Li Mei, Drahmin, Mavado, Bo Rai Cho, hell, I wonder if she's not actually more popular than MKX's other new characters.

Truth be told, most of the MK fanbase are bloody hypocrites. Characters like Ashrah, Kira and Darrius are hated for lacking moves of their own, but they go gaga over Fujin, and of course ninjas like Tremor, even though these two have little potential for unique movesets (and not much story potential either, imo).

For the record, I actually do like Cassie, but I'm not sure she'd be that popular if she wasn't the daughter of Sonya and Johnny. Her popularity could almost be considered a case of nepotism.

So basically, here are two things that seems to make a lack of unique moves acceptable among MK fans: the ninja garb, or being biologically related to other characters. Kira had neither. Cassie has the latter. If she didn't, she'd need a ninja garb, but I'm not sure female ninjas are as popular as their male counterparts.
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07/26/2014 11:07 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
So basically, here are two things that seems to make a lack of unique moves acceptable among MK fans: the ninja garb, or being biologically related to other characters.
Sindel has both of these and no one cares.
07/26/2014 11:36 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
DG1OA Wrote:
So basically, here are two things that seems to make a lack of unique moves acceptable among MK fans: the ninja garb, or being biologically related to other characters.
Sindel has both of these and no one cares.

Maybe it's because Sindel's gameplay and design were too different from Kitana's. Cassie may not directly copy her parents, but a lot of her moves are taken from other characters. That, and her design is similar to Sonya's, enough that if she were Sonya herself, it (her design) would fit.

Or, like I said, maybe the MK fanbase's full of hypocrites. Just what makes Cassie sharing moves with other characters more acceptable than Jarek sharing his with Kano? They're both Black Dragon, and know each other, so if Cassie fighting similarly to her parents is acceptable on account of being their daughter, then surely, by that logic, being part of the same clan makes it okay for Jarek and Kano to fight similarly? Yet Jarek's one of the most hated MK characters.

We barely even know Cassie's story outside of her being the daughter of two heroes, and military, but her popularity could make one think that her full story's already been leaked, and that it's considered better than the stories of other "copycats", when for all we know, she's merely gonna hunt down Kano's son, who will bring back the Black Dragon, who'll have all of Kano's moves and not one of his own, but wind up being hugely popular anyway.
07/26/2014 11:41 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
And the problem is, that's all she's remembered as. Not because she's an "ally" to Kabal, not because of what she's done in her story, it's mainly about her moves.
Even though she had a dope backstory and a cool design (except for those damn pigtails) her involvement with the story was minimal. Her look and her gameplay were really her only significant contribution.

I agree.
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07/27/2014 01:04 AM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Or, like I said, maybe the MK fanbase's full of hypocrites. Just what makes Cassie sharing moves with other characters more acceptable than Jarek sharing his with Kano? They're both Black Dragon, and know each other, so if Cassie fighting similarly to her parents is acceptable on account of being their daughter, then surely, by that logic, being part of the same clan makes it okay for Jarek and Kano to fight similarly? Yet Jarek's one of the most hated MK characters.
Well Kira never met Kano or Sonya. Cassie was presumably raised by one or both of them. Her inheriting her parents moves isn't as far fetched as someone who has had no contact with two characters using their moves. Cassie is a legacy character, Kira is NRS doing another MK4.

Also Cassie is better conceived. Kano, Noob, Kitana etc were CLEARLY meant to be in MK4 from the start but were done away with late in development or even worse they decided to transfer aspects of those characters to new ones so they would have less work to do.

Characters like Jarek and Kira remind me of NRS laziness.
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07/27/2014 07:01 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
I don't see why some people say it's ok for her to fight similar to her parents, when Sindel and Kitana don't play similarly at all. What's happening here is just lazy.

Let's not forget that Cassie was trained by both her mother and father, hence the reason she fights like them. Sindel died when Kitana was young and Kitana was not trained by her which is why they have two totally different fighting techniques.
07/27/2014 02:40 PM (UTC)
So Jarek's worse than Cassie, just because he was neither intended to be in MK4 from the start, nor a legacy character? Does that mean that if Kano had a son who inherited all of his moves, and didn't even have one of his own like Jarek did, that it would be okay, because hey, he's Kano's son?

As for Kira sharing moves with Kano and Sonya, yes, it was lazy, but why condemn even her story for it? Why wouldn't it be enough to just give Kira her own moves, like they eventually did for Jade, Reptile, Smoke and Noob?
07/27/2014 02:51 PM (UTC)
Cassie is better, because she was intended to be an original character from the start instead of being a new face slapped onto another character's gameplay.

It's odd, because though Tanya was supposed to be Kitana and Reiko was supposed to be Noob, the two of them had their own unique moves. Jarek didn't, except for a single move, being the ground pound which was rather similar to Jax's.

If Tanya and Reiko could get original moves, why not Jarek?

At least Kira was intended to borrow moves from Sonya and Kano from the start, simply because the two of them weren't in MKD... It was a bad design choice, but it was intentional.
07/27/2014 03:22 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

At least Kira was intended to borrow moves from Sonya and Kano from the start, simply because the two of them weren't in MKD... It was a bad design choice, but it was intentional.

To me it just doesn't make a difference if a copycat character is someone's offspring, or intended to be similar to someone else from the start. They're still copycats.

I used not to tolerate copycats as much, but now I'm okay with them, if they have something going for them, like a great personality, design or story. Kira, Ashrah, Tanya, Dairou and Darrius were characters who had all of these things, imo. Cassie's got the former two (it's too early to comment on her story yet).

So why does it matter if a copycat is intended to be one from the start, or is added at the last minute? The end result will be the same, when you play the game.
07/27/2014 04:55 PM (UTC)
DG1OA Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

At least Kira was intended to borrow moves from Sonya and Kano from the start, simply because the two of them weren't in MKD... It was a bad design choice, but it was intentional.

To me it just doesn't make a difference if a copycat character is someone's offspring, or intended to be similar to someone else from the start. They're still copycats.

I used not to tolerate copycats as much, but now I'm okay with them, if they have something going for them, like a great personality, design or story. Kira, Ashrah, Tanya, Dairou and Darrius were characters who had all of these things, imo. Cassie's got the former two (it's too early to comment on her story yet).

So why does it matter if a copycat is intended to be one from the start, or is added at the last minute? The end result will be the same, when you play the game.

Well, Cassie isn't a copycat. So far, none of her moves are taken from other characters, except the Cartwheel and Nut Punch as part of her X-ray move. All her other moves are her own - as far as we have seen.
07/27/2014 09:09 PM (UTC)
I hope not, there's alil bit of gameplay of her and i like what ive seen. but if she is going to be the eventual "replacement" for Johnny and Sonya i hope she is done justice. As we've already seen she isn't just a carbon copy of her parents. yeah she has similar special moves but they are tweaked so in a sense she is her own character. (ie- her air grab, sonya does a mid air leg grab and tosses them. Cassie does the same grab but instead of tossing them she lands on them in a mount position and strikes them before the move is over.) it subtle differences like this that make her, her own character while still paying homage to her parents.

As for Kira, it was a shame because she actually had potential. She had a good design and a good backstory. But they failed her in the Movesets. She literally took Kano & Sonya's special moves with an addition of 1 or 2 of her own. They really dropped the ball!
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07/28/2014 02:47 AM (UTC)
I hope she is in Mortal Kombat for the long haul I could easily get use to her sticking around for awhile.
07/28/2014 03:32 AM (UTC)
nightbreed_16 Wrote:
I hope she is in Mortal Kombat for the long haul I could easily get use to her sticking around for awhile.


Really hoping she becomes a mainstay in MK. And so far she's been mostly positively received. Hope it continues once the game hits shelves.
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07/28/2014 04:22 AM (UTC)
07/28/2014 04:51 AM (UTC)
Mojo6 Wrote:

It's funny because it's true. XD
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07/28/2014 11:41 AM (UTC)
The gif says it all. Next topic!
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07/29/2014 02:46 PM (UTC)
She's still be Kira 2.0
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