Will Cassie Cage be as poorly received as Kira?
posted09/24/2014 08:18 PM (UTC)by
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01/23/2014 08:08 PM (UTC)
The reason Kira got Sonya and Kano's moves in MKD is because Boon and co wanted to please Kano and Sonya's fans/players since they were going to be missing from the game, but the plan backfired and she was seen as a copy cat, unoriginal, etc. This is ironic because i believe Kira has a solid design and decent storyline, but now she's hated i doubt a moveset overhaul will change that.

Despite the fact that Cassie "has a reason" to have Johnny's and Sonya's moves, since she's their daughter, do you think she'll be billed as Kira 2.0?
07/25/2014 11:37 PM (UTC)
I think Cassie is already alot better recieved. First of all, her moves aren't just copy/pasted from other characters. Second, she's got a fun-loving attitude which adds something fresh to the game, just like Johnny did with his humour. And she looks really cool. ^^

I liked Kira's looks and concept of her being this major terrorist, but her gameplay was just really bad. It would be cool to see Kira return with a wholly revamped gameplay, and she would be a cool rival to Cassie.
07/25/2014 11:43 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I think Cassie is already alot better recieved. First of all, her moves aren't just copy/pasted from other characters. Second, she's got a fun-loving attitude which adds something fresh to the game, just like Johnny did with his humour. And she looks really cool. ^^

I liked Kira's looks and concept of her being this major terrorist, but her gameplay was just really bad. It would be cool to see Kira return with a wholly revamped gameplay, and she would be a cool rival to Cassie.

Cassie has the exact same animations for her Nut Punch / Cartwheel Kick than Johnny / Sonya had in MK9, but i haven't seen enough gameplay to know if they share many more moves or not. At least she has the fire shot move which is unique to her, but so did Kira, although it was just a generic fireball
07/25/2014 11:45 PM (UTC)
The entire reason Kira was received so poorly is because her moves were EXACTLY the same as Sonya and Kano's. Cassie doesn't have one move that's exactly like Johnny or Sonya. (Except her air throw, which is very similar to Sonya's. However, Cassie can enhance the air throw and juggle off of it. Sonya couldn't.)
07/25/2014 11:47 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
The entire reason Kira was received so poorly is because her moves were EXACTLY the same as Sonya and Kano's. Cassie doesn't have one move that's exactly like Johnny or Sonya. (Except her air throw, which is very similar to Sonya's. However, Cassie can enhance the air throw and juggle off of it. Sonya couldn't.)

Cassie's nut punch and cartwheel kick are the exact same moves Johnny and Sonya had in MK9 though?
07/25/2014 11:52 PM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
The entire reason Kira was received so poorly is because her moves were EXACTLY the same as Sonya and Kano's. Cassie doesn't have one move that's exactly like Johnny or Sonya. (Except her air throw, which is very similar to Sonya's. However, Cassie can enhance the air throw and juggle off of it. Sonya couldn't.)

Cassie's nut punch and cartwheel kick are the exact same moves Johnny and Sonya had in MK9 though?

Isn't the nut punch part of her X-ray? And no the Cartwheel Kick is not the same. Sonya's Cartwheel Kick moved her forward and bounced the opponent off the ground. Cassie's Cartwheel Kick doesn't move her forward, it's more like a back flip. Additionally, instead of bouncing the opponent off the ground, it launches them straight up in the air.

Not the same.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

07/25/2014 11:54 PM (UTC)
No, for the following reasons:

1) Cassie has enough of her own move set(even though it is clearly inspired by her parents) to say it's unique, not just lifted/cloned moves from already existing characters.

2) She is actually the daughter of the two characters whose move sets inspire hers'.


3) With the MK timeline moving forward a generation there is actually a valid and compelling storyline reason to have a new character(Cassie) who is inspired by previous characters when they could just use the already established characters instead.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

07/25/2014 11:56 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:

I liked Kira's looks and concept of her being this major terrorist, but her gameplay was just really bad. It would be cool to see Kira return with a wholly revamped gameplay, and she would be a cool rival to Cassie.

I really like that idea. Agreed.
07/25/2014 11:56 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
The entire reason Kira was received so poorly is because her moves were EXACTLY the same as Sonya and Kano's. Cassie doesn't have one move that's exactly like Johnny or Sonya. (Except her air throw, which is very similar to Sonya's. However, Cassie can enhance the air throw and juggle off of it. Sonya couldn't.)

Cassie's nut punch and cartwheel kick are the exact same moves Johnny and Sonya had in MK9 though?

Isn't the nut punch part of her X-ray? And no the Cartwheel Kick is not the same. Sonya's Cartwheel Kick moved her forward and bounced the opponent off the ground. Cassie's Cartwheel Kick doesn't move her forward, it's more like a back flip. Additionally, instead of bouncing the opponent off the ground, it launches them straight up in the air.

Not the same.

No, it's definitely the same:
07/26/2014 12:01 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:No, it's definitely the same:
Cassie GIF

It's 99.9% certain that GIF is demonstrating a part of her X-Ray seeing how it's one continuous chain of moves.
Her normal cartwheel attack is, as KungLaodoesntsuck said, like a back walkover or back handspring.
And, no, I don't think she'll be be anywhere near as poorly received as characters like Kira and Kobra were.
She already has more personality than a good chunk of the cast.
07/26/2014 12:02 AM (UTC)

That's clearly her x-ray. Which is not what I was referring to.
07/26/2014 12:47 AM (UTC)
So Cartwheel and Nut Punch are part of her X-Ray, not individual moves.
I don't mind that, it's a nice throwback to her parents. So as long she doesn't copy/paste their other moves, it's going to be fine.
07/26/2014 01:05 AM (UTC)
Would matter if she was? I for one won't care for her much anyways as I didn't care for Sonya at all. Hope Kira will be present in MKX playable and ends up holding Cassie hostage or even kills her.

That would make my day.
07/26/2014 01:09 AM (UTC)
Yea Cassie Cage has it better than Kira. Unique move-set, likeable attitude, great fatality etc. though I wouldn't be optimistic about seeing a huge part of her appearance in the story mode. MKX starts after MK9 and both Johnny and Sonya are probably in their 30s. So when they get married and get their kid who matures into what we see as a 25 something-year old cop as times goes by, 25 years have already passed so she'll probably appear near the end of the game. Hopefully my predictions may be proven wrong

Also, I dare anyone with a Deviantart account to draw Cassie Cage crack Kira in the crotch with a nightstick or a fist (or whatever is up to your imagination) to make a satiric solid point of this discussion.
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Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

07/26/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
Even if Cassie Cage has moves similar to Johnny Cage and Sonya it still makes sense to the players because she is their daughter. It is more rationable. Kira had zero reason to have Sonya's and Kano's moves. It was just a rip-off that made no sense to the vast majority of players.

It is about context.

Secondly, judging from the small slice of what we have seen so far of Cassie, she seems to have a personality and charm. Kira did not have that either. I expect Cassie to have a bigger role in the story as well.

From what I have read of messageboards I do not see an overwhelming negative reaction to Cassie Cage so it bodes well.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

07/26/2014 01:14 AM (UTC)
I sure hope not. I'm not hyped for Cassie yet, but there's plenty of time to change that.
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-sig by MINION

07/26/2014 01:16 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Isn't the nut punch part of her X-ray? And no the Cartwheel Kick is not the same. Sonya's Cartwheel Kick moved her forward and bounced the opponent off the ground. Cassie's Cartwheel Kick doesn't move her forward, it's more like a back flip. Additionally, instead of bouncing the opponent off the ground, it launches them straight up in the air.
Not the same.
Hollywood give Cassie the nut punch. I don't think too many people will be paying attention to the details of the kick so much as noticing that it's similar to her mother's kick.
07/26/2014 01:30 AM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Isn't the nut punch part of her X-ray? And no the Cartwheel Kick is not the same. Sonya's Cartwheel Kick moved her forward and bounced the opponent off the ground. Cassie's Cartwheel Kick doesn't move her forward, it's more like a back flip. Additionally, instead of bouncing the opponent off the ground, it launches them straight up in the air.
Not the same.
Hollywood give Cassie the nut punch. I don't think too many people will be paying attention to the details of the kick so much as noticing that it's similar to her mother's kick.

There needs to be an in depth video of Hollywood. I need to see it first hand. And that's fine, I'll be there to explain the clear differences between the moves.
07/26/2014 03:37 AM (UTC)
diirecthit Wrote:
The reason Kira got Sonya and Kano's moves in MKD is because Boon and co wanted to please Kano and Sonya's fans/players since they were going to be missing from the game, but the plan backfired and she was seen as a copy cat, unoriginal, etc.

That a fact? I think Midway was lazy in their efforts and that's why many people were displeased. Kira and many others had lackluster designs with movesets that complemented those designs.
Anyways if they make Cassie cool then I suppose people will like her. I'm not into her, but that is me.
About Me

Props to MINION for making this sig.

07/26/2014 03:41 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
diirecthit Wrote:
The reason Kira got Sonya and Kano's moves in MKD is because Boon and co wanted to please Kano and Sonya's fans/players since they were going to be missing from the game, but the plan backfired and she was seen as a copy cat, unoriginal, etc.

That a fact? I think Midway was lazy in their efforts and that's why many people were displeased. Kira and many others had lackluster designs with movesets that complemented those designs.

To be fair, there was only a two year gap between Deadly Alliance and Deception. Considering how ambitious that game was(thinking about it's Konquest mode) I have to say it was a bit rushed, looking back at it.
07/26/2014 03:45 AM (UTC)
I don't get why thoughts immediately go to Cassie being a Kira-type character because she's most likely going to have similar moves from her parents. That shouldn't make a difference. Cassie is not going to literally HAVE Sonya's and Johnny's moves. There's a difference between similarity and identical, and for some reason, some don't get it.

Like Frost. She's got similar moves, but they're not identical to Sub-Zero's with the exception of her puddle. (Possible incoming of someone ranting about that comparison)
07/26/2014 03:46 AM (UTC)
I think she'll be better received, but I still have absolutely no interest in playing as her or her as a character, not yet at least.
07/26/2014 03:50 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't get why thoughts immediately go to Cassie being a Kira-type character because she's most likely going to have similar moves from her parents. That shouldn't make a difference. Cassie is not going to literally HAVE Sonya's and Johnny's moves. There's a difference between similarity and identical, and for some reason, some don't get it.

Like Frost. She's got similar moves, but they're not identical to Sub-Zero's with the exception of her puddle. (Possible incoming of someone ranting about that comparison)

A lttle rant. ;3
Well, all of Frost's moves were similar to Sub-Zero's. She kinda got the moves in Subbie's arsenal that he didn't use himself in MKDA-MKA. A few of them was tweaked a bit to be a bit different, but not enough to be unique.
07/26/2014 04:05 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I don't get why thoughts immediately go to Cassie being a Kira-type character because she's most likely going to have similar moves from her parents. That shouldn't make a difference. Cassie is not going to literally HAVE Sonya's and Johnny's moves. There's a difference between similarity and identical, and for some reason, some don't get it.

Like Frost. She's got similar moves, but they're not identical to Sub-Zero's with the exception of her puddle. (Possible incoming of someone ranting about that comparison)

I understand the similar vs identical argument, however it just comes off as lazy when Kano/Sonya are playable and they just hand off similar moves to Kira. In MKD they did this with other characters as well.

With Cassie they may do similar moves for her, but it probably won't be a consistent thing among the rest of the roster. Therefore it won't translate as laziness in the same way.

07/26/2014 05:31 AM (UTC)
I don't see why some people say it's ok for her to fight similar to her parents, when Sindel and Kitana don't play similarly at all. What's happening here is just lazy.
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