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MK vs DC... there's something I never saw coming!

11/10/2005 05:54 PM (UTC)
well, Rain was one of the last ninjas to make an appearance in MK. I thought we had too many on that time already, that's at least why he never would become me fav character. The only thing I like about him is that is he's the only male Edenian fighter I know tongue

His stoyline is not the best, but I see things which could turn out nicely. He could return, only for the reason a lot of Fans wanted him te return. But still, I have no need for Rain. I can live without him grin
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11/10/2005 11:50 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Chrome Wrote:
I have perfect understanding for rain storyline. Only if I have it, can I express my utmost dissatisfacture over his lack of character. It seems Midway pulled a mediocre (now thats an exaggeration) Shakespearian or Sophocleian traitorship stunt.

it's not a damn novel, but still...

No, I'm afraid you don't. You said that he has no character and that there's no basis for his turning against Shao Kahn's side which tells me that you don't understand his storyline. There is character to him. As I said already, he served Shao Kahn out of fear for his life. He chose to betray his homeland rather than face death at the hands of Kahn's extermination squads thus why he is seen as a traitor. He is also seen as a coward, but I guess maybe some might not blame him as he wants to stay alive.

Kitana somehow knew that Shao Kahn killed Rain's father. Perhaps that was one of the many secrets she learned throughout her years as one of Shao Kahn's assassins. I think that not only did Kitana reveal that to Rain, but I think she also gave him the courage to finally stand up and oppose Shao Kahn. I'm surprised that for someone who supposedly understands Rain's story failed to mention that. Ultimately, I don't think Rain is that bad of a guy. He certainly has more character to him than the 1-dimensional Tanya who I'm still surprised you wrote a bio for, especially one that was confusing and not that interesting.

Same as Star Wars, except that Shao kahn is not Rains father. Same as the Aenachreitan tales, or hell, even contemporary stuff like the Clan cycle of World of Darkness (Anarch's rising up against the elders). Rains story has been continuously repeated into a cliche throughout world literature history.

Kudo's for Rain though for having no spine at the start, that really made him a bit more interesting than nothing. I guess fans find rain's "gather a spine" move to be fairly noble and honorable. It's not. he has fealty to Shao Kahn, not to Edenia. And I found it incredibly dumb that there is no concre-te solidification for Kitana's interaction. Rain to put it simply, blindly let's himself to be persuaded. Simply a bad page for a story.

As a matter of fact, Tanya surpasses this as you mentioned. He is howe-ver a more characteristic feature of MK and not an unthoughtfull design based on copied properties in the first place.

I hate Rain's turncoatism. As a amtter of fact, ever since MK4 I couldn't capture the "feudal motive" (since they live in a feudal system, a monarchy in Edenia, Outworld is based on vassals for Kahn etc) behind the actions of people in MK. Rain has fealty to Kahn, so why should he change his path if he is already raised in a society of opportunitism and backstabbing?
If he was raised in there as his bios suggests, than he would MOST PROBABLY have no quarrel about it being the right way to live. People are not born necessarily evil or good, as a matter of fact, theese tw words can-not be applied in any kind of context in MK.

Epilogos: if you found my Tanya bios confusing (assuming you have no problem with my grammar), than thats disturbing. Besides, 'tis only a fragment of explanation i am to give.
11/11/2005 12:14 AM (UTC)
Wait, wait, wait. Tanya's design isn't based on copied properties in the first place? No, I don't think so. She's pretty much just like Kano. They are both, power-hungry backstabbers who have no remorse for betraying their homeland. Maybe Kano may have more depth since he might've had a tough life growing up, but Tanya is the daughter of the Edenian ambassador so I don't think that she had a hard life. She just seems stuck up and one-dimensional.

Whether or not there is concrete solidification that Kitana interacted with Rain sometime during MK3, at least his story has something that can be expanded on and further developed. When it comes to Rain blindly letting himself be persuaded, maybe, maybe not. It's not definite. Sure, Rain serves Kahn, but it's out of fear, not true loyality. He seems different from Shao Kahn's other minions. He probably had been supressing his feelings for quite some time. I think his "turncoatism", as you put it, is because with the battle going on between the forces of Earthrealm's heroes and Shao Kahn's minions, he sees the opportunity to finally free himself from Shao Kahn.

I found your Tanya story to be confusing because of your wording with some parts.
ok i have a question or two who has his storyline, and i dont remember anything when i finished the game with him in umk3 about shao kahn killing his dad.
11/11/2005 06:53 AM (UTC)
why not bring back rain who cares if is moves weren't origanl give him new ones but still make him a bada$$ charchter and being to any ninjas so what maybe change is storyline alttile and have it sasy somthing like he was in training for some other fighting style thats is why it took him so long to come back
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11/11/2005 07:33 AM (UTC)
hell_lord Wrote:
why not bring back rain who cares if is moves weren't origanl give him new ones but still make him a bada$$ charchter and being to any ninjas so what maybe change is storyline alttile and have it sasy somthing like he was in training for some other fighting style thats is why it took him so long to come back

11/11/2005 07:37 PM (UTC)
Calm down Chrome. You're coming off as someone fresh out of high school debate that has a bit of a superiority complex. Don't take yourself so serious. I mean no offense, but hear some people out. I myself am a writer and I can see the potential. I've been watching this thread for a while and there are things i've wanted to say. I'm not sure how you could think Ermac had a decent story before Deception, but look where he is now. Honestly, when you have one game under your hat and the story was pretty lackluster as a whole at that point in time anyways, what do you expect. Now that Midway is trying to redeem that void in time, I think Rain ought to be given another shot. He can expand too, just as ermac did, ne? Now, you made a point about how nonsensical it was for Rain to be a ninja at all as he served as an Edenian general gone traitor. Well hasn't it been mentioned that he served as an assassin for Khan? We don't ever see him not in Khan's service, do we? Explained. as for his ability to control weather, why can cobra alight his fists? Why can Sindel's scream lift people into the air? Nevertheless, his powers could be yet another revenue for Midway to explore. I see Rain as having turned on Khan only to be pathetically defeated and thrown into an Outworld dungeon. There he would be in somewhat of a meditative state. As time would pass, Rain, would have listened to the winds and heard all that had traspired. Of Khan's fall, of the mad elder god Shinnok, of the Deadly Alliance. Eventually he would make his escape, emerging a new man. He would be greeted by another character who would help him return to Edenia(I'm seeing Fujin, who could take an interest in Rain's powers, possibly leading to an explanation of them) He would arrive in Edenia an instantly spot the fake Kitana, but considering his reputation, he would see it fit to lie low, wait things out. Come up with a plan. I rather like the idea of Rain disguising himself as a citizen in order to perhaps work his way up the military ladder.
Bear in mind I have no basis for any of this, I'm merely providing an example of what could be done for him. I don't think it's fair to rule him out yet. If ermac is deserving, why not then, is Rain? Chrome, it shouldn't be the end of the world for him to come back. Just don't play as him. I doubt he'll hinder the storyline. Come on, Kahn and Goro freaking came back...
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Thanks to skinsley for an awesome sig! & TMK for the avatar!

11/11/2005 10:28 PM (UTC)
I think Rain should come back
11/12/2005 06:39 PM (UTC)
I think it Rain should be brought back if they can revamp his costume and give him a storyline that makes him not another ninja. I imagine that they could make him pretty awesome looking. Im sure they could find a way for him to fit in. Instead of making more and more new characters, I wouldnt mind a couple revamped old characters coming back. Thats not to say everyone should return, but Rain and maybe Shinnok.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

11/12/2005 08:07 PM (UTC)
I think Rain should come back,everybody was pissing and groaning when we found out Sindel,Tanya,Ermac,Nightwolf was all confirmed for MKD.I remember people complaining,saying they were all lame characters,but when we saw their new stories and designs everybody was saying they were cool.So now,let's give Rain a chance.
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11/13/2005 01:47 AM (UTC)
...not high school, but university. smile

Apparently, I was erferring to the purposeless of bringing back Rain without a plotline. But wether or not, the question is is it necessary? If Midway want to swap over stories just to please the fans to the extent of being in the roster, than do so, but then don't call MK's storyline good.

Other than that if rain assaults Kahn, than he will get killed. Noone would bother keeping him in prison, becouse it serves no purpose, and the truth to be told, in medieval times (assuming that Outworld and co. still have a medieval setting becouse they hd one since MK2) imprisonment was only the priviledge of the important. How is Rain important I ask you? And no, please no more recalling element of sudden purpose, that is simply bad.

11/13/2005 05:10 PM (UTC)
Rain was a young Edenian. Khan invaded Edenia and killed Rains father. Rain didn't know this. Rather than die, Rain joined Kakns forces. Years later Kitana told Rain the truth about his father. Very mad, Rain joined Kitana. He went on a mission to kill Kahn. He wasn't succesful.... How is that a bad story?????????

Rain is my favorite MK character. I can't see why the wouldn't bring him back.
11/13/2005 05:45 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
...not high school, but university. smile

Apparently, I was erferring to the purposeless of bringing back Rain without a plotline. But wether or not, the question is is it necessary? If Midway want to swap over stories just to please the fans to the extent of being in the roster, than do so, but then don't call MK's storyline good.

Other than that if rain assaults Kahn, than he will get killed. Noone would bother keeping him in prison, becouse it serves no purpose, and the truth to be told, in medieval times (assuming that Outworld and co. still have a medieval setting becouse they hd one since MK2) imprisonment was only the priviledge of the important. How is Rain important I ask you? And no, please no more recalling element of sudden purpose, that is simply bad.


Was it necessary to have Tanya? Sure, she helped Shinnok and Quan Chi get into Edenia and she helped Onaga find the information on how to fuse the Kamidogu, but if you think about it, the story could've been written in a way that she was unnecessary. Quan Chi's a free-roaming sorcerer and Shinnok's amulet grants its wielder the ability to travel though different realms so with that, the two could've easily invaded Edenia. Also, the knowledge of how to fuse the Kamidogu could've also been done without Tanya.

Regarding Rain assaulting Kahn, that was what he was heading to do, but we don't know if that happened. As for no one bothering to keep him in prison due to serving no purpose, what about Smoke? Smoke was captured by Shao Kahn's forces and locked up to be some kind of war trophy. Rain could be locked up for disobeying Kahn and instead of killing him, Kahn could just have Rain alive and be locked up as punishment and there could be things involving torture.

My point is that there are possibilities with Rain's story. If one-timers like Nightwolf, Ermac, Sindel, etc. can come back in MKD with more to their story, so can Rain in MK7 or a future MK game.
11/13/2005 06:58 PM (UTC)
rain had one pf the best fatalities ever but he' not in any new games. If Ermac can come back in deception then they should bring back rainfurious
11/15/2005 11:57 PM (UTC)
Come on now, if Rain would simply be killed for attacking Khan, why did he just deactivate smoke at keep him as a prize? Why even bother having a prison at all? Just little things to throw out there.
11/16/2005 12:02 AM (UTC)
smoke deactivated himself.
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11/16/2005 05:03 AM (UTC)
stoopidmonkey Wrote:
rain had one pf the best fatalities ever but he' not in any new games. If Ermac can come back in deception then they should bring back rainfurious

But Ermac was being developed since Deadly Alliance.
He was mentioned in Kenshi`s Story in DA`s konquest mode
(someone please correct me about this if im wrong.....thx)

We haven`t heard s|-|!t about Rain.

And Rain in Deceptions konquest mode was only a useless kameo.

But again...im not against bringing back Rain at all......but he MUST NOT BE A NINJA!!!!!!!!
11/16/2005 05:05 PM (UTC)
As long as they dont deeply involve his story with Kahn or Kitana Im happy. Everyone seems to have the same idea of Kitana being the one who helps him discover the truth about his life/family and that its all Kahns fault.

Its just BORING! It’s a cliché. We need something new, and I for one hope he stays evil. The whole “bad to good” thing has been done way too many times.
11/16/2005 05:30 PM (UTC)
queve Wrote:
As long as they dont deeply involve his story with Kahn or Kitana Im happy. Everyone seems to have the same idea of Kitana being the one who helps him discover the truth about his life/family and that its all Kahns fault.

Its just BORING! It�s a clich�. We need something new, and I for one hope he stays evil. The whole �bad to good� thing has been done way too many times.

I don't know. I don't think Rain is all that evil to begin with. Remember, he served Kahn out of fear of being killed by Kahn's extermination squads. I think that with Kahn weakening, it'd be the opportunity for him to free himself from Kahn's control much like how Kitana freed herself from Kahn's control back in MK2. If you don't want Kahn and/or Kitana to be involved in his story, then who would be?
11/18/2005 06:48 AM (UTC)
Yeah, bring him back. If they revamped Ermac, I can't see how they can't do the same for Rain.
11/20/2005 07:31 PM (UTC)
11/20/2005 11:27 PM (UTC)
they just need to make a game with ALL the characters, Human Reptile , Reptile , Baraka , all them
11/21/2005 06:58 PM (UTC)
If they could revamp Ermac, the palette-swapped low-tier generic telepath ninja they can revamp Rain.glassesglasses
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11/21/2005 07:40 PM (UTC)
This thread is like a mental suicide for me.
11/21/2005 09:43 PM (UTC)
I have never seen so many people encouraging rain to return. Most people are saying "if they can fix ermac, they can fix rain". Well no not really, if they brought rain back out of nowhere his story would have holes in it. For instance were has he been all this time? He obviously didn't defeat khan. We already have 6 ninjas in the picture, another ninja would ruin it. There is also enough elementals too.

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