Who thinks they should bring back rain?
posted11/23/2005 04:20 PM (UTC)by
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Lifes to short to be jealous of the main event

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11/07/2005 01:03 AM (UTC)
on ultimate mortal kombat 3 my favorite characters had to be rain and scorpion i think rain was an awesome guy i loved his moves and his fatalites anyone agree?
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Dork in the background yelling, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH, he comes for your burrito!!!"

11/07/2005 01:09 AM (UTC)
shea! rain was shuper cool, but lacked story line. i'm a tad bit too tied up with things to think up one but maybe later. his moves kicked ass and everything, but he was only a filler character. i smell a major comeback.
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11/07/2005 06:34 AM (UTC)
His moves are completely unoriginal, his storyline lacked almost everything, and he was an intentional joke character, and Edenians are already one tooo many. Not to mention ninjas.
11/07/2005 02:07 PM (UTC)
i think every character deserves a comeback , yes rain and stryker , sheeva , fujin , kai , reiko , jarek , khameleon etc all of em
11/07/2005 05:26 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
His moves are completely unoriginal, his storyline lacked almost everything, and he was an intentional joke character, and Edenians are already one tooo many. Not to mention ninjas.

His moves are completely unoriginal? Explain.

Regarding his story, he was only in the MK3 timeline. It's not like we ever saw him again. His storyline has potential unlike other characters.

So what if he's a joke character? Noob Saibot was a joke character but look at him now.

We only have like 4 other Edenian characters and those 4 are female. Rain is the only male from Edenia that we've seen in the series. And as for the ninja thing, Rain can be revamped. How about him being more of a hwarang/sulsa type warrior?
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PSN: Eazail70x7

11/07/2005 05:54 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
His moves are completely unoriginal, his storyline lacked almost everything, and he was an intentional joke character, and Edenians are already one tooo many. Not to mention ninjas.

I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disagree with you here on this Chrome. None of Rains moves have ever been closely done. All the animations for them were used be for, (i.e. his roundhouse ani, lightning ani, and control ball ani) but the actual moves themselves were very new and inovative. Not to mention that all three set up the opponent for a free hit.

I definetly think Rain should make a comeback. Stryker too.
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11/07/2005 07:48 PM (UTC)
let's aproach this way:

Thunder bolt : we already have three characters that manipulate weather phenomenon in certain ways. A lightning bolt. Lighting doesn't even have conjuction with rainfall. raiden is alreadya character that manipulates a power, or a field where both appear, thunder god, storm warrior whatever you name him.

Roundhouse kick: are you serious? Despite it's rather dumb effective-ness, what kind of explanation would be given to the effect? Especillz in 3D? Simply wrong IMO, and I can't buy Rain as a "Space Displacement" character.

Water ball, controll ball: either way, Sub-Zero as explained in MKDa uses water elemental particles (vapor) to freeze, and the classic 4/5 elemental roundup in games is already a HUGE cliche. Other way, it's telekinesis, and even better, a purple Ermac would really help MK, yes sir!

please, give a break, we have already too many ninjas. Besides, if I make an autopsy out of Rain's storyline using either aristotelian or postmodern aproach of analycist examination, the conlusions biased/unbiased, would be the same.
11/07/2005 10:26 PM (UTC)
what point is there bringing back rain. he is just a character we do not need. they have brought back every other ninja and thats already 6 ninjas. his specials were pretty bad ( water bubble throw). there is no reason to bring back the purple super soaker.
11/08/2005 01:01 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
let's aproach this way:

Thunder bolt : we already have three characters that manipulate weather phenomenon in certain ways. A lightning bolt. Lighting doesn't even have conjuction with rainfall. raiden is alreadya character that manipulates a power, or a field where both appear, thunder god, storm warrior whatever you name him.

Roundhouse kick: are you serious? Despite it's rather dumb effective-ness, what kind of explanation would be given to the effect? Especillz in 3D? Simply wrong IMO, and I can't buy Rain as a "Space Displacement" character.

Water ball, controll ball: either way, Sub-Zero as explained in MKDa uses water elemental particles (vapor) to freeze, and the classic 4/5 elemental roundup in games is already a HUGE cliche. Other way, it's telekinesis, and even better, a purple Ermac would really help MK, yes sir!

please, give a break, we have already too many ninjas. Besides, if I make an autopsy out of Rain's storyline using either aristotelian or postmodern aproach of analycist examination, the conlusions biased/unbiased, would be the same.

3 characters? Who would they be? Also, what about Nightwolf having the Lightning Bolt move, hmm?

Meh, the Roundhouse Kick is fine by me. This is MK, not VF.

Well, Sub can flash freeze water wapor. None of Ermac's Telekinetic moves allowed you to really control the opponent like Rain's projectile did.

As for the "too many ninjas" thing, why would it hurt to bring back one more? I mean, look at how the ninjas have grown (at least some of them). Overall, I fail to see how they are unoriginal. Maybe they are cheesy to you, but I don't have a problem with his moves.

And for Rain's storyline, there isn't much to it, but there is the ability to further develop from it. You may not see it, but I do. I'm surprised you even wrote a story for a crap character like Tanya who is not really that original or necessary. Who says that Rain has to be a ninja? Maybe he can be revamped and have a different look to him. If they can revamp characters like Noob and Ermac, they can do the same with Rain.

About Me

Lifes to short to be jealous of the main event

11/08/2005 03:02 AM (UTC)
what about kobra hes useless he sucks and he looks like hercules his character has nothing to do with the storyline also kira shes cool i mean her moves and stuff but shes useless as well opinions um rain was one of my fav characters and just because you think hes useless doesnt mean that everyone else does
About Me

Lifes to short to be jealous of the main event

11/08/2005 03:16 AM (UTC)
Rain fights valiantly for the Emperor Shao Kahn. But it would be Kahn's own step daughter, the Princess Kitana who turns Rain against him. Like Kitana, Rain's origins also come from their former realm of Edenia.

He learns that his father was once a general in Edenia's army and died at the hands of Shao Kahn himself. Enraged at the truth about his history, he joins Kitana in aligning with the Earth Realm Warriors.

But his allegiance comes under question when he mysteriosly disappears during an extermination squad attack. To prove his loyalty he embarked on a suicide mission to destroy Shao Kahn and end the menace once and for all.

11/08/2005 03:18 AM (UTC)
Well, I must say MK fans are really interested in bringing back Rain. Hopefully, Boon will see the MK community's interest in this character. I've seen this thread title many times recently. I absolutely hope they bring Rain back, he's the best, most underrated ninja. Along with Rain, Sheeva, Reiko, and Sektor should come back as well.
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11/08/2005 07:33 AM (UTC)
Rain completely lacks background and catalyst in storyline.

Moves, fine it's not VF, but they were ridiculous. And the big question is: if we are to bring back some of the shit characters from Trilogy+MK4, then would he serve a purpose? Redo the traitorship? -Sucks. Have him join the heroes? -predictable, and the good guys are already one too many. Something different? -some Rain fans would whine over it.

Comparative with Kobra (general aristotelian reviewing):

Character's dressing: does the attire make sense? Kobra: yes, since he is a martial artist from Earth, where a karate gi is certainly the most obvious choice for him. Rain: what the heck does a ninja costume has to find ona general? I mean -correct me if I'm wrong- Rain is not an assassin. shrugs, tey would probably change it anyway if he returns.

Character's specifics: Rain has no character. There is refrence to him tur-ning sides, but it has no basis, no catalyst nor anything, (Kitana talks to him, Jesus), whereas Kobra's sinking into psychotic murderer is explai-ned via his bios. A sociopathic murderer or a cliche "good hearted" turn-coat, uh-uh, Kobra is more complex.

Special moves as specifics: both suck this way, Kobra doesn't need projectiles, infact, MKD had too many spec. moves/character. None of theirs fit their character. (about the Nightwolf and the lightning bolt: it suits him better for the following reason. Shamanism is based on the upholding and balance of natural elements. A shaman has more of a fitting edge for weather magics than a masked assassin).

plotline: Kobra has been given closure or alternated into an open ending. Rain's closed (most probably he dies at the hands of Shao Kahn, an attempt of tragecolisation - creation of tragedy through closure action).
Whereas Kobra had no real purpose in his endings, but had more descriptive narration, he wins again. In postmodern it can be debated wether Rain's can be intentionally used as vague. But only in postmodern.

Another thing what people fail to recognize becouse of their ineptitude is that not all characters MUST have an active role in the story. Sidelines and episodes make the main and the separating plots more interesting and giing them context. Thats why all the debates about Seido, Kobra Kira
= unnecessary becouse it doesn't deal with a major part of the story is utter crap, worthless as a debate. Their quality and execution can be argu-ed, but their plotline and it's intent is solid as steel. It is a very basic rule of literature.

Thus, Rain's story and Kobra's story is episodic, none has to do with the major plotline (what's even worse, rain's doesn't even influence anything, whereas in Kobra's ending they KILL the heroes. -sign of Kira+Kobra+Ka-bal's potential). Kobra's storyline has much more context and definition.

Sorry, even though I dislike Rain, theese basics are undefiable, wether or like it or not (Rain) thee will always remain as solid facts. If you wish to get a hold on basic literal analysing, I recommend readind from Aristotle to the Renesance writers, most of those acknowledged and updated laws of writings were grounded as cement in that era.

I shall get into postnmodern and other analyses when I get back from Uni. That one gives this joke of a character (Purple Rain) more chance.

11/08/2005 02:00 PM (UTC)
The main word I connect Rain with is Redemption. I could see Rain return in another Mortal Kombat game and let the developers create a very unique look and style to a character that is known as Rain. As Chrome had said, Rain has not much of a story behind him, so why not create one for him?

We all know that Rain joined Shao Kahn out of fear for his own life and he betrayed his own people. He joined Shao Kahn out of fear and he had kept the secret from Kitana for so long. We have no clue as of what Rain had done for Shao Kahn while under service for him, but knowing Shao Kahn's sinister ways he made Rain do unspeakable things.

I see that Kitana in his eyes is a hero because she had defied the emperor, something he did not have the courage to do. I can predict a love story between both Rain and Kitana but i'll get into that later on in this post. I see that Kitana had inspired Rain to make his move and that all happened when Kitana was under pursuit by her best friend Jade and Reptile during Shao Kahn's invasion.

Rain had probably abandoned Shao Kahn's fortress in order to seek out Kitana, the girl that had risked everything to join with a band of mortals. Rain had probably caught up with Kitana and he reveals the truth of what Edenia was like to her. I remember reading XiahouDun84's fanfic for Kitana called "Redemption" and the way Rain was incorporated in his story was amazing.

Well after the whole situation where an extermination squad attacked the warriors against Shao Kahn, Rain had vanished. I bet it was out of fear. Conisder it this way, Rain just like Kitana had been during Mortal Kombat II was working as a double agent. Shao Kahn did not know Rain was working with the mortals and his daughter that betrayed him. So Rain kept his head low so that the extermination squad would not report Rain and have him under treason.

If there is one problem that Rain has to deal with is his fear. Rain does not want to fight anyone because he is afraid of pain and death. And because of his fear at the end he had nobody there for him, not even Kitana. And I bet Rain had feelings for her because she was considered the most beautiful woman in Outworld and she had a passion in her and most importantly courage, the courage he did not have.

You must also consider Liu Kang, it's like a love triangle. Kitana loves Liu Kang but Rain loves Kitana. In XiahouDun's fanfic he made Kitana aware that Rain had feelings for her and she was confused about the entire situation. I bet what made Rain go on a suicide mission in the first place was when Kitana reveals to Rain that she loves Liu Kang and the mortals did not trust him.

So all his fears and everytime he backed down turned into anger. To proove his point to Kitana and not to anyone else he stormed off I bet he wanted Kitana to know that if he died it was because she didn't love him. Now we don't know if Rain was killed trying to defeat Shao Kahn or whatever, for all we know he probably never even made it to Shao Kahn's fortress. It's unknown as of what happened to Rain.

You must also consider that Rain was always looked upon as a bad guy by everyone exept for Kitana. He was never fully trusted so we could use that for Rain in the next Mortal Kombat game.

What a perfect oppurtunity for Rain to return just when Edenia is in chaos. Mileena is disguised at Kitana and Kitana was under the possesion of Onaga in Outworld. I'd have Rain come back from the shadows with a new perspective on life. I'd have it so that Rain was sulking away in the Outworld because he was not loved by Kitana, and he was ambushed by a group of warriors from a village in Outworld that were not in control of Shao Kahn and held prisoner. Rain over time would actually earn the trust of these people and he would serve them.

He probably knew that everyone thought he was dead and he would not have to fight. But Rain learned the culture of these people who took Rain in despite what he did in his past. I'd have a character that would be the chief and when Rain first joined the village he was a mystery. Rain would later reveal his dark past to the chief about him being a coward and wanting forgiveness. He failed his father who was ten times a better man than him and he failed his people. Rain would not be aware at all that Edenia was restored after Shao Kahn's defeat.

I'd have this village located in a mountain hidden from Shao Kahn's forces so nobody would know about these people. After wise words and an eye opening vision, Rain could see that he still is alive and that he can fight. These people showed Rain how to have courage and Rain loved them. After years of living with them Rain abandoned his old colors and he was no longer the man he once was. Rain had developed the power to manipulate the weather so I'd have Rain be an elemental character controling not only water but other elements as well. Rain would be the strongest warrior in the village but then their village would be discovered by Tarkata while warriors were out hunting.

The nomads would follow the hunters back to the village and in extreme numbers. The warriors would fight hard but there would be too many Tarkatans. The village would be raided and plundered. Rain would be the sole survivor of this battle and he would have to live with the sights of children being slaughtered and women raped and killed in front of their families. Rain would be devastated from the destruction of the village and he would realize that through him that the memory of these people live on.

Rain's main goal would to be avenge these people and he would need help. So who does he go to? Kitana. Rain would venture in Outworld in search of Kitana and he would come across the armies of Outworld and Edenia. This is where Rain could learn of the existance of Edenia and he would purposley be captured by the army and be brought back to Edenia.

Rain would be thrown in the dungeons and he would demand to the guards that he must speak to Kitana. But Mileena is really Kitana and Mileena has bigger things to deal with. Rain would easily break out of his cell and would venture through Edenia, the land of his father and he would be amazed by its beauty.

Rain would be considered an outlaw in Edenia for escaping his jail. Kitana would be mistakened for Mileena and the people and authorities would be out looking for both of them. Sooner or later they will meet once again.
11/08/2005 11:46 PM (UTC)
Well, I'm going to have to agree with grizzle even though I'm not sure on his storyline idea for Rain.

Chrome, it seems to me that you don't quite have much of an understanding of Rain's storyline. In Rain's ending, Kitana turns Rain against Shao Kahn since she reveals to him that Rain's father was an Edenian general who died at the hands of Shao Kahn himself. He joined Kitana and the Earthrealm heroes to fight against Shao Kahn's forces. He went on the "suicide mission" to prove his loyalty and it's probably because the Earthrealm heroes didn't trust him.

Like grizzle pointed out, Rain joined Shao Kahn's side out of fear for his life. You say he has no character? I think not. His characteristics are that of a coward and a traitor, but not exactly in the same way as Tanya when it comes to the traitor aspect. Rain probably did lots of things he's not proud of but had to do for the name of Shao Kahn so that he can keep his life. Why the hell would he do the traitor bit again? That made no sense whatsoever. As for joining the heroes, well, if his MKT ending were to happen, then yeah, he already kind of did that, but there seemed to have been distrust which creates for some plot.

The reason why Rain dresses up as a ninja can have explanations to them. Rain served as one of Shao Kahn's warriors. Maybe he also served as a spy and assassin for him as well. It would make sense and it can easily work as a logical backstory for him.

I think the love triangle with him, Kitana, and Liu Kang can work out nicely if done correctly. Liu Kang is dead and he has to struggle between his mind and body. He turned down Kitana's offer to rule at her side as King of Edenia since he has a responsibility as the protector of Earthrealm and the Champion of Mortal Kombat.

Rain is a character who isn't bound by such things and maybe he could end up taking the offer that Liu refused. I guess it all depends on how the stories of Liu Kang, Kitana, and Rain were to develop given various circumstances. To sum it up, there is potential for Rain and a main one is that of redemption. It doesn't necessarily mean he has to fight aside the heroes, but just redeem himself for the foul acts he committed in Shao Kahn's name out of fear.
11/09/2005 01:51 AM (UTC)
i never remember rain having a full out story like that but whatever. if rain returned he would get screwed up somewere, but full out armor would be nice for him.
11/09/2005 02:14 AM (UTC)
googy Wrote:
i never remember rain having a full out story like that but whatever. if rain returned he would get screwed up somewere, but full out armor would be nice for him.

Well, I'm tossing out ideas here and there to expand on Rain's story.

His story as it is so far is basically that of being an Edenian who was smuggled away from Edenia as a child and later on chose Kahn's side, because Rain wanted to live and not be killed by Kahn's extermination squads. His ending has Kitana reveal to him about the death of Rain's father at the hands of Shao Kahn which enrages Rain and I think that kind of gives him the boost he needed to finally oppose Kahn by joining Kitana and her Earthrealm allies.

I think after Kahn's defeat, Rain probably wandered throughout Outworld and maybe even became forgotten, at least by many.
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11/09/2005 05:13 PM (UTC)
I have perfect understanding for rain storyline. Only if I have it, can I express my utmost dissatisfacture over his lack of character. It seems Midway pulled a mediocre (now thats an exaggeration) Shakespearian or Sophocleian traitorship stunt.

it's not a damn novel, but still...
11/09/2005 05:49 PM (UTC)
I agree with Chrome for most parts.

I never really understood why there are so many people that want Rain to return when there are so many better candidates to make a come-back.
11/09/2005 10:33 PM (UTC)
I think that instead of bringing back every pointless character, they should focus on the new characters more.
11/09/2005 11:00 PM (UTC)
Everyone is entitled to their opinions, personally I believe in second chances. Rain as well as every one timer has the right to make one return even if they are a joke character. Ermac was a glitch, Noob was a joke. Both were revamped and have a better purpose. Why not make new moves? Storylines? ect. whatever the case MK is not and will not be compared to any literary work as to Shakespeare. As a matter of fact no video game should be critiqued as much to the basis of the way of famous literature. I do not read a game's storyline and compare it to Shakespeare. However whether Rain or any one timer returns lays in the hands of the creators. If they do really come and listen to the boards, then we will see how strong our voice is.
11/09/2005 11:15 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure about Rain, I mean there are much better characters to choose from that didn't get a chance. (Fujin, Reiko)

But to say Rain has no storyline I can;t agree with, he got a fairly decent storyline for a character who was only an additional character to MK3 (UMK3) With only one game under his belt (that sound as filthy as it seems?) its hard to have a fully developed storyline. Bringing him back means they could flesh it out.

But I'm still for Fujin, Reiko and Sheeva to return before Rain
11/09/2005 11:26 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
I have perfect understanding for rain storyline. Only if I have it, can I express my utmost dissatisfacture over his lack of character. It seems Midway pulled a mediocre (now thats an exaggeration) Shakespearian or Sophocleian traitorship stunt.

it's not a damn novel, but still...

No, I'm afraid you don't. You said that he has no character and that there's no basis for his turning against Shao Kahn's side which tells me that you don't understand his storyline. There is character to him. As I said already, he served Shao Kahn out of fear for his life. He chose to betray his homeland rather than face death at the hands of Kahn's extermination squads thus why he is seen as a traitor. He is also seen as a coward, but I guess maybe some might not blame him as he wants to stay alive.

Kitana somehow knew that Shao Kahn killed Rain's father. Perhaps that was one of the many secrets she learned throughout her years as one of Shao Kahn's assassins. I think that not only did Kitana reveal that to Rain, but I think she also gave him the courage to finally stand up and oppose Shao Kahn. I'm surprised that for someone who supposedly understands Rain's story failed to mention that. Ultimately, I don't think Rain is that bad of a guy. He certainly has more character to him than the 1-dimensional Tanya who I'm still surprised you wrote a bio for, especially one that was confusing and not that interesting.
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out of ninjas, cyborg thugs, evil ninja robots, martial artists, martial artists with sharp hats, princesses, bodyguards with more than 4 limbs, undead movie stars, native american shamans, evil emporrers, gods and secret service agents, you say Stryker didn't fit in MK3?

11/09/2005 11:57 PM (UTC)
Keith Wrote:
With only one game under his belt (that sound as filthy as it seems?) its hard to have a fully developed storyline. Bringing him back means they could flesh it out.
I'd say it didn't sound quite as filthy as the next sentence did.
11/10/2005 12:10 AM (UTC)
Rain practically still forms part of the many boring stupid good for nothing ninjas we have/had in Mk.

BUT I do think he has potential, and while he can be improved and re-designed for MK7, I think other characters have more potential to return, such as Shinnok, Fujin, Kai, Reiko, etc.

Rain can be very interesting if some imagination is used.
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