12/17/2005 02:38 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Shao Khan from evil to good

No. Just No. that's the most silliest thing I've ever heard in my life! That will ruin the whole series.
12/17/2005 03:31 AM (UTC)
I want scorpion to say good bye to hes addiction to revenge or madness and instead settle for a path wich will bring him to love and forgiveness for the crimes he comitted in hes after life. Hes soul could finnaly escape that evil ninja carcase that gave us nightmares since mk 1and fly to a fresh body, one wich will be more esthetic and more sutable for the 3 D era. Hes special moves where just becoming to much predictable for one to use as well.
12/17/2005 06:02 AM (UTC)
cyrax should be evil
12/17/2005 05:07 PM (UTC)
red_dragon Wrote:
I agree with Queve that Kabal should never have been made evil for MKD. That was one of the things that really ruined his comeback for me in a big way (especially since I was really looking forward to him). Kabal would have been much better as the neutral anti hero, hunting down evil that his MK3/MKT ending set him up to be. The whole point of Kabal's character originally was that he had been a thug in the past, but a near death experience and the Kahn invasion made him change his ways and join the fight to help save Earth.

That would have given him far more puropse with what's going on now, plus conflict with the recent Red Dragon (who really should have been represented in MKD), and the few good guys left unsure of whether Kabal can be trusted due to his past.Instead they had him leading a three person directionless new Black Dragon on behalf of Havik. The BD should probably have died with Kano, the new clan really aren't going anywhere story wise, although I do really like Kira and hope she stays somehow.

Part of me hopes that Midway do find a plausable way of returning Kabal to being a neutral anti hero. But with their track record on changing things, they'd probably ruin him beyond all repair.

I couldn’t had said that better.

I 100% agree with your post. I was also looking forward to Kabal, but when I learned he was evil (yet again), I was...dissapointed.
12/17/2005 06:08 PM (UTC)
Scorpion definetly. He's so boring as a good guy (so his bio says neutral, he's pretty much the main character in MKD) His story got twisted a little too much.

Also Smoke as a good guy would kick ass!
12/17/2005 06:12 PM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
Shao Khan from evil to good

No. Just No. that's the most silliest thing I've ever heard in my life! That will ruin the whole series.

No it's not. If Onaga's still around and leagues more powerful than Kahn or the heroes, it's not out of the question for them to form a brief (and relatively uneasy/untrustworthy) alliance in order to do away with Onaga with the whole thing dissolving not long after, via Kahn taking advantage of the tired/weakened heroes (or even vice versa).
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12/17/2005 06:31 PM (UTC)
Goro=Good(I hate how they keep changing his alligence!!!!)

BTW,What would be the point of Kira if Sonya turned evil? She's IS THE EVIL SONYA!!! Like Meliena is the evil Kitana,There would also be no point if Kitana turned evl.wink
12/17/2005 07:59 PM (UTC)
Weskerian Wrote:
I kind of like Kabal being Evil, like, it took him back to his roots. Not that he is really evil, he's just self-serving. I mean, he fought on the side of Earth and saved the world, and then he was killed. No one helped him, he had no companions, if it hadn't been for Havik then he would have properly died. Personally I think that's reason enough to be looking after number one now.

Anyway, if the Black Dragon endings are canon then Kobra is dead and Kabal and Kira have a new Black Dragon to form. If they have the heart of Onaga then that might mean a comeback for Kano and Jarek, the Black Dragon could properly go back to its roots, or start completely afresh if they so chose. I think Kabal's change has brought about many new angles for the MK series.

To be fair, I think that, if its done right then any angle can be worked. The only one I would really disagree with is Scorpion turning evil, since he has always been neutral and was recently set up to be good, providing that the Elder Gods are a force for good and not a self-serving entity as well.

MKD Kabal isn't really about looking out for number one. He's leading a new Black Dragon (well OK, two people) and their only real purpose in the MKD plot seems to be as Havik's lapdogs of chaos. Kabal was more out for himself in MK3/MKT, when he was the neutral anti hero who'd survived a brutal beating. Although he was fighting for Earth, it was mainly for his own reasons, Kahn's forces had attacked him, he wanted payback. Kabal's comeback, and the Black Dragon's reintroduction in MKD were handled very poorly, imo.

So what, we're supposed to buy the fact that since he's saved after another near death experience, he suddenly decides to go back to his criminal roots, and recruit Kira and Kobra, and then work for Havik? If they really had to bring back the Black Dragon, they should have just started with Kira (Kobra shouldn't have been allowed to exist), which would have also given our old style neutral anti hero Kabal another new purpose, destroy the criminal clan before it can become powerful again.
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12/17/2005 08:34 PM (UTC)
Hello -pepole? Too little too less vilains!
12/17/2005 08:41 PM (UTC)
Well see, I'm under this crazy notion that you don't really bother to turn a character unless there's a damn good reason to. Think of it like pro wrestling. Jax (to use an example) is ridiculously over as the babyface (good). So then what use would it have to screw that up by turning him heel (evil) or even making him a tweener (neutral) out of the blue?

I see all these "Sonya needs to be Evil, Lao needs to be Evil, this character should be good, blah blah blah" posts and I'm wondering what exactly is the reasoning behind it? From a story standpoint, is there a logical reason for having whatever character turn or do people want it to happen because they have it in their head that, say, Evil Sonya would be cooler and they don't care how illogical the plot device used to turn her is?
12/17/2005 09:14 PM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
Well see, I'm under this crazy notion that you don't really bother to turn a character unless there's a damn good reason to. Think of it like pro wrestling. Jax (to use an example) is ridiculously over as the babyface (good). So then what use would it have to screw that up by turning him heel (evil) or even making him a tweener (neutral) out of the blue?
I see all these "Sonya needs to be Evil, Lao needs to be Evil, this character should be good, blah blah blah" posts and I'm wondering what exactly is the reasoning behind it? From a story standpoint, is there a logical reason for having whatever character turn or do people want it to happen because they have it in their head that, say, Evil Sonya would be cooler and they don't care how illogical the plot device used to turn her is?

I agree. The problem with most alignment shifts is that they're more often, poorly explained or very contrived.

In regards to the Earth heroes, that's why I constantly insist they reveal Onaga corrupted the heroes with the evil in their souls. That way some may not recover from his corruption even after he's destroyed.

Like say Jax. Say deep down, Jax feels a little bit of bitterness towards Sonya. Deep inside, he doesn't like that she's constantly getting him into trouble. He's human, there are things about even our best friends that bug us even just a little bit. But normally, it's nothing major.
Now enter Onaga who when resurrecting Jax looks into his soul and finds this little bit of hostility. He exploits it and corrupts Jax with it, making him his slave.
Now say even after Onaga's destroyed, this corruption doesn't go away entirely. And it starts to fester and grow. Jax doens't like being treated as Sonya's sidekick even though he outranks her. He doesn't like that she's constantly dragging him into these battles. He doesn't like that she got him killed. It builds and builds until finally, Jax's soul is fully corrupted by evil and he turns.
As we saw with Li Mei in Deception, Onaga's corruption isn't something natural. He taints people. Like the ring in Lord of the Rings. It fucks you up...perminately if not careful.

This could potentially work for the others. Any character can change alignment if done correctly. It's all in how you present it. Even Mileena could turn good and if done correctly would make perfect sense.
Of course, that's not to say some character should change. For instance, I do not want to see Quan Chi turn good, I don't care how well it's explained.

On subject, I would like to see more good-to-evil changes. There already been plenty, some would say too many, evil-to-good characters. But again, as long as it's properly explained.

The only character I really do have hopes for is Sareena. I hope she is neutral/good, because I think she can go much farther and be more interesting that way.
12/17/2005 09:31 PM (UTC)
Of all the characters, I think the only one who could never be Good is Shao Kahn. He never chose to be evil, I think that is just his way. He was born with a soul made of corruption and decay you might say. He would never work for any semblance of good, and he would never ally with his enemies on the side of righteousness. For example, that part where Onaga shows up and Tsung, Quan Chi and Raiden team up to try and beat him, if it had been Kahn, he would have waited until Raiden turned his attentions away and then whacked him with his hammer, THEN tried to take on Onaga himself. I reckon Onaga thinks he's the Good guy, but Kahn KNOWS he is the Bad guy.

The only way I could see him allied with any good guys is if they were the ones who changed allignment. I suppose corrupting the righteous is the closest he gets to a hobby next to conquering existence and playing mind-games with his subjects.

I agree though, you have to use wrestling sense to really see which alignment shifts make sense. Which is why most alignment changes in this thread make no sense given the current state of the game, just because the characters are good where they are.
12/17/2005 09:31 PM (UTC)
Heh, the mention of Li Mei and all that corruption and everything leads me back to an earlier point about her (since she's one of the characters introduced recently that I really like). A good way to increase her importance in the story, flesh out her character, and give her something to do would be turning her neutral in the next game. Say she isolates herself from the heroes, because she doesn't want to risk the corruption in her soul causing her to betray them.

Thus you spend MK7/Armaggedon (for her atleast) focusing on her trying to both do good and fight Onaga and his henchmen on her own but also on her own quest to purge herself of the corruption (or atleast, manage to get it under control). You give her an ambiguous ending that can go either way (her succeeding or her failing) and you have the grounds for an interesting (maybe even somewhat tragic) character and if she does turn evil, it seems like a natural progression of her story rather than a sudden 180 turn (like in her Deception ending).

Being able to actually plot stuff in advance, execute allignment shifts, flesh out characters BESIDES a group of about five (at most), and overall write a logical (for a fantasy game) and entertaining story is something that I think a lot of people (both here on the forums AND those working on the games) don't seem to grasp the concept of.

It takes more than a simple "heel turn" or "face turn" to make an interesting story (both the characters' stories and the story in general) after all.
12/17/2005 09:46 PM (UTC)
Pretentious Wrote:
Heh, the mention of Li Mei and all that corruption and everything leads me back to an earlier point about her (since she's one of the characters introduced recently that I really like). A good way to increase her importance in the story, flesh out her character, and give her something to do would be turning her neutral in the next game. Say she isolates herself from the heroes, because she doesn't want to risk the corruption in her soul causing her to betray them.
Thus you spend MK7/Armaggedon (for her atleast) focusing on her trying to both do good and fight Onaga and his henchmen on her own but also on her own quest to purge herself of the corruption (or atleast, manage to get it under control). You give her an ambiguous ending that can go either way (her succeeding or her failing) and you have the grounds for an interesting (maybe even somewhat tragic) character and if she does turn evil, it seems like a natural progression of her story rather than a sudden 180 turn (like in her Deception ending).
Being able to actually plot stuff in advance, execute allignment shifts, flesh out characters BESIDES a group of about five (at most), and overall write a logical (for a fantasy game) and entertaining story is something that I think a lot of people (both here on the forums AND those working on the games) don't seem to grasp the concept of.
It takes more than a simple "heel turn" or "face turn" to make an interesting story (both the characters' stories and the story in general) after all.

Again, I agree. Especially on Li Mei. I like her sort of in between, trying to resist her corruption.
And I agree, if a character, especially an established character, switches sides, it shouldn't be a sudden 180 out of nowhere.

I'll go back to Mileena example. When I suggest Mileena turns good, I'm not saying in MK7 her bio should say "I fought for evil my whole life, but I've decided to change my ways for the hell of it." nor in her ending she suddenly destroys all evil and saves the day. It should be a natural progression that takes place over a few games.
Like if I was to make Mileena good, she wouldn't actually turn "good" until about MK9 or 10. And even then she'd still be closer to neutral.

One character they did this correctly with was Sub-Zero. In MK2, he's introduced a neutral mercenary. In MK3, he's still neutral, but starts leaning towards good. In MK4, he's good, but still sort of an outsider. Then finally in MK:DA, he's considered one of the team.

Unfortunatley it's true, the MK team does not think that far ahead with the plot. I think everything they've done to Goro recently is proof of that.
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12/18/2005 06:47 AM (UTC)
Nitara is a manipulator so she should stay Neutral.

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12/18/2005 08:31 AM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Baraka407 Wrote:
Shao Khan from evil to good

No. Just No. that's the most silliest thing I've ever heard in my life! That will ruin the whole series.

hold up.. what would make this so bad..

Hasn’t anyone seen xmen 2

I know it seems stupid, but it could really benefit the series..
Shao Kahn wouldn’t be good, but he would be working with the good guys to defeat a stronger evil..

or not,

Anyways it would definitely add the diversity that mk is currently lacking.

12/18/2005 07:28 PM (UTC)
How bout if Kira starts working for the Special forces undercover?
12/18/2005 08:51 PM (UTC)
See, that'd be stupid as there's no logical way to explain it. She goes from dealing weapons to terrorists to joining a resurrected criminal oranization to suddenly helping out the Special Forces by working undercover in a criminal organization they don't even know exists (again) yet? Yeah, doesn't work.
12/19/2005 02:57 AM (UTC)
I would love to see Sonya go from good to neutral b/c it would give us a great storyline to follow. I would like to see how she would respond to Raiden's sort of no tolerance ideals of protectingn Earthrealm (or whatever), but I would also like to see how she reacts with those she fought along side and those she fought against. Will she help out her former friends or help out her former enemies or will she just fight for her own survival and not be dedicated to one side?

I also think that Kabal should switch from good to evil b/c of the fact that he is trying to revive the Black Dragon. And c'mon the Black Dragon isnt known for helping the poor. He only fought for the earthrealm in MK3 b/c he was chosen to fight along side them, but now that the game has changed he's back to his old ways now.

So these are my 2 main character changes.

12/19/2005 05:02 AM (UTC)
Um...Kabal IS evil now....Anyway, XiahouDun84, you brought up some good points about Onaga bringing out the evil qualities in those heroes. I would like to see how it affects each and every one of them.
12/19/2005 09:51 AM (UTC)
I've always been a little put off by the whole "stain of corruption" part of the Netherealm, like, everyone who goes there and gets told they need to be kind of evil always reacts with "BUT I'M NOT EVIL!" or something to that effect. I really dislike that the Shaolin Monks could go to the Netherealm, because surely the way of the Shaolin Order is about being a force entirely for good. I mean, sure they were killing, but for a righteous reason. Still, it does set up what he was saying about the heroes being slightly corrupt, since then I can understand how Kung Lao was being controlled. Then again, he HAS always been the overly aggressive one.

Personally, I think Kabal's motive for fighting in MK3 was revenge. They did beat him to within half an inch of his life, remember? I think he got pissed that Kano sold him and his gang out and decided to even the score. And then because he associated Kano with the Black Dragon he decided never to be a part of that group again. I expect he was still a criminal though, just not a Black Dragon. And then when Havik revived him he was reminded that a Black Dragon was part of who he was now, and that he couldn't turn his back on that. I can easily see why Kabal turned evil, like, that makes perfect sense.

Now Goro I don't understand, and his changes don't make sense.
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12/19/2005 12:05 PM (UTC)
Shaolin beliefs are far away from what we consider "good". That they try to avoid killing (as shaolins are essentially guardian monks for their brethren)
and are pro life doesn't mean that they are "good" by westerner definition.

Kabal is not evil, and he should not be named so. An anachronistic anar-chist (wow) person or one who increases the entropy around him is not by definition evil.

Goro is a far alien intellect, he has other values and ideas of honor. Ever thought about that?
12/19/2005 09:05 PM (UTC)
i think scorp should change wit sub zero
12/19/2005 09:21 PM (UTC)
Yeah, actually I am always wondering why there don't seem to be any cultural differences between Outworlders and those in Earthrealm. Like, how come it just so happens that the exact accent and register of those from Outworld is just a slightly more archaic American as on Earth? I suppose I should have looked a little further than just the superficial differences between the two, because chances are everything is different for them, from what attracts them to their mates, to what counts as being fair and honorable. I mean, if there can be such huge differences in human cultures, what about other races?

Still, whether there are cultural issues to take into account or not, the likes of Goro and Kabal are still what we would consider to be evil, no matter how many psuedo-intellectual words you throw around while trying to explain it. Fact of the matter is, a murdering criminal like Kabal is evil, and a being who aids in the destruction and enslavement of whole worlds like Goro is moreso.
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12/19/2005 11:04 PM (UTC)
it is really not the question, as we consider him evil. Wether He considers himself evil, now thats the point Midway should capitalize on. But it is only a video game, certain depths are better left for fanfic.

Whats pseudo-intellectual about anarchist or anachtronistic? Care to ex-plain?
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