Which Character you you want to see change alignments?
posted12/21/2005 06:54 PM (UTC)by
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05/04/2005 02:28 PM (UTC)
Good to Evil?
Evil to Good?
Nuetral To Evil?

You decide it, lets see how good you are. I'm not too sure so ill hear some of ur posts.
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MKO Moderator, Story Writer, Actor
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12/15/2005 10:12 PM (UTC)
Smoke: Evil to Good; he deserves to be on the same side as Sub-Zero after all the crap he's been through since MK3!
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I swear on my soul, that the Tekunin, will leave no survivers, good or evil! All because of you i lost my soul and my human body. I will be human again!!!And with a barrage of missles, Sektor had slain Shao Kahn for good and took his rightful place as King of all the realms..... until the next tournament.

12/15/2005 10:18 PM (UTC)
Ok um......
Scorpion Neutral to good. After MKD he's been kinda on the good side. "The champion of the Elder Gods" That's sounds good to me.
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12/15/2005 10:36 PM (UTC)
Raiden good to neutral (like the deception ending stated.. f##k everyone im making sure earth is safe)
Goro evil to neutral
Scorpian neutral to evil (hes a badass, thats wat makes ppl love him)
ashrah - neutral to evil
Ermac - good to evil

cant think of anyone else atm
12/15/2005 10:52 PM (UTC)
chardballz Wrote:
Raiden good to neutral (like the deception ending stated.. f##k everyone im making sure earth is safe)
Goro evil to neutral
Scorpian neutral to evil (hes a badass, thats wat makes ppl love him)
ashrah - neutral to evil
Ermac - good to evil

cant think of anyone else atm

Scorpion go evil? Why? He's pretty much always been neutral and for him to go evil in the next game sounds too farfetched, imo. Btw, Ashrah isn't neutral, she's good.

Anyway, I'd like to see Kitana, Sonya, and Li Mei go from Good to Evil. Raiden should go from Good to Neutral or Unknown.
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12/16/2005 01:10 AM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
chardballz Wrote:
Raiden good to neutral (like the deception ending stated.. f##k everyone im making sure earth is safe)
Goro evil to neutral
Scorpian neutral to evil (hes a badass, thats wat makes ppl love him)
ashrah - neutral to evil
Ermac - good to evil

cant think of anyone else atm

Scorpion go evil? Why? He's pretty much always been neutral and for him to go evil in the next game sounds too farfetched, imo. Btw, Ashrah isn't neutral, she's good.

Anyway, I'd like to see Kitana, Sonya, and Li Mei go from Good to Evil. Raiden should go from Good to Neutral or Unknown.

Yeh that’s the thing about scorpion, he is the badass everyone loves.
And i enjoyed seeing him in MKSM fulfilling that role.
If he was to step it up a botch and kill ppl that fucked with him, he could inevitably be the Lu bu of Mortal Kombat.
Just looking for a fight.

As for Ashrah i wasn’t to sure, she would take out anyone to enable her soul to be cleansed. so i thought she fell more so into a neutral field.
Plus shed be a good evil character . (wen i saw hr first render i thought it was a female Raiden)
12/16/2005 01:15 AM (UTC)
Rayden: Evil

Kabal: He should be good, it was very stupid the way they made him evil, he changed sides so fast...so...they just made it look sad and stupid to me. Make him pretend he wants a new blackdragon when in fact he wants something else.

Sonya: Neutral (possesion)
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12/16/2005 01:50 AM (UTC)
I would like to see Kitana, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Jax, and Sonya all stay evil for one game in which they are playable. Like, if they managed to kill Onaga, then his essence is still alive in those 5 characters. I would really like to see what they would look like decked out in "evil" outfits.

And I am the only one that has wanted to see Johnny Cage break Liu Kang's nuts?
12/16/2005 02:08 AM (UTC)
chardballz Wrote:
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
chardballz Wrote:
Raiden good to neutral (like the deception ending stated.. f##k everyone im making sure earth is safe)
Goro evil to neutral
Scorpian neutral to evil (hes a badass, thats wat makes ppl love him)
ashrah - neutral to evil
Ermac - good to evil

cant think of anyone else atm

Scorpion go evil? Why? He's pretty much always been neutral and for him to go evil in the next game sounds too farfetched, imo. Btw, Ashrah isn't neutral, she's good.

Anyway, I'd like to see Kitana, Sonya, and Li Mei go from Good to Evil. Raiden should go from Good to Neutral or Unknown.

Yeh that’s the thing about scorpion, he is the badass everyone loves.
And i enjoyed seeing him in MKSM fulfilling that role.
If he was to step it up a botch and kill ppl that fucked with him, he could inevitably be the Lu bu of Mortal Kombat.
Just looking for a fight.

As for Ashrah i wasn’t to sure, she would take out anyone to enable her soul to be cleansed. so i thought she fell more so into a neutral field.
Plus shed be a good evil character . (wen i saw hr first render i thought it was a female Raiden)

Nah. I felt his MKSM self made him look like some mindless, shallow jerk who just fights anyone and has no real purpose.

As for Ashrah, she is just after demons to kill so she can cleanse herself of impurities.

Iamnick Wrote:
I would like to see Kitana, Kung Lao, Johnny Cage, Jax, and Sonya all stay evil for one game in which they are playable. Like, if they managed to kill Onaga, then his essence is still alive in those 5 characters. I would really like to see what they would look like decked out in "evil" outfits.

And I am the only one that has wanted to see Johnny Cage break Liu Kang's nuts?

That would be cool to see. As for JC breaking Liu's nuts...uh....lol...
12/16/2005 03:16 AM (UTC)
Reptile should turn from Evil to Good
12/16/2005 05:08 AM (UTC)
I was thinking more of neutral. What do you have in mind for his change from evil to good?
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12/16/2005 06:57 AM (UTC)
Reptile should be exactly that.. a Reptile.
A snake that goes from strongest to strongest to save his own hide..
Making him Neutral is a very good call
12/16/2005 05:20 PM (UTC)
Sub-Zero_7th Wrote:
Anyway, I'd like to see Kitana, Sonya, and Li Mei go from Good to Evil.

Why? The only way Kitana and Sonya being evil would make any sense is if they were still under Onaga's mind control. Li Mei going evil is something I really hope they don't do. Turning her neutral and having her be something of a loose cannon or anti-hero (due to her soul being tainted, maybe on her own quest to purge herself of said taint) is an infinitely more interesting way to go for her than just plain making her evil.
12/16/2005 07:47 PM (UTC)
I agree with Queve that Kabal should never have been made evil for MKD. That was one of the things that really ruined his comeback for me in a big way (especially since I was really looking forward to him). Kabal would have been much better as the neutral anti hero, hunting down evil that his MK3/MKT ending set him up to be. The whole point of Kabal's character originally was that he had been a thug in the past, but a near death experience and the Kahn invasion made him change his ways and join the fight to help save Earth.

That would have given him far more puropse with what's going on now, plus conflict with the recent Red Dragon (who really should have been represented in MKD), and the few good guys left unsure of whether Kabal can be trusted due to his past.Instead they had him leading a three person directionless new Black Dragon on behalf of Havik. The BD should probably have died with Kano, the new clan really aren't going anywhere story wise, although I do really like Kira and hope she stays somehow.

Part of me hopes that Midway do find a plausable way of returning Kabal to being a neutral anti hero. But with their track record on changing things, they'd probably ruin him beyond all repair.
12/16/2005 09:31 PM (UTC)
I kind of like Kabal being Evil, like, it took him back to his roots. Not that he is really evil, he's just self-serving. I mean, he fought on the side of Earth and saved the world, and then he was killed. No one helped him, he had no companions, if it hadn't been for Havik then he would have properly died. Personally I think that's reason enough to be looking after number one now.

Anyway, if the Black Dragon endings are canon then Kobra is dead and Kabal and Kira have a new Black Dragon to form. If they have the heart of Onaga then that might mean a comeback for Kano and Jarek, the Black Dragon could properly go back to its roots, or start completely afresh if they so chose. I think Kabal's change has brought about many new angles for the MK series.

To be fair, I think that, if its done right then any angle can be worked. The only one I would really disagree with is Scorpion turning evil, since he has always been neutral and was recently set up to be good, providing that the Elder Gods are a force for good and not a self-serving entity as well.
12/16/2005 09:41 PM (UTC)
I think Reptile should be neutral.
He knows that Shao Kahn destroyed his homeland. and when he finds out that Khameleon is unknowingly working for him, he pretends to be Kahn's ally just to get closer to Khameleon and tell her the truth about Shao Kahn.
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12/16/2005 10:09 PM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
I think Reptile should be neutral.
He knows that Shao Kahn destroyed his homeland. and when he finds out that Khameleon is unknowingly working for him, he pretends to be Kahn's ally just to get closer to Khameleon and tell her the truth about Shao Kahn.

Khameleon was trying to get to Reptile to tell him about Shao Kahn, remember? Now they both know... that could be interesting if they bring her back.
12/16/2005 10:12 PM (UTC)
Shao Kahn can do anything, even erase one's memory to use her enhanced skills to help him in the battle against Earthrealm and Edenia.
12/16/2005 10:21 PM (UTC)
MyQueenSindel Wrote:
Shao Kahn can do anything, even erase one's memory to use her enhanced skills to help him in the battle against Earthrealm and Edenia.

Bleh, that would be stupid and a waste, imo. Khameleon should return and should try to free Reptile from Onaga's control (if Onaga returns) or she'll try to find Reptile and get him to join her and bring back the Raptor race.
12/16/2005 10:53 PM (UTC)

Good to Neutral

Raiden has gone nuts. The tournament Mortal Kombat has cost Sonya dearly and she's had enough fighting to save her realm and preparing to die in battle. From now on, she looks out for number one, ending her friendship with Jax and whatever relationship she had with Johnny Cage. She would still slit Kano's throat in a heartbeat, he's a factor of her depression.

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12/17/2005 12:05 AM (UTC)
mileena evil to good
12/17/2005 12:06 AM (UTC)
danadbab Wrote:
mileena evil to good

What's ur story behind that
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

12/17/2005 12:16 AM (UTC)
Kano from evil to good
Kung Lao from good to neutral
Rayden from good to evil
Shao Khan from evil to good
Scorpion from neutral to evil

Hear me out. I'd like to see a overarching plot that shakes up alliances. Some characters that have been sworn enemies now must work together and trust one another. I'd like to see Scorpion regain his humanity and become Hanzo once more. Believing that he is doing the work of the Elder Gods, who are in reality trying to do something evil (unmake reality perhaps? Armageddon?). There are some that wish to see the end of everything, some that wish to curry favor with the Elder Gods, some that wish to be spared, some that will attempt to stop the Elder Gods, some that will have their own agendas entirely seperate from the main story. I like the idea because it turns alot of characters upside down. Can Kung Lao, a devout follower of the Elder Gods become champion of Earth and challenge those that he has worshiped his entire life? Or will he continue to follow the Elder Gods, join Rayden, and go against his former friends? I think that it could be a pretty versatile plot. At the very least it would shake things up.
12/17/2005 12:34 AM (UTC)
Baraka407 Wrote:
Kano from evil to good
Kung Lao from good to neutral
Rayden from good to evil
Shao Khan from evil to good
Scorpion from neutral to evil

Hear me out. I'd like to see a overarching plot that shakes up alliances. Some characters that have been sworn enemies now must work together and trust one another. I'd like to see Scorpion regain his humanity and become Hanzo once more. Believing that he is doing the work of the Elder Gods, who are in reality trying to do something evil (unmake reality perhaps? Armageddon?). There are some that wish to see the end of everything, some that wish to curry favor with the Elder Gods, some that wish to be spared, some that will attempt to stop the Elder Gods, some that will have their own agendas entirely seperate from the main story. I like the idea because it turns alot of characters upside down. Can Kung Lao, a devout follower of the Elder Gods become champion of Earth and challenge those that he has worshiped his entire life? Or will he continue to follow the Elder Gods, join Rayden, and go against his former friends? I think that it could be a pretty versatile plot. At the very least it would shake things up.

Nah, I don't think so. Why would the Elder Gods want to unmake reality? That would be completely unbeneficial for them as that would mean the return of the One Being thus leading to the One Being feeding off of them like it did before the war against it in the timeless void.

I don't think Scorpion should regain his humanity either, at least not until the very end of his story.
12/17/2005 02:18 AM (UTC)
At the LEAST Shao Khan can be neutral, but GOOD forget it!!!!!furiousfuriousfuriousfurious
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