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03/15/2015 06:48 PM (UTC)
To me, I think Raiden's torpedo cry is one of the most iconic things about the entire MK series - up there with "Get over here", of course. I love that move so much.

Raiden has been a favorite of mine ever since MK2. However, I hear very little talk about him in MKX. Ever since his trailer was released way back when, he's been overshadowed by everyone else in the game and kinda forgotten about. No one mentions they will main Raiden, hardly little talk about his variations.

Raiden is looking like a top tier character again. And he also has hands down the best X-ray move in the game thus far.

Raiden <3 stay strong gurl.

03/15/2015 06:52 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

That's the thing. Sure us humans would act how Raiden did in the last game.

But that's not how a being like Raiden should act because he isn't human. And he has seen much worse.

And no there is no excuse for him trusting Shao Kahn. Especially when he was dark Raiden he should have been even more driven to destroy Shao Kahn. But instead he believes his sworn enemy that he will leave Earth alone if again, he helps him achieve ultimate power.

Because Raiden would be able to hold Kahn to his word once he became all powerful right? Oh wait as MK2011 showed, no he couldn't.
03/15/2015 06:53 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
To me, I think Raiden's torpedo cry is one of the most iconic things about the entire MK series - up there with "Get over here", of course. I love that move so much.

Raiden has been a favorite of mine ever since MK2. However, I hear very little talk about him in MKX. Ever since his trailer was released way back when, he's been overshadowed by everyone else in the game and kinda forgotten about. No one mentions they will main Raiden, hardly little talk about his variations.

Raiden is looking like a top tier character again. And he also has hands down the best X-ray move in the game thus far.

Raiden <3 stay strong gurl.

Yeah he does have the best X-Ray in my opinion too. People were all pissed during his reveal because it wasn't a surprise. NRS gave that little thing about him standing watch for eternity and everyone was hoping for Shinnok or Fujin. Also people were pissed about his costume didn't seem very updated. I think once we got that story trailer showing his older costume people started warming up to him again.
03/15/2015 06:56 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

That's the thing. Sure us humans would act how Raiden did in the last game.

But that's not how a being like Raiden should act because he isn't human. And he has seen much worse.

I understand what you mean, but if he was the MK1 Raiden and didn't have emotion what so ever and wasn't conflicted, would anybody be interested in him?

Realistically and logically you are 100% right, someone like Raiden shouldn't have had a meltdown, but then he would just be a stiff uninteresting characters.

What I'm trying to say, Would you be interested in a stone wall that talks? That's what Raiden was in MK1 Ending. and if they went this route with Raiden he would be uninteresting. But now that we see that he has emotions and they do cloud his judgment and affect his choices we feel with him.

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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

03/15/2015 06:59 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
To me, I think Raiden's torpedo cry is one of the most iconic things about the entire MK series - up there with "Get over here", of course. I love that move so much.

Raiden has been a favorite of mine ever since MK2. However, I hear very little talk about him in MKX. Ever since his trailer was released way back when, he's been overshadowed by everyone else in the game and kinda forgotten about. No one mentions they will main Raiden, hardly little talk about his variations.

Raiden is looking like a top tier character again. And he also has hands down the best X-ray move in the game thus far.

Raiden <3 stay strong gurl.

I have kinda kept quiet about Raiden because, I already know he's in the game, so I have nothing to worry about. I was giving my attention to character who has not been announced as playable just yet. Maybe that's weird, but make no mistake I will be maining Raiden. And I'm dying to see him in story mode and all of his pre match trash talk.

And I agree his x-ray is the best. I found a gif of it to put in my sig, but it's too big. *sniffle*
03/15/2015 07:12 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

That's the thing. Sure us humans would act how Raiden did in the last game.

But that's not how a being like Raiden should act because he isn't human. And he has seen much worse.

I understand what you mean, but if he was the MK1 Raiden and didn't have emotion what so ever and wasn't conflicted, would anybody be interested in him?

Realistically and logically you are 100% right, someone like Raiden shouldn't have had a meltdown, but then he would just be a stiff uninteresting characters.

What I'm trying to say, Would you be interested in a stone wall that talks? That's what Raiden was in MK1 Ending. and if they went this route with Raiden he would be uninteresting. But now that we see that he has emotions and they do cloud his judgment and affect his choices we feel with him.

Yes. I would prefer Raiden be the stoic wise mentor and leader he was from MK1 up to Deadly Alliance.(God I wish they would get his DA voice back)

He's a god so he should act some what withdrawn and inhuman.
03/15/2015 07:19 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

That's the thing. Sure us humans would act how Raiden did in the last game.

But that's not how a being like Raiden should act because he isn't human. And he has seen much worse.

I understand what you mean, but if he was the MK1 Raiden and didn't have emotion what so ever and wasn't conflicted, would anybody be interested in him?

Realistically and logically you are 100% right, someone like Raiden shouldn't have had a meltdown, but then he would just be a stiff uninteresting characters.

What I'm trying to say, Would you be interested in a stone wall that talks? That's what Raiden was in MK1 Ending. and if they went this route with Raiden he would be uninteresting. But now that we see that he has emotions and they do cloud his judgment and affect his choices we feel with him.

Yes. I would prefer Raiden be the stoic wise mentor and leader he was from MK1 up to Deadly Alliance.(God I wish they would get his DA voice back)

He's a god so he should act some what withdrawn and inhuman.

Do you even know how Raiden was in MK1? He didn't care for anyone he thought everybody was beneath him, he wasn't a leader. not until MK2 did he show some concern for the Earthrealm warriors, when he warned the Shaolin warriors about Shao Kahn intentions.

IMO, Raiden is much better as he is now. :).
03/15/2015 07:29 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Raiden is one of the best characters in the MK series PERIOD. I don't care what anybody says. All that talk about him being a "Blunder God" is lame and overused.

He did what he had to do to keep Earthrealm safe and of course there were some casualties. Half of those casualties are still in this game no?

Besides, what's the difference between Raiden knowing the future and trying to prevent it from happening than lets say... Sub-Zero?

He has one of the best designs, story and move set. Raiden is awesome in my book.

Can someone tell me how he prevented Armageddon? The only thing he prevented was Shao Kahn being the victor of the event.

Armageddon happens because of the overabundance of powerful warriors throughout all the realms and them knowing about the quest causing them all to come to the meteor crater in Edenia which starts to tear the very fabric of reality itself.

Oh sure, warriors died in MK2011, but they still exist in one of the realms which factors in Armageddon. The Neatherrealm. And even better they serve Shinnok now.(aside from the few who were freed).

And even better, now there are more super powered warriors because some of our old protagonists saw fit to procreate. So Armageddon is still right on track.

The only person who has so far been definitely removed from the equation so far is Shao Kahn.
03/15/2015 07:41 PM (UTC)
The only game I liked Raiden was MKDA. I thought he looked really cool and he had this sweeping spam move with his staff. That move and the spin move with Hsu Hao were the only ways I got past Moloch.
03/15/2015 07:47 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

That's the thing. Sure us humans would act how Raiden did in the last game.

But that's not how a being like Raiden should act because he isn't human. And he has seen much worse.

I understand what you mean, but if he was the MK1 Raiden and didn't have emotion what so ever and wasn't conflicted, would anybody be interested in him?

Realistically and logically you are 100% right, someone like Raiden shouldn't have had a meltdown, but then he would just be a stiff uninteresting characters.

What I'm trying to say, Would you be interested in a stone wall that talks? That's what Raiden was in MK1 Ending. and if they went this route with Raiden he would be uninteresting. But now that we see that he has emotions and they do cloud his judgment and affect his choices we feel with him.

Yes. I would prefer Raiden be the stoic wise mentor and leader he was from MK1 up to Deadly Alliance.(God I wish they would get his DA voice back)

He's a god so he should act some what withdrawn and inhuman.

Do you even know how Raiden was in MK1? He didn't care for anyone he thought everybody was beneath him, he wasn't a leader. not until MK2 did he show some concern for the Earthrealm warriors, when he warned the Shaolin warriors about Shao Kahn intentions.

IMO, Raiden is much better as he is now. :).

Here's the thing. Everyone overlooks whatever the fuck old testament thing Tobias was doing with Raiden in MK1 because it was immediately retconned in MK2
03/15/2015 10:28 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Raiden is one of the best characters in the MK series PERIOD. I don't care what anybody says. All that talk about him being a "Blunder God" is lame and overused.

He did what he had to do to keep Earthrealm safe and of course there were some casualties. Half of those casualties are still in this game no?

Besides, what's the difference between Raiden knowing the future and trying to prevent it from happening than lets say... Sub-Zero?

He has one of the best designs, story and move set. Raiden is awesome in my book.

Can someone tell me how he prevented Armageddon? The only thing he prevented was Shao Kahn being the victor of the event.

Armageddon happens because of the overabundance of powerful warriors throughout all the realms and them knowing about the quest causing them all to come to the meteor crater in Edenia which starts to tear the very fabric of reality itself.

Oh sure, warriors died in MK2011, but they still exist in one of the realms which factors in Armageddon. The Neatherrealm. And even better they serve Shinnok now.(aside from the few who were freed).

And even better, now there are more super powered warriors because some of our old protagonists saw fit to procreate. So Armageddon is still right on track.

The only person who has so far been definitely removed from the equation so far is Shao Kahn.

Armageddon was prevented only because of the writers said so. It is just more bad writing. Just because you kill off 2 handfuls of good guys and Shao Kahn shouldn't have prevented Armageddon. If Kahn didn't win Armageddon someone must have. Shujinko is still out there with Dragon King leading him on, Dragon King 's egg too, so is Blaze, and the pyramid.

The irony is that the Elder gods caused Armageddon by constructing the pyramid with Blaze. The Elder gods were dumb enough to offer a "prize" to become a god or unlimited power to anyone. Why would the Elder gods offer a prize that is powerful enough to kill even them to anyone? This is one of the many reasons , why I dislike the current writers. Combine with the reboot that doesn't make any sense, the series story is still on a downward spiral.
03/15/2015 10:50 PM (UTC)
Pretty sure Raiden's event altering didn't effect the original timeline at all, only the alternative/current one where things actually changed.

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03/16/2015 12:13 AM (UTC)
He had the best characterization in mortal kombat 9, people have this headcanon of what he should be or act, which is a mostly a childish representation of an almighty and all-knowing character. As if something like that could work as a main character. People need to understand that in order to have a better story that evolves from the basic good vs evil characters not only need to look 3D but act and think like three dimensional individuals, having flaws and exposing moraly grey areas is how you do it, that people are upset by his actions means it actually worked, since Raiden was feeling constantly frustrated for making bad decisions but he didn't have any choice, he had no idea what was going to happen, only vague visions, hardly anyone could have done better with the little information he had but unlike Raiden, fans know the whole original story, and project themselves onto him anyway. "God" is just a nickname, it doesn't come with a fixed set of rules and character distinctions.
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03/16/2015 01:04 AM (UTC)
Tobias said that because Raiden was a god, his role as mentor could be assumed. His MK1 ending was just a what if scenario.

Raiden's archetype since his creation was mentor.

It's all here
03/16/2015 02:21 AM (UTC)
FROST4584 Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Raiden is one of the best characters in the MK series PERIOD. I don't care what anybody says. All that talk about him being a "Blunder God" is lame and overused.

He did what he had to do to keep Earthrealm safe and of course there were some casualties. Half of those casualties are still in this game no?

Besides, what's the difference between Raiden knowing the future and trying to prevent it from happening than lets say... Sub-Zero?

He has one of the best designs, story and move set. Raiden is awesome in my book.

Can someone tell me how he prevented Armageddon? The only thing he prevented was Shao Kahn being the victor of the event.

Armageddon happens because of the overabundance of powerful warriors throughout all the realms and them knowing about the quest causing them all to come to the meteor crater in Edenia which starts to tear the very fabric of reality itself.

Oh sure, warriors died in MK2011, but they still exist in one of the realms which factors in Armageddon. The Neatherrealm. And even better they serve Shinnok now.(aside from the few who were freed).

And even better, now there are more super powered warriors because some of our old protagonists saw fit to procreate. So Armageddon is still right on track.

The only person who has so far been definitely removed from the equation so far is Shao Kahn.

Armageddon was prevented only because of the writers said so. It is just more bad writing. Just because you kill off 2 handfuls of good guys and Shao Kahn shouldn't have prevented Armageddon. If Kahn didn't win Armageddon someone must have. Shujinko is still out there with Dragon King leading him on, Dragon King 's egg too, so is Blaze, and the pyramid.

The irony is that the Elder gods caused Armageddon by constructing the pyramid with Blaze. The Elder gods were dumb enough to offer a "prize" to become a god or unlimited power to anyone. Why would the Elder gods offer a prize that is powerful enough to kill even them to anyone? This is one of the many reasons , why I dislike the current writers. Combine with the reboot that doesn't make any sense, the series story is still on a downward spiral.

And this is why after the last game i realized most of us here like this series for the wrong reasons.

The story doesn't matter. If it did they might actually hire some writers to write it instead of letting the programmers do it.
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"Life, for all it's anguish, is ours Miss Ives. It belongs to no other." - Ferdinand Lyle

03/16/2015 03:05 AM (UTC)
I've done my fair share of bashing Raiden for his stupidity in MK9, but that shouldn't suggest that I hate him. I loved his gameplay for the most part, and his MKX gameplay looks fun as hell. In MK9 we were just "buried beneath the avalanche of his inadequacies."

I still have just a tiny bit of faith that he'll redeem himself in the story of MKX though....or he'll just be killed by Liu Kang.

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Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

03/16/2015 05:57 AM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
To me, I think Raiden's torpedo cry is one of the most iconic things about the entire MK series - up there with "Get over here", of course. I love that move so much.

Raiden has been a favorite of mine ever since MK2. However, I hear very little talk about him in MKX. Ever since his trailer was released way back when, he's been overshadowed by everyone else in the game and kinda forgotten about. No one mentions they will main Raiden, hardly little talk about his variations.

Raiden is looking like a top tier character again. And he also has hands down the best X-ray move in the game thus far.

Raiden <3 stay strong gurl.

I agree with almost everything you said; but I'm quoting this especially for his godlike X-Ray. It's THE best one so far, hands down. I really doubt another X-Ray will make me fangirl as hard as that one does.

I think no one's talking about Raiden's variations because so many other characters have been revealed, and we as a community are quick to move on from one character trailer to another. I expect variation discussions to pick up once the game drops.

As with every MK game, he'll be my most-played character. Personally, I'm looking forward to playing as his Displacer variation. His Thunder God variation looks good too.
03/16/2015 06:36 AM (UTC)

I love his X-Ray as well. Knowing Fujin could have something similar in the sense that it would be literally GODLIKE makes me kind of sad. Oh, the potential.

fuck man :(
About Me

Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

03/16/2015 06:37 AM (UTC)
redman Wrote:

I love his X-Ray as well. Knowing Fujin could have something similar in the sense that it would be literally GODLIKE makes me kind of sad. Oh, the potential.

fuck man :(

I feel your pain, but at least we have Shinnok.
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The MK Gods on dA

Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets

03/16/2015 09:11 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Raiden gets shit because he handled the events in MK9 poorly. But I do sympathize Raiden because it was a tough situation.

I actually like Raiden though. He's one of the few characters in MKX that makes me want to play all their variations. Gameplay wise he's never looked better. I also really love his snarky intro dialogue.

Raiden: Kung Lao.

Kung Lao: Forgive me Lord Raiden.

Raiden: I forgive your impending failure.

Hot damn!

The contrast between this and your username made me chortle.
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