03/15/2015 03:57 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
I also really love his snarky intro dialogue.

Raiden: Kung Lao.

Kung Lao: Forgive me Lord Raiden.

Raiden: I forgive your impending failure.

Hot damn!

"Has anyone ever agreed with that statement?"
03/15/2015 05:06 AM (UTC)
he's the God of Useless!
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

03/15/2015 05:25 AM (UTC)
He is my favorate character. The haters here are really vocal and I and a few other Raiden fans just can't be bothered to go in circles in an argument that has been beat to death since mk9 came out. While I still get into debates defending him every now and then, I try to ignore the hate most of the time.

But it's cool to see so many of us gathered here. ^_^
03/15/2015 05:32 AM (UTC)
I like Raiden. He accomplished his goal (Prevent Armageddon) for the time being.

Yeah a lot of heroes did die in MK9 but a lot more of them died during Armageddon.
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Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

03/15/2015 05:40 AM (UTC)
daryui Wrote:
Raiden 'has always been, and always will be' my favorite character.

Windy_Thunderstorm wrote:
He is my favorite character. The haters here are really vocal and I and a few other Raiden fans just can't be bothered to go in circles in an argument that has been beat to death since mk9 came out. While I still get into debates defending him every now and then, I try to ignore the hate most of the time.

This. All of this.
The "God of Blunder" nickname was funny the first couple of times (I don't agree with it personally), but it's overused now.
Thunderstruck_Earthrealmer Wrote:
daryui Wrote:
Raiden 'has always been, and always will be' my favorite character.

This. The "God of Blunder" nickname was funny the first couple of times (I don't agree with it personally), but it's overused now.

That's why I hate memes. Shit gets infinitely less funny when something is repeated over and over and over, especially when it's not even entirely true to begin with and just forced.

Half that shit wasn't even entirely Raiden's fault. Sub-Zero getting automated? Everyone there who watched that shit happen and didn't life a finger is at fault. I know they were nervous because of Raiden's unfortunate future visions, but still.
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-sig by MINION

03/15/2015 05:46 AM (UTC)
I've always loved Raiden. But between not leaving a clearer message for his future self and seemingly being nonchalant about the fact that he got almost all of his champions killed he comes across as more unlikeable now.

Personally I think he's acting more like a god now. Not completely in love with people and being more aloof.
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'Your soul is MINE!'

everything crossed for Reiko

03/15/2015 09:01 AM (UTC)
he was trying to do what's best for Earthrealm rather than his Earthrealm champions and friends. Except his future self ended up just confusing him and I guess Raiden has never been good at puzzles but now I think he is definitely more god like now.
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03/15/2015 10:17 AM (UTC)
I don't hate Raiden, but i am pretty bored of seeing him all the time.

In MK3 he sat out but was still in the intro - this i liked. He was still a guiding presence for the Erealm heroes. This is how he should be handled again, the next time he sits one out. He'll always be integral to the MK story.

That being said, It got a bit much when he turned dark. It was an interesting part of the story in the game that changed a lot of long-term characters' motivations, and i will say it was done right. But by that point i was getting sick of seeing him always.

Then in MKvsDC how can you have a crossover game without him? Again in MK9 how can you have a trilogy remake without him? Now in MKX his past actions have to be accountable, so how could ha possibly not be in? I understand that he's very important and necessary, but even so, i personally want him to sit out again. Maybe have a 'replacement' god in his stead like the ever-promised Fujin or his own neXt generation: Kidd Thunder.
03/15/2015 10:22 AM (UTC)
Raiden was one of my favorites, until MK9. I'll give him a fresh start for MKX, but in MK9 he was literally the last character I would pick.
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03/15/2015 10:26 AM (UTC)
Apparently, the way the marketing in this game is turning out, looks like NRS is catering to the Raiden haters. Here's a few examples:

Never shows his full X-ray

Always have him jobbing to other characters

Every time he loses, they always fatality him

Last time I saw his fatality was when he was revealed & that was 2/3 of a year ago.

They made his (expletive) small in Cassies X-ray

He's always getting dissed harshly in every intro(& the haters praise the opponent for it)

Once again, I cannot stress enough that I am disappointed by how NRS has their tail between their legs during this marketing phase.

Hopefully this installment skyrockets my expectations. (I'm definitely going to Master Raiden to the fullest so I can own the haters in some matches)
About Me

Fujin for MK11!! #ReleaseFujin #NoMoreTrolling

Avatar: MKX Concept Art by Marco Nelor.

03/15/2015 10:43 AM (UTC)
FROID Wrote:
Apparently, the way the marketing in this game is turning out, looks like NRS is catering to the Raiden haters. Here's a few examples:

Never shows his full X-ray

Always have him jobbing to other characters

Every time he loses, they always fatality him

Last time I saw his fatality was when he was revealed & that was 2/3 of a year ago.

They made his (expletive) small in Cassies X-ray

He's always getting dissed harshly in every intro(& the haters praise the opponent for it)

Once again, I cannot stress enough that I am disappointed by how NRS has their tail between their legs during this marketing phase.

Hopefully this installment skyrockets my expectations. (I'm definitely going to Master Raiden to the fullest so I can own the haters in some matches)

Now that you mention it, NRS is really making Raiden the new Sub-Zero. He's one step away from consistently dying in reveal trailers.
03/15/2015 10:57 AM (UTC)
Raiden was always been my favorite since mk1, I'm sure he will be my main this time around also
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/15/2015 12:11 PM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I like Raiden. He accomplished his goal (Prevent Armageddon) for the time being.

Yeah a lot of heroes did die in MK9 but a lot more of them died during Armageddon.

Thank you!
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Credit to Minion for my awesome sig!

03/15/2015 01:10 PM (UTC)
He's a jackass to be honest. Respect his gaming character because he's a legend in gaming of course. But MK 9's story mode made me hate him so much. Killing Liu Kang pissed me off.
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Top 5 MK Fighters: Scorpion, Shao Kahn, Raiden, Shinnok, Shang Tsung

03/15/2015 01:24 PM (UTC)
Brady_Got_Caged Wrote:
I like Raiden. NRS just makes his character seem like a dumbass sometimes


I hated how they treat Raiden.
Yeah, with all the visions, musta thought he was Kenshi n tried to force grab him...

Right, I`m not Kenshi, I`m electric. dang!

Ray Rai dun fugg shiz up!

03/15/2015 02:20 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
I think people are just shallow, Raiden is like the only damn character in the game who acts like a fucking person in his situation would. So what if he tried to sell the souls of the heroes to Quan Chi? Wouldn't you have traded a few lives for the entire Earthrealm race?

Raiden is awesome and a wise character, he has always been there and should always be there.

EDIT: He didn't heal Kitana because he doesn't like him... Nahh seriously, he didn't heal her because he can heal wounds not restore souls. Sindel already took her soul or half of it.

You can't take half a soul. Hers was fully intact or else her body would have been nothing but a shell. She died because of the brutal beating Sindel gave her.

But back to Raiden. He shouldn't act how a normal person would act in a situation of crisis. He's supposed to be billions of years old and wise. Or to quote his bio verbatim "wise beyond measure". So Raiden should be the most level headed and rational one out of anyone.

If they wanted to throw someone in this situation who would handle it as poorly as Raiden did then Have Liu be the one to receive the visions. Or Sonya.

But let's look beyond Raiden's blunder in the last game.

He destroyed an entire civilization in his scuffle with Shinnok. Awesome move Raiden.

Lead his comrades to their death in Deadly Alliance.

Resurrected Liu Kangs soules corpse as his enforcer which resulted in it being a blood thirsty murderer or innocence.

Then in his extreme infinite wisdom formed and alliance with Shao Kahn and just took the maniacs scouts honor that he would leave Earth alone if he helped him achieve ultimate power.

Raiden has always been an idiot.

Now with all that being said. I still like Raiden. I'm just not a huge fan of him as a person. Guy looks cool though.
03/15/2015 02:47 PM (UTC)
Let's not forget that Raiden, one of the most powerful beings in the planet, cut himself with a Kamidogu knowing full well its tendency to corrupt. Is whatever goal you're after really worth turning a god into a maniac? Kind of irresponsible.

Seriously. Make a pros and cons list Raiden.

Pros: See the Future
Cons: Become a murderous monster that could destroy the planet.

Fujin made that list real quick. Give him the title.

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Props to MINION
03/15/2015 02:51 PM (UTC)
Raiden blows

03/15/2015 02:57 PM (UTC)
AgentK Wrote:
I haven't come across a single Raiden fan here. In fact, this has to be the most anti-Raiden forum on the net. Which sucks, cause I personally love Raiden and he's looking badass in this latest addition.

My avatar and sig say otherwise,

There used to be a few like Tgrant that's was a massive raiden fan
03/15/2015 03:04 PM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:
I think people are just shallow, Raiden is like the only damn character in the game who acts like a fucking person in his situation would. So what if he tried to sell the souls of the heroes to Quan Chi? Wouldn't you have traded a few lives for the entire Earthrealm race?

Raiden is awesome and a wise character, he has always been there and should always be there.

EDIT: He didn't heal Kitana because he doesn't like him... Nahh seriously, he didn't heal her because he can heal wounds not restore souls. Sindel already took her soul or half of it.

You can't take half a soul. Hers was fully intact or else her body would have been nothing but a shell. She died because of the brutal beating Sindel gave her.

But back to Raiden. He shouldn't act how a normal person would act in a situation of crisis. He's supposed to be billions of years old and wise. Or to quote his bio verbatim "wise beyond measure". So Raiden should be the most level headed and rational one out of anyone.

If they wanted to throw someone in this situation who would handle it as poorly as Raiden did then Have Liu be the one to receive the visions. Or Sonya.

But let's look beyond Raiden's blunder in the last game.

He destroyed an entire civilization in his scuffle with Shinnok. Awesome move Raiden.

Lead his comrades to their death in Deadly Alliance.

Resurrected Liu Kangs soules corpse as his enforcer which resulted in it being a blood thirsty murderer or innocence.

Then in his extreme infinite wisdom formed and alliance with Shao Kahn and just took the maniacs scouts honor that he would leave Earth alone if he helped him achieve ultimate power.

Raiden has always been an idiot.

Now with all that being said. I still like Raiden. I'm just not a huge fan of him as a person. Guy looks cool though.

Sure I understand what you mean.

Raiden is said to be billions of years old and that he is wise beyond measure, but that doesn't mean in his time with humans he couldn't of developed emotions for them.

I always looked at MK9 the same way I looked at doctors not operating on their loved ones.

It will cloud their judgment, it doesn't matter how wise,smart or good you are. emotions will always cloud your judgment. We have been shown over time that Raiden does in fact have feelings for Earthrealm.

He is a god but he likes Earthrealm and he can see the good in it so he will do what he can to protect it.

With that said, Wouldn't have you acted the same way? His decisions were motivated by what he thought was right. That doesn't mean it was right, it means he thought it was. Does that make him an idiot? Nope.

An idiot is someone who does something that he knows won't work, Raiden thought working with Quan Chi would help win the fight and protect Earthrealm.

Raiden gave up his position as an Elder god to help defend Earthrealm.

Raiden took Shao Kahn's offer because he thought Shao Kahn would really leave Earthrealm alone in MKA, again his emotions were clouded but his intentions were good.

He might not be the best protector for Earthrealm because of his emotions but that doesn't make him an idiot.

By your logic, We are all also idiots because at least once in our lives we did things we thought were right but they weren't.

Wrong decisions? Sure, everybody makes them. But that doesn't make him an idiot.

I actually understand why you and other people would think he is in fact an idiot, but when you just shift your perspective a bit, you'll see that he is not an idiot but that he is conflicted. Which in terms gives him actual personality, something missing from the rest of the cast.
03/15/2015 03:07 PM (UTC)
I don't mind Raiden. I think he was at his best from MK1 to 4, then he was alright in MK:DA, started having serious potential around MKD when he was treated as a potential new Shao Kahn, but sadly they undid it and he was just okay in MK9, and appears to be still that in MKX (though I definitely do like his MK1 alt).

Though I find it funny to see him treated like an idiot, to me, his stupidity in MK9 was largely the result of the writers going clumsily from point A to point B, so basically, Raiden doesn't click as a natural idiot.

Out of curiousity, am I the only here who liked his evil self from the first game? He really stood out back then, being an immortal participant who entered the tournament out of boredom, who made even the bosses seem insignificant, and who invited the other gods in a world-destroying tournament. All because he was bored. To me a non-canon fighting game based on his MK1 ending could be fun.
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This beautiful sig was made by MINION.

03/15/2015 05:37 PM (UTC)
Must...not...debate...must ignore...hate...

FROID Wrote:
Apparently, the way the marketing in this game is turning out, looks like NRS is catering to the Raiden haters. Here's a few examples:

Never shows his full X-ray

Always have him jobbing to other characters

Every time he loses, they always fatality him

Last time I saw his fatality was when he was revealed & that was 2/3 of a year ago.

They made his (expletive) small in Cassies X-ray

He's always getting dissed harshly in every intro(& the haters praise the opponent for it)

Once again, I cannot stress enough that I am disappointed by how NRS has their tail between their legs during this marketing phase.

Hopefully this installment skyrockets my expectations. (I'm definitely going to Master Raiden to the fullest so I can own the haters in some matches)

I wouldn't worry too much. They haven't really touched Ferra Torr, D'Vora, and a few other character since reveal. The dudes in the stream seem to pick who they like and who they practice with.

As for Raiden's...well, I'm pretty sure that's suppose to the the average size for the average body sized characters. We've only seen the x-ray on 3 males on poor quality videos, one of them being Torr...I can't beleive I'm discussing Raiden's balls. Lol

My beef is how they are treating him in the comics. Raiden losing round two in the fight with Scorpion on Earthrealm? FUCK THAT!!! Then he just let's Scorpion shit talk him again, and in his own house this time. I know he's just being the bigger man, but it would have been nice to see him back hand the shit out of Hanzo.
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The MK Gods on dA

Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets

03/15/2015 06:11 PM (UTC)
Windy_Thunderstorm Wrote:
He is my favorate character. The haters here are really vocal and I and a few other Raiden fans just can't be bothered to go in circles in an argument that has been beat to death since mk9 came out. While I still get into debates defending him every now and then, I try to ignore the hate most of the time.

But it's cool to see so many of us gathered here. ^_^
All of this. Ironically, Raiden's actions and flaws have always made him the most human to me. The other actual humans kind of follow these messianic archetypes, which get old quickly.
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