What You Want in MK:9 (Now Doing Cuts)
posted03/01/2009 05:32 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
07/06/2008 12:43 AM (UTC)
Write what characters or new characters/game modes/unlockable content/downloadable content

I will put the most demanded characters/game modes/unlockable content/downloadable content in this post

So Far:

ENGINE: Unreal

CHARACTERS: Liu Kang (Return as human), Smoke (Return as human and ghostly), Kitana (Main Heroine), Sonya, Sub-Zero (Unlockable), Scorpion (Unlockable), Kenshi, Havik, Kabal (Good guy again), Sektor (Brainiac -nano-tech), Rain (Good Guy), Reptile (Evil), Bo'Rai Cho, Fujin (More difference from Raiden or the other gods) Raiden (More powerful god), Reiko (New Emperor of Outworld), Jade, Mileena, Baraka, Kai (Oracle), Nightwolf (Scary spiritual character), Sareena, Shang Tsung (MK1 attire), Johnny Cage, Quan Chi, Shinnok, Kano, Stryker (MK3 attire)

New Characters: Christy, Slip Knot, Belokk (Hidden), Durak (Hidden), New Female Ninja (Hidden), Tremor, Hydro, Tiamat (Hidden), Baphomet (Hidden), Siobhan, Evil Master 1, Evil Master 2 (Hidden),

GAME MODES: Arcade Story Versus Team Battle (up to 4 on 4) Tournament (4, 8, or 16 player tournament complete with brackets) Test Your Might

Story Mode: I think story mode should be about Shao Kahn, trying to merge all of the realms together, you can play as the good or the evil. You play as every body depending on which side you choose. (sort of like the MK vs DC chapter thing, except you play as EVERYBODY)

Kreate a Kharacter: All new special moves, stances, facial features, and you can create your own fatality (not like MK:Armageddon)

Online: Leaderboards for wins, consecutive wins, fatatlities performed, accumulated combos Versus, team battle, tag and tournament

UNLOCKABLE KONTENT: The Krypt: Tons of bonuses like concept art, arenas, characters, videos etc.

After you unlock all bonus kontent, endings, and completing story modes, there will be a Kombat Kode on the screen which will unlock.....a secret character.

DOWNLOADABLE KONTENT: Unlock KaK items, KaK moves, arenas, characters, and other stuff. NO CROSSOVERS!!!!
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12/10/2008 04:12 AM (UTC)
Okay, this is a bit longer than I intended, so sorry about that. Alot of it can be condensed, but I wanted to explain a few ideas, hence the length.

Characters: Scorpion, Sub Zero and Sonya. That's it. Oh, I'd also change those three DRASTICALLY. In other words, they'd have completely new plot functions, and at least one of them would get a name change. All three would have entirely new looks.

Game Modes:

Team Battle (up to 10 on 10)
Tag (2 on 2 or 3 on 3)
Tournament (4, 8, 16 or 32 player tournament complete with brackets)
Kreate a character

Online leaderboards for wins, consecutive wins, fatatlities performed, accumulated combos (ie, you get 7 points for doing a 7 hit combo, and those points add up to form your total). You would also get ranked depending on your win total. In other words, depending on how you'd want the titles to shake out: 50 wins is a mortal, 100 wins is a killer, 200 wins is a slayer, 300 is a destroyer, 400 is an assassin, 500 is a shadow priest, 1000 is a sorcerer, 1200 is a master, 1500 is a...well you get the idea.

Online: Versus, team battle, tag and tournament would all be present as well as the ability to take your kreated character online. You'd get a versus screen showing each player's rank and record. You can also trade items with people online.

Kreate a Tournament (you create the characters, you get templates for character select screens, the opponent ladder, beginnings and endings and you can write everything in to tell the story of your own Mortal Kombat tournament).

Unlockable kontent
As far as characters and arenas are concerned, I'd want them all unlocked solely through the story mode except for one bonus character.

Tons of kreate a character kontent from special moves to stances, facial features to fatalities. You get koins as well as items for playing the other modes of the game. This time however, there will be a ton more kontent than Armageddon, and one special move won't cost you 2000 koins.

A movie editor: Not a huge option, but a place that you can go to watch all of the cut scenes from the game as you unlock them. As you play though the game with various characters, their opening, middle and ending movies will be put into a sort of large puzzle. When you have beaten the game with every character, all of the stories will form a complete screen and you can watch the entire story unfold as a movie. If there are 20 characters in the game, max of 2 minutes per cutscene, that's a feature length film right there. I wouldn't mind that bonus.

The Krypt: I would mainly use the krypt as an area for unlocking concept art. In fact, you wouldn't even unlock it. The Krypt would be time released. So every hour or so you get another picture. I'd put about 100 pieces in art ranging from how a characters design started through to it's final form, to characters that never made it into the game etc.

After all of this is unlocked, you get an ultimate kombat kode that you can enter at the main screen to awaken the final playable character in the game. The unlocking of the pictures basically tells you how close you are to getting the final character. Of course, these hours count whether you're playing versus with a friend online or offline, so basically anytime you're in an actual mode and playing (ie, the counter stops if the system detects that no inputs have been made for over 10 minutes perhaps).

Downloadable kontent

Now, don't get me wrong, as I said, I want a TON of options for kreated characters, but the downloadable kontent would come in with even more kreate a character options. These would come in packs, and in those packs, you'd get something along the lines of 200 special moves, 500 kreate a character items, 2 new arenas, and perhaps one or two of those offline modes that I suggested in the modes section.

Realistically, I know that the MK team (or any team) wouldn't be able to have all of those modes both big and small.
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12/10/2008 01:24 PM (UTC)
For characters I want Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. For game modes I'd like to see Arcade mode (with the "Choose your Destiny " towers from MK3-MKG), Story mode (like in Armageddon), Puzzle Kombat, Test your Sight,
Test your Might, VS mode, The Krypt (like in Deadly Alliance), and Tag mode. For stages, it would be nice to see The Living Forest, Shang Tsung's palace, Ying-Yang Island, and The Sky Tower again.
12/10/2008 02:50 PM (UTC)
i just want blood and gore back with new fatallities
12/10/2008 08:06 PM (UTC)
I want only the Kreate A Kharacter in MK9 as long as they add all Frost's moves set in and Since that she won't be back in the Next Gen. *EyeRoll*
12/11/2008 05:30 PM (UTC)
Something like MK vs DC as far as the fighting engine and graphics but rated M with much blood, violence, gory fatalities Sub-zero, Scorpion, Sonya, Baraka, Liu Kang and Reptile, ripping clothes and body damage like MK vs DC, pit fatalities including spikes, shark or crocodiles or lions eating them alive, new characters that will fit in MK universe (only John Tobias can design them) and I want MK9 again to be created by our friend Ed Boon and his team. That's all I ask.grin
12/12/2008 04:39 PM (UTC)
I'd love to have a fleshed out story that lets you choose a character and play through their individual plot. I would enjoy if characters fates were revealed in other characters endings. This I feel will give players motivation to beat the game with every character to have the entire story revealed to them.

Just like anyone else I'd like to have the inclusion of my favorite characters included. These characters are Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, and Kung Lao.

I'd like to have stage fatalities be returned to the end of a round with button combinations. I enjoyed the variety of finishing off my opponents and I would be a happy fan if that was brought back.

I had this idea of having four players join in to play two on two matches. Having the option to simply press a button and take a break while your partner gets in the action would be fun to do. I'm not expecting this to be included but It would be very fun in my opinion if it was.
12/12/2008 06:37 PM (UTC)

I would love to see all of the former gory, violent glory, that we have grown-up with and enjoyed. I must say, the MK vs DC graphics looks great, but I do wish they had made an M version.

I would hope, that the graphics would be as good as MK vs DC; I love watching Sonya's ...ahem.. motion dynamics ;P.

For those of use with BLU RAY, I'd like to see the development team utilize the vast amount of space available to produce a game of immense and epic proportions--as in the past, but with far better dynamic, options, and graphics.

Bringing in all of the characters from the past games, with several changes in clothing, three fatalities, hara kiri, and all the rest, lots of blood and gore, several stage fatalities. Downloadable Kontent would be great, as well as Kreating your own Warrior--with tons of options.

Some New Characters:

Christy: Sonya's little sister (I've made this up), but she is just 20 years old, and ready to follow Sonya into the Mortal Kombat Tournaments. She inherits the enemies of Sonya, but has a unique look and fighting style.

Slip Knot: An evil, escaped prisoner with street brawling skills, and weapons fashioned from prison materials (cloth rope, tooth brush shank, etc.) Fatalities could include, hangings, gorotting, shanking. Just some brutal food for thought.

12/14/2008 03:42 AM (UTC)
montyhack Wrote:

I would love to see all of the former gory, violent glory, that we have grown-up with and enjoyed. I must say, the MK vs DC graphics looks great, but I do wish they had made an M version.

I would hope, that the graphics would be as good as MK vs DC; I love watching Sonya's ...ahem.. motion dynamics ;P.

For those of use with BLU RAY, I'd like to see the development team utilize the vast amount of space available to produce a game of immense and epic proportions--as in the past, but with far better dynamic, options, and graphics.

Bringing in all of the characters from the past games, with several changes in clothing, three fatalities, hara kiri, and all the rest, lots of blood and gore, several stage fatalities. Downloadable Kontent would be great, as well as Kreating your own Warrior--with tons of options.

Some New Characters:

Christy: Sonya's little sister (I've made this up), but she is just 20 years old, and ready to follow Sonya into the Mortal Kombat Tournaments. She inherits the enemies of Sonya, but has a unique look and fighting style.

Slip Knot: An evil, escaped prisoner with street brawling skills, and weapons fashioned from prison materials (cloth rope, tooth brush shank, etc.) Fatalities could include, hangings, gorotting, shanking. Just some brutal food for thought.


I like your ideas, and welcome to Mortal Kombat Online.
12/14/2008 04:40 AM (UTC)
personally i think it should have a create a fighter option and you should have the choice of going thruogh konquest with your created fighter
12/14/2008 10:03 PM (UTC)
I want 16 characters to return and 14 new. 30 should be the number.

Returning Characters:

Drahmin (Hidden)
Sektor (Hidden)
Taven (Hidden)
Sareena (Hidden)
Liu Kang
Kitana (Hidden)

New Characters:

New Character (Hidden)
New Character (Hidden)
New Character (Hidden)
New Character
New Character
New Character (Hidden)
New Character (Hidden)
New Character
New Character
New Character (Hidden)
New Character (Hidden)
New Character
New Character (Hidden)
New Character (Hidden)
12/21/2008 05:27 PM (UTC)
Tremor and Hydro. wink
12/22/2008 04:28 AM (UTC)
Old Characters

Liu Kang (Return as human)
Smoke (Return as human)
Kabal (Good guy again)
Rain (Good Guy)
Reptile (Zaterra saved and now good guy)
Bo'Rai Cho
Fujin (New Protector)
Raiden (Evil)
Reiko (New Emperor of Outworld)

New Characters

New Character (Time-traveler)
New Character (Aquatic warrior and rival to Zaterra)
Suijin (Water Goddess)
New Character (Werewolf/Lycan)
New Character (Vampire)
New Character
New Character
New Character
New Character
New Character
New Character

Boss (Golem)
12/24/2008 12:49 AM (UTC)
Characters: (have to have but can add more)
Scorpion, Sub-Zero (can you really get rid of those two), Baraka, Mileena, Smoke, Reptie, Cyrax, Sektor, Raiden, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Ermac, Shao Kahn, and Onaga

Fatalaties: one per character

Konquest: choose one of the characters, different stories for all

New Character: if anyone new is introduced there better only be one and it would be best if they died in the end
12/27/2008 04:16 PM (UTC)
assassinLM Wrote:
Characters: (have to have but can add more)
Scorpion, Sub-Zero (can you really get rid of those two), Baraka, Mileena, Smoke, Reptie, Cyrax, Sektor, Raiden, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Ermac, Shao Kahn, and Onaga

Fatalaties: one per character

Konquest: choose one of the characters, different stories for all

New Character: if anyone new is introduced there better only be one and it would be best if they died in the end

I don't think we need two bosses, and I also don't think that a new character to die in konquest. That is just my opinion
12/27/2008 06:35 PM (UTC)
assassinLM Wrote:
Characters: (have to have but can add more)
Scorpion, Sub-Zero (can you really get rid of those two), Baraka, Mileena, Smoke, Reptie, Cyrax, Sektor, Raiden, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Ermac, Shao Kahn, and Onaga

Fatalaties: one per character

Konquest: choose one of the characters, different stories for all

New Character: if anyone new is introduced there better only be one and it would be best if they died in the end

I'm laughing at the fact that you want both Onaga and Reptile to be in the game. Unless you have Onaga having another character possess himself in his body, there is no way that both Reptile and Onaga will exist... though Armageddon doesn't count at all.

One fatality? Don't you think that's sort of lame and not too interesting at all? At least two will be fine.

Only one new character? That won't happen at all in the next game. I'm going to keep bringing this up, Boon is going to start from the begining, scratching out everything and starting with a clean slate, which means that there will be more than ONE character. Besides, what's the point on having a brand new MK game with only one new character?
12/27/2008 07:29 PM (UTC)
Armageddon DOES count. The bios are canon and they clearly state that Nightwolf pulled Onaga's soul out of Reptile's body and chained it to the Netherealm with his Sin Eater ritual, then Shinnok came along, freed him, and resurrected him into his original body, the one in the sarcophagus, so now Reptile and Onaga exist seperately.
12/27/2008 07:49 PM (UTC)
The only problem is that not all characters had bios, so in MY OPINION, which you seem to never let me have at all, doesn't count. Onaga had no bio, so, who knows, for all we know, Onaga may not have had that happen to him in his bio. So, unfortuantely, to me, Armageddon doesn't count. And nuff said, because I'm not going to start with you again, so don't bother trying to prove me wrong, again.
12/28/2008 09:52 AM (UTC)
I don't want any of the female fighters to have high heels. Just functional foot wear. Mk was actually pretty good about this until the last few entries. It really bugs me when fighting games do this.
12/28/2008 12:28 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
The only problem is that not all characters had bios, so in MY OPINION, which you seem to never let me have at all, doesn't count. Onaga had no bio, so, who knows, for all we know, Onaga may not have had that happen to him in his bio. So, unfortuantely, to me, Armageddon doesn't count. And nuff said, because I'm not going to start with you again, so don't bother trying to prove me wrong, again.

Onaga DID have a bio, and here it fucking is:

Also relevant:


It's not that you aren't allowed to have an opinion. It's that your opinion is MISINFORMED.
Furthermore, Armageddon's events are DIRECTLY referenced in Blaze, Frost, and Kitana's endings in the PSP version of Deception. Since Deception's canonicity is indisputable, That means MKA CAN'T be an out-of-continuity stand-alone, they meant for it's plot to happen. It is canon and we the fans do NOT get a say in the matter.
You wanna follow the MK story? Don't half-ass it anymore, do some god damned research.
If it helps, here's the list of everyone who got a bio:
Johnny Cage
Shang Tsung
It may not be everyone, but it's enough to fill in all the gaps of what we don't know. The rest of the characters are pretty much explained by where they are and what they're doing in Konquest.
12/28/2008 07:21 PM (UTC)
Oh well, SORRY for not paying atteniton like you do. But unfortunately, I made a mistake, big deal, you don't need to prove me wrong more than just telling me that Onaga had a bio instead of showing a list of who does. I'm sick of this, second time you're trying to show me you're always right when this one was an obvious mistake. Knock it off.
12/28/2008 08:07 PM (UTC)
I'll knock it off when I don't have to do it anymore. This isn't some sort of ego thing, I don't tell people these things to look like I know more, I do it because I WANT others to know as much as I do, so we can be on the same level when we converse. I want to be in the company of equals.
You NEED to be accurate about what happened in the past FIRST before you can go around saying "this is what I think should happen next". That's true for EVERYONE and every time a mistake is made, SOMEONE should be there to correct it.
So stop acting like this is personal, because it's not about you. I'm not hunting you down or treating you different from anyone else. I think everyone with an interest in the story should bother to know and remember the ENTIRE thing.
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12/29/2008 11:05 AM (UTC)
Simple answer? = Too much.

More specific now?


Raiden - duh. I want him on a power trip though. Something that kinda screams "Lord General God". Like a mix of Shinnok, Onaga, Shao Kahn, Quan Chi, and Shang Tsung that fights with a greater good = Raiden in true essence. I want a Predator Raiden. A good character that is abusing the stature and power that he was given in a way that jeopardizes a moral code. Watch some of the series Dexter. THAT's the Raiden I want. Says that he knows how to violate all the rules just right and get away with it. He's logical, methodical, is calculated, and he's painfully ruthless. He shouldn't be "crazy" because he's killing bad guys, but it should bring up that question based on method; "How he went about it".... He should be inventive and innovative based on what he knows (considering he's a gazillion years old...he knows ALOT). Also, consider what he's doing in his story anyway.

I want them to spend some quality time on all the characters of course, but I feel the need to post the demand for my fav character specifically.

This new Raiden I'm talking about is going to kill you, but will not avoid the innocent. *shrugs* He doesn't have a real consequence to his actions......or does he?

Kai- I want him as an oracle or, fortune teller of some sort by the time he gets fully developed (game or so down the line). In the meantime, I want him to really embody Mortal Kombats drama element. There's a way to do this without tarnishing the brand I'd like to see on this next game (more on that later here). I think they should mix this oracle, or fortune teller with a bit of Sub-Zero's brooding presence. That, or Kung Lao. He should be secretive, intriguing, and kinda stand off-ish at the same time, until we figure out what his deal is. That's why I think they should keep the tiger stripes with at least an alt design. Make it something cool we find out.

Also, for Kai, I make an odd connection with him and the Earth element, so I'd like to see him have a couple moves with the element earth, or sand, or mud. Has to be realistically fantastic though, and has to make sense in how he commands the element too. DON'T give him traditional telepathy, make it a specialty. i.e. "he can only do it when...." ect. I would absolutely hate to see this talent be used during a match. , even though I would like him to grow into something of a mage of forecasting and Earth manipulation. Advanced techniques could see him actually "move a mountain", walk on walls, or play with metals.

No animal references in gameplay despite the stripes.....No stereotypes, although the braids and goat tee were fine. No jokes, and no obvious handicaps for this character. He should be as solid as a rock because he was exposed to the best. If Kung Lao has the raw talent, and Liu Kang has the true blessing, Kai should be the "raw blessing" and or the "true talent". Means he's not gonna be a genius, but he'd probably have a nact for fighting through an unusually intelligent tactic. Or, he'd have a "style"//"swagger" about how he fights, but it's nothing in comparison to how perceptive he is in a fighting situation.

Last thing, I think they should play with the idea that his dreams are leading him into uncharted territory. He's the soul searcher that actually would have an ultimate end. Eventually, I think he might have the power to decide the fate of others. Maybe in his history, he was exposed to gypsy's, a circus, or something.

I really hope they don't botch this character. I realize that he needs alot of work, but I really like him nonetheless because he's got a great amount of potential.

Kung Lao - At least give him an apprentice. If not, I would like to see him older, nostalgic, and very cautious about who he talks to, and lets into his life. He and Fujin look like a team of some sort, but I think their relationship should be respectful, but off and on. Well, except for when it comes to getting something done. Then I'd see them putting their differences in leadership aside to get and objective accomplished. Hm, I really like the idea of Kung Lao coming back as a replacement for Bo Rai Cho though. Kung Lao would make Mortal Kombats ultimate sensei, if they did him right. Bo Rai Cho to me has a great role wasted on him cuz he's such a joke, give it to Kung Lao.

Fujin - Insight into the character please. Gimme more wind power, gimme a decision making process that differs from the "light Raiden", give me something that defines the character better, so that I can separated him from Raiden. Something to that affect.......

And I don't care one bit for Raiden and Fujin being brothers (or Raiden and Shao Kahn for that matter)....that's stupid to me to do that to Mortal Kombat characters any more than it already has been done. I don't want more relatives, I want great individual characters.

Scorpion - he should fall back a bit though. Make him more inconspicuous so that we have to look in to his story. I don't want a front runner Scorpion.

Ya know, I wonder what it'd be like if Scorpion was one of the characters we'd have to find, or unlock for a change. That way they could do promotions and such with him in it, but when we get the game, we have to work for (hopefully) a really awesome character. I remember Mk3.

Sub-Zero - ^Ditto^, pretty much.

Kitana - DUDE, I wish they would just do what XiahouDun84 is suggesting for them to do with her. His take on her is waaaaay better than the MKTeams' coming from about MK3 or something. Through and through. Just do it man.

Edenia in general, his is better, as a matter of fact.
Mmm.....who else do I want playable...?... Oh, gimme maybe Smoke or Sektor.

Smoke or Sektor - Both of these guys are more interesting to me right now than Cyrax.

For Smoke, the ultra ether-real-ghostly idea appeals the most. Really freakish scary ghostly look. Let go of that ninja thing alot more, and make him ghostly. I don't like the ninja Smoke, because I hate knockoffs. If the fans of Smoke must have a ninja, then make it an alt so we can be surprised or something. And for that alt, I like Aculeus' rendition waay better than what's being done with him in the past.

For Sektor, the idea of him turning into some sort of Braniac (yea, from the DC universe)-nano tech-type figure, and going to war with the Special Forces over Jax is intriguing. In the past, I've liked how hopelessly attached to humanity Sektor has always been, despite him being assimilated. So in the future, he should probably gleen more of that technologically driven design, but still nowhere near detached from his humanistic qualities. Stay with a Predator // Terminator 2 with him. Keeps him grounded as a fighter with human beginnings, but advances him technologically.

One move that I think would be interesting for Sektor, would be named something like "the virus". It should really reek of what it feels like to actually get a virus on your computer at home. Maybe something sharp, really quick...idk, maybe use the nano tech in a fatality? Something that sees them crawl out of you?, even though he didn't touch you? Who knows...

I like Sektors story potential more than I like Smokes, so I'm more interested in Sektor, but both would be cool to play with if presented in this kind of way to me. Even though I have almost no interest in seeing Jax become some sort of cyborg type of thing (in fact, as a soldier, he shouldn't even "need" the bionic arms). He should be getting less dependent on the mechanisms, not more....he's a soldier.

Sareena - Again, go with XiahouDun84's taste for this character. I feel like as long as they take care in how subtleties could develop her, she's a shoe-in character for a "new" Mortal Kombat. "Demonic vs Humane". Speaks for itself pretty much.

Nightwolf - He's my curve-ball for this list.....I just keep thinking about what he could be like now, since his visit to the NetherRealm. I'd like to see what a "conflicted shaman" looks like. He could be one of the scarrier characters on the roster what with all the spiritual bonds, ties to nature, and animals and so on.

I'd like to see the whited out eyes look return for him as well. The old one is the new Nightwolf.

I'd probably go with a Drahmin for the monster character, and maybe someone like Sonya for the last pure human character on the roster. I think that's enough characters for right now, even though there might be one or two more.


1 on 1 - duh.

2 on 2 // 3 on 3 // 4 on 4 - could be online teams here. 4 people from different places on one team (in one bout together mind you), against four other people from different places on the other team. I LOVED how in MKTilogy, the looser blew up, and the next character just...jumped right in the match. Something that keeps the action going like that needs to return in that type of situation.

Practice mode - expand on MkvsDc's practice mode. Give alot of options, I like SC4's ability to press a button, see what the move is supposed to look like, and then continue trying to do the move.

Endurance mode - Don't care for it in it's traditional form (Mk1), but loved it in MksM. So, I think this should appear again in the story mode. At any rate, it should be there...somewhere.

Tournament - Don't really care for it so much, but it should be there especially for online purposes. I'd like to try my luck sometimes. That mini-mode Chess Kombat is the infrastructure for a new Mortal Kombat tournament mode. The aesthetic associated with when you "challenge" a square in that little mini game (and also, when you win) is something I'm looking for from a "new" tournament mode.

Theme - Mainly what I wanna see, is a game that operates similar to MKvsDC, but that has a more pointed execution. I like movie choreography, but I don't know how feasible it is quite yet. And I mean, anything from 1950- to current as far as what is available. Just so that there is ample opportunity to find choreographed styles that pander to each character specifically and exclusively. No character should feel or look the same, but there should be and underlying factor that says "I'm getting to play through what I see in the movies".

The camera plays a big part in movies, so what I'm looking for is alot like MK1-2- & through MKT. Each character threw punches and kicks totally different from the next. Besides actual pallet swaps, none of the characters shared attitude, within a combo and so, it felt more authentic.

Now, none of this limits them to an Asian fighting theme in the game. For example, almost nothing about The Transporter (Jason Statham) movies feels Asian at all. Ong Bok (Tony Jaa) is the same way, and these movies are modern. The Blade trilogy has alot of martial arts in it because of Wesley Snipes martial arts training, but again, didn't feel like I was watching an Asian martial arts parody or iteration.

I think it would do them well to pay attention to this. An underlying theme for fighting sets the mood for how intense a character could be, should you find something intriguing about that character (how they throw a punch or kick, how they run, or throw a fireball..ect). It's an aesthetically charged, and real purposeful way to attract a person to a character. "Oh snap!, he fights kinda like Jackie Chan"......And from there, all that's really left is more character pandering....alot. All the "stuff" that makes that character an individual, and a favorite. For instance, I initially was attracted to MK3-T Queen Sindel because of how she rose up off the ground to fly....Well, that was character pandering. Nobody else in the game did that, THAT way...Nobody threw punches like she did, her combos were completely different from everyone elses.

So, this shit where they give everybody the same jump punch (regardless of it's function at that point), is unacceptable. When they do that, it's an immediate nod to this:

"This is a p.o.s. game because they didn't finish it before they put it out."

Environmental Hazards - [a+]Gimme a 1 on 1 situation, that can turn into a bar fight // melee type situation in one of the arenas (Courtyard).
[b+] How about obstacles, like a corpse that grabs your foot? All you'd have to do is press the kick button to get him off, but without complicating things too much, it prohibits you from using the limb while the corpse has you. What if something fell out a tree and landed on you? Throw a punch to get it off, but in that one arena, you have to be more careful of the things you could trigger.
[c+] I like the arenas that fall apart. Gives a sense of urgency and the strategy gradually changes. Arenas that deterriroate in space affect opportunity. I want one of these in the next MK game.

[-a] Do not want "ring outs" all over the place. One, in the deteriorating arena is enough.
[-b] Do not want Test Your Might, or anything else of the sort, in the middle of gameplay. Minimize, or completely eliminate these interruptions. Just let me fight. Don't care about falling off, or zooming in on anything really. But again, if something like that makes it, only one arena. Has to be a natural circumstance, that makes me change my strategy. NOT how I control my character. I only need, and only want one good mechanic, that lets me use it, and adapt to anything you throw at me.

Like, take my [a+] from above. All that should really happen, is the camera should move (like normal), and I should be able to interact with background objects that are those monks in the Courtyard fluidly. The UnReal Engine can handle a couple hundred characters on screen at once, certainly it can handle 15 or so at once, in real time, to create what would feel like this.

At most, I should be able to punch and kick them out of the way, creating the affect as if I am almost always hitting something. Should have a Matrix feel to it too, if they slowed those "objects", those..."dummy monks" down. They're essentially the Tarkatan horde from MkSm, or even more simplistic than that, they are like, "movable fodder-type objects" in an arena that just move out of the way if we make contact with them. Only real distraction from the bout between 2 characters, should be aesthetic. Or, "visually disturbing". Makes you think that there's too much going on to hold the fight, but it's really not.
[-c] No arena fatalities mid-bout. Carry this over from MkvsDc. I'm not even sure I'd like more than one instance where I can perform an arena fatality at the end of a match. Maybe give me the camera angle from MK2-ish, if I can knock someone off a board like back in the day.

Secrets - Yep, during gameplay. And I mean "give me an opportunity to find a character, while I'm in the middle of fighting some guy" - type of secrets. By chance or whatever....We all wondered if this was possible in Mk2. What happened when the new technology came into play?


Mainly maturity, coherency, and continuation. Deeper, modern story telling methods for individual characters, and the overall story. From the way the script is treated, to the way the story is delivered..

Story needs help being year 2000 >>, should be almost lifelike. Everything really naturally progressing, naturally spoken, cleverly, yet logically delivered though all kinds of avenues in the game itself.

From every little silly nit-pick-y thing about a character individually (clothes, armor, weapons ect..should all be telling us something about the game or characters) , to "winning" information through playing some of these modes and so on. We should be getting story stuff from all over the disc, online and offline iMo.

Far as maturity is concerned, I don't necessarily need cursing in the games script.....but in that case, I do need a word smith in there "cursing without using curse words". There's a difference that represents a mature artistry behind that method. Aheh, and then sometimes...just say "Fuck It", literally. Or bullshit...or whatever. It's a M rated game, the shoe fits (or excuse me, "the shit is appropriate". lol)

Maturity also speaks to modernization in a way too. People, all kinds of people talk differently now. These things need to reflect in the games. How do you talk to your mom? That persona should make an appearance through the script, and voice actors some times. How do you talk to a dumbass? Same deal, have some of these characters speaking like that, in the game. It's entertainment so long as it isn't frivolous popping off at the mouth. And even then....y'know?


Story Mode - Give me a Kreated Kharacter, that I can build through the offline story mode in all ways. From fighting style, to back story, and everything. To where, by the time I'm done with the offline story mode, I am one of the anonymous contestants in the actual Mortal Kombat Contest.

Let me take that character online, and go into the other modes. Fighting modes, as well as story-type driven modes. It would seem like an MMO with teams and objectives that have an end, and some rewards that compliment building my KaK further.

Maybe use the clans if necessary? Or just let us make up our own.

Online - I wanna feel like I actually went somewhere. This is mostly aesthetic, but it deserves the loading to cease to exist as much as humanly possible, AND it absolutely needs to have more to do. More little modes, and one big tournament? Something....

Mortal Kombats scavenger hunt, some iteration of take the flag, some kinds of fatality challenges, flawless victory challenges, Endurance mode could fit here....Aggressor mode could be apart of that. Irradiate the clan...Infiltrator...whatever...

Some of these things merely bump your rank online and give you money, some of these things could be gateways to more of the story...ect. Whole bunch of stuff they're not even scratching the surface on.

Downloadable Content - I'm good with downloading specialty packs. Like more special moves for Kreate a Kharacter, specialty alt costumes for regular characters....extra bios, more space for another KaK, more arenas, maps for specific modes, expansion maps for story mode, more little secrets....ect. Whatever.

Mortal Kombats Mood:

I want a Nightmare. A surreal nightmare. Means realistic characters, in semi-fantasy // fantasy arenas, with the threat of real fobias around every single corner. Back drop the movie choreographed martial arts themed fighting in the game, and a drama, suspense, and terror like a Stephen King book//movie.

I think it'd deliver a pretty good terroristic, adrenaline rushed filled, completely consuming experience for the players.

That's.....about what I want.
12/29/2008 09:20 PM (UTC)
Everybody, I am sorry if I don't get update right away. I am very busy so I don't have much time on the forums.

ThePredator151 Wrote:
Simple answer? = Too much.

WOW! You must have put in a lot of work Pred! WOW!
12/29/2008 09:48 PM (UTC)
it to not be a crossover
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