04/27/2015 10:19 AM (UTC)
AFKAW Wrote:
dibula Wrote:
I don't blame the roster, but the storytelling has been a joke for years now. MK is predominantly a fighting game. I am not annoyed at anyone being included as long as the game's quality doesn't suffer for it, but it is pretty silly that some were left out, especially since they were already shown in game.

You do understand difference between making NPC character and playable one, right?
With same level of assurance you can say that every character who was shown in the game should be playable, from random people in Outworld Market to Crocodile from Kuatan Jungle.

NRS decided to make fights in the story mode more variable and added NPC, after all this complains, that there were too few characters too beat up in MK9. And now people complain how they should've been playable. Sometimes you can't win. Especially if people you trying to satisfy are quite immature.

TigrarShokan Wrote:
I think fanboys are the ones who accept that their favourite movie or game is the best despite obvious flaws. Like when I was 10 and saw second MK movie, I thought it was great, when I grew up I realised the terrible truth. It sucked balls!

Good luck going through puberty mate.

I do not think, that MKX is perfect game. I accept that they are some flaws, but some of complaints here are just outright illogical, idiotic and stupid.

I guess you're still not mature enough, to figure out that there is not need for extremes. Yet, you still call me "kid". What a stupid fanboy you are.

You used the word perfect in the second sentence of your original post, who is stupid now? Anyway it sounds like you are taking this awfully personally , so I won't continue to point out your flaws. Maybe you worked on this game yourself and can't accept the criticism, or maybe your boyfriend did? That immature enough for you? Loser!
04/27/2015 10:00 PM (UTC)
Keep it klassy folks lol
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04/28/2015 12:35 AM (UTC)
Forgive my previous tirade and this off topic post, but I need to hand it to Chrome for a second here. I have been here for nine years, give or take a few months, and the entire time I have been there I think I have learned the most interesting trivia from him out of anyone else.

I had no idea African elephants weren't tamable, and for some reason I find that fascinating. I'm not even being sarcastic. Props.

Anyway, carry on.
About Me

As Mr. Sloan always says, there is no "I" in team, but there is an "I" in pie. And there's an "I" in meat pie. Anagram of meat is team... I don't know what he's talking about.

04/28/2015 12:45 AM (UTC)
The way I see it, the character they chose were fine. The Revenants served their purpose well. They were the bad guys. I do think other characters maybe could've made it in instead, but i'm not the one who gets to make that call.

With that being said, the Revenants are far more popular, dead or alive, to the average MK player. Netherrealm was taking, in their eyes, a big risk with all the new characters. Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kitana are all way more viable and more popular from a marketing standpoint than Rain, Sareena, and Fujin.

That's just how it is.
04/28/2015 09:55 PM (UTC)
The issue I had with the revenants was that why were only a couple brought back? Sub and Scorp for obvious reasons, of course (poster boys), but WTF was Jax's excuse? He had no reason to be there at all.

Also, there's zero trace of Havik in the game because he is nowhere near as popular as the fanboys seem to think he is.
04/29/2015 03:35 AM (UTC)
NRS failed with this roster. It isn't that they needed to exclude some characters, however by neglecting to include some obvious choices they let a lot of people down. I don't care if it is Shinnok or Shang Tsung I like evil characters, I don't want to play as JC or anyone Cage related for whatever reason.

The roster is extremely limited and I am mostly uninterested.

04/29/2015 03:53 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
NRS failed with this roster. It isn't that they needed to exclude some characters, however by neglecting to include some obvious choices they let a lot of people down. I don't care if it is Shinnok or Shang Tsung I like evil characters, I don't want to play as JC or anyone Cage related for whatever reason.

The roster is extremely limited and I am mostly uninterested.

Agreed, they played it so fucking safe. It's ridiculous. Hopefully now they see that the special forces faction is bottom last they'll reconsider their characters next time.
04/29/2015 04:35 AM (UTC)
moneyguy Wrote:
NRS failed with this roster. It isn't that they needed to exclude some characters, however by neglecting to include some obvious choices they let a lot of people down. I don't care if it is Shinnok or Shang Tsung I like evil characters, I don't want to play as JC or anyone Cage related for whatever reason.

The roster is extremely limited and I am mostly uninterested.

Hopefully, next time NRS will make the right decisions on the roster instead of listening to some fans complaining they want their favorite characters back. I was happy Kitana "returned" but was looking forward to seeing more new characters or even 3D characters in replace of her
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

04/29/2015 08:53 PM (UTC)
You can chalk me up as someone who was disappointed in the roster. I thought the storyline was incredible! Even the "Teen Titans" stuff was more enjoyable than I expected. LoL. But the roster was way too safe as several of you mentioned already.

Sonya, Cassie, and Jacqui could've been skins for each other. All 3 are female soldiers of the same size, 2 of whom even wear similar tech-gauntlets. Cassie & Jacqui basically have the same personality. I know this move wouldn't have sat well with some of you. But just hear me out. They could be the Green Lantern/NightWing of MK (2 different characters with identical movesets, but separate individuals in the storymode). All 3 are part of the story, different voice actors, different intros, different endings, etc. Not to mention, some fighters like Kitana and Reptile have SIX universal special moves, while Cassie only has 3? Thats Lame. The easy solution would've been to give Cassie gauntlets just like her mom and Jacqui, and delete her gun since Erron Black is already the gunslinger of MKX. Sonya's energy blast would be pink, Cassie's would be green in honor of her father, and Jacqui's could be purple for Jax. The story could literally explain that Sonya personally trained Cass and Jacq, and thats y they share moves.

Now I know we'd be losing a little bit with that move, but the bonus is that it would've opened up 2 more roster spots (Assuming 25 roster spots was strictly set beforehand). Rain definitely should've been one. If Tanya HAS to be the DLC then I'd give the other spot to Fujin. I think this would've made the roster feel way more complete. It would feel more "MK" and Less GI-Joe.

What would u guys have thought of this? Combining 3 characters into one, but then gaining Rain and Fujin.

The above "change" would've kept every character in the game still. But as a personal preference, I would've put Kai in the game over KungJin. I just didnt like his character at all. I gave him a chance with an open mind, but after finishing the storymode, I was left bitter. That couldve easily been Kai's story. Then we could've had "Kapoiera" as a variation. How awesome would that have been?!

P.S... I'd obviously leave out Jason and Predator for 2 more MK Fighters. My choice would be Reiko & Noob Saibot. I would pick Smoke and anyone else from the 3D era to be in a Kombat Pack 2 should it exist.
04/29/2015 08:59 PM (UTC)
If I recall, someone said that Boon had said that Cassie, Jacqui, et al. aren't replacing Cage and Sonya and Jax. If so, then what the hell's the point of having them in the game??

NRS got away with the MK9 roster because it was a reboot. In MKX, they had nowhere to hide. They chickened out of the effort required in developing neglected old characters and instead scraped up a bunch of relatives that people couldn't give two shits about. It's like a gourmet restaurant serving nothing but frozen food.
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Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

04/30/2015 03:08 AM (UTC)
IMO Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Jax & Kitana(Daughters name and one of my favorites) should have been DLC along side Jason & Predator

It would have sold better.

Tremor, Tanya, Baraka, Rain & revenant Sindel(Shang Tsung) should have been on the roster.

Yes I would have rather had the Story be more like the comic with Havik and Rieko turning into the Blood God but. The story mode we got was still badass.

My gripe with the game is the lack of Secrets in the Krypt and Secret Fights. Most of all the NO STAGE FATALITIES WTF?
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04/30/2015 03:31 PM (UTC)
This roster is terrible.
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Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

05/01/2015 02:02 PM (UTC)
dibula Wrote:
I am not saying Bo Rai Cho, Fujin, Le Mei, or a fucking crocodile should be playable. I am saying the pre coded grunts that get slapped around all day probably should be. So while I compliment the pelt on your high horse,I need to point out that its legs are broken due to the weight of your shitty seventh grade maturity complex. Before you go out slinging passive aggressive insults at an opposing opinion, please understand that the only people who actually do that are children.

Didn't you do just that?
Oh, I got it. Some people can throw passive-agressive insults a be called children, some can get away scot free. I guess, you think that you belong to the second crowd. Bad news for you, mate. You don't.

As for your argument, great programist-man, you forget about shitton of stuff, that separates NPC from playable characters: additional animations (intros, X-Rays, win animations, additional animations for variations and such), additional voice acting, additional programming (AI specifically). It seems you from this funny crowd, that think, programming the game is easy-peasy. Just code some shit and you got yourself a new character...well... Nope.

TigrarShokan Wrote:
You used the word perfect in the second sentence of your original post, who is stupid now? Anyway it sounds like you are taking this awfully personally , so I won't continue to point out your flaws. Maybe you worked on this game yourself and can't accept the criticism, or maybe your boyfriend did? That immature enough for you? Loser!

Nope. I didn't work on this game at all. But seeing infantile fools tearing it apart, because of laughable matters...it ticks me off. And besides, it's fun to see your immature butts aflame, when somebody reminds you, that you are nothing in the big scheme of things.

Oh, and you implying that I am gay and should be ashamed because of it? What? You are a pathetic homophobe then?! Who is a looser now, cretin?

SwingBatta Wrote:
The issue I had with the revenants was that why were only a couple brought back? Sub and Scorp for obvious reasons, of course (poster boys), but WTF was Jax's excuse? He had no reason to be there at all.

Most iconic black character of the series is not enough?
Pretty much all old characters (from MK1-MK2) are iconic in one way or the other and that's why their inclusion was justified.

moneyguy Wrote:
NRS failed with this roster. It isn't that they needed to exclude some characters, however by neglecting to include some obvious choices they let a lot of people down. I don't care if it is Shinnok or Shang Tsung I like evil characters, I don't want to play as JC or anyone Cage related for whatever reason.

The roster is extremely limited and I am mostly uninterested.

Good thing you are not the only one who can buy the game.

redman Wrote:
Agreed, they played it so fucking safe. It's ridiculous. Hopefully now they see that the special forces faction is bottom last they'll reconsider their characters next time.

The fans on this very forum, would've been foaming at the mouth, if Liu, Kung and Kitana were not playable. They would've accused NRS of some horrible crimes against humanity, if that was the case (oh, wait they've done it anyway). So nothing ridiculous about it.
Faction War has no bearing on opinion on characters. But I guess if childish hope is a way...well, who am I to say how ridiculous it is?

SwingBatta Wrote:
NRS got away with the MK9 roster because it was a reboot. In MKX, they had nowhere to hide. They chickened out of the effort required in developing neglected old characters and instead scraped up a bunch of relatives that people couldn't give two shits about. It's like a gourmet restaurant serving nothing but frozen food.

What kind of stupid bullshit is this?
Creating new animations for characters, new moves, variations, e.t.c. now called "lazy"? What. The. Fuck?
What the fuck do you guys even want!?

Oh, and of course, if useless Rain, shitty Baraka, and Fujin, who nobody cares about (except for few zealots, who nobody cares about) were in the game, but there were no Takeda, Cassie or Kung Jin everything would've been better. LOL. What a creative thinking. Ha-ha-ha.

Toxik Wrote:
This roster is terrible.

The roster is good.
05/02/2015 05:21 PM (UTC)
AFKAW Wrote:
The roster is good.

The roster is bad.
05/02/2015 07:00 PM (UTC)
I still don't understand why people are saying the roster is bland and bad. I mean mostly all the classic characters are there. I guess take the kids out and add the NPCs that could of been better I guess
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