About Me

If you're a dick to me, I'll be a dick to you. It just so happens that I'm good at being one.

04/22/2015 02:39 AM (UTC)
KoldKombat Wrote:
While I do not really dislike anyone on the roster, except for Liu Kang, after finishing story mode I am far more upset by the roster. Baraka, Tanya, Rain, Sareena, Li Mei, Fujin, Frost SHOULD have been on the roster over the likes of Liu, Jax, Kitana, etc. Then have Kitana, Liu for example as DLC.

It's MK9 all over again plus some brand new faces. Not cool.


Kung Jin
Erron Black
Kotal Khan

I count 10 characters. On a 25 character roster.
More than a third wasn't playable in MK9.

Shang Tsung
Noob Saibot
Cyber Sub-Zero

I count 15 characters that were playable in mk9 but aren't in this game.

MK9 all over again huh?

OT: I like the roster. Would've prefered to have this roster plus 3 additions to it on day 1 with them being Rain, Baraka and Fujin but between balancing the game, working on the story, choreographing the story, designing the krypt, working on 3 variations per character and trying to make them feel distinct from each other while not being a copy of another variation from another character... all that takes time. It's unreasonable to expect them to deliver everything on day 1.

Thankfully I'm not a petulant child who'd want characters that are on the roster gone just because their favorites aren't in.
Hypocrite as fuck to say Baraka and Rain deserve a spot while Kitana, Jax and Liu don't or should be dlc
04/22/2015 02:42 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I'm still trying to figure this out; fans play MK for the story now? wow

Fans have been playing for the story (Along with gameplay) for a long ass time, I remember back in the day one of my favorite parts was beating the game with the characters so I could read their endings and stuff lol

Lol yeah I remember reading those endings and intros but me and my cousins would pay less attention to them and just kill each other in the gameplay grin

Oh yeah that was a main thing for me too lol I was really young when I first played the first MK (way before I was in kindergarten) so the actual gameplay was what made me play it over and over but once I realized every character had their own endings I was hooked on the story too lol
04/22/2015 04:01 AM (UTC)
Good call. We can't expect everyone to be satisfied. I for one love the roster - I would have liked 3 other starting members - Rain, Fujin and Reiko or Havok.. but that would have come at the expense of something in a very awesome game.

There will be a second season of DLC PLUS there is always MK11 which won't have the NetherRealm as a threat - opens up for even more new characters and new interpretations.
04/22/2015 01:37 PM (UTC)
roster still sucks total kock, as does the story...

the worst thing is, is how amazing the game looks and plays....it was just such a wasted opportunity to be great...

MKX story should have been the comix story....
04/22/2015 04:09 PM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
roster still sucks total kock, as does the story...

the worst thing is, is how amazing the game looks and plays....it was just such a wasted opportunity to be great...

MKX story should have been the comix story....

You was saying the whole game sucks for weeks before the game was released and said you would wait until MK 11. So I'm kind of shocked you saying it looks amazing and its fun
04/22/2015 04:28 PM (UTC)
Siang Wrote:
There will be a second season of DLC PLUS there is always MK11 which won't have the NetherRealm as a threat - opens up for even more new characters and new interpretations.

Have you finished the story and seen the secret mid-credit scene?

There's no way the NetherRealm forces aren't the enemy again, unless we get another time jump.
04/22/2015 05:03 PM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
I'm still trying to figure this out; fans play MK for the story now? wow

Lore has always been MK's greatest asset. If it wasn't for lore, half of us wouldn't even be here today.

I thought this was sarcasm.

MKs greatest asset is obviously fatalities, and therefore gameplay. Fatalities are what made the series what it is today.
About Me

04/22/2015 05:11 PM (UTC)
Zephyrus Wrote:
KoldKombat Wrote:
While I do not really dislike anyone on the roster, except for Liu Kang, after finishing story mode I am far more upset by the roster. Baraka, Tanya, Rain, Sareena, Li Mei, Fujin, Frost SHOULD have been on the roster over the likes of Liu, Jax, Kitana, etc. Then have Kitana, Liu for example as DLC.

It's MK9 all over again plus some brand new faces. Not cool.


Kung Jin
Erron Black
Kotal Khan

I count 10 characters. On a 25 character roster.
More than a third wasn't playable in MK9.

Shang Tsung
Noob Saibot
Cyber Sub-Zero

I count 15 characters that were playable in mk9 but aren't in this game.

MK9 all over again huh?

OT: I like the roster. Would've prefered to have this roster plus 3 additions to it on day 1 with them being Rain, Baraka and Fujin but between balancing the game, working on the story, choreographing the story, designing the krypt, working on 3 variations per character and trying to make them feel distinct from each other while not being a copy of another variation from another character... all that takes time. It's unreasonable to expect them to deliver everything on day 1.

Thankfully I'm not a petulant child who'd want characters that are on the roster gone just because their favorites aren't in.
Hypocrite as fuck to say Baraka and Rain deserve a spot while Kitana, Jax and Liu don't or should be dlc

Yeah, having an opinion different than yours means he's deserves an insult, he/she just stated not to hate the roster but the story made him reflect about some NPC being relevant enough to be playable over some of the roster and that almost all of the returning characters are MK9, but that just doesn't do it for you, let's start calling names and act passive-aggressively, not the first time I've seen you attack other users and spewing vile out of the blue. Hypocritical is calling someone a petulant child when you act like a sulky 13 year old.

04/22/2015 06:02 PM (UTC)
I feel like I'm the ONLY person playing the game wondering where Kintaro, Sheeva, Skarlett, and other surviving MK9 members are...

Granted, I know I was one of, like, 10 people on earth to main Sheeva (100+ win streak with her!), but the entire Shokan race was sort of left in the wind in Story Mode.

Granted, since they vaulted over MK4 as well, I'm curious if Kai or Jarek are running around. Maybe Cassie accidentally killed them like Shujinko....
04/22/2015 06:14 PM (UTC)
Garlador Wrote:
I feel like I'm the ONLY person playing the game wondering where Kintaro, Sheeva, Skarlett, and other surviving MK9 members are...

The answer to that lies in the comics. It's canon(from the mouth of Ed Boon himself) and it takes place between Shinnok's imprisonment and release.

The Shokans are at war with Kotal and his troops.
04/22/2015 06:40 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
Garlador Wrote:
I feel like I'm the ONLY person playing the game wondering where Kintaro, Sheeva, Skarlett, and other surviving MK9 members are...

The answer to that lies in the comics. It's canon(from the mouth of Ed Boon himself) and it takes place between Shinnok's imprisonment and release.

The Shokans are at war with Kotal and his troops.

I know, but for being "at war", they're completely absent in the actual main game. The entire Shokan race is absent, even with Goro being such a major playable character.

... It's disappointing his "arm" situation isn't followed up on.
04/22/2015 07:33 PM (UTC)
The comic is still running. They'll get to it eventually. The events of the comics are just stuff happening in-between the main parts of the game. It's a way to learn more about the characters, but it's self-contained. They didn't want to include the Shokans in MKX and their situation will be dealt with accordingly in the comics. Give it a few weeks.
04/22/2015 08:45 PM (UTC)
The_TooCool_Master Wrote:
The comic is still running. They'll get to it eventually. The events of the comics are just stuff happening in-between the main parts of the game. It's a way to learn more about the characters, but it's self-contained. They didn't want to include the Shokans in MKX and their situation will be dealt with accordingly in the comics. Give it a few weeks.

I know... but the pre-release lead-up to MKX had EVERY FRIGGIN' TRAILER ending with "Goro Lives!" and demanding we pre-order to play as the iconic bruiser in all his glory.

And when the comic was showing some of the war factions, it made fans like me so eager to see what it was building to, implying Goro was going to have a direct stake in the affairs of Outworld and the Civil War within the story mode of the game.

When Goro
Spoilers: (Highlight to reveal)
lost his arms,
I was expect the game story to either SHOW it happen either in a flashback, or to explain how he was normal in the game.

Turns out, he has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the actual story of MKX. He's as much a part of the game and its narrative as Predator is.

And THAT'S what's disappointing. The comic may be "telling us what happened", but the game itself does nothing with it. The comic is build-up to the game with zero payoff within the game's narrative for the Shokan.

Which, again, wouldn't be a problem if Goro wasn't one of THE biggest selling points and most marketed characters leading up to the game. He got vastly more exposure in every single trailer than half the main cast did!
04/24/2015 11:15 PM (UTC)
redman Wrote:
Still doesn't change my opinion on the roster, I still hate it. If anything story made me dislike it even more.

Agreed. MKX story mode started well, especially Shinnok vs. Raiden & Fujin. I have to admit I got some tingles by how cool Shinnok's entrance was, and his demeanor while tossing around 2 other gods like rag dolls. All those tingles ended with LAME Cage family "aura" that can...wait for it... stand-up to elder god magic. It was still somewhat decent during the Kotal, Mileena and Kano segments. However, the story started to swiftly go awry, got boring, confusing and outright dumb thereafter. It was hard enough watching Cage, of all people, be immune to an elder god, of all things, but then his daughter is able to defeat a super elder god form?! I... no words other than dumb, dumb, and more dumb. Shinnok's final form was generic, as were his voice and dialogue. Some of the Sub-Zero & Scorpion stuff was ok, such as using Sektor to resolve their clan feuds, but even that was just... ok. The comics were 100% better than what actually appeared in the game. Leaving out Reiko, but randomly throwing in a generic Tanya was beyond stupid. Ferra/Torr should have been the sub-boss, not Goro...for the... is it the 4th time now he is the sub-boss? Goro may be the original, but Kintaro will always be cooler; always! Some of the new roster is great, such as D'vorah, Kotal, and Erron, but others were redundant and not needed, such as Liu Kang, Jax, Sonya, Jacqui, etc. If we have Cassie, why did we need Sonya? They should have called it Mortal Kombat Family Reunion because more than half the roster is related to someone. 12 backgrounds is inexcusable, charging $5 for a limited easy fatality use is disgusting. I am patient and can wait until the real version of the game is done, and released for $20 as a komplete edition, just like I did for Injustice. I don't have hundreds of dollars to get all the characters and costumes, and hopefully more stages, etc. So far, MKX is a mixed bag that has some great strengths, but seemingly an equal amount of shortcomings. To sum up, the game just feels unfinished, rushed, and more focus was spent on the comics and dlc. I am glad I went with my instincts and canceled my pre-order as I do not want to support this half-ass cash grab that seems so focused on selling dlc and comics than actually making the core game solid. If the story presented in the comics with some of those characters playable in the roster to replace current filler characters, then MKX could have been a slam dunk, homerun, likely the best in the series.
04/25/2015 01:40 AM (UTC)
CISIS Wrote:
roster still sucks total kock, as does the story...

the worst thing is, is how amazing the game looks and plays....it was just such a wasted opportunity to be great...

MKX story should have been the comix story....

Amen brother.

What i don't get is why the revants who weren't playable in story mode became playable characters in arcade mode? Like who decides that Liu Knag should be playable and not Smoke? As has been said before the proper MK4 roster should have been considered
And all these people talking about these so called original character news flash:

Sons, daughters, cousins of original character by definition cannot be original!!!! I would have preferred 4 people we knew nothing about to be the heroes.

And for those of you playing mortal kombat for the gameplay not the story, you are kidding yourselves. Or you have never played proper fighting games. MK would never survive without the lore if it was like SF or VF. People would have abandoned it once it went 3d
04/25/2015 01:46 AM (UTC)
TigrarShokan Wrote:
CISIS Wrote:
roster still sucks total kock, as does the story...

the worst thing is, is how amazing the game looks and plays....it was just such a wasted opportunity to be great...

MKX story should have been the comix story....

Amen brother.

What i don't get is why the revants who weren't playable in story mode became playable characters in arcade mode? Like who decides that Liu Knag should be playable and not Smoke? As has been said before the proper MK4 roster should have been considered
And all these people talking about these so called original character news flash:

Sons, daughters, cousins of original character by definition cannot be original!!!! I would have preferred 4 people we knew nothing about to be the heroes.

And for those of you playing mortal kombat for the gameplay not the story, you are kidding yourselves. Or you have never played proper fighting games. MK would never survive without the lore if it was like SF or VF. People would have abandoned it once it went 3d

Back in the MK 1, 2, 3, and 4 days the story didn't really matter to me. The fatalities was the ones that interested me more, I guess cause those were more controversial. And as far as the dead revenants, you right they should have never been playable or even if they are human in the roster they should of became normal like Sub-Zero, Jax and Scorpion in the story. But blame some of the fans who complained about them being killed off in MK 9 complaining for them to return. But damn, I am surprised Smoke wasn't playable cause fans was upset he died more than Liu and Kung Lao
04/25/2015 04:12 AM (UTC)
The sad truth is now that WB are involved the writers have to consider their views too. This happens all the time in business and once something becomes too commercial it ends up being ruined to try and appeal to the masses. Think of the Transformers movies, or God forbid the Street Fighter movie. My left testicle could come up with a better storyline than either of those movies. What essentially ends up happening is the true fans get put off and everybody eventually stops paying to purchase what they begin to realise is a waste of time.
About Me

Why couldn't this ending have happened?

04/25/2015 05:00 PM (UTC)
I'm kind of apathetic to the new cast. I felt this game should have focused solely on Johnny, Sonya and Raiden trying to save their dead friends from Quan Chi and stop Shinnok's invasion and left Cassie and co for MK11.
About Me

Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

04/25/2015 10:01 PM (UTC)
After finishing story, roster of the game finally made sense. It is perfect combination of what majority of people (casual gamers, not fanboys) want and familiar with (popular characters) with bringing something new to the table. I bet people who right now complain about lack of Fujin, Rain or Li Mei, would've threw a hissy fit, if Liu, Kung and Kitana were not in the game, but Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Mileena were.

As for me, it looks like some people whine about Liu, Kung and Kitana for the sole reason, that NRS made fools out of them. Nobody like to be a fool, so those people complain. Which is even nicer as it gives a sort of window into maturity of people here. Or lack of it.

KoldKombat Wrote:
While I do not really dislike anyone on the roster, except for Liu Kang, after finishing story mode I am far more upset by the roster. Baraka, Tanya, Rain, Sareena, Li Mei, Fujin, Frost SHOULD have been on the roster over the likes of Liu, Jax, Kitana, etc. Then have Kitana, Liu for example as DLC.

It's MK9 all over again plus some brand new faces. Not cool.

And Baraka and Rain were not in the MK9, right?
Sareena and Li Mei have no business being playable, they were just cameos, but I guess some people would not have a nice sleep until every single named NPC or background object is playable.

frabn Wrote:
whereas characters like Fujin, Reiko and Havik weren't even included

Reiko and Havik do not have any reason to be in the game.

ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Liu Kang and Kitana being included in the roster makes perfect sense, I dunno why people are tripping about that.

Because, they are either idiots or just need something to complain about.

thisiscourage Wrote:
Why isn't smoke in the roster? Why isn't nightwolf? There isn't an answer, it's just because NRS chose who they chose. which is annoying because there is no damn rhyme or reason.

There is rhyme and reason - Liu, Kung and Kitana are more popular than Smoke and other mentioned characters.

Sindel798 Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
moneyguy Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Still doesn't change my opinion on the roster, I still hate it. If anything story made me dislike it even more.

Basically. There is a whole section of the roster that I refuse to touch. Worst roster in MK history IMO.

Oh, come on. Worse than Deception?

WHAT!?! Deception had a great roster. Jade, Kenshi, Scorpion, Baraka, Mileena, Subby, Sindel, Havik, Hotaru, Noob, Smoke, Tanya, Ermac, Bo Rai Cho, Nightwolf, Li Mei, Raiden, Liu Kang and Kabal. But most of the new characters did suck.

Presence of Dairou, Darrius and Kobra made MKD roster much worse than MKX one. Whether you like MKX roster or not, all characters in it have varied and interesting gameplay, which was not the case in the MKD.

Ion3008 Wrote:
The whole Revenant thing was very poorly done. And Goro being unimportant and not around in story mode but Tanya is.

I think I've stopped caring about story. As far as ingame goes the comics are still a great weekly read.

Of course, it was poorly done, since your favorite character were not in the game.

Jenafella56 Wrote:
Yup. As I was watching the fight scenes of Rain, and Tanya I'm like damn couldn't they at least put Rain in? He was the most downloadable DLC in MK 9 so common sense he should of been automatically playable in MK X

Freddy Krueger was the most downoadable DLC.
Rain voice sucked in MKX, though.

Omegali2422 Wrote:
There are ALOT of problems in the storymode and the characters in and not in, alot of big gaps in the plots never addressed, and many other things (why was Jax, Sub Zero and Scorpion released from Quan Chi's control but not the other revenants, isn't because the others were distant???).

Takes an Einstein to figure that out, eh?

Ninja_Mime Wrote:
And Sindel would make as much sense as Kitana, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao. It's like they used to say at Midway, "we ran out of time..."

She is not as popular as those three, so nothing logical about her inclusion.

frabn Wrote:
If i can say one major positive about the roster and the story overall - I'm very happy that Johnny has emerged as the top dog of Earthrealm. For so long he was basically the brunt of the jokes of the series, but now they actually went, fleshed him out, and made him legitimately funny - I laugh every time I hear one of his intros, and I'm still hearing new ones every time I play as him. He's constantly switching with Sub-Zero as my "Favorite Character" on my stats screen.

I was also surprised to see that Cassie was the "big hero" of the game. They really are focusing on the Cage family, which is completely different from any direction that they've ever gone with the series before.

Completely agree.

CISIS Wrote:
roster still sucks total kock, as does the story...

the worst thing is, is how amazing the game looks and plays....it was just such a wasted opportunity to be great...

MKX story should have been the comix story....

Eat shit, troll.

Denizen Wrote:
Hypocritical is calling someone a petulant child when you act like a sulky 13 year old.

LOL@that salt.

Randwulf Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Still doesn't change my opinion on the roster, I still hate it. If anything story made me dislike it even more.

Agreed. MKX story mode started well, especially Shinnok vs. Raiden & Fujin. I have to admit I got some tingles by how cool Shinnok's entrance was, and his demeanor while tossing around 2 other gods like rag dolls. All those tingles ended with LAME Cage family "aura" that can...wait for it... stand-up to elder god magic. It was still somewhat decent during the Kotal, Mileena and Kano segments. However, the story started to swiftly go awry, got boring, confusing and outright dumb thereafter. It was hard enough watching Cage, of all people, be immune to an elder god, of all things, but then his daughter is able to defeat a super elder god form?! I... no words other than dumb, dumb, and more dumb. Shinnok's final form was generic, as were his voice and dialogue. Some of the Sub-Zero & Scorpion stuff was ok, such as using Sektor to resolve their clan feuds, but even that was just... ok. The comics were 100% better than what actually appeared in the game. Leaving out Reiko, but randomly throwing in a generic Tanya was beyond stupid. Ferra/Torr should have been the sub-boss, not Goro...for the... is it the 4th time now he is the sub-boss? Goro may be the original, but Kintaro will always be cooler; always! Some of the new roster is great, such as D'vorah, Kotal, and Erron, but others were redundant and not needed, such as Liu Kang, Jax, Sonya, Jacqui, etc. If we have Cassie, why did we need Sonya? They should have called it Mortal Kombat Family Reunion because more than half the roster is related to someone. 12 backgrounds is inexcusable, charging $5 for a limited easy fatality use is disgusting. I am patient and can wait until the real version of the game is done, and released for $20 as a komplete edition, just like I did for Injustice. I don't have hundreds of dollars to get all the characters and costumes, and hopefully more stages, etc. So far, MKX is a mixed bag that has some great strengths, but seemingly an equal amount of shortcomings. To sum up, the game just feels unfinished, rushed, and more focus was spent on the comics and dlc. I am glad I went with my instincts and canceled my pre-order as I do not want to support this half-ass cash grab that seems so focused on selling dlc and comics than actually making the core game solid. If the story presented in the comics with some of those characters playable in the roster to replace current filler characters, then MKX could have been a slam dunk, homerun, likely the best in the series.

Wow. So much idiocy in one post.
Nice to see that MKO still delivers.

TigrarShokan Wrote:
CISIS Wrote:
roster still sucks total kock, as does the story...

the worst thing is, is how amazing the game looks and plays....it was just such a wasted opportunity to be great...

MKX story should have been the comix story....

Amen brother.

What i don't get is why the revants who weren't playable in story mode became playable characters in arcade mode? Like who decides that Liu Knag should be playable and not Smoke? As has been said before the proper MK4 roster should have been considered
And all these people talking about these so called original character news flash:

Sons, daughters, cousins of original character by definition cannot be original!!!! I would have preferred 4 people we knew nothing about to be the heroes.

OK, even more idiocy here. NICE!!
What a place, what a place.
News falsh for you, fanboy: relatives can be original if they have original gameplay. If you are not complete idiot, which I am not sure about, you've got to admit that relative in MKX do have original gameplay.
Smoke is less popular than Liu Kang - face it, fanatic.
04/26/2015 04:25 AM (UTC)
AFKAW Wrote:
After finishing story, roster of the game finally made sense. It is perfect combination of what majority of people (casual gamers, not fanboys) want and familiar with (popular characters) with bringing something new to the table. I bet people who right now complain about lack of Fujin, Rain or Li Mei, would've threw a hissy fit, if Liu, Kung and Kitana were not in the game, but Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Mileena were.

As for me, it looks like some people whine about Liu, Kung and Kitana for the sole reason, that NRS made fools out of them. Nobody like to be a fool, so those people complain. Which is even nicer as it gives a sort of window into maturity of people here. Or lack of it.

KoldKombat Wrote:
While I do not really dislike anyone on the roster, except for Liu Kang, after finishing story mode I am far more upset by the roster. Baraka, Tanya, Rain, Sareena, Li Mei, Fujin, Frost SHOULD have been on the roster over the likes of Liu, Jax, Kitana, etc. Then have Kitana, Liu for example as DLC.

It's MK9 all over again plus some brand new faces. Not cool.

And Baraka and Rain were not in the MK9, right?
Sareena and Li Mei have no business being playable, they were just cameos, but I guess some people would not have a nice sleep until every single named NPC or background object is playable.

frabn Wrote:
whereas characters like Fujin, Reiko and Havik weren't even included

Reiko and Havik do not have any reason to be in the game.

ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
Liu Kang and Kitana being included in the roster makes perfect sense, I dunno why people are tripping about that.

Because, they are either idiots or just need something to complain about.

thisiscourage Wrote:
Why isn't smoke in the roster? Why isn't nightwolf? There isn't an answer, it's just because NRS chose who they chose. which is annoying because there is no damn rhyme or reason.

There is rhyme and reason - Liu, Kung and Kitana are more popular than Smoke and other mentioned characters.

Sindel798 Wrote:
ImperatrixSindel Wrote:
moneyguy Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Still doesn't change my opinion on the roster, I still hate it. If anything story made me dislike it even more.

Basically. There is a whole section of the roster that I refuse to touch. Worst roster in MK history IMO.

Oh, come on. Worse than Deception?

WHAT!?! Deception had a great roster. Jade, Kenshi, Scorpion, Baraka, Mileena, Subby, Sindel, Havik, Hotaru, Noob, Smoke, Tanya, Ermac, Bo Rai Cho, Nightwolf, Li Mei, Raiden, Liu Kang and Kabal. But most of the new characters did suck.

Presence of Dairou, Darrius and Kobra made MKD roster much worse than MKX one. Whether you like MKX roster or not, all characters in it have varied and interesting gameplay, which was not the case in the MKD.

Ion3008 Wrote:
The whole Revenant thing was very poorly done. And Goro being unimportant and not around in story mode but Tanya is.

I think I've stopped caring about story. As far as ingame goes the comics are still a great weekly read.

Of course, it was poorly done, since your favorite character were not in the game.

Jenafella56 Wrote:
Yup. As I was watching the fight scenes of Rain, and Tanya I'm like damn couldn't they at least put Rain in? He was the most downloadable DLC in MK 9 so common sense he should of been automatically playable in MK X

Freddy Krueger was the most downoadable DLC.
Rain voice sucked in MKX, though.

Omegali2422 Wrote:
There are ALOT of problems in the storymode and the characters in and not in, alot of big gaps in the plots never addressed, and many other things (why was Jax, Sub Zero and Scorpion released from Quan Chi's control but not the other revenants, isn't because the others were distant???).

Takes an Einstein to figure that out, eh?

Ninja_Mime Wrote:
And Sindel would make as much sense as Kitana, Liu Kang, and Kung Lao. It's like they used to say at Midway, "we ran out of time..."

She is not as popular as those three, so nothing logical about her inclusion.

frabn Wrote:
If i can say one major positive about the roster and the story overall - I'm very happy that Johnny has emerged as the top dog of Earthrealm. For so long he was basically the brunt of the jokes of the series, but now they actually went, fleshed him out, and made him legitimately funny - I laugh every time I hear one of his intros, and I'm still hearing new ones every time I play as him. He's constantly switching with Sub-Zero as my "Favorite Character" on my stats screen.

I was also surprised to see that Cassie was the "big hero" of the game. They really are focusing on the Cage family, which is completely different from any direction that they've ever gone with the series before.

Completely agree.

CISIS Wrote:
roster still sucks total kock, as does the story...

the worst thing is, is how amazing the game looks and plays....it was just such a wasted opportunity to be great...

MKX story should have been the comix story....

Eat shit, troll.

Denizen Wrote:
Hypocritical is calling someone a petulant child when you act like a sulky 13 year old.

LOL@that salt.

Randwulf Wrote:
redman Wrote:
Still doesn't change my opinion on the roster, I still hate it. If anything story made me dislike it even more.

Agreed. MKX story mode started well, especially Shinnok vs. Raiden & Fujin. I have to admit I got some tingles by how cool Shinnok's entrance was, and his demeanor while tossing around 2 other gods like rag dolls. All those tingles ended with LAME Cage family "aura" that can...wait for it... stand-up to elder god magic. It was still somewhat decent during the Kotal, Mileena and Kano segments. However, the story started to swiftly go awry, got boring, confusing and outright dumb thereafter. It was hard enough watching Cage, of all people, be immune to an elder god, of all things, but then his daughter is able to defeat a super elder god form?! I... no words other than dumb, dumb, and more dumb. Shinnok's final form was generic, as were his voice and dialogue. Some of the Sub-Zero & Scorpion stuff was ok, such as using Sektor to resolve their clan feuds, but even that was just... ok. The comics were 100% better than what actually appeared in the game. Leaving out Reiko, but randomly throwing in a generic Tanya was beyond stupid. Ferra/Torr should have been the sub-boss, not Goro...for the... is it the 4th time now he is the sub-boss? Goro may be the original, but Kintaro will always be cooler; always! Some of the new roster is great, such as D'vorah, Kotal, and Erron, but others were redundant and not needed, such as Liu Kang, Jax, Sonya, Jacqui, etc. If we have Cassie, why did we need Sonya? They should have called it Mortal Kombat Family Reunion because more than half the roster is related to someone. 12 backgrounds is inexcusable, charging $5 for a limited easy fatality use is disgusting. I am patient and can wait until the real version of the game is done, and released for $20 as a komplete edition, just like I did for Injustice. I don't have hundreds of dollars to get all the characters and costumes, and hopefully more stages, etc. So far, MKX is a mixed bag that has some great strengths, but seemingly an equal amount of shortcomings. To sum up, the game just feels unfinished, rushed, and more focus was spent on the comics and dlc. I am glad I went with my instincts and canceled my pre-order as I do not want to support this half-ass cash grab that seems so focused on selling dlc and comics than actually making the core game solid. If the story presented in the comics with some of those characters playable in the roster to replace current filler characters, then MKX could have been a slam dunk, homerun, likely the best in the series.

Wow. So much idiocy in one post.
Nice to see that MKO still delivers.

TigrarShokan Wrote:
CISIS Wrote:
roster still sucks total kock, as does the story...

the worst thing is, is how amazing the game looks and plays....it was just such a wasted opportunity to be great...

MKX story should have been the comix story....

Amen brother.

What i don't get is why the revants who weren't playable in story mode became playable characters in arcade mode? Like who decides that Liu Knag should be playable and not Smoke? As has been said before the proper MK4 roster should have been considered
And all these people talking about these so called original character news flash:

Sons, daughters, cousins of original character by definition cannot be original!!!! I would have preferred 4 people we knew nothing about to be the heroes.

OK, even more idiocy here. NICE!!
What a place, what a place.
News falsh for you, fanboy: relatives can be original if they have original gameplay. If you are not complete idiot, which I am not sure about, you've got to admit that relative in MKX do have original gameplay.
Smoke is less popular than Liu Kang - face it, fanatic.

Hahaha he calls every one an idiot, yet he can't properly compose a sentence in the English language. Well done !

I think fanboys are the ones who accept that their favourite movie or game is the best despite obvious flaws. Like when I was 10 and saw second MK movie, I thought it was great, when I grew up I realised the terrible truth. It sucked balls!

Good luck going through puberty mate.
04/26/2015 07:07 PM (UTC)
This YouTube channel is releasing every characters fatality and brutality! Check out Ermacs here http://youtu.be/jYsFt5LAHug
About Me

04/26/2015 11:08 PM (UTC)
If playable roster was strictly dictated by story relevance, then there would be ~10 playable characters.

I don't blame the roster, but the storytelling has been a joke for years now. MK is predominantly a fighting game. I am not annoyed at anyone being included as long as the game's quality doesn't suffer for it, but it is pretty silly that some were left out, especially since they were already shown in game.

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Artist Formerly Known as Who...?

04/27/2015 04:28 AM (UTC)
dibula Wrote:
I don't blame the roster, but the storytelling has been a joke for years now. MK is predominantly a fighting game. I am not annoyed at anyone being included as long as the game's quality doesn't suffer for it, but it is pretty silly that some were left out, especially since they were already shown in game.

You do understand difference between making NPC character and playable one, right?
With same level of assurance you can say that every character who was shown in the game should be playable, from random people in Outworld Market to Crocodile from Kuatan Jungle.

NRS decided to make fights in the story mode more variable and added NPC, after all this complains, that there were too few characters too beat up in MK9. And now people complain how they should've been playable. Sometimes you can't win. Especially if people you trying to satisfy are quite immature.

TigrarShokan Wrote:
I think fanboys are the ones who accept that their favourite movie or game is the best despite obvious flaws. Like when I was 10 and saw second MK movie, I thought it was great, when I grew up I realised the terrible truth. It sucked balls!

Good luck going through puberty mate.

I do not think, that MKX is perfect game. I accept that they are some flaws, but some of complaints here are just outright illogical, idiotic and stupid.

I guess you're still not mature enough, to figure out that there is not need for extremes. Yet, you still call me "kid". What a stupid fanboy you are.
About Me

04/27/2015 04:55 AM (UTC)
AFKAW Wrote:
dibula Wrote:
I don't blame the roster, but the storytelling has been a joke for years now. MK is predominantly a fighting game. I am not annoyed at anyone being included as long as the game's quality doesn't suffer for it, but it is pretty silly that some were left out, especially since they were already shown in game.

You do understand difference between making NPC character and playable one, right?
With same level of assurance you can say that every character who was shown in the game should be playable, from random people in Outworld Market to Crocodile from Kuatan Jungle.

NRS decided to make fights in the story mode more variable and added NPC, after all this complains, that there were too few characters too beat up in MK9. And now people complain how they should've been playable. Sometimes you can't win. Especially if people you trying to satisfy are quite immature.

TigrarShokan Wrote:
I think fanboys are the ones who accept that their favourite movie or game is the best despite obvious flaws. Like when I was 10 and saw second MK movie, I thought it was great, when I grew up I realised the terrible truth. It sucked balls!

Good luck going through puberty mate.

I do not think, that MKX is perfect game. I accept that they are some flaws, but some of complaints here are just outright illogical, idiotic and stupid.

I guess you're still not mature enough, to figure out that there is not need for extremes. Yet, you still call me "kid". What a stupid fanboy you are.

Actually, some elephants are from Africa, but sometimes they can be found in Asia too.

Sorry, just making sure, but is this the "argue about something off the point" game?

EDIT: Actually, wait. I am going to humor that reply for a second, even though it missed the point.
Let's ignore that Tanya is going to be playable, and Baraka and Rain are in the rumor mill due to a good old fashioned "troll boon" tweet.
Let's talk about programming for a second, Mr expert.
Everything your character, or an NPC based character does, is based on a conditional command in the programming.
If a player presses X, then execute MOVE.
The NPC of course goes about these commands in a fun process implemented by the AI, but those commands are still there.
The only difference between what you do and what the AI does in a character match is how those commands are executed.
Tanya, Rain, and Baraka all have easy potential to be playable characters, and they probably will be, but they are being treated as cash grabs.
So as far as your bright ultimatum of "character who was shown in the game should be playable, from random people in Outworld Market to Crocodile from Kuatan Jungle." goes, please, I implore you...
Don't be a dingus.
I am not saying Bo Rai Cho, Fujin, Le Mei, or a fucking crocodile should be playable. I am saying the pre coded grunts that get slapped around all day probably should be. So while I compliment the pelt on your high horse,I need to point out that its legs are broken due to the weight of your shitty seventh grade maturity complex. Before you go out slinging passive aggressive insults at an opposing opinion, please understand that the only people who actually do that are children.
About Me

04/27/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
dibula Wrote:
AFKAW Wrote:
dibula Wrote:
I don't blame the roster, but the storytelling has been a joke for years now. MK is predominantly a fighting game. I am not annoyed at anyone being included as long as the game's quality doesn't suffer for it, but it is pretty silly that some were left out, especially since they were already shown in game.

You do understand difference between making NPC character and playable one, right?
With same level of assurance you can say that every character who was shown in the game should be playable, from random people in Outworld Market to Crocodile from Kuatan Jungle.

NRS decided to make fights in the story mode more variable and added NPC, after all this complains, that there were too few characters too beat up in MK9. And now people complain how they should've been playable. Sometimes you can't win. Especially if people you trying to satisfy are quite immature.

TigrarShokan Wrote:
I think fanboys are the ones who accept that their favourite movie or game is the best despite obvious flaws. Like when I was 10 and saw second MK movie, I thought it was great, when I grew up I realised the terrible truth. It sucked balls!

Good luck going through puberty mate.

I do not think, that MKX is perfect game. I accept that they are some flaws, but some of complaints here are just outright illogical, idiotic and stupid.

I guess you're still not mature enough, to figure out that there is not need for extremes. Yet, you still call me "kid". What a stupid fanboy you are.

Actually, some elephants are from Africa, but sometimes they can be found in Asia too.

Sorry, just making sure, but is this the "argue about something off the point" game?

EDIT: Actually, wait. I am going to humor that reply for a second, even though it missed the point.

Let's ignore that Tanya is going to be playable, and Baraka and Rain are in the rumor mill due to a good old fashioned "troll boon" tweet.

Let's talk about programming for a second, Mr expert.

Everything your character, or an NPC based character does, is based on a conditional command in the programming.

If a player presses X, then execute MOVE.

The NPC of course goes about these commands in a fun process implemented by the AI, but those commands are still there.

The only difference between what you do and what the AI does in a character match is how those commands are executed.

Tanya, Rain, and Baraka all have easy potential to be playable characters, and they probably will be, but they are being treated as cash grabs.

So as far as your bright ultimatum of "character who was shown in the game should be playable, from random people in Outworld Market to Crocodile from Kuatan Jungle." goes, please, I implore you...

Don't be a dingus.

I am not saying Bo Rai Cho, Fujin, Le Mei, or a fucking crocodile should be playable. I am saying the pre coded grunts that get slapped around all day probably should be. So while I compliment the pelt on your high horse,I need to point out that its legs are broken due to the weight of your shitty seventh grade maturity complex. Before you go out slinging passive aggressive insults at an opposing opinion, please understand that the only people who actually do that are children.

There are two kinds of elephants: loxodonta africana (untameable), and Elephas maximus (Asian, tameable).

Rain has already been made playable. it comes down to cracking, really.

He will grow out of it eventually.

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