06/24/2014 04:49 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I love a couple of hidden characters as much as the next guy, but NRS HAVE to make it tournament-friendly. Boot options? Bad idea. Codes? Kinda passable. Id rather NRS come up with a more elegant alternative though.

But gotta make it tournament-friendly, whatever they do.

06/24/2014 05:49 PM (UTC)
People just want things from the start, they don't want to work their way into unlocking characters. Which kind of saddens me because before, that's what this game had. There were characters that you had to unlock, even if they changed it up on how you unlock it.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it on here or on a different site, but I play Simpson's Untapped. Throughout this month, the Stonecutters event is going on, and people just don't want to take the time to unlock stuff. They demand answers to all of the riddles, and buy donuts to out buy all of the special items you get. No one wants to wait patiently to get everything by doing what the game wants you to do and tapa-tapa-tapa.

Everything's gotta be released immediately. I just like having unlockable characters because it's something else to do in this game.
06/24/2014 06:36 PM (UTC)
I would welcome hidden/unlockable characters. They definitely bring a little something extra to a game. I wouldn't want an exorbitant amount of them, though. I think that 4 is a good number.

3 of them them should be relatively easy to get (finish this game mode or certain things that you have to do through every fight in the challenge tower). There should be one character though, that is only unlockable after you have done everything that there is to do in the game.

Make it a new character, so no one will be upset that they have to go through an entire game to get to their favorite character.

I understand that pro players would like everything unlocked from the start for balance/competitive reasons, but let's face it, the world does not revolve around them. It revolves around the 80 to 90% of us who are casual players. The guys and girls who play this game for fun, not trophies and money.

If it pisses the pro players off that much and NRS is worried about their EVO status, release a tournament version of the game that has everyone and everything unlocked from the get go. That way, everyone is happy.

Sorry for the rant. Had alot on my mind.
About Me

-sig by MINION

06/24/2014 06:46 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
There should be one character though, that is only unlockable after you have done everything that there is to do in the game.
Ain't nobody got time for that. Some people want to enjoy the characters and the fighting engine not go through a bunch of extraneous modes to unlock something.
06/24/2014 07:03 PM (UTC)
People with no patience ain't got time for that. That's why there would be the tournament edition. Everything would already be unlocked. I for one, enjoy the chase. The challenge of unlocking everything in a game is too much for me to pass up on. I guess I just come from a different era of gaming where you had to work to get things. You had to do the tedious shit in the game to get the cool stuff. That's what makes games worth playing, in my opinion.
06/24/2014 08:25 PM (UTC)
One of my favorite parts of MKDA and MKD. Absolutely, yes, have an option at least to have unlockable characters.
About Me
06/24/2014 09:03 PM (UTC)
Unlockable fighters, secret arenas hidden fights. Signs Mk 1 MK 2 style. More secrets !!! And make it hard to figure!!!
06/24/2014 09:14 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
DjangoDrag Wrote:
I love a couple of hidden characters as much as the next guy, but NRS HAVE to make it tournament-friendly. Boot options? Bad idea. Codes? Kinda passable. Id rather NRS come up with a more elegant alternative though.

But gotta make it tournament-friendly, whatever they do.


Many reasons.

But the bottom line is, if this game is embraced by tournaments for years to come, then that is free advertising for years to come. People sitting at home unlocking things over and over brings no advertising. A single tournament brings dozens to hundreds of people's attention to the game, not even counting live streams.

Furthermore, attempts at hidden content are usually pretty silly these days. We knew about Quan Chi and Cyber Sub before MK9 was even released. If NRS can't keep hidden things actually HIDDEN, then why bother?

So again, I'd like to see NRS find an elegant way to appeal to both crowds, but if one side has to be prioritized, it should be the tournament scene, in this case.

About Me

-sig by MINION

06/24/2014 09:18 PM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
People with no patience ain't got time for that. That's why there would be the tournament edition. Everything would already be unlocked. I for one, enjoy the chase. The challenge of unlocking everything in a game is too much for me to pass up on. I guess I just come from a different era of gaming where you had to work to get things. You had to do the tedious shit in the game to get the cool stuff. That's what makes games worth playing, in my opinion.
Tournament/GOTY editions are more for people who missed the game the first go around or who didn't have access to downloaded content. Unlocking and accomplishing is fun but that's what trophies and such are for. I think in a fighting game people want to jump in and start learning the game and their character right away. It's what makes the game competitive.
06/24/2014 09:40 PM (UTC)
oracle Wrote:
cpleck Wrote:
People with no patience ain't got time for that. That's why there would be the tournament edition. Everything would already be unlocked. I for one, enjoy the chase. The challenge of unlocking everything in a game is too much for me to pass up on. I guess I just come from a different era of gaming where you had to work to get things. You had to do the tedious shit in the game to get the cool stuff. That's what makes games worth playing, in my opinion.
Tournament/GOTY editions are more for people who missed the game the first go around or who didn't have access to downloaded content. Unlocking and accomplishing is fun but that's what trophies and such are for. I think in a fighting game people want to jump in and start learning the game and their character right away. It's what makes the game competitive.

I see where you're coming from. I know that people want everything now and they want to be able to jump right in with their character and work on their mechanics and whatnot.

However, to think that there will be a Mortal Kombat without some sort of secret character is just preposterous. It's been in pretty much every single game. Hell, MK2011 made it to EVO even though Quan Chi and Cyber Sub Zero weren't selectable from the start.
06/24/2014 10:38 PM (UTC)
DjangoDrag Wrote:

Many reasons.

But the bottom line is, if this game is embraced by tournaments for years to come, then that is free advertising for years to come. People sitting at home unlocking things over and over brings no advertising. A single tournament brings dozens to hundreds of people's attention to the game, not even counting live streams.

Furthermore, attempts at hidden content are usually pretty silly these days. We knew about Quan Chi and Cyber Sub before MK9 was even released. If NRS can't keep hidden things actually HIDDEN, then why bother?

So again, I'd like to see NRS find an elegant way to appeal to both crowds, but if one side has to be prioritized, it should be the tournament scene, in this case.

I don't agree with this at all.

This pretty much says that the game should cater to tournament players for the sake of capital gain. The ultimate purpose of any game's creation is to make money; it doesn't need to be capitalized.

In addition, the casual population still outweighs the tournament population, by a longshot. I've always felt developers should make exclusive copies of games for organized tournaments, not even to be sold, but to be played at these tournaments. Millions of buyers shouldn't have to pay for what only a few hundred thousand people are going to be utilizing.
06/24/2014 11:19 PM (UTC)
I've never understood why in the past 10-ish years all fighting games stopped giving us unlockable characters. After reading this forum I kind of get it, but still, seems dumb to only cater to such a small community of gamers.

I personally hope there are unlockable characters, and with the fact that the games story mode takes place over a bunch of gaps in times, it would make perfect sense to start out only with the characters who are around at the beginning of the story mode, and then unlock more as you go through (depending on how big a roster that would give us).

I get that we are past the days of starting with only 50% of the roster, but only 2 unlockable characters is not enough, IMO.
06/24/2014 11:29 PM (UTC)
I'm sorry, but this game should not cater to you tournament folks. As Riyakou stated, they should make somewhat of a different copy for tournaments so that your characters are all unlocked. But why should those who don't participate in these get the crappy end of the stick and have everything unlocked because you guys need it?

Nuh uh, no, sorry I don't want the entire game to be like that. I like working hard in getting a character unlocked, even if they appear to be not so special to be considered an unlockable. I miss playing a game and getting a reward at the end like that. Such as a password to put in to get Classic Sub-Zero, or in order to find Reptile, you must do these certain things. That's fun rather than having everyone unlocked at the start.

06/24/2014 11:42 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm sorry, but this game should not cater to you tournament folks. As Riyakou stated, they should make somewhat of a different copy for tournaments so that your characters are all unlocked. But why should those who don't participate in these get the crappy end of the stick and have everything unlocked because you guys need it?

That's not a good line of reasoning.

They're the vocal minority. They might not be the majority of players, but when it comes to MK being competitive they know best.

That'd be like saying NRS shouldn't listen to hardcore MK fans because they're not the majority of players. Even though we ultimately know what's better for the game.
06/24/2014 11:42 PM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
or in order to find Reptile, you must do these certain things.

But MK9 did that too.
06/24/2014 11:53 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm sorry, but this game should not cater to you tournament folks. As Riyakou stated, they should make somewhat of a different copy for tournaments so that your characters are all unlocked. But why should those who don't participate in these get the crappy end of the stick and have everything unlocked because you guys need it?

That's not a good line of reasoning.

They're the vocal minority. They might not be the majority of players, but when it comes to MK being competitive they know best.

That'd be like saying NRS shouldn't listen to hardcore MK fans because they're not the majority of players. Even though we ultimately know what's better for the game.

No, it is. Why should those who don't participate in tournaments and like to have unlockable characters not have it because tournament players are fussing over that? People are not going to get everything they ask for, I get it, and even if it's a minority, they should be allowed to voice their opinion. However, I don't see this game catering immediately over to tournament players because they have an issue with unlockable characters. Have copies where everything is unlocked at the start or have someone kind enough to unlock everything for tournament players. There's nothing wrong with that.

RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
or in order to find Reptile, you must do these certain things.

But MK9 did that too.

I was mostly referring about how it's fun to do things during fights to get to the classic character battles. It wouldn't hurt to see more of that be added in.
06/25/2014 12:02 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm sorry, but this game should not cater to you tournament folks. As Riyakou stated, they should make somewhat of a different copy for tournaments so that your characters are all unlocked. But why should those who don't participate in these get the crappy end of the stick and have everything unlocked because you guys need it?

Nuh uh, no, sorry I don't want the entire game to be like that. I like working hard in getting a character unlocked, even if they appear to be not so special to be considered an unlockable. I miss playing a game and getting a reward at the end like that. Such as a password to put in to get Classic Sub-Zero, or in order to find Reptile, you must do these certain things. That's fun rather than having everyone unlocked at the start.



Normally, I say more power to the pro's, but in this case I have to side with the casual crowd. MK has always been about secrets, half-truths, and unlockables. To abandon that simply because the pro's want everything from the start is unforgiveable, and akin to abandoning one of the few things that make MK, MK.
06/25/2014 12:16 AM (UTC)
Icebaby Wrote:
No, it is. Why should those who don't participate in tournaments and like to have unlockable characters not have it because tournament players are fussing over that? People are not going to get everything they ask for, I get it, and even if it's a minority, they should be allowed to voice their opinion. However, I don't see this game catering immediately over to tournament players because they have an issue with unlockable characters. Have copies where everything is unlocked at the start or have someone kind enough to unlock everything for tournament players. There's nothing wrong with that.

If anything it's pretty clear they have already catered towards competitive players with MK9 and Injustice having all if not most characters playable at launch. Don't be surprised when MK has all but 3 characters playable from the start.

And who's to say that the people who want unlockable characters aren't the majority? What if people who want to unlock characters are the minority? Should we not listen to them because they're a few people?

06/25/2014 12:18 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
No, it is. Why should those who don't participate in tournaments and like to have unlockable characters not have it because tournament players are fussing over that? People are not going to get everything they ask for, I get it, and even if it's a minority, they should be allowed to voice their opinion. However, I don't see this game catering immediately over to tournament players because they have an issue with unlockable characters. Have copies where everything is unlocked at the start or have someone kind enough to unlock everything for tournament players. There's nothing wrong with that.

If anything it's pretty clear they have already catered towards competitive players with MK9 and Injustice having all if not most characters playable at launch. Don't be surprised when MK has all but 3 characters playable from the start.

And who's to say that the people who want unlockable characters aren't the majority? What if people who want to unlock characters are the minority? Should we not listen to them because they're a few people?

I did say not everyone is going to get what they want.
06/25/2014 01:47 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Icebaby Wrote:
I'm sorry, but this game should not cater to you tournament folks. As Riyakou stated, they should make somewhat of a different copy for tournaments so that your characters are all unlocked. But why should those who don't participate in these get the crappy end of the stick and have everything unlocked because you guys need it?

That's not a good line of reasoning.

They're the vocal minority. They might not be the majority of players, but when it comes to MK being competitive they know best.

That'd be like saying NRS shouldn't listen to hardcore MK fans because they're not the majority of players. Even though we ultimately know what's better for the game.

Fuck the vocal minority.

The majority shouldn't have to lose something because the minority only wants things their way. I've already have to put up with that politically and socially. I really don't want to put up with that with a freakin' video game.

I digressed. Anyway, the minority should not be merely catered to, even us hardcore MK fans. This is why I don't mind Quan Chi being killed or iconic characters not appearing in MKX. We hardcore fans are not the only ones. Tournament players are not the only ones either.

They should not be a priority. They're not going to lose something from having to unlock characters, but casual players will lose something from being forced to deal with a truckload of characters at once. Starting small helps play the game at a personal pace. You start off with about twelve characters, and you work your way up, one by one. That is the extension of replay value. When you have the entire roster at once, the majority of characters are easily eclipsed, because you're going to immediately go for the ones you are familiar with. You lose out on being able to start small and experience new things, such as a character you didn't think you'd ever like.

Having the full roster is not a dire need, neither is having unlockables, but you're acting as if tournament players must have them all at once. It's not going to kill them to simply unlock the characters. It's an unnecessary complaint, which seemed to have spawned from laziness from anything. It's pretty much, "I don't want to have to unlock my favorite character!"

Again, I'm all for tournaments receiving special copies of the game, for the sake of the tournaments. They do deserve to have their set, but only they should be the ones to have it. Let them have their special copy, and let everyone have the actual game.
06/25/2014 02:10 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
Fuck the vocal minority.

The majority shouldn't have to lose something because the minority only wants things their way. I've already have to put up with that politically and socially. I really don't want to put up with that with a freakin' video game.

I digressed. Anyway, the minority should not be merely catered to, even us hardcore MK fans. This is why I don't mind Quan Chi being killed or iconic characters not appearing in MKX. We hardcore fans are not the only ones. Tournament players are not the only ones either.

They should not be a priority. They're not going to lose something from having to unlock characters, but casual players will lose something from being forced to deal with a truckload of characters at once. Starting small helps play the game at a personal pace. You start off with about twelve characters, and you work your way up, one by one. That is the extension of replay value. When you have the entire roster at once, the majority of characters are easily eclipsed, because you're going to immediately go for the ones you are familiar with. You lose out on being able to start small and experience new things, such as a character you didn't think you'd ever like.

Having the full roster is not a dire need, neither is having unlockables, but you're acting as if tournament players must have them all at once. It's not going to kill them to simply unlock the characters. It's an unnecessary complaint, which seemed to have spawned from laziness from anything. It's pretty much, "I don't want to have to unlock my favorite character!"

Again, I'm all for tournaments receiving special copies of the game, for the sake of the tournaments. They do deserve to have their set, but only they should be the ones to have it. Let them have their special copy, and let everyone have the actual game.

The minority in this case is a special group. They're the guys who keep the game alive years after launch by playing competitively at tournaments. You might find this hard to believe, but some people just buy the game to fight. That's all they do. They don't give a fuck about MK's lore, secrets, or hidden unlockables. They bought the game, they should be able to play how they want to.

They'll lose time they could've used to practice by having to unlock a character they planned on maining or wanted to learn match ups with. Plus it slows down the tournaments in general. But that is obvious. And really, who said you have to play as every single character when they're available? The entire time I've had MK9 (which was since launch) I've played Quan Chi maybe twice. No one is saying " You must play each and every single character". You can still play at your own pace regardless.

I'm not against unlockables. I'd like to see them come back. (Just not half the roster) But after reading the counter arguments I understand why unlockables would be unfavorable to some. If for some reason NRS couldn't do unlockables I'd be fine with it.

And once again I must ask, what if the people who want unlockables are the minority? You still gonna say " Fuck the minority"?
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-sig by MINION

06/25/2014 02:36 AM (UTC)
cpleck Wrote:
However, to think that there will be a Mortal Kombat without some sort of secret character is just preposterous. It's been in pretty much every single game. Hell, MK2011 made it to EVO even though Quan Chi and Cyber Sub Zero weren't selectable from the start.
I mean I agree. But in 2015 I don't think anyone is trying to unlock half the roster of a game. Especially if you have to go through hell and high water to do it.

I think MK9 did it right with unlockable characters.

KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
And once again I must ask, what if the people who want unlockables are the minority? You still gonna say " Fuck the minority"?
It's interesting because I think they are the vocal minority. I think if you asked most people interested in buying MKX if they want to unlock 14 characters out of a cast of 28 or so most people would say no.
06/25/2014 03:16 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:

The minority in this case is a special group. They're the guys who keep the game alive years after launch by playing competitively at tournaments. You might find this hard to believe, but some people just buy the game to fight. That's all they do. They don't give a fuck about MK's lore, secrets, or hidden unlockables. They bought the game, they should be able to play how they want to.

They'll lose time they could've used to practice by having to unlock a character they planned on maining or wanted to learn match ups with. Plus it slows down the tournaments in general. But that is obvious. And really, who said you have to play as every single character when they're available? The entire time I've had MK9 (which was since launch) I've played Quan Chi maybe twice. No one is saying " You must play each and every single character". You can still play at your own pace regardless.

I'm not against unlockables. I'd like to see them come back. (Just not half the roster) But after reading the counter arguments I understand why unlockables would be unfavorable to some. If for some reason NRS couldn't do unlockables I'd be fine with it.

And once again I must ask, what if the people who want unlockables are the minority? You still gonna say " Fuck the minority"?

I've already stated it on the account of other things, where it is needed.

When the minority can causes an unfair bout to the majority, it should be dealt with. Again, this is why I don't mind Quan Chi being killed off. I'm aware of the effect he can on the series' story, and I know there are a great deal of fans who are not happy with it. Therefore, I am willing to put my own desire aside for the sake of the majority.

For the record, a fighting game does not remain in tournaments forever. They stay for as long as they are relevant. As you can see, MK9 is already out, before MKX was even announced. Games are replaced all the time in these tournaments, and reason is because those gamers only play the games to fight. This is the main reason why I hate tournaments; the fun of the game is stripped away for the sake of competition. I hate it. But anyway, I digressed.

KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote: And really, who said you have to play as every single character when they're available? The entire time I've had MK9 (which was since launch) I've played Quan Chi maybe twice. No one is saying " You must play each and every single character". You can still play at your own pace regardless.

I never said anything about having to play with each of them. I'm not going to rewrite everything I stated, so I ask that you reread my previous post, should you want clarification.

In the end, I know I've made my choice. I will buy the game regardless. Still, I just don't feel it is fair for the game (and many other games), to cater to one particular group of people. I'd rather it catered to everyone.
06/25/2014 03:29 AM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
In the end, I know I've made my choice. I will buy the game regardless. Still, I just don't feel it is fair for the game (and many other games), to cater to one particular group of people. I'd rather it catered to everyone.

Having unlockables just to cater to you isn't catering to everyone.

And I know you want different copies for tourney players but that seems entirely unnecessary. Having the full cast at launch doesn't hurt anybody. And what about what Temp said about unlocking costumes? I think that's pretty fair considering it doesn't affect gameplay.
06/25/2014 06:17 AM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
Riyakou Wrote:
In the end, I know I've made my choice. I will buy the game regardless. Still, I just don't feel it is fair for the game (and many other games), to cater to one particular group of people. I'd rather it catered to everyone.

Having unlockables just to cater to you isn't catering to everyone.

And I know you want different copies for tourney players but that seems entirely unnecessary. Having the full cast at launch doesn't hurt anybody. And what about what Temp said about unlocking costumes? I think that's pretty fair considering it doesn't affect gameplay.

It greatly offends me that you refer to me as selfish.

Anyway, what does unlocking costumes have to do with anything? That's not the point of the discussion, and it is most definitely is not a substitute.

Clearly, we're never going to understand each other. There is no point in continuing. As I've stated, I've already made my choice in the end. I'll never understand the point of it all, but hopefully it won't matter.
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