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03/22/2015 05:37 PM (UTC)
A discussion without two shores is no discussion at all.

OK, I'll part with this. Tremor is possibly the character who has to live up to the utmost of expectations I have. But let's see how he turns out.

So far it is obvious that they have done a really good job if they are going to bring him in. There is no question in my mind that Tremor etc. will play good, it's just that everything I see on the character screams lazy.

And no, why should he have to return if there are two games who have characters that could easily work as much with even less effort??? Hotaru, Dairou, Li Mei, Moloch, Drahmin, Ashrah, Fujin, hell even Reiko and I despise him, or even Jarek could work... those character have p[recedence in appearance. Personally I prefer those characters over early MK2-4 stuff. And those character's did not even get the consideration???

Let's see then how Tremor can live up to expectations. Maybe he will turn out to be the best thing ever, but somehow I doubt that. Good thing, maybe.
I do not know, yet.

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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

03/22/2015 11:05 PM (UTC)
I have a couple mates who are into Mortal Kombat and didn't know/remember who Tremor when I told them about this. I thought it was funny. There are people out there who would pretty much consider him a new character.

I've never been crazy-hype over him but I've always been curious what they would eventually do with him after all the fan demand. It looks like he has a lot to bring, and I'm more excited for him than any other Kombat Packer.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 11:13 PM (UTC)
I still consider Tremor a new character. Yes he was in Special Forces, but this is his first canonical debut in an MK fighting game. So I put him on the level of D'Vora, Erron, and others.

It's like Sareena, she made her first debut in a MK fighting game with MKTE/MKA, so I consider her a 3D era character even though she was in a 2d adventure game originally.
03/22/2015 11:32 PM (UTC)
We now know Tanya is gonna actually talk compared to the MK9 DLC, I wonder if Tremor will as well?
About Me

Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 11:36 PM (UTC)
KenshiMaster16 Wrote:
We now know Tanya is gonna actually talk compared to the MK9 DLC, I wonder if Tremor will as well?

I think so. It would be really odd if he didn't, everyone on the roster (that's an MK fighter) so far speaks.

It just better not be generic shit like "FOR THE SHOKAN!!!"
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/23/2015 12:28 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
People are sooo sensitive that it really makes me laugh.

What's wrong with a little criticism? All the guy did is give his thoughts about Tremor, and don't give me the wrong thread B.S.

He is allowed to give his thoughts about Tremor in a thread ABOUT Tremor and I kind of agree with his thoughts, I don't think Tremor is a shit character though, that part is not really cool to say.

But it's a mistake to put Tremor as DLC, I'm saying this for the character's sake, just look at how he'll disappear and never reappear after this game just like my beloved Skarlet.

He doesn't look cool either, it's like every other fan art out there, I like his powers though, I think it's long overdue for an earth based character, it's just his look is soooo stupid, seriously, it all becomes apparent when you look at the silly metal mask he has.

And seriously a hood? a fucking hood? I don't think an earth based ninja which shakes the fucking ground deserves a hood, it's for a mysterious character not a character that you'll see coming a mile away.

But overall I'm happy Tremor got in the game, I do think his design is silly but that's about all my complaints, looking forward to his gameplay same way I'm looking forward to never seeing him appear again.

Most people will forget about him after this game, people already have a bad reception of him and are calling him a spot taker, I don't agree with these people but that's what's happening right now.

Enjoy Tremor while you got him.

You are very correct that there's nothing wrong with criticism and everybody is allowed an opinion. Tremor to never return again after this installment remains to be seen though. I know that's how YOU feel which is completely fine but the numbers don't lie man. Tell me why Tremor is the most anticipated Kombat Pack charcter according to the poll for this site?

And I didn't even vote for him lol. I voted Tanya because she debuted in MK4 which is one of the MKs I enjoyed and played the most so her inclusion is nostalgic for me:D

Anyway not only is he the most anticipated. But he's the most anticipated by A LOT. That's saying something. He may stick around longer than you think.
03/23/2015 12:57 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:

You are very correct that there's nothing wrong with criticism and everybody is allowed an opinion. Tremor to never return again after this installment remains to be seen though. I know that's how YOU feel which is completely fine but the numbers don't lie man. Tell me why Tremor is the most anticipated Kombat Pack charcter according to the poll for this site?

And I didn't even vote for him lol. I voted Tanya because she debuted in MK4 which is one of the MKs I enjoyed and played the most so her inclusion is nostalgic for me:D

Anyway not only is he the most anticipated. But he's the most anticipated by A LOT. That's saying something. He may stick around longer than you think.

Hey, I hope I am wrong.

I HATE the fact that NRS introduce characters and then just leave them and never bring them back, Fujin appeared in MK4 and where is he now? nearly 20 years and he is not in an actual good game, MKA doesn't count since it HAD to include him.

Where is Reiko?

You think I hate Tremor? I don't, I like him but I find it annoying that everybody is pleading for him and now that we have him, he'll be forgotten within the few weeks of his release.

True I can't know that now, but I can guess it and base it on what I know about humans.

Remember this thing I'm about to tell you because this is what I always keep in my mind and it never failed me.

We always want what we can't have... Until we have it and then we don't want it.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/23/2015 01:37 AM (UTC)
Very true words my friend. We'll see if he and his gameplay can actually live up to the hype. I sure hope it does. Otherwise he'll be old news by the time the month is over after release.


This is after all a hype thread;)
03/23/2015 01:48 AM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Very true words my friend. We'll see if he and his gameplay can actually live up to the hype. I sure hope it does. Otherwise he'll be old news by the time the month is over after release.


This is after all a hype thread;)

Well keep the HYPE going :D.

I'm going to give him this, I always wanted to see an earth based character so I'm happy he is there to fill that role, I hope he blows us away with his gameplay.

And I do hope he lasts, I like all the ninjas in MK, never hated a single one of them and Tremor is no exception, so keep the hype alive and hopefully he'll stick.
03/23/2015 03:09 AM (UTC)
You know what? He looks cool and he'll probably have an awesome moveset, so I'm okay with him coming in. I just don't understand why they're marketing Tremor as a "Klassic Character." Special Forces? Classic? Really?
03/23/2015 04:06 PM (UTC)
Tremor's involvement at this point is nugatory because it's all about perfect timing, with some fighters. Just look at his limited backstory. I feel he doesn't belong yet because of Sub-Zero's, Scorpion's, Reptile's and Ermac's inclusion. Balancing the available places when more fighters are gone for good would be more sensible. I'm doubtful this will ever happen though because of the way line-ups turned out in newer MK's.
03/23/2015 04:29 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
I'm super hyped for Tremor. I would've much much rathered a normal sized guy, not a hulking brute that will probably be slow. Ya know, more like a ninja. LoL. But Fuck yea Tremor. Finally!!

@Chrome, The MK Teen Titans and the 2 Guests are the spot stealers if anyone. Not Tanya or Tremor.

Tremor is the same model as scorp and subby. He will be normal size.

He is the same model as Jason (easy to tell because they are side by side) ...Jason will also be normal sized.

This being said, it does not confirm his speed, which will be very interesting. It would be so cliche to make him slow moving due to his earth powers. I too am hoping for a quick Tremor. Cannot express enough how badly I want to see gameplay.

my guess: he will be as fast as subby. Which isn't fast but is not slow by any means.
About Me

Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/23/2015 05:24 PM (UTC)
thisiscourage Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
I'm super hyped for Tremor. I would've much much rathered a normal sized guy, not a hulking brute that will probably be slow. Ya know, more like a ninja. LoL. But Fuck yea Tremor. Finally!!

@Chrome, The MK Teen Titans and the 2 Guests are the spot stealers if anyone. Not Tanya or Tremor.

Tremor is the same model as scorp and subby. He will be normal size.

He is the same model as Jason (easy to tell because they are side by side) ...Jason will also be normal sized.

This being said, it does not confirm his speed, which will be very interesting. It would be so cliche to make him slow moving due to his earth powers. I too am hoping for a quick Tremor. Cannot express enough how badly I want to see gameplay.

my guess: he will be as fast as subby. Which isn't fast but is not slow by any means.

If Tremor's gameplay is at similar speed to Subby's that would be perfect. I hope that is the case.
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