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03/21/2015 03:50 PM (UTC)
In: Tremor
Out: Your favorite character

Fuck everyone who said he'd never make it. We've all come so far.
03/21/2015 03:53 PM (UTC)
Not my first choice for DLC, but he's a very fresh returnee, so there's that.

While it's obvious he was wanted largely because of his choice of attire, I do think he's got some potential, plus they've done a nice job individualizing his design.

Now, here's hoping his gameplay's memorable, too.
Kudos to NRS for using Rock as skin, Being a big buff guy, And the Hoodie look.

Seems like a blend of the best Tremor concepts.
03/21/2015 04:53 PM (UTC)
You could literally say the same thing about every character in MKX, hell I could say Kung Jin or Takeda took a spot of somebody else I wanted in. Why Tremor is now being labeled as the spot taker is beyond me. He didn't take anybody's spot, for him to take another character's spot said character would have to have had a spot to begin with, which im sure they didn't.

I doubt NRS designed another full character and said " Actually, lets just toss this one aside completely and replace him/her with Tremor "
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03/21/2015 05:05 PM (UTC)
I'm so goddamn hyped for Tremor! He looks sick and I love NRS for finally brining him into a main-stream MK game! His design is so fucking good and I love how parts of his skin and his arms look like they are made out of rock. Can't wait to see gameplay of him.

Chrome Wrote:
This is basically confirmation that Tremor is going down the drain after this.

They fucked up badly. It is not the idea that's bad, that Tremor is in the game, it's fucked up because he took up a place that could have gone to havik, Reiko, and above all else Fujin.

if they would have taken the time to quickly add him as a pre-relelase quickie extra as a big surprise, and maybe have the game come out two weeks later, then it would have been okay, and it actually would have been hitting harder.

Tremor is not a klassic kombatant. He never was. Or will be.

I think you've gotten lost. This is the Tremor Hype thread not the complain about Tremor thread. Go make one of those, if one hasn't already, and post there.
03/21/2015 05:30 PM (UTC)
Tremor looks amazing to me , I wasn't even a fan but I like the look and the fact black dragon will get some love with a new character addition in Mortal Kombat X .
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"BEER ME!" - Noob Saibot

03/21/2015 05:49 PM (UTC)
o Tremor in the game? CHECK.
o Earthbending powers?

C'mon NetherRealm Studios, please! You can do this!
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Mad Props to MINION, The SIG Sovereign!

03/21/2015 06:50 PM (UTC)
I'm super hyped for Tremor. I would've much much rathered a normal sized guy, not a hulking brute that will probably be slow. Ya know, more like a ninja. LoL. But Fuck yea Tremor. Finally!!

@Chrome, The MK Teen Titans and the 2 Guests are the spot stealers if anyone. Not Tanya or Tremor.
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And into the eyes of the jackyl I say KAAAAAAAAAAABOOM

03/21/2015 09:23 PM (UTC)
I'm super pumped for him, and he looks great.
03/21/2015 09:27 PM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:

@Chrome, The MK Teen Titans and the 2 Guests are the spot stealers if anyone. Not Tanya or Tremor.

I knew the new characters(Off-springs) reminded me of something, you were on point with that, they are the Teen Titans of the MKU.
03/21/2015 09:38 PM (UTC)
I think he looks amazing...INCREDIBLE!!!
He will probably be a main for me!
03/21/2015 09:44 PM (UTC)
i'm really excited about Tremor and how is he going to fight like, actually the whole pack looks amazing and i'm really pumped about all they have done to make this game amazing!!

My only questions are if DLC are going to have variations and intros too???

As for future games, they can always return even if it's for another armageddon like game they can, this goes to both Tremor and Skarlet (if Shao Kahn ever returns then she can come back to serve him again) as minor characters or rumors that became real characters, they now have a bit of importance in the story so it's always possible.

Also to be honest i also think he didn't take anyone's spot, what about he being part of the plan all the way and just happened to have an online petition at the same time too?wink
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03/21/2015 09:53 PM (UTC)
ninnink79 Wrote:My only questions are if DLC are going to have variations and intros too???

I think it's been said that DLC will be "Fleshed Out" so I think it's pretty much certain they'll have variaitions. As for intros, with the exception of Jason (and Predator, but he'll probably just click and imitate sounds), Tremor and Tanya will no doubt speak, as this'll just be awkward:

Mileena: "Tanya!"

Tanya: "..........."

Mileena: "OK."

Tremor and Tanya will no doubt speak.
03/21/2015 11:17 PM (UTC)
I am so damn HYPED and PUMPED for Tremor!! Seeing him made my whole weekend, and at this point, I'm totally fine hearing nothing else about the game until it is released. Him being DLC put the icing that's on the icing that's already on the cake. It will be so hard waiting for him to be released, but once he is, he'll be my main.
03/22/2015 06:58 AM (UTC)
swerzy Wrote:
I think it's been said that DLC will be "Fleshed Out" so I think it's pretty much certain they'll have variaitions. As for intros, with the exception of Jason (and Predator, but he'll probably just click and imitate sounds), Tremor and Tanya will no doubt speak, as this'll just be awkward:

Mileena: "Tanya!"

Tanya: "..........."

Mileena: "OK."

Tremor and Tanya will no doubt speak.

i loled at this, thanks for the info i hope they do ^^
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Ethereal, ravenous, piercing. It's Mileena bitch.

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03/22/2015 07:03 AM (UTC)
I knew he'd make it in ever since his absence in the comics. (tasia and jarek)
03/22/2015 07:07 AM (UTC)
Very disappointed that tremor made it in over my favourites Noob, smoke and reiko but it is hard to stay mad when he looks so cool he is actually one of the fighters I am looking forward to the most along with Erron black, Goro and shinnok!!!
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03/22/2015 07:52 AM (UTC)
0RI0N Wrote:
@Chrome, The MK Teen Titans and the 2 Guests are the spot stealers if anyone. Not Tanya or Tremor.


The offspring characters are inherently better than a rehash of a factual error in creativity that lead to Tremor's creation.

You do understand that there will be no time when MK will not be associated with clone ninjas, right? Okay, suppose Tremor is included, but a rock ninja? Seriously? The most obvious and overused trope of elemental powers that is the biggest cliche of them all?

There are literally tens of ideas I can come up with that would have avoided rock ninja and would have kept Tremor's core idea. But yet again, NRS does things the easy and stupid way.

I am thankful for one thing though, if NRS listens to petitions, then I will personally create one to remove Tremor from future installments permanently.
03/22/2015 09:38 AM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
@Chrome, The MK Teen Titans and the 2 Guests are the spot stealers if anyone. Not Tanya or Tremor.


The offspring characters are inherently better than a rehash of a factual error in creativity that lead to Tremor's creation.

You do understand that there will be no time when MK will not be associated with clone ninjas, right? Okay, suppose Tremor is included, but a rock ninja? Seriously? The most obvious and overused trope of elemental powers that is the biggest cliche of them all?

There are literally tens of ideas I can come up with that would have avoided rock ninja and would have kept Tremor's core idea. But yet again, NRS does things the easy and stupid way.

I am thankful for one thing though, if NRS listens to petitions, then I will personally create one to remove Tremor from future installments permanently.

Look, there are some characters I'm not a fan of but, wow. Really?
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03/22/2015 12:09 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
@Chrome, The MK Teen Titans and the 2 Guests are the spot stealers if anyone. Not Tanya or Tremor.


The offspring characters are inherently better than a rehash of a factual error in creativity that lead to Tremor's creation.

You do understand that there will be no time when MK will not be associated with clone ninjas, right? Okay, suppose Tremor is included, but a rock ninja? Seriously? The most obvious and overused trope of elemental powers that is the biggest cliche of them all?

There are literally tens of ideas I can come up with that would have avoided rock ninja and would have kept Tremor's core idea. But yet again, NRS does things the easy and stupid way.

I am thankful for one thing though, if NRS listens to petitions, then I will personally create one to remove Tremor from future installments permanently.

Lol you're so fucking butthurt it's hilarious.
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03/22/2015 03:20 PM (UTC)
I am still jittery with hype for Tremor. I can't wait to play as him.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 03:41 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
0RI0N Wrote:
@Chrome, The MK Teen Titans and the 2 Guests are the spot stealers if anyone. Not Tanya or Tremor.


The offspring characters are inherently better than a rehash of a factual error in creativity that lead to Tremor's creation.

You do understand that there will be no time when MK will not be associated with clone ninjas, right? Okay, suppose Tremor is included, but a rock ninja? Seriously? The most obvious and overused trope of elemental powers that is the biggest cliche of them all?

There are literally tens of ideas I can come up with that would have avoided rock ninja and would have kept Tremor's core idea. But yet again, NRS does things the easy and stupid way.

I am thankful for one thing though, if NRS listens to petitions, then I will personally create one to remove Tremor from future installments permanently.

I love when people intentionally come into "hype" threads to bitch and moan. Defeats the purpose of the thread, don't ya think?

Not saying that you can't bitch and moan, but ya gotta get the hell out of here.
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03/22/2015 04:13 PM (UTC)
Ok let's get the hype train for Tremor back on track before it completely derails.

Tremor looks like a BEAST! I personally love the mask as it is a great fit to the overall look and design for him. Also it looks like one of those masks that alter your voice to sound idk.. More villainous? You know like Darth Vader or Bane in the Dark Knight Rises. Not that he will or should sound this way but it could be interesting and it's fun to speculate!

So yeah can't wait to hear what he sounds like!

03/22/2015 04:55 PM (UTC)
People are sooo sensitive that it really makes me laugh.

What's wrong with a little criticism? All the guy did is give his thoughts about Tremor, and don't give me the wrong thread B.S.

He is allowed to give his thoughts about Tremor in a thread ABOUT Tremor and I kind of agree with his thoughts, I don't think Tremor is a shit character though, that part is not really cool to say.

But it's a mistake to put Tremor as DLC, I'm saying this for the character's sake, just look at how he'll disappear and never reappear after this game just like my beloved Skarlet.

He doesn't look cool either, it's like every other fan art out there, I like his powers though, I think it's long overdue for an earth based character, it's just his look is soooo stupid, seriously, it all becomes apparent when you look at the silly metal mask he has.

And seriously a hood? a fucking hood? I don't think an earth based ninja which shakes the fucking ground deserves a hood, it's for a mysterious character not a character that you'll see coming a mile away.

But overall I'm happy Tremor got in the game, I do think his design is silly but that's about all my complaints, looking forward to his gameplay same way I'm looking forward to never seeing him appear again.

Most people will forget about him after this game, people already have a bad reception of him and are calling him a spot taker, I don't agree with these people but that's what's happening right now.

Enjoy Tremor while you got him.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

03/22/2015 05:22 PM (UTC)
whatuknowaboutMK? Wrote:
Ok let's get the hype train for Tremor back on track before it completely derails.

Tremor looks like a BEAST! I personally love the mask as it is a great fit to the overall look and design for him. Also it looks like one of those masks that alter your voice to sound idk.. More villainous? You know like Darth Vader or Bane in the Dark Knight Rises. Not that he will or should sound this way but it could be interesting and it's fun to speculate!

So yeah can't wait to hear what he sounds like!


Definitely! So pumped!
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