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03/21/2015 05:25 AM (UTC)
He looks a bit bigger than I thought he would but overall I like the design. Hopefully his gameplay is good and maybe if he is recieved well enough he can make the mk11 roster.
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/21/2015 05:29 AM (UTC)
I just hope he's not too slow like Bane ya know? Not that he should be fast or anything but he should be somewhere in the middle I think. Help me out guys!
03/21/2015 05:31 AM (UTC)
Tremor is epik but Tanya is more epik! smile

LMAO I like Tanya's simple, yet super badaasss reveal. lol

Tanya just owned everyone with her yellow-purple outfit, necklace, messy bangs-hair and troll face.

It's going to be so fun watching her gameplay on the television! grin
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Winter is Coming A Lanister always pays his debts You know nothing Jon Snow! We do not sow! Valar Morghulis

03/21/2015 05:40 AM (UTC)
Maria_Linda Wrote:
Tremor is epik but Tanya is more epik! smile

LMAO I like Tanya's simple, yet super badaasss reveal. lol

Tanya just owned everyone with her yellow-purple outfit, necklace, messy bangs-hair and troll face.

It's going to be so fun watching her gameplay on the television! grin

ALRIGHT we get it. You love Tanya, hence the fact you have her face as your icon. There's already a Tanya super thread that's almost 40 pages long. Let Tremor shine for a bit.

I know, I know you just couldn't help yourself. It's cool. We love you anyway lol grin
03/21/2015 05:44 AM (UTC)
Finally...fans have been asking for him since like forever...
03/21/2015 05:49 AM (UTC)
I'm sure there are, like 7, other people out there like me who really don't care either way. I've never been a Tremor booster, but not once have I ever badmouthed the character. I guess I've never really cared. An Earth element character makes sense based off of all the other elements we've seen. Do I think we need him? No. Do I think he shouldn't be a character? No. Do I care that he's been included as DLC? No. Will I buy him? Absolutely, a new MK character is a new MK character- that is what excites me!
03/21/2015 06:20 AM (UTC)
I love the potential, he's basically a new character in the mk main game and after just hating him based on his name and palette swap history, I have warmed up to him. Why? Again potential, but the fan art just blew me away. That is why his bland look is a total letdown. I want to like it, but indeed the cold war scorpion vibe and ninja look, makes him already a what could've been. If they listen to fan petitions for this dude, at least consider a fan art inspired look.
All in all, not getting my hopes up, but potential is still there.
03/21/2015 07:28 AM (UTC)
He really looks awesome. I hope most of his attacks is increased by earth power.
03/21/2015 08:08 AM (UTC)
This should be Tremor's alt costume

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Mortal Kombat Online - Community Manager

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03/21/2015 08:15 AM (UTC)
Tremor is the only character in the Kombat Pack that I'm remotely excited for, and I wouldn't have said that before seeing his design. Holy shit, they knocked it out of the park.
03/21/2015 10:02 AM (UTC)
I'm hype as fuck for Tremor!! So glad they added a new ninja, especially one I've wanted to see for a looooonnngg time. My bad for like years of shitting on people trying to push his online petition, never in a million years woulda thought that would actually work! Especially excited to DESTROY his haters online, love it.
03/21/2015 10:14 AM (UTC)
I'm excited to see what they come up with for his move-set. Hoping for no "Klassic" Ground Pound or Fireballs.

Just lots and lots of Earth based moves, hoping for a stampede move similar to the Rock encased run from Infamous Second Son.
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03/21/2015 12:03 PM (UTC)
Tremor is a prime example of why it's better not to nit pick obscure characters. Nrs will come in and make them badass no matter what their previous incarnation was. The way people see tremor now is how it should of been from the start with stryker and then tremor prior to their reveal. I don't like to be an I told you so type of guy. But I knew so with stryker and now tremor that people would dig them. Just seems to always happen that way lol. Good to see the appreciation. Finally!
03/21/2015 12:13 PM (UTC)
Those son of a guns actually put him in the game!!!ďď!!d

He looks brilliant!

Seems like his moves will have a strong emphasis on rock and earth powers just like I hoped!

I am so hype it's disturbing the neighbors!!!!
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

03/21/2015 12:23 PM (UTC)
Easily the most unexpected out of the pack, but as I've said before, NRS has earned my trust, and I'm willing to give him a shot.
03/21/2015 12:25 PM (UTC)
Where you guys see tremor??? Ive only seen the kombat pack trailer but there is almost none to see on tremor. But DEM, when i googled tremor mkx he looks to fuking amazing!! He made of rock or something? I wont hype myself untill someone confirms his looks.
03/21/2015 12:26 PM (UTC)
NickScryer Wrote:
I'm excited to see what they come up with for his move-set. Hoping for no "Klassic" Ground Pound or Fireballs.

Just lots and lots of Earth based moves, hoping for a stampede move similar to the Rock encased run from Infamous Second Son.

I am with you. I don't even want them to include a shout out to the old moves (unless it is a fraction of an xray). Those moves are just so lame. Earth powers ftw

03/21/2015 12:29 PM (UTC)
I'm so hyped that tremor is in. Thanks NRS!
03/21/2015 12:33 PM (UTC)
Nevermind offcourse it was to good to be true... Its fking nrssad the awesome design is made by a fan i guess... http://artistdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/MORTAL-KOMBAT-TREMOR.jpg
03/21/2015 01:16 PM (UTC)
Okay, I'm just going to throw in my two cents.

First, I'm happy for people that wanted Tremor in, this must be very amazing for them, I know it was for me because of Predator.

But there are a few things that bug me about Tremor.

-His design is really weird, I don't know why they added a metal mask on his face, it seems out of place.

-While the hood is a nice touch, I don't feel it's something for Tremor, someone who isn't subtle at all.

-Why are his hands made of stone? I understand he can do that and it's his power, but how will Kitana's fatality work on him exactly? are both her fans powerful enough to cut through solid rock?

-When did we start to think of Tremor as a "Klassic"? He is obviously not one, NRS totally screwed us by saying "Two Klassic Kombatants"

-How long will this guy last? Skarlet was in MK9, where is she now? Tremor is the same case, people are hyped about him but I am afraid he will be tossed aside like Skarlet, I'd be very shocked and surprised if Skarlet was in the next few MK games, we actually may never see her again.

I don't really wanna keep going on the negatives, I realize this is a hype thread but I just wanted to point out a few things that really irritated about Tremor being in the first Kombat Pack(Assuming there is another one).

But other than that, I really hope his fans will enjoy Tremor in MKX, I know I'll be trying him out for sure.
03/21/2015 01:29 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Okay, I'm just going to throw in my two cents.

First, I'm happy for people that wanted Tremor in, this must be very amazing for them, I know it was for me because of Predator.

But there are a few things that bug me about Tremor.

-His design is really weird, I don't know why they added a metal mask on his face, it seems out of place.

-While the hood is a nice touch, I don't feel it's something for Tremor, someone who isn't subtle at all.

-Why are his hands made of stone? I understand he can do that and it's his power, but how will Kitana's fatality work on him exactly? are both her fans powerful enough to cut through solid rock?

-When did we start to think of Tremor as a "Klassic"? He is obviously not one, NRS totally screwed us by saying "Two Klassic Kombatants"

-How long will this guy last? Skarlet was in MK9, where is she now? Tremor is the same case, people are hyped about him but I am afraid he will be tossed aside like Skarlet, I'd be very shocked and surprised if Skarlet was in the next few MK games, we actually may never see her again.

I don't really wanna keep going on the negatives, I realize this is a hype thread but I just wanted to point out a few things that really irritated about Tremor being in the first Kombat Pack(Assuming there is another one).

But other than that, I really hope his fans will enjoy Tremor in MKX, I know I'll be trying him out for sure.

Yeah, I'm not feeling the mask either. I'm loving the earth like hands. Don't think they are pure rock tho. And I wouldn't go to far in overthinking how Kitana's fans can slice through his hands. If it really was that kind of solid, would he even be able to move his arms.
But as I said, I like the arms. Don't have to let "realistic logic" get in the way of design.

As how long he will last. Only time will tell. It's going to depend on his moves I guess. If they give him different enough moves and fit his character, he could be living a long time. He really needs some decent "non-copied" key special moves.

I'm not much for guest characters and fan based rumor characters, but I'm liking Tremor so far.
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03/21/2015 01:33 PM (UTC)
This is basically confirmation that Tremor is going down the drain after this.

They fucked up badly. It is not the idea that's bad, that Tremor is in the game, it's fucked up because he took up a place that could have gone to havik, Reiko, and above all else Fujin.

if they would have taken the time to quickly add him as a pre-relelase quickie extra as a big surprise, and maybe have the game come out two weeks later, then it would have been okay, and it actually would have been hitting harder.

Tremor is not a klassic kombatant. He never was. Or will be.

03/21/2015 02:58 PM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

-Why are his hands made of stone? I understand he can do that and it's his power, but how will Kitana's fatality work on him exactly? are both her fans powerful enough to cut through solid rock?

I think they're just covered the same way than Sub-Zero's arms.

And if Mileena can chew Kano's cybernetics (and Kitana can actually cut them) that are made of metal, I don't see a problem with cutting rock if they're really pure rock. (Remember kids, metal music is called like that because metal is harder than rock!).
03/21/2015 03:13 PM (UTC)
Spirit_Wolf Wrote:

Yeah, I'm not feeling the mask either. I'm loving the earth like hands. Don't think they are pure rock tho. And I wouldn't go to far in overthinking how Kitana's fans can slice through his hands. If it really was that kind of solid, would he even be able to move his arms.
But as I said, I like the arms. Don't have to let "realistic logic" get in the way of design.

As how long he will last. Only time will tell. It's going to depend on his moves I guess. If they give him different enough moves and fit his character, he could be living a long time. He really needs some decent "non-copied" key special moves.

I'm not much for guest characters and fan based rumor characters, but I'm liking Tremor so far.

Yeah I understand, It wasn't really fair of me to suggest logic in a fatality.

I agree that if he has a pretty decent moveset he might stick around but I also think it's about how people take him, if not a lot of people get him or he isn't used a lot, we might never see him again, which is a real shame.

There is another point that this guy made here

Chrome Wrote:
This is basically confirmation that Tremor is going down the drain after this.

They fucked up badly. It is not the idea that's bad, that Tremor is in the game, it's fucked up because he took up a place that could have gone to havik, Reiko, and above all else Fujin.

if they would have taken the time to quickly add him as a pre-relelase quickie extra as a big surprise, and maybe have the game come out two weeks later, then it would have been okay, and it actually would have been hitting harder.

Tremor is not a klassic kombatant. He never was. Or will be.

I agree with you.

I think Tremor could have worked if they managed to put him in the initial roster, most fans of Fujin,Havik,Reiko etc... Will look at Tremor and only see someone who took their favourite character's spot, it's not like that but that's how people are going to see it.

I hope Tremor works because I fucking hate the fact that they keep adding characters only to forget about them in the next game, I like Skarlet and I know she may never return, I would have to see fans of Tremor suffer the same fate.

Lokheit Wrote:
sharefrock Wrote:

-Why are his hands made of stone? I understand he can do that and it's his power, but how will Kitana's fatality work on him exactly? are both her fans powerful enough to cut through solid rock?

I think they're just covered the same way than Sub-Zero's arms.

And if Mileena can chew Kano's cybernetics (and Kitana can actually cut them) that are made of metal, I don't see a problem with cutting rock if they're really pure rock. (Remember kids, metal music is called like that because metal is harder than rock!).

Yeah, sorry for that.

It wasn't really fair to judge fatalities, it's not like they ever made sense.

But I still find his arms to be distracting, like really distracting. Maybe over time I'll get used to them.
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03/21/2015 03:44 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
This is basically confirmation that Tremor is going down the drain after this.

They fucked up badly. It is not the idea that's bad, that Tremor is in the game, it's fucked up because he took up a place that could have gone to havik, Reiko, and above all else Fujin.

if they would have taken the time to quickly add him as a pre-relelase quickie extra as a big surprise, and maybe have the game come out two weeks later, then it would have been okay, and it actually would have been hitting harder.

Tremor is not a klassic kombatant. He never was. Or will be.

I would have rathered Fujin/Reiko/Havik but if they do Tremor right he could end up being someone who sticks around.
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