09/19/2014 03:49 PM (UTC)
KombatTime Wrote:
Even KI is in TGS, while with MK we have to wait to see reveals of boring MK1 characters.

Different strokes...for different folks.

Regardless of what we get, I'll be glad just to get something new.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/20/2014 12:29 AM (UTC)
Darkhound74 Wrote:
KombatTime Wrote:
Even KI is in TGS, while with MK we have to wait to see reveals of boring MK1 characters.

Different strokes...for different folks.

Regardless of what we get, I'll be glad just to get something new.

Agreed! This has been one of the longest periods without a new MK game in a while. Enjoy the ride people.
09/20/2014 12:40 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
KombatTime Wrote:
Even KI is in TGS, while with MK we have to wait to see reveals of boring MK1 characters.

Different strokes...for different folks.

Regardless of what we get, I'll be glad just to get something new.

Agreed! This has been one of the longest periods without a new MK game in a while. Enjoy the ride people.

Ride? This is barely a swing.
Detox Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
KombatTime Wrote:
Even KI is in TGS, while with MK we have to wait to see reveals of boring MK1 characters.

Different strokes...for different folks.

Regardless of what we get, I'll be glad just to get something new.

Agreed! This has been one of the longest periods without a new MK game in a while. Enjoy the ride people.

Agreed! It's weird, but the wait is always the most exciting part for me.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/20/2014 01:01 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Darkhound74 Wrote:
KombatTime Wrote:
Even KI is in TGS, while with MK we have to wait to see reveals of boring MK1 characters.

Different strokes...for different folks.

Regardless of what we get, I'll be glad just to get something new.

Agreed! This has been one of the longest periods without a new MK game in a while. Enjoy the ride people.

Ride? This is barely a swing.

Who doesn't like a quiet ride through the country?wink
09/20/2014 11:05 AM (UTC)
It's like you guys don't want MKX info. "Yay, tons of waiting time with no information! This is the best part!"... Really?
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/20/2014 12:04 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
It's like you guys don't want MKX info. "Yay, tons of waiting time with no information! This is the best part!"... Really?

Not true at all. When news arrives, I eat it up like everyone else. It cannot be said enough, the game is still seven months out. They're not going to blow their wad now and then go silent for 6 months.

You mentioned Guilty Gear and Killer Instinct, but its not the same situation. Season 2 for Killer Instinct starts in less than a month(sad that I'm keeping track and I don't even have an xboxone). Guilty Gear(from what I read) is aiming for a holiday 2014 release. They're more forthcoming with their info because their releases are right around the corner.

You want all the info you can get now, and I love that people can still get that excited for this franchise, but news is going to come when they're ready for it to happen, not before. They'll probably have something cooked up for the end of the month(not much of a comfort).

As for why I seem so content...I can't give a great answer for it, other than the fact that NRS has earned my trust. Their last two releases have seen them go from the guys who kept the lights on at Midway(burn in hell Midway) to the studio that's getting respect from the FGC and looking to change the game when it comes to fighters period. I'd say they've earned my confidence and my patience.
About Me

I will rock you.

09/20/2014 02:51 PM (UTC)
If they reveal atleast a new character plus a stage I would be happy. If not I will be saddened but then my hopes will be for next month for a new reveal.
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
It's like you guys don't want MKX info. "Yay, tons of waiting time with no information! This is the best part!"... Really?

Not everyone shares your attitude towards releasing new info.

Really, how is this so hard to understand...
09/20/2014 07:47 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
It's like you guys don't want MKX info. "Yay, tons of waiting time with no information! This is the best part!"... Really?

Everyone's just being too pessimistic.
09/21/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
With the lead-ups to MK9 and Injustice, it was the same exact stuff: "NRS/WB is awful at marketing this game!" Well guess what folks, marketing =/= constant flow of news 7 months before the release of the game.

Examples off the top of my head as it pertains to MK9:
-E3 hype/presentation that got all gaming outlets talking. (millions of views)
-Character vignettes. (very well done)
-Shown at all major conventions to great responses.
-Road Tour
-Soundtrack featuring relevant artists.
-Arcade stick and kollector's editions.
-Live action web series leading into the game. (millions of views)
-Character reveals, images, and videos leading up to release.
-Kratos reveal at VGAs

Just because there wasn't constant news, screenshots, and tons of gameplay demonstrations each time a character was revealed, doesn't mean the "marketing is awful".

Mortal Kombat 4 = 2.19 million
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance = 3.86
Mortal Kombat: Deception = 2.75 million
Mortal Kombat: Armageddon = 1.28 million
Mortal Kombat vs DCU = 3.52 million
Mortal Kombat (2011) = 4.88 million

This whole idea that we need constant info, and/or almost all the info before release, otherwise it's poor marketing, is baffling. The same could be said when people state that every fighter should get a 2 minute demonstration video for their reveal. Is it cool when they do those videos, of course, but are they necessary? No. We're all still going to be on here speculating and discussing over every little bit, and the marketing does not suffer. A game is sold by the trailer(s), a couple of gameplay videos, a list of modes/features offered, a demo, and mainly advertising(making people aware of its release). All of these things will happen. The game will sell. You will buy it. After the game is released, you won't care that _____ didn't get a demonstration video, that _____ was a slow day/week/month for news, or that _____ was on the cover.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
It's like you guys don't want MKX info. "Yay, tons of waiting time with no information! This is the best part!"... Really?

We enjoy info, but we don't need it constantly. There's a difference. We're content speculating and discussing, while waiting for the next news bit to come out. When we're not speculating/discussing, we all have lives to live.

I don't know about you Jaded, I know you've been coming here for a while, but everyone has different priorities and responsibilities as the years go on. I don't have the time to spend on sitting around waiting for info, looking at every thread posted, replying frequently, or hanging on the edge of my seat for the next reveal. Between each game, is another 2 years. I'm 24 now. I have a 40 hour job, unlike years prior. I'm trying to finish up my Bachelor's degree, which is another 12+ hours a week. I've started playing table-top and roleplaying games with friends on Sundays, so that's another 8 hours a week. Point being, I have half the free time I did when leading into MK9/Injustice. I'm sure several others have lost free time as well.

It's not that we don't like/want news to come out for MK. We just don't feel compelled to complain(insulting WB/NRS's "marketing") about their method of delivering news, because it's a non-issue. We should all be mature enough, but more importantly, we should all know how this works each time:

News doesn't start picking up, gaining more momentum and consistency, until 3 months away from the game's release, where they start doing "Mortal Mondays" and "Fatality Fridays" etc. We're still 7 months out, and you're expecting weekly content at your disposal. When it has NEVER worked that way. We've been coming here for years, we should know how it works by now.

Have patience, be content, and relax. smile
About Me

Lazio? La prima squadra della Capitale.

09/21/2014 02:14 AM (UTC)
And that should be a wrap after blackcyborg's post. Fantastic post.

Hopefully no more post complaining about the marketing.
09/21/2014 03:03 AM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:
The most definitive, coherent, and downright epic rebuttal...evar...

09/21/2014 01:07 PM (UTC)
blackcyborg Wrote:

Nice speech. Your personal life has nothing to do with NRS' marketing strategy though and is irrelevant. That's just significant to you, and you alone, not the rest of us. So it was rather pointless to mention it, but hey, I'm glad you got some good things going on for you. ^^

I am not asking for constant information though. I am asking for consistency, so we won't have to wait for months to get something new. I can be very patient, however, the news and reveals since the announcement of the game haven't been interesting to me, so that is what I am waiting for. And with all the rumours about with Johnny, Sonya and Liu Kang, if they are the next reveals, it seems like I need to wait a lot longer, because none of them are interesting to me.

A consistent marketing plan would make it alot more bearable, instead of these sporadic bits of information that is spat out now and again. Following the different conventions relevant to games used to be a good path to follow for getting information. As you shown in your post, NRS provided us with information at those, as well as some in between. They haven't done so this time, skipping the last con with only an image of Goro and some random boots for us to chew on, while before that it was a complete character reveal with both Raiden and Kano, with some good content following those.

You are right about the marketing not affecting whether or not I will buy MKX. Only the content will. And so far, the content isn't interesting for me enough to actually buy it, at least not at release, and definately not as a pre-order. There's still 7 months until release though, so that may change... I just wonder how long I have to wait until I am actually getting excited about this game, because as it is now... I'm not.
09/21/2014 01:48 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
A consistent marketing plan...

So, because you're dissatisfied with the current flow of information, NRS doesn't have a consistent marketing plan? Subjective much?

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I just wonder how long I have to wait until I am actually getting excited about this game...

You're passionate about MK to the extent that you joined an MK fansite, have more than 10k visits, and yet you're not excited about the newest (and honestly, best-looking) MK game...because NRS hasn't been spoon-feeding you new reveals and content at a *consistent* rate...? Because the flow of info is so lacking in your eyes, you feel you've been shown very little to get you excited (the announcement of MKX alone should be enough to excite any MK fan), and because of that, you *probably* won't be buying the game?

Sounds like a Jaded-Raven problem to me, rather than an NRS marketing fail. If what NRS has shown thus far isn't enough to pique your interest, I doubt anything else they show is going to do the trick (unless, of course, NRS reveals Tanya or Reiko, and then follows it up with a daily dose of MKX content...leading them to spill the beans on everything MKX has to offer...three to four months before the game actually launches).

Here's a crazy thought, Jaded. Perhaps instead of questioning the NRS Marketing Team and their strategy because *you* and a few others aren't satisfied with the pace, you could have a little faith in NRS as a whole and their ability to now bring you a quality MK game without the need to shower you in sneak peeks and glimpses simply to assure you of said quality and content.

In short, chill out...cause we all know you and everyone else who says "meh, I probably won't get it until later...I'm just not interested" will be standing in line to pick up your pre-order come 4-14-15...whether NRS shows us every little detail, or not. wink
09/21/2014 01:56 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
I am not asking for constant information though. I am asking for consistency, so we won't have to wait for months to get something new. I can be very patient, however, the news and reveals since the announcement of the game haven't been interesting to me, so that is what I am waiting for. And with all the rumours about with Johnny, Sonya and Liu Kang, if they are the next reveals, it seems like I need to wait a lot longer, because none of them are interesting to me.

The fact that those news were not to your liking, doesn't change fact that there were news. You didn't like them? Your problem.

Nobody care (and should care) about what you personally want. NRS marketing is aimed towards general audience not you. It does its job.
Stop this childish belief in your entitlement.

There were not long gaps without reveals (Goro was revealed just two weeks ago), so stop with stupid exaggerating "waiting for the news for the months". It was not the case with MKX, no matter, did you liked those news or not.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
You are right about the marketing not affecting whether or not I will buy MKX. Only the content will. And so far, the content isn't interesting for me enough to actually buy it, at least not at release, and definately not as a pre-order. There's still 7 months until release though, so that may change... I just wonder how long I have to wait until I am actually getting excited about this game, because as it is now... I'm not.

Nobody cares about excitement.
There are 7 months before relase of the game - plenty of time to make a large hype.
09/21/2014 02:49 PM (UTC)
ReptzMK Wrote:
>Sounds like a Jaded-Raven problem to me

Yeah, it probably is. I'm not excited for the game. I'm not hype. So I'm trying to reach out to find something to get excited and hype about. So far, there isn't really anything. :/
09/21/2014 03:07 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:

I just wonder how long I have to wait until I am actually getting excited about this game, because as it is now... I'm not.

I call BS.

With the gameplay trailer of Raiden and Kano, you weren't excited AT ALL?

You're just upset that more info isn't being released as often as you'd like. That's fine, though. I personally can wait because I know that when this game drops, it's going to be incredible. I have no worries about that and I think neither do you.
09/21/2014 04:03 PM (UTC)
Let's check this thread...
Hmm Sumac being randomly rude and aggressive towards someone...yup nothing new.
09/21/2014 04:17 PM (UTC)
The_Cold_Kombatant Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
blackcyborg Wrote:

I just wonder how long I have to wait until I am actually getting excited about this game, because as it is now... I'm not.

I call BS.

With the gameplay trailer of Raiden and Kano, you weren't excited AT ALL?

You're just upset that more info isn't being released as often as you'd like. That's fine, though. I personally can wait because I know that when this game drops, it's going to be incredible. I have no worries about that and I think neither do you.

Heh, sorry, but no, it's not bullshit. Raiden and Kano don't interest me at all and I felt no excitement about their reveals. I'm sorry if that is unbelievable to you, but that is the truth. :/

And yes, I am upset that info isn't released as often I'd like. That's kinda the point of this thread. I find the pace unsatisfactory. I'd like to see something at every convention based on games, because that is what NRS did with MK9. The last time we got something was nothing but a few pictures. Even the character reveal of Goro was just a single picture. I don't think that's good enough. And at the current con, we haven't gotten anything at all. And yes, I find that weak.
09/21/2014 04:34 PM (UTC)
The thing is Jaded, you know that once they reveal Tanya or Reiko you'll buy the game no matter what. And really, why should those or any of the characters you like have such a strong influence on if you want MKX or not?

I don't see any sign of Kung Lao or Fujin anywhere. Does that mean I'm not excited? Of course not. This is a new chapter in MK that is bringing the series forward. Really this has to be the most exciting time for an MK there has ever been.

Would you have bought KI if it didn't have Orchid? Of course you would've.
09/21/2014 04:42 PM (UTC)
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
The thing is Jaded, you know that once they reveal Tanya or Reiko you'll buy the game no matter what. And really, why should those or any of the characters you like have such a strong influence on if you want MKX or not?

I don't see any sign of Kung Lao or Fujin anywhere. Does that mean I'm not excited? Of course not. This is a new chapter in MK that is bringing the series forward. Really this has to be the most exciting time for an MK there has ever been.

Would you have bought KI if it didn't have Orchid? Of course you would've.

This isn't about whether or not I am going to buy the game, Kung, or if my faves are going to make it into this game. You know that.
09/21/2014 05:32 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Nice speech. Your personal life has nothing to do with NRS' marketing strategy though and is irrelevant. That's just significant to you, and you alone, not the rest of us. So it was rather pointless to mention it, but hey, I'm glad you got some good things going on for you. ^^

This pretty much sums up how everyone else feels about your side of things.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
ReptzMK Wrote:
Sounds like a Jaded-Raven problem to me

Yeah, it probably is. I'm not excited for the game. I'm not hype. So I'm trying to reach out to find something to get excited and hype about. So far, there isn't really anything. :/

This should be the end of the discussion here. The problem isn't with the "marketing", the problem is, they aren't catering to you specifically. So you've chosen to make a broad statement such as "their marketing sucks because I'm not excited, and they don't release info consistently".

Jaded-Raven Wrote:As you shown in your post, NRS provided us with information at those, as well as some in between. They haven't done so this time, skipping the last con with only an image of Goro and some random boots for us to chew on, while before that it was a complete character reveal with both Raiden and Kano, with some good content following those.

I've decided to waste my time looking back and getting actual news releases down, within the same time frame:

-Trailer before E3
-Show stuff off at E3
-No reveal at Comic Con
-No reveal at EVO
-Cyrax, Kitana, and 2 stages at Gamescom
-Screenshots from Gamestop Manager's Conference
-No reveals at PAX, just gameplay/interviews

After these conventions, there was no steady consistent info releases. The next official new content, wasn't released until October 18th, with Scorpion's Vignette trailer. The next actual reveal, wasn't until October 29th on GameTrailersTV, where they revealed Jax and the Subway.

-Trailer before E3
-Show stuff off at E3
-No reveal at Comic Con
-Raiden reveal at EVO
-Kano and a stage at Gamescom
-Controllers and screenshots from Gamestop Manager's Conference
-No reveals at PAX, just gameplay/interviews
-Teased Goro pre-order

So no, the marketing and info released is following a very similar pattern. A pattern I'm sure Injustice followed as well, with minor differences of course. Point being, they have a bit of "down time" between the string of conventions in the summer, and the new year, where info and reveals aren't as predictable, and are more spread out. That's not to say they didn't/don't have other little bits of info and coverage along the way(such as the boot teaser, something they did in MK9 with Skarlet's boot btw), to keep people talking.

You are fine to have your opinion. But if you want to state "their marketing is awful", prepare to have people disagree, and with good proof to back it up. Now, if you want to say "I dislike their info released because I want more, and that more needs to be ____ otherwise I'm not excited", then that's your issue, not theirs.

There's plenty to be excited and interested over thus far. Personal expectations and pessimism can't be catered to. I have a feeling if Jade, Reiko, or Tanya were revealed, you would be singing to a different tune. However, it doesn't work like that, you know that, and if you're a fan of Mortal Kombat, not just a specific character, I feel as if you should be content with what we have so far. The game itself, is looking great!

Regardless, it's all subjective. However, nobody else wants to see consistent(there's that word again tongue) negativity all of the time over such a subjective argument that isn't even aimed in the right direction(this is not a marketing issue, as this marketing has provided them with their highest selling 3D game thus far). This is a personal "I want it now" Willy Wonka Blueberry Girl argument. You're unsatisfied, you want them to do things a certain way, and you are feeling the need to consistently tell us all about it. I'm sorry you feel that way, but can we please move on? I've been here for 13 years, not only is this the best marketing yet(the support from WB has been phenomenal), it's also not going to change no matter how much a small group complains. So can't we just be more positively minded? smile
09/21/2014 05:34 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
KungLaodoesntsuck Wrote:
The thing is Jaded, you know that once they reveal Tanya or Reiko you'll buy the game no matter what. And really, why should those or any of the characters you like have such a strong influence on if you want MKX or not?

I don't see any sign of Kung Lao or Fujin anywhere. Does that mean I'm not excited? Of course not. This is a new chapter in MK that is bringing the series forward. Really this has to be the most exciting time for an MK there has ever been.

Would you have bought KI if it didn't have Orchid? Of course you would've.

This isn't about whether or not I am going to buy the game, Kung, or if my faves are going to make it into this game. You know that.

You're right.

It's about you not being excited about the game.
09/21/2014 05:37 PM (UTC)
100% agreed everything Blackcyborg stated in his two posts.

Thank you, thank you.
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