09/18/2014 04:46 PM (UTC)
Strictly as a businessman, I would definitely show MKX in Japan. You have to attempt to improve your weaknesses, and the Japanese FGC is definitely a weakness for MK. MK has improve over the years from having no depth to rather intricate, in depth gameplay, especially with the advent of the variations system.

I believe that with the deeper gameplay, MK can finally gain a foothold in Japan.
09/18/2014 05:25 PM (UTC)
KI is a great looking and playing game. Don't let online video fool you. In person it's pretty awesome. Lot's of depth too.

On topic, NRS could just post up a trailer or something tomorrow. There's no reason they actually HAVE to be in attendance at TGS, especially since MK isn't super huge in Japan. I could definitely see them giving some small update tomorrow online, just to stay in step with other games at the moment.

It's not crucial that they do so, however a more aggressive marketing strategy wouldn't be a bad idea. Maybe they'll turn it up early next year.
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09/18/2014 07:45 PM (UTC)
Tekken is the only other game that's on mks level of performance, quality, story & characters. Sf is a fun series but after 100 variations of sf4 it's come down a notch. Bring back the sf3ts parry system and characters then it will be on sight again imho.
09/18/2014 08:13 PM (UTC)
I think the next reveal should be one of their new feaures or the new ality instead of a character. I would love to hear what they have in store for us
09/18/2014 08:34 PM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
I think the next reveal should be one of their new feaures or the new ality instead of a character. I would love to hear what they have in store for us

I'm gonna have to agree with this. I'd like to see other stuff than just the characters that we're gonna be getting. It wouldn't hurt to see something else get the spotlight for a bit, would it?
09/18/2014 10:07 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
KI and GG are competition. They all appeal to the fighting game community. And the more they show, the more they pull in the crowd. If NRs doesn't step it up, they will lose the crowd's interest.

Being indifferent and ignoring other fighting games' marketing strategies by leaving the crowd dissatisfied... that's just bad marketing from NRS/WB's side.

GG is very niche fighting game and KI not only exclusive for Xbone, but also has "severe" lack of content. None of them could compete with MK on equal ground. Stop painting everything in dark colours.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
What I am talking about is the consistency of providing new information about their game - not sales numbers or popularity of the game.

It's about keeping the interest going, to provide information about their game, revealing stuff to us to make us, the community, feel hype!

They could achieve the same by starting full marketing campain 2-3 months prior to the release. It won't make difference in the big picture. If some fans jump the board just because there are not patient enough - not big loss. Most of the people in MK fanbase will continue whine and moan, but ultimately will stay here and buy the game.
Whining, such as yours, will be just annoyance for more level-headead members of the community.

cpleck Wrote:
Strictly as a businessman, I would definitely show MKX in Japan. You have to attempt to improve your weaknesses, and the Japanese FGC is definitely a weakness for MK. MK has improve over the years from having no depth to rather intricate, in depth gameplay, especially with the advent of the variations system.

I believe that with the deeper gameplay, MK can finally gain a foothold in Japan.

Strictly as businessman, I woudn't waste my time trying to conquer foreighng market with the product, which is specifically crafted to appeal to the other audience sensibilities.

MK popularity (or lack of thereof) in Japan is not about its gameplay, but about its style and atmosphere. Unless NRS will made some new MK game with Asian market in mind, there is no sense in wasting time and money to appeal to them.
09/18/2014 11:04 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:

You're alot more focused on other people's opinions than actually focusing on the game this forum is about. All you do is calling people whiners, while you are praising everything NRS spits out their asses.

NRS has been slow and inconsistent in giving information about MKX. They say they're ahead of schedule and there's only 6-7 months before the game's release, and there's still ALOT of information to give. And instead of being consistent and give information in a more acceptable pace, the information we are recieving seems to be rather sporadic, and while sometimes we are given a big portion, such as a character reveal with a trailer, other times we are just given a darkened picture and nothing else.

Some people are okay with that, but the way I see it, it's just not good enough compared to how these "lesser popular" games such as GGXrd and KI are handling their marketing strategies, being alot more consistent and generous with the information that is recieved from them.

You should learn that it is alright to give criticism if we aren't satisfied with what we are given. NRS isn't perfect and not everything they do are made of pure gold. It is YOUR attitude that is bad for this community, the way you are fanboying over them. Brown-nosing isn't getting you anywhere.
09/18/2014 11:33 PM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
You're alot more focused on other people's opinions than actually focusing on the game this forum is about. All you do is calling people whiners, while you are praising everything NRS spits out their asses.

I am not praising everything - I am not hating everything, like some people tend to do here lately.

To make it more simple: I've yet to find something about MKX or NRS attitude towards the game, to make really concerned or outright hatefull towards it or its developers. I am far from being fanatical admirer, but I think some people here, including you, go out of their pants just to post some shit about MKX or NRS.
Being critical is good. Being obsessed with idea to find something wrong in the game, no matter how insignificant it is - is bad.
As soon as there will be news on the game, I will discuss it.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
NRS has been slow and inconsistent in giving information about MKX.

Slow - yes, incosistent - no.
As other people have explained in this thread, there is constant stream of information, which will grow bigger closer to the game release. I have my trust in developers and I respect their desire to not open all cards, especially after MK9 debacle.
Maybe you need a little more trust as well?

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Some people are okay with that, but the way I see it, it's just not good enough compared to how these "lesser popular" games such as GGXrd and KI are handling their marketing strategies, being alot more consistent and generous with the information that is recieved from them.

It was too already explained. GG and KI and not serious opponents to the MK. And given thematic of the MKX, I believe, it is a right choice to keep information undislosed for now.
Don't worry, NRS will reveal more fighters and more modes before game release. It is out of question. Stop acting like imaptient little brat. You are better than that (I hope).

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
You should learn that it is alright to give criticism if we aren't satisfied with what we are given. NRS isn't perfect and not everything they do are made of pure gold. It is YOUR attitude that is bad for this community, the way you are fanboying over them. Brown-nosing isn't getting you anywhere.

And your attitude towards developers and other forum goers makes this place a rose garden. LOL.
If anything your childish and false belief in your entitlement make this place more of an acid pool rather than anything else. People come to this forum to share their love for the series, instead they confronted with bunch of crybabies who are ready to go off in case of...really anything nowadays. No matter waht NRS do or don't do - they will be hated...because some people really think to highly of themselves and their opinions.

If something in MKX will really bother me, I give my critic. But it won't make me blind to things that were done right. Bad hair or some problems with the story won't make me hate the game in its entirety, if everyhting else done right.

And on the things I hate about MK: I hate MK4 and MKA. I dislike MKD and MKM. And consider MKvsDC an atrocious idea. I hope your desire to see hatred of anything-MK from me is sated.
09/18/2014 11:48 PM (UTC)
creed200569 Wrote:
I think the next reveal should be one of their new feaures or the new ality instead of a character. I would love to hear what they have in store for us

It's a returning "ality". There is a new online mode though. Just thought you should know.
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You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

09/18/2014 11:50 PM (UTC)
I've poked fun here and there, but I...I just don't understand how every time an NRS game is looming, suddenly, everybody becomes a damned marketing major. It boggles my mind.

The news is slow...but you people are absolutely out of your minds if you think A) NRS has any control over what's released and B) that WB doesn't have this entire thing planned down to the fucking second. News may not be coming when you want it, but it is coming, and it is all according to a plan guaranteed to make you froth at the mouth(and where ever else one froths from) for this game.

Not directed at anyone in particular.
09/18/2014 11:57 PM (UTC)
I have expressed alot of love to MKX:

- I think D'Vorah and Cassie both look awesome and they look like they will be fun to play as.
-The game overall looks graphically stunning and I love the stages, my favourite so far being the Marketplace stage.
- I love how NRS have put stage interactions into this game, as it was one of my favourite things from Injustice.
- I even complimented on Scorpion's attire, the one character I dislike the most in MK history.

Recently, with the reveals so far, them being Raiden, Kano and Goro, the only two things I have complained about is Kano having various features from other characters implemented into his character which I personally think makes him less Kano and more a mixture of different characters, and the inconsistency of information reveal.

And yes, it IS inconsistent.

Raiden: got a trailer and variation explanation presented in images.
Kano: got a trailer and variation explanation as well.
Goro: a darkened picture...

And in between we got some variation explanation with D'Vorah and Sub-Zero.

After the Goro reveal, everything was put to a halt. No variation explanation images wih any of the other characters or anything.

Oh, right... we also got to look at some black and white pictures of some random boots... weeeee... -.-

Detox Wrote:
B) that WB doesn't have this entire thing planned down to the fucking second.

Well, if they planned that we got bored and tired of waiting for solid information, they hit the nail on the head.
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Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

09/19/2014 12:32 AM (UTC)
If we were tired of waiting for information, we wouldn't be clawing at our screens crying out for more at this very moment, would we? We would have moved on with our lives.

I'm not sure why there ought to be so much frustration flying around over the fact that we're getting little bits of information every so often about a game that's coming out seven entire months from now. That's like, a long time, guys. And they're going to release most of it within the last ~2 months, because the smart thing to do is bring the hype to a boil right before the game goes on the market so everyone's at peak enthusiasm -- not drag the whole thing out like a big flatline and keep everyone lukewarm about it for nearly a year, making the game feel like "old news" on release day.
09/19/2014 12:49 AM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote:
If we were tired of waiting for information, we wouldn't be clawing at our screens crying out for more at this very moment, would we? We would have moved on with our lives.

If you were a quitter. I'm an MK fan who wants more MK. I'm not giving up on the franchise because of slow marketing, that's just overreacting.
09/19/2014 01:01 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
And yes, it IS inconsistent.

Personally I surprised that they've stopped with variation renders. I was fully expecting that they will be available for every revealed character (so far).
But in the end of the day, it's not the first time, when some characters receive more treatment than the others. So I let it pass.
For now.

Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Well, if they planned that we got bored and tired of waiting for solid information, they hit the nail on the head.

I respectfully remind you, that WB didn't planning marketing around your persona. Or anyone else in this place for that matter.
09/19/2014 01:04 AM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
Well, if they planned that we got bored and tired of waiting for solid information, they hit the nail on the head.

I respectfully remind you, that WB didn't planning marketing around your persona. Or anyone else in this place for that matter.

I know, that was the point.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

09/19/2014 01:12 AM (UTC)
Maya and the Mummy look awesome.

Bigger questions what Jungle Stage is better MKX or KI
09/19/2014 01:14 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
Maya and the Mummy look awesome.

Bigger questions what Jungle Stage is better MKX or KI

09/19/2014 01:25 AM (UTC)
Jaded-Raven Wrote:
BADASS6669 Wrote:
Maya and the Mummy look awesome.

Bigger questions what Jungle Stage is better MKX or KI


Eh I'd say MKX, but that's just me.
09/19/2014 01:57 AM (UTC)
Some people will start saying "KI" just out of spite.
About Me

Sex is Evil, Evil is Sin, Sin is forgiven, so Sex is in.

I kill people for a living. Get over it.

09/19/2014 02:23 AM (UTC)
I'd be happy if Ed would just say on Mortal Monday we will release screen shots

on Tuesday through Thursday you get nothing

On Fatality Friday you get a trailer or some game play
09/19/2014 02:41 AM (UTC)
BADASS6669 Wrote:
Maya and the Mummy look awesome.

Bigger questions what Jungle Stage is better MKX or KI

I'll say MKX.

Both stages are great, but MKX's lighting effects are killing KI's jungle. And while KI has a thunderstorm, MKX has a better location where you're actually IN the Jungle. And of course MKX has water effects where fighters will get wet and dirty from falling in the mud which helps create further immersion.
09/19/2014 02:46 PM (UTC)
RedSumac Wrote:
People come to this forum to share their love for the series, instead they confronted with bunch of crybabies who are ready to go off in case of...really anything nowadays. No matter waht NRS do or don't do - they will be hated...because some people really think to highly of themselves and their opinions.

If something in MKX will really bother me, I give my critic. But it won't make me blind to things that were done right. Bad hair or some problems with the story won't make me hate the game in its entirety, if everyhting else done right.

I don't recall anyone here saying they hate the game because of the bad hair physics. On the contrary, I personally give a negative critique about stuff I don't like in the game because I love MK. Because I want it to be the best it can be. Because I want there to be no comparison between MK and the rest of the fighting games. Because MK is the only fighting game with such a deep story and I don't want its level be brought down by such silly and small yet distracting details. I want Kitana's hair to look 10 times better than Lilly's from Tekken. I know they have the resources to do it.
So yeah I don't consider myself, Jaded, and the rest of the people here who didn't like the hair physics in MK9, crybabies. We just want the game to be up to par with every other next gen game out there. If not better.
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09/19/2014 02:57 PM (UTC)
09/19/2014 03:10 PM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
On the contrary, I personally give a negative critique about stuff I don't like in the game because I love MK. Because I want it to be the best it can be. Because I want there to be no comparison between MK and the rest of the fighting games. Because MK is the only fighting game with such a deep story and I don't want its level be brought down by such silly and small yet distracting details. I want Kitana's hair to look 10 times better than Lilly's from Tekken. I know they have the resources to do it.

1) I am all for justified criticism, but lately there is trend to hate MK and NRS for every little thing, overblowing minor stuff and displaying baffling amounts of either fanatism or self-entitlement.
2) Some minor problems could be overlooked if the rest of the package / core of the game is good. So, yeah, crying loudly about bad hair, when you have good fighting engine and a lot of quality content in the game is rather stupid.
It shouldn't be overlooked, but making a big deal out of it is just outthere. It's like "character X has bad costume = game sucks", no matter what this game has to offer. I find it stupid and shortsighted.
09/19/2014 03:34 PM (UTC)
Even KI is in TGS, while with MK we have to wait to see reveals of boring MK1 characters.
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